Nouman Ali Khan – Lower Your Voice

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of balancing activities and responsibilities for one's health and well-being, as well as managing one's energy through mindful walking, intentful walking, and loud body language. They stress the need for balance and the importance of not overdoing too much activity and not overdoing too much. The speakers also touch on the concept of "The culture of war" and how it can be used to protect others, including donkey and donkey.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah hamdu Lillahi holifield would you live in a Lada or generally live in a villa? Or mostly just subliminal Alon Omar kotoba Tian, another finance guru and masa ibaka Monash Guru adenium Bhansali Allah Ross Who the * away from the shall shall be when noodle when kitabi makan waka Molina Bina will hurt him say divinity Adam ality Bashara BMP 70,000,030 he brought him on he said I'm in a Kenya Furukawa debate Allah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while at very high lumen Allah Tina barakallahu beam katha NASS Raja, but hamdulillah under the Lamia

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Lucia reconfirmed while amico Lumina to the villa well hamdulillah Hindi Angela Allah Abdullah kita Allahu la vida, Al Hamdulillah let the Nakamoto who you know who wanna start fiddle when he when he when I met him in shallowly and fusina woman sejahtera Molina de la Vela movin Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah wa hula Shakira when I showed you know Mohammed Abdullah he was Julio, Allahu Allahu Allah, Allah Buddha, Medina, Huck, do hirahara de Vaca fabula he shahida for Salalah alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman Kaziranga Tierra

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de de de la vida de Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam international ohmori Martha we're in Nakula desert in with our wakulla Allah, Allah Allah Allah.

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Allah azza wa jal Karim bandana Pula ministry regime walk sidhi machico was born in Salt Lake in Swati assaulted Hamid Ravi Shastri sorry, we are silly mo de la casa de melissani Cali Hola Hola. sabbatarian de multizilla ilaha illallah wa la Miranda Mina Latina Amano, Amina solly has also been happy with our sub sub Amira behind me. Today inshallah, I'm going to try to conclude our brief series on hobas related to the the council that Manuel de la Han, who gave His Son that's recorded in the Quran, from is number 12. All the way to number 19. Today, I'll try to talk a little bit about the final phrase in this advice. And that phrase is we covered part of it works. So are part

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of it was covered because it's all one ayah. But the first part of the site we talked about in some detail in the last clip, but when Allah says in the words of Look, man, he tells us he communicates the advice saying look said the mochica be intentful in your walk or be balanced in your walk. So we did address that. And how that is actually a pretty comprehensive statement, not just about having purpose, having clear goals, having limited milestones, so that the longer the larger goal that you want to accomplish is tangible, because it's about the steps that you're going to take. One thing I didn't address, there is the pace because a lot of scholars actually did talk about in this ayah

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don't walk too fast and don't walk too slow. The cost of the machine is actually a balanced pace of walk, which represents a few things too, because sometimes there are things that require immediate attention. They are urgent, and you have to get to them right away. And there are other things that you know, they you can only do them at a slow pace, you can only do them one little bit at a time. Right. So there are things that are short term, long term, there's things that are that are urgent priority, that are things that are supposed to be done over time. Think of it like this think of for example, medication, there's a prescription for medication, but there's also a time, right so that

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you can only take it every so many hours, or every so many days and this much dosage. But if you say well, I just want to get better, I want to finish the bottle, I'll just get better. You're killing yourself. Right if you if you take too much too early. That's not the prescribed time for it. So the idea of us the few machines also includes doing things at a balance in balance proportion. And it's it also includes when you have, you know, not too fast, not too slow, because when you speed up and exhaust more energy in one thing, you may be taking energy from something else. A lot created human beings with multiple entanglements. I have obligations to people in my life. I have obligations that

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are financial in nature, social in nature, legal in nature, I'm being pulled in many things. So any one of us,

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especially as we go closer and closer towards adulthood, but even as children, we have a bunch of things we need to get done. Whether it's school assignments, whether it's work, we have to finish, whether it's letters we have to open up in the mail, whether it's you know, the plumbing needs to get fixed in the house or the trash needs to get taken out or you know that I need to finish this letter, I got to finish reading that book, etc. So there's there's things that are just on our plate, right. And of course the few mushy is powerful advice.

