Nouman Ali Khan – Bayyinah Kids Ask About Surat Al Asr

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of learning from experiences and taking time to make good choices. They stress the importance of being patient and following rules, as well as the need for patience and showing respect. The speakers also emphasize the importance of patient mental health and the need for patience in certain situations, as well as the importance of keeping track of time and showing respect when dealing with people who have negative experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh my god, I'm so nervous. I'm like on the internet and everything. There's like a bajillion people watching I see this is gonna be so crazy. Oh my god, it's already on

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my stomach double.

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I've never had one. Actually, I actually had one. Let me tell you this.

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My stunt double.

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Anyway, I see

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our audience a little bit about yourself Who are you?

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I'm 11 and I'm a proud member of the binary kids program.

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Very cool. What have you done with the kids? If anything,

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we we've done plays, sleep overs, lots of things programmed with your specific job and many of the places you do anything in particular, yourself. In the first play. I was one of the students in the second play. I ain't gonna say what I am.

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will delight thing. After everything I taught, you

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know, I thought we were keeping that a secret. No. Okay, they didn't get to do the thing. So at least tell them what you learned. Well, I learned how to make really cool. I learned how to make really cool lights. Where all the lights flash different colors. Flashing like that. Weird. Like I'm having an electrical seer, or a glitch. Yeah, no. I think my allergies.

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Maybe I'll turn this light. Maybe that'll help. I don't know. Hold on. Nope, didn't help.

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I don't know. Okay, we'll figure it out. But you can hear me fine, right? Yeah, that's a special effects. We'll just call it special effects. Okay, so we wanted I wanted to have another session with you guys. And talk about some of the questions that I didn't get to cover in the last time I had it with Mr. Cha.

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On sorta last night. I didn't give another assignment online yet. So I sent you a few questions. Let's go through them and let's talk about them inshallah. And hopefully I can get to the glitch to get fixed. Thank goodness.

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Okay, anyway, go ahead. Read the first one to me. So the first one is from Kayden Ali Omar, he's a ismaila. Egypt. His thoughts are I have learned the Arabic word for Egypt is

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think, think, think. Now remember, the Arabic word in the Quran for Egypt is Mrs.

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m. m is our

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message. So what did? What did cousin Ali Ahmed send us?

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His thoughts are? I've learned from this year that life is a test and Allah wants you to make either good or bad choices. These choices will reward you in heaven or send you to the Hellfire Is this correct?

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Me or

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not entirely. So let's let's take each thing he said and think about that. Okay, so the first thing he says is that I've learned from this slide that life is a test, you know, sort of answer right? law swears by time every human being is in laws, etc. We can see you in the back by the way.

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You're on the internet. You're famous and pajamas or favorites, who now Thank you. Thank you. Okay, so.

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So the thing is that

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not the word test was never used, and the sooner right.

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But it's really interesting that he thought that the Torah tells us that life is a test. Now what in the world in this sort of could there be that will make him think that life is a test? Well, I think because in tests, you have short time, right? Because you don't have unlimited time, when you take a test, you just have like, an hour or 45 minutes and the time runs out.

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Right? And the sooner begins with a less swearing by time running out. So he's right, it does kind of teach us that we have a very limited time to get something done, which is exactly like a test. Right?

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So that's that part I would agree with. But then he says Allah wants you to take to make either good or bad choices and these choices will either reward you in heaven, or send you to * did Allah say heaven or * in this surah?

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No, he said human beings are in laws except those who have failed to do good deeds, who tell each other to you know, be truthful and who tell each other to to stay patient. Basically, he didn't mention heaven or * right. Now, yes, Heaven and * are part of winning and losing somebody successful will go to heaven. Somebody who's failed, can end up in Hellfire May Allah protect us from hellfire.

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But this surah is telling us about all kinds of winning and all kinds of Muslims, not just stuff that's going to happen in heaven and *, right? Anybody Think about it this way? Anybody who wastes their time? Are they going to miss out on things?

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Yeah, anybody who waste their time and they didn't study, for example, for a test, are they going to are going to fail a test? Yeah. So they're going to lose anybody who didn't practice? Are they going to make it on the team? No, because it didn't look didn't use their time. So they're not going to make it. If you want to accomplish something, you have to make use of your time, right? So in one sense, what a lesson is pretty obvious. Look, if you don't put the work in, and you don't use your time wisely, you're never going to succeed.

