Mufti Menk – Why Does Allah Allow Suffering

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history of Allah's position, including his position as the creator and his use of the word Islam. They also touch upon the corruption that has been spread on Earth and the use of weapons to kill children. The speaker concludes that everyone has achieved their goals and is now focused on their own success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Why does Allah Subhana Allah Allah allow bad things to happen? If he's so merciful? Why would he do that?

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As well as Rahman Rahim. So the first thing that we need to remember is our position with Allah subhanahu wa taala. If we bear that in mind, then it becomes clear. Allah subhanho wa Taala created us He is the creator and we are the created we are the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala created by him. In the Quran, Allah subhanahu Attalus is law us Edwin F arrow will whom use Arun, he will not be questioned as to what he does and they will be questioned. So as a slave, a servant of Allah subhanaw taala we need to understand that our position is one of slave and servant, we render our lives we render our actions and everything that we can for Allah subhanho wa taala. Secondly, there

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is no denying that everything that happens, happens with the decree of Allah subhanahu wa taala. So it is ultimately allowed and permitted by Allah subhanho wa taala. So someone may think that if the Lord Almighty is so powerful, then why doesn't he just stop all the suffering? While in reality, if we take a look at when human beings were being created, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he the angels asked a similar question attach Luffy hammer you see Doofy while you were asked if he could demand will you place on earth those whom will cause corruption and spill blood? They will spill blood? What was the response from Allah subhanho wa Taala in nee Allah mo Mala Taleban, I know that

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which you don't know which means that our brains are limited to a certain capacity. Allah subhanahu wa taala gave us free will. And every one of us here can say that we experienced that on a daily basis. So if I want to lift a cup, I can lift it up. If I want to scratch my face, I can if I want to walk somewhere I can. So Allah subhanahu wa taala gave us free will but everything was decreed before it came into existence. And there is no denying this fact how the two work together is beyond your and my mind. And what does that do? That is where we say we submit to a bull is that you will gelar we submit to Allah subhanahu wa taala Our minds are too small to fathom the reality of this.

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Secondly, I'd like to add

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you may think

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that what is happening is terrible. It is evil, it's bad. But why do you attribute that evil to Allah subhanho wa Taala when you have the remedy as humanity in your hands, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave you the remedy. He gave you the ability to do something about it. So why are you talking about God's position, talk about yourself and what you've done and what you can do. While Fussa do feel better, we will bury Bhima cassava to aid in us. The corruption has spread on Earth by that which the hands of men have achieved have attained and earned is it God that pressed that button to send the missile and bomb children? Is it God that pulled that trigger and killed that child? Is it God

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that did all of these atrocities? No, it is a human being so why do you attribute to God that which you did yourself? So BarakAllahu li Kang May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us the understanding

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