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That one is telling his son with the alarm on who that you have to have a balance in what you go towards. Because what happens often is, I really liked doing some things.

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Other things are not that much fun. So, you know, going through the bills is not a lot of fun. But you know, maybe I really enjoy memorizing Quran and memorizing Quran is a lot of fun for me, I really enjoy it. So what do I What do I do the things that I enjoy doing, I don't even realize I'm spending extra time doing them, which feels good. But guess what, there were some other things that are not as enjoyable like doing the dishes, right, like doing other chores, other tasks that needed my attention, and they're not getting done. Right. And in a more on a more serious note, for example, for heads of a household, for heads of a household, you are responsible to your spouse,

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you're responsible to your children, you're responsible to your parents, you're responsible to your work, you're responsible, in multiple responsibilities, you even have responsible to yourself for your own care, you know, to just, you know, take a mental break. So you don't, you're not running on fumes, right? You you have multiple needs pulling at you. And you have to figure out a way to balance all of that. Because if you just say, Well, I'm just going to take care of one thing I really loves spending time with the kids. And in doing so you're ignoring the spouse, you're ignoring the parents, you're ignoring work, you're ignoring everything else, right? Or, you know,

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wanting to spend time in the machine is a beautiful thing. But some people want to spend time in the machine, they get away from their family, because there's too much drama there. So that's not a healthy thing. volunteering for Islamic activities is a great thing. But when you're volunteering, because you're always fighting with your parents at home. And so you become an extra super volunteer, that you're lying to yourself, right, there's a there's a balance that needs to be struck. And so that advice, be balanced in your walk and intentful in your walk is actually pretty comprehensive. So it's even more comprehensive than what I talked about last time. Now the the idea

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that the teaching that is coupled with that is pretty interesting. He says, well, Goodman, soltec Laurier voice and actually, it actually means lower a part of your voice. Because you could say, well, good South tech, while South tech, you don't have to have the men, the half job doesn't have to be there. And it could just be a rough road. And it's been so what about soltec De Soto could be monsoon, right. But the what the min does is it creates what's called a tech lead, what that means is lower a part of your voice. What that also is not very balanced advice, you know what that means? I mean, sometimes you have to raise your voice a little bit. And other times you have to keep it

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lower. But in all cases, you could be louder, and you could take it down a few notches. And this is actually the etymology the origin of this word suggests that it's when you don't use something when you don't use full force for something then you're doing club.

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So your whole domain I'm sorry, he was using the Quran same word is used for believers to lower a part of their gaze. So they often translate that tell the believing men to lower their gaze or tell the believing women to lower their gaze. Actually, it's not Yahoo boo, you know, Apsara homens Yahoo do min up sorry, him there's a min there also, what does that do? It actually means if you lowered your gaze, you wouldn't know where you're going. you'd run into walls and glass doors, right? You don't know the cars coming down the street. But Laurie, just enough so that you don't become distracted easily. And you're not looking at things you're not supposed to, but enough to know where

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you're going. So there's a balance that's being struck even in that advice. Now, last time, I spoke to you about lowering the voice. And how that means don't, don't be someone who's just trying to get attention. Right? And trying to be loud, like, give you the example of you know, the louder kids in the school that try to get attention and they're the most obnoxious. And that's their way of feeling cool. They're the ones that talk over the teacher or you know, make wisecracks and things like that. And even though they get in trouble, they get a high off of the fact that other people laughed at them, or other people kind of enjoyed it, you know, and that's, that's their high, that's their

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sense of value. So their value comes from being loud and obnoxious. It doesn't come from any intentful contribution. It doesn't come from a balanced walk. It doesn't come from accomplishing a goal. It comes from getting attention for some people getting attention is their ultimate goal. In a talk I gave a long time ago when I talked about different goals people have, for some people being popular is their most important goal. Like that's that's their only goal. And they just, you know, they live for that. And when they can't get attention, by normal means because they have nothing that's worthy of getting attention. Then they start feeling worthless. So they start doing crazy

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things to get attention. They start acting up to get attention. They start getting loud and obnoxious to get attention. And it's interesting that our voices are no longer just, you know, voices that are heard over the ear. Our voices now in this new age, are extended by means of our fingertips on our on our mobile devices.

