Nouman Ali Khan – Hikmah in the Quran – Part 3/4

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of boundaries and boundaries for toxic people, and emphasize the need for true beliefs and practicing. They also touch on the history of the Bible and the Bible's teachings. The conversation is between two speakers discussing a business deal, with the first speaker emphasizing the importance of learning and being a part of the church, while the second speaker discusses the need for a better understanding of the church structure and the importance of understanding needs. The conversation is difficult to follow and appears to be a bait-and-suit game.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is the opposite of what we're told nowadays. Follow your heart. Follow your feelings, your follow your truth, your truth changes from one hour to the next depending on whether the aircon is working or not. Right so, so but follow your truth is the opposite of following hikma. hikma means I've made a decision to follow something whether it gets easier it gets difficult I'm sticking with it.

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This new short series is based on the findings of Dr. Zakir Hussain in his PhD thesis wisdom in the Quran, which was summarized and presented by iostat doorman in front of a live audience. The link to the full paper is in the description

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below him and I'll show you why not YG

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when the bitrefill me in our lawsuit I mean homie at Lou I lay him at he will use a key him while you i Lemo Homoeo kita but while hikma we're in

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rubbish actually somebody where Cindy Emery Wilder octet Emily Cerny of cocoa leaf and hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. While the early he was certainly huge Marina MOBA wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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I was expecting to see about 10% of you today. But somehow you have made the decision again, may Allah make it easy for all of us to get through the evening, and I pray that you're able to retain your concentration, and be able to benefit from this discussion. I want to start by saying, I felt the need to do this lecture series because I think this is one of the most fundamental teachings of Islam that is not focused on. We're not We're not emphasizing this teaching. And by the end of this program tonight, I'm hoping you realize the value and the importance of hikma and why it's like I said at the beginning yesterday, why it's not some additional nice to have kind of thing, some

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additional, extra curricular thing. In the study of Islam. It's actually something that binds all of the teachings of Islam together. The word hikma is associated as a verb with a gun gun means stitching together, or tightening together. Remember, I told you about the jawbone yesterday, that holds the face together. This is the same way Allah says about the Quran, or keymaps IR two from the same origin, the ayat of the Quran were stitched together. So you have to look at the ayat of the Quran is bound together in common Arabic means you take a rope and you tighten it, you tighten it and something that is well secure is something that is more stack gum, it's more stackin. And from

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it comes the idea of even the word hokum which means to make a verdict that's very well thought out. And from it comes the idea also of wisdom, which is based on knowledge and thinking that is secure, it's well thought through. It's not just a feeling you had and you just decided to do it. This is the opposite of what we're told nowadays. Follow your heart. Follow your feelings, your follow your truth, your truth changes from one hour to the next, depending on whether the aircon is working or not. Right so so but follow your truth is the opposite of following hikma. hikma means I've made a decision to follow something whether it gets easier, it gets difficult, I'm sticking with it,

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because I have the secure mind made up to follow through. The reason I'm bringing this up in the introduction again, is in the Quran. Something I won't get to talk to you about in detail, but it's there in my lectures on Soto Juma is that 1000s of years ago, Ibrahim alayhis salam finished building the Kaaba. And when he finished building the Kaaba, he made a dua alongside his son Ismail. And he prayed that people should come to this house, and they should worship this house that's been built for the worship of one true God. And then he prayed that from their children, meaning the children of Abraham and his smiling, Ya Allah raise one Messenger from among our children from the

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line of Ismail because Ibrahim alayhi salam has another child also is Huck and he has his heart because yaku br goob has Yousuf and so on and so on and so on profits, profits, profits profits. On the other side, he has Ibrahim has a son named Ismail Ali salaam, and he says yeah, Allah send one messenger among these my children from this line. What will he do yet? No, I lay him i Attica, he will read your Ayat on to you. While you Ali Mohammed Al Kitab. Ah, well, hikma and he will teach them the book. And what did you hear? And wisdom and hikma? Ibrahim alayhi salam 1000s of years ago, after going through all the tests that he went through every test that he went and Allah told him, I

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am making you an imam over people.

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I'm making you a leader. He passes the hardest test that any prophet has ever given. And then Allah rewards him by giving him the responsibility of building the Kaaba. Then he asked Allah Ya Allah make us a place where everybody can come. The people that live here, make them safe, provide for them. Allah says, No, I won't. Some of your children will not be believers and I'm not going to give them I'm not guaranteeing anything for your bad kids, Lion and volley mean, then Ibrahim or Lisa even though he did so much. Now he asked Allah DUA and Allah said, I'm only accepting it partially, not fully. Then Ibrahim alayhi salam makes another dollar. Right. And so he quote, he changes his

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door a little bit, right. And he as he adjusts his door, he finally gets to the final version of that door which Allah then accepts. And that accepted door was ya allah among my children. Give them a messenger who will read your ayat, teach them the Book and the wisdom and He will purify them. And he 1000s of years ago, Allah accepted that door for him, that finally a prophet will come that will teach his people the book and wisdom. The reason, Ibraheem Alehissalaam is important to us than wisdom is important to us. You understand? This is a religion of the book and the Wisdom. It's what it's what's carried from that time, that that die is echoed, and then it's coming to our messenger

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Salallahu Alaihe Salam. And Allah says Allah did a favor on the believers naka de Manila who are the meaning is Bertha fie him la suderman unfussy him when he raised a Messenger from among them, yet new Allah him it will use a key him or you Ali Mohammed kita Abba while hikma he recites the ayat to them, he purifies them, he teaches them the law, he teaches them wisdom, meaning Allah answered the prayer of Ibrahim alayhi salam by sending Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Okay, so the reason I wanted to tell you that is there's four things the prophet does yet to do either he Marathi, he recites the ayat when he is a key and he purifies them when you only Muhammad Kitabi

