Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #29 – Part 37-38

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the use of eyewear in prison, the emotional state of children, and the use of LSM therapy to overcome trauma and become vulnerable. The importance of sharing food and the power of it to "has been on the spot" and "has left is emphasized." The speakers emphasize the importance of gratitude and belief in oneself as a person, and the company's commitment to providing a high-quality customer experience. They move on to the Q&A session and receive a question from Michael Linenberg with Deutsche Bank.
AI: Transcript ©
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so I don't want to lie Ricardo wilhemina shaytani r Rajim Cala t como El

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Toro sacani he in to Kuma Mita wheelie he tabula

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t Akuma the nicoma

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many are be in the talk to me lotta comin. You mean he will be at home curfew. What about to me letter?

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Lucia Kabila he mean she the Luca Da Li coming from LA he Ireland in Ireland See ya que

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si la escuela

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de were silly Emily looked at me lasagna, cocoa leaf and hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah Rasool Allah, Allah Allah He was a pH nine. Ahmad once again, everyone serravalle Kumara ricotta. Today I'm going to try to cover some lessons from is number 37 and 38 of select Use have to catch you guys up because it's been a few days off in the middle.

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Last I left you guys, we were talking about the eyewear, use of Harley Sam has entered the prison and he meets to inmates and they see something special in him. And they decide to share a dream that they keep each each of them having a dream recurring, that they come and tell him and say they just come out and spend a bit Nobita really tell us about what it means what's behind this this vision of ours in unlock Amelia morosini we without a doubt we see you from the kind of person that is more sin. And more sin is then something I described to you in detail in the last session. Now it's time for Yusuf Ali Salaam to respond to them. And his response is going to cover is number

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30 730-839-4041.

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And so that entire passage is actually use of responding to them, even though the interpretation of his dream is very, very short. But he didn't start off telling them what the dream means. So what we're going to do today is look at the way in which a lot of recorded use of Elisa Lam's response and inshallah, at the end of this, the prison episode when we go back to the biblical analysis, you'll see that it's very different from what previous scripture, you know, is recorded, is has on record in regards to this conversation. So in the Quran, you have him, calling them to Allah, and using this opportunity to remind them of their maker, but you don't have such a conversation in the

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Bible. So there is actually a pretty significant difference when it comes to those two, but we'll get to that later. Let's get to the ayah itself. Karla Leia t Kumara. Muto sacani. He said at first I'll translate the entire portion of this ayah because it's a long is got several portions so I'll translate the first portion so make will make sense of that then move to the second portion called La ecomondo. I'm going to sacani Ilana back to back to come up with a really cobla t Akuma you're the food that is coming to both of you that you will be provided that you are going to be provisioned with will not come to you except that I will already have informed you of what it means

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of what the dream or the visions you've had means kubla de Akuma before it comes to you so he says that before the food gets here I'm going to have told you what the dream means. So let's break this down a little bit let's let me set the scene for you before we go into the wording

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there in prison and this is an ancient prison which means this is not a pleasant praise place you don't necessarily have you know uniforms or you don't necessarily have you know prisoners rights and things like that maybe even in modern prisons can be a you know a glimpse of * but ancient prisons you can imagine were a pretty terrible place. It can be argued that they had this is a dungeon or a cellar so they have no access to sunlight. And they don't know what time of day or night it is the only way they know what time things are is when the you know the the gatekeeper opens the gate and food comes in. And even the food coming in may not actually be you know,

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consistent thing like they have a weekly schedule. Today we're going to have super tomorrow we're gonna have chicken or whatever, whatever they give you, they give you and you eat right and we're gonna get to see hints in the in the language of the ayah how he's not even sure what's going to come and they don't they don't they're not sure when it's going to come or what's gonna come. So there's kind of an you know, an unknown when's the next time we're gonna get fed type scenario inside of the prison, but they know that they've been hungry for a while and

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It's around the time where they're going to have to be fed. So now he's inside the prison, they find the opportunity to talk to him. They haven't eaten in a while. All of this is happening when you safale. Sam has just been put in prison. So he hasn't been in prison for several years. When this happened, he just got in there. And the first thing I'd like you to notice his, his state of mind, Yusuf Ali Salam is now entering for the second time in his life into a very dark place that he doesn't deserve to be in. And the first time he was thrown in a dark place where maybe he was beaten, slapped around, pushed down, yelled at by his brothers. And you could he could see the

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hateful, murderous intent in their eyes. That and and we don't know how long he was down there in the well, where maybe a snake is a snake is, you know, touching up against him or, you know, rats or mice or climbing all over him. There's no way for us to know what kind of experience he had inside that well, and was he there for a day two days, did it rain, what you know, was he half immersed in water, we don't know any of those things. But we know that it was incredibly dark laboratory job. And that kind of an experience for a child can have a lasting impression, it can be something that becomes a trauma that they live with the nightmares they have about it. And the first thing you have

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to note is when the option came of, he's going to get thrown into jail, his mind imagine would go directly back to that same traumatic time where he was in that dark place. And if a person has experienced trauma like that, you would imagine they would say immediately anything but that I don't want that anymore, especially because they were in that state, even more helplessly as a child, and your mind will take you back to feeling like a child. You know, the, a lot of times when people go through therapy, and the process of healing and recovering from childhood trauma, in the course of therapy, even as they're talking to the therapist or psychologist or whoever, they can actually feel

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like they're reliving the experience of five years old, they're reliving the experience of seven years old, they can they can open up old wounds, and become extremely vulnerable, even if they're 35. Even if they're 45, you know, so this is not a small thing, human, you know, the trauma we experienced as children, or the experiences we have and how they impact our personality. So keeping that in mind, this is a pretty intense time for use of LSM from a psychological point of view, yet from a spiritual point of view, and this is kind of the Qurans picture of on the one hand, being sensitive to our emotional state, and our traumas and all of it. And on the other hand, illustrating

