Nouman Ali Khan – End of Ramadan

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of trust in learning and finding one's own way of learning is discussed, along with the challenges of pursuing religion and being passionate about it. The speakers emphasize the need for people to be aware of the universal laws of physics and the universal laws of science, as well as the importance of listening to the natural sounding of the word of Islam and not hesitating to say, I know everything I know. The speakers also discuss the use of words like " acknowledge" and " acknowledge" to explain emotions and actions, and the potential for " acknowledge" to make people feel understood.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah hamdu lillahi Harlequin what you're given in other words

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for most of your subliminal

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hamdulillah either the ns Allah Allah Al

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Hamdulillah and let

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me know when to stop.

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Whenever to be done immaturely and fusina. Marina

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Mohammed Abdullah he was sudo masala Lakota either the Buddha the demon

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barrhaven howdy howdy Mohammed in Salalah alayhi wa sallam, but in the short run moody Nakula.

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Now, a lot more has always

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a fan of virgin Puma and a silica here and in Asana.

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hula, hula,

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hula. What are some of the Maha in other words who Jeeva hula, hula Danica Can I say you?

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said the MG.

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Polly Allah mathematic Nanda motiva Illa, Allah will

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also be happy. But also

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in today's footbaww, I'd like to share with you some thoughts on is number 36, maybe even 37 of swords of Islam. This is towards the end of the passage that I've been discussing over the last few weeks in Cuba, that allows Oh, john gave total suicide on insulting Islam, almost summarizing the teachings of the previous structures. So this is how Nagas Reverend describes a summary of the commandments of the people. What was given to the people before us, towards the end of this passage allows and says what format they select.

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And don't pursue coffee actually needs to follow in the footsteps of someone. And so don't follow up or don't get behind what you don't know anything about. If you don't know about something, don't become a follower of it. So but when I talked to Melissa, what this means isn't just, well, if you didn't verify everything yourself, you can follow it because at some level knowledge is about trust. At the end of the day, even those who believed in us will have lost a lot of money for them, place the trust in Him, and those who learn from the Sahaba place to trust in them. And those who learn from the web in place to trust in them. And the greatest of scholars, their students placed a trust

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in their teacher, etc. Right? So at some level, there's trust, you can't sit in a class. And every time the teacher opens their mouth, say, where'd you get that from? Where's that from? I don't trust you. prove it to me, except it doesn't work that way. But there is a point where you learn enough on your own, where you get to the point where you can make sense of things and verify things and authenticate things where you might even diverged from your teacher, where you might even say, Okay, I learned something from my teacher. But now that I know enough to do my own study, or I have gotten past the training wheels to be able to do proper research. Now I can come to a conclusion that, oh,

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I don't agree with this portion or that portion. Because I feel that the truth more lies with something else, right? So that what Eliza did is telling us is something very powerful. There's a balance between on the one hand taking knowledge from those that we trust, right we have and at the end of the day, the relationship between a teacher and a student is a relationship of trust. You don't know any better you don't, you know, a child cannot verify the times table with the teacher, the teacher is going to tell him they're just going to memorize or they're just going to learn it later on. They can see Oh, yeah, that was right. And they can see for themselves, but there'll be a

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time where they can see for themselves, right. So if somebody is teaching you to read, for example, reciting the Quran properly, and they say this is open now, you say prove it to me, you can't you can't go there, okay? until you learn it enough. And then you can go to other teachers or other sources and say, oh, my goodness, my first teacher the way he taught me and maybe there's some adjustments to be made, right? That can

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happen. So there is a beginning where you place almost entirely a trust in a teacher. But then you get to a point where you can start thinking for yourself. And you can get to the point where you can start asking more intelligent questions. And it is at that point that the nature of the relationship between a teacher and a student it changes, it becomes more of a discussion than a one way street. Right? In the beginning, the teacher is holding your hand walking you through every basic thing, right. But then when the student gets advanced enough, like even for my Arabic students, for example, in the beginning, I have to hold their hand and literally walk them through every basic

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thing. But then later on, they get to sound that I read in this book, what you said this, or I, you know, research here, they're saying this about this principle of grammar, but you're saying this, can you? Where did you get your concept from, etc. and we can have a debate and a discussion. And in some cases, I can even be corrected and say, you know, what, I'm going to revise what I used to think. And the teacher can actually the student can actually end up teaching the teacher something, right, this is how knowledge moves forward. And this is not just how knowledge moves forward in the learning of our religion. But knowledge in general, I mean, science, or the knowledge of history, or