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teaches the law. Well, well, heck, man, he teaches wisdom. What's the last item? What's the fourth item? Wisdom. It's as if wisdom is the thing that ties everything else together. It's like, you know, you put bricks together, but the bricks cannot stay together until you put cement in between the cement that holds the entire religion together is actually hikma. hikma is the thing that binds in its meaning is to secure something and bind something. And if we don't pay attention to hikma than the other parts of our religion, they start falling apart. And some people hold on to this brick. Some people hold on to that and brick. Some people hold on to that brick you understand? And

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what happens in the religion then some people just recite the ayat. They just recite the ayat. They don't have anything else to do with the religion. Other people say no, I just want to purify myself. I want to purify my heart. That's all I care about. I don't care about anything else. My heart, my heart and my heart. Other people say no, you have to learn fifth, you have to learn the law. That's all this religion all it is is the rules. You just have to know the rules. So what happens people pick one piece people pick another piece, people pick another piece. And what is heckuva do it

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brings them together and it binds them and you you create the perfect balance between all of the teachings of the religion. That's why hikma is so important. And you can feel if you observe what's happening in the way that we carried out our religion, the way you observe the Islam around the world. May Allah protect all of the Muslims and guide all of us. You know, you can feel how disconnected the religion became how we started holding onto pieces of it. Some people this peace some people that peace, some people that peace, and it became this disjointed thing. And then you start realizing maybe the thing missing is a is a conversation and a re revived awareness of hikma.

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Now, that's the introductory comment. Now I'm gonna get to something that I talked to you about yesterday without further he said um, and briefly would look mine will be Allahu Anhu. I'm not going to go into detail about them because my plan is when I do a deeper look, study of pseudo dogma and deeper look, study of solid solid when I talk about hikma when I talk about, you know, look Mondal the law, and then I'll talk about them in more detail. But the things I want you to know for this discussion are as follows. From the old we learned on Instagram that you have to think about life experience seriously. You have to learn from what happened in your life. And you have to observe the

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world you have to know what's going on in the world. If you didn't observe what was going on in the world, he would never have been able to say we're in Dhaka Filomena Culatta Yummly bumbling Baba, he wouldn't be able to say that it's his observation of the world around him. So we the what does that mean for us? It's not really when somebody says I take my Islam there.

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really seriously, it doesn't just mean I'm gonna pick up Islamic books and learn Islamic books. Or I'm gonna study Tajweed I'm gonna memorize the Quran that's Islam to that's the pursuit of wisdom also, but you know what's equally a pursuit of wisdom together with that sociology, political science, history, anthropology, global economics, international relations, all that stuff, law, ethics, all that psychology counseling. All these fields now become part of the pursuit of hikma, you see that? So this is pretty serious because people say, oh, I want to study Dean, I don't want to study duniya. That statement is lacking in hikma and is lacking in an understanding of the

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definition of hikma in the Quran. Okay, so that's one. The second is contemplating spiritual and moral principles. That's in the teachings of Lookman. What Allah has taught us through the story of Look, man, a person can think deeply, and they will realize there is such a thing as a god. And one must be grateful to that God, there is such a thing as an afterlife. And everything I do has consequences. And I should treat people the right way. These basic ideas are not coming from Revelation. It's such a truth that is inside every human being. And if they really deeply look within themselves and the world around them and contemplate, spiritually contemplate, they will

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arrive at that conclusion. You know, a lot of times there are Muslims or non Muslims who arrive at these conclusions. Like look, man did, he wasn't exposed to a revelation. And he arrived at these conclusions. This look man is almost like Allah celebrating people that are officially non Muslim, but they have refigured Islam out without ever meeting a prophet. Right? That's what the Quran has done here. It's pretty amazing. So Allah is saying, there are people in the world that can find out about Allah, they can find out that there is something called a judgement day. I know I need to be treating people the right way. They've reached that basic level of wisdom on their own, without any

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revelation. And a lot of those people you know what happens with them, we find out about them that when they heard about Islam, or they read the Quran, or they studied a little bit, they become Muslim. And when they become Muslim, if you serve in interview hundreds of them, 1000s of them one of the common things you will find among them is they say it felt like something I already knew.

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They say it felt like it wasn't something new, it was already something inside me. And it just like oh, this is what I believed all along. You know, in the Quran literally says about some Christians who when they heard about Islam, and they started crying, they heard the Quran and they started crying and they became Muslim. But what they said is so fascinating. They said in condom and lovely he Muslim mean we will already Muslim before this, we just it's as if they're saying we didn't even know that, that we were Muslim before this. And this is a pretty important fact of the Quran because now I don't look at everybody in the world as Oh, you see a Muslim Oh Jana people agenda people

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agenda people. And then you see non Muslims in the grocery store. Ah, Johanna Meijer, hand me Janome. Right, this guy is ready for the barbecue.

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I don't see that because I don't know where they are inside in their journey. I don't know where they are. That's with them and with Allah. So my concern about what's going to happen with this person or that person, because a lot of people say that the man what's going to happen to all the non Muslims? Really, because on judgement day before Allah starts judging you, you're gonna be like, exactly, exactly. And what about all the non Muslims?

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Can you help me with that first, because I know it's pretty serious right now. And the mountains have melted and the oceans are boiling over and all that stuff, but I'm really concerned. This is my question. Can you help me with that? Also, I was wondering about dogs what happens to dogs?

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Are they going to be hot

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dogs or your anyway?

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So the point is, what is the Quran teaching us you don't know who's on a journey towards the wisdom that is actually endorsed by Allah Himself. You don't know that. So our religion made us humble to the journey of those who haven't outwardly accepted Islam yet. We don't even know about them. And it made us humble towards them and even acknowledge that Allah can give them wisdom also, they can have wisdom also. And that's, that's kind of captured and encapsulated in the story of logline. Okay, so now let's move forward. This is a summary of what we finished up yesterday. Now. There's one item, which is an overlap.

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This is something I'll talk about in detail and this is again do thanks to Dr. Sokka was in I think he's in the audience here somewhere. Sock is a dear friend of mine, I consider him a younger brother. And by the way, this most of what I'm sharing with you, I think 99% is what I mean by most is based on his work. I'm actually doing no justice to his PhD thesis

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is on Heckman, the Quran, I mentioned that to you yesterday, we put a QR code on the screen before we'll put it on the break. Also, you can download his paper is six years of hard work.

