Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #15

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the emotional manipulation of actions and the use of emotions to manipulate others and create justice, including the emotional terror and deceptive nature of COVID-19. They stress the need for patient mentality and avoiding negative consequences, while also discussing "imm fingads," which refers to actions taken by someone, as "imm fingads." They stress the importance of patient mentality and avoiding negative consequences in handling difficult situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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are only below him in a straight line eulogy.

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in the happiness who matakana usofa matter enough to hold the

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meaning, while I

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saw the thing

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while alchemy so he

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call a bell some while at lakum Phu Kham m Ra.

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Jamie, Allah

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Allah tells me fu

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rubbish elisamarie were Silly me looked at me lasagna Coco Lee hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was a marine. Am I bad? Once again, everybody's Ramallah rahmatullah wa barakato. Our Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Will de to Giovanni, I'll kill him, I was given words that gather lots of meaning. They say comprehensive words meaning few words, but they have a lot of meaning. And that's really what the Quran is. A lot of times when you guys and me read a translation, it seems like some event that may have been or some scene that may have taken an hour or more as being described in a single line. But if you pay attention to the wording, you'll find

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details that even if you had the entire transcript, you wouldn't be able to capture. Allah has a way of translating events in ways that human beings aren't capable of. And that's really one of the unique features of the storytelling in the Quran. In the last session, I talked to you about how the brothers of Yusuf Ali Salaam came to him. And, you know, came to their dad and gave him this concocted story while they're crying. And they're, you know, they're they're, you know, dramatizing how broken up they are about the fact that they can find him and a wolf is devoured him and all of it. And part of its meaning, you know, the language was, well my interview in Atlanta, you and

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you're not going to be believing us. I remember I told you, you're not going to be believing what we're what we're saying. In Arabic, when you say to believe in someone or to believe someone, then typically the bar is used so meaning Bina

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to believe in Allah for example, right. But when the lamb is used with Iman then actually means to give into what someone's saying, to surrender, or to to cave. So for example, in the story of Mussolini's, and how he challenged the sorcerers, when the sorcerers saw that the staff has turned into a snake and swallowed all of their ropes and rods, they fell into such that if you remember, they fell down on their ground about their faces on the ground. And when they did that, and the Pharaoh was shocked, he was offended that they gave up so quickly. So he said to him, said to them, amen to law who not I'm going to be but I'm Anton Lahu, cobbler and oven alaikum. Did you surrender

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to Him before I gave you permission to not just did you believe in him, but did you give in to him, given to him similarly, you know, Masada Salam had

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commanded the Israelites at one they had a they had a dispute among themselves, and he had commanded them to slaughter a cow Allah has told you to slaughter a cow. Right? And, and at one point, even the commandment from Allah was take your own people and kill yourselves the ones that have committed such crime. And they said Len Mina laka Hatton Allah Hi, Jonathan, not letting me know beaker. Which means that doesn't necessarily mean we won't believe you until we see face to face actually means we won't surrender into your demands until we see face to face. So when when Amina comes with lamb, it actually has to give me gives the meaning of giving up or surrendering or caving. That's the kind of

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the implication along with believing. So yes, translations say and you're not gonna believe us even if we're even if we had been telling the truth. Remember, I said that, but also the implication is, you won't surrender to us. You won't just cave. In other words, Dad's not buying it. Can you just give up arguing? We're telling you the truth, for God's sake. And even if we weren't, you wouldn't, you just won't give up, will you? So they're getting frustrated that he's not buying into it. He's not surrendering to their version of reality. And his his refusal to surrender is inside that little lamb that tiny little preposition woman ntb woman in Lana Willow Casa de 18. Now, they're not giving

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in And now comes the next part of the equation. Now, it should be noted that in our traditional FRC, you know shift sohaib is actually working on a you know, is already published one part of the translation of your mom for dinner Rosie's brilliant have seen you know the Fatiha and he's working on more and his notes on even Razi from this surah where was going over them with him and even by myself. You

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There are lots of narrations about what went down in this story. Right. And we can't entirely authenticate them. We can't rely on them. They're not at the level of like Asahi narration, but they are found in artists here literature. So there are reports like when they were taking him to the well, one brother was beating him up. And when one was beating him up, he would run to get protection from another one of his brothers, and he would beat him up just the same. So he was kind of bouncing around looking for someone to feel safe with. And eventually they dangled him over the well, by the way that part's in the Bible, too, which inshallah you'll see tomorrow. But you know,

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they dangled him over the well, then they lowered him half the way. And when they put him halfway down the polo shirt, and they pushed him down. And in another generation, even when he tried to come up to try to hit him with a rock over his head and kill him right then and there. And one of them said, No, no, you weren't going to kill him, remember, and that kind of this kind of a scene happens. We don't have those details in the Quran, nor is it entirely authenticated. But these are kind of reports depicting that scene, where, you know, they were doing what they were doing. And part of that is when they came,

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in one narration of the father asked for the shirt. This is why I brought this up. So the father said, Did you know where's the shirt? Which to me already? Sounds suspect. Why would that ask for the shirt? So I have, I have trouble accepting such a narration only because of how not so plausible it is. Where is the body? Where is he? Where's the rest of him? where his remains? Not just what, where's the shirt? That That doesn't sound like a logical question from a father who just heard a wolf ate my child, but at least Did you bring the shirt back? That doesn't sound like it's coherent. Right? So, but regardless what it does seem from the Quran, and this is my reading is not I'm not

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telling you, this is exactly what happened. But from the way the text seems to flow, what I can extrapolate to the best of my ability, and from my own reading, what I can gather, is that when they wouldn't, when dad would not believe them, and he wasn't giving in, you won't even you know what, we even have a shirt.

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So I thought like he asked for the shirt, they kind of brought it out as their trump card, pun intended to convince them finally of a terrible lie. Right? So the idea was this is, if nothing else convinces him backup plan, we'll have this shirt if things go really bad use this, right? Because the thing is even bringing a shirt let's the idea. I mean, you guys know the story, they brought a shirt with fake blood on it. And we'll dig into the language of fake blood to there's some interesting literary devices there. But before we go there, I mean, the idea of bringing a shirt means you could have brought more than just a shirt. Because a wolf didn't just leave a shirt

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behind. You know, there's torn pieces of flesh, there's bone, there's something I know, that's graphic, but how did you just find the shirt and nothing else? And how did the wolf get away faster than all of you while ripping a child away from you, and you can only get to the shirt. And it's not like wolves first take the shirt off, and then eat it or pray, you know, they can spit that out later. So there was there's lots of problems with this alibi of theirs, that they came up with his version of the story that they came up with, that they didn't realize at the time. I also don't believe that there are some deceit opinions that when they brought the shirt, they didn't have any

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holes in it, I do believe it did have holes in it, you know.

