Nouman Ali Khan – What Are We Celebrating

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The end of the day is a significant legacy for everyone, including the father of the nation. The challenges faced by young people in their early stages of their lives, including personal struggles and physical struggles, are discussed. The importance of loyalty, trusting one's faith, and sharing joy is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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ilumina volum vamos legit Sabrina lm familia Quito Bhatia and another financial guru al Masai become a natural

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fenosa de la sala Hill Akram Shara Fela Shama noodle. uttam Makita Bill mofcom Waka melynda Bina one hartham say Ed Villa de Adam levy the Bashara be here you know Maria

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Rahim Allah Salam

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ala Mohan for sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had an allergy barakallahu li him cough

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and hamdulillah Allah

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La fille de la pena, Ruby Himanshu Lee and fusina woman say, Dr. Medina, when you have the Allahu Allah mogila woman you follow howdy Allah, Masha Allah, Allah illallah wa de la sharika when a shadow under Mohammed Abdullah what a pseudo of Salah Holla Holla Holla

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Holla Holla de Nicola de Vaca favela, he shahida for sallallahu alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira kathira from

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DC Kitab Allah wa halal Howdy, howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in Nashville, Morimoto de la, la, la, la la la la la la la ilaha illa

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Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim militar de comida Brahim, who are some nakoma Muslim in Amman? He has the akula solutia Hayden aleikum wa otaku Shahada, alumnus, Timo salata, Otto Sokka tasi Mobile, Massimo Bella Hua Monaco, Sonia Mal, Mona Mona Mona said Allah Medina, semaine rubbish, silly Emery, Dr. Tommy lasagna, Coco de manera, alameen, Allah Akbar La, la, la, la, la La, La La, when in their hand hand, what are we celebrating today, every single year, Allah azzawajal brings us together in this way. At the occasion, two occasions, one of them is illustrated, and this is either, and in each of them, we are supposed to remember the same exact thing and reflect upon the same exact

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thing. This must be so important that the entire oma, this one fifth of the world's population needs a review of this particular legacy, the legacy of our father Ibrahim alayhis salam, every single year. And this is an important consideration. Every civilization in the world has some kind of festivals. And you know, nations have independence days, or cultural days or festival days, actually, the United States we have one too many festivals, you know, every other weekend is some kind of holiday, whether it's Labor Day, or Memorial Day or Independence Day or some other day or the other, right. But even ancient civilizations have festivals and, and rituals in which the entire

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nation comes together and celebrates and commemorates, right. And a lot of these rituals, of course, it's a time, across religions and across societies. It's a time for people to come together and have a happy time and celebrate and things. But usually every single one of them is tied to some kind of historical event, right? That's just been the nature of nations across history. These days that people celebrate. They're tied to some major historical event that is part of the identity of that nation. And of course, that's the case with our Dean allows the hotel instead of giving us random days, he gave us these two reads, in which the entire nation of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, this entire oma celebrates together across the world, across languages across cultures, we come together and we celebrate together. And of course, it's a time for us to, you know, dress well and eat well and visit family and all of those beautiful things. But it's equally I would argue even more important to remember and remind ourselves, why are we doing this? Why are we celebrating this day? At the end of the day, this day is actually a graduation ceremony for our father Ibrahim alayhis salam. Allah says about him with him de la hemara boo boo Kalimantan, Fatima Honda, that is master tested him with all kinds of very difficult instructions. And he fulfilled all of them. Allah

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is suggesting and he the way he talks about Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam in Quran, he doesn't talk about anybody else in the same way. In other words, Allah tested Ibrahim Alayhi, salaam like nobody else was ever tested. He was given challenges that nobody else was ever given. And he was able to fulfill all of those challenges. Now a lot of you know that already. Today's hold by briefly is actually about what those challenges mean for you and me, because we're supposed to remember those challenges not just to remind ourselves about how great and how incredible he was alehissalaam but actually what that means for you and me today, and what that means for our life this year. That's that's what