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Those 343 pages that I'm going through are, and I'm reading it, I'm like, this is a lot of work. And every chapter I go through, and like, each chapter is a book by itself. And I'm just so like, grateful to people, young men and women like that, that dedicated themselves to studying something so deeply and putting so much hard work in. And the love of Quran just shows on every page. It just shows. And those you know, I want you guys to know, there's people like me that show up on YouTube videos and YouTube shorts and Instagram reels. And apparently I'm on tick tock also, I didn't know that I was. And like, there's people like that. And then there's the people that do such enormous

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work. And the vast majority of Muslims don't see that. They don't see that they've done an amazing contribution to a service to the deen. So I want to take a pause for a moment. And I'd like you guys to help me give Saki a huge round of applause for the work that he's done in service of Allah's Whoa. I love you soccer but I'm, I'm very very proud of you. Okay. Anyway, so

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okay, you can

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join the party late. One guy was sleeping this whole time and he just woke up. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay.

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So there's two people I talked about that kind of had wisdom that wasn't revelation based wisdom. Of course, the old is a Prophet alayhi salam but the wisdom that Allah talked about was experienced based, not revelation based. And wisdom of Lachman is also in a sense life experience and contemplation based, not revelation based. What's really interesting is it before Islam, Luqman was a famous person that was referenced among among the Arabs. You know, how, like, when you talk about a genius, you're like, oh, look, Einstein over here. You know, how we say that? And Einstein became kind of a word for a genius, right? Or somebody speaks really good English. Oh, look at as

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Shakespeare, you know, so when we do that, we take these people and we make them coined phrases like that, when someone's super wise or really well spoken among the Arabs. They be like, oh, whoa, look at that. Look, man, huh? Like that's, that's what they would do. Look, man was like an expression for someone who's really wise. Really well spoken. A really good judge in the story about Look, man among them. According to some he's from odd. They would make poetry about him. They would make references to him, he was a king, and he was also very wise, right and he would solve a lot of disputes. What's interesting is that story of Donald in the Quran has some connection to how the

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Arabs used to think about Laquan why because the old is also a king and milkman was also a king. Tao is also wise according to the Quran, and look, man, according to the Arabs is also wise. And then they bought the eldest son dealt with groups of people that were arguing with each other Hussam. And in poetry you find mine is dealing with people that have arguments with each other and he's helping make judgments between them with Hassan same word and poetry in Arabic before Islam. And similarly, he he's described those are they some was described with really powerful speech festival and hip hop. And even before Islam, firstly, Fatah V. Hill Hakima, was used to describe milkman Look, man

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was really powerful in the way he expressed himself, almost the same expression that the Quran used was already used for who for Look, man. And finally, we see hikma being used for the elderly, salaam, and Okuma another word for wisdom being used in poetry for Luqman. Now, the reason I'm saying that is, it's interesting that the Quran already knows that the Arabs, when they hear these words, they know famous poems about Lookman. And so Allah wants to make a connection between doweled and who? Tao, then Lookman and it's pretty cool that later on when Allah talks about Lookman, there's a connection also between doubt and McMahon in the Quran. So what Allah is doing is he's

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acknowledging the culture of the Arabs, the poetry of the Arabs, the art of the Arabs, the storytelling of the Arabs, and he's using that, to communicate with them. And this is an important wisdom of the Quran. If you want to communicate with someone, you should know something about their culture. If you want to effectively get through to somebody, you should know something about their history, something about, you know, how their what they're like, you know, what their what their language is like, and language changes so quickly, right? So the language of you know, my language, apparently English is not the same as Gen Z language. No cap is not the same. Okay, is it there's

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that's a different language altogether. If when I

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I was in high school and somebody said no cap. I said it's not allowed in school. I don't know what you want me to do. You know that I thought they're talking about a goofy or something else, but the language and expression changes. So if you like, you want to talk to the youth, or you want to talk to this group or that group, you need to know something about their culture, and to know something about them, and something about the way they communicate with each other. Right? And that's, again, kind of an embedded wisdom that we're being taught. Okay, let's move on. Now we're gonna get to the juicy part. I promised you juicy parts today. So little extra, so go to the slides. So rule number

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17. This is a place in the Quran. That's very important. If you're a student of the subject, I want to know what wisdom means. I want to know what wisdom means according to the Quran, one of the most important places you will go to is going to be suited to Islam is number 23 to 40. Here Allah will make a list of things. And at the end of that list of things he will say that he can remember. Oh, ha, la caribou Kameena and hikma. That is what your master revealed to you from hikma, meaning this list of stuff is all what hikma according to the Quran. Now, before I get into the passage, I want you to know what we're about to read. By the way, let me see if you remember what ayat of the Quran

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we're going to talk about.

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So to this slide 17 is number 123 to 75. Very good, very good.

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17 to 23.

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While Manchester

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23 to 40. That's better. Yeah, some of you who said the wrong answer, you should have seen the look of disappointment by the person next to you.

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When you should use a 17 to 75 of the process.

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You're making us all look bad.

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What I want Have you ever heard of the 10 commandments? Okay, the Moses was given the 10 commandments, right? What you might not know is over the course of Jewish history, there were different versions of the 10 commandments. So went through different edits. So they didn't have this. Well, you know, you have at least three different versions over the course of history of the of the same 10 commandments. These Ayat 23 to 14 is the Quran reconstruction of the 10 commandments given to Musa

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it's actually the Quran version of the 10 commandments. So this these 10 commandments over time, this is this is a statement I'm taking from his paper Fellows is he's a theologian, a philosopher, a Jewish philosopher. His presentation of the law of Musa as both natural and wise, has been well documented. There's a book that's about this subject, meaning they're saying that these 10 commandments in the Bible are wisdom, their wisdom, and Allah will say about that same passage, at the end, he will say, This is what I have given to you from what wisdom so the Jews had been saying this. And now the Quran is saying, by the way, what you have had all along, you had one version,

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then you edited it, then you edited it. By the way, you don't need any more edits. I'm giving you the final version of what hikma is. So it's like it went through multiple evolutions, like you know how software gets updated. This is the final update, and that's the Quran. So the Quran is not even presenting itself as a new religion to the Jews. It's saying it's the final update to the revelation that you've had all along. That's how it's presenting itself, which is pretty cool. Okay. Now, again, it was equated to biblical wisdom, wisdom becomes possible with the Sabbath. L is one of the 10 commandments used to be that you will observe the Sabbath and you will know anybody know what the

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Sabbath is?

