Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2016 – Surat al-Baqarah – Day 27

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of empowering women to become teachers and educators on their beliefs and issues with religion, creating effective media to reach target audiences, and creating a foundation for their journey. They also stress the "will of Islam" and the need for work on language and regions to achieve their goals. The "will of Islam" and the "will of Islam" issues need to be addressed, and individuals should not be let knowing about their religion. The conversation is a mix of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize a coherent conversation or topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa

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Amina, shame on awaji me

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Bismillah maniwaki

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Aveda tomar una

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Mineola como de Ghana very

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minimum Yes ma'am una gala ma ma

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some reason.

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Bondi ma kalu Yala Moon

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Man Oh, man

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Paula Babu mala

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Oh, the sooner

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the better

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be here

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Woman woman home.

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Nana una

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Al hamdu. lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam O Allah, al anbiya wa sallim ala alihi wa sahbihi nabeshima t lamivudine. Allahu Allah Minh home Amina Latina, I'm sorry, what are some? What are some of the sub amenable Allah means?

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inshallah tada before sharing some reflections and insights from the IRA that we are to cover today, I wanted to share a vision with all of you and start with actually the description of a problem. And I hope that you guys will pay pay close attention to this because a lot of what we do it but you know, it's driven by these ideas. First and foremost, I'd like you to like to introduce you to four different populations of people, four groups of people that we strongly believe need to be served as a priority. As a matter of

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message of the Quran, as you know, is a priority for all of humanity. But in particular, we identify four groups of people that really, really need this message. And if we target them, by extension, you're targeting everybody else. The first of those groups is actually women. And we believe that they are the essential population that has been ignored. I personally believe that as in my own upbringing as a Muslim and a student of Islam. But I also believe that is a larger society, that when it comes to Islamic education, and the opportunity to receive a better education, and actually to produce teachers, of our mothers and our sisters, that we've really fallen behind. And this is

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part of our terasse, it's part of our legacy that was always there. And somehow, over the last couple of centuries, we dropped the ball, and made it seem like this religion, it's learning and it's teaching this pride Mark primarily the responsibility of men. And then we made in, in many societies, unfortunately, we even made women feel bad for coming to the mustard, and simple things like that. And that's a real tragedy, because not only are they a significant, if not a majority of our population, they are also the carriers, they are the ultimate teachers of the next generation. If our mothers are not well grounded in the religion, and they don't understand the worldview

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they're supposed to instill into their children, then you can forget about the next generation. And so in societies where women are denied access, for example, to the masjid, then what do you expect that next generation to do? What do you how do you expect an entire and even if they have access to the masjid to not be treated, like students should not be treated like citizens even to be treated like a fitna that is supposed to be in a closet somewhere? And if they show up, then just say, a star through La la la la quwata, Illa, Allah, oh, my God, they have a question, why don't we give them a pen or something, and they can write it and then they can slip it under the door, and then

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some kid, if he doesn't eat the paper, then they can hand it to you? And maybe you can answer their question and make sure you put a wall and then electrocuted fences. And then on top of that, you know,

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I don't know what we we have this mentality towards the education of women that is problematic. And it's created a lot of problems in Muslim society. As a matter of fact, a great number of women that aren't that, you know, many of us don't come from religious families. We're Muslims, we don't come from very knowledgeable families, or families of scholars, or forefathers and things like that. And a lot of times the women in our families are scared of Islam, they're actually scared, they're like, if we become religious, that just means women are going to be like, thrown inside a box or something. And that's a major tragedy, this, this religion is actually one that honored women in a

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way that I would argue women have never been honored before. And it's such a misrepresentation of our faith and of the book of Allah, that they're not given that place. So that's the first population that needs to be a message needs to be crafted to them. And my personal belief about that, before I go to the second population is that the best people equipped to empower a generation of women is women themselves. That until we produce educational opportunities, and training opportunities for women themselves to become teachers as well, you're not going to get empowerment. You can't just keep this as men have to teach women, even though that as the head of the household,

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my responsibility, your responsibility is to teach our families. What I like is Salatu was a bit later, there is such a thing. And a very important piece of our our future, actually is to empower our our daughters, our sisters, you know, even our mothers to beat to become teachers to become role models. Think about this, you have a 14 1516 year old girl, who's her role model? Who does she look up to? Who does she say I want to be like her when I grew up all the role models that are available to her in a world that is bombarding her with messages or role models that you would not want her to have. And that's because we didn't give her an alternative. We didn't provide her one. And that's

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not that's not her fault. That's our fault. So that's the first population. The second population is actually youth, a young generation a young adults, people that are coming at an age where they have different kinds of crises, some of them because they're brought up in the gender, the information age, they have questions that their parents did not have about Islam. They have questions about why should we even accept the existence of a god? Why should we follow this religion? What's the sense of this Islamic line especially, first of all, we're in an age where all religion is being criticized, all religion is being scrutinized and made fun of, and the idea of believing in the

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unseen is made to seem like something absurd, above and beyond all of that you've got a second problem, and that is that we happen to be Muslim. Of all the religions that are attacked today or made fun of or criticized or scrutinize Islam takes the cake, it's at the top. So you already have a problem in this world today with religion. And on top of that, the religion happens to be Islam. And this young generation is brought up more exposed to a criticism of Islam than an education of Islam. So what you if they have doubts, and they have issues and they have, you know, like hesitation in really throwing themselves all wholeheartedly into the religion like their parents did, then you

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can't blame that generation and they cannot be talked to or

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spoken to or educated in the way that their parents were educated, they need a new kind of education because they have new kinds of questions. They have new kinds of problems. And that needs to be respected and studied. And they need to be addressed in in a medium in language, and in a format that honors them that actually considers them. The second problem within this population. The first population was what again, just so I know you're paying attention was women, the second is youth, right? On the one hand, there are youth that have doubts. But on the other, the flip side of this equation is another entirely amazing but dangerous group of youth that are finding Islam, there are

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young people that were not religious at all. And then Allah put something in their heart and they found Islam. And when they find Islam, that's when they want to change everything about their life. They want to now they want to make up for all of their past sins, and they just want to be a better person. Now they want to be in the complete submission to Allah. But this is the danger because at that age at that young, very vulnerable age, whoever comes along and presents them. This is what Islam is, this is what you must do. They're going to take it wholeheartedly not question anything. And right now, there are elements in the Muslim world and in the world, that are teaching a message