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And when I showed him I'll also says, if they came went out of their way to make such a diabolical plan. I'm pretty sure they didn't just take a shirt and spray some blood on and say here. That was a little more elaborate than that. And it seems they've been scheming for some time. Right? So now we're going to get to this idea where First of all, it seems that Yahuwah Salaam is giving them a hard time not accepting what they're saying.

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Which means that they are trying one way and another way. And another way of convincing him. Come on dad, this is really what happened. Now there are already from a psychological point of view, there are already giveaways that they're lying, even without the shirt, and even without them saying you won't be believing us. Or even if we're telling the truth, that part even if we're telling the truth, it's kind of a giveaway. But even without that giveaway, the fact that they said you won't even believe us, you won't even believe us is a is a big problem. Because that should not even be like I said yesterday, it shouldn't even be on the radar. The only concern you should have is the

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tragedy at hand. And the concern is not whether dad will believe you or not. Right. So if if you like think of it in real life situations, if an emergency happened, if a car accident, something happened, right, and you have to tell a family member, your concern is not whether or not they will believe you. Your concern is I met this hospital, I need you to come or this has happened. You're not going to go out of your way to convince them. And if you are going you're out of your way to convince them. That means your concern is convincing. Not the tragedy at hand. Right. So

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That's also kind of a dead giveaway and the dad sees through it, and he's not buying into their, their nonsense. So now, the, you know, scholars discussed, this is my, you know, reading from the text of Allahu Allah, how he knows that they're lying. But Imam Razi also adds a few other reasons why he believed Why Why did jacoba not believe them? He asked himself that question, why did he not believe them? And he has some additional answers, I want to read through them for you, at least a couple of them two of those answers, I think are worth discussing. First of all, because dad was already familiar with the envy that they carried. And despite that they carried and the intention is

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that he knew long term, and he was guarded about, and he only let that guard down for a little bit because of benefit of the doubt, that momentary lapse that he had. So that doesn't erase the, you know, the the state of code read, that he was carrying with in his mind all that time. Right. So that's one reason he doesn't believe them, because he's already familiar with their intentions. And he's already expressed that concern. The second is very interesting. And I think it's important to note here, when Yusuf Alayhi Salam told his father the dream,

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the father said, that is how your master is selecting you, and is going to be, you know, where you Tim will never matter who are and he's teaching you the interpretations of all kinds of speech, and he will be completing his favor on you, just like he completed it on your father's remember that conversation, and he'll complete his favor on the family of Yahoo. Now is a prophet of Allah, and a prophet of Allah does not speak about the unseen, unless he has knowledge of the unseen given to him by Allah. So there's no way he's talking about a great future that Yahoo that use of Elisa Lam has, without adding the word hopefully, without saying in sha Allah, without saying, I

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pray, he's actually saying it like a statement of fact, Allah has selecting you, he is going to be teaching you the interpretation of all kinds of speech, he is going to be completing his favor on you, just like he and on the family of Jacob and the entire family, just like he did on your father's. Your master is knowledgeable. In other words, if you can also read that in Arabic, and even Hakeem in that ayah, he ended I promise to your use of by saying your master is knowledgeable, wise, meaning this knowledge that I'm that I have that this is going to happen to you isn't my knowledge, it comes from Allah, alone, his wisdom has given me the knowledge, he gave you this

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dream. And because of this dream, he gave me the revelation to tell you this, you understand. So the validation that's coming from iacobelli. Some may also be divine inspiration, it seems.

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And if that's the case, then Yahuwah a Salaam knows he's not getting killed and Noel. And he's not he's not getting eaten by a wolf. He already knows that he has, he has knowledge of that, from what from Revelation. So when they're coming and telling him that it will fade him, he already sees right through it because he has something much more powerful than their word and assured and that's the word of Allah. And in it, there's a profound there are two profound lessons here that we should we should take time to really contemplate. The first of them is, when you find a promise in the Word of Allah, it doesn't matter how compelling or how bullying or how pressured the reality in front of you

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is, that doesn't stand in front of what Allah has given you. And Allah does not reveal to you and me like he did to jacoba Islam where Al Hamdulillah prophets, that chain has come to an end, but we have the word of Allah with us. And sometimes the word of Allah has promises for us. Sometimes the word of Allah has guarantees for us it does. You know, woman, tequila, Hydra Allahu Maharaj and whoever remains conscious of Allah, Allah will make a way out for them. That's a guarantee from Allah. Okay, so duck wa means you're going to obey Allah, you're not going to do something that he doesn't like. And when you do that, He will make a way out for you. That's his guarantee. Now

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everybody's pressuring you to go against the laws way. Because you need to find a way for yourself. You gotta live man. What are you gonna do? You're gonna stay like that forever. And you're like, no, but Allah guaranteed, nobody like guaranteed, like put that guarantee hasn't happened in two years where you're gonna sit without guarantee enough duck already. What does that tell you? And people are gonna make a really strong case for you to let go of your taqwa. So you can so you can not hold on to Allah's word, and you can take their word or your own feelings, you can put something above the top of Allah, what are we learning in this story? He has a promise from Allah right? And that

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promise from Allah will not let him that will shape his view of reality, and nothing else will change that view. And that's a powerful lesson for you and me, because what we're learning is the word of Allah presents a certain worldview, it's it makes you look at reality a certain way. And when your connection to the word of Allah gets weak, then reality looks very different. Like it's the same reality. But if you have orange glasses on, it looks different. When you take the Quran glasses off, it looks different

