Nouman Ali Khan – Fear None But Allah

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of not being afraid of one's friends and not letting them harm one another is emphasized, along with the need to not worry about one's schemes. The speaker warns against selling one's belief and suggests that Islam should be a means of achieving political and moral satisfaction, rather than personal and political satisfaction. The importance of not giving too many details about who is in charge and the consequences of one's actions is emphasized, along with the need for people to focus on the problem and use their free time for personal growth and empowerment.
AI: Transcript ©
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On you how before Alia who all that was was shave on that whole propaganda that people are coming they're gathering against you they're gonna come and get you things are gonna get a lot worse for you all that was was on a law says you have a full Olia who all he does is infill instill the fear of his friends into you. He wants you to be scared of his friends. That's one interpretation of the text. But equally applicable is another interpretation of the same text grammatically which is all that was a shape on who only the people who are his friends get scared. So if you get scared or honest commenting, you become friends with who

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you have waifu Olia, he's only successful in scaring his friends. So there's two things he wants you to be scared of his friends. And if you do get scared, you just became friends with him. You just joined his party you have

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to move meaning, then don't be afraid of them. Be afraid of me if you in fact believe.

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Every time you and I stand in front of Allah. It's not just because we worship Allah is not just because we only believe in one God. That is also an acknowledgment that we fear no one but Allah that we bow before no one but Allah, that we humble ourselves before no one but Allah, when every saliva is a reminder that there is nothing else, no political circumstance, no rhetoric, no media, there is no bias against this no crimes that are taking place that will instill the fear of anyone other than a lie in our hearts. That is an acknowledgment every time you and I stand in prayer for another half an hour makafui in quantum meaning mean, what

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are you sorry, Runa filco for Allah is not done. He says don't don't let those who are making a lot of efforts to the for the furthering the cause of disbelief. Those who are making so many efforts to destroy Islam, those who are making so many efforts to make turn believers into disbelievers, those who are making so many efforts to further go for on the earth, disbelief and disregard of God on the earth. They make a lot of efforts. They have a lot of money, they have a lot of resources, they have a lot of tools. Don't let all of their efforts ever were you soon can you Sorry. Runa Falco, for this is a principle of the Quran. We have forgotten this principle was starting to run. Have you

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seen what they're doing on this website? Do you know this video that they made? Do you know what they said on CNN? You know what they said on Fox? Why don't you just recite the young Kadena usara una fill cover? Don't let their efforts and their schemes and their propaganda ever worry you in the homeland. I love this part in the homeland.

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They no doubt about it can't harm a lot at all.

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I'm baffled by this statement.

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Unless I don't worry about their schemes and their plans and their plots and their propaganda. They can't harm who at all. They can't harm a lie at all. I'm not worried about them harming a lie. I was actually kind of worried about them harming me.

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So I was expecting a level say Don't worry about their schemes. They won't harm you. But Allah says one instead, don't worry about their schemes. They can't harm Allah. Why is that? Because allies are protection. It's like allies are shield and they can't do anything about the shield. So you're safe because you're with a law. You're with a law they can't harm a law. So you have nothing to worry about.

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Then why is it like giving them this opportunity to scheme and plot and further their cause and make things more and more difficult for the believers? You need? Allahu Allah Allah, Allah homehub landfill ask Allah, Allah wants that they get nothing, not even a little bit of the aka, meaning there are people that are evil, and they want to continue to do more evil and undermine and continue the path of injustice and oppression. Unless as I'd like to let you dig your hole a little deeper, because that little good you have left in you. You don't even deserve it. Let you do your evil. Why are people so evil because unless punishment to them as he let them let them have it. You want to go

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this way? Go ahead. Go ahead. Well, our home Addabbo, Navin, they have great punishments standing before them instead of being afraid of them. The Quran makes us feel sorry for them. They're digging their own hole in the levee Nesta will go for Avila Now listen to this part. Then he turns his attention within our own ranks. There are those who sold their their belief with disbelief. There are those who under the pressure of the enemy said this Islam thing is too much. I can't handle it. I can't handle you know the way people look at me the way people think about me. I'd rather sell this off and be like me

