Waleed Basyouni – Bulugh Al Maram EP10

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of utensils in modern day culture, including the use of cups and cups in dishwasher and sauces, the use of language and language in modern culture, and the use of Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter. They also touch on the use of Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter, and the use of Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter. The speakers emphasize the importance of being careful and following rules in public settings and the use of ridiculous language to avoid harm. They also discuss the use of water in various foods and the potential for it to create stickers and clothing.
AI: Transcript ©
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read one of the

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you can have the book

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now I don't mean not for you three just to follow someone I don't need this Kofi

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Annan Mali for him mahalo. Giada wine Ibiza, Alberto hussaini rhodiola and haka. Rasul Allah in the auto in the order they call me and Nikita Asana goofy Ania Tim, Carl a lotta goofy ha

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ha ha

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ha workqueue fee whatever con la.

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generated a booth Allah Allah, Allah. Allah. Allah oshine rhodiola on. I said, O Allah's Messenger, we are living in a land inhabited by the people of the of the Scriptures. Can we take our meals and their utensils, he said, if you can get utensils other than theirs, do not eat in theirs. But if you cannot get other than theirs, wash them And eat, eat in them, agreed upon

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smilla hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah this hadith Hadith a bit odd about Russia and Iran the Allah and

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked by some of his companions that they live in a land inhabited by the people of the book of the Bible scriptures. Can we take our meals in their utensils can we use their cups their pots cooking their pots, or cook or drink from their pouches? You know cups use dirty utensils. And Nabi sallallahu. alayhi wa sallam told them do not use it unless you couldn't find something else to use it from your own. In this case, you're allowed to use their agreed upon and reported by Buhari Muslim

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but wash it first. lfl sudo Hakuna minha wash it then

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wash their utensils then you can eat for us it basically Abu Salah Hassani, his name is

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Joe foom.

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His name is George boom. Jerusalem means

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German modern language. I don't have the the have this short film doesn't mean I guess the same thing. In the old days your film in the old days may be something used to show how small the person is maybe. And people who are doing

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IGNOU nashim or nashim.

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Rocky lasher

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there is a huge debate over what is exactly His name is and what is his father's name is. And usually this debate happened because the person is very well known of his nickname, either startled in some bikini initiation.

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If someone known by his Kenya, people don't know his name, or his last name, or his like, for example, I know many people on here might know what's my father's name, because usually they don't hear my father's name. A lot of people in America didn't know the father name. You know, a lot of kids need to have their grandfather's name actually. You ask what's your grandfather's name, who said even his own grandfather said I don't know. Because he never heard that.

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Said Ibrahim. And that's a who's

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who's someone

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They're in the chain, but they didn't get to know who's the father is. So the same thing and in the old days when people not knowing of their name and the Father's name, like everybody Omar Abdulaziz That's right. even handle, you know his first and father's name, but not everybody known like that.

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Like Abu hanifa you know just

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what is like, not many even known that his name is

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and not a man had been tablet.

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No, not many people knows what is his first name it they just known Abu hanifa and many named Shafi his last name but many people don't know that his first name is Mohammed Mohammed Idris there is even something very strange. Mohammed is married. Muslim. Many people don't know it's Muslims named

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Abu hurayrah

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and so on. Yeah.

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Who Shani Hussein it's part of a tribe called Oba well known tribe. He wouldn't miss the holiday beer

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or the alarm. And he gives the beta under that tree in the day of the tree to the tables made. And in Abbey Salalah they sell them in the conquered of Hiva. He gives him his share. Aparna seabass Allahu Allah alayhi wa sallam and in Ibiza Salam sent him to his own people align, Hoshino, Cava and he said you go give them down and guess what? His whole entire tribe became Muslim because of him. He lived his whole entire tribe to snap it was said that he died or the allow it in the beginning in the domains time either.

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He said died during my time some said disease Some even said

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50 and 7500 which means during Abdulmalik ever more one time anyway. hadn't had it as you see al Bukhari Muslim it's a very authentic hadith. In Muslim dilemma for him a lot. There is important narration you have to be aware of it to revive syllabi with Mohammed than to be in cassata

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tell give this hadith in context. Carlo in anuga we ro Ll kita. homeotic. ohana fiocco Dori Hamilton Zhi Wei Shara Bolivia Ania t mo come

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to Dr. Salah la we are our neighbors are our key tab and they cook pork and they drink alcohol. So can we can we use their utensils in this case? Then individual Salim said if you find other than it, use it. But if you couldn't, you can use it, you wash it and then use it.

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This requires

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a whole lot law talking specifically about people of anarchy who you know that the use in their utensils, what?

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Pork and why. But if you know they don't cook for pork or you don't have wine, in this case, you You're the ruling will not apply

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that clear, the ruling will not apply. That's what Sunbrella said they had a military while McLaughlin makeda the general one will be understood in the light of this specific one.

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Al Kitab ahead kita what that term means this term term what it means men whom Allah kita who are a Nakita

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I look it up who a cool man intercept illa keytab in sama, we mean en de la. Everyone claimed that he or she follows a book,

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a book that sent from Allah. And he said this is my book. This is my reference. He is one of al Qaeda.

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And what are these books that sent from Allah? We know many of them. But today in modern days, the only people that we know are what?

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Allahu Allah, the Jewish and the Christian, the Christian claim, or they say that they follow the book of Jesus.

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And the Jews follow the book of Musashi sandwiches a Torah even if they have changed the book, even if they don't have the book accurate, even if the add to it.

