Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #28

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of "out of jail" in the Bible and the history of the dream of two young men being thrown into jail by the king. They also discuss the use of "by" meaning of the internet and the importance of finding out who these men are. The speakers emphasize the use of "good versus evil" in relation to one's behavior and appearance and discuss the potential consequences of helping others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa barakato

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altavilla hibino shaytani r Rajim Wada Halima Who? cijena Fattah

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Kala huduma in the arani pseudo Han ra wacol hora in the * Ronnie Maloof omkara see Hobson? colo play Roman una navetta weili in Iraq amin el mosinee all li te Kumar

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ba ba e in tokuma beatha v babila

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t Akuma the nicoma

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lemony Allah be in the rock to me lotta comilla you may know Neville, he will who will not you whom curfew?

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Rubbish sadly we are certainly Emery rakata melissani of cocoa leaf Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam O Allah Rasool Allah, Allah Allah, he was a pH nine nabard. Once again, everyone Samadhi Kumara ricotta. Today, I'm going to try and share with you some thoughts on iOS number 36. And 37 of sort of use of this is the beginning of the next major scene in the story. And I hope you guys enjoyed what we've come up to thus far and learn something from it, and especially the, you know, the last portion that I did the discussion I had with chefs, I saw him say then some people saying about the comparative analysis between the biblical account and, you know, and what the Quran has to say and

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where the stories converge and where they diverged. And that's, I think, important to understand. Because, you know, the original audience of the Quran, many of them were people of the book, many of them had this background, and they knew certain things about the story. And it's like, they're hearing something new altogether, right? So they're familiar with it. And now it's almost as if the Quran is claiming that no, you're actually not familiar with it, you're being told something else. So understanding it from that point of view has that benefit.

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Today, inshallah wouldn't be we start this next scene, Yusuf Ali Salam is in prison, so and it seems that we are getting this picture of him as he's entering prison, or just walking into prison, he is now coming into contact with two young men. So the first thing I'm going to do is translate this ayah number 36 for you, and then we'll discuss some of the issues that scholars have talked about when it comes to this idea and then I'll share some of my own, you know, ideas and discussions that I've had the chance to hear about that subject in Shaolin with Allah Allah says, you know, for the young and to young men entered the prison along with him on a hill to Houma in need, Ronnie asked me

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to camera one of them said that it is without a doubt that I see my I see myself or I see me squeezing wine, pressing wine, while calling our heart in the Iranian beautiful Karachi Hobson, I see me carrying above my head bread that could tell you to mean who that birds are eating from a bit Nobita really, he informed us of its interpretation mean that he could be Mara inaho meaning inform us of the interpret tell us about the interpretation of what we just told you. Okay, in nonaka, middle mazzini, we certainly see you as somebody who excels. Now I'm keeping the translation ambiguous. For now we'll dig deep into it, we see you as somebody who excels or is from those who

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excel, the kind of person who excels. The first question that classically became a, you know, a curiosity for our scholarship was Who are these two young men? Why are they going to prison? Why are they being mentioned and these kinds of questions, right? So there's an up fairly elaborate story that's been repeated in several commentaries of the Quran. I'll give you this the kind of the main points of what that story is the reason I don't put too much emphasis on that story one, for the most part, I'm not convinced of it myself, too. It doesn't correlate correspond to a biblical account, only here and there. It corresponds to a biblical account. And three, as you will see, I

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don't actually see the need to have a backstory for these two guys. It's not that important. By comparison, if I was to share with you that Mussolini's

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went to the waters of muddy and and he saw two girls, now we're those two girls came from and what was going on with them and what's their backstory, whatever the Lord told us about them, we know whatever he didn't tell us, we don't need to know. And we don't need the additional information. But anyway, here's the the common story that's been told in Tafseer literature that's generally accepted as the backdrop to these two young men.