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and those colored glasses

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They get rusty, they get dust on them. You know, they once you have the mind doesn't mean they stay on, you have to refresh them and clean the lens constantly. So you can see reality through the word of Allah. And there are people that want to make you dismiss the word of Allah. They want you to think that the word of Allah is not that important, You're overthinking it, man, you're putting too much importance on this, you're being too religious, you're being too extreme. This is this is not what Allah wants for you. Let me tell you what allowance for you, they can speak on behalf of a lot better than a luck and speak for himself. That's what people will do to you. And you have to watch

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out for that. And you have to hold on taalas word no matter who gets upset. And this, you won't even believe us, you won't even side with us. And they'll get angry. And what you're learning from that too, is that when you hold on to Allah's word, loved ones will be angry, there will be people close to you, that will get upset with you, they're not going to be happy about it. And that's going to be a challenge. And if that's a challenge for even a prophet to hold on tight, while he's getting hammered by his own sons, then who are you and I we're gonna get slammed with this stuff, we're gonna get slammed. Another thing that was from a previous conversation that I didn't bring up, but I

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only alluded to it, but I think it deserves attention before we you know, carry on with the with the shirt, part of the story. And jacobellis Rams response is that they came to him crying. And I told you, I made it a point to describe the crying right. Now what that is, is emotional manipulation. And emotional manipulation means somebody can come to you looking like a victim.

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While they are the criminal,

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somebody can come to you to manipulate your emotions, they can come with tears, they can come with a sob story, they can come looking like they're the ones that got beat up. They're the ones that are, you know, that have been victimized from every way. And that's their way of getting away with the worst crimes. And that's actually a theme in the surah. They came like victims crying, how could that have happened? We're so traumatized our baby brother, while they're the monsters in the story, at least in the beginning. And later on, you're going to find a woman who's going to cry her heart out in front of her husband, what do you think you should do with him what he tried to do with your

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family and she's gonna cry.

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She's gonna choose the one going crazy, and she's gonna, she's gonna put on a show. That's what she's gonna do. So the criminal, it can be very good at portraying themselves as a victim.

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They can do that. And what the what the world usually does look, look at where we are in the world today, you can watch a video of somebody crying, and you're like, Oh, my God, what they've done to this person, it's so wrong. I want to sign this petition, look at their tears. And then two months later, turns out they were a con artist, this or that, or it was it was the other way around, or they weren't illegally fired. They're the ones that were embezzling funds, or whatever else and the world is like, what, but it's so I just felt like it's real. You know, I felt it, you felt it. Now, Justice comes from your feelings. It doesn't come from evidence and somebody can play with your

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feelings, and you can create justice and injustice. That's mob mentality. That's not justice. You know, if a judge is standing there sitting there in the courtroom, imagine a judge who's asked the judge between families or family court, right? custody court, divorce court, these kinds of courts. And you know, the father comes in crying in tears, and the mother is completely calm. And the judge starts thinking to himself, this mother is heartless look at this poor father. And the reality may be the father beats the kids.

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And the reality may be the mother is not going to use emotional manipulation. If the judge start starts looking at emotional cues, to make vertix, then justice has gone. And that's the same thing inside your family and in your family, in your personal relationships. There are people in your social circle that use these kinds of things to get their way. They use these, these tactics to manipulate and by the way, one emotion is mentioned here, which emotion crying, right? Crying is appealing to your pity. But by just mentioning crying, the manipulation is not limited to sadness. Somebody can manipulate you by sounding really angry.

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They're doing the wrong. You're the one who should be angry. But they can flip that and get angry at you. And now you start questioning yourself like well,

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maybe my anger is misplaced. their anger is more stronger than mine. So they must be right.

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All right. So some because you know, in sports, they said the best defense is offense. That's what some people do. Instead of me getting on the defensive and admitting I'm doing something wrong. I'm gonna dig my heels in deeper and get even more offended. Right. So here you are, somebody's being abusive in some way. And you know, when you say, Hey, I don't think what you said was right. I don't think that's the way to say that or I think that was

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is a little bit rude, but you did tell your mother or whoever else.

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And the person says, I can't believe you spoke to me this way.

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You know what

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this is? That's it. I've had enough here. And they started getting and you're like, there's something wrong? Did I? You start questioning yourself. This is what they want. They want their father to budge. But the problem is he's not budging. He's not giving into that game. So they're like, you're not gonna surrender to us even even had we even been telling the truth meaning our drama didn't work. And even if we have the truth, we probably wouldn't work with you. They're too stubborn to give in. Okay, you know what, bring up the nuclear weapon. That's the shirt.

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Well, john Kaminsky, he beat them in case those of you that are Arabic students, the way that I read this, I discussed this with, you know, just a boss when we decided something, even our shoe, hashtag validation. So the verb means to come. But when john comes with the preposition bar, it means to bring. So actually john will be dumb in Calvin, Allah Thomas, he, they brought, here's the thing, a lot of translations say they brought his shirt with fake blood with false blood. Yeah. But actually, they brought false blood on his shirt is the actual phrase. They brought false blood on his shirt, or they brought on his shirt, false blood. That's actually the literal reading of the VI. Now, why

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is it important? Did they bring the shirt? Or did they bring the blood? Right? That sounds like a semantic thing. It's insignificant. But I do believe it is significant. Instead of a lesson they brought a shirt his shirt. Allah said they brought false blood. They brought false blood. And then they say they brought Allah says he they brought false blood on his shirt. Now the on his shirt part is actually, you know, more goddamnit it's placed earlier than expected. And what that does in Arabic is it puts some sort of stress on it. What that to me suggests a low Adam, is that Allah is even offended. Not only did they hurt him, but they tried to strip him of his dignity to

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like they took his shirt from him. You know. And again, we I don't know the authenticity of these narrations, but it has been narrated in some of our classical stuff, I see that as he was they were ripping his shirt off of him. He said, Can you leave my shirt with me so I can cover myself? And even if it's not authentic, you can imagine a child saying, Can you not take my shirt? Please don't take my shirt.

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You know how if you have kids, you know, if you if your kids are changing their clothes, and you accidentally walk in or they're not embarrassed, or they're not humiliated, they might even start crying.