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Take away from its own the things change it Yes. Why? Because Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah Tila and many other suitors

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after he mentioned that they have changed their book. You have reformed and kenema alaba they will change

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The book they will change the method, but still alive call them what al Qaeda in Iraq and the same exact place is still referred to them as Al Qaeda. We don't know today any nation, they claim that they follow a book that came from Allah except the Jews and Christians.

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There is other group have books, but are the following the books that claim that it is basically came from Allah. No, either they made this books came from some other than like the Buddhist, the Hindus. As right, they don't claim that this is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. It came from their gods.

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And Ania Ania utensils, okay, here, and here, when we are, it's the container that you contain and the food or the drink.

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I'm not sure if you remember last week, poultry raccoon, the vast majority of containers during the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is made of what

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wood or skin the leather, the animal's skin, especially for drinks, is this pouch made out of basically leather skirts carob will Ania would like cups plates, they now when you put the wine

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in these utensils, what will happen to the wine

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will be observed a little bit by what? by the word or by

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the skin. That's right. The letter of that whatever pouch that the using, that's right. Also the same thing.

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If you cook pork, and you have the pork, he basically wrote all the title kunzea when you cook the port, the juice of it, that

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what do you call it, the the smoke of it, when you put it in the container, it will be observed by the skin that's right that will be observed by the plate.

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So that's why the Sahaba of the allow animate also small pieces maybe fallen the crack between the wood because you can imagine all days, it's not as perfect School of method I didn't really have it's not like the plates that you have to die, that the water run through it nothing like you know, stay on it. No stay in it so or send the steel or anything like that. It's wood. So they will think maybe some of the pork, the meat, it will fall in the crock. Then you come and you cook or eat from it. So there is hesitation. That's right. So that's why they are wondering, they were wondering, they were wondering if it's allowed for them to use these kind of utensils.

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And that's why they're asking the seller to sell them not because of the concept in general. Can we use any 100 keytab? A because they are alakija? Or because they are as some other method because they are themselves niches?

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No, it was because of this possibilities. That's why we want to ask if should we use it or avoided an interview sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shows the permissibility of using it. But genovesa salam recommended for them first not to use it.

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He did not forbade it. He just recommended for them. That's why later on he said and if you couldn't find anything else to use it, so basically you're allowed to wash it, then use it.

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And this order from a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that can be a bit difficult for kaha I can say that this is a form of agreement.

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It's a form of agreement between alpha ha that it is just recommended. Not must

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let's look at what we learned from this heavy rules until

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number one, a very interesting concept we should be aware of had Florida limited the lack of an outdoor and a a menagerie Can I hold on to it

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and also the default rules have the following. following items that it is pure, unless you see with your eyes It is impure.

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The default rule

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water, any water.

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It is pure until you prove the opposite.

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You basically walk into the bathroom to make a walk or where the sinks water on the floor.

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The default rules this water is pure

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walking in the street somebody throw water and come to your quote you find what is the default rules It is pure until some thing else proven otherwise

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every single land on this earth is pure unless you prove the opposite

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any land any land it is pure unless you say this is I have proved this is niches

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you don't say oh you know what? Like some people go to hotel I don't know if I can make student this carpet you know people walk in and people throw out over it people like whatever I'm not gonna gross you out. But you know

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the default rules It is what pure

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you know I parked my car in the park in the street in the land couldn't

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walk Couldn't he jonatha all rocks are pure.

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Any rocks in the face of the earth it is pure. Unless you prove otherwise.

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With the app, every single clothes, any clothes that you see in your life, it is pure unless you prove otherwise.

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Any clothes underwear or overwhelmed

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Okay, yeah and whatever you wear if anything, it is pure, unless you prove otherwise.

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Well, US lofi Mia Hina bahara on our dorthea Baba ijarah Casa de Rahim Allah Freeman vomit if you either feel

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and add to this will Ania

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all utensils any utensil you see the default rules It is halaal it is allowed for me to use it unless you prove otherwise. Number two,

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we learn from this hadith. And Matt caffeine fee is allatheena just like London Ibiza solemate fobt curry, we learn from this hadith that water is sufficient to purify any what kind of impurities because then they'll be some wash it. So any impurity washing it will be sufficient. Number three pilot we had howdy Theo de la Chi This is related to a rule

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and this rule is very famous rules and that also the Yin among the scholars or Sophia pollun an AMA robot and how you feel about her

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very common rule. They said if the profits are solemn forbid something then he later on negate that by making it lawful the new rules It means the new rules will be what

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it's permissible.

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Allah subhanaw taala can either halal

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for spa do

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the rule you're allowed to hunt? Then Allah forbade hunting during what Hajj while you are in the head. Then he said if you finish the Iran while you're making Hajj or Umrah when you finish that and he became head on again,

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go hunt. So he said hunt for spider that's order hunt. Is that ordered means hunting after Hajj is obligatory?

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going hunting a trip after hedges obligatory? No, it means it's permissible. And Ella took from that verse and similar I that he said an ammo bag and how long do you feed it about half any order comes after

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prohibition? It means that order means it is permissible for you to do that.

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And even though that's a very common side, lacking

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yakun How do we handle it?

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The scholar some scholar said objected to this. They said this generalization is not accurate, to say any order after revelation. It means it's this order means it is permissible, this is not true.

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What accurate to say and Ahmadabad and however your Eagle amla cannot help.

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I'll say that again. He said the ultimate said when you make order, the new meta revelation prohibit or forebay. Then you make an order back. This new order goes back to the same rule originally it was

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so hunting original

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What is the ruling?

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permissive MOBA? So it goes back to Khalid Nabi sallallahu sallam, and in to comenzado to Cabo Allah

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for Zoo Amma I forbade you to visit the graveyard. I'm ordering you now to visit it

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is visiting the graveyard MOBA.

