Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan Gems 2019 – Night 2 – Prophet Muhammad

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The history and use of the term "sall artists" in Arabic language, as well as the importance of praise for the Lord and the use of the word "sall artists" in the Arabic language are discussed. The use of "verbal" in the context of religion is also discussed, along with the history of the term's use in the title of the messenger. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding slang to assert one's beliefs and emphasize the use of the word "sall himself" to describe their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Selam Aleykum Mercado Libre

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah said al anbiya wa Sallim wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa minister Nabil Sunita he lived in La Jolla main home, Amina Latina Amina Amina Sati heart, whatever so be happy, but also be Southern Amina, but I live in

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a condo Jim makanda Mohammedan had individually como la casa de la homina been

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rubbish Sorry, sorry, were silly Emily wahluke data melissani Cody. I mean, yeah, but I mean, as I mentioned yesterday, one night we'll talk about a law and another night we'll talk about Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So tonight we'll speak about his beloved idea. He slept with saddam. And I want to start with his name. And a place I want to start is rather unusual. The messenger before our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the last main messenger that was sent was a Salah a Salam.

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And Allah azza wa jal talks in six different places about a silent Salaam in the Quran. And in one of those places, he tells us something that they have hidden or they lost in their scripture. And what Allah tells us is that his job was to do two things. Mossad, the Kalima, Bina de Amina Taurat, I've come to confirm what is right in front of me of the Torah, meaning that the rabbi's of the time and the newest law of the time, knew the Torah, but they had made a lot of changes in it. And he started a Salaam was actually given all of the turrets and the engine. So he could correct the Torah that they would recite without ever having going to their schools and graduated from their

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universities and gotten their ijazah. They would, he would correct it Allah. And this is actually much of this is recorded in the Bible. But the second roll, he said, well, we'll rush here on bureau sulan Yachty embarrass Muhammad, and I've come to give you good news of a messenger that is going to come after me. And his name is mu who is mo who means his name, but it also means his quality. His description, is I heard now we know the name of the messengers name I think subtle Salaam is Mohammed from the same origin as the word. So we understand from that ayah that resiny salaam is not only giving the name of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, but he's describing the messenger of a

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lion. This is important place to start. You know, almost six centuries before our Prophet was born, his name and his description was known. It was already known that he's going to be Akhmad. Now if you know anything about the Christian faith and how it developed, after the teachings of silanes salaam had been changed, they proudly they proudly declared themselves that people have praise. So you'll hear from the Christian people lovingly praise the Lord a lot and praise Jesus a lot. So they are people of hummed if you will, the Arabic word one of the words for praises hunt, and the messenger that they praise and they took too far, and even ended up committing schilke with his Isa

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and a Salaam, declaring him to be pretty much the status of a god. And yet what the Quran does, it tells those people that are even today, four to five times the size of the Muslim Ummah, tells them the one you Praise, praise Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, someone is coming who will be mad. Now what does that mean? That is called the essence of the lead means two things basically, it means the one who praises more. So it's no matter how much you and I thank Allah and no matter how much you and I appreciate Allah, met the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam praises a lot more and thanks a lot more. No creation of Allah thanks, Allah azza wa jal more than Muhammad

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam put this in perspective, new alayhis salam lives almost 1000 years and fascinating. Illa Hasina Allah Quran says 1000 years save 50 950 years and yet the Quran declares that the one who praises Allah even more than those 950 years is Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because he was given away to praise Allah that was never given given before the weight of those words that were given to the civil law. So, the law where he was held them and that have been given as a treasure to us are actually more valuable than any record of a law that came before him or anything that came before him. So, he becomes the one who praises a lot

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more and more and more. And then on top of that, remarkably, mud can also be a leader with some fruit what that means in Simple English is it can also mean the one who is praised more, not just the one who praises more, but the one who is praised more, the one who is appreciated more, the one who is thanked more and you think about it, if you think about the Christian people in an entirely Salaam in his role in their life, how much they praise Jesus, and Jesus Himself is telling them there is someone who will be praised more than even I can be praised yet

