Nouman Ali Khan – 100 Adiyat

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of understanding the meaning of the Quran and preparing for parables is emphasized, along with avoiding subtle things and giving too much information. The cultural significance of "good" in Arabic is emphasized, with emphasis on its relation to "imaging wealth" and the significance of "has" in Arabic. The transcript also touches on the loyalty of the horse and the importance of avoiding subtle things and not giving too much information.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah ashrafi, Gambia even Muslim mousseline

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early he was a minister and Nebuchadnezzar he niomi Dean Allahumma dynamin home Amina Latina Emmanuelle Amina Swati hurt what Allah subhanho wa Taala Samba sobre manera bahala means about the Samadhi, Kumara Mottola he or the cattle today inshallah tada we are engaged in a study of soul to the idea that this is the 100 surah of the Quran. I hope to finish the dose on this surah inshallah tada in a single session. Last week, we were covering the contents of the surah before this surah number 99, solo to sizzle. And as you recall, Elijah dedicates that surah to one catastrophic event when the earth is going to shake, and it's going to reveal its contents. This surah as we will, as

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we explore this a little bit, you will discover that this is what I actually explore, justifies the events of the previous solar, in other words, the Earth is going to reveal its content. But what is it that led to this? What was what was happening before this that led to that eventual consequence. That's what we're going to study in this solar. So it's almost taking a step back in the next era and serving as providing a justification and evidence for the coming soon to come.

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Now for the coming events that are proceeding. Now, what we're going to learn in this surah insha Allah tala is the attitude of the human being, the greed of the human being, the carelessness and the heedlessness of the human being, and the things he does on this earth without fear of any consequence, the human being dustings on this earth without caring, what is going to be the result of this, I'm not going to get caught so I don't care. In the previous slide, we learned he's going to be crying when the earth starts spilling its beans yoma into healthy food Amara, what's he gonna say? We'll call it insane. mela What's wrong with it? He's gonna be shocked that the Earth has all

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this record of everything he did. But this surah is about what he what in fact, he was doing what he was up to. This is another one of the sources in which Allah azza wa jal begins with by taking an oath. We've talked about oath and the XM the oath in the Quran several times, but a few very cursory and fundamental points are important to mention. One of the challenges I have today, that's something I have to overcome. inshallah tada is a cross between a thorough academic sort of study of the surah versus an appreciation of the flow and the rhetoric of the surah. When you start quoting what this one said, and what this one said, and what this one said, you can get lost in those quotes

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and stop keeping track of what ally is saying. And the flow of the argument, you know, we have to interject in between everything Allah says, we have to interject and then study scholar at somewhat of a scholarly level, the meaning of every word and the grammatical nuances and things like that. The benefit of that is, of course, we get depth in terms of what we're learning. But the disadvantage is you lose track of where it's going, you just you fail to see the bigger picture, right and the flow of the argument, that's the disadvantage. So we have to kind of try to find a balance between both of those things. I want to start by saying that this sorta is one of my

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favorite favorites in the Quran, when it comes to exploring the incredible logic of the Quran, and the way in which the beautiful creative way in which Allah sets up an argument. You know, the message of the Quran is very straightforward, very simple. But the power of the Quran is not just in what it says, but in how it says it. And this is a stellar example of how

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how Allah presents an argument, how he sets up the mind of the listener in, you know, conveying a message to them in a powerful way. And we know this, of course, powerful speech isn't just about the right kind of words, or the right you know the right message. It's also about the right style, the way you say something, you know, a friend of yours can give you advice, and you won't take it seriously. But somebody else gives you the same advice with much more forceful language or language that really hits your heart, even though in the end, the advice is the same, you take it a lot more seriously because it was presented to you in a way that impacted you more. So that's the kind of

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thing we're going to try to explore in sha Allah today. As a brief reminder, again, about the oats. Essentially, in the Quran, there are two components when Allah takes an oath. The first component is called alloxan V, which in simple terms will call the object of the oath. And the other component is the maxim La e, which is the subject of the oath. So in English, it's the object of the oath and the subject of the oath. Now, what are these things? If I say to you in English, I swear by the sun, it's gonna be a hot day, if I say that to you, right? I even though we're not supposed to say that, because we only swear by a lot. But I'm only doing this for the purpose of example, if I say I swear

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by the sun, it's going to be the, it's going to be a hot day, then the sun is the object of the earth. The sun is the object, it's going to be a hot day is the subject. Another example, if I say I swear by my family, I will take revenge. I said, I swear by my family, I will take revenge. What's the object? My family? And what's the subject? I will take revenge? Do you understand the connection between the two? Now, in the Koran also, you have the object of the oath, and you have the subject of the

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different offer, Sharon have commented in various ways about the, you know, the proper interpretation and proper study of the oaths in the Quran, the objects and the subjects. The, the most basic principle you have to keep in mind in Shahada is the object of the oath is always preparing you for the subject of the oath. In the Quran. Whenever you study the object, it always has something to do with the subject. Now, sometimes Mufasa did not keep in line with this principle. This this is the most simplest principle of maximum v. and maximally they're connected together. But some of us who don't have the principle that know the object is separate and the

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subject is separate. The two have nothing to do with each other. Not necessarily. Okay. Now, when you go by that line of argument, then you know, there's a there's room for attack? And what's the room for attack? Then you could say, Well, why don't you take these oats in this sword? Or these objects? and put them in that? surah? And why don't you take those oats from that? So don't put them here? Because they're not connected to anything else? Right? They're just independent in and of themselves. So what's the benefit of them? Why are these over here? And why those over here? Why would thenI was they doing what to the scene? Haha. I mean, why those objects in that surah? Why?

