Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #8

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of sharing experiences and showing respect in parenting, as children do not want to be heard. They stress the need for clarity in relationships and sharing experiences to build a healthy environment. The speakers also touch on the use of words like " sight" and " sightless" to describe actions and the potential for "willingness" to describe actions. The importance of aligning with Prophet's plan and the potential for conflict between Islam and social media are also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Wait, what up? I'm on the internet.

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Okay, okay.

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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah God.

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Arrow the villa Jimenez shaytani. r rajim.

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If Allah used to fully be here, Huberty in euro IE to a hideout Shahrukh okay? Shams Eduardo camara a to home Lisa GD rubbish at least recently Emily rock Tata melissani of Coco leave Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam O Allah Rasool Allah Allah Allah he was in a bad salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato cattle. So today, inshallah we start the IR that begin to cover the story of use of medicinal mushrooms with yourself. And that starts with iron number four.

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The thing to note about the surah is that the story is structured by way of scenes. So we're basically entering scene one and scene one is a very personal private conversation that's happening between father and son. In fact, the son is the one initiating the conversation. And this conversation is happening behind closed doors, nobody else knows about it, it's a secret conversation. And by the way, whenever we reach the end of a scene, I plan on reading the Bible's version of this story with you guys, and then stopping at every point, and contrasting it with how the Quran describes the story. So that you guys have a side by side comparison also, not just of

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what a lie is saying. But really, what was known before the Quran came how people thought about the story before the Quran came, and how the Quran, you know, reconstructed, really, and redesigned our thought process about the story and what to focus on and what not to focus on. So we're going to see that contrast in Sharla every time we get to the end of a scene, so this idea, and the next idea and the idea after that, those three together are one scene, so we're in part one of scene one, but that's going to go over a couple of days and have you finished that scene then we'll compare it with the Bible and then move on and we'll keep going that way inshallah. But anyway, so if Allah usefully

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OBE, the story begins, when use of said Allah says when use of said to his father, yeah, Betty, my beloved father in Nero at or hadash Allah Coco, but it is certainly I, who has seen 11 stars was shumsa and the sun, while camera and the moon are at home, Lisa g Dean, I saw all of them performing prostration meaning putting their bowing their heads before on the ground for me, and I translate this as for me, not to me, inshallah, you'll see why a little bit later on in the session today. So now the story begins. We are we weren't told a moment ago who Yousef is who his father is, we know nothing else. We went straight into his name. And right into his name, we're getting into the story

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itself. So the Prophet himself is hearing about Yusuf alayhi salam, arguably, for the first time I mentioned to you this was the year of great sadness for the Prophet Alayhi salat wa salam. One of the coolest things about this. And I also mentioned in my introduction, that it's like our messengers, like is being introduced to you so far, they sit on for the first time in the story, and in such a profound, elaborate way every scene is unraveling something about this prophet, he didn't know about before, captured in the words were in containment completely eliminated feeling. What's remarkable is soon after this in the life biography of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam was

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the journey of the ascension, the Mirage, the journey and the ascension. And in the ascension, he met with all the prophets. And he met with Yusuf alayhi salam. So he heard his story in his own year of triumph, or trial rather, and difficulty, and soon after, he actually got to meet with him in person in the heavenly journey that is described in that, that that moment, you know, momentous occasion. So it's First of all, I introduced him and then he had him meet with him in persons of hallelujah town meeting must have been like, but anyway, if Allah usefully abhi he, when Yusuf Alayhi, Salam said to his father, it This takes us back to something Allah said before, he has the

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best way of telling stories, he tells the best of all stories, and only he can, because there's no way there's no way anybody could have been inside that room, hearing this conversation. And now it's being repeated 1000s of years later, to the prophets lie Selim as if there was a video camera inside. And it's being this moment is being captured and then relived in the words of the Quran given to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. She has so when I were talking earlier today, and we also came to the realization that we didn't bring up something about nickel so that we tell the best stories. I told you three implications. But the fact that that's in this surah is actually even

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saying we're telling this this particular story, in the best way that it can be told and this is the best of all stories that can be told meaning the

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Quran is full of stories, but an Ally's estimation. This takes the top place among all the stories in the Quran and it begins with this place. Now, what's remarkable about this is it's not a father talking to the Son, which is what you expect like and sort of look upon, you know, if color Luke Manu Lebanese he Yamuna, you know, lateritic Pilla when laquan said to his son, my son, don't, don't do Shakuntala or I'm going to Shahada if hedorah Cobell mode is Kali Bunny, he Mata Buddha, when everybody when when Yaqoob said to his children, what are you going to worship after I die? Typically, you find when there's a conversation between parents and children, the parent is

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initiating the conversation, wanting to have a conversation with the child, guiding the child in some way. But here you find the reverse, you find the child initiating conversation, approaching the father and speaking to him, which is a very powerful starting point, because and in every scene that's being described here, there are lessons embedded. Here, we are learning a profound teaching of the Quran about the kind of relationship that should exist between parents and children. And in general, parents and children and I would argue in very much more specific between a father and his children, whether they be sons or daughters, so much so that a son should child should be able to