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They go as far as to commit schilke with his name. And yet Allah azza wa jal says the authentic praise of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Muslim hears his name and he pronounces some Allahu Allah He will send them and you know inshallah, in another halaqaat, I'll describe to you how is it that the Messenger of Allah, this creation of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the most praised of all creation, no creation can ever compare to the praise and the gratitude received by the final messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But let's take a step further. I want you to know that of course, we all know the name Muhammad, and we lovingly name our children, Muhammad,

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and so many families have the last name Muhammad. But a lot of people don't know much about the name itself, what it comes from, and what it actually means, from the pattern in the Arabic language, it actually means someone who is appreciated, or someone who is thanked, and someone who is praised continuously, over and over and over again repeatedly. So when you put how muda as opposed to hamidah hum, muda, something that happens over and over and over again. And what is more known than every time the messengers name is called sallallahu alayhi wa sallam think about the times the event is given in a day. In the world, there's not a second that goes by that someone is not standing

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somewhere declaring a shadow a number Hamada Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and every time it is said, everyone who hears it says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So that's actually within the name Muhammad, even if we don't add any praise, the name itself means in the Arabic language, it means the one who is praised, and the one who is thanked nonstop or continuously. This is actually you can say mood. Another common name among the you know, among the Muslims, Mahmoud Mahmoud means someone who is praised, but it could happen one time. If somebody praise me one time, I could be machmood. But if I'm being praised all the time, I'm being thanked all the time, then I can't be

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Mahmoud. I am what, Mohammed that's the quality of the name Mohammed. But now even a step further. You know, in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal spoke to Adam alayhis salam, he said, Yeah, Adam and

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Adam, settle down. You and your spouse and Jana, he spoke to new honey Salaam, yeah, no, no. No, he's not from your family. Your son doesn't belong to your family. A lot. So we just spoke to Abraham. Yes. He said, yeah. Abraham.

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Abraham, the dream You Could you confirm the truth of the dream when he was ready to slaughter his son. So he says yeah, Adam, he says, Yeah, no, he says, Yeah, Ibrahim, he says yeah Moosa in any and Allah He tells Musa alayhis salam on the mountain Musa I am no doubt Allah, La ilaha illa Allah. He tells the ISA, Isa it numato ficarra heruka Ilya Isa, I am going to take you away raise you up. That's what he told me Saturday. He said um, he told zaccaria Elisa zaccaria in an Uber shirakami wounaan zaccaria we're going to tell you of a boy you're going to have YAH YAH YAH hoo. Dill kitabi akua Yeah, hold on to the book with all your strength. Yeah, the Odin na na casa de Botton fill

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out we have made you a Khalifa and we're looking at look here these names a lot of talking to all of them in Arabic When you call someone you use Yeah. And then you call them so if some if an Arab friend of mine saw me going down the street as a younger man, younger man and the same way a lot of calls on his profits there his sleeves he says yeah, Adam Yeah, no.

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Yes, a Korea Yeah. Yeah, though. He calls them by their name. And not once in the Quran. Do you find Allah calling our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Yeah, Mohammed, you don't find it? You don't find it? What do you find? Yeah.

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Allah won't even call him by his name. He will say Oh, Noble Messenger of Prophet. He will say the one wrapped in the blanket. The one covered up he won't call him by his name, as if Allah azza wa jal has raised the status of our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know how you know someone on a first name basis. And then you call someone with their formal title. Allah calls our messenger by his formal title when he addresses him in the Quran. It's a remarkable difference from all the other prophets you find in the book. And you also find in the Quran, you know, previous prophets when they used to give the message to their people, like Sani Hani Salaam, his preaching

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days people and show everybody his Salaam, his preaching his people, those people, they didn't call the messenger, they call them by their name. And they use they insult them. So they would say that, for example, you're sure a man of oak Athena Mata *? Sure. I don't understand a lot of what you say. Like they will talk to him. If we were in the company of schreib. We will say respected messenger. But those people don't believe they just call him what sure I just call him Shari and put on records that they said sure if we don't understand what you're saying.