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And then he told me, he told us what the work is to really have to make sure our faith is strong, and to make sure that we do certain good things that are going to help us become stronger. And then make sure that other people are holding on to their faith and doing good things too. And when they're falling in the right wrong direction, that we can remind them, and we should be okay with them reminding us to, and then vice. And then sometimes it's harder to do good things. And so we stay patient, and you know, we tell each other to stay patient. Anyway, so what's the next question? Are you haven't yet? What other questions does he have? Other than these thoughts?

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Hey, where'd you go? Don't give up on me.

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The next question, what are the rewards? And what are the losses?

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Okay, so what are the rewards? And what are the losses? And the thing is, when you, when you do what this sorta says, The first reward, I would think, is that you become stronger.

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Right, you start seeing things differently. Because you realize what's actually important and what's not important, what should get done now, what can wait, and other people don't realize it. So they're wasting their time doing things that don't matter. And you don't become like them. So in a sense, you become stronger. And that's your first reward. The second, of course, is you're not the one drowning, you're not the one ceiling. I mean, think of it this way. If somebody knows that there is a giant wave like a tsunami, or those flood waves that come in, they can crash entire buildings, and drown everybody. If you knew that that was coming. Right? And you're, of course, you're taking

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the car and you're driving in the opposite direction.

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Right? Would you say, Well, what am I going to get from driving this way?

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I mean, what's the route? It's an obvious question, right? If the, if you're gonna, if floss is coming, your way of destruction is coming your way, then going in the opposite direction is obvious.

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And you wouldn't ask, why am I doing that? It's obvious, because I don't want to be from those who lose. What do you get from it? You get to be saved. You get to be saved. Right? So that's the that's the mindset we should have about it. Okay, who else has a question?

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Honey, she's 16 inch piece from Islam. Is

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he allowed to heat?

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Okay, anyway, go on. Okay. Their first thought is, the store talks about steadfastness. And that one should hold on to it at all times. And do righteous deeds. What's that fastness? I see.

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The big word.

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Yeah, I know, right. Have you ever used steadfastness in a sentence? Hey, that's Could you pass the steadfastness over? I want to put that on my sandwich. No, you don't use the word steadfastness every day. So I'm glad that she used that word. But I think she got it or he got it from a translation of the Quran. The thing is that I like using smaller words, because you guys can understand them easier. Said instead of steadfastness you can just say patience. Is that easier to understand?

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Yeah. Okay, so this one talks about patience. Okay, that's this first thought, what else is he thinking? And it talks about canceling others, but some people are not all.

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Not at all receptive. Yeah. It's true. Just because you want to tell someone they're messing up. Like, you know, when you were practicing to play with us over here, some kids would goof off, right? Or some kids would like, cross the line or maybe start fighting each other or say mean things to each other or something like that, right? And then you kind of give them advice, and they would come down, but some of them would repeat that behavior again and again.

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Right. So sometimes we tell people to do something, but they may listen or they may not listen, that's not up to us. And let him tell us make sure everybody does the right thing. We're not in charge of anybody else. You can control anybody else.

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All you can do is respectfully kindly advise somebody, and they can do the same thing to you. But then you have to make your own choice, right?

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So and that's okay. You can say, well, they're not going to listen. So why should I even bother? That that shouldn't be our attitude? You know?

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Okay, keep reading.

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Very thought the word holster is not true concise on emphasizing that it means to me at least.

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I don't know what that means. But what she's saying then.

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Oh, she's after that. After that, it's just questions.

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Okay, let's read their questions. Okay, the first one, when it says, either time? Does it mean the past the present? And the future? Or the future? or all three? What do you think?

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Future dreams or future?

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I think it means the past, the present and the future.

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Like a lot of talking about people a long time ago, that failed.

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And he's including them. And he's talking about people right now that are wasting their time.

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And how they're failing. And he's talking about people in the future that will waste their time, and how they're feeling they're gonna fail. And he's also talking about people in the past that made sure they did the four things of socializer. They believe they did good things, they told each other to be truthful, they told each other to stay patient. Those people in the past or the present of the future always going to be successful.

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So it's kind of like, there it is, right. Past and Present, and Future. All three. Very good.