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Anybody else who was disbelief so I'll fit in better unless has about them linea de la Harsha What do you think they're gonna harmala they can't harm a lie at all. What a home adamantine and they have painful punishment coming before them this is about those who sell their Deen May Allah not make it sometime when I seven Allah Xena cafaro in Amman Lila home hi Ronnie unfussy him don't allow the disbelievers the enemies of Allah as Dean, don't allow the vicious enemies of the Prophet slicin them to ever think. Don't you dare think about them, that the stuff that they do is good for them the extension Allah has given them as good for them. I'd like to give you an analogy here. So it'll

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help you understand what's happening in this if you have a rabid dog, you know, a crazy dog goes and bites, whatever. And then you somebody says, Why don't you just put it on a leash.

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And what a lawyer does is he puts this dog on, like, you could say, 1000 foot leash, it's a really long leash. The thing is, for 999 feet, this dog thinks that it's running free, doesn't it? If you put it on a one foot leash, it just it can't move. When you put it on 1000 foot leash, it's gonna run around and never feel like a choke. But Allah says, I only extend for them, release them, give them more room, you want to you want to do evil stuff. You want to do goofy stuff. Go ahead, do more. Trying to hurt the cause of Islam more propagate lies against the last prophet more say vicious things about the crime or go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Because that same dog when it's

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running full speed, and it hits foot 1000 what happens to him?

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He gets choked, doesn't he? And that choke is way harder when he's running full speed than it would have been if it was one foot long. That's the plan Allah has for them. Let them dig their hole. Let them choke themselves. In Amano, Nila, homely as Dadu If man we only give them extension so they can earn more sense what a Hamada boo he mentions in Amal Kumar, you call

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Allah says and they will have humiliating punishment. Why did Allah say they have humiliating punishment? Allah usually says great punishment, painful punishment, but this time he says humiliating punishment. Why? Because when they try to humiliate the Dean of a law, then the only fair punishment is that they shall face humiliating punishment. Then Allah turns his attention to you and me and says Makana, La Jolla, Mina, Allah and Allah is not one to leave you alone in the state that you're in. Allah will not just leave you be and let you just think that you have faith, have diames will have effeminate until he can separate the good ones among you from the filthy ones.

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Some of you have filth inside of your hearts. And when the state of fear comes and the pressure comes, and the stereotyping comes, some of you will abandon your faith and that filth in your heart will not will take over whatever good you had in it. Allah says he will put you and I through terrible difficult circumstances so he can separate the filthy from within the oma and can cut them out May Allah not make us any of us from them will mark on Allah who nuclear

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and Allah will never be one to inform you of the unseen people come to the share, the Imam, the scholar, they can What do you think when is all this fitna going to end? One of the things going to get better?

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Unless has a lie is not one to inform you of the unseen. I don't get to get I'm not gonna say three more years watch. Everything's gonna be better. No, no, no, no, no, that's actually what I've heard in churches. I go to church to hang out sometimes to see what they do.

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I've been and I actually last Christmas, I just I want to know how they do that. They do that? Well. How did they get 100,000 people inside of a stadium and preach? So I went to listen, what do these guys do? And they're like, this year is gonna be a great year for you. The Lord's gonna take care of everything. You're gonna get yourself a promotion, and that divorce is finally going to be filed. And you're going to do great this year. Because the Lord promises it. I was like, What Lord promises this year is gonna be great.

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You know, we don't have that in Islam. like is this year gonna be better than next? What is the look and finish this without one of the things gonna get better? Allah told us very clearly so we're not diluted and we don't even ask that question. A lot will never be one to tell you what's going to happen in the unseen and the future of humans in the unseen when I can Allah Hi, SW Morocco Sunni Hema Yasha however, Allah does select from his messengers, whoever he wants, meaning Allah chose his messenger and decided to tell him what you need to know. Focus on what Allah told you and not what Allah did not tell you don't get don't get obsessed with things that Allah Himself didn't give you

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if it was valuable for you and that would have given it to you.