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feel comfortable talking about anything with his dad, anything and they can just approach them or their mom, for that matter. But they anything that went went on with them, they don't think while they're gonna get upset with me, or they're gonna think I'm crazy, or they don't want to hear this, they'll want to go and talk to them. Because they know mom or dad are going to be a really good listener. They're going to pay attentive, close attentive attention. Because what happens often his children talk, and we're not really listening. Right? And our kids when they're younger, they love talking. Like when you pick them up from school, and you're driving home, you know what happened

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today? My shoe, I'm soaked in mud, and it was like you, and then it cleans up, and then you're like, Uh huh, uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. And they know, you're not really listening. But they still keep talking anyway. Because at one time, my one of my son's, you know, MIT was really into describing video games, and he's talking about this character, and the upgrades you can get and the, you know, the Ender, or whatever, oh, my God, it was so complicated. And I'm staring, I'm really trying to pay attention. I told him, I'm really trying to pay attention. But I have no idea what you're saying.

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And he said, I know, but I'm gonna keep going. And I was like, Okay.

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He wants to talk to his dad, he wants to express and express and express. So there can be moments where our children really want to communicate with us. But the problem is when we are on our phone, or we're driving, or we're doing something else, and we're kind of hearing but not really listening to what they're saying, they pick up on that. Because there's an age in which our children are in desperate need of our attention. And they're not just saying what they're saying, there's something behind it. There's something else going on. And if you're just like, you know, he saw a dream, but there was something behind it. Right. So a lot of times our kids will say one thing, but attentive

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listening, parents are going to hear that one thing, but they know there's something else behind it. You know, if a child is acting up in a certain way, or they're, they're usually not disrespectful, or they're usually not in a bad mood, or they're usually not easily agitated, or something like that. And all of a sudden, they're really aggressive, or they're acting agitated, or they don't want to eat their food or something like all they say, in a comment, you know, or they take a tone you don't normally see them taking, then you should pick up on not just Hey, that's not how you talk, show some respect. There's that but there's something more behind it. What's going on what happened

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today? Tell me what happened in school? Did somebody say something? Did you know just let's just open up and you don't even have to get it like to turn into an investigator. But even if you open up enough comfort, where you don't have to ask what happened, your child is comfortable and safe enough with you that they're coming to you and telling you. And this is also guidance for kids. When something's going on with you. You need to be able to talk to your parents, instead of just they're not going to listen anyway. I just one time I told them one thing and they didn't listen to me. Therefore I don't have to tell them anything because they never listened.

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never listened is a bit of a jump. Young man, young woman. That's young lady. That's not how that works. Just because you feel like they didn't hear you some other time. Doesn't mean they don't have the right or you don't you shouldn't take it upon yourself to let them know a lot of times, kids don't tell you how they feel because they feel like they're not going to be heard. But kid should also know you have the right to be heard and you should go and Be Heard you should make the make the attempt to speak to your parents and parents, on the other hand are being given this guidance. What kind of dad is Yahuwah his solemn that he doesn't even have to tell his son. If something bothers

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you, you can always come and talk to me people can say that. People can say that because you know because kids read

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a certain age where they stopped talking.

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And they're talking to their friends constantly, like they're so quiet otherwise. And once they put an earpiece on, or when they're on their phone, that

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the parent can maximize who you're talking to just my friend, just nothing. What are you talking about? Nothing?

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Nothing, no, nothing, just, we're just talking nothing. There's an hours later you say, hey, so what do you guys talk about nothing, you know, just whatever.

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They don't want you in the conversation, they have other people to be in conversation with now their own friends assert us so that there's a kind of a graph. When children are little, they want your attention, and you're up here, they're fighting for your attention. But as they start growing older, they start making new friends and find more common ground with their friends. And they'd rather be in deep conversation and long conversation and chillin with their friends. And now you're fighting for their attention. And they're like, Can I just go talk to my friends? Can I Can I go now, can I just be with them, and they're there, they're in a different world now. And this becomes a very

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difficult place for a parent to be. But in that transition, which will happen, it happened to all of us, we talked to our friends about things when we were teenagers, or 10, or 12 years old, that we wouldn't talk to our elders about those of you that had parents in your life, those of you that didn't, if you had an elder, a guardian, or custodian in your life, chances are you weren't talking to them about everything. And the few of you that did are very fortunate. Because then those caretakers, those parents, those guardians, actually did something that's a legacy of the Quran, they raised you or they took care of you like Yahoo took care of us, to the point where he felt made

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him feel so welcome, so nurtured, so protected, so much of our friends, so much of someone who can relate to him, that he can even tell them a dream he had, and talk to him about it. Right? So this is actually a really powerful thing. How do we become someone our kids can relate to? You should, you shouldn't just know that they play video games, you should know what video game and you know what you should play with them? You should know, you should know what TV show. You could say, okay, we don't watch any TV. It's how about Okay, well, what's halaal? What do they do? That's halaal How about you halaal with them?