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So the The story goes that the king at the time, there was an attempt to assassinate him so some people didn't like him very much and they wanted to figure out a way to get him killed. And so the way they did that is the the person who used to pour the drinks for the king. That the the the cup

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They call it the old names you don't have cub bears anymore. But basically the Butler, the guy who just gives the drink, that's his full time job is he gives the you know, makes the drink for the king and brings the king his drink. And the other one, the baker, right or the cook, they would tell both of them to poison the food of the king and serve to him so that he could die that way because they couldn't get to him. So they got to somebody who can get to him, that people will serve him the food. So the one who gives him the drink, got scared, like he took the bribe from them and was gonna kill the king, but he kind of got cold feet, and he decided not to go ahead with it. So he didn't

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poison the drink that kings wine or whatever it was. And then the other the baker or the cook, actually, you know, poisoned the food that the king was gonna get. So as the King is about to eat, the cup bearer, tells the king don't drink it, it's poisoned. And the now the cook has been called out, right? So the cook says, No, no, no, don't drink the wine. It's poison. So it's kind of like you called me I'm going to call you out kind of thing. So then the king has to solve this mystery. So he tells the Kabir Why don't you drink your own wine, just to see if it's poison or not. So he drinks his own wine. Nothing happens because it wasn't poison. And then the other one, he says, Why

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don't you eat your own food and he won't wouldn't need his food, it was given to animals and those animals died. And the next thing you know, and the way the story is told, they both end up in prison. And this has kind of given us the backstory of the one was, in fact, the one who gives the drinks. The other one is, in fact, the one who makes the food. Right? Now there's a few problems with accepting that story lock stock and saying, Okay, this is the background to these two men. By the way, the biblical version, which we'll get into in detail, briefly, all it says is these two offended the king and were thrown into jail. That's basically all we get. We don't get anything

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else. Okay? That these two men are also some people that have offended the king and he's gone into into jail. And this dream is about three days before one of them is going to be released and three days before one of them's going to be executed. They don't even know that. But that's the way the Bible describes the dream conversation that happened between us to find a settlement then, but that's for a later time. For now, I wanted to share with you how, why the version that's been commonly reiterated, doesn't jive too well, with the Qurans depiction. The first problem is and of course you guys Mashallah you're, you know, watching the scene on YouTube, you don't watch crime

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shows or like TV thriller, movie thrillers and like, you know, where people attempt to assassinate anybody, or any kind of action movies and stuff, la La, la, la, la, la La Jiang, we just came out of Ramadan. So the thing is, for those of you who do watch those things and stuff, Allah, if two guys snitched on each other, right, and one of them is clearly trying to get the other one killed when he says, Don't drink, don't eat the bread. The other one's gonna get the death sentence, isn't he because he had tried to assassinate the king, and the other one is calling him out. They're not on good terms. They can't be friends. Now the Koran is saying that, along with him, two young men

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entered. And one of them shared his dream and the other one shared his dream. And they both said, Could you tell us what our dream means? Do you think the two guys that got each other almost killed and now are both in jail together on such good terms? That they're like chilling together and saying, Hey, we got it. You had a dream about food, I had a dream about drink. They would want to, I would imagine if that is the case, they wouldn't be killing each other in the jail. Right? If I'm getting killed, you're getting killed. They wouldn't be friends like this and coming up to him. That's one problem. The other problem that she even brought up, that makes him kind of suspicious of

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the story, as it's told is,

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okay, so one of them's a baker, apparently, if he's a baker, and he sees in his dream, that he's carrying bread over his head, it's not entirely shocking, because that's all you do with your day.

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You know, it's like, it's like, if you're a car mechanic, and you keep seeing cars in your dreams, you wouldn't have a problem with it. You understand? Well, if you're a car mechanic, and all of a sudden, you're a gardener in your dreams every day, and you're watering roses, you've all said you've got a problem, like, I don't get it. And if you're a job, your only job is to press wine and serve wine and press wine and serve wine. And you keep seeing in your dream that you're pressing wine and serving wine. It doesn't seem all that out of the ordinary, that you see that dream. Right. So that's one another way of kind of poking a hole into that story. But there is a way around that