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Okay, what else? Question Is it talks about steadfastness when one isn't the other word for steadfastness. Patience. Okay, good. talks about patience when one is in state of floss. But some in the state of floss, we end up doing things that we shouldn't, and we regret them later. But is there anything we could have done in the first place? Hmm, that's a really good question. Well, one thing we could have done in the first place is remember the surah

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maybe would have helped us stay patient.

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You know, sometimes when you're losing your patience is all about last. It's really hard at that time to remember all those words. Like it's really easy for you. And I did talk about so to answer right now, because we decided to set a time aside, read some questions about sort of asset and have that conversation. But when you're having a fight with your brother, and you're losing your patience,

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that's not going to be a time where you're going to remember what was one of the few calls you get it. But that's what a believer has to do. This is why the companions every time they met each other, they would recite to similar to each other. Hey, remember this. Remember this? Remember this because we forget it all the time. It's the shortest surah it's the easiest to remember. But, you know, it's so easy to forget when the time comes. Right.

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There was an interesting question. I think.

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I think it no more we skipped his question. What should we be patient for? and for how long? Remember that questions? Go back to the first one. Yeah, yeah. What should we be? Remember that reading that and I really wanted to talk about it. Read the question to me again. What should we be patient for and how and for how long? Okay.

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I'm going to quiz you on this. I'm gonna tell you four things. And I'll see if you can remember those four things. Okay. Can I write them down? Yeah.

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But then once you write them down, you can look back down at it. Okay. Okay, go get a pen. Yeah.

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So what should we be patient for and for how long? Number one, stuff that happens.

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Number two

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things you don't get.

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Number three things you have to do.

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I like you, I see you right, fast.

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Number one. No, you're up. You're up to speed. Number four things you shouldn't do.

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I don't expect you to remember that yet. But let's talk about each of these. Okay. First one is what you wrote it down. Just that happens. Yeah, you should be patient with stuff that happens.

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Maybe something happened that you didn't like, maybe somebody said something you didn't like, maybe there's a you know, the electricity is gone and the AC is not working and it's really hot. And it's You don't like it? Or you really wanted to go somewhere and we canceled plans. And that's upsetting. Stuff happens, right stuff happens that makes us upset. And the first place we should be patient is when things happen that are out of our control

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and also

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things that other people may even do to us, or because of them were upset. And we can lose our patience and start using words we shouldn't use getting loud, like we shouldn't get have tantrums, etc. So that's the first one Make sense?

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So he says, what should we be patient for the first thing we should be patient for in situations when stuff happens? Right? What's the second one? Things you don't get? Yep. Sometimes you're hoping to get something. Remember, I asked you what do you lose patience for?

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When you get mad? Yeah, but why would you get mad?

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Like, for example, when I really want this thing for my birthday, but then my parents say no, and they have a good reason. But I don't listen to them anyways. Things you don't get.

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Right. It's stuff you were hoping to get, and you didn't get it. And that's upsetting. And that can make you lose patience, that can make you upset. By the way, let's talk about what does it mean to lose patience anyway, it means to be upset, to be to be negative, to be angry, you know, or to act out in the wrong way. So we mean, it's okay for you to feel upset. But when that feeling makes you say things and do things you shouldn't be saying and doing well, that's a problem. Also, it's okay to feel upset a little bit. But if you stay upset, and you want to live in it, and swim in a swimming pool,

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and breathe it in all the time, and you're just constantly upset over that one piece of kit cat you didn't need or something. For five years, there's a problem.

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Right? You should move on a little bit when something's upset. Okay, maybe temporarily subset, but there's bigger problems because we have very little time, and we've got much more important things to do is now what's the point of the sword is, right? I'll give you a crazy example. Crazy example would be somebody in a building that's on fire, and they're waiting for the, you know, the vending machine to give out their soda. Right? So they put in their dollar, and the drink isn't coming out. And the buildings on fire.

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Oh, no, you need to get out. It's okay. I know you didn't get the drink. Like you gotta go. You got it. Sometimes there's more important things. Yes, that may be upsetting. But there's something more upsetting if you stay. Right. So that's the things you don't get.

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What was the next one?

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thing that happens things you don't get? What else do you have to do? Yeah, like, you know, pray pleasure.

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And then the water and your eyes are like

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you know,

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sometimes the lummix allows us to do things we don't want to do feel lazy.

