Nouman Ali Khan – Striking Examples From The Quran #10 Adam and Jesus
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Salam Alaikum before you begin this video, I just quickly wanted to let you know that so much of the work on the Quran has been completed on being a TV I want you to enjoy systematically studying the Quran from the beginning all the way to the end in brief and then in great detail. And to do that I'd like for you to sign up on beta And once you appreciate what's going on in buying a TV, I want you to become an ambassador for it and share that subscription with friends and family and give it as a gift also thank you
I will be a humanist show Utah and then logy.
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the law he came up with any Mr. Kanako whom in to Robin from McCall Ella who can
rubbish Oh, he suddenly were silly Emery Loksatta melissani of Gokhale for law hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was happy to hear Jemaine about everyone once again. So Mr. Lincoln rahmatullahi wa ala with Ricardo.
You don't have in the Quran any place really where two prophets are being compared to each other, except for the case of Adam and Alisa Lahemaa Salam. So they've been compared with one another in this very special kind of way. Allah says the example of Isa with Allah is the example of Adam in a masala ISA and Allah Gama thaliana. No doubt about it. The example of Isa as far as Allah is concerned, is just like the example of Ahmadi salaam Holika home in Torah, He created him from dirt, so makalah who confer goon and then he said to him be and he is he becomes. So this is a an interesting kind of correlation between two prophets. And to really appreciate this one, one has to
understand who the audience of the Quran is.
In the Macan Quran, a big portion of portion of the audience were people that were from the Quran that worshipped idols had different kinds of religions and the different kinds of tradition and culture and the Quran. Allah is aware of their culture and is speaking to them in a way that hits them from their perspective. When the prophets Allah, Allah Musa Medina, Allah is speaking in sort of Bukhara, for example to the Israelites, and it's particularly the rabbi's. Yeah, Bani Israel, right, he sent sons of Israel. And the language seems to tell you that he's not just talking to the Jews, he's talking to the rabbis. He's talking to the scholars of Judaism. The same thing is
happening in Alia Imran, he's actually not just talking to Christians in general, he's actually talking to the ministers, the deacons, the representatives of the Christian faith, the people ordained in the church, the people that had qualifications and spent many years in the monasteries, the scholars of Judaism and the scholars of Christianity, this is one of the great revolutions of the Quran. In different kinds of religions. When people try to convert others, they go to the least knowledgeable people, and try to convert them. Right so missionaries will go to villages where people are not very educated and try to convert them over to the religion. And the Quran doesn't go
after the least knowledgeable of Judaism and the least knowledgeable of Christianity goes and starts interrogating the scholars of Judaism and the scholars of Christianity and challenges them it's actually unheard of unprecedented in any religion. So today, I'm going to share with you because Allah Imran, in a sense, it complements what's happening in social Bukhara, and we're beginning the beginning of SoTL Bacara was a comprehensive discussion on the Quran relationship and Allah's relationship with Bani Israel after coming after the coming of Muhammad Rasool Allah. So what is Allah's relationship with the Israelites? The same way? What is Allah's relationship with the
Christian people is in sorta Lebanon in its first half. So there's a there's a lot of correspondence between these two. So and of course, if we're going to talk about Christians, and we're going to talk about Jesus, quite a bit. So even though this is not going to be a lecture about isa Ali Salaam in detail, some important things from a Christian perspective and also from a Jewish perspective, I need you to understand, from a Jewish perspective, a silent Salam is not recognized as a prophet. In fact, he's, he's seen as an imposter. He's seen as someone who claimed to be a prophet, who was misinterpreting the Torah, according to them, according to some of their leaders, scholars, they
have entire passages dedicated in their commentaries on cursing Jesus, and you know, may his May his bones be ground to dust and all of it because he thought he can change our law or he can change our religion, he was a threat to our nation and we were able to reject him etc, etc, etc. And this is even later writings up until, you know, mid 11th century or 12th century in the Talmud and other other literature so they have this like, pretty visceral attitude towards towards Jesus. In fact, what