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too. And that is that these two men, the way they tell and the Quran gets right into it, the two young men entered the prison along with him. And then one of them immediately look around just jumps into it right and how to humor me, Ronnie. I see Listen, man, I I'm telling you I keep seeing the melodic the present tense form suggesting he doesn't see this dream once he sees it over and over again. I don't know why I keep seeing the same dream over and over again. I'm squeezing wine I'm pressing wine and pressing wine and pressing wine. Right and pressing wine By the way, obviously nobody presses wine people press the grapes, right so but the it's a figure of speech that's it's

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common. So you don't have to

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Be so literal, right? So he's basically saying I'm pressing to produce the wine and then that's all he says, He doesn't say I'm pressing wine for the king, or I'm pressing wine and I'm, you know, none of that stuff. He's just I'm pressing one, and I keep seeing it. I don't know what this is about, I can't stop seeing this stream. And the other one says, Well, I keep seeing an indie Hourani meaning I also keep seeing it nice suggests without a doubt, which means I'm telling you this is a problem for me the entire the the, the emphasis of it is actually there to suggest that they are disturbed by this. He says I keep seeing that I'm carrying bread over my head. So imagine a breadbasket or

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something over his head. That could play to mean who that birds are eating from. Now birds are in the Quran, there's two things you should know about birds on the side. The word played can be used for vultures. So it can be used for birds that eat carrion, meaning that animals are you know, corpses and things like that. Okay. But Dr.

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de la mccallion Sahib insulted hedge. Birds also, interestingly, in the Quran, occur in context of life and death. So you've got his early Salaam, saying in the local community, Nika he paid for and for Kofi, for the law, that I'm going to form with this with clay, the shape of a bird, like the shape of a bird, and blow into it and buy a loss permission, it will turn into a living bird, so that that becomes alive. Yeah. And then you got Ibrahim alayhis salam story, where he is telling Allah that He wants to understand how life, how he brings life out of the dead. And Allah says to him for about a minute at first 400 ilica. So much Allah, Allah collegia willamina, Judah, take four

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birds, chop them up or four birds spread them apart, and then you call them and they'll come back to you. Right? There's different interpretations of what that means. That's in the buckler series. But anyway, they'll come back to you. And that was to answer what question, the question how do you bring the dead back to life. So the subject the or the imagery of birds is associated with life and death, there's a close connection to it. Interestingly, because hindsight is 2020, we're not hearing the story for the first time, you guys actually know how the the dream was interpreted. So I can tell you the dream had to do with death. Yeah. And so it does have to do with life and death here,

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too. So there's a, an undercurrent theme in the Quran, also of the mention of birds, and there's a consistency there. But that's not where we are. I want to mention that as a side note, now, they've both told him this stream. And I've shared with you so far where the mosquito went with the story and them telling the stream. But before I get to the rest of this ayah The first question, the questions that I want to ask myself as a methodology when I when I study Koran, and I discuss things which actually haven do my own reading and research and, you know, conversations, there are two fundamental,

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you know, kind of premises like two questions that I can't lose sight of when I'm studying Quran. One is, what is the purpose of what Ally's mentioning? Like? It's not just what is the meaning, the Mufasa rune are also going to go after what is the meaning of what Allah is mentioning? Yeah, what is it? What is the proper meaning of it? That's absolutely fundamental. But beyond the meaning, there's also purpose, what is the benefit of what allows that which I was mentioning, because everything Allah mentions is beneficial, and beneficial for who in the end, it's beneficial for you and me in the end, to better ourselves in some way. So, and I keep emphasizing and re emphasizing

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that throughout the story. Allah is skipping a lot of details. The biblical version is four times bigger five times bigger, there's way more details and there are very sparse, very selective details in this story, and entire years are compressed into two or three lines. And then the next few years are compressed into two or three lines, major events are one or two IOD. So allies are extremely selective in what he's telling us. So if he's so selective, and within that selection, he chose to tell us a few things here. Every detail should be of some significance for us, for you and me, why? Look at kind of the use of our equity items this evening. These are, these are miraculous signs and