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They're extended by means of comment sections on social media, they extended by quick videos and, you know, tech talks or, you know,

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whatever the Snapchat or Instagram or social, you know, Facebook or whatever, how much of that is a need for attention? How much of that is purposeful, just think about that. Right? And how much is it man, if we make this kind of video, it's gonna go viral. I mean, the intention behind it is viral attention. That's the intention, the goal of it is that that is not purposeful, that has no purpose. And so he says, be balanced in your walk, and then lower your voice. In other words, don't exert the energy of expressing yourself. Don't exert that energy until there's purpose to it. And when you do exert energy in expressing yourself saying something, then you don't have to be so loud. You don't

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have to overpower others, because here's the beautiful thing, like minds, right? When you're around obnoxious people, loud people, purposeless people, then the only way you can be heard is by screaming louder than everybody else. That's the only way you can be heard.

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But if you're surrounded by people that are all working purposefully,

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then they're all quiet and busy working. You didn't have to Laurie or you didn't have to raise your voice, you can speak in a normal tone. And because what you're saying is purposeful people that are other people that are purposeful, can just hear what you have to say without being you know, without being drawn by other theatrics. You see, so the idea here, it's one thing leading to the other, put yourself in an environment where you don't have to raise your voice. Okay, so create an environment for yourself, surround yourself with people around whom you don't have to raise your voice to get that kind of attention. Waldman, Celtic, but how do so it is also about controlling temper, because

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when else do people raise their voices, is when they get upset when they're getting attention. And when they are angry. And this is also an implicitly, of course, telling the young man because at the age of youth, when you become a teenager, when you become a late teen, when you become more and more you come into puberty, you discover your own independence as a young adult, then you start acting very angry,

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you get upset very easily. Things rub you the wrong way very easily that fragile, newly found, adult ego is very easily attacked. Right and you can get, you can get loud, you can get obscene, you can use terrible words, you can even become violent very, very quickly. It's like a spark always ready to fly out. And that's why many of us, when we look back at our teenage years, we regret some of the ways we behave with our parents, with our friends, the things we did the things we said the stupidity of youth, right? He's telling his young son, if you develop purpose early on, and you won't fall into that trap, you'll be able to control your temper. Because raising your voice is

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actually it doesn't make you powerful. It doesn't make you you know, it doesn't give you more value, it doesn't make you more worthy of being heard. Because of all the things in this in these iaat nowhere did look mine ever give an analogy

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to compare you to someone that his son to someone else, he never did that he never made a comparison. So he didn't, for example, say, you know, be purposeful in your walk. But don't be like, you know, a bird that's flying in every directions even compared to a bird for example. He didn't do that. So he gave different advices but not with none of the advice that he gave. Did he ever gave a give a comparison right? So far, we didn't see that. But when it came to lowering the voice, he said it's not uncommon. Swati le SoTL hmil. He said the ugliest the most alien of sound is the sound that you don't want to hear and you wish remain hidden

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is the sound of donkeys.

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In the uncanny, no doubt about it. The ugliest of sounds uncut is the superlative form is after the like October. And it's a mobile app here. So I'm Karla Swati. So to me, the most the ugliest of all sounds is the sound of donkeys and Hamid is the plural of him on Hamada is a donkey. And Hamid is plural is the plural so it's the German taxi of him out what that means is well simply, Allah didn't say don't sound like a donkey. Or as you would say in Buxton, he will do galvano

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Don't be together.