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of Islam that is purely insane, but very powerful. And their marketing machinery, their media machinery, they're savvy, their ability to manipulate young minds is incredible. It's actually something to note how powerful and how manipulative they can be to a 16 year old to a 14 year old, to an 18 year old. And so before those good, young Muslim men and women that want to learn more about their religion, before one of these forces, catches them, and snatches them and pulls them in and completely hypnotizes them, and they end up making decisions in their life that they're going to regret. And they go into one extreme or the other, it's essential that we target that young

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population that is seeking the message of Islam and give them something that gives them real answers, that doesn't shy away from the book, we're not trying to give them a watered down version of Islam, we were trying to teach all humanity, a genuine thought provoking, you know, evidence based, you know, reasoning based approach to our religion, that they find satisfaction, and they don't feel like well, these guys are shying away from the tough questions. And those extreme people with their messages, they tell it like it is, we can't accept that. And I'm not here to counter any group. But we're saying unless we provide a healthy alternative, we're the only ones to blame. So

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the second population was youth. The third population is curious non Muslims, curious non Muslims. And these are people around the world, the majority of people who have now become curious about Islam, because of all the bad press, which is actually a blessing in disguise, I call it a blessing in disguise, because Musa alayhis salam did not have broadcast media under his control. But you know, who control the media of the time founded and filled out and went around advertising, that he is a threat to civilization, like he actually introduced all of Egypt to musala Islam for musala Islam as the enemy that you should be careful about. The problem with that is for a lot of people,

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when you say something is very, very bad, don't go near it, it's evil, it's horrible, then guess what happens to them? They get curious. The one thing you don't tell them not to go near, they want to know more about right. So more copies are sold, when Muslims are braided of the Quran than ever before. Right? People are curious about this religion. And so as a result, we have people that have just like the, you know, women and the youth, they have genuine questions, too. And they have questions that have either been fed to them by media, that's not their fault, or they have questions of their own, why do people are the way you are? And they need to be given an adequate answer also,

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and they need to be engaged in civil conversation. And we cannot just assume, oh, the West is against us, or the modern media is against us, or the government's are against this, the world is far more complicated than one stroke. And everybody is just the West tears, lots of people with lots of very different personalities and different curiosities, and that needs to be respected. That's our third population. And our fourth population, I like to call them Muslims on the fence, Muslims on the edge. And basically, these are Muslims that are born Muslim, maybe that became Muslim, maybe. And over time, they did not, they did not acquire, they didn't have the opportunity, the means or

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maybe even the interest or the will to acquire an education in the religion. That's not their fault. They were busy in their career or college or university or family life, whatever else. And now they've come to a point where they've because of the world we live in, they have questions about their religion, too. They have lots of very different questions. And they are afraid to ask those questions to their mom or their teacher or Lama. You know, because if they ask those questions, somebody might just call them a copier. and say, You don't even know how sofala How can you ask that question? How can we you know, and they're there. They feel bad about themselves because they don't

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practice the way they see people of the masjid practice. They don't see them.

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selves as religious, and they basically kind of given up on themselves and saying that we're not good Muslims Anyway, those are good Muslims, but those guys are pretty extreme. I'm even scared to talk to them, you know, and so they distance themselves from what you could call a religious community, they become a community of their own. These are actually I would argue, the vast majority of Muslims today, the vast majority of Muslims today are not at a Masjid tonight. They're not, they're not, they're actually intimidated by even the idea of coming to a machine, for them to come, it's actually a big decision, like, people are gonna look at me funny, they're gonna judge me that I

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don't know, I don't even know if I want to go there, somebody's probably gonna say something. They're terrorists, these are Muslims, terrified to come to a gathering of Muslims in the house of Allah. And that's, again, I believe, our fault, we did not open up this space. And we did not open up a dialogue with people that isn't judgmental, or intimidating or difficult. So I have identified four populations for you. Let's go over them again. I talked about women, I talked about what else youth I the third population was curious non Muslims, and then Muslims on the fence, they're just literally hanging by a thread, right? And there, if we continue to not answer their questions, or

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answer their questions with a stock that a lot of them are over Billa, I think you're possessed. And they're basically on their way out there on their way out. And if they're not on their way out there, next generation definitely is there their children definitely are. So these are four very serious populations that have to be addressed. And if you if you cater your message, if you talk with these people in mind, if you talk and you give the message of the Quran, with these people in mind, you'll be surprised the Quran actually has satisfying answers more than satisfying the actual answers for all of these groups in ways that no other message can carry. That's part of the miracle

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of the book of Allah. And that's why at this organization I personally believe in by extension, our entire group believes in creating messaging that reaches these groups of people in a way that is easy for them to take in. And it's easy for them to absorb over time, we don't expect them to come to us, we expect ourselves to go to them, whatever it takes, if it takes Creative Media, if down the road, it means we have to produce films and, you know, animations if that means that we have to, you know, talk to movie directors, so be it. If it means we have to engage in talk shows, and, you know, discussion panels and not just lectures, because not everybody is interested in lectures, so be it

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that needs to be done. And so part of our vision it now I get to the vision, I identified four groups, I quickly want to talk to you about what we think we can do to help what we think we can do to help. There's two parts of it. One part of it, I like to call it media, okay, media, and media is basically now in your handheld devices. Media is now beaming all over the world via the internet, right, so it's an open playing field. So if we have an opportunity to create effective, powerful quality media, the kinds of media that can that can gain momentum all over the world, that we need to engage in this battlefield with those targeted populations in mind, that's number one. And for

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the first time, we have an opportunity in the Muslim world, that we can reach a global audience in a strategic way, like they've never been reached before. Without any borders, without any any restrictions, we have a really powerful opportunity before us. But you now have the lies enjoyed quite a bit of success in the social media scene, like, you know, Facebook, and all you know, these platforms, YouTube and whatever else. But I tell you, that's just the tip of the iceberg. No matter how much you think one of my lectures, has hits on YouTube or whatever compared that to a song, I guess nothing. Like we need to compete with the entertainment media, we need to compete with the top

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media of our age and reach those numbers reach those populations. And that's when you know you're hitting the world. And we can, if you can reach 2 million, there's no reason you can't believe you can't reach 20 million, or 200 million for that matter. Because if there are 2 million people out there that saw benefit in something, I can guarantee you there's 100 more for each one of them. that's out there that just doesn't know yet. And that's part of our work is actually creating the kind of materials that can reach those people. In the within the short term. I want to tell you this is still the first part of our solution, which is media. I want to tell you what I'm personally what

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I'm interested in doing. What I'm interested in doing is actually gathering scholars, experts from around the world, people that I consider top notch in their field of Islamic studies to humanities other spaces, and actually bring them in on panel discussions. I want to be I'm not a I don't claim to be a scholar. I'm a student at best. But I am a curious and a very abrupt student. I like to ask questions very directly. I actually want to take these scholars and these experts and have panel discussions with them and ask them the toughest questions that are being asked to Muslims and by Muslims today and hash some things out for the benefit of the entire oma and I don't want to be like

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She Please tell me about duck law. And then the shape of 20 minutes Tell me about tacos.