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it's supposed to translate into. We begin with I just want to highlight a few of the tests of Ibrahim alayhis salaam and connect them back to our lives today. Allah azzawajal describes this man as a young man who basically stood up and challenged everything that his society accepted. And he said something that was so politically incorrect, so socially incorrect. So how

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unacceptable, but he was willing to ask questions and challenge things that nobody else was willing to challenge at a very young age, not his family, not his entire society. Now, the thing about young people is one of the tendencies for a young man or a young woman growing up is acceptance. You want to dress like the people around you dress, you don't want to look weird. You want to fit in, you want to talk in a way that everybody thinks that you're, you know, acceptable within that group, or you're cool enough to be part of the crowd. And when you're going to be the one that sticks out that everybody is going to make fun of everybody's going to say, What do you crazy? How are you talking

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like that you're the only one that way there's going to be every thought in your mind, I shouldn't do this, I should try to want to fit in. That's part of the fragile self esteem of young people that instead of standing on their own feet, they'd rather hide inside of a crowd, even today, in high schools, colleges, moreso, high schools and even middle schools. Now, you have young people dressing, like their friends dress, right, they don't decide actually purely how they should dress themselves, or who they should hang out with, or what kind of words or language they should use down to the kind of music they're going to listen to, or the free time they're going to spend is dictated

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by peer pressure, you know, and they they have to fit in, they have to fit the mold, you take your kids to back to school shopping, and they're arguing with you about we have to get this bag. And we have to get these this outfit because they know this fits better with the kind of friends I hang out with. They're not gonna make fun of me if I wear this brand, or that brand or the other brand. Think about whatever it is that I was doing. He's challenging at that young age, he's willing to stand up and challenge the norms of a society and be the object of ridicule. He's okay with that. Because his loyalty is to align to truth. The second child and even harder than that is challenging his own

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father. I mean, we're gonna learn in this this incredible story. He's right. And his father, though he's older and he raised him and he loves his father, actually, in the Quran. Allah even suggests Yeah, I bet he when he uses the word Yeah, but the attempt to Hillel probe. My father who I love so much my beloved father. So it's not like Ibrahim alayhis salaam hates his father because he's emotionally. He really loves his dad, and his dad is the one who raised him. And yet, he's gonna challenge his father because the father is wrong. He's building idols. And you're gonna find today in many parts in many of your lives, there are going to be family members, especially sometimes

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elders that are doing the wrong thing. They're just doing the wrong thing. And a lot of times, even though we're Muslim and our loyalty is to what is right to what is fair to what is just to what is truth. We stick wallets my dad, I can't say anything. It's my mom. I can't say anything. It's my elders. I can't say anything. I just go with the flow. Come on family first. How his family first and you and I are the legacy of Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam, our loyalty is to what is right. So he was even willing to challenge his own family whenever Allah will validate Allah Krabi Francaise stand up for justice, even if it means standing up against your own self, or against both parents, or closest

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relatives. And that's the legacy of Ibrahim alayhis, salaam, even at a young age standing up and saying, Dad, I love you. But this is wrong. I can't do this. And he got so bad that it's not just a disagreement. Father kicked him out of the house. He was even willing to do that. If you go further in his life, the challenges get even more intense. Now he's willing to go through personal pain, personal difficulty, physical pain, he's about to be thrown into a fire because of what he believes. And he won't let go of his beliefs today. So Muslims were not being thrown in a fire. We're not. We're being thrown in a social fire. We're constantly under fire. We're constantly being challenged

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and criticized. And in under this pressure, we're like, I don't know, if we want to face this kind of heat. Maybe we should, you know, apologize for being Muslim. Or maybe we should interpret our religion in a way that's more acceptable to those people who criticize us. Maybe we should just take a step back and not be so confident in our faith. And a lot of young people when they're being challenged in this way about their faith on college campuses and universities. They're being challenged in school. A lot of you are being challenged at work. You know, you decide to not stand up for your faith, you just decide to take a step back or to Ibrahima Lisa is willing to throw