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The kids have a natural sense of shame. And that too, inside of the home, can you imagine outside, and some stranger is going to see this boy shirtless? You know, we you know, we are living in a postmodern society where certain kinds of human behavior have been made normal, right? So yeah, it would be totally inappropriate for you to be shirtless, at a mall or at the school, but it's totally fine for you to be shirtless at the beach. So just change the background in Photoshop and appropriateness and inappropriate this changes. Right? Because it's the same people looking at you. But since they're looking at you at a beach, it's okay. But if they were looking at you in the mall,

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or looking at you somewhere else, that would not be okay. Right. So our standard of appropriate and inappropriate is just about what time What, what, what time of the week, is it? what day of the week is it and what place we're in. That's not how appropriate this works. What is wrong in one place is wrong in all places. What is right in one place is right in all places. And Allah has put in human beings, a desire to cover themselves. That's a lot of put that in human nature in children's nature. But when we talk when we start stripping that nature away from children, the first time you make them come out in a bathing suit, and they're six, seven years old, a little girl, and they're making

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them wear these skimpy horrible clothes. They're they're practically naked, they're shy, then you're laughing at them. Why are you shy? Just be confident. It's okay, everybody's dressed like that. And eventually you strip them of not their clothes, but their shame. So they don't feel it anymore. They don't feel that sense of shame anymore. There's no hesitation left, you know? And then when you so we can normalize things that are wrong, and then they start feeling normal.

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But that doesn't mean their normal. What is the loss profit tell us a lot more. It was seldom good numa eluding you

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for ababwa who you have we done he Oh, you know say Ronnie, oh, you magician he. Every child is born on the nature of Allah made for them. But then the parents can turn them into Jews or Christians are magic. What does that mean? Judaism became normal for them not from the way they started, but it was made normal. If religion can be made normal fire worship can be made normal for someone

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Hinduism can be made normal for someone, then indecency can also be made normal for someone you can condition someone into what's the big deal? That's not that's not so bad. You can do that to a child. But this is not that kind of child has been brought up in decency. And when you're pulling his shirt, there's a physical torment. There's the emotional terror of being in a Dark Pit. But there's also the humiliation of being unclothed.

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And so the other community is significant, that they have assured that he was gonna come easy, and then be damning. Kevin, they translate this as they brought false blood, some false blood and again, narration say they slaughtered a lamb or we don't know what blood It was. It doesn't matter what blood it was. But it is the interesting thing here. COVID is what called a verbal noun, an infinitive in Arabic to call that a mustard, which means false hood. It doesn't mean false, it actually means false hood.

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They brought blood that leads to more and more and more falsehood, the blood that embodies false hood itself. It's not just false blood. But it represents falsehood altogether, meaning this one act of theirs is going to carry on just a continuous chain of falsehoods. And that's what they brought with them. The ultimate lie. What Allah camisa he Biederman can't even and dumb also, you know, it's it's literary language I feel here, Allahu Tada, Adam, you know, the the in a sense do have blood on their hands. And for all practical purposes, they've killed them. They don't know any better.

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They don't know any better. And so they've got this murderous intent, which is inside the word dumb. And they've got this deceptive nature, which is inside club, you know. So they brought false blood, which is literally false blood, fake blood on the shirt. But that represents falsehoods that will continue for, you know, ongoing. And so they bring this shirt to him and he's now their case, instead of making their case better. They've only made their case worse. And what his use of Elise jacoba some looks at his shirt and his first words are been

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bad means let me give you a text and translation nah.

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no, no, no, no, no.

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bile is literally instead.

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No, and let me see or translate this for you. There's a translation of this for you will be?

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No, what's really happened is

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so what bubble means no, this is all nonsense. Stop with these lies. And let me tell you what's really happened. And now jacoba Sam is gonna say what's really happened. And he says so well at local manful. sukham amre, difficult phrase to translate. So Wella can mean two things. I mean, let me actually give you a simple English translation for both ways. The demands you put on yourselves, the urges you've had inside of yourselves, have made you do something.

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Your own urges have made you do something for yourselves. And I don't know what that is. It's Omran, which is Nikita. So I don't know what it is, you've done something that you you had some need inside of you that made you do this made you do something. And this is not what it is. This is not what it is something else that you're not telling me.

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And what this also suggests the other meaning of sodwana actually means somewhere that can mean to make $1 to make something even, or to make something easy, meaning you've made some terrible decision easy for yourselves. It's clear that you've done something so heinous that should be so hard for a human soul to do. And yet you've made it somehow in your minds. You've created a logic, you've created a twisted, poisonous thought process that made this decision and this action you've taken easy for yourselves. And you've made it sound like the balanced decision, the right decision. You've justified something just for yourselves, and it's unthinkable Umrah. What this language also

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tells you is, tell me what it is. What did you do? This, isn't it? What did you do? No doubt it's I'm telling you, this is what it is. You're not gonna believe us? No, I don't believe you. What have you done? I know you've done some No dad. No. And you can imagine hours of you need to just tell me, I'll go get him myself. Dad. Where are you going to go? He's gone. There's nowhere to go. I'm going out. Go ahead. There's nowhere to go. He's He's dead. This is the shirt. And he's going at them and going at them and going at them. And then he says, How can you have justify this to yourselves? Why can't you just tell me what to do?

00:30:01 --> 00:30:14

And they're not giving him they will not just like he won't surrender to their version of reality, they won't surrender their lie. And you know what this is also something kids can do kids. Sometimes they get caught in a lie.

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And they decide they have to make a calculation.

00:30:18 --> 00:30:24

You know, like, I remember one of my kids, I won't name them. I won't even say the gender because they might be watching.

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One of them. They miss like six homework assignments.

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And then every day I asked, Did you do your homework? Yeah. Yeah. You know? Yeah.

00:30:36 --> 00:30:37

Like, even before I did you Yeah.

00:30:39 --> 00:30:46

Okay. Then the teacher sends an email, having no homework, having done this, having done this, so I sat them down and say,

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did you do your homework?

00:30:50 --> 00:30:50


00:30:51 --> 00:30:53

No, you didn't? I didn't

00:30:54 --> 00:30:56

know you didn't? Why don't you believe?

00:31:00 --> 00:31:06

You can cry. But you didn't do your homework? I did. I said that. The teacher just doesn't get it.

00:31:08 --> 00:31:13

No, your teacher didn't get it because you never sent it. What I did, okay, show me where you sent it.

00:31:15 --> 00:31:19

And they're going they know there's nothing there. It's not opening right now.