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permissible? No

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Jani. You don't get Jani going now if I go now to visit the graveyard to remind me of the ACA exactly like going to I have to eat pancake.

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type that is the same ruling as going to

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taking juice from Jamba Juice.

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Is that possible?

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it means it is permissible. I eat I go eat apple.

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I go to drink coffee from Starbucks. That's mobile. That's right.

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Anybody would say that going to graveyard to remind yourself that alcohol will be like going to a restaurant to eat? No, that means going to the graveyard is Mr. hab recommended.

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I have to have the skinny. Okay, so it is recommended to go to that to the graveyard you get reward from going there. That's right. That's right. So here you say I get reward from it. That means you go back to the to the hostellerie candidate.

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For even Sarah Hall assured home factory machinery key.

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He forbade them to be engaged in war with the mushrikeen during that sacred month, but after this month, finish, you go back to the fight because there were an act of war between the two parties. So I can go on and on. But this is not perfect. But that's one of the things that when we teach also help we tell our students that Be careful, even though it is so common. And then I'm Abaddon Hello hackaday Apollo solian Lakin Asahi and Ahmedabad and how you eat will Umbra. Ada McKenna LA.

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return it back to the rule that it was before that

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this Hadith, similar lemma said, is a proof that I'll hammer nudges. Everybody agree that poor pigs are nudges? Okay, but from this hadith some Anima said that shows you that Alhambra is what

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impure nudges

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I don't know if you guys know that or not. There is a whole debate between the Muslim scholars if Alhambra is legit or not.

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impure impute are not any, let's say why in touch your clothes, or fall on your hand or beer or liquor is that means I have to wash this? It's not just it's like a urine or like a thesis or something. I have to remove it or like a throw up. Can I pray with the stain of it? Can I have the scholars debate? Is this impure or pure?

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amla? type. Can anyone here Tell me how this hadith shows that Hamas has nudges?

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Wash it Marcia left it in Debbie's asylum order them to wash it?

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Because what because of an adjuster?

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So he said wash it. And that shows that it is nudges.

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Some other map said No, not necessarily. That it means that there are niches Hama in the Middle East or southern because he doesn't want any part of alcohol to mix with the drink

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has not been within adjustment. And the other man who said Alabama is not nudges

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is not nudges. What's their proof? Anybody knows?

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What's the biggest proof that Elon may use to say karma is not nudges.

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One person I can hear not okay. Yes.

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Yeah, but throw up images. And it's not I had to say

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Blood is nudges. And it's not hard to simulate.

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Very good. The said, because when you saw someone told them a hammer is forbidden to drink what the companion did

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the poor the Hummer were in the streets to the extent the Sahaba said the streets were flooded with common question. If a hammer is nudges, whether they be allowed to do that

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yeah, Annie, can I go in people's way and start urinating?

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I have a pocket filled with blood and like no jassa and urine and feces Can I just throw it in the street? No harm because you make the street what nudges and it's not a lot so if this is was nudges they were not allowed to throw it in the street they will you will be use it in the same manner they used to take get rid of what the faces or the urine without making the rest of the streets registers right. Because that means people can step on a touch their claws and so forth. So this heavy some of the who took the position on camera is not magic. This is the biggest proof

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that the Sahaba the Allah no they didn't do didn't treat it like ninjas. They treated like anything that not magic but is not allowed to contain the LMR said no it's not just they said the only reason the Sahaba did this is to make it clear to everybody that alcohol is haram and forbidden that's why they did it in the street. So anyone will see that will no that's not allowed anymore. And that's not our maybe later on we'll have some discussion about this. But I just want you to be aware of this issue from this hadith had been hasm Rahim Allah and some others Cairo The reason for an abyssal salam to order the Sahaba to wash it. It is because the kuffaar the non Muslims are not just

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so they've been hesitant and some colocado that El Capitan adjusted to an agenda I listen to her comedian they said he is nudges if he touches your hand you have to wash your hand and his hand is wet

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the note that the person who's now Muslim is not pure,

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but this opinion is not popular is not a is not the majority is very very very few people said that and it is weak opinion in my opinion and it is rejected actually because the the point of the NASA when a lot of other acid in them and machinery cool manages the mushriks are Niger is it meant here yeah I need because they don't purify themselves and the way the Muslim purify themselves urine after you know using the water and the proper way of cleaning themselves from Jenna bar from the that's what it means not because their hands and their sweat and it's not just because that's not what this verse is speaking about. Also an adjuster here it means because what is nudges in Arabic

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what's what is killing magnetics for me when you say niche in Arabic

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something was stuck about something is He it is

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stuck with Aria and he

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is very strong is like

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disgusting. So what is disgusting is to disbelieve in Allah

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that idea it's disgusting idea that to feel someone will deny allows right to be worshipped or this use some idols as God this is what then I just been married and lo will back it means something that it is

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appropriate something like that something that makes no sense to you. So they said that was the that's why what's the opposite at the moment what

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by so it means I don't need to make

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I don't need to make although nobody ever understood that in a literal sense. So when you look at the opposite, why would you take it in a literal sense would makes no sense?

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If that makes sense.

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is that clear, while the mechanic molested his car? numero uno you cannot majestical cafard Avon Magnolia

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number six

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This is very interesting rule and very beneficial. Leonard young Huston hornady stole from my part time career, very helpful for them.

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What is it?