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Well, so that's an object of the Oh, what's the subject in in Santa Luffy? That's the subject. Right? So the stronger argument really, is that the object the maxim V is always rhetorically connected to the subject. Now, the purpose in ancient Arabic for taking an oath. You know, nowadays, we also say, I swear, we say that all the time. Now, when I say I swear, one of the things is one of the implications, I'm very serious. I'm not kidding around. I'm very, very serious. That's when I say I swear, right? Which is true in the in ancient Arabic, also. But another thing, another function of taking an oath, that is not the case anymore, is the oath was used to get your

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attention. It wasn't just used to set up an argument, it was also used first to get your attention. Now, why does the speaker feel the need to get your attention? Obviously, because whatever he's saying, You don't think you're interested? You're not interested. So he has to do something to get your attention first. If he says something important, and you're not paying attention, then the point is last. Yes, he said what he had to say. But the point wasn't just to say it, the point was to convey that message to you, so it reaches inside you, and it won't reach inside you until you're paying attention, you understand. So the subject, which is the actual point of this discussion, is

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not going to make have any benefit until the audience is paying attention. So Allah azza wa jal uses the oath to grab the attention of the kuffaar in this surah. The kuffaar are not paying attention. They're not paying attention to the messenger sallallahu Sallam didn't want to hear it. So Allah azza wa jal says something that immediately captures their attention. Now when you want to get somebody's attention, you have to talk about something that they want to hear.

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They don't want to hear what you have to say they want to hear what you know what they like, what they're interested in. So you keep this in the back of your mind as we begin this study of this for the first five out of this surah, our oaths, exam. And so what we're going to first thing we're going to learn as we go through the deceit of these ayat is these five IRS

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are dedicated to get the attention of the Arab. The entire purpose of them is to grab his attention. Now, you know many things about Arabs before Islam. One of the things you know is they lived in the desert. Another thing you may already know is they're pretty, pretty rough around the edges, they broke out into fights pretty easily. You so much as look at look at one guy from the different tribe the wrong way, and they're in a fight with each other for generations. Right? And they're, they're after each other's blood because some guy slaps some guy sheep or something, something's trivial like that. But they will break out into feuds that are never ending. Now, the Arabs were also they

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also had this thing we call nowadays and entertainment industry. Okay. Now our entertainment industry could be like videos and music and movies and things like that. But they don't have any of this stuff. They have none of this stuff. What do they have? How do they entertain themselves, while they entertain themselves with this thing we call poetry, which is not so much different from our times, even today. You know, some artists gets up there in front of 1000 people and he's spitting out rhymes and everybody's bobbing their head. And a few 1000 years ago, this Arab guys is a bonfire. There's a couple of Bedouins sitting there. He's spitting his rhymes in Arabic, and

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everybody's bobbing their head, it's pretty much the same thing. It's the ancient version of a concert. And in music and in entertainment, you talk about subjects that people want to hear about. Nowadays, a songwriter might talk about cars, or women or shamelessness, or whatever people are into, they'll pick subjects that people want to hear about, right? They're not going to talk about justice and peace and family and values. Nobody cares. They're not going to talk about what your purpose in life is. And you're going to be raised after they don't care. Nobody cares. Nobody wants to hear people have a subject they're interested in. One of the things the Arabs were really

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interested in was battle. Like we are, you know, nowadays, we are entertained by battle. We call them action movies, right? It's the same idea, right? The loved stories of battle scenes of battle poetry about battle, right? That's one thing they were obsessed with. Another thing we're obsessed with nowadays are cars. Right? And their version of cars was what? Especially fast car horses, so we have horsepower, and they had horses, but it's the same thing. In the end, it's horsepower, right? So they had that they were very obsessed with that. These were the few things that that really caught their attention. This sort of begins with a series of oats that are dedicated to two things,

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battle horses and the battlefield. We're gonna learn in these five if Allah is grabbing their attention, with vivid language, all of which is dedicated to the battle horse and the scene of battle. So inshallah tada with that background, we begin the study of the first one, the idea to Baba, Allah is taking an oath. And he says, I swear by an idea. The word idea in Arabic, it comes from the word I do, which means to have animosity, but I the the masculine form is used for someone who's running in battle against the enemy. You know, there's in battle, there's one thing you're preparing for the enemy are your enemies, but when you're actually running towards your enemy, and

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you know, when somebody is running towards the enemy, they don't look left or right. They don't care about anything else, all they care about is I'm going to kill that guy over there. They're charging towards him. Now that's the form of the word that's been used while the idea I swear by battle horses that are marching forward with the animosity. That's that's what a lot swears by now, do you think this is something that will get the Arabs attention? Oh, my goodness. for him. This is like the trailer of an action movie. He made you know what they do in trailers, right? They show you a little bit of the movie. And they build your they build your interest. And right when they get to

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the most interesting part of the trailer, what do they do?

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They cut it shorts, they pay us 10 bucks next summer. Right. That's what they do. That's a strategy and trailers. Now this scene is being built, which in itself is extremely exciting. The scene that allows original builds builds with his words with these words.

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When idea the feminine plural, this ad at the end that you hear is what's called Gemma. Gentleman, that Salim the feminine plural. So Allah is not swearing by horses that are males males, he's actually swearing by mirrors, female horses. Why? Because they used to be faster in battle. The Arabs used to prefer the female horse over the male horse. So already this is not just any car. This is the exotic car. Right? This is the faster one and it's headed right into battle. This is an action scene from the very beginning. Then Allah adds the higher Baba X amount. This is very lovely Rahim Allah, He says, Adam, and above a slot and faster Hi. In other words, you should know the word

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Bob hi at the end is describing you should know it's describing and facile high the breath, the panting of the horse when it's in when it's engaged in aggressive motion. You know when a horse is galloping really fast. You hear that like that? That sound you hear the word for that in Arabic is Baba, Baba. By using that word. We're learning that this horse is going as fast as it can. It's going as fast

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is akin and it's marching forward towards like an enemy. How do we know there's an enemy ahead because of what word will ideas and less swearing by the scene. So the era who's got a very wild imagination, you know what he's imagining. He's sitting on top of this horse and it's marching full speed, and he can even hear what the painting the bubble that's taking place of the horse. So he's completely engulfed and encapsulated by this image. Then he says, This is Bobby again, Rocky mahoma. He says for inheritor Lulu, lt Zan, I love Bobby hat by using the word you know,

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the idea isn't isn't fine. What Ally's saying is these horses are known or were designed to be used in battle. You know, there's a really fast car and it's sitting sitting in a parking lot. That's not what it was designed for. It was designed to be floored right it was designed to be working on full throttle that's when you see what it was made to do. By using the word an idea in the active participant isn't file form. What Allah is saying it's finally getting to do what it was made to do. It's using its full potential what are the if you love a show? Can you call him a hula helmets, when the idea Gemma idea where he and Jerry avisar IVF is the plural of idea and it's the plural and it