When the Catholic Church found out about some of the writings the Jews had about Jesus, they banned some of those writings because they were so offensive against Jesus. Right? So there's this added, there's been this attitude of, you know, Jews are generally in the Jewish scholarship having a very, very staunch anti Jesus attitude. Historically, and this is the this even predates Islam. And the important thing to note there is for them, one of the arguments they made is, why would there ever be a man without a child without a father? How can that be? No, he was just a regular man. Yes, we consider him a Jew from a Jewish perspective, we consider him a Jew, because he's both born of a US
as they wrote. He's born of a woman. That's Jewish. And that's how you, technically you're considered Jewish. If your mom is Jewish, that's their sort of later development. So by that definition, Jesus is Jewish. And they say, Oh, his father was a Gentile, so they do attribute a father father to him. Okay. And he's only they say, it's funny that they wrote, we only figuratively consider him illegitimate. What in the world does that mean? But that's, that's literally they wrote us out. On the other side of this is the Christian faith and which has its different denominations. But basically, Jesus is the Son of God because he's born of the Virgin Mary. And there was in the
history of Christianity and interesting relationship between the New Testament everything about Jesus and the Old Testament, which is believed to be the you know, the Jews believed the Old Testament was written literally thought was written by Musa alayhis salaam by like, he sat and wrote the whole thing down. Now there are parts of the Torah where Musa Musa is death is being described Ali Salam. So the rabbi's got confused, like did they? Did Musa write down about his own death, and how he died? And they say, Yes, Allah told him write it down. That's how you're going to die. This is a pretty dark interpretation. But any serious scholarship doesn't believe that. But the Orthodox
Jews do believe that Torah was written entirely by Musa al Islam. Now this random, this created a problem for the Christian people, because that's the word of God. And the gospel is also now the Word of God. And they want to create, they will they want to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. But the entire Gospel is not talking about a lord and savior or God becoming human or God sacrificing himself for the sins of humanity. None of that is in the Old Testament. So we got to find it, we got to figure out some way of creatively interpreting the Old Testament. Just keep in mind the Old Testament, the Old Testament is actually the same for the Jews and the Christians. It's the same
book. Like you know, we have the same Quran. And you can imagine some people who believe in the Quran have a completely different interpretation. They come up with a new interpretation, right? So the New Testament is exclusive, of course, to the Christian people. But the Old Testament is the same for the Christians and the Jews, but they look at it very differently. They interpret the stories very differently. They extract from it very differently. So for example, for for Christians, the story of use of is important because Yusuf Ali Salam was in Cannan, for Christians keep this in mind for Christians use of wasn't Golan and then he moved to Egypt. Yes, he moved to Egypt, so he
wasn't limited to one nation. So they say, oh, yeah, Joseph was the savior of Egypt, God, God was showing us that the Savior for all of humanity is coming. Joseph was just a preview for Jesus. That's how they interpret the story of Yusuf because he's International in a sense, and Jesus is supposed to be according to them for all of humanity, the same story of Yusuf alayhi salam, Jewish scholars have had an interesting relationship with Yusuf alayhi salam because some of them actually didn't like use of too much. They didn't like him because we all know the Israel but Louisa entered Egypt because of use of
and they got out of Egypt because of Musa
so in the minds of some of the Jewish scholarship,
its use of salt that we got stuck with the fountain.
So if you read the story of Joseph and the commentary on Joseph, in Jewish tradition, they're actually taking shots at use of Elisa.
They're taking shots at him. And it's not in the Quran. When it tells the story of use of Islam. It's actually correcting a lot of the things they were saying about use of Felisa. The Quran defends a prophet of Bani Israel from Bani Israel. The Quran defends Musa from the allegations made against Musa alayhis salam in the Torah, which they call Torah mache, the Torah of Musa but today I'm going to start with the brief one is for the for the Jews. ssrna salam can't even be a prophet because you know, he's born without a legitimate father, etc. They have some something along those lines. But I really want to help you understand the relationship between Adam Alayhis Salam, and Isa Islam
according to the Christians, and this is really important. So everything I'm about to tell you right now is not Islam.
Everything I'm about to tell you is Christianity. And that that existed it permeated throughout the world. So we all know we came to this earth through other medicinal. So if you will, human beings are on this planet, and it all started with the story of Adam, which is the first story in the book of Genesis. The Jewish the Christian interpretation is when God created Adam, He created him in a in his perfect image,
which basically is like saying he was almost like God Himself.