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I know maleta cannon hokum la uses to manhandle hajah

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and Nabi sallallahu Sallam from this head he told us if you have a doubt about something, but you need it you are allowed to use it

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a lot of people do the opposite

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A lot of people say oh because there is doubt about it just leave it completely. Actually this headunits shows you the opposite

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end the not gonna die if they don't use their cups and their plates even though there is possibility of trays of pork possibility trace of wine and it in nebby salaam Salaam said wash it and use it it will not be harmful to you. Even though washing it washing it will not take it away by the way 100% completely because still that would observe the basically the poor can the sauce of it, just washing it will not be enough to remove it 100% but we should eat it based on ease at a seal

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and by the way, washing it is recommended and has not watched with the family and agreement that washing it is just recommend

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you wash it if you really see a trace of it. But even if you don't wash it you still allowed to what to eat. You might tell me Holly, what do you got from How the fuck haha? Why the Muslim scholar would say it isn't recommended and it's not must in Ibiza Salaam given order wash it. So how can you say Washington? It means I recommended and not must?

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Isn't that a good question to ask? Is that a fair question? How do we know when the profits are seldom given order that this order little Jube our net? How would we know? There is many different ways but one of the ways we look at other incidents, other ahaadeeth helped us rifadin had it Andalou in a negative amla. We look at other evidence I will see. Do we have any other evidence shows us that the profit meant by this order? Just a recommendation act? Yes, we found plenty. Like what an Abbe Salalah Do you sell them a Jewish woman invited him to eat at her house? And he What did he or he said Hey, did you wash it, wash it first? He ate from it and maybe sell it sell them

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plenty of times as well. hedeman Gianni salam wa sallam one of his neighbors invited him and his wife and he offered him food in the in the plate or whatever. Containers they didn't have. You saw some of them said Washington No. And Nabi sallallahu Sallam and the Sahaba used to borrow from the kuffaar and then we didn't order all of them to make so we understand from these evidence that nobody saw them when he said wash it just as recommended.

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Just as a recommendation not as a Muslim. Exactly. That's how the Sahaba understood that by

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how this

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famous Oh beneficial today

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which is sometimes I go with people at the restaurant, they drove me crazy.

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I can eat and this is not heroin. Why have you? He said they put it in the microwave and the heat the pork in the microwave and the microwave have all this like smoke of the pork then you put the other meat and the smoke goes to the new meat of the pork and became hot

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right even some people said oh we cannot slaughter our animal and the same put in the same French were basically that pork and the pigs are slaughtered. Why? Because when you kill the animal the the bahaar the heat comes out of it next and I and the cold weather, make it mix so it will be affected by

00:34:37 --> 00:34:39

and I hear things like this all the time.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:44

Oh, I'm not sure of that. Greg.

00:34:45 --> 00:34:57

Okay, they did a burger on it or bacon an ad or whatever and it next to each other. You know, is it this is it that all these possibilities cool.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

All this goes under this heading.

00:35:04 --> 00:35:20

That shouldn't be Salalah and insulin allowed using the utensils of aloe keytab even with the possibilities of trace of these things because of the need those people live with Adam Keita

00:35:21 --> 00:35:29

live next on Akita pharma Barack Obama. So what do you think of us Muslims who live in the country of Africa

00:35:32 --> 00:35:37

as even bigger need and the case is much bigger than them

00:35:42 --> 00:35:47

same thing if your neighbors offer you food I rented

00:35:49 --> 00:35:50

a house

00:35:51 --> 00:35:55

or sometimes hotels that comes with what? pots and

00:35:57 --> 00:36:00

I'm allowed to use it Do I have to wash it you don't have to.

00:36:02 --> 00:36:30

And I would say today in modern days all utensils is not like old days where there is possibility of trays and pieces stuck in the word law and your martial law. It's like a mirror you can see yourself in it under reflection so it looks clean it's clean you go to the restaurant the plate is given to you you need to say well I am can maybe my all this was supposed

00:36:32 --> 00:36:52

to be about an insane the person's basically making it just harder and harder for himself with things that mountains that allow who we have. Yeah, and the ally never made it obligatory on us another Allahu Akbar Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah make the Hollywood removed make the things easy for us yes

00:37:08 --> 00:37:25

good question sometimes you go to subway you go to this same knife because when the cut the cut same thing if this if he if you clean it and it is unless you see in your bread a piece of pork in this case you just take it and throw it away

00:37:27 --> 00:37:32

it is good for if he can clean it but is it

00:37:35 --> 00:37:39

Okay, that's good. I like to be cleaning too. I grossed out by it.

00:37:40 --> 00:37:44

But But there is a difference between this and make it forbidden

00:37:47 --> 00:37:50

that's my point. And maybe some recommended them to do that.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:52


00:38:05 --> 00:38:18

If he put a grace of lard on the ground, then he cooked that's how long not big that's how I'm because you are using the Lord. But I'm not talking about that.

00:38:19 --> 00:38:32

Talk about like the clean it up. Or there is like this grill modules not all of them the same. But like in some places, they will not mix like this grailed for example, for

00:38:34 --> 00:39:00

things like like pancake or like the bread and this is for meat. This is to fries they don't and maybe we can ask people who are specialized in this. It can benefit us more then Elif Rahim Allah acaba de Hadith to shows you that his point, which is an embroidery machine, and then abs are allowed to sell them.

00:39:01 --> 00:39:03

I mean, Masada timbavati, moussaka,

00:39:04 --> 00:39:05


00:39:07 --> 00:39:10

you want to read it, though?

00:39:21 --> 00:39:35

narrated Emraan bin Hussein rhodiola. On the profits total La Jolla Salaam and his companions performed with you from a skin water container belonging to a poly polytheist woman agreed upon it is an extract of a long Hadees

00:39:37 --> 00:39:38

Thank you.