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I like it. Let's move on to eemaan. No, no, no.

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Let's have a conversation about slavery. Let's talk about multiple marriages. Let's talk about inheritance law in Islam. Let's talk about this that whatever, people, people have questions, and they see some things literally as unfair within the religion, let's actually respect their question and put it out. And if they give an answer and say, well, you just have to have that was not enough, I need a better answer than that. I need to I need to hash this out. Because that's not gonna fly for a 16 year old. Let's iron this stuff out. And there are people smart enough in the world. They don't have the platform. But Alhamdulillah, we do, we do. And we're going to create a platform where

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it's not just about me doing gurus, but it's actually about getting these great minds of the oma that I've met, some of these people will lie, they've changed the way I look at the world. But those are not, they're not speakers, they're not scholars, and you're probably not going to find them on YouTube. They're hidden somewhere in a university teaching 15 students and I go there, and I get upset, you need to be in front of the world. What are you doing sitting here teaching 15 students, this is a disgrace to the oma that you're just sitting here, and you're not being taken advantage of. That's, that's the platform that I'm looking to create. That's the that's the media side of

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things. In addition, I want to be able to inshallah huhtala, myself and my colleagues be able to do exhaustive research on the Quran. And like these gurus that are going on, the purpose of them is to do a lot of research, and to explain this stuff in is easy language as possible. So even if somebody doesn't have a lot of background in Islamic Studies, they can get it. If they want to dirty into the Quran, I'd like to be able to facilitate their journey. I'm not saying this is the last thing they learn about the Quran. But I'm saying that I can, we can try to make this an effective first step. So from here on, when they move forward in their journey, they have a good foundation from which to

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build, right. And this resource can be used in childhood, eventually for schools, for for youth groups for halaqaat, for people that want to give a hug, but other other areas, right, that's the media side of things that will quickly move along to them even equally exciting. Media is kind of like a satellite beaming down, like I told you,

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that's the work, you can say it from the top down. But work also needs to happen from the bottom up, there's top down and there's bottom up. bottom up means you have to produce people, you have to train people, you have to educate people, you have to cultivate people, you have to identify talented people that you can look at, you know how they do sports scouting, they see this kid playing on the street and say this guy needs to be in the NBA, that kid is a professional cricketer, or needs to be on the football team. Guess what scouts do, they see this raw talent and they're like, if this person was given a chance, they can make a make a big impact in the world. That's

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literally what I want to do. As I travel, I identify young people, and scholars that are just incredible talents. And now it's time to invest in them, to train them to educate them to even further their education down the road. There are students of the beta institute that I taught Arabic two, that came from different backgrounds that I saw potential in, and we as an institute funded their education in Islamic Studies, some of them are now doing their PhDs in Islamic Studies in particular fields, so that they can be better assets to the oma, we have, we cannot move forward if we don't invest in people, but you cannot just invest in people online, you have to actually bring

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them under one roof, see them in action, identify their creativity and their talents, see which ones really are gonna you could see the diamond in the rough and say this one's a diamond does this one needs to be invested in this one needs to be put work into and give them a path. That's, that needs to happen. And that's actually the goal of the first step of that is this, this building that we're trying to build is you know, and to finish off the auditorium is going to be used in sha Allah for the use of the Quran. And for the kind of talk show settings that I spoke to you about, I plan on inviting world caliber scholars here and having them have a sit down because, you know, like for

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four years, if I tried to do this kind of thing, you have to rent a hall, you have to get a production crew, you have to get people flying into a particular place their expense on top of expense on top of expense just to have a conversation at a quality that you can air and you can even put it on TV, you know, but we want to be able to do that level of work here. You know and do it efficiently inshallah huhtala that's one one piece of the equation. The other piece of the equation is this is inshallah tala campus where students are being trained, and some are being trained to become teachers. So that this work and this one building that's here I envision in the next decade,

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there are dozens of these all over the world. There is this exact work of proliferating the message of the Quran is happening in Malaysia, it's happening in the UK, it's happening in Australia, it's happening in Canada, it's happening in Pakistan and Bangladesh and Turkey, and it's happening in the local languages as well. It needs to happen in the local languages. I envisioned that this work of the Quran needs to happen in all of the major languages of the Muslim world.

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needs to happen. These gurus that I'm doing in Shanghai one identify talent much better than myself that can do it in Punjabi. They're much better than myself. And then they do it. And then when they're done with it, imagine like, I mean, I'm crazy about this stuff. But like, imagine one of these devices, right with the entire verse of the Quran loaded in, you know, Punjabi, or in Bahasa or in some other language. And it's passed down to mothers in villages, where there is no internet.

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And there's literally these moms, they're making the bread in the morning, and they're listening to those of the Quran, transforming their minds and hearts. You know what, that that's an investment in, that's not just an investment in those women, it's an investment in their kids, you can see the results of that in a decade, the kinds of teenagers they're going to raise is a different caliber of kids. Because they grew up with Quran in their ears, the message of the Quran in their ears, this is a powerful, powerful thing, that that we believe in work from the bottom up, and from the top down. And it's something that the West needs, it's something that the East needs, what law wherever I go,

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there is a big gap between the oma and a love, or an access to the word of Allah. And really, that's, that's at the end of the day, the mission of this organization. And that's why we put this drive up, I said, you know, let's just do this every night. My personal philosophy has always been, if you're going to ask the oma for something, you should give a lot more back. Right, and just given given, given our intention is to continue to give, to continue to give. And I'm hoping that through this foundation, we're able to make materials available that don't just hit Facebook that don't just hit you know, YouTube, but we make stuff at a caliber, and we have the kind of following that we

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don't have to ask BBC and CNN and whoever else that you know, give us a chance to air some of our stuff they ask us, we want to get to the point where we are the Muslims are the loudest voice on Islam, we have a chance to do that. We can be the loudest voice on ourselves. Right now, when you see what is the message about the Koran, the people that are talking about the Koran that are the most heard or not the Muslims, we want to be those people that when when questions are asked about the Quran, the first in line, the first results on Google, the top hits on social media websites. And the top players in the media scene are actually experts that represented Dean in an intelligent

