Yasir Qadhi – Quranic Duas – Ramadan Khatirahs 2019 – Episode 02

Yasir Qadhi
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The use of the phrase "verbal" in the Bible is discussed, as it is used in various settings, including the Bible. A serah from the Bible describes the importance of praising Allah's attributes and introduces him before asking for help. The importance of praising Allah's actions and deeds is emphasized, along with the need to introduce him before asking for help. The serah also highlights the importance of showing respect for others and not just saying things that are true. The segment touches on the idea of "naughty shit" and the concept of "naughty shit" being a part of everyone's culture.
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smilla al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Ali he was the one with a hammer but today we will talk about the most frequent drop that is ever mentioned in the Quran and recited in the Koran. And it is one of the earliest doors to be revealed and it is the dawn of Surah Al Fatiha Dino Serato Mr. Team, this door.

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If you think about it, there is no other door. That is said more often in any language by any civilization. Then this phrase is there no Sultan was talking and in fact the surah itself suta till Fatiha Allah subhana wa tada calls it in the Quran, the seven frequently repeated verses what occurred at NACA several aminomethyl in the world or another album, I have given you jasola law, the seven oft repeated verses and the magnificent Koran. So it is as if Allah is saying I've given you Fatiha and the Quran even though the fact that it is a part of the Quran, because no other surah is recited even in the same ballpark area as the Fatiha Think about it. Every single record of every

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single Salah that every single Muslim ever prays the father aka the nutfield Raka tahajjud Pm is the hora soon the Tahitian Masjid, the two after so of any record that you pray, you must recite Fatiha and therefore on average, the practicing Muslim will be reciting Fatiha at least 30 times a day and that's not in the month of Torah we're in the month of Ramadan. in Ramadan, you get 50 times a day. On average, the semi religious Muslim will be reciting five to 10,000 times a year at minimum in a lifetime around a million or a little bit less than a million on average. If you do even a ballpark calculation every day, the fact is recited billions of times in a year it is recited hundreds of

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trillions of times by mankind. There is no piece of human literature there is no poem there is no holy book that even comes close to Surah tel Fatiha and what is the purpose of Fatiha what is the main verse of Fatiha it is the drop in a Serato monster theme. And this is explicit in a number of traditions of them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting with Jubilee once and a door open from gender and an angel came down and he said said to them, gibreel turned to the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam and said Dr. rasulillah. This Angel, this is the first time he is coming down to this earth and that door that opened it opened for the first time to send this angel down. What

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did the angel say? The angel said Yasuda Allah Allah has sent me to tell you that you have to glad tidings, Bushra two good news that I have given you that I have not given any other profit before you and every risk verse that you recite of these two blessings, you will get it the first of them Surah Fatiha, and the second of them the last verses of Surah Baqarah. These two verses that the angel is saying are unique to you. No one before you has been given them and the angel said the man who recites this to the believer who recites this passage, Allah subhana wa tada will give him what he wants. And what is the whole request of all there is no Serato study. There's only one request.

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There's only one drop one phrase in there, guide us to the Salton muster theme. Also we have in the famous hadith of Abu huraira, the Allahu Allah, that he said that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that Allah says this is not how these bootsy the highest level of headings in terms of in terms of Bubba cup that the profitsystem is narrating something from Allah, that Allah subhana wa tada said, for some to salata, basically what they nabbed in this vein, I have made the Salah between myself and my servant in half, and I will give my servant what he asks. So when my servant says hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Allah says My servant has praised me when he says a Rahmani r Rahim.

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Allah says My servant has magnified me when he says Maliki Ahmed Deen. Allah says My servant has glorified me. When the servant says he cannot do what he can to stay in you alone. Do we worship you alone? Do we ask for help? Allah says this is between me and my servant.

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And now this is the what Allah is saying. And now my servant will get whatever he asks for. Then what is the servant asking? If they know sit autonomous stuck him, so it also Lydian and I'm tired of him letting him obey Him. What a ball lean mean, this Dora is the most oft repeated of any Muslim. We must understand this significance and we must recite Fatiha therefore with that airfloss and taqwa because we want to get this Hidayat. So what is the request? And we also learn by the way, even etic is, by the way, a bit of a tangent here, but we learned even the etiquettes of drop, it did not set off the Muslim occurs in the fourth verse. By the time we got there, what have we done?