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We we in the translation we had his Salaam, the kuffar the non believers that were talking to sure they didn't add the the respect of his salon where I think a salon we don't get what you're talking about. Then Sunday are they set up yada?

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yada, we used to have a lot of hope in you What happened to you? This is how they spoke to sonica a salon. And you know for a fact that in the profits career, I think Salatu was Salam. When he was in Makkah, the Quraysh called him Yeah, Mohammed. They called him that all the time. But not once in the Quran. There are a lot of record that phrase even from their tongue, even though they said it. He recorded it being said among disbelievers of other nations for their profits, but he would not allow his messenger his final messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, just to be called casually, Mohammed. And by the way, if somebody were to call him Yo, Mohammed, even if they did that, even if

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they did that, you know what, that would be a respect anyway. Because the name itself means what? The one being praised the one worthy of things but even that Allah did not allow. As a matter of fact, the people closest to him understood this. So his best friend, Ababa Casa de la de la nanhu, when he would talk about him, and he's telling somebody else about Allah sallallahu sallam, he never said Carla Sadie P. Carla. Hi, Mimi. Carla Rafi. Kala Karim. my close friend once told me or my my companion once told me my beloved No, no, he would say Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. His wife would never say the mothers of the believers. None of them would ever say my husband once

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said, what would they say? Rasulullah Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. His daughter would never say my father once told me she would say Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. His uncle would never say my nephew once said he would quote him and say Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is important. Our messenger la Sato Salaam. He was a father. He was a husband. He was a nephew. He was an uncle. He was many things. He was a friend. But those people, they didn't see a husband first, or a father first, or a friend first or an uncle first. The first thing they saw is what Allah wanted them to see. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's all of

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those roles. Second, you know what happens? Now people try to talk about the messenger or they sought asylum and all of those roles, and those roles are important. But those roles come under the shade of one role. And we can never forget that one role that Allah has given him that no human being has been given. Rasool Allah has been the Messenger of Allah and the end and the seal and the completion of all the profits that will ever come. That's the role that he's been given. Now, having said that, what I wanted to share with you just remarkably about the the way Allah azzawajal speaks about him his name sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned five times in the Quran. Once I told

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you a silence, and I'm called him what

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he called him, the one who praises more, and the one who is praised more. For more times in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal mentions the name Muhammad, but how does he talk about it? Listen to this a lot. So Joe says maka Mohammedan, Abba had in marriage alikum. Mohammed is not the father of any of your men

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does not have any sons. He's not the father of any of your men. But whenever Allah mentions his name, he adds his title. So he says when I can rasulillah however, messenger of Allah, like he doesn't leave the name alone without the title. He says in the Battle of all heard, the rumors spread that the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam has been killed in the rumor because he had fallen unconscious. So the rumors spread that he's been killed and the ayah came Mohammedan ihlara soon. Khalid, Mohammed is nothing but a messenger. messengers came before to you see the word Mohammed what comes next to it. But soon again, Rasool Allah azza wa jal mentions

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Mohammed he says Mohammed on Rasulullah Valentina ma Hua Shan kuffaar Rahim avena home. So you find in the Quran, when Allah azza wa jal mentions Muhammad, he mentioned the word what Massoud title, title, title, he wants us to think of our messenger Elisa to salam, not just as any other human being the one honored with the greatest gift ever given to humanity, the one charged with delivering Koran, to humanity. So he's the messenger that delivers that message like hello hidden that he's that's that that's that's his responsibility. Now, having said that, there's one place in the Quran that's the most different than all the other places. It's actually a sutra dedicated to his name.