Their their view of Adam was created so perfect, He was divine, himself almost Okay, in the perfect image, and he told him not to eat from the tree. But when he ate from the tree because Eve seduced him to eat from the tree. Again, I'm reminding you, this is not Islam. This is Christianity. When he seduced him to eat when she seduced him to eat from the tree, that perfect image of God broke, it shattered, it cracked like a glass that cracks. So now even though he was made almost like God, now he is damaged, the image of God is damaged in Adam. And now he has to suffer the punishment of being damaged. And what's the punishment while the devil was punished, he was told, you're going to turn
into a snake and you have to crawl on your belly. The Book of Genesis is telling you this, okay? That's your punishment. Eve is being told you have to suffer when you give birth. And now from now on, you have to be owned by your husband. Basically, that's hurt, that's Eve's punishment. And Adams punishment is you're going to experience death, and you're going to break your back and sweat, to earn your food to earn your living. So earning is the punishment from Allah and giving birth is a punishment from Allah and the devil is being punished because he has to crawl in the world etc. So these were the punishments and now we were sent Adam even the devil all sent to the earth as a
punishment and the broken image of God right that's that's their version. Now once this is this, by the way, the Quran disagrees with this from the beginning, it reentered retells the story from the beginning. And the most important part of that is we were not sent here as a punishment. No, the Quran rejects this idea. We were not sent to earth as a punishment.
Anyway, here's the next problem for the Christians. The Christians say, Well, you know how you say, I don't know if you have the signs here we have them in Texas in different places. If you break it, you pay for it.
Right? You break it, you pay for it. They have this idea. Well, if Adam messed up, the human being messed up, the only one who can fix this broken image has to be the human being. But the problem with the human being is he's broken. He's perpetually wretched, he's wicked. Doesn't matter how much good a human being does, he can never redeem himself. He's always going to be bad, is never going to be good enough. So the first problem they said is, human beings broke that Adam broke that image, but he has to fix it. The second they said is he's too broken and too damaged and too corrupt, to be able to fix it himself. Even if he does good deeds, his entire life is never going to be good
enough. is never going to be good enough. This is again Christianity. What's our solution in Islam to that Allah told them or they said, I make Toba. It's all good.
There was no it's impossible. You can't recover the image of God no, no, Allah says Allah Cardamone, Rebekah, Lima, Fatah. Toba was enough damage now move on. You're not living in the damaged broken image and none of that stuff. The problem solved. But for them no, no, no Toba. No good deeds. Nothing is good enough. The Quran concept in Al Hassan Abdullah hipness, a yard is non existent in the Christian realm. Right. So they're saying human beings are not able to fix it. Now the problem is then is human beings are now the Children of Adam, even though he did the first sin, his children are being born in Original Sin. They're carrying on the broken image of God, and they can't get out
of this mess. Human beings will forever remain in wickedness because of the mistake made by Adam. So God finally decided, hey, I have a solution. Because only a human being can fix this. And I know they can't fix it. How about I just become a human being and fix it for them.
And so God turned into Jesus. And then he fixed what Adam broke. So basically, Adam messed up, and that's why we're on earth. And the only thing that solved this problem of getting us out of our wretched misery, and to save us from ourselves was God decided you people are helpless. You can't even do anything right yourselves. I'm going to do it for you. I'll turn into turn into a man. And you know what, I'll sacrifice myself just so I can pay for all that brokenness that happened. Right? And then so they have in the Christian literature, not in the Bible, but in the Christian interpretation. You have a lot of comparison between Jesus and Adam. Adam ate from the tree.
It was such an easy instruction, but he couldn't follow it. Jesus was told to sacrifice himself on the
CROs, such a difficult instruction, but he still followed it.
Adam may you know disobeyed God and listen to the devil did Jesus was able to conquer the devil, Adam is the reason we have death. Remember the punishment in the Bible was now you will experience death. And Jesus will be the reason that we will have eternal life. They created this entire contrast between Adam and Jesus over and over again. What did Allah do with all of that the this was written by great scholars of Christianity, theologians that were trying to come up with a narrative to sell to people, why should you believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, the Quran the two things here, the Quran first corrected the story of Adam, Melissa
first corrected the story of Adam or Lisa. And there's some important key elements of that not the whole story, I'll just share some key elements of that so you can at least compared to the Christian version, first of all, Allah azza wa jal announced that he's creating a creature from clay, and then he's going to put into him his rule when it comes to female Rohi. For Karla Husar gene, there is no mention of him being divine, but he does have something special in him, which you convinced you confused as being divine itself, but it is the rule that Allah put inside of him. And the rule of Allah is actually from the armor of Allah, this is going to be important. Yes or no naka, annual
rule Collaroy human embryo be a special decree a command of Allah, that's true. Keep this word in mind. It's going to be important in a minute. That's why I don't That's how Adam was created fine. The second thing is Adam alayhis. Salam was told us going into was ojochal Jana. Stay here in heaven with you and your spouse, but the word stay was gone is not used for permanent residents. It's actually used for temporary stay. So goon also even is actually to take pause. Offload means live forever. Oakland live forever Ozcan. Stay, take pause. In fact, in the Quran, even before Adam was created, Allah announced that he was being created for the earth in a jar in one fell out the
Halifa. He wasn't created for heaven, and then he messed up and then the punishment was that he has to come to Earth. In fact, he was made to be on the earth. And he was only sent to Jana, to train him to teach him about certain things that teach him the power of the police's vice versa, and how much it can, how much it can mess him up, etc, etc. So there's a completely different telling of the story in the Quran, from the Christian account. But what the most amazing thing is, the Christians do believe that we came here on Earth and we are in misery we are punished, we're cursed. We're cursed by the mistake of Adam. And that curse can only be lifted through Jesus that's that's the
idea. What does Allah do about coming to the earth?