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himself into a fire if need be, but he won't back away from that in a high Lama. He won't back away from his loyalty to Allah. That's what we're celebrating this man's unflinching commitment to Allah. That's it. That's all that matters to him. If you'd go even a step further, the trials just keep moving. These were trials of a young man, but then he gets married. And when when he gets married to luggages, and one of the strangest tests a lot tells him to go in the middle of a desert with his wife and his baby and leave them there and just come back. And there's, you know, we know about Zamzam later on the water came later on but he didn't leave them with water there. He just left them

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in the middle of a desert and came back. Now the thing is that trial Alhamdulillah You and I have not been commanded to take our family in the middle of Phoenix, Arizona, and

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drop them in the desert and come back. We're not that's not the tsunami Ibrahima. But you know what Ally's teaching us there of the many lessons a lot as Odin is teaching us that sometimes luck creates a situation where you have to be separated from your family. Some of you have to have a job here and the family didn't get immigration and they're back home. Or some of you got a job in a different state, and you have to travel and you have to work over there. You're separated from your family, because not because of the command of Allah. But because of the decree of Allah because of the way the list was distributed by Allah azza wa jal. And he had, a lot of you even suffer, the

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people suffered traumatic experiences, there are people that are separated from their families against their will. They even separated from their family against them, and they don't know what happened with their family. A lot of people have lost loved ones, how many? How many families do we have in the city of Dallas alone, that are Syrian refugee families? And a lot of them don't know what happened to their brother, their daughter, their sister, they left them behind? There's no report of what happened back then. Just like everyone here, are they sad, I'm not knowing what happened with his wife and child when he left them in the desert. He just relied on a lion. That's

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it. I know, he was commanded to do so. But we are sometimes put in those situations, and yet he still holds on to Allah. In other words, he doesn't complain to a lion say Allah, how can you make me do this? How can you bet left my make me made me leave my family to die over there. He didn't do that. He relied on the larva, we're telling we're being told, when we're put in these difficult circumstances, these trials, this is not the time to start complaining to Allah and to lose hope in Allah and lose trust in Allah to remain reliant on a large religion. He comes back, and his son is of young age, and he's able to run around Balarama, who Surya is old enough to run around with him.

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And now it gives him an even stranger trial, a tougher one. Why don't you he keeps seeing in a dream that he's slaughtering his child.

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Now slaughtering your child, he's and he's going to tell his son to do so. On the one hand, he lost a relationship with his father.

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You know, the father kicked him out of the house. And now he's the Father and the Father is being told, why don't you kill your son. And the son also says, If I

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just do what you're told, just do what you're told this trial, of course, hamdulillah we're sacrificing the animal on this day, because we commemorate that he was willing to do that to his own son, and the son was willing to be sacrificed. But the larger lessons here, including the larger lessons here is that a lot of times for the sake of Allah, we're going to have to put our family through pain. Some of you have a job that is or you make money in a way that's not exactly halon. Some of you have run a very successful, not so hello business. And somehow, somehow Allah put this in your heart that I can no longer do this. But now that you decide you can no longer do this, you

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can't pay the mortgage anymore. You can't get the nice car anymore. You can't pay your son's expensive college tuition anymore. So now your family's gonna go through pain because you submitted to Allah.

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You're not sacrificing your child, but you're sacrificing sometimes some of their happiness because you're loyal to Allah. Because you decided to stand by a law and your family may not like it, in his case of the son was willing to go along. A lot of cases the children and the family are not willing to go along. But this is the sacrifices you and I are going to have to be willing to make. So as you go through all of the trials of Ibrahim alayhis, salaam they reflect in my life and in yours in one way or another. But what are we celebrating? Her celebrating is that Allah gave him these most impossible tests, and never let him go. He saw through all of those tests and help him succeed in

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all of those tests. Which reminds you and me that Allah will never, ever let us go no matter what we're going through. That's something to be happy about. That's something to celebrate. A loss has been letter A B Kumi Brahim, who has a McCool muslimeen. Here, the legacy you're the religion, you're following the same religion of your father Ibrahim alayhi salam, and so beautiful in that last day of sorts of Hajj, he says, Well, my job is a comb for demon hemorrhage