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means that which is moving with great speed minella do because of animosity wahoo and mushy bisola and its movement and with great speed, agility, well being Kasama kubla ha, this is a sort of a lesson in morphology. For those of you who don't know, SOPs, this won't make any sense. But the idea that Yeah, at the end, that Yeah, at the end is actually replacing with a Wow, it's the original letters are in dial and wow. But in sometimes when words are formulated in Arabic, one vowel is replaced with another. So that's really what he's talking about. I won't go more into it, because I see the look of confusion on your face already. So

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so domhain must not have occurred, the esmil fire in this domhain is

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actually a show Kenny is saying a whole lot is being used at the end to emphasize that it's not taking a single break, that this painting is going on continuously. And it's not taking a single break. Now this entire image that I'm painting you training for you so far is how many I had thus far. Just one well, idea developer, this is just the first two words. And already it's very, very powerful, and it's in its depiction. But the thing I want to share with you and shout out to Allah without getting into more grammatical discourse, which in the end isn't really all that relevant, because the meaning comes out to be essentially the same. When nakada look at an article above the

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standard. This is very important. The linguists have commented and they have archive, that the word love in Arabic isn't originally used for horses. It's secondarily used for horses. It is originally used for wolves. It's originally not used for wholesale horses, but for wolves. So now what we're learning here is Allah is comparing battle horses to what a pack of wolves, and a pack of wolves does not attack an enemy that it thinks is stronger than itself. It attacks an enemy that it thinks is weaker, it can destroy them, they can devour the enemy, they're defenseless, right? So it shows the confidence of those who are engaged in this battle, they're going to go after their enemy like

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the wolves go after their prey. That's the image that's being captured just by the word use of the word dub in the ayah. There has been a difference of opinion, among them of a series about the meaning of the word or the interpretation of an idea. Some have actually called it the camels that are heading in the season of Hajj that they're that that's what these camels, they're panting really hard. And that's sort of life swearing by, there are two evidences against that, first of all, the rest of the language doesn't support it. That's the first evidence against it. The second evidence against it is that the entire surah has nothing to do with Hajj. Nor is it a Madani surah where the

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injunctions of Hajj came down samaki surah, even an early monkey suit like that. So it doesn't connect with the rhetoric of the rest of the if you will find these opinions in some deviceid. Why? Because the methodology of not connecting the object with the subject isn't there by some, some people didn't accept that methodology. So when they when you don't, when you disconnect the two, then you get 30 different opinions on what that is. It could be anything that anything that's moving fast, anything that's painting, but if you connected with the rest of the salon or the meaning gets caged and it has a proper direction, and then you know the Mufasa don't comment on it with

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precision. A couple of other comments about the word idea

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or the group is that is adamant are on standby for pillaging and warfare. This is what we learn from the Forgotten Quran the Word of God is a group that is kind of waiting to attack and it wants to pillage and destroy its enemy. By then follows the horse galloped aggressively as the Arabic expression goes the other. The other same route. It's used from the you know the third form, it means when a nation is racing against one another aggressively. So all of these words all the implications are moving fast.

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And being aggressive against an enemy. That's the bottom line and the words were the idea. Now we come to the next ifl muriaticum. The first thing to note here is the letter fat, instead of what the first is one idea, the second one is fairly moody at first. This is a very, very important subtle concept in especially understanding the oath of the Quran. There are certain letters that are called proof.

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Okay, they are the latter, even, they are

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letters that connect a sentence to another.

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If this was a word, if this was a well, then it would mean the first is is one scene. And this is a different scene, there two different scenes. But if the first one is a why, and the second one is fun, which is what we find here. This is a continuation of the previous scene. This is not a new image. Now we're getting more details about the same scene, you understand. Now what happens sometimes is no Quran you have one more Salatu Yoruba, it began with what? What? philosopher Theosophy.

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So it's a new thing or a continuation. It's a continuation, but the next one Nasha Latina, Allah wa. Now it's a new scene, you understand? So two were connected, then the rest is connected. That's what's happening here. Wow. And now look, I'll read forward so I don't have to bring this up again. One idea to file Maria tepa file Marathi saga Nabina file for wasabi. Gemma, do you see fine all of them. That means all of that is what one scene. All of that is one scene. They're not separate scenes. They are one continuous scene. And the evidence of that is fun. Had they been separate scenes? What would we have found? Well, which is what we found in sort of the theme, different oath?

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What thenI was a toonie? What would he see me what happened rather than I mean, they were separate things. So they were separated by a while, but here they are one thing. So they're connected with a fine with me so far. So now we come to find muriaticum.

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The word Maria is also what's called an Arabic and isn't flat and it's also plural and feminine, which means it's describing the same horses, that same band of horses that was marching forward and painting in the previous ayah. The other thing we learned here about the word these these moody ads is that as they are running the word iraq from which moody outcomes is a description, it's an adjective for these horses. Iraq is to cause sparks to fly when you strike something, you know, there are different kinds of starting fire. You know there in Arabic is Okada to start a fire also, there are like 10 words in Arabic in the Koran to start a fire. This is one of those words, he is

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one of 10 words to start a fire. So what is this word specifically mean? What kind of fire we know when two things rub against each other and a fire starts, like you rub rocks against each other, or rub wood against each other dry things against each other, that sort of thing, by rubbing or by by strike when sparks or flames are produced. That is called ILA. So Allah saying these horses are causing fires. These horses are creators of fire as they are galloping. What does that mean? You know, the horse is running really fast. And it's got a horseshoe on which is metal, and it strikes on the rock as it's running. And what happens every time the rock strikes, sparks are flying. So

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they're they're basically creating a fire as they run. It's like nuts added intensity to the scene. Right? They're Blaze, they're literally blazing a trail behind them. Now, Phil Moorea then is the word in Arabic is a violent strike that is very loud, so it already has the implication of the spark fine. For example, by the way, in regards to the word, Iraq, we also find it in the Quran afara a tune out on the 82 rune. Don't you see the fire that you cause that you create? by striking things together? The word unhei implies they're very loud, gallops, and restrike is very, very loud and violent. So now this writer who is captured in the image of this surah The horse was already running

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fast. It was already panting and now as he's writing it, he looks down What does he see? He sees the sparks flying. It's it's the scene got even more intense, right? Just think of it as a you know, it's it's hard for us to develop the imagination of the ancient Arab, but just imagine for your benefit. Just imagine this is an action movie, and just try to picture this scene. Just trying to picture the scene of these horses. Just a small idea, by the way, Gioconda. So it's a small bunch of horses in less than 10. So it's a small group, small group of bandits, if you will, very few, and they're marching forward and the sparks are fine. Then he says Full Movie karate sobha. Then the