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And of course, it's not just alone. Sometimes you have to do things for our parents or family take out the trash, do the dishes. stuff we have to do in life. Sometimes we're we have to fulfill obligations, you know, that require patience. Because they're not enjoyable. It's not not everything is as fun as you know, eating a cake or watching a movie or playing a video game or something. It's some things aren't fun. We have to do them anyway. So things you have to do they require patience. Right? So

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the Quran isn't just talking about patiently pray, but for example, if your mom asked you to clean the kitchen,

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right? And you went home, she ever asked you to clean the kitchen, how clean the kitchen. She asked me to put the dishes back. Okay, so she asked you to do this. And you did this.

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Can you show me a roll the eyes?

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Now that no, no, no, thank you better than that.

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Oh, come on. That's it.

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every dish you put away.

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Oh, god, what was that? Nothing.

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You're doing it but you're doing it without patience. You get it? There's an attitude that came with it.

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So sometimes we have to do things, but we have to do things properly without, you know, like that attitude that I don't have the patience for this. I don't want to do this, etc. Get it. Okay. Last one. Things what

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things you shouldn't do? Yep. Sometimes we really want to do something.

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And Allah doesn't want us to do it. Or we're not allowed to do it, or we're not supposed to do it.

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And we're supposed to control ourselves.

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Like with the kids, for example, when I was teaching them managing the machine, they're going to machine they start beating each other up or wrestling or crazy stuff, right or

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Speaking louder and louder and louder, and there are other people trying to recycle on.

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Right, and they just want to have to get to see my friends. So that's the only time I get to see them hold on your LS house, LS house deserves a little bit of respect, there's time for you to goof off and play. And then when the time is given, it's time for you to show respect. And sit down and remember a lot and whatever sort of, you know, you recite it, or pray a couple of records. And that's, that's because the A lot has been called that there's no time for that stuff. Now, there's some things you shouldn't do. Right? There's some places where you shouldn't do certain things, sometimes where you shouldn't do certain things, right. And so that also requires patience. It's

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also true that you know, like for your parents, or your teachers or whoever, sometimes I you know, like me as your teacher, sometimes I'm goofing off with you guys, right? We're playing a board game or playing ping pong, or we're doing something else at that time, I'm your friend.

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And then other times, I'm your teacher.

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But am I the same way when I'm your teacher as when I'm your friend? No. Because when I'm your teacher, I expect you to show me a different kinds of respect, I expect you to be disciplined, I expect you to pay attention to what I'm saying. Not talkback, etc. But if we're goofing off and playing, we can joke around with each other. You can I can, you know, lose a point, you can say, oh, etc. You know, you could do that. Because at that time, we're playing a different role. So there are in some situations, you're supposed to be a certain way. In other situations, you're supposed to be other ways. Right? So that's kind of the answer to this question, what should be patient up patient

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for and now it's not about for how long patience doesn't mean that you have to sit there hold your breath forever. It just means you have to observe, you have to do the proper thing in the proper situations has to be appropriate, you have to think about what's the right way, should I be raising my voice at the top of my lungs. When I'm driving in the car with my family, the person sitting next to me six inches away, I don't need they don't they're not on top of a mountain. So I can talk to them. Normally, I can be a little more patient with myself, and then you understand. So that that's what the you know, as kids, you guys can observe patients in different situations and really ask

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yourself, Is this the way I should be behaving in this situation? Okay. All right. And then finally, of course, there's one last kind of patients I wanted to talk about. I gave you four right stuff that happens. Things you don't what were they again? stuff that happens? things you shouldn't do things you don't get. Yeah, you things you don't. Things you don't want to do. things you have to do, but you don't want to. Yep, very good. Just as as another note, sometimes there are you have to be patient with how you feel.

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Right? Because sometimes you can get really upset. And you're really you're mad at maybe your dad or you're mad at your mom, because she said something. And it made you feel a certain way, right? But you're not understanding why they said it. You're just so lost in your own feelings. You're not even thinking about why they said it.

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And you start telling yourself, oh, if they loved me, they wouldn't say that. She doesn't love me. She hates me to the end, it's all this entire conversation is happening in your head that has nothing to do with reality. And you're not being patient to actually listen to what's being saved, to try and understand before you get that upset. You understand? So sometimes patience also means controlling our upsetness a little bit, putting the brakes on it, and giving the good listen

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and to try and understand and maybe that'll help us resolve some of our feelings. Okay, let's move on to another one. Come on. Okay, we have a little bit of time left.

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Who is it?