00:39:41 --> 00:39:42

Brian had been assigned

00:39:44 --> 00:39:48

and obeyed Jose abou j radi Allahu wa.

00:39:50 --> 00:40:00

One of those companions and we don't know how he became Muslim, but he became Muslim on the seventh year of vigilantism.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:13

same year or ahora de la and became Muslim, new witness all the Battle of the prophets of Salaam afterwards among the leader of the companions, and he used to be the judge of a busser for a while or the long run.

00:40:17 --> 00:40:21

And he lived there until he died. He was the

00:40:22 --> 00:40:33

the father like a father figure for so many taboos. He was an a guide for so many scholars among the tabin and among them It has an impossibly

00:40:35 --> 00:40:37

an urban city in

00:40:38 --> 00:40:58

hazardously said my idml Basilicata rocky one Hiraman we never had anyone came to Alibaba and Alibaba is a place where many companions visited and lived a minigrid scholar. He said no one ever enter the bus are better than him. He was a very truthful avid worship of Rahim Allah.

00:41:02 --> 00:41:14

And he used to have kurama once he said to Abdullah live in fear, God had to come back to man named Adam to hide. Don't tell anyone, as long as I'm alive.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:18

Don't ever say to anyone as long like

00:41:19 --> 00:41:23

he said, What pilot can have to sell them at a melodica

00:41:24 --> 00:41:28

is it will lie many times the angels well

00:41:31 --> 00:41:33

give me Salah will greet me.

00:41:36 --> 00:42:25

And brother Allahu Allah Emraan even Hussein is also an amazing person comes to a deep understanding of the religion. And he one of these firewalls that we had in our history, again, is so many deviant sects, we're trying to deviate Muslim in the early time, what a hopeless sama sure is a very famous story, but have you ever come across in it when he was sitting in in bussola and a man came to him and he told him there is no such thing called chef. No intercession for the centers because Allah tala for the bed and said there is no chef ah no intercession in the Day of Judgment. And he explained to them that that's not true and there is a solemn said that there is intercession for the

00:42:25 --> 00:42:31

centers. And they said we couldn't find it in the Quran, Cairo manager to the hospital

00:42:32 --> 00:42:37

for he got so angry, he said, Did you read the Quran? He said now?

00:42:39 --> 00:43:07

He said if you read it, did you find in the Quran, you pray mother of three times you pray Isha for three Raka you pressure for a car, you pray federal to Raka you pray Lord to affordable cars, and also for America. He said no, I did. I didn't read that in the Quran. Then he said so where do you get that from? He said from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Then he said did you find an A or an?

00:43:08 --> 00:43:56

Also an if you could get out of bed in Durham and Durham? Did you find an every $40 honey give $1 2.5% in every that amount of sheeps, you give one sheep zeca he said no. Is it so where do you get that from? He said from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Then he said did you find in the Quran when you're powerful will beighton it make path around the bay? They will call and tells you seven times and you pray to Allah cabbie behind me, Brahim. He said no, he said, How did you find in the Quran? Allah, Allah Allah Jalla wa ala Jana some business transaction and not allowed beside the river. He said no. Where do you got that from? He said, we got that from Rasulullah sallallahu

00:43:56 --> 00:43:59

alayhi wa sallam. Then

00:44:00 --> 00:44:01

he said

00:44:03 --> 00:44:17

and we found also in the Koran, we found in rasulillah salam and we found from bussola Salim that there is Shiva there is intercession. And even if you read the Quran, you will find the shefa

00:44:18 --> 00:44:42

Didn't you hear what Allah said in the Quran, Padma Salah, confy, Safar, Tallulah akumina, mousseline while I'm not gonna put him on miskeen, until he reached the ayah format, and for whom shefa to Shafi. antonija and those people will not receive the intercession. So that means that his other people will receive the intercession.

00:44:44 --> 00:44:47

And when he said that, those people

00:44:49 --> 00:44:51

they basically

00:44:53 --> 00:44:54

couldn't answer.

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

He just destroyed them because we said

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00


00:45:03 --> 00:45:18

Yeah, same group still exists today. Karanja yeah cool. Yeah, yeah. Yeah Paul Mendoza a buyer to never sell MBA meaning when I give me my right hand. Man misses to the Caribbean

00:45:21 --> 00:45:28

I never touched my private part with my right hand since my hand touch the process all I'm saying out of respect

00:45:30 --> 00:45:33

I just show you how much honor he got. Now Tila

00:45:36 --> 00:45:37

Allahu la hola

00:46:14 --> 00:46:15


00:46:25 --> 00:46:26

ash Hello.

00:46:31 --> 00:46:36


00:46:48 --> 00:46:49


00:47:24 --> 00:47:25


00:47:43 --> 00:47:47


00:48:06 --> 00:48:13

He died through the Allahumma Fie center to entertain himself because he died 5200

00:48:20 --> 00:48:36

Lm azada salimos habonim massada timbavati musharaka and massada he translated to what skin water container That's right. Skin water container. That's how he translated

00:48:37 --> 00:48:38

skin water container.

00:48:41 --> 00:48:46

l Masada have a very specific meaning in Arabic language l Masada

00:48:48 --> 00:48:55

because how would you do a skin can you imagine you have the leather of two pieces of leather.

00:48:56 --> 00:49:16

You basically sew them together like this unlike this unlike this and you close it and you make a hole okay. You make a pouch and you have a container I'll Masada it is that skin water container but it has to be made of three pieces not to.