00:31:21 --> 00:31:25

Why can't you Okay, how about this? How about you just tell me that you didn't send it?

00:31:26 --> 00:31:56

And what happened? What really have no, but I'm telling you, I said that. Because now when you once you've invested into the lie, right? And you're already like neck deep in the lie, then you're like, well, if I tell the truth, now, that's probably worse. So let me just stick to the lie. And somehow he'll believe me. Let me just stick with it. And you have to do a lot of breaking, breaking, not by yelling and screaming, you can tell me you're not gonna get in trouble. But you know, what's worse, you holding on to a lie? That's worse.

00:31:59 --> 00:32:03

And it takes a while before finally there's a little chicken. Sorry.

00:32:06 --> 00:32:27

You know, it's not easy to break that guard sometimes. Because once you become pathological, and you're lying, and you get into that habit, and there are reasons why kids can become that way. But we're not talking about kids here. We're talking about adults, and adults can become even more adamant of holding on because now it's a matter of pride. What are we going to tell dad that you got us?

00:32:28 --> 00:32:35

Here, here's what really happened. We think that you're a lost cause. We were hoping you'd love us more. So we killed them.

00:32:36 --> 00:32:38

actually throw them in a pit. Probably died, though.

00:32:39 --> 00:33:13

But yeah, that's that there you have it that they're not going to do that. So they have to dig their heels in deeper. And no matter the more he insists, the more they have to because you know why? Why? You have to say, Why are they so adamant that they won't just tell him? Because you have to go back to one thing in their minds. The most important thing is that dad should see them as innocent. Dad should see them as good. Use of makes them look bad, right? If they admit to this, they'll never look good to dad.

00:33:14 --> 00:33:53

So if they have a and this whole thing they did was to look good to dad, right? So if they admit to dad that they've done what they've done, well, the other impression of father looking down looking up to you, or having hopes in you or seeing us koban Sally, hey, now that's gone down the drain? How can I let that this is gonna be mission failure. We killed him for nothing. No, he hates us even more. So they have to hold on to their mission agenda and not let go and the father. See the language in the Quran is very brief. You have made something convenient for yourselves. You made something seem fair for yourselves. You have your urges have compelled you to do something for

00:33:53 --> 00:34:12

yourselves. And I don't know what that something is. It's just one brief phrase. So it seems like from the reading a shallow reading of the Quran. They said they brought the fall short and jacobellis upside Well, I guess that you made that convenient for yourselves. Oh, sovereign Jamil. That's not what this is. There's a long back and forth and he's not able to get the truth.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:45

No matter what he does, he's not able to get the truth out. So this is me attempting to answer the question for a lot of people they say, well, Yahoo Bala Salaam could have just gone out and look for him. Or he couldn't he shouldn't have just had somebody he should have just, you know, done something about it. He should have done something is his child, he should have done something about it. I would argue the way that the language is structured here, he did everything he could, because he can't if they're if they did something out in the woods, there's no way for him to know what's really happened. Unless they tell him

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and he's going at them and they're not giving in and there's fighting with him telling him surrender to our version, Mama and Toby Moomin and Nana and at the end of it all, you know, after just

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Endless struggle with them to try to get the truth out and he can't get it out here the words that he says he says for Sabra and Jamil and I titled today's lecture How is patience beautiful?

00:35:12 --> 00:35:16

How is it beautiful patience sovereign Jamie literally means

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so then beautiful patience

00:35:21 --> 00:35:41

beautiful patience as a strange phrase not even a sentence beautiful patience what what does that sentence even mean? And he doesn't stop there he says well law homeless there are only a laws held can be asked for only as a law only allows aid can be called upon Amato seafood, against the descriptions You're giving me.

00:35:43 --> 00:36:06

So three things, beautiful patients, only a lot of help can be asked for. And then against the descriptions You're giving me and the descriptions You're giving me Let's start with the last one I llamado seafood over the attributions, you're making the descriptions You're giving me what's alpha in Arabic literally means to describe but in Quranic literary usage will suffice us when someone comes up with an elaborate lie,

00:36:07 --> 00:36:16

with an elaborate lie, that's called Dasi phone. And this is actually used for subhanho wa Taala, you'll see phone.

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When people make elaborate lies about a law saying that he has sons and daughters and partners. Allah says he is way too perfect over the elaborate lies they make. same word.

00:36:29 --> 00:37:09

That's not some small lie, right? That's some elaborate lies and create entire mythologies about Gods of this and gods of that. And in theory, gods have children and their children have fights with each other, and they create an entire world of false gods. It's a pretty elaborate system of lies. And you know, false god, mythologies, that's described as seafood, you know, and here, they've come up with a pretty elaborate lie, and they're all reinforcing it one way or the other. And Yahuwah describes this as you've done a pretty good job painting a very compelling, creative, false picture. And you're not letting go of it. And the only one who can help me now is a lie against this lie that

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you're committed to. By the way, how do we know that this is not just description, it's lie in the inner Hadees that we came much later. This is a Maki surah. This was given to the prophets. I saw them in the year of grief, which is later in Makkah. Years later, the prophet SAW Selim is in Medina, and he has a month of grief, that month of grief is when his wife or mother I was accused, falsely at the end of that accusation, when finally things came to like a, like a climax. And they sat, you know, he sat in front of her, and he asked her herself, she was so offended. And when she was offended, she quoted this ayah

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she said, she turned to her father and her mother and the Prophet himself, salallahu alaihe salam, and says,

00:37:56 --> 00:38:04

any local darlin to unblock him Samaritan hodel, Hades pustaka, Rafi and for SQL. I, I know you've heard this talk

00:38:05 --> 00:38:07

until it's made a way deep inside yourselves.

00:38:09 --> 00:38:11

Well, I am called to lacunae Berea

00:38:12 --> 00:38:19

and you know what? Well in kotula code, you know, if I if I were to say to you that I am innocent not to have difficulty with Alec.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:21

You won't believe what I say.

00:38:22 --> 00:38:30

What I am called to Lacan. And if I were to admit when he taught us to be the man, if I were to admit to any sin will allow

00:38:31 --> 00:38:37

anyone who Berea and Allah knows that I have done no such thing that you believe me.

