Mufti Menk – Dealing with Difficulty #24 Sin Of Comparison

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the difficulty of comparing things from different countries, citing examples such as social media and alcohol. They emphasize the importance of living in contentment and finding someone to convince of their worth, avoiding comparing oneself with those with less or more of the same thing. The speaker advises the audience to set an example and pursue their own success, emphasizing the importance of learning to adjust one's life to what one owns and what one wants, seeing one's success as a blessing rather than a fruit.
AI: Transcript ©
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is almost a sin,

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when we're comparing what we have with others

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in a way that is belittling of what

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we have.

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In a world of social media, it's become

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so difficult, everyone showcases

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things they don't even have at times.

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And then

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people who see it

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are looking at this perfect image

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of some perfection that didn't exist because it

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was either photoshopped or it was just a

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video shoot

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for a purpose.

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And yet we begin to think what I

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have is nothing.

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I don't have a spouse like this. I

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don't have children like this. I don't have

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a home like this. I don't have holidays

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like this, I don't have money like this,

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a lot of it is material.

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The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him helps

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dealing with this difficulty of comparison by telling

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us that

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look at those who have less than you

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in terms of worldly

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It will help you to appreciate what you

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have. Live in contentment.

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The minute you're going to compare with those

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who have more

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or those whom you and I presume have

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more because of the deception of the gram,

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the deception of social media,

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then we're going to struggle.

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So when you look at those who have

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less than you, what happens?

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You appreciate, I

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have a house.

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these people are living in a hut.

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We have a road,

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a tarred road, a narrow one.

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They have a gravel road,

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we have water

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from the tap twice a week.

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They have to take a bucket and walk

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5 miles before they can fill dirty water

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from the river into that bucket and bring

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it back home.

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But when you look at those who have

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more than you, even if you have your

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vehicle, you look at another one, you're not

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happy. You have your phone, you look at

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a better one, you're not happy.

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You have your spouse, you look at another

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one, you're not happy. It goes

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far beyond all of that

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until you lose

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every point of your happiness. So if you

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don't know how to use social media,

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it will cause

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a lot of stress and even depression because

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you will feel like you have nothing.

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You will feel like you've missed out. In

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fact, people are finding it difficult to get

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married because

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it is said that the demands have become

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so high that those people who can meet

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those demands are non existent.

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So you're looking for someone who is not

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on earth,

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or very few of them might be on

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earth. You're looking for someone who can use

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social media

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to con the people into believing they have

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Remember this. So therefore,

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many couples who show themselves

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Some are blessed,

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they teach a lot of goodness,

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kudos to them, and we must congratulate them.

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there are so many who are struggling in

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their relationships,

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yet online they don't show you that.

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Many who have divorced, many who have had

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ugly breakups,

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sometimes we get to hear about it and

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sometimes we don't. It's none of my business,

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to be honest with you. But

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the way

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it was shown,

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many other people's lives were broken

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because they were comparing

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their lives with

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the life you never lived. But you didn't

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tell us about all your issues.

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We didn't know. We saw a hypocritical

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side that covered up the real life issues

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and showed people perfection that was non existent

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in your own life. So it broke so

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many homes,

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and now yours is broken.

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It can happen.

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It has happened. It does happen. Be careful.

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My brothers and sisters,

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not everything that glitters is gold, as they

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Because to be honest with you,

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when you look at things and you want

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to compare,

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only compare with those who have less than

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you, Inshallah, you will never go wrong. Follow

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that coping mechanism.

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Dealing with the difficulty of comparison

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is such that if you follow the prophet

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Muhammad, peace be upon him's guidelines, it won't

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be difficult at all.

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And then when you come to piety

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and got consciousness, taqwa, and closeness to Allah,

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then you compare with those who are above

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you. So that you're encouraged

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to do more.

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I prayed all night.

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This person prayed all night, every night.

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I fasted

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3 days a week.

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Should I say 3 days a month?

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This person fasted

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Mondays and Thursdays as well.

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Mashallah, I read the Quran in 1 month,

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this person read it in thrice a month

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and so on. I've been in the masjid

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and I come quite early, well this person's

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been first every single Friday,

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I dress appropriately. Well this person's

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been in a place

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worse than where you were and they've come

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out better than where you are, it should

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be encouraging.

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Like I say, Allah knows your struggles, we

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congratulate you as you walk

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through the paces and as you build and

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in your closeness to Allah, congrats because you

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will be an inspiration to so many others.

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You will. And when you're an inspiration,

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impiety and God consciousness to others,

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then congratulations

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you get a full reward for those who

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followed suit.

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For example, it was not easy for you

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to wear the hijab. People saw your journey,

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you showed it to them with the idea

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of helping them.

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And as they grew,

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seeing you grow, you get a reward for

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that growth of theirs. And nowadays on social

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media, there could be 1,000,000 that you don't

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even know about, so you get a good

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But when you show your backward movement,

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some people have done it

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very few, but they've done it. They've taken

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off their hijab and thrown it away and

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said, that's it. Very few have done it,

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why do that online?

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When you're a believer deep down, it's going

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to be tough for you to deal with

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that because

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if others were inspired by this action, they

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would be few in number but it's still

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one is damaged.

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And if they followed suit after they were

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on the right path,

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then you led them astray. And if that

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was the case, then perhaps

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if you're a believer like I am, you

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would believe

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that you would earn a sin for that.

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if you're not a believer at all, then

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that's between you and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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I know because people have argued that I

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don't believe. So what's the point? Well then

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we can't, we're not addressing you SubhanAllah.

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So what I'm saying, if you want to

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set an example, set a good example.

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If there is a bad thing to be

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done, at least don't be proud of it.

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Don't show off

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something bad. The Hadith speaks about people remaining

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in goodness for as long as

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they do not commit that which is displeasing

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to Allah openly,

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and they're not proud of it,

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still you remain in goodness. The minute you're

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proud of it and you expose it and

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you're showing it and everyone is excited about

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the sins they're committing and whatever, as believers,

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and Allah says, now you've entered red territory

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the goodness

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is void. May Allah Almighty strengthen all of

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us. Going back to the issue of comparison.

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when you compare, remember those two things. Do

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not compare with people because you even if

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it were true about them, you would lose

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the contentment you have.

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You would always be wanting more and you

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may never get to that level. To be

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able to adjust your life

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to exactly what you own and what you

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is a gift of Allah.

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Be happy with it. I have my little

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home, we eat the same thing every

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day. And on the weekend, it changes once.

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People don't have food. People can't eat. People

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don't have

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a meal. SubhanAllah, we have one meal a

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day. Well, some people have

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no meals. Some people eat once every 2

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days. They just drink a bit of liquid

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and fluids.

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We have water.

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We don't have juices and drinks. They don't

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even have water,

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Again, look at our brothers and sisters in

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and so many other places on earth. How

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they are struggling, Allah alone knows.

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I've always said we as an Ummah have

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failed them.

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May Allah forgive us for that failure.

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if you want to compare,

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compare your lives with theirs,

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and see how thankful you become,

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and see how small your problems

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become, if any at all.

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May Allah Almighty strengthen us.

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Remember comparison

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is almost sinful

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if you are going to compare in a

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way that is destructive.

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So don't ever look at someone else and

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destroy your life. What you have is a

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blessing from Allah.

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Feel it, understand it, appreciate it, be grateful

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and see yourself grow.

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