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that our faith is such a powerful force inside of us, that even if we're traumatized, we're able to overcome it by divine intervention. Like the first time I realized that the Quran is painting a different picture of psychology, because of its spiritual psychology, then conventional psychology is when I studied a little bit about the mother of Musa alayhis salaam, the mother of Busan is put her baby in the, you know, a moving river in a basket, because Allah had revealed that to her. And when she put him in that basket, and the basket rolled away, ask any mother, if she's willing to put her baby in a basket, in a body of water, a swimming pool, for God's sake, a bathtub, What will a

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mother go through, to allow herself to do that? And if even if she did, and by the, by the time she did, and she can't see the basket, you know, wavering around moving back and forth, it can flip at any second, you can hit a rock, it can, you know, come into contact with a crocodile, whatever, because they had cracks in the river. And so that's gone. She can't even see it anymore. And Allah describes the state of her heart. He says, What do you mean mozaffarian mother, the mother's mother heart was as if it was emptied out, like all emotions disappeared, she was completely overrun in the state of emotional paralysis because of what's just happened. And she couldn't take it. Right, that

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overwhelmed state where everything inside of you drains out, is what she's experiencing at the time. It's the most terrible kind of anxiety. It's the most debilitating kind of anxiety. Some people that experienced anxiety describe things like they can't even get up. Like they're lying down, they can't even get up. They can't even look, it's almost like they exist, but they cease to exist. And so Alice has encountered DB and when she did finally muster up the strength to get up, it's almost he almost gave up her secret running after the baby. But if she did, that the baby would absolutely have been killed. Right? But how do you expect a mother to hold that in and not cry out for her

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baby? Allah says now this is the part that got me thinking about the subject, Lola robot Allah Allah calvia had we not tied or held firm her heart as if the hardest shattering it's breaking into several pieces and allies taking a rope and he's literally tying it and holding it together. From from shattering from exploding. Now this is divine intervention. A human being is not able to contain themselves in such a situation, but clearly Ally's describing the takuna middle movement.

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So she can be from those who have faith, that our faith is something so powerful that it can even overcome a traumatic experience. And now this is the second time I'm seeing it, in at least the stories of the Quran that I've been able to, you know, understand this phenomenon. And here you have use of a son who has every reason to be absolutely in a panic attack. When he hears he's about to go into prison because of what he went through in childhood. But the first words that come of his come out of his mind, were my other law, I seek a loss protection, I seek a loss refuge, you're going to the most unsafe place. And you're the first thing you're saying is actually I'm in a less safety.

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That's the first thought that comes in your mind, then you're going to one of the most worst, the most horrible living conditions, that imaginable at the time, I can't imagine a worse living condition than inside of a dungeon. And he says in the horror, cinema fire my master has given good residents to me. He's been good for me as far as my living is concerned, as if he's saying Allah has been good to me so far. There's no reason for me to think otherwise. And it's almost as if he's not seeing Well, yeah, Allah put me in a well before so I guess here's round two.

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You know, and it's Oh, my god that all over again, y'all. Why are you doing this? To me? That's not his response. That's not the response of a man. That's that would be the response of ingratitude. So when when someone focuses entirely on the negative experiences, now we have negative experiences, there's no way around them, and they have scarred us. But when we start attributing those negative experiences to Allah, and saying, Why did Allah do this to me, Allah, you did this to me. And now you're doing this to me again, etc, etc. This is where someone can lose their mind.

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That is not the attitude of a grateful slave. One of the most amazing, shocking qualities of new Harley Sam, before I come back to this new Harley, Sam is obviously the role model in the Quran for patience, right? Because who did more preaching and who took more insults? And who took more hits? The new hallasan 950 years? lacantina Ahmed, right? And how does it lead describe his career in a phrase like if you were to describe to highlight some, I would say, a man of great patience, right? A man of great patience, but what is describing him as a new kind of potential guru, he was a servant, extremely grateful. Instead of being extremely patient, Allah said, What? extremely

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grateful. Why? Because Allah has given us a secret inside that phrase, that same secret that Yusuf Ali Salaam understands. And what is that secret? Patience only comes to those who hold on to gratitude.

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You can only suffer through the most difficult circumstances and trials, if you force if your mind is programmed to think about what you should be grateful for, look at use of Allah Islam, in this case study is being thrown in jail. And as he's being thrown in jail, he talks about how he should be grateful how his housing has been good.

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It's the gratitude that's gonna give him strength, you understand. And he's gonna walk into print, now he's walking into prison, other inmates are getting beat up, it's getting darker and darker and darker, he sees the scary gates, he sees the guards insulting him pushing him whatever the heck they're doing, all of that stuff is happening. And in the middle of all of that he should be so concerned about how he's now in an unsafe place, in a place where he can be killed at any time, any kind of harm can come to him. Those human fears are natural that a man doesn't get rid of those fears. He's feeling those fears. And of course, he's now finally in a place where every man for

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everybody for himself, if there's one place that's like, you know, everybody's just a, you know, literally a reptile reptilian brain, everybody's just looking out for themselves to * up whatever they can, that would be it, that would be the environment. And yet, the way he carries himself gets to inmates to come to Him and ask Him for, you know, for their for his help. And he now says that now let's focus on his words, like de kumada, ramen, food will not come to you. Number one is Nikita, which means it's in the indefinite, it doesn't have the definite article the food or food, it means some food. Now this could mean generally you can use not use the left laminate means