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It's Saturday, and Saturday. Okay, so the majority of the Jewish community around the world, the Orthodox Jewish community for 1000s of years, they've celebrated the Sabbath, what they mean, what that means is they don't do any work, or any business or anything else on Saturday. And there was a question about why don't they do that? And there's an answer to that, that we don't agree with. One answer to that that's even in Jewish literature is on the set, God created the heavens and the earth in six days. And on the seventh day he rested and some even added their own Tafseer to that in Jewish literature and said, and after he was done with his rest, he felt refreshed. That's what they

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add. Right? And what does the Quran do? The Quran responds to that and says, Well, I'm Yeah, yeah, because it hinda Allah says, He created the skies in the earth and he never got tired from creating them. He was never exhausted. Allah responds to that, that belief that they have. So what does the Quran do? The Quran doesn't say you're wrong. The Quran just corrects them just naturally, just fixes it just takes one statement that they miss smoke and he corrects it with the right statement and just moves on instead of dwelling on the debate. That's one of the one of the great features of the Quran, but then they developed other

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ideas of why is the Sabbath so important? Other than the rest, they said it took six days to create the skies in the earth, right?

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So when the six days we're done, now creation is complete. And you know, in the Quran we have to contemplate Allah's creation. Right? We have to contemplate the mountain, the sky, the bird, the Campbell, etcetera, etcetera. Well, their idea became some of their idea became, well, six days the creation is now complete. The seven day should be dedicated every week for just contemplation. You should just contemplate the creation of Allah and contemplate what God did. So it's a day for the double, it's a day for reflection, when Allah gave the final update to the 10 commandments, which is what we're about to read, is there a mention of the Sabbath or no? What do you think the Quran will

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say observe the Sabbath or No, please get the right answer for this one. No. Okay.

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So this whole it seems as though if the reason for the Sabbath is you should be looking for wisdom on the Sabbath. Now that's been taken out, it's been replaced. The question is, well, what replaced it? Well, the the answer to that is the Quran itself. Replace the Quran itself made contemplation and reflection, a constant part of the believers life, five times a day, we're reciting and supposed to be contemplating the Quran, as we're seeing the words of ALLAH ourselves. Okay. All right. So now, I'm going to skip this part a little bit. But I'll briefly mentioned that a lot of reading, I'm sharing this slide with you so you can read this on your own. I'll give you some examples of what

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Allah says. Allah says, You should be the best to your parents in this passage, one of the wisdoms you should be the best you can be to both your parents. And then he says, lower your wings of humility before them. That's what Allah says. So who is Allah comparing me to when he says lower your wings? He's comparing me to a bird. And what's really interesting is in proverbs are in dialogue. This is the reference from biblical literature. There's a huge parable of parents and children and the relationship to a bird in the nest. What's a huge long paragraph and the Quran summarized all of it just by saying, lower your wings of humility. And that this is what I've put

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here is a reference to the full text of that parable. Now, similarly, something interesting happens in the Bible in the 10 commandments is, Thou shalt not steal, you will not steal. But in this passage, Allah will not say don't steal. He won't say that there's no it's gone. But instead of not stealing, he says, Don't walk with arrogance in the world.

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Don't say stealing got replaced with what? Arrogance, arrogance and society walk around with arrogance. Walk around with arrogance means wherever you go, you're arrogant. What's really interesting in the Bible is they talk about in this passage, they to actually read it to you quickly, the third commandment and the second, and the second five forbids stealing. For him who gapes after what belongs to others is the common enemy of the state, willing to rob all but able only to Filch from some, because while his covetousness covetousness extends indefinitely, his feeble capability cannot keep pace with it when restricted to a small campus, which is only to a

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few. Let me put that in normal English for you now because you understood nothing. Okay? What he's saying is thieves. Thieves are so greedy and so arrogant. They don't care about anybody. They just take whatever they want from whoever they want. But even thieves are weak, so they can only steal as far as their hands can reach. But if their hands could reach more, they will do what they would steal more. And then sometimes these people that have that thieving, arrogant mentality that doesn't care about anyone, sometimes they become kings. And when they become kings, they steal and rob from millions of people, because their hand is more extended. So the Bible made a connection between why

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are people stealing? Because they are what? Arrogant. And what is the Quran do the Quran goes to the root problem and says, Don't be arrogant? Because if you're not arrogant, then you will never even think about dismissing somebody else's right? And stealing. You won't even go in that direction. You see that? So the Quran went to the root of the problem in doing that, okay. A similar thing that happens is, the Bible says you will not give false testimony. Like you're not going to lie in court, or you're not going to say oh, yeah, that's really bad. Oh, I know about that. And you have no idea about that. Right? You're not going to just hear something and then see presented as fact, you know,

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so what does the Quran do? It says La Tacoma la sala cubby here, l don't follow something you don't have knowledge of. So instead of saying don't give false testimony, and this passage, Allah says, Don't pursue something. Don't follow something if you yourself don't have direct knowledge. Where does false testimony come from?

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people testifying to something that they actually don't know.