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the knowledge of architecture, any any field of knowledge, the only way it moves forward, is people learn from those who know more. And then once they learn enough, they start exploring on their own, and then that field is furthered. Now more exploration has happened, more is learned now. So what we know about medicine today is built on the backs of those from previous generations that knew medicine, much less than us, but we would know what we know if we didn't build it on top of what they have, right? So that's an entire, you know, progress, that entire evolution of thought and of knowledge that's captured so beautifully in these words, don't pursue what you don't have knowledge

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of meaning, what you know, should be based on something to start with, have some basis, and then start and then you know, the limits of what you know. So if I, if I've learned something, i, you and i should have no hesitation in saying, as far as what I have learned, this is what I know to be true, as far as what I've learned, and then you don't go beyond that and say, Well, I know everything that there is to know about this subject, I know the entire truth of it. Because that means we don't understand the concept of Coca Cola carrying it. Allah describes it actually occurs in sort of user above everyone that has that possesses knowledge is someone who knows, right?

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Someone who knows, and above all of that is a large origin himself, right? I mean, think of it this way, and not even about learning sciences or a subject, but even learning about a situation, you're looking at something from this, you know, your eyes can only give you this angle. So you saw a car accident from your, you know, across the street, you saw a car accident, but you saw it from your angle, and the camera, the streetlight camera side from a different angle, and people on the other side of the street side from a completely different angle. Now from your angle, you see that someone did something wrong, but you're missing out on the other angles. And from their points of view,

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maybe it's a completely different scenario, maybe something else happened that you didn't even take into consideration because you were blinded by from the limits of your point of view, you understand. So our point of view is actually limited. And the first thing in knowledge is to understand the limits of our point of view. That's you can't move forward, if you don't acknowledge and acknowledge there are limits. In my point of view, there's only so much that I can know. And if I don't humble myself to that reality, then I will become annoyed all without knowing much at all. I'll act like I'll feel like I know everything I've already got everything figured out. Well, I

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haven't gotten anything figured out. It's I'm getting ahead of myself. But in the next I will talk about arrogance is not a shock is it? Because though, in this ayah is talking about don't follow things you don't know about because when you do get in the habit of becoming confident about things that you actually don't authentically know. And you can't even you can't even admit that to yourself, you, you start confusing your opinion on something, or your limited perspective on something as the fact the universal truth. Right. It's interesting, like they say they talk about the universal laws of science in physics, the universal laws of the universe are the universal

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truths of the physical universe, the physical universe has, if we understand it, if science has been able to understand it, it's less than 20% that we understand the physical universe. If we don't even understand the physical universe, between four and 20%, according to some experts, that 80% of it is something not something we don't even know. And yet we call it universal truths of physics or universal truth, how we don't have access. We don't have access to be able to say this applies in all circumstances where we have absolute knowledge. Now, that's the first part of this statement. Don't follow something you don't authentically know or don't know. You know, don't become a you

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know, a hoarder.

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Line follower, if something that you don't know. In other words, even in this Dean, and I can say this from some level of experience, I have no scholar and I have no hesitation in saying that I'm a seeker. I'm a student. And they have been milestones in my own study of the Koran or my own study of trying to understand Arabic trying to understand the words of our prophets a lot more than that, I'll come across a scholar, I'll come across a discussion, we'll come across a reading that will completely change my view, like, I thought I understood this, but I didn't. And it's completely, you know, reshaped everything. Because I continue to tell myself I need to remain open to newer and

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better understanding. This is actually even a karate and yet the only adarsha that you know about tomorrow, you should say insha Allah, and you should save perhaps my master will guide me to something closer than this, when it comes to being upright. So the law is that guide me to the ultimate truth, but actually guide me closer to uprightness, closer means one more step, because the day after will be one more step. And the day after will be one more step and nobody will claim I have all of it. Right? So the law is that we keep progressing towards the truth keeping taking more and more steps towards the truth. And the opposite is what unless prohibited. Don't become people

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that don't want to know, you just want to follow without knowing. That, you know,

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in the last century, religion was, you know, deemed a culprit, like religion is the reason why societies become oppressive and repressive religions suppress knowledge or religion suppress freedom, religions, burned down libraries, religions don't tolerate differences of view, etc, etc. So religion was the evildoer. Right? And without religion, we saw nuclear war. And we saw the kinds of we saw a holocaust that had nothing to do with religion. Right? But keeping that aside, when it comes to our religion, when it comes to Islam, and the law here, I love the CEO of him, Anna woman.