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use of Phineas brothers for those who ask questions for those who have need, and we all have need. The other is Assetto Corsa National nakasu alleycats. And Lucas is one of the ways to read some local sources. were telling you the story in the best possible way it can be told, the best rendition of the story, meaning there are other ways you can tell the story. But we're gonna tell it to you in the best possible way. Now, this brings me to a more fundamental problem, while I respect scholarship, focusing on certain details to fill in historical gaps. And the methodology would be well Allah mentioned these two young men so we should try to find out as much as we can about who

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these two young men were. Because Allah mentioned them Yeah, but

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There's another angle from which you can look at it to. Allah wanted Maya, if Allah wanted me to know,

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deeper details about who these two young men are, what their backstory is, why they're ending up in prison, then that would make its way here. So consciously, but sometimes subconsciously, in our study of the Quran, our focus becomes on all the things Allah didn't say, instead of what Allah actually did say, and even if we're going to go outside the text and figure out what could be behind what Allah is saying that the thing is, I will ask myself this question last couple of days, is understanding the backstory of these two young men? Is it something that is pivotal for me to understand how the story moves forward? Right, because, you know, when I when I, for example, we had

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to do this exercise for the Minister and I engaged in this exercise for the minister's wife. And they engaged in this exercise for the brothers of use of paying close attention to how they're speaking, what their position is, whatever little clues we know about them. And then we try to fill in the gaps because it's like Allah has given us pillars and the bricks in between, we got to lay out ourselves. Yeah, that's the kind of profile building I did for those characters, if you will, but hear you virtually have no information. You only have that they came and told two dreams, one and the other. Okay. The Bible, by the way, will have more information. We'll get there when we get

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there. But the Quran is deliberately brief and a lot of Sahaba that are listening to the Quran for the first time this story for the first time. They have no biblical background. They have no other historical information. They're not aware of anything else. All they hear is two young men came into present with us the Felisa. So the question I come back to now, what's the benefit? What do we what do we get out of it? First, we're getting a hint. As far as young people being imprisoned,

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which is a social phenomenon, apparently only in ancient times, young people used to get in trouble and go to jail. Right, and the idea of young people going to jail.

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Because Yusuf Ali, Sam himself is also rather young, right, and Fatah can also be used for sleeve. Imam Razi tried to fill in this gap by saying possible, it's possible that when they hatched the scheme to figure out a way to get use of thrown into jail, if he was the only one going into jail, then maybe it would have caught attention. So they the wrapped up a couple of other guys, to get them thrown into prison, also, to make it less suspicious, because he kind of blended in and they got him. That's his attempt to fill in the gap. You know, in trying to understand why these two men go into jail. But my reading of it is a lie is highlighting that they are young men, in fact that

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are heading into prison. Now, before you go any further, what would you imagine about young men that are heading into prison that they're criminals, that they are no good, that they're heading inside. But the thing is, Yusuf Ali saw himself as a young man. And if somebody saw a young man going into prison without knowing the background, as a man, these young people nowadays, such a waste of life, look at the life of crime they're live, you don't know if they went in? justifiably, you don't know if they went in because they were framed, you know, nothing else. Right. And we are passing judgment on individuals. But if you look at it from imagine you were there, as you serve, and two other men

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are leaving slam, or walking into the president. And these two guys argued, maybe they are criminals. What would your thoughts about the three of them be one of them is really good? The other two though?

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No, you will think criminals are going inside, right? In a very subtle way, Allah has also taught us that appearances don't mean anything.

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appearances can be very deceiving.

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What you know, in today's economy, when you say someone is someone spent 10 years in prison, or someone has a criminal record, right, they have criminal records, they have a hard time getting the job, don't they? If it comes out that they had a criminal past, or even if it comes out, they were exonerated. But that's once it's on your record, it's on your record. And once it looks bad, it looks bad. Once that's known about you, that's known about you, right? And then you have to carry that label the rest of your life. It's, it's it's like a, it's like this, this mark that won't come off a scar that won't come off. And it becomes a part your identity gets branded with it. Right. And

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one of the things that a large xojo has done in a very subtle way, is them walking in together. Two young men, he didn't say criminals walked in with him. Just two young men walked in with him. And no, Rod has passed no judgment on whether these guys were guilty or not. Now I'm curious as a reader, did these guys actually commit the crime or no, and Allah deliberately did not tell me, right, filling the gap, they must have done something wrong or they must have done something wrong. The issue is did you suffer some do something wrong? No. So is it possible that they're living in a system where they could have been framed? Yeah, is it possible they committed a crime? Yeah. But you

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know what, it's too preliminary for us to judge isn't it? So instead of saying to criminals, enter jail or to thieves and

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jail or two killers enter jail. You know, two conspirators enter jail, two young men entered the prison with him.