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Right? They you should know what they're up to, and you should partake in it. And when you're doing something, you should make them a part of it. If you need to go get an oil change, take them with you. You know, get the gas go take them with you. involve them in things that you do, like experiences matter more than stuff like our idea of parenting has become by our kids things, get them shoes, get them games, get them clothes, get them this get them to, and they get it and then they're really happy about it momentarily. And six months later, they're not excited about it. And a year later, they won't remember about those shoes, they won't, they're not going to remember about

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the present either is going to come soon. They're not going to remember about the present five years from now. But if you give them experiences, if you spend a certain kind of time with them, you guys went somewhere together, you guys haven't talked about something, you know, you did something together, those moments can become like, pillars in a child's life. Like if you think those of you that are adults listening to this, if you think back at your childhood and your time with your parents, right? You barely remember anything about what they gave you at a certain point. Which toy was it? Or which shoes were they? But it may be that you remember that one time that dad had you

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drive the car and taught you how to do something, or that one time that mom showed you this or that or the other? Or that one time someone took you somewhere? That was an experience. Right? So there's a bond that's built between parents and children, by shared experiences by doing things together. Right? And that builds a kind of closeness that cannot be built just by Oh, how was school? Did you eat? Did you do your homework, okay, by now, now you do what you do, I'm going to do what I do. And there, there's strangers living in a house. And when a child is vying for attention, we're not getting it. And they get old enough. And then you come to like, some shape or a machine or someone

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you have confused with a shape like myself, and you come to me and say, my son doesn't talk to me. What should I do? My daughter doesn't talk to me. People put me in the weirdest, most awkward situations, they'll bring their teenage 18 year old boy, you know, young man and say, brother, my son, he's very good. But he doesn't talk to me. How like,

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first of all, you're embarrassing him, because he'd rather he, he hates me right now.

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And you think that you embarrassing him like this is gonna make that workout. Like there's, you really don't know your kid. Like, you really don't understand what's really happening here. This is not how you correct the situation. You know, he doesn't need some just be pronounced on him. And then I'm gonna go

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and then he's gonna be all your problems are gonna go. That's not how this is going to work. There's a communication gap. There's something missing, you know. And this, this idea is teaching us that we have to create an environment

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Beautiful that our kids communicate with us. We're not the ones even vying or trying to communicate with them. And when they do communicate with us, then there's something that needs to happen after that, but right now let's pay attention to how use of Elisa Lam communicated with his dad. He says, Yeah, Abby so when use of Allison said to his father, so a lot could have you know, it's the bronze words nothing's extra right so a lot could have said when use of said Dad I saw 11 stars now if you say that use of said hey dad, I saw 11 stars. Everybody understands that use have said that to his dad. You don't have to say use of said to his father. My father, I saw 11 stars the father is

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redundant. It's repetitive, isn't it? Even if you take it out? It still makes sense. Right? But you notice that Allah went twice said it twice. He said, when you said to his father, the OBE, what did you say? Yeah, my beloved father. And then so the Father Father said to his father, and then the quote has father Why? Because this is actually highlighting that use of Allah he said I'm the go to for him, was his father. The go to for him was his father. This is a lot of teaching us that we need to again, nurture our children, to the point that we are their support, we are their refuge. We're the ones that like to do as has come out of biani Sahara, the way that they ensured I would grow

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when I was small. In many Muslim cultures around the world, fathers feel like their responsibility is to provide for the paycheck is to keep make sure the groceries are taken care of. Right? is make sure if you need to go to a doctor will take you to a doctor. That's it. I'm done. I I do I did my part. Let me go live my life now. I got my family to take care of I don't I don't need you for this. Did you do your homework? You're getting good grades. Okay, then oh, no, I don't have to take the belt off then.

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That's that's the father now. That's all the father is. There's no conversation. There's no closeness. You know, I actually did this a while ago, I surveyed like, I think was like 200 young men from different parts of the world, this casual conversation, it wasn't a survey, like a statistical survey. I just have casual conversations. Hey, what's your relationship with your dad? Like when you were growing up? Were you best friends with your dad? Like, what kind of stuff did you do with your dad? Well, you took us to the park every once in a while. Yeah. What kind of conversations did you have? We didn't really have conversations. So like when you wanted to talk

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about something? He really wanted to get it off your chest? Who would you talk to?