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It's called pseudo Mohammed. That's what is called surah. Muhammad Allah should know something I won't tell you too much about the surah. But one thing you should know about the surah

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There was a group in Medina we call them now the munaf. To whom they hypocrites. Yeah. And these hypocrites, they had one problem with the messenger RNA Sato Salaam. They said, We like Koran, that's fine. But when he makes his own decisions, you know, we're not so sure if we should follow those. So if he's speaking if if what you're telling us is from the Quran, that's fine. But if you're giving us your own opinion, then keep your opinion to yourself, this was their attitude. Today, you still might find people that will have the same exact attitude and say, well, Quran we should take seriously but the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, if he has some opinion about something,

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that's his opinion, that's not from Allah, that's just him. So they wanted to say that the only time the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam is saying something valuable is when he is delivering the message. But when he's not delivering the message, he's just playing Mohamad, but he's not a soul. He's just being a neighbor. He's just being a father. He's just giving some advice, then we don't have to take that seriously. Which is why when the Prophet Alayhi, salaatu, wa Salaam was preparing the Muslims for butter,

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and preparing the people for war means you have to spend a lot of money. And you have to and these were former people and there were other others were migrants, so they don't have a lot of war experience. They didn't even have many weapons. So some of them will have your own surgeons this in the Quran, or is this his own idea? Because if it's not in the Quran, why are we killing ourselves? So the surah says, Why akula denominado lucila soliton some people who claim to believe said How come no sooner came down? This is just Mohammed Not, not dasun so what is Allah doing? sudo Mohammed, he says something amazing that before I leave, I want you to understand, he says when

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levina are mano y mano

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a mano de mano Zilla Allah Mohammed in will Hakuna Ravi him. They believed those who believed and did good deeds, and they believed in what was sent down upon Muhammad and it is the truth from their master. Allah did not mention what word

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Allah this time just mentioned. Hamlet, Salah la hora. They've sort of Why? Because Allah wanted us to understand something, even when he is not reciting the Quran. Even when an ayah is not being delivered by him. It is still incumbent on the believer to follow the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam only Allah, Allah azza wa jal has declared him a messenger, not just a messenger of the Quran, but a messenger of his character, a messenger of his example, a messenger of his wisdom, and a subtle Salaam and a lot. It's something so amazing, that I'll talk to you about in a few days, a lot taught us the only one who can ever criticize those who love Allah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam is his owner.

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That's the only one who can ever criticize those who love Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that was to teach the Muslim something that the Muslim will never be able to criticize or believer will never be able to criticize the Messenger of Allah or belittle the status or the role of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So with that, inshallah Tada, I want to, I wanted to start off with the name of our beloved messenger Elisa Salaam, and how Allah dhikr describes him and how Allah is diligent acknowledges him one last thing, and I'm going to go obey the law. And that is when the when offered was over, but it was over. Muslims were starting to get victory, lots of

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tribes were becoming Muslim. They heard that the Muslims have even humiliated the Quran. This is before Mecca was conquered. So people were coming with their entire tribe, to Medina to accept Islam, but the way it used to work their tribal people, so the tribe leader comes in says, Hey, I'm going to become Muslim, and become when I become Muslim, my whole tribe what? They become Muslim. Okay, I represent my entire tribe. So they would come and they would act like they're doing the prophet of favor. Look, I'm giving you 300 new ones 300 sales in one shot. So they want VIP treatment. So they would come to meet with the Prophet, I need to talk to a Salaam and the Prophet

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salallahu alaihe salam did not have a Presidential Palace. He did not have a governor's office or a mansion. He had a hut. He had a hut and some describe that his quarters in which he lived with our mothers, if you lie down, you would have to crunch your legs. It wasn't wide enough to lie down completely. That was his practice at Presidential Palace. And they were they were not concrete walls, soundproof. You know, it's not like that. So they would come right to the wall. These people who don't know who he is, they're ready to become Muslim, but they don't know the manners that they have to show tell us, Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this was a time that he was spending

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with his family. So they came and they're waiting for him. And he didn't come out. And they're waiting again and they didn't come out and for the Sahaba if they had to wait three days, they would smile and wait three days. But these people they're new, and they think they're the important ones. They're giving the Prophet a favor, you know, Lexa gerat will describe your noona Allah kinda slow mo they think they're doing you a favor by becoming Muslim.