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Um, Maryam Binti imraan she's six and a half. And she's from San Jose, California. Cool.

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Okay, never been

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been to California and we have been to San Jose. Okay.

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Okay. Here first thought is when we will die or time will be a six year old the thought that when we die or time will be up

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the deep dark consultatively Okay. Her second thought is if you are not believers do not care about people and doctors do not tell the truth and not and you are not patient you will be in loss.

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deep thinker Maria.

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Okay, what are your questions? What are you? Okay? How does Allah keep time with a clock or a timer?

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I think I'll let you answer this one. I'm with a timer.

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Though, not with a clock and not with a timer. Surprisingly,

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we don't know how to keep track of time. So we need

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clocks and we need timers, right? We need calendars. Ummah is the maker of time allows the creator of time time to him is like, you know how we own an object like we own I can understand, right?

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I control it, I can bend it, I can throw it away, I can break it, I can use it, right? A lot owns time. He doesn't need to keep track of it, or keep up with it. He's never the one losing time, we're the ones losing time. He can't lose it because he was only he made it, he owns it, he controls it. It's the way I like to help you think about this, and inshallah, those of you that are older also will help. It'll help you understand. You can think of time like a bag.

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Okay? And all of us are inside that bag.

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But Allah is the one holding the bag.

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Okay, so all of us are inside that bag, meaning we have to think about the past or the present or the future. And we have to keep track of that. But Allah since he owns it, he owns all of us and the time itself that we're in. He doesn't have to think about the past, present or future the way we do. He doesn't have to wait for the future like we do. It doesn't have to, he can't look, you know, recreate the past the way we can we what's the past is gone. For us. It's gone. But I can see the past and the present and the future just as clearly. Because it's all in front of him. He owns the whole thing. Got it. So yeah, clocks and timers and things we need. A lead doesn't need them.

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Her second question is how and why are people in great loss? Well, we kind of answered that question before. What do you think? Why are people because we aren't patient sometimes and we do things we don't want to do, which causes greater problems. Yep. And we don't realize how little time we have to do with things.

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Right. Okay. Let's read the next one. What do we got?

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submit Achmed said he

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just changed and he's from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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Who you ever been?

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Yeah, that's where most of my family lives. Very cool. Do you know the language?

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Well, I know what that means. I know a little bit.

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Okay, so so say hello to everyone from Bangladesh and Allah.

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Okay, good.

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Tourists that is, I think this room contains an attitude that is a must for Muslim. I agree.

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Well, what else? Okay. Um, the second is that mankind is in loss. Does this mean, mankind didn't use time correctly?

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That's why I lost war by time.

00:28:22 --> 00:28:33

I don't even have to add anything to that. That's a really good way of putting a question that has a thought in it. That's absolutely true. Great job. sagas, episodic that was really well thought out. Gone.

00:28:35 --> 00:28:42

Nowadays, many people feel disturbed if anyone advises them. Good. So if I don't invite anyone, can I still be a good Muslim?

00:28:44 --> 00:28:50

Yeah, sometimes people do get disturbed when you advise them. And alerts are telling us to keep advising people who don't want to hear it.

00:28:52 --> 00:29:05

Like you don't have this conversation with me, and then go to your brother and say, Hey, I need to give you advice. Because suta law says, I must give you advice. Leave me alone, get out of my room. Nobody has to give you advice. And I have to be patient and keep giving it to you. And if you don't want it cannot have a rule.

00:29:06 --> 00:29:13

I'm a true believer, and I don't want to be lost. And therefore I must advise you that you need to learn No, no, that's crazy.

00:29:15 --> 00:29:42

You have to give each other advice, which means actually, you have to have people in your life that are willing to help you and you're willing to help them. Right. So sometimes people don't want to hear it and are some of our greatest scholars said, when you try to give somebody advice and they don't want to hear it, you've done your job. And if you keep doing that over and over again to them, like in your family, friends or whatever, then you're no longer doing a good deed. You're just being arrogant because you're making them feel bad.

00:29:43 --> 00:29:59

Right? So you do what you can and if they don't want to hear it, and at least you did your job. But you should do it respectfully and lovingly. Right? So that's that's the important part. So yeah, some people don't want to hear it. You could still be a good Muslim. And the thing that this was not saying is go advise people

00:30:00 --> 00:30:10

You know that each other part is really important. That means that you have to have relationships within friendships and family, siblings, whoever, that you're always willing to listen to advice first.