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So even the use of the word two young men is actually very powerful. It's very, very powerful. So that's the first phrase. And that's something at least I captured from that two young men entered the prison alongside him or along with him, Colorado now, now the thing that we get a little bit of profiling of these two young guys, okay, and how it pertains to use of Elisa. Now,

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apparently, they don't have much of a conversation with us. So probably some about anything else. Or if even if they do, it's not really significant enough, they just come straight to him, and come to him with something that's bothering them.

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Now, this is actually almost flipped. A long time ago, when user friendly son was a kid, he saw a dream and it was bothering him. And he went running to who he went to his dad. Right. His dad was a source of comfort. His dad was someone who by his presence, invited trust, so much so that even a boy ran over and told him his dream. Use of Elisa Lam is the kind of person that even just by his presence, the way he carried himself, the way he spoke the way he must have greeted them or talk to them the way he may be, he made some room for one of them to sit, whatever gestures he did, whatever mannerisms he had. It, the fact that this person has some goodness coming out of him, they have this

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vibe that makes me want to just be around them. And I feel like I need to talk to them. I feel like I want to open up to them. It's kind of like I was reminded of, I know, you might think I'm just programmed that way. But in the story of Musa alayhis salaam, an old man decided to pay him money for the help that he did for his daughters. Yeah. But when he went to take the money from him, Allah says La Casa La Casa. So he told him his entire life story.

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Like he just saw the old man. And he felt like this is someone I can trust. This is someone that I feel like I can unburden myself with. And they just you just kind of unloaded to them. And you just decided to just tell them everything that's been going on that's been bothering you, these two men. Now find that same comfort, it's like that personality, that comforting personality. That was just that was the description of the Father has now been passed down to the son. Right? user friendly. So now people are coming him telling him their dream. He was telling his father, do you see how that's passed on? So that's really beautiful to know. So so they come and they say nothing else. They're

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not talking about anything else. And they just start telling them about their dream that I'm squeezing wine. And the other says that I'm you know, that I see bread over my head that I'm carrying and birds are eating from it, then they tell him not bit Nobita? Really?

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Could you inform us about what could be behind it? What could be behind this? Why am I seeing this over and over again. So clearly, these men think that there's something supernatural about these dreams. There may be some spiritual thing here. And I'm not the spiritual type man, I'm in jail. I know that's not my thing. I'm not really that religious, but you look like you could tell that you could help us out. You seem like a man of God. And where am I getting all this from? In nanorod? communal machine, so they say Could you tell us what this means inform us of what's behind it that really, by the way, the word that will very deliberate What did jacobellis salam say to use of

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Islam? Will you not be to come into a hadith? He will teach you the interpretation of all kinds of speech? Yeah. And then when he was in the, you know, when he was stationed in the house of Allah Aziz Potiphar, what did Allah say, while you Lima, whom into a Hadith, so, he could teach him the interpretation of all kinds of speech. And now, they come to him and say, could you tell us the interpret same word for interpretation? What is behind it a bit Nobita really, in another communal machine, we certainly see you from the mercy mean. Now, this begs you know, another interesting point of discussion. What is what do they mean by more sinning? Now we see you among them sinning.

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I'm not translating that word yet. mursaleen one could mean first of all, before I go there, machining is the second time it's being used.

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The first time it was used is when Allah described Yousuf as a young man.