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way, not people who hate Islam to begin with. And they're talking on behalf of the Koran. So this is just a vision that I wanted to share with all of you 100 of our drivers nearly done. And if those of you who believe in this cause and want to see it fulfilled and charlo dollar contribute with an open heart, there's only a few days left, I won't be making this kind of a long pledge again. But that's I just personally just wanted to share with you how insanely, I and my team believe in this work. And we'll let him have him. If there is all the support in the world. And there's no no support at all, we're still going to be doing this. And we believe we can. We're actually we're I'm so

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convinced that this is the work. This is the work to do in our day and age. The battle is not a battle of the military. It's not the Battle of territory. It's not the Battle of economics today is the Battle of influence. It's the Battle of media. And if we're not winning that battle, then all the other battles don't matter. You can win whatever territory you want, if you don't carry the right influence, and there's nothing better to influence humanity than the word of Allah. That's, that's at the end of the day, the mission. So now When shall I come back to the does mean the law of sorts on Bukhara. Just make da if you know, even if you can't contribute, what we're asking of you

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in this special night is not at the end of the day, just make dua that Allah allows us to serve his book in a way that fits him, you know that that does some justice to this book. Because at the end of the day, we can't do that. But if we can just even a taco bell when some efforts are accepted from Allah, then that's enough. That's enough, you know, to save ourselves. Now, we studied yesterday, the example of the three kinds of white hearts that were compared with three kinds of rocks you remember, I wanted to share with you that this is actually hotly will NASA, Allah akula him address people in accordance with their intellect. What did Allah azzawajal do? He's giving this

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example of three kinds of rocks. So when we saw him, and if you recall, the the the summary of the image, one rock exploded, the other cracked open with a little bit of water, and the third one fell. All three of these are actually something not just imagined by the Israelites. This is something part of their living memory. Why? Because when Musa alayhis salaam struck the staff What happened? water gushed out. That's actually something that can easily relate to fun for Java. I mean, who's Natasha Dinah we saw that later on as a result of their sins. That water it didn't used to come out like a river. It used to come out only a little bit like the shock shock would happen and only a

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little bit of water used to come out from budget set like in salt, a lot of little bit of water came out, you know, 12 Springs were there but they got weaker. And that's kind of like the second example. And in the third case, what did we see about Allah azzawajal raising the mountain above them or shaking the mountain and the rocks

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are falling. And the third image is that of rocks falling from the fear of Allah. So this is actually something that like resonates and connects with the psyche of the Israelites, that for whom these, these incidents are a major part of their memory. And so a lot draws on that to give them the example of emancipation Allah. Now Allah turns his attention to the Muslims, the entire conversation so so far has been with the Israelites, we are kind of an audience to this conversation. But now Allah flips and he directly starts talking to you and me the oma. He says, If I talk to my owner, and you mean Who

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Are you hopeful? Are you actually hopeful that they are going to accept what you're saying? You know, he turns to us why the Sahaba in Medina, the Muslims living in Medina, he tells them, Look, you came from Makkah. And in Makkah, your audience was the people of polish. And the people of Quraysh have no knowledge of a book. They have no knowledge of prophets, they worship idols, they have a completely different religious worldview, you are optimistic that when you come to Medina, these are Aloo Kitab. These are people of the book, they know what a prophet is, they know what Allah is, they know these things. So when we give them this message, it's a much easier sell to

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them. Because they already have background information. They have prerequisites plus, our profit is mentioned in their books. So this is a done deal. They're going to hear about it, and they're totally going to accept there. They're not as tough of a sale, as the people of Croatia said, even Morocco, man, what's this? Man? Like? We don't know what that is. They even they're not going to ask these questions. So Alonzo just says, actually, you assumed that because they have knowledge that they're going to just willingly come to you open hearted. No. What did I do? What did the legends explain? They saw the dead come back to life. They saw water part. They saw springs come out. did

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that affect them? No. And Allah says, their hearts have become hard, even with Musa alayhis salam. You think after this, this them not sparing Musa alayhis salam, and hearing of all of this, you're noticing some parallels between the historical Israelites and the ones that are in the company of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, because they're the ones being criticized, you're acting like your historical ancestors. Why are you doing that? Why are your hearts becoming so hard? And so a lot turns to the Muslims and says, Are you actually hopeful? they'll accept what you're saying? What God can offer recomendamos morona columella. And there had already been a group among them that used to

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listen to the speech of Allah, sama you Henri funa. Whom and by the macula who then they used to change it even after having understood it. Very curious statement listen to it again. are you actually going to believe you you actually think they're going to accept what you're saying? While a group among them used to hear the speech of Allah and use the edited alteration change it, replace it even after they had understood it? Now the first curious thing about the statement is the word free. What kind of free come in Hamas Marina calama, la familia, how do you feel now? Allah says they're not gonna listen to you because a group among them used to change the book, after hearing

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it. The question arises, how can you blame an entire nation for the crimes of one group,

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a local law could have said, they all heard it. They all changed it. But the fact of the matter is Allah is only blaming a small group of them that used to hear the word of Allah, and then deliberately edited you have refused to hear what to do. Dean was luminal in her office a leaf. She held off for me she move it from its place. You know him. I mean, he gave examples of this. In the Jewish in his book, actually his teacher hamidou Dean Ferrara, himolla amazing book. I hear it's been translated into English and into Arabic. I still haven't gotten a copy when I do I'll make I'll publicize it very important book. The book is called usaha. The man who was the be the correct

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position on who was to be slaughtered. Meaning of Rahim Allah His Salaam had a dream to slaughter his son. Muslims believe it is my Salaam, the majority of us believe it's inspired Ali Salaam, and the Jewish position is it's Isaac. It says Huck, that is to be slaughtered. And you might think, who cares? I mean, he didn't get slaughtered, it was a cow instead, or RAM instead. So what does it matter? It actually, it's a pretty big deal. That's a pretty big deal. Why? Because the entire belief system that came after as a result from the Jewish tradition, and by a byproduct of it, the Christian tradition, especially nowadays, Protestant Christianity, they actually believe Isaac was

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chosen because Isaac was the blessing son, and Ishmael was not chosen because he's the curse son. So all of his children are cursed. And the religion that came from the children of Ishmael is Islam, which is a curse religion of the devil, because he's from the curse line.

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All of it started with who was to be slaughtered.