The two places in the Quran where the story of Adam Alehissalaam is told in detail is Baqarah and then again in Ara, so surah number two in surah. Number seven, okay in the order of the Messiah, of course seven was revealed first who was revealed later, but in both cases Allah does something really interesting before he tells the story. He says whether the Haleakala coma film or the Jimmy and some must have Addis Ababa who knows of Osama what are we collecting, it is called Abu Khalil melodica. And even before the hola Dijon document or the Federation, was some Albina. And well, Angela Amina sama Eman for us Raja behemoth, Emirati, that is canola calm. Before he talks about the
story of Adam, he describes how wonderful the world is.
If the world is a punishment, if the world is a prison, you should have a description of how terrible the world is, before you talk about the story of how you ended up in this jail.
What does Allah first do? He describes how wonderful he made this world for all of you, and that is that he gave you then he tells the story of Adam.
What is he doing so talara he says Raja Anala comfy Hama Ayesha kalila Mataji Quran
we put you on the earth we put in here everything that can give you nutrition, everything that can give you a good life, how little you show gratitude.
Then the story of Adam,
what does that do? It tells every Christian that's listening. It tells every Christian that's listening, we're not here being punished. This world is a beautiful Nirma from Allah. And Allah put us here with all of these them so that we could be grateful in fact, the devil challenged Allah and said, I will ruin them in this world. How will I ruin them I will prove to you when I tell you do a thorough home, check it in, you're gonna find that most you will not find most of them being grateful. And Allah before he talks about how we got here, he keeps emphasizing how grateful we should be for being here. That's incredible. A completely different narrative. So now they have this
idea that Adam is broken and Jesus is perfect and Adam was the mistake and Jesus was the correction and all of that right and
Allah takes all of that theology and all of that we're cursed in the world and all of it. And he squeezes into this one idea. And he says in masala Aysel, Issa and Allah, Camellia Adam, and the example in the example, no doubt of Jesus, as far as God is concerned, is the same as the example of Adam
Halacha, whom in Torah Ventura, He created him from dirt, by call it but by saying He created him from dirt. This is actually reducing other malaise, and I'm sad, so I'm too human.
And then he's a former kala who gone for good this gunfire coup and everybody here is familiar with Allah commands and it is and that's actually the amount of Allah. This is also the word of Allah. Quran is the word of Allah, the Christians developed this idea that in the beginning, there was the Word, logos, the Word, and the Word was Jesus, Jesus is the Word, he's the walking word, etc, etc. And what does Allah do? Yeah, yes, he did. He was a result of the amount of Allah, but so was Adam.
So as Adam, so if you're so obsessed with that being the word, this is also another word of Allah, and all of it is coming from the same origin. whenever ALLAH says going, something comes into being, and just like that, just like the fire was commanded to not burn in the case of Ibrahim Al Islam, the same way Adam was created the same way he sadly Salam was created. When I first learned about this, I have many, many, many years ago, I wanted to just kind of have casual conversations with Christians about desire. Just see what happens. Because I mean, I'm a troll before the days of online trolling. I was like a in person troll. So one time I was taking, I was taking the train and
next to me was a guy reading the, the Wall Street Journal. I was clearly a finance guy. And he just, you know, I was memorizing, and he was reading The Wall Street Journal, and he's, he just looks at me goes, What you got there. And we just start talking. And I was like, yeah, just, you know, Muslim and just learning about Jesus. So I changed the page to la mer. I was just learning about Jesus.
You know, yeah, I'm Catholic. I was like, No way.