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next scene, movie era. you view your little Allah Allah do, Baba, if you walk through here, let's let's take the meaning one at a time we'll go to La La v rocklahoma. They take their writers, right right on top of the enemy era in Arabic means to ambush. That's from the word movie, right? That means to ambush. So we're learning these horses now. First, they were marching and galloping forward but in the next ayah they will

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already reached the enemy and it's time to ambush the enemy. So they're, they're at the point of contact it harder to ambush or to attack the enemy or to be right on top of him. And by using that for the horses what we're learning is the horses delivered the rider who's the actual end of the horse, the actual rider, the owner of the horse, they took him right on top of the enemy so the enemy was is like on the ground. And this guy's with a spear above him, literally hovering over him. And that's the the image captured by the word.

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Saba, this is the other meaning of the word so at the end this is what's called the full fee and what is the man the ambush the enemy in the morning time so behind now what is this? What's the benefit of Allah saying the ambush the enemy in the morning time if you know anything about ambush and attacking and you know these are Arabs were basically bandits who the people being described here are our bandits. You know, some of us who don't say this is talking about the the Sahaba in battle. This is wrong on a couple of accounts. And the counter argument by Mufasa is stronger. Why? First, it's a monkey Shula. So there's no battle. That's the first thing. The second issue is the

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the the the Sahaba. If they were like this was describing the the Sahaba in battle, then the subject of the oath would have to do with the believers. But the subject of the oath has to do with disbelievers in an insanity or be the canoe doesn't have to do with believers it has to do with disbelievers. So it's a discontinuous kind of argument to think that this is from the Sahaba. But I should tell you what mentality that comes from why that opinion even exists. It exists because among them for saloon, there was a widely held opinion that became popular, it's not really necessarily based on any direct evidence, but it's an opinion that became popular. What's that evidence, if

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Allah swears by something, it must be sacred. If Allah swears by something, it must be something holy, or something righteous or something good or something pure, or something noble or honorable. But the the counter argument is that may or may not be the case, the primary thing is Allah is making a point by the object, the point will be made in the subject. That's the actual fundamental principle. This overshadows the other principle of saying the object may or may not be sacred if you follow, okay? Now, furthermore, here if you somehow they ambush the enemy at what time silver, and you know this, I want to tell you a couple more things about the word, an era, you call avora. Up

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hauraton EDA has

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the word Ihara is used when you go against the enemy when this band goes against the enemy with the intent to kill Assad, or to attack them secretly or to rob them intelligence. So these are all crimes, the word is used for criminal behavior, which is another reason why we wouldn't use it for the Sahaba. So this, you know, more linguistic evidence is why the deceit is pointing in one direction. Then of course, because the entire the active participant is used, what is known Ihara to enable the use of the noun, attributed era as a noun to them. When a noun is used in Arabic, it means whatever you're talking about is known for that quality. So what we're saying then is the

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horses are known for running really fast, they are knowing that whenever they run, sparks fly, and they are known these horses are known for being bandits and attacking the enemy. And they are also famous for doing that, at what time in the morning, so bad. But if you know anything about attacking and robbing and pillaging, then you know, the best time to do that is not the morning.

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The best time to do that is at night, when the enemy doesn't know you where you came from, where you left, you can use the cloak of darkness to your advantage. But these guys over here that are being talked about, they don't care. They're talking about what time in the morning, which is particularly it adds a couple of interesting nuances to this discussion household. The first thing to note is in the morning, there's a lot of moisture, things are wet. Even the rocks and the ground, there's a lot of drops of water on it. But even though it's wet, what is flying anyway. toxifying anyway becomes even more of a contradiction in the scene, that how fast are these horses running that even the

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water evaporates immediately and turns into sparks of flames on a la familia, it is summer.

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Then here what I want to share with you is the two words in Arabic basically, that are used for attacking. This is one of those words a harder to attack an ambush. Another word that's used in the Parana safwa scene for and wow sutra, for example. It says yeah, Kaduna. Yes, tuna, tuna, tuna. But more on that when we get to that ayah one day in Lara in Arabic from a linguistic origin means to go deep into something. Like if somebody goes deep into the countryside, they leave and they go deep into the boonies. Like if we go from here to like, I don't know Plano right if you go way out there, or we go like you know, to Mansfield or something have to knock on wood. I have a friend in

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Mansfield. Anyway. So you go out all the way out there or something. The word you will use in Arabic for that is

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You know, overall forests are a horrible module, which means the man went way deep. And by using that word for ambush, what we're learning is they don't just attack they go deep into the lines of the enemy, they get into the heart of the town and attack them. Okay? So full movie of it. So, the other thing to note about mourning

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is if you're attacking in the morning, it means you want the enemy to know you're coming.

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If you're attacking at night, you wanted the element of surprise, but if you're attacking in the morning, you want the enemy to know and it's like, you don't even care. Why don't you care, because you're like wolves. You're not afraid of your prey. The wolf is running after a rabid, it's not gonna you know, it doesn't care. It's gonna eat it anyway. Right? It's not afraid of a battle, there's not going to be a contest. So this is the kind of confidence these these riders in these Raiders really have in the in the people they're about to attack. Now we get into the heart of the matter where the action begins. This was just preparation for the action. Now the action begins and

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you know, in action, a verb is used. So now we there's from a linguistics point of view, there's a transition from verb from nouns. You know, an idea is a noun. And Maria is a noun. And movie a lot is a noun. But now for them Now, that's a verb. So there's a transition from noun to verb, which means the action is intensifying. That's what that implies. Okay? I thought, then they cause these horses they cause the feminine plural Athena noon and miswak. It's used for the horses because IVF is plural. So the cause the cause something to rise in Arabic is to cause something to rise. What is it that they cause to rise? NACA? NACA in Arabic is one of three words in the Quran used for dust.