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The Prophet is commanded to say this is my path, I call to Allah with, with insight with basically you can say, in Simple English with eyes open, I call to a loving eyes open eye, and whoever follows me. In other words, my followers also have their eyes open. When you have eyes open means you observe reality. You live in the world of reason. You want to engage the world, you want to explore the world and you want to speak out on behalf of something, you blinded yourself, I already know what it is. That's it, I don't want to hear anything else. This is why the Quran says very boldly, how to go Hanako bring forward your evidences. What kind of religion is this? Usually, you know,

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when you're trying to spread a religion you go to, and you're trying to convert other people to your religion, you should go to the people who know the least about their religion, go into villages where they are the least educated about their religion, and try to convert them. Right? Because they're not going to give you much resistance. They don't know much else, right? What does the Quran do? It goes up to the rabbis, it goes after the priests, it goes after the leaders of the religion, encourage, among others. It's challenging them and saying open up your books. You know how to bring that out and really pull ourselves ring that our hearts can read it. Okay, religion is this, because

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it's challenging those that gave Dawa to on the basis of knowledge. And it's inspired and oma to become people that want to learn and want to learn and want to learn. And every time they learn, when they learn a truth, they want to follow it. They want to they want to act on it, they want to live by it. I'm sharing this with you, because it's the last it happens to be a lie. And I didn't intend it this way. But it's the last Friday of Ramadan. And Allah has given us something he didn't give any nations before. He gave us the Eternal Word of Allah that stays that cannot be corrupted, that can only be explored more and more with that can only you know give more treasures, not less.

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That's what Allah gave us. I'm reminded of a famous Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, other than Allah, He will for

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whoever see whoever has made up their mind, to pursue knowledge, then let them come into the Quran.

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Like in his, in his in this Hadith, he considers knowledge and the path to knowledge the word of Allah first, first and foremost. So the question begs itself when I'm alone is coming to an end and this is the month that the Quran came down in which means and the law describes the coming of the Quran meaning this month in not in elsewhere, he describes it as a long dark night. And then finally the sun rose.

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You know Kenda will come on one daily, it was super heavy either as far as

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like the night you know, the moon, and as it starts getting weaker, meaning the message of Jesus starting to dwindle, it's been a few centuries, and the night becomes completely dark and the world is in the darkest time. And then the morning lights and this is one of the greatest events to me.

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happened one of the greatest signs of Judgment Day, meaning the coming of the Quran that the Iranian Bashar as a warning to all human beings,

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to put all human beings in check. So this is the first part of this ayah. don't pursue what you don't have knowledge of, and don't become hardwired, don't become passionate about something you don't know how much of the troubles of the world are created by mobs, angry crowds that hear something I don't know enough to know whether it's true or not, and become overly passionate about it.

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Right and want to defend it or want to attack it, because of what they've simply heard without knowing anymore. How many opinions are formed, how much hatred is created, how many lines are drawn, how many divisions even was inside the oma happen because people follow what they don't actually know. And people become very passionate about something they don't know for sure. But they feel threatened. If unnaturally, some people are so entrenched in not knowing that they've warned their family members don't learn. I've actually heard this shocking thing. It's a common thing. Don't learn karate, you're not qualified to contemplate a last word, don't think because you're going to

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get misguided. You need to go to someone who knows. And you know what, in seeking the legal vertix you need to go to someone who knows what the word of Allah didn't come to scholars, the word of Allah came to French, the word of Allah was heard by the jinn, the word of Allah was heard by people who had no knowledge of any books before, you know, Allah describes them as a people that have you know, lay on the moon, the people that have no knowledge, and they were listening to the Quran, and they were contemplating the Quran. And if you think Arabic is the only condition and once you know Arabic, you can understand the Quran that's dead wrong. That's just not that's just not true. But

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the message of the Quran resonated with all of humanity starts somewhere. And don't let someone discourage you from not learning the word of a lie. By the way, when you sincerely learn the word of Allah, you'll even learn it with humility, meaning you'll come with questions you'll say, I don't understand this either. I don't understand this word. I don't. And that's when you're going to go to people who know better. So you've been studying, you've been learning karate, tell me about this. What do you understand about this? Are you going to read further, you're going to investigate further. That's what allows Oh, john wanted out of this work for us. take for us to our minds to be

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engaged. But I, as I come to the conclusion of this, this last part is so powerful because it's two statements made inside one our first statement was don't follow what you don't know about whether Tacoma is an aquarium, okay? The second statement is in the summer, when bussola went to other hula, hula, no doubt about it, the hearing the scene and the heart. So interesting word and the heart, each one of them are going to be asked about hula, hula, hula, some really remarkable things inside this. First of all, seeing as mentioned before, in our hearing, as mentioned before anything else? Hearing first? What does that tell you that from molars divine wisdom, we're learning a hint, when

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you really want to become a person of knowledge, you have to become what first? A listener, you have to listen carefully. You know what, what it means to be a good listener is to let someone finish what they're saying, is to actually completely absorb, you know what happens sometimes, we want to listen to something to pick at it, what we disagree with.

