Nouman Ali Khan – Power & Respect

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the power of Islam, citing the phrase "by the way," which describes their own bodies and their indirect authority. They also discuss the use of "immaterial" in English to describe ownership of power by their community. The speaker explains that the phrase is used to describe community respect for authority, and that formalities like a shower or visit to a Palace can help achieve this. They also provide a step-by-step guide for students to understand the Quran and create a personalized approach to studying it.
AI: Transcript ©
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A little bit further beyond our own bodies, Allah has given us some level of authority or influence or control. In our lives, you've got some level of authority over the things that you own. The fact that you turn your steering wheel, right, and the car turns right as a co driver in a milk that Allah gave you over your car, you know, because if Allah wants the steering fluid can go, and the car is going straight, no matter how much you turn, like it used to happen when I lived in New York, and it was snowy days, you could turn all you want, it's still going straight, you know. So that's something that Allah grants, it's not something that we own or possess. And beyond that is, of

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course, control and authority that we exert over people. As a parent, I have some degree of control over my children, I like to think I have a lot more control, but I really don't, it's a degree of control that I have exercised over my children, a spouse can exert influence, or control over another spouse, you know, teachers can exert control over or influence over students. So in our personal lives and society, whether it's in our family or at work, maybe you're the manager, you have some control over the the your team, the people that are working under your team, maybe you're the employer, you're the owner of the business, you have control over your employees. So Allah has

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given us different degrees of milk, different degrees of control, and authority and power in our life. So when we hear these ayat that I'm going to share with you, I don't just want you to think about somebody who became president, and now they have power. And now we're thinking about their power. And this this, this has to be a football day better here. But actually, this is something that you and I need to hear, because every one of us, in fact has been endowed with has been given some degree of power and influence, if not, at least the very least on our own cells, but beyond ourselves. Also, Allah azza wa jal told us commanded us to declare this, he said kulula Houma Malik,

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Al Mulki, total Milcom and Tasha buttons y'all moon coming, man, Tasha, what resume and Tasha are to the lumen Tasha the radical hive in Nicola coalition in Cadiz very famous if sought ally Emraan. And it begins with Allah commanding us to declare the school Allah Houma. Say, Oh Allah, say this to Allah. In other words, this is something that needs to be rehearsed. It's something that's and by the way, this is not just a dua in a DUA, there's a Tala, there's some kind of a request. Usually when you find a dua in the Quran, you find Robina Robina attina, for dunya. You know, Rabbana, Allah to Kaluga, Nevada, etc, and the same surah. But here, we find something else you find you and me

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telling something to Allah, declaring something to Allah, as if we are testifying to Allah, that the fact that we believe in Him, leads us to this additional testimony. It's actually an extension in the sense of our understanding of the shahada of la ilaha illAllah. What does that mean for us practically? So we say, oh, Allah, Malik, Al Mulk, the owner of all kingdom, the owner of all dominion of sovereignty of power, and hear this phrase, even though this entire football could be about that phrase, I want to just make you think about one piece of this remarkable phrase, Malakal. Malik, Malik is someone who owns something. So I can be Malik of of a pen. I can be Malik of this TV

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over here. I can be Malik of objects, I own things. Back in the day, people used to own a sheep or a cow. They were Malik of it, you understand? But you're not Malik over and the things that you're mulling over that you own, you have complete right to do whatever you want. If I want to break my pen, it's my right. If I want to throw it in the trash, it's my right if I want to write with it, it's my right. I have absolute authority to do what I want. And no one can question me why I'm doing what I'm doing what I'm doing because it is entirely mine. If you own a car, and you decide that you want to change his tires, or you decide that you want to slash his tires, that's your problem.

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Nobody can question you. Because it's yours. Back in the day somebody owned a goat, they want to slaughter the goat or milk the goat it's up to them, you understand. So when Allah describes himself as Malik, before he mentioned Malik, Malik al molk his community, we're communicating something to Allah that we understand about him. He absolutely owns all power. The power that I possess is his ownership. The power that He gives me or he takes away from me is his ownership. In other words, why did he give this one authority? Why did he take authority from this one away? Is not ever something I can question.