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just you know what, before lunch comes to you, or whatever lunch is coming, it could suggest that we don't even know what they're gonna feed us this time. That's one meaning of it, which also kind of adds to the horror of this prison. What are they feeding us? What goop Do we have to eat this time? is scary, right? The other is, even if they know even if it is the same single meal every single time, even if it's the same, you know, you know, slushies thing, whatever they have to eat every single time. Even then use of honey Salaam is actually acknowledging that the next meal is not guaranteed. Whatever food comes that you are going to be provided with before it comes. You know,

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he's actually suggesting his not his uncertainty about what's coming in the future. Even in these words, he's acknowledging something. He's acknowledging that food what

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What kind of food is it and when it's gonna come? I don't know. But before it gets here, I promise you that I am going to be telling you, whatever you ask me, but I'll give you the answer to it. The other interesting peculiar thing is he's also an inmate, Yusuf Ali. Sam is also an inmate. So he's going to get food too. But he didn't talk about his food, he talked about their food. He said, the food that both of you are going to be given provision of before it gets here, I'll tell you what your dream means before it gets you and it won't come to you unless I would have already told you. So he's kind of giving them a guarantee that I'll take care of your need. I've heard you, I've heard

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your dream. Instead of saying, Listen,

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I can't help you. Just leave me alone. Or Listen, I don't want any trouble. Kind of leaving them beside leaving them aside the fact that they came to him, he's taking the opportunity to not be afraid of them, and he should be afraid they are criminals. And he doesn't know what kind of criminals, he doesn't know if that's a serial killer, or whatever else he doesn't know. But he because they approach them a certain way, he decides that he's going to engage them in conversation. And first thing he does is he comforts them, lets them know, listen, you have asked me for something. And I take it pretty seriously. And I intend to tell you everything you want to know. And

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you won't have to wait that long, it'll have to be there's no way that the next meal will come to you. without me having already told you. So you'll you'll know already. So he learned about tokuma beta when he accepted, I will have informed both of you of what the what the interpretation of this dream is. Now, some scholars did argue that the that really its interpretation is actually referring to it is not referring to what they saw that the it is referring to the food. And they interpret it differently. This is they say that use of holism said, Listen, I'm going to tell you what food is going to come today before it gets here.

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Which they say this is part of the miracle of Allah to him, that he was able to tell what food is coming, you know, even Ashura, Himalayan and Hayward. And we kind of argues when I was thinking anyway, that that seems off topic, it seems away from the language of the ayah. Plus, in the previous it used, that we he beat that, will he and then he says the tokuma bita really uses exactly the same words, the people that were sitting there listening to him, these two men, young men, they would have understood it to mean what they asked about not the food, like I'm not, I'm telling you today, you're gonna get tomatoes or cucumbers or whatever, that's not what he said. He's saying

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before the food gets here, I'll tell you what the dream means. cobbler Akuma, he assures them again, before it comes to both of you. The other interesting thing here is it is right, he didn't just say before food gets here, he said before food that you are going to be provided with you are going to be provided that's the passive form. What does passive mean? For those of you that aren't into English grammar, I understand English grammar is about as entertaining as getting a root canal. So it's understandable that you don't like English grammar. But here's the thing about grammar in this ayah. The passive form means if I say someone was killed, someone was killed, then I didn't mention

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the killer. If I say they were both provided food,

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right, I didn't mention who provided it.

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I just know that it's being provided.

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So when he says food that you are both being provided, or you food that you are both going to be sustained with, he's actually not mentioning the provider on purpose. Because he's actually kind of by the subtle words, he's getting them to start thinking why did he not mention the guard that will give us food? Or the you know, the people that deliver the food, the delivery people will give us food? Why did you say the food that you are going to be provided with? As if he wants me to ask the question, who's providing this food, who's behind the guard the garden, make the food, the cook made the food but the cook didn't make the food, the cook received the ingredients, and the one who

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delivered the ingredients got them from a farm and the farm got them from the land and the land is, you know, couldn't have gotten a bite before without the rain and the rain couldn't have come. You know, Ansel to Mohammed Al musli. National mazie loon? Are you the one who sent the rain down from the clouds on the loaded clouds? Or do we do that, like it goes back to who align he's already getting them to he's not saying it directly. He's saying food that you were provided a very subtle kind of a drop in the pond that should create ripples provided by who? And so he's already kind of prepping them to get to know a little bit. And the first thing he wants them to know about Allah is

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your food should remind you of God. Your food should remind you that there is someone feeding you. Right and that's a very powerful notion in the Quran. You know, for a young boy in Santa Ilaha army, then the human being should take a good look at his food and not Subhanallah a Sabbath Masha, Allah Shaka for unbutton Effie Hubba were in a band wakaba was a tuna and da da, ba ba, ba Mata and locum willian amico is a person should take a good look at their food

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We sent the water from the sky We toward the earth open. Then we put the the seed got to sprout.

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And then all kinds of fruits and grain came out. Where I never know because why? And then, you know, they tune in, olive came out when the palm trees came out. Well, fuck you, Hatton what a ban all manner of fruit came out and grass rolling green in fields come out because of that, so that you can consume and your animals can consume because you consume the food on the ground and you consume your animals. You couldn't have had your beef. You said No thanks. I'm vegetarian. No, no thanks. I don't need vegetables. I just eat my beef and chicken, your beef and chicken wouldn't survive if Allah didn't provide them food from the earth. So you can you know, in the end, it's the earth that's

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feeding and Alize feeding that Earth. So this is a lot of teaching us that actually the most powerful notion of gratitude, you know, if if you're if your child went out of their way to make lunch for you, surprisingly, right? Or provided you food, you the the words of thanks, just come out of our mouth. Thanks. You know. And so Allah is taking that credit at the end, all of our food is attributed back to him. And that's kind of the small droplets that he's placed inside of their minds when he says stored as a colony. And so now they're still waiting for what this dream what these dreams could mean. And he's so sure that he can tell them quickly. He didn't say let me think about