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When you question that, you question the foundation of this entire line of thinking, this entire line of thinking, a lot of Zionism is actually rooted religious Zionism is rooted in this in this one thing. Like it's the root of a lot of problems in the world. So what have you been for he do. He studies Hebrew for eight years, because he wants to study the original text.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:40

What a gangster. Rahim Allah is so awesome. Maybe this this man is my hero, like he's so amazing. And then he after doing this research, he writes a book or use a man who has the be the correct position and who was supposed to be slaughtered? And what is he doing this book three sections, one section How does the Quran prove that it is my license? Then how does the Torah actually also prove that it's a smile on Islam? And then scholars of the Hebrew tradition that actually held the opinion that it was married at Islam? The guy studied Hebrew so you can go inside of their sources and he put this thing together and he wrote it he's an Indian scholar Rahim. Allah wrote it in Arabic. So

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awesome. But when he and like I said, it's been translated and apparently an updated version of it has also been put together. I believe it's called Ishmael and Isaac when I get my hands on a copy I'll publicize it inshallah Tada. But the reason I'm bringing it up under this is as follows. The Jewish the Hebrew Bible, he actually quoted the Hebrew in his book, he says it's an Arabic book and when he gets to the Hebrew ayah, from their book, he writes the Hebrew in right and then he spells it out in Arabic. And he says, They say that Abraham took his son to Isaac to slaughter him at at a rock near moolah in the write the Hebrew word Maura, which is actually just a slant over from Marwa.

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marva, as in Safa and Marwa, you know, and they say this was actually between two hills, the two hills of Shiva, and Maura.

00:36:30 --> 00:36:32

Really Shiva and Maura

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in a in a dried up Valley called sucker.

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sucker, really sucker.

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I mean, just little stands here and there. And they change the word from where it used to be. Is this the common person doing it? No, this is their scholars doing it. This is their scholars, when Allah says a group among them used to hear the word of Allah and used to change it, even after having understood it. Who is he pointing the finger at their scholars? Now why are you blaming the entire nation like these people are not gonna believe what you're saying? Because their scholars are corrupt. That's basically what alive saying. That's not fair. The scholars are corrupt. What about the rest of the people? Allah azza wa jal is here highlighting a very deep problem of religious

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psychology. When a nation becomes weak, a nation becomes weak when their relationship with their book becomes weak. And how do you know that our relationship has a nation has a weak relationship with their book with the book of Allah, that happens when the book of Allah is only studied and understood by the scholars? And the vast majority of Muslims say, I don't need to know. I'll just go ask a scholar. I'll ask her. She, I don't need to know what the ayah says, I don't need to know what the sutra says. That's not my problem. I'm not ashamed. And then the shoe you will also come along like the shoe companies, right would come along and say, Hey, you have no business reading Torah to

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yourself, you will get misguided.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:16

You will go to jahannam. Because you will misunderstand it. If you have a question come to me, and I will tell you what it says. As a matter of fact, don't even read it yourself and ask questions. I'll just tell you everything you need to know.

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keep a distance from the Quran because it'll misguide you. Well, law Hill Aleem, this is the greatest trick of shaitaan in the history of religion, the grip, the revelation that came to connect every human being to Allah, now we're being fed, you can only go through scholars, I'm not undermining the value of scholarship, you have to understand what the role of scholarship is. The role of scholarship is as follows you, the public, me that I'm not a scholar, either me the public, we're supposed to be informed consumers. We're informed students, we cannot be non students, everybody's supposed to be a student. And as students, you have the right to ask questions, when you

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don't understand something, you can see how can we believe this? Where did this come from? How did this get there? And you're supposed to be curious and ask those questions. And whose responsibility is it? To give you those answers in a satisfying faction? passion the scholars, and they're supposed to not just give you the answer. They're supposed to show you how they arrived at the answer. So if they give you an answer, and you say, Well, I'm not convinced, how did you arrive at this answer? They're not allowed to get offended. They're not allowed to say I'm an alum, you're not shut up. They're not allowed to say that. And so what happens in their scholarship? In the Jewish mind, this

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is actually far more extreme than the Omar ever became, but in their you know, in their history, what happened? There scholars would write an opinion

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and opinion is actually somebody's best attempt at understanding something.

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They will write an opinion and the next generation would actually believe that the opinion of a rabbi is equal to the law of God.

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Their fatwa is equal to Islam itself.

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So disagreeing with the rabbi, and by the way, then they had other orlimar with other opinions. And you know, they kept collecting all these opinions for any one issue, they have 100 different opinions, and they say follow any one of them because they are all from Allah.

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All of these opinions are from Allah. Why? Because they came from scholars, because scholars can go wrong.

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Scholars actually became divine in a sense, and that's why the Quran says that they took their scholars, their rabbis and their priests as Gods besides Allah, they didn't worship them, but they took law from them like they're taking law from Allah Himself. They took halal and haram from them without question like, they will take it from a lamb self. So now, even after making these changes, why did and then let me tell you take you back to the Muslim psyche, because I today if there's nothing else you understand, just understand this problem, a very deep problem in religious psychology that hits any oma even the Muslim oma, we are people of benefit of the doubt. We say he's

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an island, how could he be a bad person? How he wouldn't say something wrong?

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He wouldn't do that. And then of course, our there's a class of people who call themselves scholars, their only business is the following to tell you don't listen to this one, this one, this one, this one, this one and this one, because they're not real scholars.

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And you better only listen to me, if you want to be saved. Because I speak the Hulk. I'm going to tell you what Koran says, What sadhana says, everybody else? Watch out. If you want to save yourself, here's the website that you always go to. Don't go anywhere else. Here's the book you read and nothing else. You know, here's the manual that'll teach you. And they create this cult, where you're not alone. And if you question them, then you're out to, then they'll write a warning about you because you asked a question. You know, that's part of it. That's one part of their business. The other part of their business is that literally this, they hear the word of Allah, and they, they

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offer one of its interpretations, whether that interpretation actually matches that meets the text or not.

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And over time, a mafia is formed and I use the word mafia on purpose. What's in a mafia? You have to if you're in it, you can't disagree with the boss.

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So if you have a student from within a person, person, some school and he says my school of thought my teachers taught me this opinion, but I'm not convinced. We're on the same Telly telling me something else. So nice telling me something else. Evidence is telling me something else. History is telling me something else. I cannot agree with this fatwa. I can't in good conscience. He'll tell you that in a private dinner.

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He can't tell you that openly.

