Zakir Naik – The True Follower of Any Religion is He who Follows its Scripture

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Has been before is discussed, where it is not universal belief. It is important to not call Jesus simply as it is not a Christ, and to not say things which are wrong until they accept that there is one God. It is also important to follow scripture and not say things which are wrong until they accept that there is one God.
AI: Transcript ©
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My name is Das, Anthony Das, and I

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am a trainer by profession.

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My question is like this.

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Doctor mentioned about universal brotherhood and doctor also

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mentioned that similarities,

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the way we

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see God.

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He mentioned various reason. I I would just

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like to ask this,

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will it be okay for people of

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a different faith? Let's say Christians.

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Can Christians,

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refer to

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the gods or the God

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as Allah?

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Asked a very good question.

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That can people of other faith

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refer to their God as Allah? The answer

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was given in my lecture. That if the

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God who you call as Allah fits in

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this full line definition, you can refer. Otherwise,

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you can't.

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And I give you a sample, a test.

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That there are some human beings in the

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world who call Bhagwan Dhanush to be God.

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Now when you put Bhagwan Dhanush to the

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test of Suri ekla, it failed. So if

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you call a as Allah, it is totally

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The same way the God you're worshiping.

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Which God do you worship as?

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I from the Christian faith. According to Christian

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faith, I'm most of the of compiled religion.

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I know what Bible says.

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I've studied the Bible. I can quote the

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Bible from my mind. I'm asking you, who

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do you believe to be God?

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The creator of earth. Yes. Creator? No problem.

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Do you believe Jesus to be God?

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Jesus is the Son of God.

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Son of God. If God has son, then

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he's not God.

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Abel has got sons by the tongues. If

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you read the bible, Adam was son of

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God. Ephraim was son of God. Israel was

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son of God. All those who are led

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by the spirit of God are sons of

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In that idiom,

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anyone who followed the commandment of God is

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a godly person. In that way, I've got

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no problem.

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In Hindi, we say beta is around. So

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no problem beta. But I got someone say

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That means

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infundating. So only calling son of god is

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a good word. But

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if you say begotten son,

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do you believe Jesus is begotten son? Jesus

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is the son of God. The son of

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God, even Ephraim is son of God, Israeli

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son of God. So do you mean that

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Ephraim and Israel is same as Jesus, peace

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be upon him? I think, it would not

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be fair to question in that manner. Because

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if you were to see Christianity

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from a Christian point of view Not Christian

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point of view. I see Christianity upon the

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bible point of view. If you want to

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if you want to understand any religion,

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go to the scriptures. If you want to

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understand Islam, don't look at me. Don't look

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at Muslims. You analyze the Quran and the

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Sahadees. If you want to understand Christianity,

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you have to study the Bible. If I

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have to understand Hinduism, I have to study

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the Vedas and the other scriptures. So what

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you have to know that as a student

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of comparative religion

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I'm a student of comparative religion. I have

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studied the bible. I have studied the read

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Quran and we have question and session for

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people to correct us. If you disagree with

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me, you have a right to disagree, but

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you have to tell me why. So I've

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given the talk here and

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I know the concept of God according to

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bible very well. I'm not bothered what the

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church says.

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Because for me,

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bible is important, not the church. So similarly,

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as far as the question is concerned, you

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can call the God you worship as Allah

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if your God fits in this full line

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definition. So in this full line definition, even

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though Jesus cares peace be upon does not

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fit, and even Jesus cares peace be upon

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his father does not fit because God cannot

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have son. So both of them you cannot

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call as God. Hope that answers the question.

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So doctor, you disqualify Christians from calling Allah

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simply because the fact that Christians believe that

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Jesus is the son of God. So that

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the reason if he's the son of God,

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begotten son, I disqualify.

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Because this statement,

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what you say son of God, is referring

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to your Bible gospel of John chapter number

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3 verse number 16.

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I'm quoting. And you know that very well.

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Gospel of John chapter number 3 verse number

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16 says, God so loved the world that

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he gave his only begotten son, whosoever believeth

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in him shall not die but have everlasting

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Yes, my lord.

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The way you are seem to be answering

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my question,

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the spirit you're answering my question,

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the essence you're answering my question

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doesn't seem to be promoting this brotherhood between

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you and me. It is putting a separation

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between you and me. Because if you go

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against the bible, I will separate from you.

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If you are towards the bible, I'm with

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Anyone, any human being who wants to create

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because he's going away from the scripture, I

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will not agree with him. Because you are

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going away from the scripture and going towards

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your church. I'm saying go back to your

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bible. You quote the bible. I'm giving references.