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This is not where it comes from. So he goes again to the root of the problem. And now here's a summary of this passage. This is some, this is a homework assignment for you. Because this is work is not just me coming and giving a lecture, this is you engaging with your journey with the Quran, so these ayat 1723, to 40, you are going to study them on your own, but I'll tell you one, one or two quick things about them. The first most important teaching is do right by Allah. Be right when God local darbuka Allah Tambu Illa er who Allah declared that you will not worship anybody except him. That's number one. Now let me tell you something you might may not have thought about. What is

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proof that someone worships God? Practical proof? You know, there's spiritual proof that's in your heart. Practically, What's the proof?

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Prayer? Short, prayer is proof that you worship only God. You take shahada, that's true, that you worship only one God. You're You're dressed in hijab, it's proof you worship one God, it's visible proof, people at Hajj proving that they worship only one God. In this passage, Allah says, I want you to worship only me. And then he gives us these instructions. What do these instructions become?

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Proof that we worship only one God. And if we don't follow these instructions, I'll let you fill in those blanks yourself.

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There must be some someone else being worshipped or something else being worshipped. Now let's see what these instructions are. First one is be the best you can possibly be to your parents.

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That even if they become older, Maya and Dhakal keeper, even if they get really old, one of them or both of them, don't complain to them. And speak to and speak to them and don't be harsh with them when you speak to them. Don't get frustrated and raise your voice with them. Long.

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Baba just enough, okay, enough.

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God the same thing every time. Some of your dads right. They have like four or five stories, they tell it every minute.

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And everywhere they go, they tell the same story. Same exact one.

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And you know, it begins the same way every time. And you're sitting there having a normal conversation. Your dad steps in and says, you know,

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in bobble bowl, and you're like, oh, and your mom was like

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Are you looked down in your phone and you get agitated? We get our parents get on our nerves. They get annoying. Why does he do that every time? What does mom do that? What does dad do that? And then when parents get older they get more snot here in Manchester the parents are amazing. This is this is about this is about Bradford

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so they're these parents, man. They got some they get mean they can easily angry they start yelling and screaming for no reason. They're so stubborn. They don't want to hear anything my way or the highway constantly guilting and this is just so there's so much wrong with the parents and then you will seek guidance from Tik Tok and you find out your parents are toxic narcissist.

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radioactive, you know?

00:33:43 --> 00:33:49

Oh my god. Okay, let me see the signs of a narcissist. Baba John Baba, John Baba, John Baba John, but

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let me see the the signs of a of a toxic person. My entire handle on is toxic.

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And then the, the, you know, the law commands of the TIC tock world will tell you, you have to get away from toxic people. You have to set boundaries for toxic people. And you're likely to say, I'm ready.

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So you come back and you're like, you know what, Mom, I'm setting a boundary, a chat boundary

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that I'm not gonna do Hania monitoring.

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And then you find the imam or you find you do try to DM of the bank or something, or you're trying to find them. I have a question. My parents are really toxic. And they're really like, what should I do? Now Jokes aside, some parents are really messed up. It's a fact. That's a fact. But the Quran did something here that I want you to this is what this is one of the most important things for today's discussion. One of the most important and everything else we study is going to fit with this. I want you to know something

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I was going to mention it later, but I'm going to mention it now. I want you to know the difference between law and wisdom. I'll say those two words again, what two words, law and wisdom. Okay? Let me give you easy examples of the law.

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Five times prayer is what is law. However, if you can afford it as what law, but I'm fasting if you have to health is what law, and these are laws, these are laws, okay? Stopping at a red light when you're driving is what? At my son wisdom, this law

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is law. When it says do not enter at the airport, and it says secure personnel only not going and not going there is you're abiding by what the law, the law is very clear. It's black and white. Either you broke it or you didn't.

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As black and white, it's like math. Okay, you can prove if you broke it, and you prove if you didn't break it. Now, let's go through some of these do the best you can with your parents. That's what God says, Do the best you can with your parents.

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Can you judge that immediately?

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Can the best you do with your parents be different from the best someone else does with their parents? Could that be different? It could be right. The prayers are five for you. And the prayers are five for them. The law is the same. But doing the best with your parents. Some people I had a friend whose mother was so problematic, she was so psychologically abusive that he developed seizures, like he would be in the presence of his mother. And he was started having epileptic seizures like literal seizures, you know, and he was like, medically advised to keep a distance from his mom.

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And the best he can do for his mom is to stay away from her.

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He asked me I told him, the best you can do for now is stay away from her. Because when she starts abusing you in this way, it's not just that she's hurting you. The angels are documenting this against who? Her you're saving her from herself.

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That's the best he can do. In some other cases, there's a mom who got sick, she's paralyzed, she can't do anything. And I need to go help. I need to help. The son needs to go help the daughter needs to go go out and do whatever they can. And but they have a job and they have kids and they have other responsibilities. So they make whatever time they can to go. And the mom says this is not enough. I need you here the whole time. And she says I can't because if I do this the whole time, then I'm not going to be able to pay the rent, I'm not going to be able to provide for my kids, or pay for your care, or even take care of you. This is the best that I can do. You know what she's

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doing? She's living by the IRA

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and somebody else who has free time, they have money, they have resources, and they're able to give 10 times more time to their family. So what happened some of you, you have your parents back in some other country. You have your parents in Bangladesh. You have your parents in Pakistan, you have parents in India, have honest on Millennial Darwinian a millennial Austin, okay? Total Austin. Okay? God is on him, okay? My practice Calderon? Okay. Okay, anyway. So the thing is, you have parents back home and you have multiple siblings, one of one of the brothers stays back home back, he's back in Pakistan. And some of the brothers he got into a PhD program he's studying at Oxford, one of the

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sisters, she got married, she lives in Australia, one went this way, one went this way, one went this way, right. And they're there. They're studying, they're working, they have a family to take care of all of that. And they're sending money back. And they're providing and all of that, and the brother who's at home, right? He says, All you people go have all the fun, and I have to be over here. You shouldn't be here too. You should quit your job, you should do this, you should do that. And now you're like, maybe I should leave everything. And maybe I should go back because my parents deserve more, I should quit my job, I should quit my university, I should quit everything because my

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parents deserve that I should just leave everything and go back to them. Right? And the parents themselves are saying, I want you to stay. I don't need you here. But the other siblings are guilting you.

