Mirza Yawar Baig – 20 Qualities of MuMineen

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © Siriah explains that five characteristics of Islam are grateful, patient, true, accurate, awesome, and awesome. These characteristics are not just a habit, but also a habit. The importance of striving for what one is going to achieve and not giving up on one's past is emphasized. The speaker also discusses five characteristics of Yemeni tribe, including being wise, being strong, not building what one will not live in, not competing in construction of tall buildings, and striving for something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we" to achieve something called "we
AI: Transcript ©
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without a mother Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Shara Philip Diego mousseline. Muhammad Rasool Allah is Allah Allah Allah He was. He was salam to feel anger, fear and fear.

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Among other brothers and sisters, we have this wonderful story from the Sierra,

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about a tribe from Yemen, called, as

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they were from Yemen. So then Arabia, seven of them seven men came to meet us well as

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the unsolved were, are considered with descendant from the same people from from the, as

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soon as a salon was impressed with them with their demeanor, and with what they look like the character he asked him, Who are you, they said, we are moving in.

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So it was awesome, smiled. And he said, everything has a characteristic. So what is the characteristic of your EMR? Now this is a also on a side note, a lesson in the solar service way of dealing with people.

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Here are people making a claim, and then making this claim to the prophets or Reiser himself that they are believers and not as believers moving in

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true believers.

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So he wants to question them. He wants them to give evidence, but he's doing it in such a soft and such a beautiful man, as he said, what everything has a characteristic? What is the characteristic of every man, they said, we have 15 characteristics, five of them, which your messengers commanded us to do. Five of them which you commanded us to do, and five of them from our own traditions, except if you want us to change. So they again are people who are obedient, they are saying, This is how we understand Islam. This is how we have been practicing it, but we are not adamant about it, we are not rigid about it, because we are coming in front of you. So you are the best judge. So you

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tell us, if you think we are doing right Alhamdulillah we continue if you think we should change then we are willing to change.

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Surah Surah says, I've asked him he said What are the five that My messengers commanded you to do?

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They said, They ordered us to believe in Allah, His messengers, His books, His angels, and in resurrection after death.

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So if you see these are the fundamental principles of our Aqeedah when we say I want to be lahaie Omala ricotta he will go to we also Lee

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while you're while afshari Your cadre Shall we work it even Elijah, obasa brother malt, these seven of them are really condensed in these five. So they said we have

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universal just told us to believe in Allah, His Messenger in his books, in his angels and in resurrection after death. The only thing that is missing in these five is from our image of ourselves is the belief in color.

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But all the others are covered then, verses have asked them what are the five that I asked you to do?

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What are the five that I asked you to do? They replied, You ordered us to believe in La ilaha illallah to establish Salah, to pay zakat to fast in Ramadan, and to make hajj for the one who can do so. So these are the five pillars of Islam shahada salah, so look at that hajj, sha Allah salah, which is the for Salah, the prayer. So which is fasting, you know that the cat and Hutch

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so he said What are the five that I asked you to do? And he said, they said you ordered us to believe in Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, to establish Salah to be as I got to faster Nevada and to make hajj for the one who can do so. Then as far as salam as them, what are the five things that you have retained from your earlier time of Algeria from the time then that you are not Muslims, but you retain five characteristics which you believe to be good. They said, Being grateful in times of ease, being patient in times of difficulty, to accept destiny, to be truthful when the enemies meet, and to avoid malicious joy out of our enemies, being decent even with enemies. So again, very

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beautiful characteristics of people where he said, What are the five things being grateful in terms of ease, so not taking for granted the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala them being patient

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In times of difficulty, so not complaining and moaning, and groaning, and so on, being patient with that having somebody then to accept destiny, which is redeemable for that, whatever also had that as decreed, we accept that we accept the fact that what was not decreed for us cannot touch us, and what was decreed cannot miss us. And then the fourth one is to be truthful when the enemy is beat, meaning that they will not turn their backs in battle. And when it comes to a battle, that they will fight, and they will fight with courage, and they will not

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retreat and they will not

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run away.

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And the last one is to avoid malicious joy out of our enemies. So when they have been the enemy is in their control when the enemy is captured, and they don't touch it, don't touch it enemies, they don't, you know, abuse them, and so on, so that they are decent, even with the enemies. So five beautiful characteristics. And these characters were the characters of this Yemeni tribe of us from even before the time that they became Muslim. So as I said, I've said You are wise and knowledgeable, and have become almost as great as prophets. He was very impressed with the nobility and his wisdom, then he said, I will give you five more, so that you will have 20 characteristics.

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If what you're saying is true, he said, Do not collect what you will not eat, do not collect what you will not eat.

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Second one, do not build what you will not live in. Number three, do not compete in that which you will live tomorrow. And number four and fear Allah, who you will return to and you and who you will be presented to. And number five, and strive for what you are facing ahead of you, and where you will live forever.

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Now, again, see these beautiful things and I was also mentioned to them and told them do not collect what you will not eat meaning the whole today, today our entire focus in

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this life in this commercial, commercialism and materialism that we are stacking, is to accumulate more and more and more I have announced I was having more than one car and one more I was this bank bank balance more, more and more and more. This is the exact opposite of that she was saying, earn enough, work enough, do enough to be comfortable to be to not be dependent on anybody, but don't accumulate stuff. Don't collect what you will not eat, don't build what you will not live in. Again. So beautiful. Today, we one of the signs of the of the last day is people will compete in the construction of tall buildings, as was Muslim said this is what we do. This tower that tower, this

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tower, you know, the building and more building and more building,

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building tombs. For example, one of the classic examples of our past is magnificent tools. Now instead of that, if we had built magnificent universities today, we will not be in the mess that we are in. But we didn't do that we will tools. So do not build what you will not live in, do not compete in that which you will live tomorrow. This is the sum total of our life, we compete and we want more and more and we want positions and authority and we want power and this and that. All of that one second. And it's gone. Once again and we get we get reminded every single day about this. When we see other people dying and believe as if only other people will die. And then he said the

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next one, the fourth one and if your Allah Subhana Allah, who you will return to and who you will be presented before I think about this, we we all know all of the stuff I have delivered must be no this we believe this. It's in our intellectually at least in our mind. The question is, is this in the core of my heart do I truly truly believe this and that's where the rubber meets the road. And finally and strive for that which we're facing out of you, where you will live forever. So maybe in your future work for the ACA because that ACA is where we will be living forever. So don't leave the rocker work for the ACA because the ACA is where

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we will be forever. So hamdulillah beautiful advice. The left and the followed waters philosopher Selim told them to do. This is the beautiful advice of the of the Rosary salaam to the people who came to meet him and may Allah subhanaw taala cause us and help us to be like them and to therefore be inshallah

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eligible for the kind of Bashara the kind of good news that he gave to them. option was Allah Allah will carry while he was happy had been

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been able to get all the way

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