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I'm sure every culture has some Don't be a donkey version. or you're being a donkey. Right? Western culture not so much or the use of more inappropriate word. But in many Eastern cultures, when you're acting stupid, or when you're being stubborn, or you're not listening or you're being an idiot, etc, etc. You're compared to others.

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Right, but in this ayah it's not about being not smart. Well, not directly. This is about not being loud. Now, I don't have to demonstrate the brain of a donkey for you, you know what that sounds like.

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But hear what's being said first interesting thing, the plural is being used. Now, some, you know, scholars under the seat of this ayah said, well, the plural is being used because it's, you know, Neverland little philosophy. It's because it rhymes with everything else. So, you know, for example, you have Hamid of the nasi, Hubby, for who are homies. So it's like, it's going along. So Mr would not have the singular would not have matched with the rhyme scheme. But I would argue that the style of the Quran is always secondary, and the meanings of the Quran are always primary. And what Allah maybe even telling us by using the plural the sound of donkeys, even though he's talking to one son,

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he says, the most ugliest sound, or the son of donkeys, is by a saying that when you become loud, and when you become obnoxious, then you cannot be distinguished from other people that are loud and obnoxious. You lose your individuality, which is a profound thing to say. Because people get loud because they want to stick out from the crowd, they want to be the individual, he's saying the exact opposite happens, you just become one of a pack of donkeys. First of all, your voice doesn't make any sense. It doesn't mean anything. It's just hot air. You're just blowing hot air. And even if you were heard, you can't be distinguished from the other hundreds of dozens of donkeys that are

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bringing at the same time. This that's not what makes you stand out. being loud is not what makes you stand out. And being loud is not what makes you understood, because a donkey cannot be understood. Even Razi went even a step further in describing this problem of the donkey, like why would he compare the donkey? He says, He says, In the first part, be purposeful in your walk, right? He says he didn't make a comparison there. And he didn't rebuke it so harshly as if to compare him to don't fall into the trap that makes you like other people that are donkeys is interesting. Because when you walk without purpose, you harm yourself. But when you speak loud, you don't just

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harm yourself, you cause harm also to others, you're creating, creating noise pollution, and how much of our life is filled with noise pollution from others. That was just why am I even listening to this. And then you then you discover that people that genuinely mean well for you when you are loud, when you are loud. And when you are, you know, you speak in that manner, then you will notice that people that would benefit you, that can actually benefit you, they distance themselves from you.

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And people like you that just want to be heard, but don't want to listen can come closer and closer to you. So you naturally form your own pack of donkeys.

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Because of your loud voice, you distance people. And you bring closer other animal like behavior, other donkey like behavior. So you're going to harm yourself. If you become a loud person, you're going to create that environment. And this is why it's very implicit way of teaching his son, your behavior is going to attract a certain kind of people towards you.

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But the way you act isn't just about you, it has a gravitational force field and a certain kind of people are going to want to be a part of your life. And other people will be repelled by you that we pushed away from you. It's interesting also in the Quran, that the donkey analogy has been given elsewhere. It's been given in SoCal Juma Casa de Maria middle as far as it was described of some of the scholars of the Israelites that were given the burden of the Torah, and they didn't carry it, that they're compared to the donkey that is carrying loads of books. They're carrying loads of books, in Mombasa said about not this ayah. In particular, he said that when a donkey is being

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attacked, like you know, if an if, you know, goats were being attacked by a lion or if you know, a deer was being attacked other animals if they're being attacked, either they have quick reflexes and they run fast. Or they will make noise to alert the other herd well in advance. They'll make noise well in advance. But donkeys are the worst in protecting themselves from predators because they don't make a noise until their neck is grabbed, or until it's almost graphed. And they make the same noise in the state of emergency that they make without any purpose. Like they could just be standing there, nothing's going on a horse will stay quiet. A horse will start making noise, and you'll come

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out and check Is everything okay? A dog might start, you're in the pet dog, the train dog might start barking all of a sudden, and you said there must be trouble. The chickens will make noise all of a sudden really loud or there must have been a fox in the den You understand? But a donkey is gonna make this state of emergency braking really loud. You like what's happening and he's just chilling outside.