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They're guilting you and they're saying you're not doing your best. You're not doing your best. You know, in these kinds of situations. You know what we've done? We are we're a culture that has internalized guilt. So you're always assuming you're doing something wrong. Always.

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You know, the Quran says I'll give you just one quick example. Why Allah humma nah humma Latteria tongue will forgive mushroom is an IRA from Allah, that Allah allowed people to put their children on ships. So they are seen you are seen Sharif Pakistanis as easily Allah. Allah one of Allah signs is that he allowed people to put their children on what ships back in the day when you put your son on a ship, because you're going to come back next weekend.

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When is he going to come back? Never, he's gonna go find a new island or a new continent and start a farm there and start trading there, and maybe come back in three or four or five years, and nobody's guilting him that I'm abandoning my parents.

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Nobody's doing that. That's in the Quran. It's an IRA from Allah. And this is actually a NEMA from Allah. Allah says it's one of my ayat that they get to put their kids on board ships.

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You know what happens? We make it sound, make it sound like spending every second you have with your mom and dad is a law.

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It's not a law. It's what wisdom and wisdom is different from law. Because wisdom depends on the situation.

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Your situation is different. The best you can do is different. Somebody else has a different situation. The best they can do is different. You understand? If you say I just want to spend all my time with my parents, but right now I'm paying for their medical fees. I'm gonna quit my job and go massage my mom's feet. You can massage her feet, but now the doctor can come in because you ain't got money to pay the doctor. But good luck massaging her feet. No, no, this is what Islam wants. No, you lack basic intelligence. You lack even the most fundamental level of hikma you understand. So this is these past this passage. First of all, worship God do the best you can do with your parents.

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Then he says what it Corbacho give the close relatives what they deserve.

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Give the close relatives what they deserve. Some of your luck, I know what they deserve.

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I'll do that today. I've been thinking about that for a while.

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While Myskina wabi sabi and give those who can't help themselves, give people who are traveling, give them their rights. Meaning, don't just deny people help and deny people favors because you don't like them. And it's much easier to like strangers, it's much easier to give qurbani meat to an orphanage in a country and build a well in some village you'll never go to well it's much harder to give a little bit of yours a cost money to your niece or your distant cousin because you hate their guts.

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That's harder. Allah started with close family and then went further than he says without too bad vertebra don't waste money. Don't feel like you have whatever money you can spend it however you want. Whenever you want. Be responsible and frugal with your money. In Alibaba, Xena can work wonders sheltering, then he says, and don't be completely don't be miserly. Meaning Don't be like, Oh, no, you go groceries. And your kids say we need bread. You don't need that much bread.

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We have one slice one slice left, break it up into four pieces.

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And you'll that will be enough you needed you need to lose weight anyway. All right. This is my that's one extreme. The other extreme is spread whatever you want. Then Allah teaches you in Allah. Hi, I'm pseudorabies Kalima, Yasha. It's what an amazing wisdom. First Allah says, don't be too cheap. Then he says, Don't spend too much. Then he says, Allah controls is sometimes he gives more, sometimes he gives less. Why is this? What's the connection? If you're being cheap, you think if you're being cheap, you'll be able to hold on to more while more money Allah says even if you think you're holding on to more money, Allah can take that away, too. You're not the one increasing your

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risk. Allah says, and if you're spending and spending and spending, and you think, Oh, it's okay, I got more, I got more. Allah can contract it whenever he wants. And he can expand whatever he wants. So don't think because of you that's happening, be balanced in the way you use your money. That's, by the way is money, decisions, law or wisdom. What do you think? Ah, so you're starting to get it. Laws can be quantified. Wisdom is a very situation by situation decision.

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And Allah is basically teaching us that human beings are capable of figuring out how to apply wisdom in their situation. What this ayah means for me, these ayat, be the best to my parents, my close relatives, my finances, what it means for me is completely different for what it means for you completely different, the ayat are the same, but the situation is entirely different. So the application is entirely different. So you cannot use these out and say, This is what I do.

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And then some people do that, you know, this idea. I Alhamdulillah. I live by this idea. So humbly that I talk about it with all of my family and extended and you should do the same as I do. Because I have I have figured out hikma the rest of you need to get on this train and yeah, that's not what this is. It's individualized now. Allah says you know our full Kala is killed Tom was you know because fossil Musk was talking give full weight and when you weigh

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With a balanced scale, what does that referring to back in the days referring to people, they used to sell rice and bananas and coconuts and whatever they sold, and there, there's a weight on one side, and there's the items on the other side, right? So make sure you give the exactly what you paid for or what you're being paid for. Now, you could look at this and say, Well, I don't work in a grocery store. I'm a programmer. I'm an accountant. So Alhamdulillah I don't have a skill to deal with. Yes, you do, dummy. This means if you got contracted to do a certain amount of work in a certain amount of hours, don't lie about it. Don't cheat, don't steal. Is this again, something that

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situation by situation, you have to figure out what this means for you and your career? Yeah. And by the way, who's the most qualified to figure out what the right thing to do is?

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It's gonna be a hard question to answer. You.

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Allah put you in that situation. He made you capable of finding the answer. He made you capable of inquiring and discovering, and then abiding by these principles of wisdom. Then he says, Don't kill your children, because of poverty. This is talking about abortion. Now in the middle of it, there's actually even a law. Okay, so don't don't cause your children's death, because you think you're not going to be able to provide for them. And then he says, don't commit adultery, don't even go near it. Don't go near Santa. Now, don't do that as a law. Don't do Zina law does you know that's a law, but don't go near it, is what wisdom because going near it, somebody's going near it, you can't

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really catch that,

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you know, if somebody stopped guarding their eyes, or they had a little bit of a conversation, and they've had a little bit more of a conversation than they knew, we got together at a coffee shop or whatever, step by step by step, right. And when that happens, you can't stop that. And when you want to say, this is where the Haram began? No, no, it's nothing. I just, I'm just reading an email. It's just you know, there's just a smiley face smiley faces.