00:49:17 --> 00:49:22

So you have one here one here and one what on the bottom of it what that means

00:49:23 --> 00:49:29

large not yet. you close it from the top but it means it gives it expanded.

00:49:30 --> 00:49:35

Is that clear. So in Masada always referred to some to skin

00:49:36 --> 00:49:57

water container made of three pieces of leather to make it bigger to make it the size of the bigger. It's like today if I if I have anything come to my mind. You know when you buy suitcase and you have a zipper to open it then expanded. That's the whole idea. just expand on the the containers that contain a large number of water

00:50:00 --> 00:50:00


00:50:01 --> 00:50:04

soccer monkey to come up with it in a document.

00:50:07 --> 00:50:08

That's fine.

00:50:09 --> 00:50:17

Yeah, but this is three pieces one, one on one in the middle to make it any big, deep and mushy rica

00:50:19 --> 00:50:21

in the Hadith here

00:50:22 --> 00:50:26

polytheist. Woman polytheist that's what

00:50:28 --> 00:50:33

it means someone who an idol worshiper,

00:50:34 --> 00:50:40

someone who don't believe in God, somebody who doesn't believe in the law. So it's not a Christian knowledge Jews

00:50:44 --> 00:50:57

are never usually, I'm not sure now off the top of my head. But in the top of my head, I can tell you, I couldn't think that a little I never refer to a Hello key tab as mushrikeen

00:51:00 --> 00:51:07

I just can't think of something. But I'll refer to it the key tab as kofod

00:51:10 --> 00:51:28

are on diamond. Let me put it because now I can't think of everything. But I can put this way I can say the common use of a godfather. I had a Kitab as co founder. And until I either Lydian anisocoria por una de Juana who Latina Kapha Roman athlete kita.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:33

In nella Dena Kapha Roman Allen kitabi Well, mushrikeen

00:51:34 --> 00:52:06

Lamia Cooney lady in a cafe Roman Allen kitabi wall machinery kina mufa kina had to obey and you can go on and on like that. You touched on Ronnie when he referred to Al Kitab not as a mushrik but as a capital Billa because Adam keytab denied Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam denied the message of Islam or denied Jesus like the Jews for cafaro Villa Duma Allah obey or denied the truth that came to them.

00:52:08 --> 00:52:11

Anyway, this mush rica

00:52:13 --> 00:52:53

so it's not from Al Kitab so that shows you that the Hadith about the permissibility of using the utensils of al Qaeda is not only limited to al Qaeda also expanded to what to anyone who's non Muslim, so Buddhist Hindu whatever the case will be you're allowed also to use their utensils other Hadith who have gone on La, min Hadith, Amman even her slain a bow in the head is very long headed and the summary of it. Interview sallallahu Sallam pointed someone to guard the time. You know what guarding the time means?

00:52:55 --> 00:53:02

Any Watch out the night? For what? For when we used to camp I don't know about you guys.

00:53:04 --> 00:53:06

Anybody who can't before?

00:53:07 --> 00:53:58

Okay, good. When you used to go camping, what we used to do, we used to divide the night. Let's say the night is 10 hours. So divided to 10 was we don't sleep 10 hours, let's go to sleep six hours. So we make 612 slots. And each half an hour God by one person, that's when I was in high school. That's how we do or two people every half an hour. So we take from for example 10 to 1030. Okay, we used to fight who's gonna go first is 1030 I go wake up the other two, and we go to sleep. So these two stay from 1030 to 11 or let's say make it one hour from 10 to 1111 to 12 then they go pick up the person next to he come and stay for an hour. We don't we have alarm but we used to do this because that's

00:53:58 --> 00:54:26

how the Sahaba used to do it. Can we have sooner lock the guard the time? So federalist four o'clock call us the last one. wake everybody up. And it will be also I'm saying this because some of you deal with youth. Some of you may be well do with you. We used to use this as an opportunity for the MLA also is every two people who stand up to make to guard the diamonds opportunity for him to pray. You know

00:54:29 --> 00:54:30

that's the old good days I guess.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:36

So here we do we say that

00:54:37 --> 00:54:59

this habit of the airline horse guarding time he forgot and he slept. So the walk up way after the sunrise. And guess what? Six people woke up. Then the seventh was a walker. And the six people woke up. Then seventh one was over caravela the Sahaba six competing wake up and didn't know what to do.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

Should we wake up or not?

00:55:03 --> 00:55:14

So the window worker or worker wake up and decide should we make the worker said no, that will be the maybe there is he lost Potter. Allah has a reason for this to happen.

00:55:15 --> 00:55:37

So the way did so in Albuquerque next to the Prime Minister saying, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Make it that can be an individual Salam wake up. Then this is Dr. Rasul Allah. We missed the salah and navy said No, you didn't. Yeah, I

00:55:39 --> 00:55:46

either had the FIFA caveolae shala maybe one day we can make this as a class because he said you did not miss it.

00:55:49 --> 00:56:00

Because the Sahaba the Allah at home can help the dean Hello same hacker the other one of the hitting themselves. Their heads. How come we missed her job?

00:56:01 --> 00:56:02

We're crying.

00:56:03 --> 00:56:05

How come we missed?

00:56:07 --> 00:56:23

Today we miss fudger we wake up we missed Roger. Oh, let me check my iPhone. Let me do this. Oh, it's okay. tickets. They were like they are in hysteria. Yeah. And he he couldn't believe that the missed federal

00:56:26 --> 00:56:27

BRAVIA line and

00:56:30 --> 00:56:31

all the lower

00:56:32 --> 00:56:35

London Muslim urban Medina

00:56:36 --> 00:56:50

when the conquered tested the biggest, the most strategic city in the whole entire iraq region, that was that the basically the backbone of the Persian Empire.