00:38:38 --> 00:38:45

Well, la isla de de la cama salon, she says to the Prophet size of them, and her both parents, she says, I swear to God, I don't even know how to describe to people

00:38:47 --> 00:39:04

in LA Hola, usofa hola abusively, what he accepted what I can think of is what the brother of use of what the father of use of center his brothers for submarine jameelah and voila, mastana Allah moto seafood. Beautiful patience is all that's left for me. Only Allah help can be sought against the creative lies you come up with.

00:39:06 --> 00:39:07

He quoted this ayah

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when she was put in a corner, she quoted the sizes and say here, Buhari.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:46

Now, why is that important? That's important because jacobellis Allah knows that they are continuing to make it a lie. They're not just saying it once they're holding on to it. And they're making it more and more elaborate, and they're not letting him see the truth of the matter. Now, let's take a step back. You're in a situation, the only people who know the truth are the people that are the criminals themselves. The only people that can save salvage a situation are the ones that have made it worse, and they're not cooperating with you. And there's no force there's no government, there's no other compelling authority. You anything you've tried to do and say and convince to get them to

00:39:46 --> 00:39:50

straighten their courses not working. What's the only source of help you have left

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allows a wizard that helps you understand the phrase before when LaHood will start.

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

You have nothing you have nowhere to go, but a lot now

00:40:00 --> 00:40:29

And it's also important that Ally's Alma, Stan and Elmo Stan is the symbol of Rouen from the same verb that we use in certain Fatiha, which is the economic UI aka, Mustang, Mustang Mustang. It's the same, it's a related word. Now, it comes from the word own. Our own means there's multiple words in Arabic for help. This is one of them. This word actually means to give you analogy. If I was sitting here, and I wanted somebody to change my tires outside the car,

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I would ask for help, that would not be our own. That would not be our own, because I didn't participate.

00:40:37 --> 00:40:49

But if I went out there, and I'm taking a jog, and I'm trying to lift the car and I got so far, and I can't lift it anymore, and I say, Hey, could you give me a hand? I was already doing everything I could. And then I asked for additional support that's necessary in

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asking for help when you're already doing everything you can. When you say, well lahoma Stein it already means you're not taking a backseat.

00:41:01 --> 00:41:12

So the idea that jacoba sam didn't do anything and then just ask for Allah's help is already false, because along with Stan is used Yala. I'm doing everything I can now it's up to you.

00:41:14 --> 00:41:33

against these lies, what else? What do you what do you need me to do? Y'all not only your help can be resorted to some of us who don't? Actually, the opinion is floated that Allah, they say why didn't he go look out for jacobellis for use of a salon? Some opinion was because a lot told him not to because that was his trial. I don't believe that to be the case.

00:41:34 --> 00:41:40

I don't believe Allah azza wa jal commands a prophet to not look for his son

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or to put his keep his son in difficulty. You know, that's, that's not, you know, if the comparison is maintained, Rahim, Allah Salam in the command to slaughter. That is clearly revelation. There is no revelation here. There is no revelation here. And we can't assume such a heavy revelation, don't look for your son. That's a big assumption as a massive assumption, we can't make that assumption. So what meet what seems to be clearly the case, is he and by the way, if Allah, if Allah told him not to look, you wouldn't be asking for less help against their claims.

00:42:14 --> 00:42:29

Then he would just say whatever they did, they did. Allah has told me not to look, it would be a different response, it wouldn't be this response. This response contradicts with that opinion. You see, so he's, he's done everything he can now let's get to the heart of the matter. Beautiful patients.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:38

Ugly situation, isn't it? The word that doesn't fit in any of this context is the word beautiful. It doesn't fit.

00:42:39 --> 00:42:56

I understand sobor. Very hard to understand what Jimmy's beautiful. It's just, it's not fathomable to the human mind to think of a situation like this one. For a parent who's just lost their child, many of you are parents, can you imagine not knowing what happened to your child?

00:42:57 --> 00:43:08

Can you just imagine, and it's not just some stranger's did this to your child, his own blood did this to you. Now you love your sons. So you can avenge because if somebody else hurt my kid, I'd go after him.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:11

But this my own kid, too.

00:43:12 --> 00:43:30

So the chokehold of emotions inside you, of losing your child, and your enemy that made you lose your child is also your beloved child that you love, and you can't see them in harm's way either. The way that would choke you on the inside. The last word that comes to mind is beautiful.

00:43:31 --> 00:43:57

That's not the word that comes to mind. How, what in the world does he mean? This is like one of the most mysterious phrases for sovereign Jimmy democracy in a general sense, describes what makes patients beautiful. Well, first thing that makes patients beautiful. He says that he's not talking about the story. We're gonna come to the story. We're talking in general sense. Yeah. And by the way, this phrase has been used for the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, the prophet was commanded what's possible sobrang jameelah

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exhibit patients in a beautiful way. Same phrasing sobrang jameelah. That's the the role model actor that was in sort of Muslim male I believe. Now, he says the first thing a believer, what makes a believers patients beautiful is that they realize that whatever is happening happens by Allah will. And Allah does what he wants, and I don't get to question it.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:59

Number one, I resign events to the will of Allah. That's his first response that makes patients beautiful. The second is the one who resigned it to the situation I'm letting go. I'm letting myself float a level handle this situation is that the one who's handling this situation is a lot wiser, a lot more loving, a lot more caring, a lot more, you know, see a lot more knowledgeable, a lot more fair than I can ever be. So I've left this matter in someone's hands, who's way more capable than I will ever be. I can have a sense of justice. I can have a sense of what needs to happen. I can have a sense of what's right. But way more than my sense of what's right is allowed

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perfect knowledge of what's right allows perfect wisdom, a less perfect level less perfect knowledge. I can love user, I can love somebody, but allows love for them is way more. Right. So that's the second thing that makes patience. Beautiful. The third, he says, I would argue, actually, I added something here I took one of his more abstract concepts out is that the right kind of patience leads to beautiful things eventually.

00:45:27 --> 00:45:29

They may not be beautiful at the time.