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I mean, sometimes my mom, but usually just my friends. That's like the most common answer. That's the common thread. Here we are taking inspiration from the Quran of what kind of fathers we're going to be. If you're going to be taking the role of a father, what kind of role that does that is that? and by extension, what kind of parent is that? That a child is coming to you? So it's called a usually a B. Yeah, Betty. And then he says, My beloved father and the TA. The added on top is a common expression of the Quran, but not a common expression of the Arabic language. Yeah, Abby's normal. My father, I be what you hear Yeah, about tea, you heard that extra tea in there, the DI in

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there about tea? That Yeah, but he actually suggest two things. It suggests love. And it suggests respect. Those are two separate things love and respect. Sometimes you can have love for someone, but you're not showing them the proper respect. Sometimes you say you love your dad, or you love your mom, but you're still mocking them, or you're talking back to them, but you still love them. Love isn't enough. You got to show love. And you got to show respect. Sometimes you show respect because they command authority. Like you know, in some places, some some households, the father is like a militant commander who walks in when the general walks in all the soldiers are like, stand

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up, you know, so kids are like living a normal life. Everybody's happy, smiling, dads in the driveway.

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Like sit straight, stop breathing, act normal, because when he comes in, he doesn't want to hear a peep from anybody. You don't know what's going to make him explode in anger. So he can commanding authority is like commanding respect, kind of, or you're so formal with your father that you can't be yourself or formal with your mother, that you can actually even be yourself. It's kind of a very distant relationship, right?

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Was the country singer say he's gonna, he's gonna hug his mama, he's gonna shake my hand.

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So like the mom he's friends with and but daddy's just gonna shake his hand, because that's not the kind of thing they got going on, you know? Here, you find in the words, yeah, but he he looks to his father with love. And he's a young child. But he's also been taught what it means to respect your father, because he addresses him with respect. So both of those things go hand in hand, in order to teach our children respect. We don't have to become dictators. We don't have to become authoritarians. And in order to show our kids love, we don't let them cross the line in love that they started becoming disrespectful and we let them get away with it because we love them too much.

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No, the both of them have to go hand in hand. And that's beautifully encapsulated inside just the way he addressed

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died. Yeah, buddy.

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But now he's seen a dream. And this dream is very strange. I mean, the contents of the dream I translated for you, but I'll, I'll reiterate them, he's basically seeing 11 stars, which is obviously a reference to the night. And stars are only visible at night. So he's seeing the night and he thinks stars,

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but along with the stars, what should you see you should see them the moon, right. But he says, I saw this 11 stars. And I saw the sun.

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And I saw the moon. Now the even the order is kind of odd. Because you will imagine I saw 11 stars in the moon.

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And then later on, I saw the sun when the, you know, the night ended and I saw a sun the sun, so the sun would be expected at the end, but no strangely 11 stars, the sun, and then the moon.

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Now, some have looked at this in a celestial kind of way, because the stars and the sun are both actually stars, their bodies in heaven that emit light of their own, and the moon is the only one odd one out, it doesn't have light of its own and reflects light. So it's put at the end, I don't believe in a, you know, astronomical astronomical interpretation of this ayah. What he's basically saying in the sequence, is by this strange sequence, he's already letting us know that he's extremely disturbed by what he saw. And he also knows that though, what look like the stars, the sun and the moon, what look like that, it seems he knows they're not actually the stars, the sun and the

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He knows that already. So he saw 11 stars, the sun, and by the way, he has 11 brothers. So it's, it's not rocket science for him to figure it out, this might be referring to my family, 11 stars 11 Brothers, then he's got the sun and the moon, that could be my mom and my dad. Right. And so with shumsa will come up. And it's interesting, in our, in our personal lives, the role that parents are supposed to play versus the role siblings are supposed to play. Here, you've got I mean, I wondered a lot about, you know, this dream that he saw, he could have said, I saw, you know, 11 flowers in two trees, it could have been any objects 11 have anything and to have anything else. But of all

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things a lion has Divine Wisdom decided to show him the, the symbolism of his siblings, and his parents as stars for the siblings, and the sun in the moon as parents. And we know that in the solar images and symbols are important. Seven cows are important, seven tall stalks of grass, or you know of corn of grain, that's important. The, the the images that are going to occur in the sutra are significant. So this image itself is significant. And a Long Island. These are some of my own contemplations on what this might signify. But Allah knows best stars for the night sky are a source of beauty.

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There, they also might be a source of guidance and comfort, because stars are a means by which people are guided navigating stars, right? So stars are and that's only for people that are on a journey, that they might need advice. And it's kind of like our relationship with siblings, we may not depend on our siblings, but there may be times in our life where we need some guidance from a sibling. Right, and they're not, they're not a need of ours, but they can be one at times. And they can be a sibling, should be someone that beautifies your life. They're beautiful your life. And when you when you look up at the sky, they're there, meaning you're not on a day to day basis,

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necessarily dependent on your siblings, but they are a part of your life. And they're always there. Like you're always there for your siblings, even though one of you move to Karachi, and the other one lives in Australia or whatever, and you've got your own lives. But if there's a moment of need, you're going to be there for each other. Right. So it's kind of like this relationship we personally have with the stars, right. But the sun and the moon play a daily role in our lives. The sun and the moon are actually fundamental to our survival.