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What you are saying is that out of

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your own mind. Now if you try and

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take the Christian away from the bible, I

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will not agree with you. You quote the

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and you quote the verses of Jesus Christ,

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peace be upon, spoke. There is not a

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single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible where

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Jesus Christ, peace be upon, himself says that

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I am God or where he said worship

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me. And I told you, if any Christian,

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anyone in KL or in Malaysia or anywhere

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in the world shows me from any version

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of the Bible where Jesus Christ, peace be

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upon himself, says that I am God. Or

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where he says worship me. I, Doctor. Zakir

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Naik, am breakthroughs of Christianity.

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If Christian means

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a person who follows the teaching of Jesus

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Christ, peace be upon him, we Muslims are

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more Christian than the Christian themselves.

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Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, according to

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the gospel of John. He was circumcised on

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8th day. Brother, are you circumcised?

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No, I'm not. I'm circumcised.

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So I'm following the teaching of Jesus Christ

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or you? If you read the bible, it's

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mentioned in the book of Ephesians chapter number

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5 verse number 18. Don't have alcohol. It's

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mentioned in the book of Proverbs chapter number

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20 verse number 1 that do not be

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drunk with wine. Brother, do you have alcohol?

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I don't I have never tasted alcohol in

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my lifetime. How about the Christian as a

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whole have or not? Say again? The Christian

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have as a whole or not?

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I haven't. I'm asking the Christians as a

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whole. I haven't.

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The Christian as a whole.

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Do they have or no? They haven't. I

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would not want to speak for other people.

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Fine. You don't have. Or do you have

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a book?

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Say again? Do you have a book? Yes.

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I have. Okay. Now I'm quoting you. If

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you read the Old Testament, if you read

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the book of Deuteronomy chapter number 14 verse

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number 8, in the book of Isaiah chapter

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65 verse number 2 to 5, in the

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book of Leviticus chapter number 11 verse number

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7 and 8, it says you should not

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I don't have folk. You have folk.

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If Christian means a person who follows the

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teachings of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.

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We Muslims are more Christian than the Christian

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themselves. I'm promoting communal harmony.

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I'm quoting your Bible. And Jesus Christ, peace

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be upon him, said in the gospel of

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Matthew chapter number 5 verse 17 to 20.

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If you break one jot or title from

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the old testament, you shall never go to

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One law if you break off the old

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testament, you shall not go to paradise.

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I am more Christian than the Christian themselves.

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I can

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go on and on.

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I can go on and on talking about

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the similarities.

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There are differences.

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I'm not here to talk about difference. I'm

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talking similarities. But the problem is if you

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say Bible is the word of God, why

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aren't you following the commandments of the Bible?

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Why? So this is the problem with the

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followers that when they want to follow the

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scripture, what my solution is? Simple solution.

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One simple solution. I tell

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that at least believe

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that one book is the word of God.

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So Christian would not mind. Okay, fine. I

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agree. Bible is the word of God. The

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Hindu will say, I don't mind believing with

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that to be the word of God. The

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Muslim will say, I don't mind believing Quran

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to be the word of God. I tell

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them, let us agree to follow what is

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common in all these three scriptures. What is

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different, we'll discuss tomorrow. Right or wrong, we'll

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discuss tomorrow. Let us agree today that let

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us follow 100%

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what is common in all these three scriptures.

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As I told in my lecture, that all

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these scriptures talk about 1 God. This God

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has got no images. He has got no

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picture, no portrait, no father, no mother.

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I have given quotations from the old testament,

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from the new testament.

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I have given quotations from the old testament,

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new testament, from the veda, from the Quran.

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Point number 1. Let us agree there is

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one god.

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Worship him alone, not trinity.

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Not triune God. 1 God.

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Next, I had given a talk yesterday in

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Jahabah. Muhammad

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in the major world religious scriptures. Muhammad is

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not only mentioned in the Quran, he's prophesied

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in the Old Testament, in the New Testament,

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in the Hindu scriptures, in the Vedas, in

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the Upanishads, in the Puranas.

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He prophesies in the Hashi scriptures, in the

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Buddhist scriptures. Let us agree

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to believe that prophet Muhammad is the last

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and final messenger. So easy.

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All these scriptures, they don't have alcohol. Bible

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said don't have alcohol. Quran said don't have

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Only you see none than mother Mary. You

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know mother Mary?

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Mother Mary have photography just like a Muslim,

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properly covered. But when you see the other

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if you read the first Corinthians

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first Corinthians

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chapter number 11, verse number 5 And 6.

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It says, the woman that does not cover

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her head, she dishonors her head, her head

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should be shaved off.

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Even in Islam, in Quran, it doesn't say

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that the woman who uncovered the head should

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be shaved off. This is how strict the

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bible is for the woman to cover her

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head. But most of the Christian women, we

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see their head uncovered.

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So I'm trying to get communal harmony, not

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So please don't come here and say things

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which are wrong.