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Allah said, while a mobile Akasha whoa artina hoekman wildeman mocha Dalek energy and Martini when he became of age, then Allah gave him you know, knowledge wisdom and knowledge and that's how we compensate mosinee those who excel Yeah. who considered him from among the machining allotted? Yeah. Now who is considering him among the machining Nadella now to prisoners are considering him, among them are sitting Yes. What we're learning is Allah put a love past a verdict on him that he's a good person.

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He has this this excellence in him. And when Allah sees you as excellent, then there are people you have nothing to do with them. And you never tried to impress them. And you never tried to, you know, show them your resume. And you never put a front to them and you never, you know, the you never told them what your qualifications are, what degrees you have, what good you've done, what monies you've donated, you didn't tell them anything. They just look at you, and a lot puts in their heart that you're from the mercy Nene. Like Allah called him from the mercy Nene. And now these two criminals are not orlimar. They're not some saints. They're not some spiritually high level, there's some guys

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young guys that are going to jail, and this year from the masina. And they're repeating the word of Allah. Right? The word of Allah was he's from the mercy Nene. And what Allah is teaching us here is a pretty profound thing. And that is that Allah is judgment allows judgment when when he considered someone good, and I'm gonna go with the general meaning good. Before we dig into more senior what more it could mean, when the law sees you as good than a level put a good opinion of you, in other people's hearts, but not everyone's heart,

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not everyone's heart. Because his own family, his own brothers did not have a good opinion of him. In fact, they hated him enough to try and kill him. And I would even argue it is because he was a more sin, because he was a goody two shoes, he was too perfect. He was too good that they didn't like it, that they hated him. And then on top of that, later on, when there's a reunion with his brothers, they're gonna claim they're gonna accuse him of being a thief.

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Then we said, we used to have a brother who used to steal too.

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That's one second. So they don't see him as a Mawson. And they don't want anybody else to see him as a must. And they want to remember they're dead or disappeared brother as a thief. That's what they want to do. Right? Now the thing is human beings, we're human, the way people see us affects us.

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The way people the opinions somebody has of me has an effect on me. And when they're closer to me, then their opinion has more effect on me. So when someone very close to me, family calls me a thief. When my own brother calls me, that's gonna hurt. When some stranger that I don't know going down the street calls me a thief. When some random troll on social media call, you don't fake social media name, calls you a thief calls you whatever else, it doesn't bother you. It's still insulting. But it won't bother you. Because what they don't know anything. They don't know anything.

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But what a lie is telling us here, something so subtle and so powerful about opinions of people. Sometimes who you really are the people closest to you still can't see who you really are. And someone who doesn't know you at all, can see you as you are.

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Isn't that incredible? Like you would think that people closest to you will actually know who you truly are. Right. And that's sometimes the case jacoba, Sam can see you for who he is, can't he, the Minister could see you for who he was, since he was a kid. He could see him for who he is. So there are times when people can see you for who you are from the very beginning. They can see you. And then they can be people who deliberately blind themselves to who you truly are, doesn't matter how close they are to you. And their judgement of you is so skewed. And you know what you what might end up happening to you, you might become the kind of person that says you start internalizing their

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judgment. And you start seeing yourself as they describe you.

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I'll give you a story about that. So you can help you understand this concept.

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One time I was somebody was helping me do some electrical work. And the fellow was Muslim, and he started talking to me about his kid. My son gives me such a hard time he's gets so angry, he punches walls, he does all kinds of things. And I don't understand what's going on with you. Help me I was like, I'm not ashamed. I'm not a counselor. I don't know what to do this. Can you talk to his mother. These calls his wife puts her on speaker and they're both complaining about their teenage boy who punches walls and kicks doors and loses his temper. So I just asked some basic questions. I was like, so how long has that been going on? He's very bad, but like he's very bad. He's very bad.

00:29:28 --> 00:29:31

I was like, How long has he been bad? She goes, he was born bad.

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He has been bad in the beginning.

00:29:35 --> 00:29:38

So have you told him that he's bad? Yes. I've told him from the beginning.

00:29:40 --> 00:29:48

The thing is, if you can tell a kid that he's horrible, every single day, then you know, what are they going to believe about themselves?