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I started looking I had actually sent me look into and search for me even the role of the moon, because obviously the moon affects the tide on this planet. But the tide is directly tied to regulating the temperature on this planet. Otherwise we'd end up in another Ice Age, you know, we'd end up in another, you know, the it warms the, you know, the poles, because of the movement of the tides. So the tides are. So it's a big part of this, the sustainability of life on this planet is the way that the oceans function. And the oceans function is directly tied to the phasing the different phases of the moon, obviously arguing the importance or the necessity of the sun is not

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something I'm going to do in this lecture. You guys already know that. How important The sun is for our survival, as if to and it's not to say which one of these is the son, the mom and the moon is the dad or is the son the dad and the moon is the mom. We can have our own theories about that. And it could go either way. There are arguments for both. But it's interesting that if you

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Just contemplate the sun and the moon, you get something else the sun, the Earth revolves around it. But the moon revolves around the Earth.

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Right? So we're revolving around the sun, and the moon is revolving around us, right. And it's kind of like the two dimensions of the parental relationship. You've got us at a certain age, where we are turning running to them, we're coming to them for care. And then there are parents as they get as they age, they go through different phases, but they start becoming in some ways more dependent on us. And they start turning more and more towards us. And they're in need of us. Right. And in the, in a sense, in some sense, meaning revolve around us. But regardless, even when they come to us were the beneficiaries. Were actually the ones that the moon isn't benefiting from the earth, the

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Earth is benefiting from the moon. So the sun in the sun and the moon are actually these fundamental parts of our life. Also, the sun and the moon are important endocrine because our relationship with Allah, it revolves around worship and worship is basically two things worship either goes by the position of the sun, like the five prayers, right, they depend on the sun. And our worship depends on the sacred calendar, like hudge, or fasting. And that entirely depends on what the moon so for, you know how at home, if you want to keep track of time, you've got a clock, and you've got a calendar, the clock, The clock is for your day and the calendars for your month, right? Well, a lot

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put in the sky, a clock called the sun, and you put a calendar called the moon. So our entire lives are organized by this clock and this calendar. Those are the two things we keep track of our time with, that they they inform Well, how we're going to live our lives. And this is maybe even suggesting what kind of a powerful influence parents have on the lives of their children. No conversation you have with your child is insignificant. You don't know which one of those conversations might shape the rest of their lives. This is a conversation a dad had with his son after the son saw a dream, I'm pretty sure he didn't think this was the most epic moment of his

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life. But it's epic enough that it's an eye of the Quran,

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from the highest heavens, to hear, made into Arabic for the final messenger for all of humanity to learn about a conversation that a boy had with his dad about a dream that he saw.

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That's pretty amazing. Historians won't write that in their books. That one time, you know, a boy talk to his dad about a dream. That's not historically significant. Tell me about conquest. Tom, tell me about the great empires. Tell me about their monuments. That's history. This isn't what history looks like. But this is history coming from the heavens. What is important that nobody else could see was important. And so what that teaches you and me is no conversation we have with our children is insignificant. None of it should go without our notice. And we should know that the one in the highest heavens is watching that conversation. Just like he was listening in on that

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conversation. And Allah made it a point to recount that conversation 1000s of years later, to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, if Allah used to fully be he also tells you something else. When kids speak, it's important to Allah.

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Because here's a kid speaking and Allah listened and you put it in the Quran, right?

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So kids words are important. Paying attention to children, and what they're saying is important. Being good listeners to our children is important. Because Allah made it important to these are just powerful lessons embedded inside just what Allah says about the scholar use affiliate. We hear about it. So now let's get to the meat of it.

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in me, certainly I no doubt about it. I, when you say no doubt in that is a lot of shock. Not only is it shocks, the purpose of inasa removed out the fact that use of La Salaam is coming to his dad who clearly has a beautiful relationship with he talks to him openly. And he says that for real seriously, I really did see 11 stars. I actually really did see them as if he's saying something that's hard to believe. And in his mind somewhere, maybe when I say this, Dad's not gonna believe what I'm saying, because it's too crazy. It's too much. Why would that even believe me? But there's another side to it. When children experience something shocking. Then they add words like really?

00:29:34 --> 00:29:38

No, but that really happened. You know what really happened? No, seriously, though.

00:29:40 --> 00:29:59

No, that's what happened and there's their eyes bulge out. They're excited. So there's a there's a tension. There's a stress in the way that Yusuf Alayhi Salam is speaking, captured inside in you see the Arab of it in India is you know, you know, half cassava, and it's the you know, and the domina matassa is the small inner

00:30:00 --> 00:30:25

That's the moqtada and a two is the hubbub. And it's a Joomla. Failure FEMA hollyrock. We could do that too. But that's just the grammar. But beyond the grammar is the actual natural language. I actually did see this Dad, what did I see? And before he says it, he made sure he let his dad know that he loves dad. And he respects dad, right? Yeah, but he, because he knows what he's about to say might sound disrespectful.