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We have praised the law Alhamdulillah Rahmani Raheem, Maliki oma Dean, you do not just jump in and say Oh Allah, I want this. That's not right. Either. You begin your job by praising Allah, you raise your hands up and you first and foremost magnify Allah Glorified Allah that is of the etiquettes of you do not just ask immediately that goes against etiquette and manners. The first thing you do you begin by praising Allah, you mentioned his names and attributes. You say who you are, Oh Allah, I am your app. You are my Arab. Oh Allah I am your servant. So you lay for the foundation, the more Kadima you give the introduction before you ask your need and then when it is appropriate, you then

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move on to your need and what is your need in this surah in the No sir author, Mr. Team, what a beautiful day because it is so comprehensive guide us to the straight path. And this is again a very, very deep verse because the word used in Arabic is set off and set off is not Seville or 30th. It's a very unique word. And it only occurs in the singular by the way in the Quran, it never occurs in the plural, by the way the English word st and the Arabic Surat they seem to go back to the same cognates so they shared the same cognate that's why st and in Latin it was strata which is comes from and set out and strata they have the same cognate so the point being that set off here What

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does set off in Arabic mean? It means the wide level path that has milestones it has well illuminated well marked a lot of people travel it the set off is the main highway. This is what the setup is the word Sabine and 30 these are smaller paths and the Sirat is the big path. It is the path that is straight. It is the path that goes without going up and down. It is a Serato Mustafa team was the team here doesn't just mean straight, it means wide. And it means something that doesn't doesn't have peaks. You don't have to go up and down. It's not difficult. So the Serato was stuck in what exactly is it? It is the path to the pleasure of Allah.

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As Allah says in the Quran, that had the he cebelia Druid Allah, this is my way that I'm calling to Allah subhana wa tada that Allah subhana wa tada says in the Quran, that worship Allah alone, and that one had us at all to Mr. Thema. This is the surah that is Mr. theme. So when we ask Allah Guide us to the straight path, it is a comprehensive dua that encompasses our theology, our belief, our actions and our morals, because to be on the straight path, you must have the right belief to be on the straight path you must have the right spiritual state to be on the straight path you must have the right deeds and to be on the straight path you must have the right o'clock. So this shows us

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another etiquette of da we should ask the ads that are comprehensive and not very specific. This is also we learned from the Prophet sallallahu I send them do I should be an Arabic we call them Jamia which means comprehensive it should not be too nitpicky and specific because then we are playing games and we are doing things that might be unbecoming. We should ask generically Oh Allah I want Jenna it is mentioned that once one of the tab your own he may drop to a lotto Allah I want the big palace that will be white in color that will be on the right hand side as soon as you enter agenda. And the teacher said to him Yeah, boy, oh my son, ask Allah for agenda you will get all that is in

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it Don't be this nitpicky, that you are making conditions upon Allah. It is against the etiquette to go so narrow minded, you will be generic Allah I want forgiveness, Oh Allah, I want Rama I will I want genda Oh, a lot. I want this rothen was the theme because the broader your drop, the more things coming into it. And the more Allah will then give you Why are you narrowing the infinite mercy of Allah? Why are you specifying when Allah Himself is a last year so we say it in a certain was the theme and this includes your manners, your theology, your luck, it includes your actions with others. It includes your Eva that all of it will be on the set off and was the theme also

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Notice in the etiquettes we learn over here when we say the NA which is in the plural. This also shows us even though we are reciting Quran as individuals, and if the Quran had come a Dini, then this would be allowed and some of those are individual, but in this door, we say he Dina. Why? Because we are showing that Oh Allah, we want to be with the groups that are guided. We don't want to be individual, and we want guidance for ourselves, and we want guidance for others as well. We want to share we don't want to be selfish with guidance. We want mankind to be guided. We want all of us to be guided. Why should I be stingy when it comes to Allah's mercy? Oh Allah guide all of us

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to this rotten mustard team. And this shows us that we have to have a love of other people, a genuine desire of wanting good for other people. So we make dua Idina of Serato, Mr. Team, Oh Allah guide all of us myself, my family, my loved ones, my friends, my neighbors, all of humanity. Why can't we make dua for everybody the Quran is saying is the Nasir Alton was the theme guide us all to the Sultan was the theme. And then of course, the clarification occurs what is the Sultan was the theme. It is the slots of Surat celerina and amta Allah him, it is the path of those whom your blessings your favors have come to, it is the path of those whom you are pleased with, because