00:45:30 --> 00:46:15

But it's patience that will lead eventually to beauty. And the only thing and the thing is sometimes our faith, which is the most precious treasure that we have inside, this is not the man was he talking about? It's me from my understanding of Allah's book, our eemaan that we carry inside of our hearts, it's like a treasure we're trying to protect. Sometimes that treasure is under attack, because of a certain kind of emotion. It could be anger, it could be greed, it could be lust, it could be hopelessness. It could be sadness, with different emotions are trying to take light out of your heart. They're trying to pull light out of your heart. And in some situations, that what makes

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a man beautiful, what makes what What Makes You Beautiful me beautiful on the inside is the man inside our hearts. That's the most beautiful thing we have lessons was the you know who will become he made it beautiful inside your hearts. That's what Allah says. Sometimes, in order to protect that Eman, I have to control my emotions in just as hard as it is. I have to control my emotions. And I have to stay the course. Because what I'm trying to protect is something very beautiful.

00:46:47 --> 00:46:59

I'm there's something really beautiful inside and if that's gone, all beauty in life has gone, everything is gone. It's also interesting, though, who the one he's lost is an extremely beautiful child.

00:47:00 --> 00:47:19

It's not an accident of words that he's seeing patients that require, you know, a beautiful form of patience is required. I've lost a beautiful blessing from Allah in the worldly sense. And I need to replace it with something beautiful from Allah in the spiritual sense. And that's sovereign Jimmy

00:47:20 --> 00:47:30

one Jamil for another Jimmy there's a weather Jimmy and there's a submerged me as a child that shimmy and there's a sub that shimmy. Now the other thing about sovereign Jamil

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is that he's telling himself something, clearly I'm guaranteeing you I am speaking with a great deal of confidence here. Allahu tada on him.

00:47:40 --> 00:47:43

I don't think he sees anything beautiful in front of him at the moment.

00:47:44 --> 00:47:45

He doesn't

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but he does have a promise from Allah.

00:47:49 --> 00:48:06

And the promise from Allah was Allah will fulfill His favor on you like he fulfilled it. And on your on the family of Yahoo. Just like he fulfilled it on your father's Ibrahim and his How Does any of that promise? Isn't that a beautiful promise?

00:48:07 --> 00:48:10

I'm gonna hold on to suberb because of the beautiful promise made by Allah.

00:48:13 --> 00:48:16

The words of Allah are so beautiful, even though reality in front of me so ugly.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:24

And that the beauty of those words will be enough for me to carry through this pain even though when I'm crying.

00:48:26 --> 00:48:28

How powerful is suffering to me?

00:48:29 --> 00:48:37

That he says, right now the only beauty I have left is in the promise of a law that gives me patience.

00:48:38 --> 00:48:39

That's the only beauty I have left.

00:48:41 --> 00:48:57

I am not going to lose hope in Allah. I'm not going to forget a less promise. I'm not going to have a bad opinion of Allah because of what's happened. I'm not going to say God, how could you let that happen to my child? That's my baby. What did he ever do?

00:48:58 --> 00:49:00

What could you possibly be thinking?

00:49:01 --> 00:49:03

You know, some people think God is sadistic.

00:49:04 --> 00:49:25

They develop an ugly view of Allah. He's not gonna let that happen to his heart. He's gonna maintain a kind of patience. That is beautiful. That keeps the faith the beauty of the faith inside him. The beauty with which he sees Allah in Allah. Hi, Jamil on your hebbal Jamal. Allah is beautiful. He loves beauty.

00:49:26 --> 00:49:41

He's going to maintain that view of Allah. He's going to maintain the view of Allah is beautiful promise among rods even as well as far as to say, if Iran is describing there such a thing as beautiful patience, then that must mean there's also such a thing is not beautiful patience.

00:49:42 --> 00:49:43

It's pretty wise.

00:49:44 --> 00:49:47

Because you could be patient and is building bitterness inside you.

00:49:48 --> 00:49:58

You could be patient is making you angry. You could be patient is making you resentful, is making you say things under your breath. It's always making you think of things in a negative way.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:06

You know, and that's it's taking all the light from inside you away because and you're saying, I'm being patient.

00:50:08 --> 00:50:10

It's patience, but it's not beautiful.

00:50:11 --> 00:50:16

And you know, what's the last piece of this puzzle that I need you to understand for myself and yourself,

00:50:17 --> 00:50:40

crying for his child, being devastated by the loss of use of feeling the sadness and the tear that his sons have caused him, the trauma that they've caused him, the scars that he revisits, every time he sees their face, every time the lies come out of their mouth, the way it stabs him in the heart, none of that pain goes away. Because you have suffer.

00:50:41 --> 00:50:44

Suffer doesn't mean you don't feel any more.

00:50:45 --> 00:50:48

Severe doesn't mean everything's beautiful.

00:50:49 --> 00:50:55

That's not what Southern means. Southern means I'm gonna have somewhere to preserve something beautiful.

00:50:56 --> 00:50:59

and preserving something beautiful can be very painful.

00:51:01 --> 00:51:08

That's that's what that means. And just because he's going to cry so much, he's going to lose his eyesight, but he still has beautiful visions.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:28

He's going to be the one that says later on in nama, scuba. theva was needed Allah, I only complain about my grief, and my overwhelming sadness to Allah. And yet he still has beautiful patience. You could you could say how can someone who complains have patience when they only complain to Allah?

00:51:29 --> 00:51:36

And they never complain to a law with a bad opinion of a law. You know, there's people who complain to a government, right? We demand blah, blah, blah.

00:51:37 --> 00:51:44

I want to complain that the government is not doing its job. We have a right to complain. That's not how we complain to allies. It

00:51:45 --> 00:51:50

was not we complain to a law, we complained to a Yala, you protect me more than anyone protects me.

00:51:52 --> 00:52:11

You provide me were no one provides me. You know me like no one knows me. And you know what? I'm going through Yala. Help me Who else can I turn to for help? We don't ask a law for help. We don't turn to a law with our complaints. With a complaining attitude. We turn to Allah and complain about our situation with beautiful patience.

00:52:12 --> 00:52:17

She does two things come together now. with beautiful patience, we turn to a line complain.

00:52:18 --> 00:52:27

I've seen Muslims Muslims. I know. I don't know what the last plan is. But I guess we all we have to do is just be patient.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:32

I don't know if that's patience. But if it is, it's definitely not beautiful.