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So what this Allah is teaching us don't go near it. And then finally, just a few others, a murder of retribution I actually skipped. So, you know, don't kill an innocent person. That's again, now it's mixing law and wisdom together, isn't it? And we're going to see that law and wisdom actually get conformed and bunched together. Then he says orphan care.

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You know, make sure you don't take the money of the orphan. Because when people and parents somebody's parents die, they left behind money. And now the kids are too young to manage that money, so you're managing the money for them. But that doesn't mean it's your money. It's actually that child's money. And then when they're old enough, you're gonna pass it on to them. Then so business ethics pursued without knowledge. And finally Allah mentions arrogance. Well, at times she failed or the Mara, don't walk on the earth with arrogance. What do you think that and he says in Mecca, Lanta three call out. You're not going to crack the Earth. With your walk, you're not so powerful that

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you'll crack the earth. Now let's think about that for a second. Can you tell if somebody is walking arrogantly?

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If you can you have a problem?

00:48:12 --> 00:48:18

You can't tell if somebody has arrogance or not. Who's the only one who can truly tell?

00:48:19 --> 00:48:21

No, not just Hola. Hola definitely.

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themselves. You're walking with a smile and humility, but it's fake humility and you're trying to impress upon people how humble you are, is another form of arrogance.

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That's itself a form of arrogance. You're looking at people like salespeople.

00:48:43 --> 00:48:50

But you're not saying it. What you're saying is said Mr. Licola. Brother, how are you I shall Alhamdulillah but in your head you're

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Bradford like that's what you're that's what you're doing in your head.

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You can't get you can't catch it. You can't gauge it.

00:49:07 --> 00:49:30

This is even talking about the way you talk to people. The way you your body language. The way you look at people. The way you think of people. And his saying walking around on the earth means wherever you go, you go to the store. Some people go to a restaurant and they act like the fifth owner has walked into his palace. Excuse me. I've been sitting here for 90 seconds

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I'm never coming back here again. And the waiter says I'm gonna pray to lock her up chicken.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:42

Can you say that again? That felt really good.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:51

But observe all of these. The first one was about Allah right. What's the rest of it about?

00:49:53 --> 00:49:59

Well, parents relatives travelers spending cheapness

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is wasteful spending, not hurting children staying away from adultery, murder, orphan care, business ethics, pursuing things without knowledge not walking arrogantly? What does all of this have to do with?

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How you deal with people? How's your behavior with people?

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There's no mention of prayer. There's no mention of fasting. There's no mention of rituals. There's there's no mention of tahajud there's none of that. And at the end of all of it, he says, that is what your master gave you from wisdom. This is wisdom.

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Is it possible that you have somebody who prays and observes Islamic clothing and learns Islamic knowledge and memorizes the Quran and studies that we then studies Arabic and goes to Hala class and starts helicopters and volunteers at the MSC or puts together you know, if towers in Ramadan and donates at the masjid all that stuff, but none of these wisdoms are there are many of them are is that possible? Yeah. Yeah, they'll recite this passage with perfect that wheat. That's the irony.

00:51:18 --> 00:51:29

Right. And this is our religion. This is hikma. This is Hekla Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam said y'all Allah send them a messenger that will teach them the Book and teach them. hikma

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and what happened with us when someone looks on the outside then look religious, that's religious. But if and even if none of these things are there, none of these things have to be there. Okay. Now, we're going to quickly talk about Jesus.

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Okay, I got a few minutes before your five minutes I'm gonna introduce this concept to you this shouldn't take too long so five minutes I'll give you a first break inshallah. Okay, so Jesus wisdom and the Quran. I want you to know that the Israelites that were given the torah Bani Israel were given the torah which Prophet was were they were they given Torah through Musa. So the first prophet of the Israelites, from a book perspective is Musa and the last prophet to the Israelites is ASA. What I want you to know in a summary is the Quran is basically arguing that Noosa was given the Kitab Musa was given what kita the law and an ISA and actually Tao with an ISA both but finally it

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isa was given hikma,

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Musa was given Kitab and Isa was given. Hickman now we have to understand the relationship between Kitab and hikma, because so far Kitab is a separate subject. hikma is a separate subject, but now we've got to figure out what's the relationship between both of them, okay. Now, first thing is, even in Christian poetry, the Injeel, which is the revelation given to Isa was also called hikma. Okay. And Quran also says, A Saudi Salam said, I have come to you with hikma. I have come to you with hikma and to clarify some of the things you've been disagreeing about. Okay? Here's a really interesting thing.

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You know, guys, you guys, don't lose. Sam Harris's. Thank you. Thank you for pointing this out to me. I had to share this with everybody. You don't go you guys when when Sam Harris's famous atheist, really interesting figure talks exhaustively about how absurd belief in God is, etc, etc. He was having a debate with William Lane Craig. And he said something, this is a summary of what he said. He said, You know what? You don't need all these religions, I can make a new religion and five minutes, it'll be better than all of them.

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Okay, five minutes. Let me show you how. And he says, All you have to do is take the 10 commandments that are in the Bible.

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And remove the part about making images. Because the 10 commandments has the thing about Thou shalt not make images of some sort, get rid of that that's nobody needs that and get rid of the Sabbath. Nobody needs that. And just add, take care of children.

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Just protect children. Just add that in, and you will have a much wiser religion.

00:54:21 --> 00:54:22

That's what he says.

00:54:23 --> 00:54:27

A famous atheist says, what should you remove from the 10? commandments?

00:54:29 --> 00:54:33

The Sabbath, the image stuff, get rid of that and add what?

00:54:34 --> 00:54:59

Take care of children. This is the Quran version of the 10 commandments. Do you see the Sabbath here? No. And you know what's been added? Don't kill children, and don't take the money of the orphan. What is that protection of what children and then he says that would be a much wiser religion. And at the end of this passage, Allah says, This is what Allah revealed from hikma from wisdom. He didn't even know he was talking about the Quran.