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So don't be so so obsessive compulsive about unnecessary details for Amina Bella. He also he was told me know what a taco fella Komodo Nazim then just believe in Allah and His messenger and if you can continue to believe and continue to be fearful only have a lot

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Then you will have great punishment what will great reward rather what else do you want? Just have faith and be fearful of the law in the most toughest of times, allies telling you that's the only two things you're gonna need. Everything else will work itself out. Don't focus on the problem when I ask someone and finally, the advice to you and to me, this is the last thing I'm sharing with you, I promise when I saw when Allah Dena, NaVi Mata whom Allah And don't you ever think about those who are cheap, greedy, miserly with what Allah has given them, that they hold on to what Allah has given them. mean funnily from his own favor, they didn't earn it as a favor of alone them who are heilala

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home, that that's good for them to hold on to their wealth. This is the time this is the time where the young people were gonna, they're going to have to give up their free time that Allah gave them. their free time cannot go into eight hours of video games anymore. There's no time for you to watch the next Netflix and Amazon series. You don't have that kind of time. You're the Muslim you. Allah has given you free time Allah has given you talent has given you creativity, that creativity cannot go into you making stupid jokes on social media. It needs to be used in much more productive ways. Because these people who Allah has given wealth, and luxury and opportunity and health and talent.

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When Allah has given all of these things, and they're cheap and miserly with it, they only use it for themselves. What does the law say about them that they think they get to use it for themselves is good for them, but who are Sharona was bad for them?

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Mahi, Yeoman chiama the very things they were cheap with the very things they were greedy with for their own are the very things that will be turned into a rope around their necks, choking them on the Day of Resurrection. That time that their mother is that Allah gave you that you didn't put to the right cause is going to come and choke you on the Day of Resurrection mill Anamika some of them well, Allah He me Rafa. sumati? Well, man, what a thing to say, Allah alone owns the entire inheritance of the skies in the earth, what in the world is inheritance doing here? Allah is telling, reminding you and me whatever you own, whatever I own, whatever I enjoy in this life, I'm

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not going to get to keep it. At the end of the day, I'm going to be in the ground and somebody else will be driving my car, I'm going to be in the ground and somebody else will be wearing my clothes. And by the way, they won't be driving it for that long, either they're going to be in the ground to somebody else will be living in that house. 100 years from now, somebody else is going to be you know, you know, eating the fruit of that tree that I have in my backyard, it's not going to be mine. And at the end of it all, all of it will be given an inheritance back to Allah, it's a loss, because everybody will be gone. Understand the temporal nature of the material world. Do not become

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materialistic and your goals and your aspirations. Things allows our generous offering us in a time of great fit. Not the only thing to worry about is what you will earn with a lot. Put your efforts in this world Excel, do your very best. But then again, if that's all you want to do for this life, then that is what is exactly choking you, it's gonna choke you, it's gonna destroy you. Our Deen is so beautiful, such a balance between what we what we want in the next life. And what we get in this life. it merges the two of them. We're not just people of ohana. And we're not just people of dunya where people have robina atina for dunya Hashanah. We're

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looking at oven now and solar. So we then conclude as I conclude in this passage, will la habima Tama Luna Hubby, and Allah has full news and full account and a full perspective on everything that you're doing. And that's a comment to the oma, I know what you're doing. I know what you're doing when you've been hit with injury. I know whether or not you are becoming people of gender. I I sincerely I remind myself and I remind all of you that this neuron is a living document. It's a living book, it will inspire it will empower sometimes it will scare sometimes it will set you straight and calibrate you. It is not a drug like you know, in modern philosophy. Religion is the

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opiate of the masses. So you feel you you turn to religion to feel better about yourself. Yes, the Book of Allah will make you feel better about yourself. But sometimes you just need to get a slap in the face and get set set out straight. And the book of Allah will give you that too. It'll give you what you need. Because Allah is your Rob. He's your master. He doesn't have to cater his message to what might make you feel better. He'll cater the message to what you need, what your heart needs. And this time allies basically telling the oma in the middle of this crisis, grow a spine, get strong. Don't be afraid of anybody else. Prove yourself to Allah and none of the efforts you do will

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go unacknowledged

Powerful Warning by Nouman Ali Khan – Don’t Be Scared Of Satan And His Army!

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