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There's ba, ba, ba, ba, there's hubba hubba Mathura. And then there's this word NACA. NACA is used in Arabic, when something is moving really fast, like a car or a caravan or even a horse. You know, when something moves really fast in the dust, what rises behind it, a cloud of dust it leaves a trail of dust. So even if it's gone, you could see some some horse went by here, because I still see the cloud of dust. Right? That cloud of dust is called nucca. It's not just any dust, it's specifically the dust that rises up in the air when something moves by the in really fast motion. So these horses they cause this clouds cloud of dust to rise, but before we get go further into the

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next ayah, we have to discuss the word v. For FL. V NACA, we talked a little bit about Asana, we talked about NACA, the cause the cause to rise, that's a phenomena. NACA is the cloud of dust that they're causing to rise, but the word we're missing in the middle is biggie. So what does that be the pronoun he is referring to? It could be referring to McCann, for example, will keep in mind from the mechanic I do. When do we hit upon this in other words, when the attack when the action when the fighting begins, there's so much action on the ground, that dust is rising, and you can even see your enemy. So once the battle begins, it's completely covered and engulfed in dust you can barely

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see in front of you in the chaos of battle. That's one implication of the second is be he could be referring to the morning that even though it's morning and the sand is damp, when sand is damp, and moist, it doesn't rise. But even though it's the morning, this is some intense battle that this despite that the dust is rising anyway. Or this Biggie could be the other meaning because of the striking of the horses, they're causing these clouds of dust to rise. above our radar. Mahalo had an opinion about the word NACA, which is a minor opinion, but it shouldn't be addressed in sha Allah and Nakamura sewed, NACA in Arabic also means to elevate your voice to raise your voice. The first

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meaning is a cloud of dust. But the second meaning also is to raise your voice and the two are rhetorically connected in Arabic. Why? Because when you get lost in a cloud of dust, how do you get found

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by raising your voice you can't be seen anymore so you can only be heard by using that word rhetorically another dimension added to the scene is these horses are in battle dust everywhere they're marching as fast as they can, you know sparks are flying and now you hear screaming right? It's become even you know, an intense scene because of the use of the word knuckle in addition to what it already was. Now we get to the final I have the oath fella cellphone that'd be he Gemma then they penetrate what's up what's up in Arabic is to the to penetrate right to the middle of something that was hot and then these verses penetrate to the very middle you know how encircled Bukhara Allah

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says, What can Danica Anna Come on man, what's up Ah, same word is used the middle nation, same word is being used here. What's up tonight in the verbal form, this is the feminine plural, verbal form. And because of that battle, and because of that cloud of dust, using that to their advantage, they penetrate all of them was harmonize the feminine plural. So the entire group penetrates all of them be using advanced the advantage of the cloud of dust jam all together. So what we're learning here is something really incredible. You know,

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When you attack the enemy especially if you know that the enemy knows you're coming, the enemy is waiting with his fears he sees the cloud of dust rising he knows you're on the way because that scene has already been said now look at it from the camera angle of the enemy he knows you're coming he sees the sun rising he sees the sparks and he sees the cloud of dust he could see you from a distance coming when that's the case you don't go all out against the enemy you ever seen as sort of a battlefield even a mock battlefield even in video games, they do this you send the first wave then you send the second wave you don't shoot you don't throw all your forces in at once that suicide

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you're gonna get killed because you have no backup support left everybody went in. But first of all we learned these are very few idea the feminine plural Gioconda, there are few second, we learned they all went in, they don't even care. They all went into the heart of the enemy. I thought maybe he

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was open IV jam or they penetrated into the very gathering of the enemy. What is the word Jim or could be applied to the horses these guys that are attacking Jamal could also be used for the enemy, meaning they went right into the heart of the entire gathering. Now you can imagine though the enemy also has line one, line two line three you know how soldiers stand in lines and these guys it's almost like they formed a spear and the the penetrated right through those lines crushing their way in and where are they now in the middle and when they're in the middle where's the enemy

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the you know before the enemy was in front of them, but now when they're in the middle is the enemy all around them, the enemies all around them. I was gonna be Gemma. Now. When I stop here, just I mean, I wanted to give you some some

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background about the the word back a little bit. I was hoping to be Hebei could be transit transitivity. We said taking advantage of the dust. But also by here could mean and halia which means immediately as the dust cloud rises immediately there's no hesitation they go right into the heart of the battle. Okay. After we said all of this, the Arab who is listening, no mention of stories of the prophets. No halal or haram? No Day of Judgment. No, Allah is one no accept the messenger. No. Why do you kill the baby daughter? Why do you do this? Why do you do that? Nothing, no religious instruction at all for five ions. All these ions are doing their life

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getting his attention.

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And it's talking about stuff he really wants to hear. And by the time you get in this trailer, to where these these guys are in the middle of the enemy, and they're all around him. The Arabs eyes are bulging out. He's like what happened next?

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And the screen turns black. Allah doesn't say anymore. He's got his attention now. Right? That's when he's got his full attention. Now it's a climactic moment, you want to know what happened next. That's what you want to know really badly. Now, at that point, Allah says what he wanted to say all along. Had he said what he the agenda was not the object. Remember, the, the agenda is never the object, the agenda is the subject. Now the level present the subject. Now understand the difference between presenting the subject now and presenting the subject before, if you present the subject for what's the disadvantage, nobody's paying attention. But if you present the subject now, they are

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there. Stop listing everything else. If somebody is talking to you. Listen to this man. I'm trying to listen to hear right there, their full attention is gone this way. Now, what is alarms that would you say to them? Before I tell you what he says, I want to tell you something more about what the Arab is thinking.

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The air loves the horse, loves the horse. He loves the battle horse on top of that, on top of that he loves the battle horse that's female because it's fast. On top of that, he loves the battle horse that is female and fast and is willing to risk its own life for who,

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for the master. The era of used to make poetry about the horse all the time, the forests in the northeast in general, too, who haven't

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been baby too much. The poet makes boring says I have a beautiful horse. It is so exotic, that I have pleased for him a barrier so nobody can look at him. And I even hired a servant to take care of they love their horse. They make poultry about how obsessed they are with their horse. The way you talk about your car, you know, I put new rims on it, man. Right? I'll put a dual exhaust or I put this system on their system is what I put a new saddle on this guy here. Whatever, right? They're obsessed with this horse. And these are just talking about this horse. And this guy is appreciating man, this horse is so loyal. When it's when it's life and death. When the enemy spear attacks, it

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doesn't hit me first, who does it at first? My horse and if you know anything about animals, they have this crazy thing called animal instinct, which means when they see danger, what do they do?