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I can't my elders have said that I can't disagree with this. Where your loyalties said becomes that the the word of the elders becomes the word of Allah. And so Allah says this, this in the worst case was with bunnies for him. Now please, as you hear this, the Don't forget the other extreme. The other extreme is all scholars are corrupt. I don't want anything to do with scholars are stuck for the love airless, just like the rabbi's of any site. These are extremes and ignorant people love either going into one extreme and coming out and going into another extreme like the oma today, if we love a scholar, oh my god, we're obsessed with this scholar. We can't hear any criticism of him.

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But once he falls in our eyes, he's basically beliefs.

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Now I don't want to hear anything about him. Don't even say his name stuff for that too. I have to make although again, like that's

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do you deal with any human being this way, human beings or people that make mistakes, and scholars are no different. And every field in which there is influence or a concentration of knowledge is subject to corruption. lawyers can be corrupt because they understand the law. Mechanics can be corrupt because they understand the car better than you.

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Construction people can be corrupt contractors can be corrupt because they say I need this material this material, you don't know any better, you'll have to trust them. scholars are no different. If you're in a position, just because it's religion doesn't mean that there's no room for corruption there is but at the same time, are there good people in these fields as well? Yes. And so there are always going to be sincere genuine scholars that are actually and you'll know one of the qualities of genuine scholarship is that they are far more student than they are teacher. They're just in a lifelong engagement of learning. And that's how you can tell the mark of a scholar, you know, so

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somebody you Henry funa, whom embody Morocco, ARCA Lu, who they edited, even after they've come to understand it, they understand what it really means, but they still can't get themselves to say, Well hold me on the moon and they're the ones who know, in other words, knowledge is being kept with them. If they don't send it out. If they don't give it out, the public's not gonna have it. And so in this ayah lies actually directly blaming one group and indirectly blaming another group. Directly he's blaming corrupts scholarship. Indirectly he's blaming the public, who trusts them with anything without asking any questions.

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completely blind, trusting public, we don't interrogate our scholars, but we do engage in reasonable, rational civil conversation with them. That transparency needs to be there for an almighty to be secure from corruption. And so what is called Lavina amanu. Carlo, Amanda does the general public desire now builds on this idea, when they come to those who believe they say we believe to a Jew from Medina, listens to his Rabbi talk about the final prophet, Saturday after Saturday after Saturday, then he sees a suit of law. Solomon says, hey, that's exactly the lecture I heard. He's exactly the same guy. And he goes and talks to one of the Sahaba and says he is a

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prophet of yours. I think it's the same one we heard about in our in our book. I've heard so many speeches about him, it all matches up. Now, this is a common most common Jew talking to a common Muslim. in Medina, they're just having this casual conversation. So when they come to you, they say, I think we've pretty much on the same page, we accept all this stuff that you're saying, we've been hearing this for a long time. Without holla bah, bah, bah, then they go happily to the rabbi running off to the rabbi, and they go and private company, or have I guess what I think that property told us about. He's here and I was talking to some of his followers. It's totally what you said. It's

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exactly the same men. And so then they get a lecture from their rabbi, why don't you go tell them?

00:46:23 --> 00:47:01

Don't go talk to them again, you get confused. If you know what to go for you just stay here. I'll tell you if it's right or wrong. Don't go asking questions yourself. And so before I finished the I want to read something to you from ignore above or below tullahoma, who observed this phenomenon in Medina and Maria Abbas for the Allahu taala and Amina et Al Kitab. can harbor Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam Kala home um inability to be vulnerable says these people have the people the people of the book, especially the Jews used to come to the Muslims in Medina and say we believe in exactly the same thing. When the shadow Sahaba come Sadek we're willing to testify we I am we're pretty sure

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that your your your companion, which by which they mean the Prophet, your companion, is telling the truth, one cola who have wanted you to be naughty, he was at vikita Vina and we find him with his exact description and his exact qualities in our book. So my

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Colorado home, and when they went in private company to their own among themselves, the heads of them their chiefs, their leaders said to have this una homie malfatti Holla Holla come see kitabi human data he was fit he can be, are you guys honestly going to the Muslims and talking to them about how you have in common with them these descriptions that I talked to you about in the book for Intel mohalla era turabian Toronto, Toronto, Toronto, and annuity Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam fatherhood Jetta Aquaman Derek, if someone who doesn't even believe in the Prophet comes over to a Muslim and says that's the one in our books.

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There is no better case than that. We didn't have to go prove it to you, you're coming in confessing it yourselves. If you go and do this, then you're not just making yourself look bad. You're making me look bad. Now I don't have a choice but to accept the rabbi's yelling at him and saying, if you go and say I gave lectures about Muhammad, that you should accept him. And now you go and you went and told them then you're killing me here, man. And so the exact language of the Quran remarkable, he says, to have the funeral home, are you going and engaging in conversation with them starting up a chat with them? It's interesting, so interesting. If you say at the head, the sooner he lay him,

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are you talking with them? That could mean they started the conversation and you responded, but if you say to have the tsunami frame, it means you started the conversation, meaning the the Jewish community got so intrigued by the Quran, they couldn't help but engage the Muslims in conversation. They went and talked to them, and they got yelled at for starting the conversation. Lima Fattah Allahu Allah calm and you're talking to them because what because of what Allah has open to you. In other words, Allah has given you the insight to see that what you've heard from me matches with what you hear from them. Leo ha Joon Hee, are you doing this so they can start arguing against you, they

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don't just want to see commonalities in our faith. If you just show them commonalities, they're not going to just sit back and say, Well, I'm glad we find this common common ground. Now you go back to the synagogue, and I'll go to the mosque. They're gonna say you should accept

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the such as the casual Hey, I'm glad we have stuff in common now let's eat cookies together.

00:49:32 --> 00:49:55

They're gonna put some pressure on you. They're gonna want you to do you want to become Muslim. Now? Is that what you're saying? You had you come here and they're gonna make a case against you with your God. They're gonna invoke your God and say, You must now accept this religion. This is not just a casual conversation about commonalities. How interesting. We have prayer like yours, too. It's so fascinating.

00:49:57 --> 00:50:00

I'm really glad we talked about this because I

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Our book is really similar to yours, good talk.

00:50:04 --> 00:50:18

It's not just that they're going to actually come, they're going to make a case. And he then he's scaring them. He's saying, Listen, they're going to make you convert either here, they're going to make a case against you. And if they don't make a case against you here, when you come before Allah, they will complain about you.