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it for a couple of days. I'll get back to you. That's an interesting one. You know, he didn't say any of that, because he's not going to think about it. This is revealed to him. This is something this is divine knowledge that Allah has given him. So what does he say? Valley Kumar Mima? allamani Robbie, that both of you I'd like to say is from the kind of knowledge that my master has taught me. Meaning the reason I'm able to tell you so quickly, is because I didn't come up with this myself. It was taught to me and who taught it to me, my master taught it to me. Now these people are in ancient Egypt. They're, even though she argues that they're coptics. And the coptics are people that

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consider the master of the house and the kings or whatever they call them, Rob. They call them Rob. They call them a master. So when they hear you use of Elisa Lam say my master taught me this interpretation. in their mind, the only time they hear the word Rob like that is for a human master. They don't think of the master for the master of all nations and all people Allah, they don't think of it like that. Even even before, you know in the hora bsns wire the minister's wife would have thought she's talking about my husband, when he said my master has been good to me in providing housing. Right? So she wasn't thinking of Allah, she may have been thinking of the the owner of the

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house. Here, he uses the word rub. It's still kind of it's the, the more of a mystery has been solved. While there was an hint towards where does the food come from? The second time my master has taught me But who is this master that taught you they're like, there's an Egyptian minister that can teach this stuff. We never heard of any such thing Who is this master of yours? Now he says, Listen to this now he's getting more and more specific in need Dr. Mendota Coleman la you mean una bella? Hi, this is probably the most powerful words of use of is that I'm so far in the prison like this is the linchpin, this is it. Everything centered around this. He says, I have no doubt left the

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religion of a people who don't believe in Allah, I have no doubt left. The religion of a people that don't believe in Allah will humble us at home coffee room. And they especially when it comes to the afterlife, to the final end, they are the ones that are in complete denial of it.

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So he says two things about these people. They don't believe in Allah. And they are an absolute absolute denial like nobody else when it comes to the IRA. Now we're gonna have to deal with both of those things. But what do you say I have left? Who did he just leave? He left the minister and he left the minister's wife and he left those women. They did they weren't talking about not believing in Allah. They weren't talking about worshipping false gods. They weren't asking him to be an atheist. But they were. You see, you'll find in this in the surah. In his words, you will find something is behind what he's saying. He won't say I left the people that were calling me to disobey

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Allah. Isn't that what that what it was? Most literally, he would say, I have left a people that don't want to obey a line wanted me to disobey Him. But look at the way he describes that reality. He says I have left the religion of a people who don't believe in Allah, meaning what you called me to was also a religion.

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That was also a religion, just like Islam as a religion. What those women wanted was also religion.

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And I have left that religion, which is based on not believing in Allah. Now Allah is the final authority in our religion in his religion. Allah is the ultimate object of worship.

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adoration, obsession even gratitude submission we surrender before Allah. We think about a lot all the time we remember a lot all the time. Everything we do is influenced by the color of our faith in Allah subhanaw taala mana Norman absolutely Allah is similar.

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But then there is these people who everything they do everything they say everything they want is not colored by their faith in Allah they have no faith in Allah.

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But then what is it that they follow? What do they worship?

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You know, in the Quran elsewhere, Allah says Allah, a terminal Tada, Allah, how long?

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Have you seen somebody who takes their feelings, their desires and turns them into their God?

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How is he describing those people? Now the ancient Egyptians had a religion. They were cops. So they believed in multiple Gods they actually also believed in an afterlife. That's why even before the Pharaoh, Pharaoh Quranic version of religion, where they had mummification, and that was the way they travel into the afterlife. And when they mummified and, you know, put them in their corpses or their mother in their tombs, they put treasures with them, because they have to take that stuff with them into the next life. Yeah. But he says here, they have absolutely no belief in the afterlife, they are absolutely in denial of the afterlife. How can you say that when we know that the Egyptians

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actually had belief in the afterlife, he's saying, actually, whatever God they believe in, the reality is the only god they believe in is their own desires.

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And whatever they believe of the afterlife is a myth based on their own desires. It's actually not belief in the afterlife at all. Well, humbler, the actual afterlife, they're in complete denial of it. They have no concept of it. When Yusuf Alayhi Salam told her in a hula hoop volley, Moon wrongdoers never succeed, he was just talking about success in this life.

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He was talking about the next life. And that had no, that was not part of the equation at all, that didn't factor into her behavior at all. It wasn't able to sway her even a little bit away from her what she wanted. This is how Now the thing is, he didn't tell them what happened with those ladies and with the minister's wife, and what the minister did, none of that. And by the way, the minister also has a false god, his false goddesses reputation. And he follows that false god and surrenders to it, whatever it wants, whatever sacrifice needs to be made, we can sacrifice an animal for the sake of Allah, they can sacrifice use of our lives and for the sake of their reputation, you

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understand. So they also have a God that they worship, even if it's themselves, even if it's their worship, their, their own ego, or their own, you know, pride or their own, you know, political or, or their social reputation. Or it's their sense of, you know, possessiveness, their sense of power, it could be any of those things, they can become gods on their own. He says, I have abandoned the religion of people that don't believe in Allah. Now, what he says, I'm telling you what he's saying, from his point of view, right. But the amazing thing about Yusuf Ali Salaam is he's speaking from his point of view, but he's also aware that the two guys he's talking to don't know the background.

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So when they hear it from their point of view, they're going to process something different. They're just going to hear, so you don't follow the religion of everybody outside. And you're saying nobody else believes in God, and they have no concept of the afterlife. He's, from his point of view, even though the wording is general, it's specific to his story. But from their point of view, he's making a comment about all society in Egypt, you understand? Because he's not being specific about the minister's wife and this and that, this is what happened to me. No, he's saying, I have left the religion of the larger society. I have nothing to do with it. I've walked away from it. It's been

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offered to me, it's been put in my frame, you know, I don't have anything to do with it. Which is also again, really ironic language because he's the one being tossed into prison. He's being tossed into prison. And he's talking like, yeah, I chose this. Because I wanted to walk away from that.