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They run away. But this horse is so loyal to me. It's willing to give up its own survival its own animal instincts.

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For loyalty to me, right? It's a he's the Arab is appreciating the loyalty that has his horse shows him, he's the master and the horse is the slave. And he shows loyalty. Allah says in in Santa yob de la kanoon. No doubt the human being is truly disloyal to his master.

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Allah says the human being is not loyal to his master at all for sure.

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A second ago this guy was thinking, Man, how loyal this that's the slave, I'm the master and how loyal he is. And then Allah says, No, no, no, actually, you're a slave. And you have a master, and you're not very loyal at all, on

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how the argument is constructed, how its how it's really a curveball that is thrown at this this motioning, we couldn't have imagined. You know, it attacks him from where you couldn't have imagined. And it hits him really hard. And it doesn't hit him in here. It hits him in here. And it's in his heart. Right? He can't even come up with like, intellectual arguments now. No, no, no, because you know, he feels it at this point. And when you feel something, you're left speechless, you're completely utterly left speechless. And that's what a lot of agendas in this ayah let's talk a little bit about this word kanoon. Most of us Iran, they comment on this word, and they say canoed

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a cuckoo canoe, it means ungrateful. Mostly, they say that it means ungrateful performly NEMA I'm grateful to the favor. Allah has given the human being so much Allah has even given the human being ability over animals and so much ability that they surrender themselves to him. And Allah give the human being this ability so he would obey Him on this earth the human beings job was he's given all these facilities I'll give you intellect I'll give you power over animals I'll give you I'll give you a knowledge I'll give you civilization so you do what you obey me. Allah gives you all this and what is the era of use all this for?

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to rob

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right? He gives you all these gifts and what are you using them to rob the other enemy and when the robbing is being talked about, you're all into it to Oh, man, this is getting good. You know? The so Allah azza wa jal basically use this false deviated idea of, you know, what should be elevated, what should be appreciated. And by the way, we do this too, in the movie industry in the modern West, criminals are turned into heroes. Right, then we're gonna rob a bank, and we're gonna make a movie about it. Are we gonna steal a few million dollars and we're gonna, these are the, you know, good actor, that's a great movie, man, the way they stole, right? Or the way they come in to dinner or

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whatever, right? They're all the heroin is glorified. It's glorified. Right? And we say, Man, that was a great action movie.

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Right? They got those poor, hard working people pretty good. You know, this twisted sense of morality, a lot of uses it, entertains them with it, and then attacks them. When they were least expecting he attacks them and cuts off their moral foundation. I'll tell you what.

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We find a Shogun new, commenting. Good news also means cutting apart to dis to disassociate to separate, meaning the human being separates himself from the mastery and the slavery to Allah, He disassociated himself, the horse doesn't disassociate himself from the writer, but the slave of Allah. This human being he disassociated himself from his master's on a law. But then I want to share with you the difference you know, Arabic is really the beauty of the Arabic languages when you look at words that are the same meaning and you discover what makes them different. So if the other might say that canoed is like for exceedingly ungrateful, that's what they have in common. But what

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do they have? That's different? What do they have? That's different? Why is that even more important? Let me tell you, in that in Santa, the i o begins in the in Santa Now listen, listen to these other places. Instead of Abraham, he says, In Santa Ana level, lumen kapha, in sort of college in Santa Monica food in salt assura in Santa cafo, in Soto Sakharov in Santa Monica for a movie, then in all of these, what did you hear? Can you there cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo. cuckoo, cuckoo Cuckoo. And there's one place in for ongoing instead of saying cuckoo, but they say, can you? So there's a difference? If it was the same thing that word has been used elsewhere, too. So what makes

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this word special? What's different about food than canoes? For once again, what are these two words have in common? To be ungrateful? That's what they have in common. But let's go further. This is a special type of Ingrid. First of all, this is a little novella, so it's extremely ungrateful. It's not just ungrateful. It's extremely ungrateful. How do we know that because of the Wow, in canoes, see how to mobilize? Okay. One who remembers and makes only mention of the problems and complaints and never makes mention of favors? That's the kind of person that's called Kenyan. So when you ask a person, how's life, and what do they remember all their problems and what don't they accept all the

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good things that are happening to them? Like for example, yes. How's marriage

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got problems. You

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isn't listening, she does this, she says that you got all the list of problems. And you ask, can you give me a small list of things you should be grateful for in your marriage, something Allah has given you in your marriage that you should be grateful for? I can't think of anything. I don't know.

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Can you? That's the attitude of gratitude. There's so much Allah has given us. And you can remember the complaints, but you can't remember the favors, right? You open up the fridge, and you see like, eight different kinds of juice, and four different kinds of soda. Oh, man, no Pepsi.

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You know what that is? That's kind of, instead of showing gratitude for everything you do have, what are you whining about? The one thing you don't have. And we even teach this to our kids. That's the crazy thing. We teach them since they were little to become going to the scary how we take them to the toy store, right? You take one of the biggest mistakes you'll make in your life is take your child to a toy store, no child, you go observe this, okay? No child ever walks out of a toy store happy ever. You buy them something for $10 $20 $100 $200? Whatever you spend on them, as they are leaving, where are their eyes?

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On the $2 million of merchandise left behind?

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You understand? We're not instead of teaching them to be grateful, we're heating them all. Can we get that next time? Can we get that to that will always we're training them to want more so how to love we have to learn to avoid these things are subtle things, but the embedding the psyche of a person, right? And then they get older, it's not toys. It's what they want out of a marriage. It's what they want out of their family. It's what they want out of their community. They're just always ungrateful, they're never happy. They're miserable people in dunya and and

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this makes you miserable here, if you're grateful you're happy in this world at least. You know, if you have a one bedroom apartment and you're grateful to Allah, you'll be happy. But if you are ungrateful, you can have a 12 bedroom and you're still unhappy because there's a 13 bedroom with somebody else. You're not happy, you saw somebody else who has more. So it says in insana Europe be lucky, especially when it comes to his master. He is extremely ungrateful, extremely distant the word can use also includes disloyal has no loyalty, Allah gave him this, this, this, you know, the Master says to the horse, I gave you food, I gave you a stable I give you shelter, I feed you. I

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take care of you, you better ride for me. Right? The the master demands when he gives to the property.