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Say again? Please don't come and lay allegation

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against me. I'm bringing

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core relationship.

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I'm bringing communal harmony. That's the different thing

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that you want to go away from your

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bible. I want to get you closer to

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your bible.

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Thank you. Now,

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now I feel that it is not fair

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just because you follow certain things in the

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Bible. You become more Christian than Christians.

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I follow a lot of things which is

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also in the

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Muslim faith. And I know a lot of

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things the Muslims don't don't follow in the

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Muslim faith. I'm sure you would agree with

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me. But would that make me more Muslim

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than Muslims?

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There is not a single statement you can

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give in the Quran as a whole.

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Not you may be better than 1 individual

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He is a namesake Muslim.

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Muslim means a person who submits his will

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to God. If he says he submits and

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he does not submit, he's a pseudo Muslim.

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He will not go to Jannah.

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He will not go to Jannah. Just by

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saying that I'm a Muslim will not take

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him to paradise. I will openly say that.

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Unlike in your Christianity that you believe Jesus

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Christ, peace be upon him, died for your

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sins according to your church, and you go

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to heaven. That's not part of the Bible.

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That's the teaching of the church. So I'm

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here to promote communal harmony. To let people

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know. And what I'm telling is quotation directly.

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You tell me what is common. You tell

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me one thing in the Quran which I

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don't follow. Show me one thing. Tell me

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one thing. One thing in the Quran. I

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can see something common in what both of

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us are saying. Sorry? 1 I can see

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something common. There are many things common, not

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something common. I can see something common. I

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can see.

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I can see. I didn't say you can

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see. I said that I can I can

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see something common in what both of us

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are seeing?

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I can see that

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there are some Christians

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who do not follow Christianity

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as as well as they should. And I

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can see there are some Muslims who do

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not follow

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what Islam teaches as they should.

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Not some Christians. According to statistics, majority Christian

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don't follow. According to statistics today, there are

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7,000,000,000 people in the world. The people who

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profess the Christian faith, they may be close

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to 2,000,000,000. The people that profess the Islamic

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faith, more than 1 and a half 1000000000.

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But the people who follow, the majority in

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the world are Muslims. Majority.

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The Christians,

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they they they don't follow. So as a

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the religion we have black sheep in our

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community. But as a whole, the religion which

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is maximum followed the teaching of any religion

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that is Islam.

00:12:22 --> 00:12:23

I know there are black sheep in the

00:12:23 --> 00:12:25

community. There are many black sheep. But as

00:12:25 --> 00:12:26

a whole, as a percentage,

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today's title sheet tell us, the religion which

00:12:29 --> 00:12:31

is maximum followed the teaching based on the

00:12:31 --> 00:12:34

Quran, on the scripture, is number 1 Islam.

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That's the reason today, the fastest growing religion

00:12:37 --> 00:12:38

in the world is Islam.

00:12:39 --> 00:12:40

Brother, what's your if you have any question?

00:12:41 --> 00:12:42

Yes, sir. You can pose a question or

00:12:42 --> 00:12:44

go behind the queue. Yes, brother. Pose the

00:12:44 --> 00:12:47

question. Shall I Okay. I just like to

00:12:47 --> 00:12:49

end by saying, I would like to say

00:12:49 --> 00:12:50

that Okay. I rephrase.

00:12:51 --> 00:12:53

There are some Christians who are not following

00:12:53 --> 00:12:55

the Christian doctrine. There are some Muslims who

00:12:55 --> 00:12:58

do not follow the Muslim doctrine. I would

00:12:58 --> 00:12:59

like to end by saying,

00:13:00 --> 00:13:02

however, I would not want to boost my

00:13:02 --> 00:13:05

ego by saying I am more Muslim than

00:13:05 --> 00:13:06

Muslims. Thank you, sir.

00:13:08 --> 00:13:10

Brother said there are some Christians who don't

00:13:10 --> 00:13:13

follow. Not some Christian. Majority people who claim

00:13:13 --> 00:13:15

to be Christians are not following the bible

00:13:15 --> 00:13:16

according to statistics.

00:13:16 --> 00:13:18

And I do agree that there are some

00:13:18 --> 00:13:20

Muslims who are black sheep who are not

00:13:20 --> 00:13:23

following. Those who don't follow the scripture. Those

00:13:23 --> 00:13:24

who go against the Quran.

00:13:24 --> 00:13:26

They are not true Muslims.

00:13:26 --> 00:13:28

They may be part or they may be

00:13:28 --> 00:13:29


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But you can never say,

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never ever can you say, until you accept

00:13:34 --> 00:13:37

that there's one God. And prophet Muhammad is

00:13:37 --> 00:13:38

the messenger of God. You can never claim

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to be better than the Muslims.

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