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And this is actually him describing that this was a deliberate request he made to Allah. Prison is better for me. And he's describing prison is better for me to these young men as what? I walked away from the false religion. That's why I'm here. I chose to be here. I'm actually better off right now. Because I walked away from that. He's, this is again, by the way grateful.

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How do you imagine he's walking into prison? The worst place you could be in Egypt? And the first thing he says is

00:29:37 --> 00:29:38

finally out of trouble. I'm here.

00:29:39 --> 00:29:49

Yep. I want to tell you what your dream means. But first, I want you to know that I'm consider myself pretty lucky that I got away from people who don't believe in a lion the last day,

00:29:50 --> 00:30:00

you know, and then he says, What about to me later about Abraham was halfway through, and I have so what if I left, I left them and I didn't follow them. But what I did commit myself to follow

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is the religion of my father's Ibrahim is Harken yaku

00:30:05 --> 00:30:42

he brought up his great grandfather Ibrahim. Then he brought up his grandfather's hug. Then he brought up his father Yaqoob. They should remind you of what happened in the beginning of the story. His father told him what gallica? You know, HDB, Cara buka that is how your master has chosen you, when you are allowed to come into the Hadith and he's teaching you to interpret all kinds of speech. He just said that is from what my master taught me. And the father had said when he was a kid, that God will teach you all kinds of speech, interpretation of all kinds of speech. And he says, Well, you do not matter who Allah. Allah, Allah waker vida jacoba and he will complete his favor on you

00:30:42 --> 00:31:14

and on the family of Yahoo. Kamata. Mahalo, Baba Cobra, Hema was hopped up in Kabul, among public Rahim I was just like he completed it before you on Abraham and his Huck, that conversation he had with his dad as a kid is now coming up almost word for word phrase for phrase. Allah said he will teach you interpretation of speech. He says Valley coming Valley Kumar Mima. allamani Robbie, the father said, you know, Yaqoob said Allah has completed his favor on those, those profits. And he's going to complete it on you. He said, and I have followed the religion of my father's Abraham is how can you?

00:31:16 --> 00:31:28

What does that tell you? That tells you that the words we the words of encouragement and validation, the words of our holding on to our past, and our legacy that we give to our children can actually define them as adults,

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that he's an adult now. And he's not an he's the last thing you would call this as an Islamic environment. And he is standing with his Islam tall, because of a foundation he got when he was a kid. And he's referring back to that foundation. How important are those memories? And those conversations, that they become imprints on a child's personality all the way into their adulthood all the way into their adulthood. So what about autonomy letter about Ibrahima was happy, I can tell you something personal on this note. So my dad, when he would take us, take me to Jamaica, when I was younger, before he would walk into the machine, he'd say, the machine is the last house, the

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hottest part of the prayer. So we don't talk. And we show a lot of we showed complete respect, when we are inside the Juma prayer, and he never corrected me. Sometimes I'd be you know, because the carpets are really entertaining. So you can draw stuff on the carpets with your finger, or look out because and the hobos were all in Arabic. So I don't understand nothing that's going on, right. But my dad would just sit still. And, you know, cross his arms, and he just sits straight looking straight as if he's in the prayer. Like, that's how I like statute he was when he was listening to a club, and I observed him do this over and over. And over time, I started copying him. And I have it

00:32:53 --> 00:33:28

formed in me that anything can happen, I will never speak during giovana Club, I will look around, I won't be distracted, I won't like, you know, it's not like sitting in a speech that's going on at a conference or something or whatever. And I never learned that from an Islamic class. I never learned that from like studying the manners of Jamal, etc. Justice, my dad and his behavior and I'm sitting next to him eight, nine years old. And he's acting this way. And I'm just learning modeling his behavior. And that became an imprint in my head to the point where even sometimes, hold by has begun. Right? Sometimes I come late to the machine, the hood by the man has started. But people

00:33:28 --> 00:33:36

don't mean the community. And you know, people don't know the manners of football. So they come to you during football, it's on the mic, you're always in the back coming in, rather than around somebody come.

00:33:38 --> 00:34:14

Not gonna say that because Yamaha started. But that didn't come to me because I read the ahaadeeth on the subject or the mannerisms, none of that my dad even didn't even refer to them. It was because the mannerism he put in place, what I'm trying to tell you is there are certain practices, certain things that we can leave as an imprint on our children. And this is the imprint he's left for him. Now, the other important part of that is what is the imprint that he left for him that you follow a religion that has a legacy, and that legacy goes all the way back to who? Ibraheem alehissalaam. And that's important. It starts with Abraham. And now the tipping point of it is himself. Right? The two

00:34:14 --> 00:34:58

ends of this legacy are Ibrahim and then use of so far in the story. Now this is also important because why Ibrahim alayhi salam, also away from his father. Abraham is also on his own as a young man, Ibrahim Elisa also being willing to be thrown into a fire and not let go of his religion, yes or no. So he's Ibrahim alayhis. Salaam is the model of holding on to Allah, when the entire society around you wants to let go of Allah. Nobody wants to follow a lie except you and this is the religion of Islam. It doesn't depend on society's trends to become more committed or less committed. And he says I have the honor of following the legacy of my and the religion of my father's Ibrahim

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

is how can you open these

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inmates these two guys have no idea who these people are.

00:35:03 --> 00:35:20

They don't have any clue. They're cops. They're Coptic Egyptians. They're like who? He thought he's gonna mention some noble family lineage of the pharaohs or something else or some other you know, great clans of Egypt. Now he says no, my follow the religion of my father's Ibrahim is How Can y'all cool? Oh,

00:35:21 --> 00:35:32

oh, you don't know. Okay. Well, I'll tell you. So he's creating curiosity. Right. And he's introducing them. And he's introducing them as what? His own family. You know, what's really beautiful about that?