00:30:26 --> 00:30:33

And when you read the Bible version, you'll see that in their version, the father actually got offended. Would you just say,

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oh, we're gonna do things that you like, they actually have that interpretive. That's, that's in their version. But we don't have that here. He's already pre empting. That Dad, I don't mean to sound disrespectful at all. But I saw this, I don't know who else to talk to. What that is teaching us is, sometimes you gotta have as a child, or in any close relationship, sometimes you have to have conversations with your loved one, especially a parent, but it could be spouse, or sibling or whoever, you got to have a conversation with them. That might get you in trouble, because it sounds bad. But you do you have no one, nowhere else to go, you got to talk to them. You got to let them

00:31:10 --> 00:31:50

know as hard as it's going to be. And there's a 5050 chance they might get really mad at you for saying it. But you need to say it. Because there needs to be transparency in a relationship. And when there's transparency in the relationship, then respect remains and love remains. Because transparency helps solve even the most difficult problems. If both parties really want to solve it, then it's only by transparency, even if it's a hard conversation. This is a hard conversation for Yusuf Ali Salaam. I saw 11 stars, meaning let's just interpret it for him. I saw 11 of my brothers was shumsa will come and mom and dad or dad and mom either way. But it seems that by the time he got

00:31:50 --> 00:31:51

to the moon,

00:31:52 --> 00:31:56

he got so disturbed by what he's about to say next, he stopped.

00:31:57 --> 00:31:58

He couldn't go on.

00:31:59 --> 00:32:07

So he says I saw 11 I it's really it's me. Actually, I really did see 11 stars and the sun and the moon.

00:32:09 --> 00:32:38

And there's a pause. And then he says at home. I saw them. I saw them. Now why? You already said I saw. He already said that. Right? I know he's saying it again. Why is he saying it again? Now some say one interpretation is he said it again. Because the first time he saw them, he saw them as 11 stars in the sun and the moon. And the second time he saw them he saw them doing something that the stars and the sun and the moon don't do.

00:32:39 --> 00:32:46

So it's like, you know what I saw them doing? It's kinda like that, when he gets to that part. You know what I saw? I saw them

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doing such though, for me.

00:32:50 --> 00:33:23

Why to me why for me, so he gets to the part that bothers him so much, because it's so out of the ordinary that he starts over. That's one interpretation. That it's it's the, it's the part that was unusual. So it's as if there are two visions, one vision of the regular celestial bodies, which I argue I don't buy it so much, because if it was just a vision of the regular celestial bodies, he would have sent 11 stars in the moon and eventually the sun, but he's had 11 stars, the sun and the moon. So the that order itself gives it away, if you can see the sun, you can't see the stars in the moon.

00:33:24 --> 00:33:32

Because the sun blinds those two. So he knows they don't really represent them in their original form. Something else is happening here. But there is one thing to note here.

00:33:34 --> 00:33:36

When someone is doing such that before someone

00:33:37 --> 00:33:43

or someone's doing some, someone's bowing in the presence of someone don't have to be close to them.

00:33:44 --> 00:33:52

Like that's a very close thing. But the stars and the sun and the moon are not close, they are quite far away.

00:33:53 --> 00:34:01

He's already bothered by the fact, I think that I there's gonna come a time in my life maybe that I'm going to be really far away from my brothers.

00:34:02 --> 00:34:24

I'll still remember them. But I'll be far away from them. And I'll even be far away from mom. And I'll even be far away from dad. But even though I'll be far away, somehow they'll eventually come close, close enough that they're going to be doing what such though because of me. Why would they go far away? And why would they come back? And when they come back? Why would they be doing this is bothering me dad.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:48

And now we know the Arabic of it. Or at home means I saw them but those of you that study even a little bit of Arabic know that the Arabic pronouns are an interesting study the the the the plural in Arabic is several different kinds of plurals the plural for more than one or more than two nonliving things, right?

00:34:49 --> 00:34:59

or animals. The plurals for those are either the feminine or the feminine plural. So the skies are either here or here. Not so well. When NASA

00:35:00 --> 00:35:43

Honda means those women, but it can also be used for inanimate objects. Here, we're supposed to be talking about inanimate objects, stars Sun Moon. So he should be allegedly saying about a 200 li sajida. In the feminine versions should be used because non human plurals are feminine in Arabic or a to Holly sajida. Because their genetic see their plural, non human. And so altogether, I saw them the word then would have been a two ha, or a 200. But the Arabic is, or a two home, these are the words of this boy and his Salaam. He's saying I saw them. And the word for them that he used is only used in Arabic for people.

00:35:44 --> 00:35:45

It's not used for anybody else.

00:35:47 --> 00:35:59

So as he's speaking, he's already interpreted the dream. And you can see that the part that bothered him the most the way he described, okay, my brothers will go far away, but eventually there'll be humbled before me.