00:30:12 --> 00:30:19

And when it's time to give, you should give advice, and I should let me tell you something. When somebody gives you advice, you're like, Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, you want to give me advice? Well,

00:30:23 --> 00:31:01

it's kind of like, Oh, yeah, because if somebody gave you advice, it's like I scored a point. I have to even the score. I have to tie the score. I'm going to give you some advice back. Right. That's not how it should be. You should not be giving somebody advice, because they gave you advice to even the score. If they have something to say that benefits because the only time you should open your mouth to advise someone, if you're not thinking about correcting them or criticizing them, or pointing out what they're doing wrong. You're You're saying something genuinely, because you care for them? And what you what you're saying is something that's good for them. It's not you're not

00:31:01 --> 00:31:20

saying it to make yourself feel better, or for them to feel worse, or for them to be more like you want them to be? No, you're giving them advice, because you genuinely think that that's advice they could use for themselves. It'd be good for them. And that's the same attitude they should have towards you. It shouldn't be revenge advice.

00:31:22 --> 00:31:29

Oh, yeah, I'm gonna advise you right back. What about you? shouldn't be that way. Okay. So go on, read the next one.

00:31:31 --> 00:31:41

So, should I advice? Everyone around me even if they feel disturbed? I think we can answer that one, didn't we? Yeah. Okay, let's move on. Last one.

00:31:43 --> 00:31:53

Last one. Okay. This is from Michelle. He met she's 10. And she's from Zamboanga City, Philippines. Cool. Yeah.

00:31:54 --> 00:32:01

And then her question is, what does advising one another have truth and patience for me?

00:32:02 --> 00:32:12

You know, this is twitching now. Everybody knows I'm actually a cyborg. From the future. Anyway, what is it? What's the question again? My chip was malfunctioning.

00:32:14 --> 00:32:17

What does and fighting one another of truth and patience mean?

00:32:19 --> 00:32:27

What does advising one another of truth and patients mean? That's a really good question. What's your name again? Michelle. Yeah, she's 10.

00:32:30 --> 00:32:33

It means when somebody is lying, what should you tell them? Hey, come on.

00:32:34 --> 00:32:48

You should lie a mom like that. Just tell the truth. Okay. But if I tell the truth, I get in trouble. It's okay. It'll be fine. You'll be okay. Just be strong. Be patient with whatever comes. But don't lie.

00:32:50 --> 00:33:25

advising each other to the truth is, you're somebody you know, you know, something wrong is happening. And you're like, but they're my friends. I shouldn't say anything. No, you should. You say Hey, guys, the way you made fun of her the other day, I don't think that's cool. That's just the truth You shouldn't be making, you shouldn't be giving each other mean nicknames. You shouldn't be pointing at each other and how they're how you're dressing making fires now, right? You should know the truth is you should just apologize to her for hurting her feelings. That's advising each other to the, to the truth. But is it easy to apologize sometimes? No. It feels like I'm admitting my

00:33:25 --> 00:33:49

mistake. I'm putting somebody else above me. It hurts our pride to apologize. And that's where the patience comes in. No, it's okay. You can do it. The right thing to do. I know it's hard, what's the right thing to do? So patience also means you have to overcome your own feelings to do the right thing. And so when she's asking what is advising one another of truth and patience means you're going to see an opportunity to do that every single day, somebody will tell you something true. And you're not going to like it.

00:33:50 --> 00:33:57

Sometimes somebody will tell you what you did was not okay. And I think you should do better. Or you should fix it. And you'll say, Who are you to tell me?

00:33:58 --> 00:34:25

Wait, what about you and you get defensive? Right? But what also will have whatever sort of subject means when somebody does give you that kind of genuine advice. You say you're right, I'll fix it. You're right. That's not right of me to do. And I'm going to admit that I did something wrong, and I'll fix it. Right? And the same thing you try to tell somebody else but you tried to tell it again in a loving, respectful kind of way. It's been realized. Thank you so much for this question answer session. Did you enjoy yourself?

00:34:27 --> 00:34:44

Okay, you're, I hope that inshallah we can have more of these sessions, but I think I'm going to be tying up the social answer series. And for the audience that's watching me, glitch. I'm going to try to fix that problem and also give you guys your next assignment Pretty soon, particularly when it comes to take care.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:46


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