Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan With The Quran – Day 2

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of language programming in writing and the use of words in the title of books. They also touch on the struggles of pasture's words and the importance of being in a situation until the end. The transcript describes a surah where a man named Rahul Caleshied talks about the importance of being in a situation until the end and a group of people who are skeptical of the rearview mirror and the importance of being in a situation until the end.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now it's time for me to share with you some qualities, the literary qualities of the soul and shallow Tada. And I'll begin with the structure of the surah. Not easy to discover, but I'll for those of you that are taking notes, the four sisters,

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I'm going to share this for you. So the first part of the sutra, which is from the first ayah to the ninth ayah is the argument for judgment day, which was when nozze rT horikawa Nasha. thenational wasabi haitus of how all the way to absolve Ohashi first to the nine fire. What was it if I remind you quickly, it was the rate of the morning and through the rate of the morning unless as that's what judgment is going to feel like? Right? That was the the first I attend the ninth and the 10th to the 14th. Now this is Section two, a lot deals with people who are skeptical about the hour

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and a half

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amin Hakuna vamana Hello, are we going to be taken brought back from the ditch when our bones have decayed? And all of a sudden they'll find themselves wake in the middle of the night. You remember that? So that's the skeptics of the after of the Day of Judgment. That's your section two, then section three is a lesson from history. What's that lesson from history, you remind me, the Pharaoh, Moses and the Pharaoh. That's your section three from 15 to 26. That goes on. And then you've got your Section four, which is the world around you and how a less creative power. But that's section three is actually married to Section four in that Allah described the great empire of the Pharaoh

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and then compared that to what he created all around you that trumps the Empire of the Pharaoh. Right? So that would be the world around you and observing the world, the world around you. And so then we get to so now how many sections do we have? For right? The fifth section of the surah is again a description of judgment a for either jati tomahto Cobra yo Matata Colin Sano masala Borussia Tanja himolla, manyara description of the afterlife once again, the one who was afraid of standing in front of his master that we were just talking about, right? So that's your fifth section. And finally, the sixth section is the question the hour, when is it coming? And Allah says, What is it

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your business to know? But when it does come, you'll feel like you lived here for just one day. That's the last conversation of this little so how many sections that I say, six? Now appreciate the following. The sutra began with two parts, part one and two. Part One was judgment A and Part Two was skepticism about judgment a, if you go to the end of the soda, it's also two parts Judgment Day and questioning judgment A. So it's actually mirroring what happened in the beginning of the surah. Structurally, one and two are pretty much mirrored by five and six completing each other, you see that? And the center of the surah is basically a lesson from By the way, if you I'll take you one

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more, step back back, one and two, and five and six, the beginning and the end of the sutra are all about the future, are they not? Because judgment days when in the future, and there are only three components of time? What are they past, present, and future. So the sutra begins with the future. And it also ends with the future, what's left, what are the two elements of time left, the past and the present, what's the middle of the surah, the middle of the sutra is the past Pharaohs, and the world around you that you should observe like the smooth earth and the open sky in the pasture, which is Your what? Present, learn from your past and apply it to your present so you're ready for

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your future.

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Incredible it's the marvel of the symmetry of the Quran. So that's one thing that I wanted to highlight. The next thing that I want to highlight is additional notes. Those of you that are English majors should take note of this because you should do every paper you do should be on a surah of the Quran. When your teacher says pick up pick up paper, do a literary paper on one side of the Quran, you will have the time of your life and it will be a spiritual experience to okay for the for the two of you that were allowed to be English majors because that's not a real job and you know, what are you going to do with that?

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Because what's the importance of language

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programming now there's something to do

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you know speak the language of machines anyway. Drowning in what Nancy it her car when I see it her car, which was those the horses that are being yanked, and the drowning that takes place, the drowning could be when they're pulled completely withdrawn. It could also mean when they drown into their enemies when they rage into their enemies, and that's also an illusionary reference to something else. When judgment day comes, the angels will dive into the people to execute the punishment of Allah and the organization of people right. Later on Allah mentioned in the sutra, the story of the Pharaoh.

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The story of the Pharaoh, interestingly should remind you

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Have something drowning because the federal also one round. So there's there's a correlation that's subtle but there. Notice also wasabi party sub ca something I did mention before the horses that are rating that get ahead sabich also in Arabic also means when the front legs of the horse are fully extended and they marched forward and the pharaoh there's a parallel to that too because the pharaohs were given a kind of power and status that nobody else enjoyed in the worlds while at a nominal fee Bala amin

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Allah, Allah Allah Allah May Allah says about the pharaohs we chose them over all of their nations gave them power that nobody was ever given and give them signs that nobody was ever given. But notice that those first IOD where the horses are raiding.