I always had a question for you Catholics. Because what I see your your whole thing is Jesus is God's Son, because he's born of the Virgin Mary. It's a divine birth. It's a miracle. And it goes, Yeah, that was like, Okay, so there's no dad, and that, that's what makes it miraculous. He goes, Yeah, I was like, well, with Adam. There's no mom or dad.
That's like twice as miraculous.
Because that's the idea of the iron right? I mean, if Jesus is the miracle of God, then Adam like to do no mom or dad. Right? He goes, I guess that's the mystery of faith.
Which is actually at the core of the religion, and their religion is things are supposed to be mysterious. Things are supposed to be confusing. Things are supposed to be unclear. And you know what the word for unclear confusing causing doubt. You know what the word for that is in Arabic media.
The word for that is media. Look at the next aisle Hakuna Rebecca filata communal monitoring.
The truth is from Europe don't become from those who fall into mystery and confusion and
don't become those people. Subhan Allah. Now what's even more, this is the last thing this is a brief one today. But one last thing I wanted to share with you about this incredible idea. And this comparison between acla Sam and Adam at least.
It's pretty cool, because otherwise Sam is being sent down. And he said his son was being raised up. It's kind of cool. There's a correspondence between them. It's also pretty cool that in the entire Quran, other Alehissalaam has mentioned 25 times
and the entire Quran essentially, Islam is also mentioned 25 times. And the ayah says the example of Isa, as far as Allah is concerned is exactly like the example of Adam and quite literally the number of times Adam is cited is exactly the number of times as I cited Elisa. And then what's also interesting is this is the seventh time in if you go from the beginning reading the Quran, this is the seventh time you see the mention of Issa. And if you go from the beginning of the Quran, this is also the seventh time, this is the mention of Adam
right and these are these are observations we can make about the most half now. Because we have this like you can if you have a Quran app and you do a search on Adam, you'll see yourself then do a search on ASA, you'll see it yourself, how it's situated, and how you know this. This is even something that the Rasul of Allah Azza wa sallam boasted about or brought to the attention of the people. It's just the way the Quran is. Allah commented off the macula Laocoon Farrakhan is a it's a pretty incredible way of engaging in conversation with the Christian community. This is also a pretty engaging way of engaging in conversation with the Jewish community. Remember, I told you that
He's believed he's illegitimate because there's no there's no dad. They just came up with this No Dad theory. Allah says, Why is that so impossible? If it's not impossible for Allah to do that with Adam, why can't you do that with at least at a salon? So in this one phrase in Namath, Allah ISA and Allah he committed the Adam halacha home into rob from makalah, who confer Kuhn This is addressed both the Christian and did you in one shot
was actually both scholarships were addressed in one go with one one remarkable example that Allah gave comparing the two of them together. So I pray that Allah azza wa jal gives us an appreciation of understanding the prophets of Allah in light of what Allah has revealed to us. Many of you young students are on campus. And you talk about what's the best way to do that well to your non Muslim friends, depending on their background, right? If they're a Christian background, then you should know some things about Christianity and how the Quran talks to Christianity, how it engages in a rich conversation with the Christian faith and even with Christian scholarship. If you have Jewish
friends or Jewish co you know, students in campus or university or even professors, how is the Quran talking to the Jewish people you should know something about Judaism, and how the Quran is engaging in conversation with them. Right? So you have to know you can't just have one kind of Dawa. And the most beautiful part of the Dawa of the Quran is the Quran is spending less time introducing these people to Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, the Quran is spending more time introducing the Jews to Musa Rahim because the Quran is claiming you thought you knew him you didn't.
And then it's claiming it's spending more time introducing the Christians to Jesus and Mary, saying You keep saying their name. How about you become honest about what they were and here's what who they truly were. So it's, it's not Jesus versus Mohammed actually in the Della. In the doorway. It's Jesus, the Christian Jesus, the biblical altered altered story of Jesus versus the true story of Jesus. That's actually what it is we're trying to re reintroduce them to who we are as either he said I'm is we're reintroducing them to who Maria is, reintroducing them to who Yahia is, etc. That's what the Quran is actually doing. It's pretty incredible stuff, you know, so we're meeting
them on common ground, actually. We're meeting them on common ground and Allah azza wa jal give us an understanding of his book, and to be able to have meaningful, rich, respectful, but straightforward conversations with those of other faiths around us that Allah has, in a sense he's actually implored us he's charged us with having that discussion with them. And may Allah equip especially our young generation to be able to have that conversation meaningfully with those around them. BarakAllahu li Walakum filled Quran Al Hakim when a value er combine it with the clock he was salam, ala Kamara tonight on our cattle
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