00:56:52 --> 00:57:12

The fight continued the whole night. And the fight stopped what after the sunrise, so the Muslim army prayed federal after sunrise. He was crying they said you crying in a day, Allah bring victory and bring this nation to their knees. The Virgin nation. Kinda will la la sala to federal abou la Methodist.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:19

It will lie salaat the federal more beloved to me than conquering destiny.

00:57:22 --> 00:57:23

In Morzine Terre Haute yahaya

00:57:25 --> 00:57:34

things completely became different today. We see things in different lens today. A salon is not that of a big deal.

00:57:38 --> 00:57:42

So when he saw that suddenly you didn't miss anything. Let's Move.

00:57:43 --> 00:57:46

Move, is it everybody gets on

00:57:48 --> 00:57:48


00:57:49 --> 00:57:50

and they start walking

00:57:51 --> 00:57:55

until they get exhausted. Then he stopped and now pray.

00:57:57 --> 00:58:40

He went to get them out of that moods a lot isn't it? Then he stopped. He made one of them to call other than the person that in federal then they prayed federal with the profits loss on them as the executor prayed on time, out loud, and many, many variety and we can learn just from seeing the Hadith. Many lessons we can learn then individual allow it while he was alone. After that, they were like looking for water they couldn't find any water in the middle of the day the very thirsty and the Sahaba they allowed them they were fighting me racing who will bring the profits or sell them they have a small pouches has a little bit of water in it and they were like next to the Prophet if

00:58:40 --> 00:58:53

anytime he wants water they will rush who will give the process Island part of his water so the loveless water but they run out of water completely until and then he says I'm asking Taliban another person to look for water and they found this woman

00:58:55 --> 00:59:23

between she riding and basically next to her two legs. These two Masada these two basically containers while this water she said have no water. Is it how long you've been traveling by yourself? What is your family? She said it is 24 hours back of traveling non stop. Yo Molina I've been traveling one whole 24 hours like this time yesterday I left my place

00:59:25 --> 00:59:26

very far You can't reach it.

00:59:28 --> 00:59:31

Now it's midday you have to do this tomorrow because people don't travel in the night.

00:59:32 --> 00:59:39

So they said Come with us she said no my kids waiting for me. They said no we're not gonna go. You have this containers and it has some water in it.

00:59:42 --> 00:59:58

And we have to bring you to the Prophet she went to the prophets of Allah, the prophets of Salaam put his handle those containers made throughout for it. Then he said bring the biggest containers you have so they start bringing the biggest containers they are. The woman got crazy. Whatever water there will be gone.

01:00:01 --> 01:00:11

He filled up the container, which is way bigger than her container 123 then he said all of the ostomy lineup

01:00:12 --> 01:00:24

everybody came and in Abidjan filled their little containers and private ones completely. They all drink, then they all fill up their containers then the author looking just for the animals.

01:00:26 --> 01:00:41

Well, then, after he finished Salah earlier treasure I forgot to tell you, he found someone waiting, watching them, not praying with them and nobody said Why didn't you pray to Allah? I had. I had a *.

01:00:43 --> 01:00:49

As an older time, it's embarrassing. That time things are much easier. So

01:00:50 --> 01:00:58

he said like I had a weird dream, what to do what I do, then maybe sell a license and you could have just use the sand. You know, Tim,

01:00:59 --> 01:01:04

then in the visa Santa Monica Dora, he said take that container and give it to this guy. Let him take a shower

01:01:06 --> 01:01:09

with it. Let him take a shower with the water.

01:01:10 --> 01:01:27

Then after all this, I did on the line and the narrator said well lie. The woman went back. We need her Masada. Her container had more water than what she had in that container when she came to the bottom.

01:01:29 --> 01:01:41

And then there is also said wait, before she leave this woman gave you water? Yeah. Does this woman have given you water? Did she really

01:01:44 --> 01:01:48

it's in the visa Salama lava machine. He wants to give her the favor.

01:01:49 --> 01:02:07

She she's Michigan. He said this woman have given you doing Let's pay her back in the visa salon took his readouts a loss on them like a shot and he stretched instead everybody brings something for her. So everybody stopped bringing food barley bread theI some

01:02:09 --> 01:02:15

thought shoes like husband now the thing that you put it on the bottom of that you know of the shoes like

01:02:16 --> 01:02:17

to fix it with

01:02:19 --> 01:02:30

the bottom of the shoes extra one you know all this can be very useful for for people that time and the closet and it became big amount of like get and he gave it to her.

01:02:32 --> 01:02:36

She went to her people cut it in half, maybe in a half hour.

01:02:39 --> 01:02:53

There is no one between the heaven and earth is Yeah, there is no magician like this man. Or he is a prophet has to be one of the two and I mean any other other other any church

01:02:55 --> 01:02:56

will fill

01:02:57 --> 01:03:05

a slum It was a slum, Omaha Jamia she called her whole entire tribe to Islam and the whole entire tribe into Islam

01:03:07 --> 01:03:20

and headed to say her body and others and you can read it and it's a long heading and it's really a great Hadith there is many lessons to be learned from it. It is a miracle one of the miracles of the prophets are awesome. But

01:03:22 --> 01:03:33

Ill have been handled said if you look at the Hadith, he said the prophets are Salah middleboro and the companions from that skin water container

01:03:35 --> 01:03:39

la eudat universal Buhari What have you lost the Muslim love tower

01:03:41 --> 01:03:46

whether it fully had an Aleph Aslan Feel free to visit let him know visa Salam

01:03:49 --> 01:03:54

I never come across an any one of Bihari Muslim in any book on how he

01:03:56 --> 01:04:00

explicitly said the middle of that container.