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That decision of his is his that belongs to him. And it's not something I will ever be in a position to question because power itself is something Allah owns has full rights over to us and distribute as he sees fit Allahumma Malakal milk. And by extension of that phrase, we then say till Malcolm and Tasha buttons, you're all welcome in mentorship, ah, you grant dominion, you grant power, you grant authority, you grant sovereignty to whoever you want, and you pull it away from whoever you want. This is a fact. Allah is we're declaring to Allah you do this at your discretion. Whoever you decide gets power, whoever you decide you

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Start pulling power away from them. The interesting thing about the Arabic of this part of the ayah is the word milk is used twice till Milka man, Tasha returns your own Milka men, Tasha, even though you can use lumea, you could say till Malcolm and Tasha were 10 Zero who in mentorship, you could just replace it with a pronoun. In other words, in English, you could say, you give power to whoever you want, and you pull it away from whoever you want, you could say the word it the second time, but he uses the word power or Dominion or Kingdom again the second time. And when you do that, in the ancient Arabic, the purpose of that is to maybe not even refer to two different kinds of power, or

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two different sets of power, but the same power. And what does that mean in simple English? It means you know, when you when you first hear you give power to whoever you take it away from whoever you give kingdom to whoever you take it away from whoever you think he gave it to one person and you till you took it away from another person, right? That's what comes in our mind. But the use of milk twice like that teaches us something more, it teaches us that he can give it to someone, and then take it away from the same one. The one he gave it to is the one he can take it away from. That's up to him. He decides it's not even he gave to one and took something else from another Subhanallah

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that Allah did not ever hand someone a blanket endorsement here you have power, you get to keep it forever. Nope. I will decide Allah will decide rather, when you get it when you have it, and he will decide when it's taken away from you. He will decide that to the terms of that power don't come from an election term. They don't come from a duration of a presidency. They don't come from the health of a ruler that comes from Allah. When will they have it? When will it be taken away? That's the first lesson here. The second lesson is Allah separated this from Reza till will come and Tasha returns, y'all will come in mentorship, what to resume man, Tasha was illumine Tasha, he says he

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gives power he gives dominion to whoever he wants, or you whoever you want, you give power, you pull it away, and I'll talk about pulling away later on in the Honda, from whoever you want. Then he says you give Riza but to resume mentorship, what to do, man Tasha, what what in the world is that? It's a basically is two things. Lisa is authority. One meaning Risa is authority. So anybody who has authority over us has a kind of result. But it's not only authority, it is also means respect, dignity, Karim. So you know, there are people sometimes they have authority, but they don't have respect. That happens. Maybe they're police officers that have authority, but because they've been

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abusive in their neighborhood, the community doesn't respect them. That happens. It could be some government has authority, but they're not respected. That's possible. It's also the opposite. Also possible. Sometimes people are respected, but they have no authority. It could be a teacher or an intellectual or a writer that is respected for their ideas, but they have no authority to implement their ideas. Nobody actually takes their ideas and does something with them. So they have respect, but they don't have authority that can happen. But when someone has Aiza, they actually have both they command respect and they command authority. Now Allah is taking it a step further, he's

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separating Wulc from so those are two separate things. Just because you have power, doesn't mean you have respect

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doesn't actually mean you have authority in the hearts of people, you may have authority on paper, you're the king, you're the ruler. But that doesn't mean people have accepted your authority, or they respect your authority that can happen. So Allah says he can give kingdom, he can give dominion and take dominion away. But that kingdom and that Dominion does not necessarily mean that someone else has someone has to he separated those two concepts from each other. It's a remarkable thing that Allah did, because in the world's eyes, sometimes whoever has power must also have respect. And you know, they they come up with fake forms of respect, because they won a certain position, then

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they have to have an inauguration to honor them. They have to have ceremonies to celebrate and respect them or when you go meet them, you have to have a certain kind of decorum, all of these formalities to show that this person has respect but Allah is teaching us that actually true respect and true authority and true honor is not something you can get from the ceremony. You can't get it on a piece of paper. You can't get it because you're sitting at a certain podium, we're living in a certain Palace, it doesn't come from that. It's Allah gives that in the hearts of people. Allah puts that in the hearts of people. So somebody could be living in the highest palaces, but not command

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any respect. not have any no reason whatsoever, even though they think they have milk. So he says till will come and fascia within zero will come in mental shock, what resume and Sasha were to the lumen Tasha

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I hope you guys enjoyed that video clip. My team and I have been working tirelessly to try to create as many resources for Wilson's to give them first steps in understanding the Quran all the way to the point where they can have a deep profound understanding of the Quran. We are students of the Quran ourselves, and we want you to be students of the Quran alongside us

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Join us for this journey on Vienna Where 1000s of hours of work have already been put in. And don't be intimidated. It's step by step by step. So you can make learning the Quran a part of your lifestyle. There's lots of stuff available on YouTube, but it's all over the place. If you want an organized approach to studying the Quran beginning to end for yourself, your kids, your family, and even among peers. That would be the way to go sign up for being a

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