00:35:33 --> 00:35:46

They're literally his family, right? They're literally his family. What does the law say about Ibrahim Ali Salaam for us? meloetta abiko mei Brahim. Listen to the phrase the religion of your father Ibrahim, all of you.

00:35:48 --> 00:36:28

Allah calls Ibrahim Ali Salaam, our father and he calls Islam the religion of all of your father, Ibrahim, spiritual liberation. Ibrahim al Islam is not just a prophet for us, he's also our father. So actually, we share that with Yusuf Ali Salaam. He's the he's the father. Abraham is his father by blood. And Ibrahim Allison is our father by a man and a law called him. Our father also we let it be coming, Brahim. In other words, this aspect of Dawa to cling on to the legacy of our father Ibrahim, is something we can share with people just like he shared it with these two young men that have no idea who that is. Right? This is also telling us that one of the most beautiful ways to introduce

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people to Islam, is actually to introduce them to our father, Ibrahim al Islam

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does one of the most beautiful because he's men discovering his faith, right? And he's seeking and he's finding that answer. And then he becomes the patriarch, and he becomes the pillar for how to understand all of Islam. All of it down to the you know, the most fundamental symbol of Assam, the camera itself goes back to Abraham. Right. So actually one of the most amazing ways to introduce anybody to Islam is to actually go back to our father Abraham or Lisa. And that's something we're learning from Yusuf Ali Salaam. So he says, I've I've left their religion who don't believe in a line the last day, but I follow the religion of my father's Abraham is how can you code and you know

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in this religion of ours, let me tell you, what is that noble legacy? I come from a noble heritage? Can you imagine someone in jail talking about a noble heritage?

00:37:19 --> 00:37:59

Or come from you know, a higher clan? What makes us such a high clan what makes us so honorable? It's not people around him, I didn't leave behind the palace. The Egyptians are palaces is Hakuna Islam does not have cities named after him. jacoba salam does not have monuments that he's going to leave behind. He doesn't have any of that. You know, people that consider successful people that left a mark in the world or is they think of things that they did materially conquest, wealth, something. This is how you say you come from a big family. You're the Rockefellers. You know, you come from a family of billionaires, you come from a family of accomplishment. You come from family

00:37:59 --> 00:38:08

of presidents, of generals, whatever. You know, what, what's so great about this family, he says mark and Elena and Lucia Kabila himanshi

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it has never been okay. We it wasn't possible for us, meaning me and my father's to ever have associated anything with a lie in any way shape or form. We could never put anything next to Allah equated with a lot ever.

00:38:25 --> 00:38:26

We couldn't do that.

00:38:27 --> 00:38:46

You see, now there's a furthering of the argument before we saw they don't I have left to people that don't believe in a lot. And they deny the afterlife, right? They don't believe in a lot. Now he's saying let me tell you not believing in law doesn't just mean I don't believe a lie exists. You could believe a lie exists, and still put something equal to Allah.

00:38:48 --> 00:39:09

And it doesn't have to be an idol. It could be your own temptations. It doesn't have to be an idol. It could be your own greed. It doesn't have to be an idle, it could be you know, friends, it could be a person. So anyone who gets in the way of what Allah is saying, and what someone else is saying becomes higher, bigger priority. Even if it's your own thoughts, they become bigger priority is that magic.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:51

So he says, it wasn't okay for us. It wasn't possible for us to ever have associated anything with Allah in any way, shape or form. They only come in for Linda Elena, that is from the favor of Allah on all of us, meaning Me, myself and my family. The word from is important men from the law, meaning this is part of the favor Allah has done to us. He's done this many other favors to then when you say, by the way, this great favor that we have never done check with the law we we keep our faith in God extremely pure. Now, by the way, he's mentioned the law by name. He didn't before he said, Rob be my master, but now he's calling him Allah. So he's introducing them to Allah by name now, and

00:39:51 --> 00:40:00

he's saying, Allah, our master, that the one who taught me the one who provides food is the one I would

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Never equate anybody with. And that's an honor Allah has given me that I never crossed the line with him, it's an honor to worship Him. And that's a favor Allah has. This is part of the favor Allah has done on me. And on my entire family. Why are they not?

00:40:14 --> 00:40:28

You know, so mean for the lady. Now, why is that important? This is important, because he's seeing all the other favors that you might wonder the two inmates might wonder, Oh, so that's a favor of alliances on you. What other favors are there? Because you say that's only some of the favor.

00:40:29 --> 00:41:05

And he says, Yeah, we'll all the other favors that come come from this. Once you decide that allies for you the highest authority, the only object of adoration and love and worship, and every other feeling you have must submit to His will first must be in the shade of what he approves. If you if you acknowledge that, then the doors of Allah's blessing, keep opening and opening and opening. And by the way, he already mentioned one of his favors, I have the ability to interpret your dreams. And that favor of a law could never have come to me. If I didn't accept a lies My only master that I would never do shake with him well as a nurse, and by the way, this favor is not just for my family,

00:41:05 --> 00:41:17

Ibrahim is hoch Yaqoob, myself is not just for us, he doesn't even say he's a prophet yet does he? know he says this is a favorite part of the favor of aloneness and on all people.

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How beautiful he said, By the way, this favorite isn't just something Allah gave me. He gave it to all people. What's he trying to tell them, you can have this favorite. You can have a lush, our favorites on you. And they say, you can have wisdom like that. We can have knowledge like that.

00:41:34 --> 00:41:49

We can feel honored and noble. This is not just a family thing. This is something that's inside of people's hearts. And then he says yeah, and you know, all people can have access to this favor, what I can now call a nasty lash guru. However, most people just aren't grateful.