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We have that demand and whenever we own something, we expect things from it. Okay, we don't own horses anymore. We own computers, right? You expect things from your computer, it stops working, you throw it away? useless piece of junk. Right? In the olden days, somebody owns a cow, I'm gonna milk this cow, it stops giving milk. Okay, you know what? I'm gonna slaughter you. At least I'll get beef, are you? Right? The idea is it's mine, it better do what I want it to do it better show me loyalty. Unless I own you. I am the master you're the slave. I'm an Malik was a good one more of

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these are the meanings of Rob, the one who owns the one who has complete authority. You know these meanings I say all the time. But I can't help but repeat this because it's such a deep concept. You know, when we own something in this in this world, not right now you own something, but you don't have full rights. You own it, you still don't have that you own your car. But you don't have full rights over your car. You can't do whatever you want. You have to put the seatbelt on you have to do emissions inspection, you have to do this, that the other, you own your house, you can't do whatever you want. You have restrictions even on the things you own, you don't have authority, but 11 he says

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he's allowed he owns us and he has authority. This is unlike any other ownership. And it's despite that authority he gives he gives he gives and he doesn't punish.

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And then what do we do in return and he gives we become even more disloyal, even more ungrateful. This is the human being in an insanity.

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Now these Ayat of Indian in sand, they can This is the second life last place in the Quran, where in sand occurs, the final place in the Quran is so colossal. And when we come to that I have in Santa Luffy hosel. When we come to that, I will look at all these ayat again and discover the beautiful treasure. Why is that? The last one that says Indian insanity? And why is that different? All the other places? Well, let me declarations about the human being some of which I shared with you today. Right. But at the end of it in the in San Jose, that's the climax of Panama.

00:49:26 --> 00:49:59

So this is in the linsanity OBE Let me see if I want to share anything with you. Actually, I got everything here. Were in the cache. And there is no doubt that he meaning the human being, especially when it comes to that is truly a witness. I'm rough translation. No doubt he's a human being, especially when it comes to that valic that you know what that is? That is the fact that he is ungrateful and disloyal. That's what that is referring to. Who knew? Okay, let's say he he's truly a witness. What in the world

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As aliquot in in Santa Ana punto de la de la galaxy II Liga hoodie

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allows the syllabi while the comments that are Lessing as follows that human, the human being is truly a witness against his own in gratitude and disloyalty. And he bears witness against himself as it manifests its effects manifest on him in his character and his behavior. And the biggest example for the Arab is how he's robbing and pillaging how he's doing, how he's using what he owns to disobey Allah, Allah gave him those things so he can obey Allah He uses those very things to disobey Allah Subhana Allah

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so why not shy him in Arabic witness is shy, was shy, he didn't want much who might shy but here we don't mind that we don't find the words. We're in the valley kalasha showerhead we find we're in the Hagia daddy Kala Shahi what's the difference between shy and shy This is that something that's happening at one time, Shaheed is safe. I'm Lucia Baja.

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And this is what we say something happening all the time. So the human being is a witness to his this loyalty when

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all the time there's not just one occasion. It's not just one scene that was just described, for, for this scene, he was showerhead. But now that he's come to this realization, he himself is a witness against himself all the time. All the time, the biggest testimony against you is your own self love captures this another place in the Quran, he says but in Santo Allah and FC vasila well, karma do know the human being is in full view against his own self, even if he makes excuses. The biggest witness against you is not anybody else on the Day of Judgment. You know, when a witness is brought to the court, I saw him Rob I saw him steal Guess who was brought to court on the Day of

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Judgment, you yourself, and who's gonna testify against you? Your own hands, your own your own tongue, your own feet, right? And you're gonna you're gonna start complaining, you must I hate to Marlena, why are you testifying against us? Unless I know you're a witness against your own self. You're enough as a witness. And on top of this, you know, when you feel inside, that I am disloyal, why am I like that? Why am I so messed up in your heart, you have already born witness that you are not loyal. You don't have to be you don't have to even save with your tongue. And this is a very important concept in Quranic logic. The Quran does not prove its point to others only by means of

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philosophical arguments. The Quran proves his point to people by making them feel deep inside them what the truth is, and that's what this is about. It's not about any philosophical arguments. There are no intellectual, you know, empirical proofs for the existence of God here nothing, no, no philosophical discourse, no abstract discussion. All this says is if you have any ounce of loyalty inside you, you will feel the vestige of the soul. That's that's what it is. It speaks to the deeply rooted nature of the human being.

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Then Allah goes further, incredible if we're in a holy hug, Bill, hi, Elijah, he is a very difficult diagrammatically It seems very simple on the time kids memorize it, right. But in the Holy hoeveelheid, Elijah did very short ayah. But as far as its syntax, and its depth is profound upon Allah, I'll offer you a rough translation first, and how it's translated. I don't necessarily agree with this translation, but how it's commonly translated, and no doubt he has his love of wealth is truly severe or intense. No doubt his love for wealth is truly intense. That's a rough translation of what in the hood you have been hiding initially. First of all,

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the structure of the IRA as expected was going to be different. And you know, ashokan Iraqi mahama comments on this, he says us will not mean IRA, and you call we're in the hula Shaggy, have been hired.

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In the hula shadow pavilion height, that would mean he is intense in his love for Well, he's intense in his love for well, but that's not how the ayah is structured. So I have to break this down for you in English. What are the benefits of our treasures inside this ayah First of all, Li in Arabic is used for the agile, it's half agile, it's the purpose it's a word that gives purpose. And for example, if I say I am studying for a degree, what that means is I'm studying for the purpose of a degree. So the word for implies purpose. What I'm trying to get at is the word for employees purpose implies purpose. And lead did not say for well, His love is intense. The word for is not used with

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The word for is used with love, in who Lee has not inhale, but you have the humble high for the level of wealth, he is severe, he's intense, what does that mean? The word hope if you look at the linguistic meaning in the Arabic language, we find this follows.

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The word hope means that is defined as a perception of something desirable, and one engaged in relentless pursuit of it. Hope in Arabic is defined. When you see something you think it's very good for you and then you do whatever you can to get it when

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You're doing that it is said you love it.