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The You know, a lot of them have as soon said, This is not about horses is about the angels taking the souls you remember that? Okay, so listen, some of the words that are used in that passage. Were What fun would that be irati Umrah, they plan out the decision you know if you study the Quran, that phrase is used for Allah you don't build

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you w lumber multiple times. So must Allah Allah Allah Allah the bill amor you collegial? Hi Amina

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Amina woman UW Umbra fossa who Luna ma who plans the affair who plans the decision. So the phrase planning the decision is used elsewhere for Allah. And here it's used in a sense of the Raiders that are executing the plan right. There seems to be some connection. Similarly, we saw nozze art Now that means to what Paul if you look at the verb elsewhere in the Quran, so Milan and the Andaman Galicia in a shadow at a certain Sumerian, Allah says we will pull from every group who are the rebellious, we will yank from every group. So if you look at the usage of words, there's a parallel to other places in the Quran. And I'll tie that together in a second. We saw a savvy hottie somehow

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in that image of the Raiders, those who swim and when Allah describes heavenly bodies, he says, well, Kowloon fella kin, yes, but when they're floating. In other words, we are describing a raid that's happening. But actually at the same time, we're describing a raid of, in a sense, cosmic proportions, something that's Heaven, it's alluding to something heavenly at the same time, as it's looking at something in the worldly sense. That is why words like Raja and La diva and hafjell are important because now check this out Raja fi means disturbance like when the raid happens there's a disturbance about the firemen second wave, the second wave of judgment a just like the Raiders, you

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think the attack is done but there's another wave of attack. Half era means original state, but half it also means the ditch made by or the mark made on the ground by the hope of a horse which goes back to the rate of the morning. Right so the word half it also takes you back to the morning and then my favorite for innama here's a gelatin wahida remember Allah described judgment as it's gonna be one loud cry, and everybody will be standing. You know what happens when there's a night raid? The first one to wake up? What does he do?

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He'll call it out and everybody else is that on one day? He does that when the one villager sounds the alarm ones Angela, what happens to everybody else? Now they're up all night. Look at the I have judgment a he says for in NEMA. He has a gelatin wahida it's gonna be one outcry for either homeless Sahara, then they're going to be up in the middle of the night. Like judgment a parallel But that night rate again. Then in the moment of meeting with Allah, what did Allah say? If not la hora boo Villa del Mercado de la when Allah met with Messiah a Salaam in the valley of Torah. You know I didn't mention what he said to Musa here but we're supposed to know already what he said. The first

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thing I said to him was I listen I'm in so many places are the most important thing that's even mentioned in the Bible, in nanny and Allah in the book, no doubt it is I Allah it is I your master young Musa inna who and Allah. Allah as usual Hakeem Musa is I Allah, the ultimate authority, the Wise yeah Moosa ini. And Allahu Allah mean, I am Allah, Master of the world's Exodus says, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, this is what God said to Moses on the mountain. So in all of these references, God introduces himself as God, which is directly in contrast with the pharaoh who stood up on his fake mountain. And what did he say? Hon

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como la da, da, da, da, da. So the contrast has already been set in place by the reference to both of those things. And the contrast includes other subtle connections, the Pharaoh, what did he do with the believers? He wrote after them to attack them. And the surah began with what a morning raid and when he wrote after them, he

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was drowned was any? And here you have one nazjatar Lorca. And so the contrast between both of those is it shouldn't be lost on us. The other interesting thing here is that Allah says they execute his decisions falcoda Pilati Umrah and doesn't matter what the pharaoh plan the execution was done, the root letters with a B rot occur again in the story of the pharaoh when he says from ISIL

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ISIL so he made his plans, Allah had his own plans allies teaching us through that doesn't matter if your enemies as powerful as federal and and whatever efforts and plans he makes Allah has his own plans and they will be executed. You also notice the story began the surah began did it begin with morning or they'll begin with night?

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What do you think? It began with the night because the raid happens at nighttime. Notice the language of Mashallah Illa hahahahaha, he made the night almost invisible to see through and he made the morning brilliant. He started that parable also with the night almost taking us back to that read. One of the most interesting things I found about this sutra is one that I mentioned is pasture greenery, grazing. You remember how I was telling you that it's related to the Pharaoh and how they were the only ones that had pasture left? Check this out every time in the Quran. Allah mentions ra ma ra pasture.