00:50:20 --> 00:50:59

Now, this is strange. If the rabbi's telling them, you should not become Muslim, because if you go tell them what you know, then they will have a case against you to make ends up become before your master, meaning on Judgment, they somehow have done that, that we'll have this on Judgement Day, then shouldn't that make the monacan like, if they have a case against them on Judgement Day, they should want to run and actually be accepted or accepted. So they don't have a case against themselves on Judgement Day. Who wouldn't want to be saved on Judgment a, but actually, if you study like Ignacio Rahim, Allah was baffled by this problem and at the Hilton weed. Why the exact argument

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that should compel compel someone to accept Islam is being made to convince them to not accept Islam. Why? Because the concept of God that was developed in the Jewish tradition based on the stories in the accounts was so twisted. And so out there, it was so wrong, that they actually inherently like adopted the notion that Allah is not all knowing. Listen to me, again, they develop the idea that Allah is not all knowing. It started even with his Hakone Salaam is half la Salaam is on his deathbed. According to the Torah twisted version, he's about to die. He has an older son named issue. And his younger son is named Yaqoob. Yahoo is the one we know he is the one we've never

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heard of, because he's only mentioned in thought, and his half the father is about to die. And he says the issue, I'm about to die. But before I do, go and prepare a meal and slaughter an animal and bring it to me, so I can bless you so you can become a prophet.

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And his who was from a different wife, and his half was from Yahoo was from a different wife, and Yaqoob, his mother overheard from the kitchen that the Father is about to bless issue. And she brings Yaqoob and says, Go boy, hurry up, slaughter an animal, bring the food and put on your brother's clothes, he Sue's clothes, and sound try to sound like him, and just put your hand forward. So you'll see the clothes because he's too sick to see you. And he'll bless you instead. And he'll make he'll make to offer you to become a profit instead. Because I want you to have profited. I want you to have profited. So Yaqoob says no, I think I don't think I'm qualified. I

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don't think this is a good idea. And mother says do what I tell you. And he goes and he slaughters an animal comes back, hands it hands, the hand says father is half his half doesn't realize what he's doing. He gives Prophethood unknowingly to jacoba lamb. Reese who comes back with an animal says Dad, I'm ready to get blessed. He says already blessed your brother, I'm sorry.

00:52:57 --> 00:53:02

This is actually the terrazza count. Like a lot does not know, you know

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how Allah who Quran says Allah knows better where to place his prophethood where the places met, they actually developed the idea that you can kind of love that you can actually don't tell them because if you tell them, then the judges are law and they'll have evidence. If you don't give them the evidence, then a lot won't have anything to argue with.

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And they're like, oh, okay, I won't talk to them again.

00:53:28 --> 00:53:28

And so

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they told their own followers, why don't you think you're gonna lose the case? This way, keep it secret, and it won't come out. Can you imagine how far from the teachings of even about a law they came? And that's just one example that he gave.

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He gives several examples from Todd, where they undermine the knowledge of Allah. So what is the next ayah? it corrects this corrupted notion of the turret? Our Laila moon, don't they already know? Shouldn't they already know? And the La Jolla Lama you say rune, Mama, you know, that Allah knows what they hide. Allah knows what they make secret. And Allah knows the pronouncements the public statements that they make, don't they already know that Allah knows all of these things. Allah is now questioning not just that they challenge a little loss of a large item and undermine him. They're even willing to undermine Allah to have corrupt notions about Allah. And Allah challenges

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them openly. And so now this was the if the best of them, they're rabbis, are this corrupt? What are you going to accept from the gullible population who's handed the entire religion over to the rabbi's. They don't care to study it. They just lean on the rabbis, and they're not off the hook. And that's why the next ayah is about the the rest of the population. This is this has to be learned by the oma why. Because you're gonna have people we don't hamdulillah we don't have the level of corruption, even in our scholarship, whenever there's corruption. It's not to the point where our scholars believe allies, not all knowing. We're not

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At that level Alhamdulillah. But there is certainly the kind of corruption that keeps scholars from speaking out the truth even when they see it in front of their face. Because there are other consider political considerations, economic considerations, social considerations, school of thought, considerations, allegiances, loyalties, jobs, imagine positions, they're going to get shaken if I don't say, you know, simple things. There's any mom who's can look what you're convinced of is a man on you. The mom is convinced that that he does tomorrow,

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the board member comes and says, Look, if you want your job, and he does the day after tomorrow.

00:55:38 --> 00:55:44

I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but I want it I only have a day off on on Sunday.

00:55:45 --> 00:55:59

I can't afford Monday. So you need to announce. The mom says Actually, I I can't do I saw the moon sighting, I'm pretty sure it's No, no, but we really want you to have a good future here at the Islamic Center.

00:56:02 --> 00:56:03

Think about your children.

00:56:04 --> 00:56:08

there's a there's a difference of opinion. You can you can slip by.

00:56:09 --> 00:56:24

Now, this may be a masala Fie issue, this may be an issue of disagreement. It's possible, but on the conscience of that scholar, when he had to weigh his income, and the pressure from an employer as opposed to what he's convinced them to be true.

00:56:26 --> 00:57:02

Now, what's the point of being a representative of this team? What's the point? If you have to sell your conscience, you know, and this this, this is a you could think this is a small issue. It's not a small issue, but it's a matter of conviction. And when it's a matter of principle, what you're convinced of you're allowed to be able to speak of, they were to their their monies, their livelihoods, their social status was too tied to their religious teachings. They couldn't they couldn't even speak when they were convinced otherwise. But now Allah criticizes the general population. He says woman hormone miyun and among them are the unlettered uneducated, uneducated, in

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what sense? In the religious sense. They have an engineering degree. They can they could speak c++ if they wanted to. But Arabic is too hard. Quran is too difficult. But if I want to I can write code like this, with my eyes closed.

00:57:17 --> 00:57:21

I could I could program entire robots, but the language of anatomy Come on Who has time for that?

00:57:23 --> 00:57:49

They just they chose to be educated in it. Well, we know when we you know, they don't know the book. And it also means they don't know the law. Kitab comes in two meanings. The book also means the law and particularly they don't know the law in Germany, I prefer a lot more of them. I find more convincing the meaning of law here. Among them are uneducated people who don't know the law, the law, except their own wishful assumptions in law money.

00:57:50 --> 00:57:57

I don't think it's this way. I'm pretty sure it's this way. I don't think the punishment is too harsh. I'm pretty sure it lies much more lenient than that.