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Like he used he used the energy of the loud voice for

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Something that had no purpose. And you know what happens then, when his loud voice actually means that there's an animal attacking him. Nobody cares. Because this, this statement is also telling us for some people, everything is a big deal. Listen to this carefully for some people, everything is everything is a big deal. Everything is worth yelling and screaming, everything is worth, like being going off the top of your lungs, all caps, you know, Pitchfork in hand, everything is a moral outrage. And when you're mad about everything, then basically, you have you put value on nothing.

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You put value on nothing. You have to wanted min Celtic is very powerful, because we can't just be outraged and angry and extreme in everything. Because then things that actually matter. And things that don't matter have been put on equal value. Because you only have so much volume you can raise. So that should be stored for actual emergencies. That should be stored for actual things of value, that deserve a kind of outrage, where it should be met, where it should be raised to some extent even then it's controlled, and it's tempered. And so in in the uncommon, Swati lasota amin is a pretty powerful, you know, wisdom pertaining to communication, the way in which we communicate the

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way in we in which we express anger. Because if you get angry about everything, then you start getting labeled by everybody else as man this person is always angry.

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There's always mad you know, what, have you mad about that to? What's new, they're always mad.

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And now when you're mad about something that you should be mad about, it didn't actually get heard. Nobody heard you because you know what, because your voice is as your your sounds are as meaningless as the annoying sounds made by a donkey. Oh, there they go again. They're they're all it becomes. So it only ends up harming you look at the irony of that. The one who's trying to be the loudest to be the heard most is actually heard least is the one who tries to be understood more most by by their loudness is the one understood least.

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Now apply that as a principle. I apply that as a principle, you apply that as a principle to how we express ourselves in this new world, you know, in this new, socially isolated world that we find ourselves in some of us are in our apartments or our homes, limited to a few people that we are engaged in, in our, in our family, or in a very limited circle, right, we're quarantined. But even in that environment, we're actually still accessing the entire world online, aren't we? constantly. So we're actually exposed to millions of people, at any given moment, any anything you're consuming, there's a comment section, there's a way to engage, there's a way to interact with people

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constantly. If you if you and I understand this principle, then we have to measure our response and measure the kinds of people were inviting into our before our eyes and our ears. Like who has access to our eyes and our ears? And what kinds of things leave our fingertips what's leaving our fingertips what kind of what kind of commentators have we become have we become, you know, people that are loud about everything, like imagine, all speak, you know, modern lingo for a second, if you have a friend who's always text messaging, all caps,

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right, their own all they do is test text message, all caps. Then if one time there was an actual state of emergency, and they're really mad, and they texted all caps, would you know that they're mad? No.

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That's all they do. They're always all caps. There's no anything else. So they're just playing, you know, it doesn't really it doesn't really count. So we have to make ourselves our communication tempered and measured. And this is part of living a balanced life, being able to communicate in that way. So I pray that a larger which makes us effective communicators, and balanced communicators and doesn't make us like the free of the you know, the herd of donkeys that are just bringing and our voices are rising above them all. barakallahu li walakum Hakeem, when finally we are coming at

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hamdulillah salat wa salam, O Allah, Allah Subhan Allah. Mohammed Nabi Muhammad is Mainlander and he was created by Allah azza wa jal, he came by the Anaconda

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regime in Oklahoma Etta who saw Luna Allenby

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Salalah he was illegal to Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed commerce Allah tala Rahim Allah Allah him a Florida man in the middle Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Ali Mohamed Omar Abdullah Ibrahim Ibrahim of me in the middle of Allah, Allah tala in La Jolla, San

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Juan hanifa

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sala insalata kanatal Nikita


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