00:52:33 --> 00:53:00

That's not what beautiful patients looks like. This is in Mr. Escobar. theva who's the inala that's coming eventually. For sabrewing Jamil, and voila, he was Tano Allah matassa foon. I am going to exhibit beautiful patience, meaning I'm going to do whatever I can. Because clearly getting these guys to admit what they did wrong, did not change course. And this is the last piece I'll share with you. I know I've gone extra long today. Well, last thing I shared with you,

00:53:02 --> 00:53:26

you know, a farmer has to be very patient with crop. A teacher has to be very patient with students, right? Because it's a long project to mature something to mature a student from knowing nothing to getting to whatever point you need them to get to is a long time when people take somebody in their apprenticeship at a mechanic shop, you know, or a bakery or something it's a long time before they can make the cake themselves. It takes a while

00:53:27 --> 00:53:32

he is his son's as messed up as they may be are still under his apprenticeship, yes or no.

00:53:34 --> 00:53:54

They're still his sons, they still live with him. And if there is any hope of them changing course, that cannot happen if he builds a resentment towards them, even though he has resentment towards them. But if he makes that resentment so powerful, that he's no longer able to be any source of good even towards them.

00:53:56 --> 00:53:59

Because if there's any hope, even if even a pharaoh can turn around,

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so maybe they can turn around to and we know better we if we if you saw them and if you know the story that you said these kids, these guys are beyond hope man is just that's just beyond evil. Doing this to a kid. But later on, you see they redeem themselves? Yes, they do. And the first thing they do is ask their father for to make doll for them.

00:54:19 --> 00:54:22

That actually means the father remained

00:54:23 --> 00:54:29

true to his role as a father, even though they didn't remain true to their role as sons.

00:54:30 --> 00:55:00

And that's part of Southern Jimmy, this is please, please pay attention to this last part. As I as I explained this to you. every relationship you and I are in whether it's with my parents, whether it's with my kids, whether it's with my spouse, whether it's with my friends, my community, my co workers, my business partners, whoever, whoever you have a relationship with. Either you can wronged them or they can wronged you and we're human, it's going to happen. They will do something wrong to you or you will do something wrong to them intentionally and in

00:55:00 --> 00:55:11

He's not even the point. Right now, that's not the point. The point is, if someone has done something wrong to you, we have this tit for tat mindset. Well, they didn't give me their right my rights.

00:55:12 --> 00:55:14

They didn't do right by me. So I'm gonna do wrong by them.

00:55:16 --> 00:55:18

You can demand your rights, you can do that.

00:55:20 --> 00:55:24

But one wrong can never justify another wrong.

00:55:25 --> 00:56:05

One wrong doesn't justify another wrong. When someone does wrong, you can say I no longer owe you, you, you're an employee, you didn't do your job, I no longer owe you to keep you hired. But it doesn't allow me to tarnish their name or go become vengeful, or that's beyond Southern. Southern means I will react to what they've done. But I will react within limits, and I will not cross the lines that allies set for me. Just because they cross lines, doesn't mean I get to cross lines. Just because they because they violated doesn't mean I'm gonna violate, I'll stand up for myself, I will do that. But at the same time, as I stand up for myself, I will not allow them, the I'm not good to

00:56:05 --> 00:56:10

them. Or I'm not, I don't do right by them because of them. I do right by them because of Allah.

00:56:11 --> 00:56:23

I don't owe that to them. I don't owe that to Allah. And I keep that in mind. And that gives me the ability to have patience, because if you think that you're doing right by someone because of them, well, nobody's deserving.

00:56:24 --> 00:56:25

Just like we're not deserving.

00:56:27 --> 00:56:41

But when you say I'm doing right by someone, because Allah is watching over me. And even if they're not doing right by you, you're still gonna do the right thing anyway. Because Allah is the one you're answerable to not them, you weren't doing it for them to begin with.

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You weren't doing it for them to begin with, your intentions will remain clear. And you're not going to develop an ugliness and a resentment inside towards them. Because your focus is in them, your focus is a large order for sovereign Jamie lunala, Moto,

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moto. And this summer is not easy. This kind of sovereign and maintaining the beauty isn't easy, and therefore the logical progression,

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beautiful patience it is then.

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But this patients can't be beautiful unless there's divine intervention. So only as allied health can be sought, especially against the ugly lies You're giving me. I'm being bombarded with the ugly, and I'm trying to hold on to something beautiful. The only one who can keep this beautiful in my heart is Allah. That's the ABC of this ayah at the end, and that's Yahoo and insulin response to his sons. So in summary, I leave you with the notion that I am suggesting humbly that iacobelli salam did not in fact, just sit back and say, Oh, well, he's gone. What can I do? In fact, he tried every means possible to get to the truth of the matter. And when he realized no recourses left is when he

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said, I'm doing everything I can, and I will continue to because suburb, by the way, also does not mean to sit back suburban means to persevere and continue on the right course. We think of cyber as, take it take the hits, defense, but subud actually means you're pushing against the wind and you keep marching forward anyway. So somebody is not a passive thing. It's an active thing. And so when he says submarine jabril, I'm gonna push forward.

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So for us to think that he took a passive role. I don't accept that he took a passive role a load on him, you know. And so he did that. And as he's pushing forward, he has a lot of help against the attributions that they make and may even be that he's going out in the woods. We don't know he's going out to look for, for his son. And they're saying, No, no, no, that's not here. We didn't we never went here. We never went there. And they're continued to make the lies. They're continuing to, you know, come up with creative concoctions Allahu tada on them. So you know with that, inshallah Tada, we conclude our portion of the story that landed us in Egypt. So we're now we this was the

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last scene in cannon and cannon is number 18. I told you guys, I have a surprise for you tomorrow, a good friend of mine with a socket is going to be with me tomorrow, we're going to do a live session tomorrow. It'll be a different hour. I haven't figured out the hour. Exactly. But I think it might be my or UK time. 4pm I think it's UK time 4pm if I'm not mistaken. I'm going to go on a live session and he's going to introduce him ribeye off to you guys. And we're actually going to read the story from the Old Testament from Genesis with some Hebrew analysis of the actual Hebrew text up until this scene where it corresponds with the Quran. And we'll do a comparison and contrast of the

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story from the Bible up until this point, in sha Allah and then we'll go on to the rest of the story. barakallahu li walakum filco and Hakeem when finally we can build it with the color scheme salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Surah Yusuf How is it Beautiful Patience

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