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as opposed to saying, well jack ma Jimin demon hemorrhage, Aleikum of demon Hello Johnny komaneka, motivate at the end, but in the Arabic is more cut them for hot sauce exclusivity. What that means in Simple English as I conclude, is actually you people Allah didn't put any difficulty on the difficulty he put on Rahim on a set up, he already passed the hardest of the test. So what are you going to complain about? What are you going to complain about? Now? Allah has already opened that door for you in the most impossible of situations Allah aided him through every one of those things. So you should celebrate and you should have hope that Allah will never leave your side. All you and

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I have to show his loyalty and submission to Allah, a willingness to obey Allah and trust him. Even if things like their look like they're a bad idea. Even it looks if it looks like you're about to be thrown into a fire, even if it looks like it's not in the best interest of your own family. Even if it looks like you know, this is this is not good. I'm going against my elders. It looks like that. There's a lot of pressure on you to preserve yourself to preserve the happiness of

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under you, and to preserve the happiness of those above you, but above all of those, if you become concerned with the happiness of a larger version with you, that ally is happy with you, he'll see all of those things through, he'll let you get survive all of those challenges. And that's, that's something beautiful and profound to celebrate. As I leave you, I remind myself and all of you that the sacrifice that we make, the purpose of it is up to me will by itself appeal. And we'll call our alma mater, two things Allah says two groups of people he mentioned sort of hudge when you make the sacrifice of the animal, feed the one that is in difficult situation, feed the one that is bankrupt,

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feed the one that doesn't even ask, feed the one that doesn't even ask calcaneum Allahu Allah, Allah is Allah. He has he is completely satisfied with what he has. He has so much self respect, even though he's sad, he's starving, she's starving. They don't actually ask you take care of them too. And by the way, when somebody doesn't ask, and how are you supposed to know that's how much you're supposed to know your neighbors, your family, your loved ones, your relatives, you're supposed to know who's in trouble, who's having a hard time. This is our corner. And then all you want to tell is actually our eyes thought up, you know, mean alhaja, the one who asks out of desperation. So

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there are those who actually end up asking, this is a time not only for us to show our loyalty to Allah, but to soften our hearts by making sure we give and we give to those that are close and those that are in need. Now, it's easy for you and me to, you know, tap a couple of, you know, buttons on the screen, and make a sacrifice online for an animal somewhere in some other country. And that's cool. But the spirit of the back in the day when these were revealed, you didn't get to go go go online and sacrifice an animal. You didn't get to put in a credit card number and done deal. You literally went and sacrificed and you literally took the meat yourself and you delivered it to

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people. So if you want to relive the spirit of eat, one of the projects you and I will have to do is we take our children, we take our family and we take them to people that are in need and we give them gifts. We actually take care of them physically. This is a reminder for you and for me of what he is about. That's what we're supposed to do. And that because they're joy those people that don't have happiness in their life, they have a lot of difficulty in their life. We become a source of their happiness and their dollars will become a source of our happiness may allow us origin make us an oma that whose hearts are truly united and are able to relive the spirit of this beautiful

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occasion. barakallahu li walakum Hakeem when a family with El Camino

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hamdu lillahi wa salatu wa salam O Allah, Allah and Allah have led him Mahatma Naveen Mohammed amin vada AlLahi wa sahbihi Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illa Allah, Allah Allahu Akbar when in the head Hamed Allahumma salli ala Muhammad, Allah Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah tala Rahim Allah Allah, Allah Allah mean in the Gambia Majid Allahumma barik Allah Muhammad Ali Muhammad Kamara Ibrahim Ali Rahim I feel I mean in the middle Majid Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah, Allah, Allah. Allah Allah had hummed in robotic to all of you

Eid Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan – What Are We Celebrating?

This Khutbah was recorded on September 12th, 2016 on Eid at the Islamic Center of Irving.

Ustadh Nouman goes through the explanation of why we celebrate this very special occasion.

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