00:36:00 --> 00:36:43

My mom and dad will go far away. And I'm supposed to be humbled to my parents. But my parents are gonna be humbled before me, they're gonna fall into says no, first, for some reason. For me, for weed What? I don't get it. And that's gonna be that's the part that bothered him so much that he had to start over. And then he said, and then he couldn't just say, the sun and the moon were doing such that like the 11 stars and the sun and the moon did such that because then the sun and the moon Mom and Dad, dad and mom did such that is all too close together. So he replaced the word mom and dad with the word them, which is less painful to say, because it bunches, the part that bothers him less

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and the part that bothers him more together, it's more digestible, for him to get that out. And he says, I saw them doing such that, then there's the matter of the end, saji de nada, una ina ina, those of you that studied a little bit of grammar with me. And if you did it, I encourage you to do it on Vienna TV, do a little bit of the dream program, if a plural has owner in it, and generally speaking, that's for you know, people, including men and women

00:37:07 --> 00:37:21

collect Muslim una Muslim when I was living here, UC Santa Dena, which means he's referring to those who decides that in the masculine human plural form, which includes the feminine, which includes the females, but it's not the inanimate inanimate, meaning without life,

00:37:22 --> 00:37:54

then the problem is in June lophelia usera at home, so you say the muffler will be and that or you say the heart and then you say the the geometry. So the expected sequence in Arabic would have been, or at home, Sergey Dena Lee, that would have been the expected sequence. But here you find it no Carranza at home Lee, Sergey Deena de Li is what's called macadam is brought earlier, when it's brought earlier, what it suggests is one of the suggested suggestions is a Dodge Jeep. It's a kind of shock. Like

00:37:55 --> 00:38:33

me, such now of all things because of me, for me, and I keep seeing for and not too, right. So he's bothered by him being the center of attention right now. That's what he's bothered by. And the other thing that's here that, you know, that that really deserves our attention is a theory. I'm not claiming it to be correct. I'm claiming that I believe it to be correct. So I'm giving you a disclaimer ahead of time. This is not the conventional view of most people that talk about the interpretation of the Quran, including our illustrious scholars. It's something I'm convinced of, and I'm giving you that disclaimer ahead of time before I share what I'm about to share with you. I

00:38:33 --> 00:39:13

have a personal position on the concept of sajida of putting your head on the ground. In the Quran. We I believe that Ibraheem alehissalaam was, was charged with the building of the Kaaba for the purpose one of its purposes was that such that should only be done to Allah. Because when he gave him that house, he said, you know, antihero batyr that you should purify you and Ishmael you and his marriage should purify both of you should purify my house, this party phenol Aquafina water Okay, so Dude, you should purify my house for people who do top off of it. They go around in circles circumambulate I don't like that word. It's too big. When are given and those who stay there in

00:39:13 --> 00:39:36

devotion in prayer like at takeoff, or rocker and the people who do Riku was a sujood are people who do what? Such that so you're building my house for all of humanity to do such Doctor Who to Allah. Now in the Quran also said Allah says Lila Yes, you do. Manifest sumati woman filati it is only to Allah, that whoever in the skies and whoever's in the earth does such that

00:39:38 --> 00:39:43

only to Allah, Allah has to do manifest Amati woman filati Okay.

00:39:44 --> 00:39:48

But then you find in the Quran such that that seems to be not to Allah.

00:39:49 --> 00:40:00

You find such that being done by the angels when Adam was created, that seems to be a size that being done to Adam, not to Allah. Then you've got the magicians distortion.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:37

In the story of Musa they fell into such dire It seems they fell into such depth before Moosa, not before Allah, then it seems here, the interpretation eventually is going to be that they fell into such depth to who to use, if not to Allah. But I already said Ibrahim alayhis salam built the Kaaba for so it's not only to be done to Allah, and Allah says only to Allah does everyone in disguise in the earth, such that, to me, the problem is easily solved, I believe I shouldn't cling to him a whole line of seed has commented on this issue also, and is more in line with what I'm saying, though my position on this came before my reading of a shoe PT, so I'm not using him as validation.

00:40:37 --> 00:41:21

But it is, I believe, mentioned in his commentary. And that is that alarm can be used for Allah. And what that means is, the magicians fell into such dire in the story of use of not to use of but because of uses, for use of meaning for what use have did, they saw the magnificent, magnificent power of God. And they fell into such that when you study such that as a theme in the Quran, you will find whenever something miraculous happens, people are so overpowered by God's mighty plan, or God's ability to empower over all things that they basically collapse. They basically collapse. The angels were commanded to do such that to Allah, because they were but Allah has created such a

00:41:21 --> 00:41:27

magnificent creation, that they are in awe of their their maker at what he has made.