01:04:03 --> 01:04:12

By palvin, hands on body image double barrel cat in abdulhadi. These are great Scarlett all of them said the same thing.

01:04:13 --> 01:04:14


01:04:16 --> 01:04:24

the middle of that container, but then aeration if you look at dilution never explicitly ever said that they did that.

01:04:25 --> 01:04:45

But had Amazon LLC Why did Hades bill Magna batasan because he said that's abstract from hydrothermal Ivanhoe say the Ender stood from this narration that the Sahaba must use that water for although as well.

01:04:47 --> 01:04:59

Or you can say since in the beast, Alex Alam ordered that man to make lucid with the water. So in the bisazza lamp out of the habit to use the water for what Baraka purification that

01:05:00 --> 01:05:10

means that water is what? baja uomo bajo. So that means that this container did not make that water What?

01:05:11 --> 01:05:12


01:05:13 --> 01:05:18

okay because in Masada is not only for water can be used for something else before

01:05:19 --> 01:05:42

and LMS said since in nebby some allow it it was lm wouldn't let that man to make tm and use the water he will not use the term and leave the water as one source of them. So in no era him Allah said you found Mohan a minute Howdy. You can understand that this would happen, but it never was explicitly

01:05:44 --> 01:05:58

stated by the companions of the line. Also this headed we mentioned earlier that this shows you that any skin of an animal of 10 the tanning of the skin, make it leather and make it pure Hello.

01:05:59 --> 01:06:31

also show you the premise of using the stencils and the containers of the non Muslims. It has also a proof of the process of them for Prophethood Mandela and tortoise as well I'm one of the I at the sign of his prophethood that is a great messenger sallallahu Sallam a mini odermatt collected this kind of a hadith it shows the miracle the process of them like reavie method Allah de la in the boo, boo aim and us behind he did not de la la la, la, la La, La La La

01:06:33 --> 01:06:35

be happy as a very big book

01:06:36 --> 01:06:45

also shows you that people regardless of their religion should cooperate and help one another for what generally benefit the public. Like what happened in this Heidi.

01:06:50 --> 01:07:01

The last half days we're just gonna really because we talked about it before and I don't think we need to go and show her. So I'm just gonna read it. And we already made a comment on it before and aggressively. Malika

01:07:02 --> 01:07:26

Avi salatu salam Khushi Rafa de mccanna Sham sin selatan Olson Scylla 10 min filled bow Hello Jehovah Hari. Narrated Anna Sydney Malik of the line when the cup of the prophets Allah Lawson and broken he fixed it with silver were at the crack silver wire so silver wire at the crack reported by Buhari

01:07:28 --> 01:07:40

this hadith reported by Buhari by Anasazi Alon and as reported from him even Syrian incident reported from Amazon so inside of Hollywood he

01:07:41 --> 01:07:46

also said which is that the successors okay the

01:07:47 --> 01:08:02

the follower of the successors so you have ns as students also as are even sitting even sitting his students awesome awesome said I saw that cup and I used it

01:08:04 --> 01:08:08

or I too had alcoholic to fee okay

01:08:10 --> 01:08:23

so in ob Salalah is a lims Cup when it has a hole in it or a crack in Ibiza Salam when this has happened to him and as I said

01:08:25 --> 01:09:02

Yanni he said that the process of landfill that crack with silver wire of silver later on another crack happen so about palheiro the line told NSF pneumatic just keep it the way it is don't change that crack with gold or any other just keep it the way it is as the profits are solid left and I said I left it the way it was during the profits also longtime toccata has a small cup okay that people used to drink and sharp crack

01:09:03 --> 01:09:04

because we're gonna stop we're gonna

01:09:06 --> 01:09:13

sell Salah was Silsila sencilla means the famous incident means chain

01:09:14 --> 01:09:15


01:09:16 --> 01:09:25

the like the necklace the T but divided small circles connect each of those like a chain but subtle Salah

01:09:26 --> 01:09:33

okay it means a wire that connects to each other's but not necessarily to be like a change shape

01:09:35 --> 01:09:39

okay. So if you bring wires a new role will cause cell Salah.

01:09:40 --> 01:09:49

But if they are like this like change next to each other, that became Silsila there is a difference in the meaning. Okay. And

01:09:51 --> 01:09:59

many scholars said this way and that way so you have a lot of scholars reported this hadith in two ways and the point here

01:10:00 --> 01:10:34

That small amount of silver if it is part of that cup or the utensils, it will not make this utensils made of silver. How long to drink from a silver utensil, but it has a lot of small amount it's permissible under this exemption for it and also it shows you a little more of a debate it would do we have to have a small or big is make a difference. I think what Timmy Alhamdulillah said doesn't make a difference small or big. As long as the cup is still not silver.

01:10:35 --> 01:10:52

doesn't need to be very cracked it can be small or big. And that's why we plated gold plated silver and this according to this opinion will be permissible. But many majority of the time I said that is only small amount and gold that many scholars would say you cannot use gold

01:10:53 --> 01:11:03

and crack you cannot fill it up with gold in any gold plated utensils, not a lot. Silver there is a lot of exempt a little bit of exemptions in relation to it.

01:11:04 --> 01:11:12

And this is something we've discussed before malice, diners have no Yokosuka Dean, Salah Lhasa nanana, Vina Mohammed shalom

Bulugh Al Maram Series presented by Sh Waleed Basyouni at the Clear Lake Islamic Center

This lecture was presented on Apr 05, 2017.

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