00:29:49 --> 00:29:59

orrible, even my parents think I'm horrible. I must be it them. They'll take that on. They'll take that label on and they'll do everything that comes with that label.

00:30:01 --> 00:30:35

And then so you know, it's it's very natural for children and even actually adults to take on the qualities that are being they're being described with, right? The prophets, I'm told us to be careful how we name our children. But it's not just about naming our children, how we call our children, how we describe our children, how we address them, and, again, true for adults to use of. So there will be people in your life that are very close to you, that will mischaracterize you and pass judgment on you. And even if you are a person of a Sunday won't see it, and others will be able to see it.

00:30:36 --> 00:31:12

And that's not me saying that, you know, this is don't confuse this with you putting up a facade like you putting up, you know, there are people that can have a different kind of life behind the scenes. But on social media, or in public or whatever else, they're a completely different person, right. And they can kind of have to proceed to alternative identities, and the good looking identity, the righteous identities in everybody's eyes, and the darkness is behind the scenes, right? I'm not talking about that I'm talking about people who don't know the fake You are the virtual you, the people who know the actual you that are part of your life. within them, there can

00:31:12 --> 00:31:27

be other people that genuinely have interaction with you, they can see the good in you versus they can't. Or you can see the good in someone versus you can end, both judgments can exist. What does that tell you at the end, at the end, it tells you, people's opinions of us actually don't matter.

00:31:29 --> 00:31:35

Good or bad, even as powerful as they are. People's judgments of us cannot dictate our life.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:48

Yusuf Alayhi Salam has been declared from the mercy Nene By Allah, workaholic energy, and Martini, then he's been declared a humiliated criminal

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by people.

00:31:51 --> 00:31:55

So the people will call him an inmate, a prisoner, or whatever charge they put on him.

00:31:56 --> 00:32:33

But none of that will change the fact that Allah still sees him as a Muslim. And then that will not change that Allah will put in the hearts of some people that they will still see him genuinely for who he is. Even if there are two people walking into jail with him. Right, so he they see in nonaka minima city, with you from those who accept. So now let's let's look at the word more seeming a little deeper. Let's say it could mean a good person, I'm not saying can just be generally a good person that's very easy to understand. So we're coming in telling you this dream because we're in jail. And we don't see a lot of good people here. But you seem like good people. So what do you

00:32:34 --> 00:32:38

write, the second interpretation can be a Santa the verb

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can actually mean to do good to someone. So we noticed that you're actually helpful to other people, you try to do your best by people. So even the few moments of interaction they had with him, they noticed that he was actually being kind to elders, or he was being respectful and courteous, and maybe giving some of the food that they gave as a maid, he was giving it to somebody else and helping somebody else out, etc. So we see you as someone who's actually not looking out for number one, because you know, when you're in jail, every man for himself, right? It's a jungle, and you got to look out for yourself and you're different, you're actually looking out for others. That's

00:33:14 --> 00:33:27

different. So we see you as someone who would actually be willing to help us, we would never tell anybody anything about ourselves, because they'd use it against us in some way or the other. But you seem like the kind of person that wants to do good to others, which is why we came to you. That's your friend, Amanda mazzini.

00:33:29 --> 00:34:05

Mohsen can also we can go back to the spiritual definition to worship Allah as though you see him. Right? Or be constantly aware that he sees you. Well, if that's the case, we see you as a godly person, we see you as someone who is in worship, you're someone who talks to a lot, a lot. So we think that this might be some kind of, you know, you seem like a mean, they're not saying they don't know Islam. So but they we see you as a spiritual person, you seem like a holy guy, you know. So maybe you can tell us this mystical dream we keep having maybe you might know something about that. And because you are a spiritual person, or holy person, we can tell. By the way, is he wearing

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spiritual garb? Is he wearing some kind of clergy clothing that distinguishes him as a, you know, as a man of God? No, he's wearing prison clothes. He looks like everybody else. Right? So it's something else that makes him look spiritual to them. And that's another very interesting point.

00:34:23 --> 00:34:26

There's no religious outfit.