00:41:50 --> 00:42:03

And that's the last the last thing he says most people are not grateful, is him coming back to the same concept where I started when he walked into prison. The first thing he said is I'm grateful that I left the people who don't believe

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he and I told you, the only thing that makes someone have to hold on to their faith patiently is actually gratitude. Gratitude leads to patients. Without gratitude, you can't have patience. And so he says most people aren't grateful as if, if people started becoming grateful, unless favors would start opening up to them. Their doors will start opening up to them. He's actually in a sense, giving them in a very beautiful hint that you can also become grateful to a lion. He's also telling them maybe if you don't accept Allah, the highest crime isn't that you reject a lower you disobey Allah, the biggest crime is starting from your food, you're just not grateful.

00:42:46 --> 00:43:10

You know, the whole Quran begins with gratitude. Why? Because you know, human beings in philosophy have always sought to answer this question the purpose of life, the meaning of life. But the Quran has a new take on the purpose and meaning of life, whether or not should we or should we not be grateful for what we have?

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And if we should be grateful for what we have, if we have privileges as human, the human race, if we have certain privileges certain advantages that no other species enjoys?

00:43:21 --> 00:43:23

Then should that credit go somewhere?

00:43:24 --> 00:43:35

Should we think that we owe and we say grateful people. Now nowadays, it's interesting, the way greatful is used nowadays, atheists use the word grateful, I'm really grateful that I'm safe. I'm really grateful that

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the stock market's not crashing anymore, whatever they use the word grateful like that. But the question is, when you say you're grateful, you left that half halfway grateful to who?

00:43:48 --> 00:43:51

grateful to who like, Who are you thinking?

00:43:52 --> 00:44:15

And this is actually the most purposeful question in the quest of humanity. It's not even the logical proofs of the existence of God. The Quranic argument actually is, human beings fundamentally need to need to ask themselves whether or not the old thinks and that question will lead them down a road of inquiry and discovery and wisdom that will lead them back to Allah.

00:44:16 --> 00:44:24

But it's really lacking that fellow nurse, Elijah Sharon, most people just aren't grateful. He didn't say most people don't believe most people aren't convinced.

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Most people don't know that's coming later. But he says no, the fundamental problem is most people are not grateful. They just live their life. They eat their food. They don't even think about where it came from. Like Georgia County, Santa Rosa County, this town is just food, it's not being provided. It's just food. I'll just eat it. food that I eat, not food that I was provided, because when you say I was provided, you got to think about wherever who provided it. You got to go back. You know? So he's, and then knowledge that I could have interpreted this dream to you. I could have told you Yeah, I'm pretty good at that. He says no, my master taught it.

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To me, who did he give gratitude to for the knowledge that he's about to impress them with is a law. And the fact that I can interpret it so quickly, before lunch even gets here is because my master taught me. But notice also, first of all, he didn't stall them. I'm gonna leave you guys with this one. It's pretty funny. Actually. One time, we were my friends and I were in college year was 1875.

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We were going to this Islamic convention in Pennsylvania. I remember, okay, on a road trip from New York. And we stopped, we couldn't we was getting late for us. So we go decide to stop find a machine somewhere. So we look it up on whatever, and find a machine and go there is completely empty. You go pray officer there, and this fellow, you know, prays with a seasoned local, obviously, he's the only one who was doing the machine. And so he led the prayer, we pray behind him. And he says, Do you brothers have a little bit of time? So we said, we were on a warren road trip, and you know, we were trying to catch there's a convention going on martial arts in Islamic convention yet an Islamic

00:46:03 --> 00:46:25

convention. inshallah, inshallah you have a couple of minutes, I'd like to share something with you. Now. Okay. So we already told him that we're trying to get somewhere for Muslim. We already told him that, you know, we're going to an Islamic convention, not to a party. And then the fellow, he said, you have a couple of minutes, I'd like to share something we said a couple of minutes. That was cool. Let's do it. The next hour and a half, was this couple of minutes.

00:46:26 --> 00:46:53

And he was talking to us about the greatness of Allah subhanaw taala. And how grateful we should be, and how humble we should be, and how we should be doing his stuff. And he just, it was a great talk. It was 90 minutes. But he no problem with it. The guys were just staring at each other for a while. And he could there's not 80 of us, there's six of us. So sometimes they're just some of these guys are less subtle, like I can just listen and hold it in. Some of these guys are like,

00:46:56 --> 00:47:00

like, that's not a very subtle way of letting someone know.

00:47:02 --> 00:47:04

Please stop. We got it.

00:47:05 --> 00:47:08

Some other guys pretend to go to the bathroom. They go behind him. They're like,

00:47:10 --> 00:47:12

you know, let's check out one at a time.

00:47:14 --> 00:47:29

And I have to suddenly say nose rude. The problem with all of it, though, is you have to be considerate of other people's time. You can you want to give that I mean, in his mind, he's doing that, well for the sake of a line. He's, you know, giving us the message and all of that 90 minutes in.

00:47:31 --> 00:47:36

And he said, Oh, it's mostly we should pray. And then he was gonna ask for another couple of minutes.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:49

So we prayed, and we quickly, you know, combined our prayers, and we got out of there instead salamati cross legged before he could talk, we started this alarm so that way we preempted preemptive strike. And then you think

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the problem is you don't want to give a lot the you know, we came there to pray. We came for a purpose. And we have another purpose. If you try to inconvenience someone by giving them the message of Islam, and you think you're doing a download Islam, there's a problem with that. And if you want to take the time to give someone a message, which you so from Islam wants to do, right, he wants to give them a message. And I've taken like an hour or something to explain some things from these Ayah to you. But actually, if you recite these, it will take 3045 seconds.