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We want to listen to something waiting for a chance to jump, we've already got our jump ready. We're just waiting for the opening.

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We're not listening. That's that's not how listening works. That's you listening to speak, that's you waiting to attack. That's you waiting to rebuttal, because we're already in a defensive position. Once when listening happens, what that means is you put your guard down, and you want to completely internalize the other's point of view, the teachers point of view the books point of view, let them say what they're saying, hear from the horse's mouth, hear them out. And then when you've heard about, then ask your questions, then Roboto, then maybe, you know something that disagrees with what you heard. Right? But the first step is hearing. What you get also allies in

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this is a hearing will be asked about, which means what did we spend on this gift of hearing was supposed to be used for the pursuit of knowledge, good knowledge, what are we using this gift of hearing for? And then when busca he says and the scene, so the hearing and then the scene, and that's, that's important, because if you don't listen first, you're seeing won't be the same.

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So you have to listen, because you let me give you a simple example. So you can appreciate this. You see, human beings pass judgment quickly based on what they see. When somebody walked by you they were dressed a certain way, you can't even help it, you will pass the quick judgment that we have. That's how we process things. Right. And if you heard them, they might shock you. They might absolutely shock you.

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Right. So if you know, for example, if somebody came up here on the mic, you're expecting me to give him a call back. And it's like a 10 year old up here. Right? Let's see, what is this?

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And then he starts speaking, and you're in shock. Wait, what is this? And he has this knowledge that you didn't expect. Why? Because we judge based on what we saw before we judge based on what we heard, those who lost them, they wanted people not to hear him. Do you know like, debatable among those who, for example, when he came to visit Makkah, they told him, there's this man, his name's Muhammad, you might have known him from before. He's dangerous, because he has, he's spitting out some magic that puts families against each other. So we want you to be safe. I want you to plug your ears when you go into America. If you see him, just plug your ears, he saw the prophet SAW something

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coming. He plugged his ears, and he ran the other way. And halfway through, he's like, I'm the head of my tribe. I'm one of the best poets they had. I shouldn't be afraid of words. So he unplugged his ears and he came back to the profit slice out of his first reaction was not based on hearing, his first reaction was based on seeing genuine disease. And he went to us in the Bronx, and he became Muslim. And then he told the story.

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Okay, so, you know, the point is hearing first, and then our perception, our view will change. If you don't hear someone out, your view will not change how many times Muslims complained about how we're judged based on our appearance. And we're not given a property either. But we do the same thing to each other. We do exactly the same thing to each other. So in our muscle, but then came the third component went for either what are the heart and the Arabic language in the Quran has two words for the heart has gotten and it has for us. And the word for art comes from the verb, which means to roast. Select one for eat means when a piece of flesh has been opened the broiled on a

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roasted on a flame, the hardest color for art when it's on fire, meaning when it's overwhelmed, when it's excited, when it's full of love, when it's full of hate when it's full of excitement and full of bravery, what it's some kind of excited emotion, when your heart's racing, that's when it's called a flop. in normal circumstances, it's called upon. So it's interesting that Allah said, the hearing will be questioned, the scene will be questioned and your your heart on fire is going to get questioned why the heart on fire, why the heart that's excited. A lot of soldier has taught us something remarkable beyond knowledge. The heart on fire can also be a reference to our emotions,

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emotions that can go wild anger that can go wild resentment that can go wild. What unless telling us is even if you have knowledge, but you don't put your emotions in check, then use that knowledge can become useless.

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Someone could, for example, have, you know, hatred, inside, someone could have a bias, like let's just say someone has a bias against men, or someone else has a bias against women, then they can even if they have knowledge, they'll use that knowledge to justify their bias. So their heart is actually so inflamed, it's pushing the knowledge in directions that the knowledge doesn't want to go. They're steering the knowledge in the wrong directions because of therefore.