00:41:28 --> 00:42:09

You know, Pakistanis will understand this easily if y'all ever win a World Cup, then the the, we fall into such that because it's a miracle. Let's just face it, that was divine intervention. So so it fall into when something incredible happens, you fall into such that is always to Allah, it's, it's when they saw the divine plan come to fruition, they were humbled before Allah, because of use of for use of but not to use. That's why I'm saying for. So I don't believe that these things does happen to them now. And in the seer literature, we find people saying this is such that the dream that before Koran, it was okay for you to do such that to other than Allah out of respect. So

00:42:09 --> 00:42:43

there's that that's that opinion, right? But I did not find a single authentic hadith attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Nor do I find anything in the Quran explicitly, that compels me to accept that view. So there's nothing blasphemous about, you know, not accepting W and finally, why did I bring up Ibrahim Ali Sam, because Ibrahim Alayhi Salam taught his children, Islam, and he was the one who built the Kaaba. So he taught his children, Islam and he taught them how to do such that only to Allah Yes or no? Why would he build the Kaaba and then he teaches kids, by the way you can do so out of respect to others, too, sometimes doesn't make any sense. The Kaaba is built. So

00:42:43 --> 00:43:17

you do such that towards it. That was its ultimate goal. We are the religion of Ibrahim alayhis. Salam, if and that religion restores the place of the garba. So there I have a hard time thinking that Ibrahim alayhis salam had a different version of the worship of such that in which such that to someone other than Allah was possible. And later on after the profit slice alone, that was expired, and now you can only do that to Allah, I have a hard time expecting that, accepting that as a logical thing. And Ibraheem alehissalaam teaches his son is married, and he teaches his son his heart, and I'm pretty sure even though those two kids are from two different moms, he teaches them

00:43:17 --> 00:43:18

the same Islam.

00:43:19 --> 00:43:55

And his heart is younger. His heart is younger, which means the Kaaba is already built. So he's teaching his heart, the same Islam, right. And when he's teaching him the same Islam is how he's teaching his child yaku the same Islam and Yaakov is teaching his son use of the same Islam so I'm pretty sure and use of it Sam goes into jail and says, I follow the religion of my father Ibrahim. It's the same Islam in which says there is only done to align there was a house built for that purpose. There was an actual house built for that purpose. Which is why even generations later would Musan Islam when he went into muddy and he already knew what hedge was.

00:43:56 --> 00:44:34

He already knew in the Quran. samanya Hey, Judge, you're gonna work for me for eight years, the man who's whose daughter he married he said, you're gonna work for me for eight hedge? Where's musasa? I'm gonna get a hedge from from the legacy of his father Ibrahim alayhis salam. So that's why to me that such that is to align to a Lalanne. Even in the story. It's because of a miracle that was granted to you so but not to use of that's at least my view. Again, you're free to disagree with that view. But anyhow, so if Carla Yusuf Ali Abby, yeah, Betty, Indira Hidalgo, cabin, shumsa Kamara, Tom Lee saji, Dean, that I saw that all of them are bowing before or bowing because of me,

00:44:34 --> 00:44:54

what is so miraculous about me that they should be doing that to me, I'm bothered by this dream, and I decided to tell you this, tell this to you. But I don't mean any disrespect. I don't mean any disrespect. Now. He's gonna say this. And what's remarkable is that later on in the story, there's a king and the king is a pretty VIP guy.

00:44:56 --> 00:45:00

You can compare the social role of a king to the social role of a child and

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

A village that is the son of a shepherd

00:45:03 --> 00:45:41

was different worlds. And the king will also see a dream. Right? So you've got a boy seeing a dream, and you've got a king seeing a dream. And the king says, this dream is bothering me. Can somebody tell me what it means? Right? This boy saw a dream he wants to, he already knows what it means when he wants to share it with his dad, because he needs to, he can't keep it to himself. Clearly, he already knows what it means. He's going to tell him that the king sees a dream doesn't know what it means. And he's going to talk to people and his people get paid to give him advice. They're on a salary to give and they've got a pretty high position to be his advisors and counselors. Right.

00:45:43 --> 00:45:45

But the response they give him is

00:45:47 --> 00:45:50

I mean, you probably had too much spicy food last night.

00:45:51 --> 00:46:05

Is this just you know, jumbled thoughts? We can't we can't interpret that. I mean, you're our king. And we're supposed to, you know, go with everything you say. We're not going to inject ourselves with disinfectant. No kidding.

00:46:07 --> 00:46:12

We're gonna go with everything you say. But what's ridiculous is ridiculous. This doesn't mean anything.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:21

But a father is much more in a position to say to his son sign. It was just a nightmare. It's okay. It's okay. Just here drink some chocolate milk.

00:46:22 --> 00:46:30

The Dad's not doing that. The dads actually attentively listening and the way in which the father responds to his son.

00:46:31 --> 00:47:05

it's mind blowing. And that's actually what is number five and six are about the father actually has two responses. And we're going to spend one day on each response he has two things to tell the son in response to the stream two things and we're going to pay attention to each one of them to understand some of the dynamics of the relationship between jacoba Islam and use of an Islam so without inshallah, I conclude our brief discussion of iron number four barakallahu li walakum filco Hakeem whenever anyone here can be it with the color scheme Salaam Alaikum wa Sweet dreams but pray tahajjud

The Dream

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