00:48:22 --> 00:48:56

Like the message that he delivered was a minute, one minute, and then he got to the point what they asked about, you understand like he didn't, he didn't set them down and give them like 300 buzz. And then after that now, I'll tell you, first of all, he said, By the way, I understand that you're anxious about this dream, and you want to know about it. And I'm telling you before lunch gets here, you'll know. So first he consoled them, Look, I care about what you're doing. And I care that your time is valuable. I understand that your time is valuable. I respect your time. That's the remarkable thing about this conversation, right? So first, he respected their time, he didn't want

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to just sit them down and hammer them with something over and over and over again. And they're like, well, that's not what we came here for. I just wanted to know what my dream meant. Like, and I'll tell you about your dream. And I'll tell you because someone taught me, my master taught me. And I would never have known my master had I not been from this incredible family. And this family of mine has been favored by art, my teacher, also my master the one I worship Allah. But that favor isn't just limited to me, it's open to all of humanity, but most people just aren't grateful.

00:49:26 --> 00:50:00

But do you see how beautifully he's woven in? What he's building up to the conversation? He's gonna, he's gonna say a couple more things that he's going to get more direct with them. Just I want you to think about something. Just food for thought for you guys before you. And I'll tell you what your remains. But I want you to consider some things. And he's going to tell ask them to consider some things and then he's going to tell them very quickly what that dream means. And he's done. He's not like I had left to tell you but maybe tomorrow after another couple of lectures that I'll tell you. He doesn't do that. And that's the one of the most beautiful

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things about this, this, this exchange is actually the respect for people's time, I shouldn't be so concerned about forcing someone to sit down and having them listen to what I say. If somebody wants to hear, they'll hear. But if I have a elevator pitch opportunity, if I have a 32nd opportunity, if I have an opportunity to grocery store, or at an airport or somewhere else, where I get it split second chance to talk to somebody, or a co worker during lunch, to talk did something came up and I have a split second chance to share something with them. I don't have to wait, let me go over the entire whole blood that I heard and repeat the whole thing. You don't have to do that. Just drop a

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little bit. Whatever you can, whatever is appropriate for that time, and then walk away. That's good enough. That's all you have to do. You don't have to overdo it. You know, so hearty buenas Allah Qadri, Roku, nicolino column, or makalah, calm, every every speech has a time in place. You don't talk to people at their level. And you know, being considerate of them. And that's something that you Safari Sam demonstrates very beautifully. And there's so much to say here. But at least one thing I will say is these are prison inmates, they ain't got nowhere to go.

00:51:13 --> 00:51:15

It's not like they got an appointment with the President.

00:51:16 --> 00:51:24

Like they don't have that kind of schedule. So they sit around all day in a cell. And yet he respects their time.

00:51:25 --> 00:51:40

Isn't that incredible? You know what that means? You don't get to decide whose time is valuable. You assume everyone's time is valuable. You don't get to decide, well, you got you don't got better, nothing better to do anyway. So you are going to have the privilege of listening to me talk to you.

00:51:41 --> 00:51:58

Rather, you're going to consider it an honor, that they gave you a few minutes of their time for you to do an act of worship and share something about Allah, you're not doing them a favor, in a sense, they're doing you a favor? And could you allow me this favor of sharing something beneficial with you? Before food gets here?

00:51:59 --> 00:52:28

It's really quite beautiful. It's it's manners, its consideration. It's Can you know, it's the importance is given to someone else. Often when I when I started my speaking career, I'd been invited to go to, you know, conventions and lectures and things like that. And sometimes in the convention is 20,000 people, 15,000 people, 35,000 people, and you're walking around and people are just treating you like a VIP like they want to take a picture with you. Can I just have a minute of your time? I know you're really busy. Like, like, there's this like,

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like we have the speaker has honored them with this presence.

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anybody who speaks about a law and has the honor, and the privilege to get to speak about a law is actually doing something to serve a law and serve the people that got to hear something beneficial. They're not honored by listening to him or her. He's honored that they gave him or her an ear. It's the it's the other way around. Just like when you give sadaqa the charity, the one who was in need, you didn't honor them, you didn't favor them, they favored you. It's the same exact principle was the same same exact principle. So sometimes, you know, what I tried to do, you know, in in events and things that I went to speech, the speech takes 20 minutes, and they haul you away into a VIP

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room, right in the speaker's lounge when they have fruits and whatever else. And I was like,

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so I stayed in the crowd. I've stayed in the crowd, and people just want to talk or ask questions or whatever. And I'd stay until one 2am just answering questions, because people just want to talk or have questions. And the reason I did that is because the least I can do these people have honored me by listening to hundreds of hours of the 1000s of hours. They made two hours for me. They spent Ramadan's with me, they've prayed and then they've put my voice on, I didn't deserve that. So if I get a chance to maybe hear them out and say some, some ask some questions, or maybe even here,

00:53:56 --> 00:54:24

out here. I'm not too busy for that. You know, it's their time that's valuable, not mine. Because actually, they're the ones that are doing me a favor by helping me get some silver kajaria. That's the that's the mindset that has to develop. For anybody who's going to share something good. It does not put us in a superior position. Yes, you are honored. Look at the use of my son. He's so honored that he comes from this noble family and that how his favorite and then he says and yet his favorite is open to

00:54:25 --> 00:54:54

wildness, of this openness of people. Most people just aren't grateful. You know, so we are lawmakers from the Grateful MLR so they'll help us you know see that people around us that we have a chance to share something good with are actually a favor of aloneness we should treat them that way we should treat them with respect. We should treat them with courtesy we should treat respect their time and not and not impose our time on them. barakallahu li walakum pukalani Hakeem whenever anyone here can be it with Kyocera molecule

Part 37-38
Your Rizq Is Coming, I Already Have Mine

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