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Musa alayhis salam is in that surah

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Subhash Arabic and then the Katara fadda

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murasame word by the end of that surah in the Hagia Sophia Lula Sophie, Ibrahima Musa. Musa spoke directly to the Pharaoh and said kulu an AMA can graze your animals graze your animals, he said to the Pharaoh, and here in this surah by the end of that passage, this all of this grazing is for you and your animals but the Malian army come it's almost as though this surah is echoing the words of Masada, Islam, reliving the struggle of Musashi Salaam in this illusion in these illusionary references, as a matter of fact, one of the coolest things even when Messiah escaped Egypt, and he was out in Meridian and he helped those two young ladies you know what they said to him? La nasty

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Hata ustilago they are abouna shaken. We will not feed our animals any drink until Daria is done the pasture the rest of the pasture is done feeding. So they are and Musa come over and over and over again as they do in the solar and Riyadh never occurs in a surah without Masada said I'm in it. Now the interesting are the other interesting contrasts here that I wanted to highlight. What did fit around deny for Rahul

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Cobra and by the end of this sort of either at a tall metal Cobra,

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there's a sudden accident. When you deny the greatest sign you will face the greatest calamity. There's a correlation between those two words even phonetically on Cobra Cobra, then you find a Yama taco in Santo masa at the end people will remember the efforts that they made especially people like fit down from either Bara Yes, sir. Yes, sir. They come together. And by the way, there's a third word in this list that shows this here's the same route. Yes, aluna. Can a Sarah a Sarah Sarah, yes, are all connected. There's a SAR coming, where you will remember the setting that you made. That's all tying things together. You find in the surah. Whoever rebelled for a moment or whoever rebelled

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Remember that? Guess what, when what the Pharaoh was introduced? What did Allah say? In the happy life around in the Torah, it's coming back again, reminding you don't be like the Pharaoh. There's a connection between the two. When we talked about those who were skeptical of the ark era. There were two passages right, the second passage and the sixth passage. Those who question the asset are skeptical of the Arcana. They both start the same way. Yoku Luna

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Yes, aluna aka Anasazi, they say they asked the question, you know, it's this and in the beginning, they asked a question in Alamo

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At the end, they're asking a question, Ayanna Murcia, when is it coming alive saying they will ask all kinds of silly questions. That still doesn't mean they deserve an answer. And so, and then you you look also at innama the response in both cases, in the first case, Allah satisfied innama he has a gelatin wahida he responded to them with the word in number. The second time they make a criticism in nama and tamashiro, Manisha you're just one to respond. By the way. I was studying an orientalist paper several people have written on this surah and the orientalist believe the Quran was authored by the prophet or several

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They don't believe it's from Allah right? So they said about the surah. There's no connections, it's all over the place. This surah must have been put together much later on. because nothing's connected. Like, seriously, you're not connected.

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Because even the devices of work like inomata in nema kulula is another organism. The regiment is so perfectly organized. The the design here is so incredible for you to say that this is random. You're random.

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But there are many things you get a PhD paper off of writing it. That's why you guys need to study literature and do PhDs on slivers of the Quran. So people see and academics sit there and go, Whoa, I am stupid.

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There is something here there is something powerful here, you know. And so now as Raja ilaha illa hahahahaha. Allah referred before that he brought out it's night and brought up this morning and by the end Judgment Day, what's he gonna say? Yo, yo, yo, Holla Holla

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Holla Holla night and day come back again. And again. It is as though a live saying every time you see night and day, you should remember you're going to think it was just one night and one day, he tied those two notions together once again, my favorite one of my favorites, while dibala arsa he tagged the mountains down. And the criminals the skeptics have the audacity to say yes aluna Anasazi Ayanna Murcia. When is the our gonna drop down? It is as though a life thing you who don't recognize that Allah will drop mountains down You dare question when the Day of Judgment is gonna drop down on you. You want to know the mercy of the one who is the mercy of the Jeevan

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Yana Masada again the words tying together like that. In number antimony Roman Yasha you are only there to one the one who will be afraid of it. Was it What was the pharaoh told? The Pharaoh was told what I had? Yeah, Kayla Baker, for Tasha in the finale cannot ever attend Lehman yaksha and by the end, the prophet is told Listen, you will preach to everyone but the only ones you'll get through to are the people who internally deep inside of themselves carry a fear. The the themes of the surah are built upon the words that are dropped, and the subtle hints that are dropped and the progress and develop one on top of the other prison you know painting an entire complete picture.

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milazzo didn't give us an appreciation of the power and the beauty of the Quran. And May Allah increase our emaan in our taqwa and make us of those who do not give preference to worldly life, as was criticized in the sutra botica lovely welcome, Hakeem. When finally what was the akima salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

Surah An-Naziat

Summing up his eye-opening interpretation of Surah An-Nazi’at, Ustadh Nouman offers this unique commentary on the perfectly symmetrical structure of the surah. He explains how its six distinct sections parallel each other both thematically and linguistically in a way that reinforces Allah’s indisputable authorship of the Quran.


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