00:57:58 --> 00:58:36

I mean, these people keep saying it's haram Haram, it's impractical to call this thing Haram, it's just not that bad. Let's just call it a necessity of our time. There is a population of people who are educated otherwise, but when it comes to the religion, they speak out of what they wish it was not what it is what they wish it to be, they'd like to mold it this way or that way or the other way. And in a in a day and age like ours, this is manifest more than probably it's ever been before. There are people who look at religion, like they look at, like a something they're shopping for. It's a consumer product. Well, I want a religion that makes me feel better about myself. And these

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rules are pretty hard on me.

00:58:40 --> 00:58:46

I feel like if Allah really wants me to be happy, then he'll be understanding that I don't

00:58:48 --> 00:58:52

really you feel if Allah wants you to be happy like

00:58:53 --> 00:59:20

what religion is this? Is it called Islam where you submit yourself or you want the Dean of a law to submit to you What did you enter? What do you came in come into if you want and there are people who literally have this mentality where Islam as we have learned it is too harsh we need to loosen it up a little bit. We need to take it easy relax and if it could just it cuz you know a lot of people have literally told me if the Quran was revealed today wouldn't be this harsh.

00:59:21 --> 00:59:22

like wow,

00:59:23 --> 00:59:30

eight Mubarak to you my friend, because I will not engage in that conversation. It was way too stupid a conversation with a reader too.

00:59:32 --> 00:59:39

Cuz so what is Imani? The Arabic definition Yoku Luna lillahi yaku mala hottie katella who

00:59:41 --> 00:59:59

has a Muna? What does he mean? They say about something that doesn't actually exist in reality, but they wish it did. That's called an Omnia. They have no knowledge of the law, nor any knowledge of the book, except for their own wishful thinking what they wish Islam was what they hoped

01:00:00 --> 01:00:35

Someone's, they'd like to reinterpret it in a way that says so much more convenient. It's so much easier. And you know, there are two ways to do that. And it's few minutes that I have left, we won't be able to finish this. I have two ways to do that. Please remember them. There's the the unfortunate road the Christian struck, and the unfortunate road that Jews took to take the book and turn it into money. I'll show both of them to you, and how some of them have made their way into our oma, that after your own nationalism, and Kublai Khan, the prophet said, you will absolutely follow the ways of those who came before you. And the Sahaba said Yehuda, Massara, using Christians he's

01:00:35 --> 01:00:38

had fun to Oregon. Who else?

01:00:39 --> 01:00:49

How did they? How did the Christians do this? The Christians did this by saying that Jesus is going to pay for all of our sins. So we don't need to lie anymore. Because we are already what

01:00:51 --> 01:01:27

we're saved. Now, we didn't do this with Jesus, but a group of us did this with Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Rasulullah will Lucia, if you send Salawat upon him, then the fire of * will not touch you. If you recited this many times. And this was iclm says that he will make Mohammed of a lion. He will save us from the Hellfire and just show your love for those who Allah. Now your women don't have to cover and you don't have to pray five times. And you know, it's all good man. If you're just doing a nakatani the whole night. You're good. You're set if you just show how much you love the profit machine after machine after machine. McGriff is going on. But you're busy in the

01:01:27 --> 01:02:06

machines because you love the profit so much on this Auto Salon, you'll be fine. Who does this mimic? This is Christian behavior with Jesus. He's our salvation, praising Him praise Jesus now became praise Salawat upon his hula. So Salawat is a legitimate thing. It is a legitimate thing, but to take advantage of it. And to absolve yourself from all responsibility in Islam. That's the unfortunate road the Christians took, what's the unfortunate road road the Jews took. That's another road. None of the road is they took the law. And they interpreted it over and over and over again. And every interpretation became divine.

01:02:07 --> 01:02:16

And the vast majority of them who weren't knowledgeable in the book, they sought out, they they asked around until they found someone who can say what you want as valid.

01:02:18 --> 01:03:01

And opinion exists. Some opinion exists. And so long as you can find someone who says the opinion exists, you can wiggle out to the person who wants to engage in a kind of financial transaction. They're not sure if it's helpful or not. They ask the man the man says no, it's not. Okay, thanks for your answer. Then they go on a forum. Is this Hello? And they get no it's not Hello. I should check out another forum. They another form? No, it's not a lot. Then they go on a Facebook group. Is this Hello? No, it's not one man. Someone's got to be there on the internet. That could just tell me this is halaal this one time and then some obscure group knows all about Islam. 99 screenname says

01:03:01 --> 01:03:05

there is an opinion out there. That's all I needed row. Thanks.

01:03:07 --> 01:03:18

And it doesn't even stick around to hear the rest of the message. I'm not even Muslim man. Like, who cares? There's an opinion out there that we hide behind phrases like there's a difference of opinion on that.

01:03:19 --> 01:03:22

Can you name three of the opinions? No to?

01:03:23 --> 01:03:31

Where do they come from? When you say difference of opinion? I'd love to hear you explain what those differences are? Where did you get that from? Well, I heard Where did you hear?

01:03:33 --> 01:03:38

It's in the books, go read it yourself. What books, books, you know, books.

01:03:40 --> 01:04:17

This is Amani, you'd like to construct an imaginary scenario in which you can make permissible for yourself what clearly isn't what your own conscience is telling you isn't in law or money. We're in formulae of unknown. They do nothing but make assumptions. They do nothing but make assumptions. They'd rather not learn. There are people who would rather not learn why not because they know the moment they learn. They're going to be held responsible. So Mitel might as well just get the easy answer and not engage in learning and be exactly like the disease we just mentioned. If you ask them, why don't you want to learn? Well, I don't want to be responsible because once I learned I'm

01:04:17 --> 01:04:56

responsible. Wow, I've heard that before to have this una homi Bhabha de la liga. You heard you could be in Dharavi como la ketone. That's the exact disease may Allah azza wa jal protect this Omar from falling into this disease. May Allah make a seeker of Truth genuine seekers of truth. And may Allah as always give myself scholars teachers throughout all of us the sincerity and the courage to speak to our convictions and to be open to the idea that we may be wrong and to continuously learn and May Allah azza wa jal guide all of us closer and closer to what is true and what pleases Him. barakallahu li walakum Hakeem, when a family with er can be as Kim said, America

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan shares some reflections and lessons from the Ayats of Surah Al Baqarah.

A few groups of people that need to be given due attention in terms of education of Islam and this will ensure every other group will be covered:

  • Women
  • Youth

How do we empower them in the light of Deen? Listen intently to fully fathom the necessity of this.

A nation becomes weak when the people distance themselves from the Book of Allah and this means that they seek help on all the Ayats through scholars alone. This is our biggest undoing and we should be wary of this and seek to make amends to the fullest potential.


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