00:34:27 --> 00:35:00

There's no when you dress this way. Now you're from the moistening your, your the way you carry yourself, the way you the way you speak to people. What you do with the way we even the way you look at people, that's actually where son lies. That's what they noticed about it. They don't even know him. And they can tell he's from the war scene and their their verdict on him is so spot on. It's made its way into the Quran, in the naraka, middle Martini. And so therefore, we think that because you are God conscious or you're some kind of spiritual person, you

00:35:00 --> 00:35:12

You are going to be honest with us. So please tell us what this dream means. Now Yusuf Ali Salaam has an opportunity to talk to them. They've come to him shared, you know, within the stream. Notice also, Yusuf Ali

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is constantly helping others, but others are not interested in helping him so much.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:56

They're just interested in using him in some way or the other. Yeah. So, you know, there there are people that found him in the well, they want to use him for a commodity to sell him. The minister finds him he wants to use him as a servant. Maybe even if he promotes them enough, maybe he'll adopt him for his own benefit, not for useless benefit. The minister's wife wants to use him for her own dubious purposes. They want to use his life the rest of it, throw it away for their own political purposes. Now he's in prison. These two guys want to come and use him for the anxiety that they're feeling. They just want to help him. Now the thing is, has Yusuf Ali Salam helped people before

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people that have benefited from him? Have they hurt him? Has that been the case with use of Elisa?

00:36:03 --> 00:36:38

He's benefited people and those same people have hurt him. Did he benefit the minister? Yeah. Did that same minister hurt him? Yes. Did he benefit the minister's wife? Yes. Did she hurt him? Yes. Every time he's benefited, he's been hurt. Now the thing is, if you're the kind of person that wants to help and wants to help and wants to help, and every time you help these people take all your help. And then they come back and bite you. And they come back and ruin you. And they come back, you know, the the Arabs have this old saying highly, highly beaten tahina, right? They have this. This cow, that's weird. Arabs have weird Proverbs, but some of them are really funny. This is one of them

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funny ones, you know, there's a, there's a guy that milks the cow, right. And there, there are multiple people that milk the same cow on the farm. So some of them are very rough with the colon, they hurt her when they milk her, but the one who is very gentle with her, she's got so much anxiety now that when he comes close, she kind of headbutts him. So he says, the one who does who milks you nicely, you're going to head but that one.

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In other words, the cows become jaded. Right? So the cows now on edge, and it thinks anybody who wants my help, they can just get away. I don't want to deal with anyone anymore. People have burnt me people have scarred me too much. And Yusuf Ali Salaam has every right to become that kind of person. Listen, I don't know what this really means. I can't help you. He just leave me alone. I'm done helping people. I see where that gets me. couldn't become like that. He could finally say to himself, you know what, now I finally know how the world works. You help people and they stab you behind the back. So I'm just better off looking out for myself.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:50

You know, I've had enough I've learned enough. And what do I expect from these guys? Why should I help them? What was what's going to happen to me? He doesn't have that worldview?

00:37:51 --> 00:38:03

Because and the answer to why he doesn't develop that worldview is in the word of mercy name. He is going to help them the reason he's going to help them as he never helped anyone because of them.

00:38:05 --> 00:38:15

He helped them and never expected good back from them. He expected good back from Allah xojo he never placed false hope. I did so much good to you. Why would you do that to me.

00:38:17 --> 00:38:59

He didn't do that he expected return back from a law. That's the ironclad mentality he has. And therefore he will never turn down an opportunity to help someone or to do good by someone or to benefit someone because he wasn't doing them doing that to benefit them. Secondly, he was doing that to benefit himself because when we have an opportunity to help someone, we've actually earned rewards. We've earned good deeds. So now he's going to speak to them, like de kumada montazah. Can he actually I think because of the kind of time and focus I took an EIN number 36 I should stop at 36 and tomorrow I'll start with his response and we'll just give time to tie in number 37 his

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response so it's better we take our time with it. barakallahu li walakum Khurana Hakim whenever anyone here can be it with him Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

36-37 Two Young Men

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