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Therefore, I can also mean, as I wrap up this motherfucker, I can also mean

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that you sometimes you and I act in ways that are unreasonable, because we got emotionally overwhelmed, and then say, Well, that wasn't really me. This is the real me.

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Right? Two people get into an argument, husband, wife get into an argument, you know, voices are raised or things are thrown or whatever else happens. And then he comes back a couple of hours later and say, Hey, it's me.

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He says, Well, yeah, but that that wasn't me, this is the real me. That was just too odd. You know, that was just when I get excited, I just am not myself. When I get angry. I'm not myself. But my, this is my real cell. This is what they use in criminal court. Now. In some cases, you'll have somebody who shot somebody, right? The police officer shot before asking questions, or somebody shot a gun, or whatever, you know, hit somebody or whatever, or robbed or whatever. And they say, Well, at that time, there was a rush of adrenaline to the brain. And there was a chemical reaction taking place in some of his neurons as a result of which this impulsive action happened. And it's because

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of the high stress situation. And these chemicals, not him. It's the chemicals. It's not him, it's the fly. The only one the emotions, that's what made him do it. It's not his fault. It's not her fault. It was just that at that time, there's a release of certain hormones, and there's a release of certain chemicals, and there's an overflow. And that's what made me do it. That's the modern scientific way of saying, hey, that wasn't really me. This is me. All that is, is just an alibi to justify your emotionally erratic behavior. What is the last day, the hearing the scene and the

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overwhelmed emotional heart, we'll all be question you're not gonna get away with, I was really angry at the time, so I wasn't myself. Or I was really depressed at the time. So I wasn't myself, you shouldn't hold that one against me. Or what I said at the time is because I was really allowed to know everything you and I say, everything you and I do will be questioned. And not one of those things will be justified because of our emotions. This is why we have stories in the Koran, where people great people are put in extremely difficult emotional situations, high stress situations, like jacobellis, like use of it. So they're put in extremely stressful situations, and they still

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act within reason, because they know their heart will be question, you understand. They don't use the alibi, while I was really angry at the time, that's why I did this this little Jimmy. See, it's not the same. So we're learning and we can't hide behind the fact that their profits and it doesn't apply to us. It's in the Quran, because we have to learn from him. Those are examples for us to live by, you know, so here in the summer when bussola went out, and finally, the last initial review about the saya is the word without, without a cause was called a pointer in Arabic. I translated that at the heart that I translated was all of those are meant to be asked about all of those the

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word those was my translation of the word Whoo, that would I could typically is used for the will recall, meaning it's used for creatures that possess intellect, like you can say that you can use even those Muslims. Okay? What would that mean?

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Those are the believers or

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those who are the disbelievers would not use for things like as use for people. But this pointer can sometimes be used to magnify things, almost to the level where they're being personified. And why is that important? Because hearing and seeing and the heart have been magnified by the word would I. One way of looking at melodica is Allah has made them a big deal. So the idea began with knowledge. And then it ended with three things that Alliance made a very big deal that he will be asked that we will all be asked about. And those are, what we hear what we see. And then how we control our hearts based on what we hear and what we see. Hulu

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allows us for those who really put our ears and our our eyes and our hearts in the proper direction and realize oh, just steer us away from the direction that makes our art. You know our hearts overwhelmed and then we act in ways that are not pleasing to Allah. And then we make excuses for ourselves and allows us to not make a space people have excuses. But in San Juan FC Basia what was

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the human being has pretty good view of himself even though he makes all kinds of excuses. Now, why not make some people have excuses barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu alaykum wa

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hamdu lillahi wa kafa salat wa salam O Allah.

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Allah azza wa jal

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in allow

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Sima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad

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Ali Mohamed Kamara tada

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de Sala in South Africa.

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Santa Clara de Palma de Santa Gato peninsula

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no more.

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we don't

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find out

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Don't be

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too hard to be Howard

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hamdulillah Napoleon hamdulillah

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level 20 you may not

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a lovely man.

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a law

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a law

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00:31:14 --> 00:31:14


00:31:20 --> 00:31:24

bow on the

00:31:31 --> 00:31:31


00:31:33 --> 00:31:34

Rob be

00:31:37 --> 00:31:38


00:31:59 --> 00:31:59

Can I

00:32:06 --> 00:32:10

have one while you shriek ba ba, ba

00:32:14 --> 00:32:14


00:32:20 --> 00:32:20


00:32:24 --> 00:32:25

ba, ba

00:32:31 --> 00:32:32


00:32:36 --> 00:32:37


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