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That's their attitude. So they were waiting for a little bit. They got a little impatient. They said, Yeah, Mohamed, Elijah, Muhammad come out we want to talk to you. They didn't call him Rasulullah they didn't call him Yana. Viola. They didn't say Yeah. They said what? Mohammed Mohammed, Mohammed come out, Mohammed come out. This is how they the old ancient way of ringing the bell right? So that's what they did. And Quran came down. Quran came down to address what they just did. He's Allah said in the Latina you know, do not come in La Jolla, Takara Honda rapido

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those who keep those people calling you from the other side of your wall of your quarter your apartment most of them don't understand. And if they had waited It would have been better for them and you know what, then he said he said, You know Latins, Hola, hola, como El Cajon Ribeira de comunidad de la Lu combo into LA. Think about this as I leave you. He said don't you call him like you call each other? Because if you just call him the way you call each other somebody looks at me and says Well, yeah, yeah, man. What's up? somebody looks at you as a as a career. Yeah, man. You know, you and you they're calling you by your name, no problem. But if you call the Messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like you call anybody else, then all of your good deeds will be taken away. And you won't even know what Ron says.

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Did they insult those who love Allah? No. They did not insult him. They did not call him a bad name. Though Qureshi used to call them Majnoon. COVID. They used to insult him. They didn't insult him. They called him by his beloved name. Yeah, Mohammed. But even that for a believer is not good enough. Because now you're talking about him, like you talk about anybody else. And if you do that, then all of your good deeds, and

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all of your do deeds are multiplied by zero. And you don't even know. You don't even realize now we don't have rasulillah with us, or they thought was stolen. So we don't have that power. You know, we can go outside his apartment and say that, but let me tell you, his words are still with us, aren't they? historians still visit with us, isn't it? His example is still with us, isn't it? His Hadeeth is still with us, isn't it? So when somebody is talking to you, and they're arguing with you, and they quote ahaadeeth they quote a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Rosen, even if they quoted incorrectly, even if they know they're, you're they're misusing it. They're misusing it. Even if

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that's the case, because they just sided the soul of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a conversation is over. We will not raise our voice la therfor sua takom focus hotel lobby. Don't you raise your voice above the prophets voice and a subtle salon as part of the same ayah that says all of our good deeds will be taken away. So yes, people do get into religious arguments sometimes people give slap each other with delete sometimes. What's your delete? What's your delete? I have this handy from Buhari I have this one from Muslim. What about this? And what about this? And in making those kinds of arguments we forget that we are actually citing the words of the Messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And there has to be a level of respect that should never go away. When we talk about a little less a little more than that is the respect even a law shows him and he

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shows him when he doesn't even say Mohammed in the Quran. He doesn't even allow that may Allah azza wa jal give us a true respect and an honor for our beloved messenger is not to saddam, and instill in all of us our love of Allah, His Messenger and his final revelation barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan elaborates in this beautiful lecture about the name of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

No creation of Allah thanks Allah more than Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. He was given a way to praise Allah like no one before. Muhammad means the one who is appreciated and thanked continuously.

The name Muhammad is mentioned 5 times in the Holy Qur’an. But how is the Prophet ﷺ addressed in the Qur’an? The name of the Prophet ﷺ is always succeeded by the word – Rasool.

Allah has declared Muhammad ﷺ not only as the Messenger of Allah but also as the Messenger of character to the Muslim Ummah. No one can belittle the status of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and it is incumbent upon us to follow his teachings even when an Ayah of the Qur’an is not being recited.

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