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now we're going to talk about the the Christian perspective briefly doesn't need a long discussion. Simply you should know, the Christian started believing that the law, the law is unnecessary.

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They believe that Jesus came, and His sacrifice, he sacrificed himself, God sacrifice his only son. And the reason he sacrifice himself or his son is so that through his blood, all of our sins are paid for. And therefore, all of us have become pure through the blood of Jesus. That's their belief, okay? They say that before Jesus, you had to obey the law of Allah, the law, given the Kitab was given to Moses. They say before Jesus, you had to obey the law to become pure.

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You have you had to obey the law to become pure, but now that Jesus came, and his blood has been spilled, his blood purified us, so since we're already pure, we don't need the what? We don't need the law. So all then Christianity is not about the book and the Wisdom. It's only about what

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the wisdom you understand.

00:56:19 --> 00:56:39

For the Jews, what they did was when Sid salaam brought wisdom, they basically declared a Saudi Salam or mortared, they declared him a non Muslim, somebody who left Islam, somebody who committed blasphemy. Somebody who committed they even accused him of adultery, and that's why he should be killed. Okay, so they denied what part?

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They denied hikma. So the Christians denied kita and the Jews denied hikma you understand? Now, they got so extreme. The Christians got so extreme. They said Jesus was actually hikma itself walking around. Jesus will heck myself walking around. Now what does the Quran do? No Quran comes along along and says No, Jesus was not hikma Jesus was given hikma

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just corrects it just a little bit changes everything.

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Then Quran does something more. The Jews say we have Kitab the Christian say we have hikma the Quran says Allah taught a Saudi salaam, the Kitab and the hikma and the Torah and the Injeel.

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So now isa de Salam. According to the Quran both has Kitab and has hikma but the focus even in the Quran is on the hikma part. Let's now understand how that works. This is I'm going to read this to you and that will give you a break. Jesus's reform of Jewish law is presented in Christian discourse as a return to the Decalogue, which in turn equated with natural law and patristic writings and hikma in the Quran. Basically what this means is, Jesus brought hikma to the law. Some summary Jesus brought what to the law? hikma. Okay, Jesus came with Hickman to clarify the dispute the Israelites had fallen into regarding Moses, Moses his guitar, for example. The Jews came up with a law because

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the synagogue or the temple which is their haram in Jerusalem, right? The temple deserves 10% of your seeds, the seeds that you grow, the crop that you grow 10% of it must go to what the temple they came up with this fatwa. When they came up with this fatwa, then they started debating, well, you should be giving to your parents also. And you should be given to the temple also. Then the Creator ends up Mousavi Salam says, in the Torah, Musa says you have to be good to your parents, your parents rights come priority, that's clear to them. But their fatwa said, no, no, no, but what if you have to give to the temple and the temple needs it? If the temple needs it, then even if you

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have to take the part that you are going to give to your parents, and you also give that were the temple, that's okay. And Jesus says you can't do that you can override the book of Allah and come up with your own fatwa. And you act like the book Allah revealed in the ayat Allah revealed don't count. Then they did the I told you 10% of the seed had to be used and the scholars of Judaism at the time of a Saudi salaam, they were called the Pharisees. They were the mouthpiece of Bani Israel. They were the mouthpiece. And they basically came up with this idea. Which seeds should we give? Is it all the seeds? Is it weed seeds, green seeds, rice seeds, which ones are we supposed to give to

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the temple and which ones we don't have to give? And they're trying to come up with exceptions right? And a Saturday salaam tells them you keep debating which seeds you should give and which seeds you should not give. You should have. And what you forget is just justice. Mercy, faithfulness, by the way, when he's saying justice, mercy and faithfulness. Is he talking about guitar? Are you talking about hikma? He's talking about hikma he's saying you

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You're so obsessed with Kitab and you forget all about what hikma and then he says you should have practiced the ladder, meaning you should have practice get out without neglecting the former without neglecting hikma. Now, why is this important for us? Because what happens is some people say, How high are your pants? How long is your beard, let me check, I brought a beard measure. And to have a laser pointer, they can tell you back row, the beards are long enough. And they're checking every little detail. Right? And when they get super, super, super technical, then people around them their family gets annoyed. Like these people are just the Fatah fIying everything. And then the other

01:00:44 --> 01:01:14

extreme happens, you know these people, they can have their beards and their jobs and there's a bee Hamid or whatever. I just want to be a good person. I'm kind, I don't not mean to anybody. I'm good in my business. I take care of my family. I you know, I don't cut a red light. I take care of animals. I give charity. I follow so you know what happens? Some Muslims say it's all about the kingdom. And other Muslims say yeah, you can stop. People are just extreme. All these. It's all about the word. hikma.

01:01:15 --> 01:01:35

It's all about the Hekla even within the Muslims, what do you get people have Kitab and people love hygge. And what did Jesus do? He told the Pharisees, you people are getting obsessed with the Kitab while neglecting the hikma, you should have observed the Kitab and the heck about what did Ibrahim Ali Salam say? The Prophet will come and teach what?

01:01:36 --> 01:02:16

When you're a little humble Kitab Ah, well, they were supposed to be together. They were supposed to be together. But what happened in the in the Israelites? What happened among them is Kitab and hikma became separate. And what I'm going to try to show you is if we just contemplate what happened with us, it's separated within us to those two things parted within us to Okay. I hope you guys enjoyed that video clip. My team and I have been working tirelessly to try to create as many resources for Muslims to give them first steps in understanding the Quran all the way to the point where they can have a deep, profound understanding of the Quran. We are students of the Quran ourselves. And we

01:02:16 --> 01:02:41

want you to be students of the Quran alongside us. Join us for this journey on Vienna Where 1000s of hours of work have already been put in and don't be intimidated. It's step by step by step so you can make learning the Quran a part of your lifestyle. There's lots of stuff available on YouTube, but it's all over the place. If you want an organized approach to studying the Quran beginning to end for yourself, your kids, your family, and even among peers. That would be the way to go sign up for being a

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