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mankind is divided into three categories. Number one, those whom Allah is pleased with number two, those whom Allah is angry with laden mo lluvia de him. Number three, those who they might be sincere, but they're doing things that are wrong. So Allah is not pleased with them. And Allah is not cursing them as well, but they're doing the wrong things. They haven't gotten there yet. Still, they're not a curse by Allah because they might be sincere, but they're not yet guided. So Laden, Moldavia, either him or those who they are insincere, they are the hypocrites. They know the truth and they rejected they're too arrogant to accept the truth that is moldoveanu him those are the

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first one ball in the thought leaders are those who they might not know the truth, and they sincerely are following something but what they are following is not the truth. So they're not rejecting the truth knowingly, they're not rejecting the truth having recognized it, but they're still not upon the truth. So they're still misguided lighting in Moldova Allah him What a bollin also notice before we get to the drama is Deena what is the word? What is the verse? Er cannot boo what ya can Stein and with this verse we actually conclude because it gets us to our topic of da da, da boo. Oh Allah, we worship you alone. What yuck and esta in an O Allah, we ask you of help alone.

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Notice, we worship You, we asked you of your help. The asking of help, is in fact the essence of the worship. We worship you and we ask you for your help. The asking of the Help is the honor is the essence of worship. It is the beginning of worship. It is how worship begins. You ask Allah for worshiping Him, you ask Allah for Hidayat, we worship Allah by asking his help to worship Him. This is how the verse can be translated er cannot do what ya can start in then what is that is the ANA what is the asking? Is the No sir autonomous team. So the beginning of all worship is da da is how we begin anything, even the reverse of Allah subhana wa tada do, as we said, is the essence of

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worship and so in suited to the fact that we constantly make dua to Allah for this comprehensive aspect of hedaya. And I forgot to mention one beautiful Hadith they have to add this here. insalata 200 ones one of the wives of the Prophet system overheard him in the middle of the night he didn't know anybody was paying attention. He didn't know anybody else was listening to him. He wasn't the head yet he thought one of our mothers was asleep she overheard she narrated that in the middle of the night I woke up I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam make this drop into Hudson alohomora by gibreel when Mika ADA is Rothfield, our Lord the lord of God, the Lord of Mecca in the

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lord of Israel feel found out or semi watty went out You are the one who originated the heavens and earth from a lady with Shahada you know the hidden you know the unseen and technical binary biological female Colonel fee of 34 You are the one who judges between the people when they differ over law in Dini, guide me Oh Allah He Dini live a student who will guide me to Lima studio for him and I have to excuse me, guide me to whatever your servants have differed between the is the Nick because you are the one in Nikita, demon Tasha illustrata muster team you guide whomever you want to the set often was stuck in I find this to be mind boggling. Our nebby our Russell the Mustafa Habib

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He

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saying oh well law matters are confusing Your servants differ about everything. You are the one who guides over law so I want you to guide me when the people are different over things I don't know truth from falsehood is do you need to do first v human or maybe even the O Allah with your Yvan? I want to be guided to the set autonomous team because no one guides to the slaughter Mr. Team other than you and indeed of the names of a law is that hardy The one who guides so we make dua to Allah yeah Heidi in a certain Mr. team for no one guy said the straight path other than Allah subhanahu wa tada was said on why they come to LA he

Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi acquaints us with the most oft-repeated dua in the whole world. This dua is from Surah Al Fatihah – Ihdinas Siraatul Mustaqeem.

This dua is recited upto 30 times a day just via Salat. So imagine the reach and profundity of this verse!

Among the etiquette of dua is to praise Allah in terms of His Names and Attributes first before jumping onto your request to Allah.

Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet ﷺ said, “Allah SWT said: I have divided prayer between myself and my servant into two halves, and my servant shall have what he has asked for. When the servant says ‘all praise is due to Allah the Lord of the worlds,’ Allah says: My servant has praised me. When he says ‘the Gracious, the Merciful,’ Allah says: My servant has exalted me. When he says ‘the Master of the Day of Judgment,’ Allah says: My servant has glorified me and my servant has submitted to me. When he says ‘you alone we worship, you alone we ask for help,’ Allah says: This is between me and my servant, and my servant will have what he has asked for. When he says ‘guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom you have favored, not those who went astray,’ Allah says: This is for my servant, and my servant will have what he has asked for.”

Listen intently to this video to fully fathom the stature of Surah Al Fatihah.

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