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two parts one, you think it's really good for you, it's good. And two you do whatever you can to get it. When you have these two things together, they call it love. That's what they how they in simplistic terms define love, okay. So now, the word love of what? In the eye level what COVID Hide. Hide in Arabic means good. But every officer says hide in this ayah means man, but well

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so why not say the man Why say what you have been hiding, instead of saying the level Well, for the level of wealth, he becomes his severe in his in his love of wealth and for the sake of it for the sake of keeping that love alive. He's tough even is shady and he's unflinching and shut dynamic is to tie a rope also that he sees tied up in it. He locked in it, but hear the word hate I want to share with you an incredible comments which we find by mZ Mama, some Allahu Eman hiren Allah named man wealth in this ayah as high as well as an akuna Sha one and it could be that it's bad. Isn't that true? wealth can be good and wealth could also be bad. So how come when I can ask that you do

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now higher and higher? And that's because people, people always think of wealth as what? Good so Allah called it good, because Allah is basically translating the mentality of the cashier for the cafe. There is no difference between wealth and good. Are you think that's good? Basically, what we're learning here is a lot of agendas being sarcastic. Oh, this is what you think is good. This is what you have so much love for it. And it's so intense for you, for the sake of preserving that love, you are so so bent upon it. And so, so intense Panama, in Napoleon Hill, hi, Irina, Shani.

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This, you know, the love the sentiment that the human being has.

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For what? In the previous slide, we learned something I want to tie this together with it.

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This Hi, this man, where does it come from? All of the wealth, all of the things that human beings want. They want a big house, they want nice clothes, they want a nice car, their desired, you know, affections of the opposite gender, whatever it may be. Everything comes from this earth, doesn't it? Everything comes from it and we'll go back into it. The question is in the previous surah What did Allah do with the earth where all your good comes from? Susie lesson

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in Java project in Scala, in shadow balance, you're running after this? Well, you dig the earth to pull out its treasures, forgetting that you will also be put into the earth. And instead of treasures only being dug out who's gonna be

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you will be you're gonna be dug out. And when you are dug out and those treasures together, you're gonna say, Man, I was running after this. This was worthless, not me, I Nemanja.

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My world my wealth didn't benefit me at all. heliconius who Tanya, my entire authority came and destroyed me. It completely dissipated from me.

00:58:06 --> 00:58:27

So this is the nature of the sad nature of the human being right now. He's so intense, so bent upon the love of wealth, the word shanita I want to comment on briefly inshallah Allah wa Hua Shan Egan. He had an America you know who he is very severe and tough and, and bent upon the maintenance of his level of wealth, and he's very strong about it. He's very tough about it.

00:58:31 --> 00:58:37

A lot poses a question. Does he not already know? Does he then not know either.

00:58:38 --> 00:59:18

When does he not know of the time when whatever is in the Greaves will be not just turned upside down or brought out. But for in Arabic is a compilation according to herbalist for honey, of Baraka and Africa, there are two words in Arabic that come together and meet the whole body buffer. What the verb means is, you know how you have a box full of stuff and you stick your hand in it to find something and you're throwing everything around until you find that one thing you were looking for, to basically turn things upside down to pull something out. Allah uses that verb for what's going to happen in the graves of either either Rama philippou, like that's going to be you're going to be

00:59:18 --> 00:59:27

yanked out of your graves like junk out of a box. So how does he know of the time when whatever's in the graves will be yanked out like this and pulled out from deep within?

00:59:28 --> 00:59:59

And I didn't say that worry, who Doesn't he know the time when he's gonna eat a burrito when he will be raised. He said whatever he whatever was in the graves will come out. Why say whatever? Why not refer it to him directly? Doesn't he know when he will come out? He didn't say that. He said What does he know when everything in the graves will come out? So why say everything? When human beings loved wealth in the beginning of the era, what were they doing for the sake of level wealth? You remember? What were they willing to do? You're willing to ambush and kill and pillage when

01:00:00 --> 01:00:31

They kill what do they do with their victims, they put them in the ground. On the day of judgment, not only will they come out of the ground, the people they put in the ground for their level of wealth, to this day are people being killed for wealth, our nation's going to war against each other in pursuit of wealth, or people being buried because of wealth. So it's not just you will come out of the ground, the people you killed, that you thought nobody cares about them, because we put them in a mass grave, or we put them in hidden graves, or he buried them under explosives. Nobody cares or knows about them. Nobody knows who their name is, but we're not going to be asked about it. No

01:00:31 --> 01:01:10

human rights violation group came after us. There's no record left. Guess what Matthew Woodward, everything integrates is going to come out, no evidence will remain on turns Han Allah and Allah ties the idea of loving wealth with killing in these two. And this is a human tragedy. It's the case even now, because of the level of wealth most killing on the face of this earth is having happening Why? If nothing else, but the level of people kill each other after inheritance disputes, business disputes, nations over resources like oil and you know, gas and water supplies. What is that but well, all of that as well. And people are willing to kill each other for such a deep reality

01:01:10 --> 01:01:51

captured in this just two words of Allah Allah is Rama. Then he says Subhana Allah how he completes the subject from sunup to sundown. waha cmfs pasila Algeria Omar, Hassan, the Sahaba Elisa, not assuming hiding our shell, the word taxine in Arabic pasila rough translation, whatever is in the chest will be brought out. That's how it's commonly translated. But that's in Arabic means that peel and extract something from like, like you know how banana you peel it and kick the banana out. Imagine like you have, you know, mango or other fruits. You take the you peel them, you get the inside the meat of it the most that you really want, and you put it together and you pile it up

01:01:51 --> 01:02:02

together. Allah uses that word for what's in the chest. Everything will be scraped out of the chest, like the chest will be peeled off and everything on the inside will be scraped out. If you remember something about the last time

01:02:03 --> 01:02:04

we studied.

01:02:05 --> 01:02:06

familia melmoth

01:02:07 --> 01:02:16

Siobhan, Yahoo, me and Haven, Yahoo, the previous surah mentioned the smallest deed. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

01:02:17 --> 01:02:22

But actions are not in the chest what's in the chest? This is about the chest right.

01:02:23 --> 01:03:02

The last I mentioned the smallest deed and this is going even further even not even a deed what you are hiding inside and what are we hiding inside this little already mentioned will hide the human being is hiding what inside? First of all, he's hiding a testimony of his disloyalty to a man that's what is in the chest already. Now. The other thing is hiding is the love of well, the love of love and this will be scraped out of him so the previous I mentioned Harmon and this I mentioned this surah mentioned what's in the chest the intent the motives, the testimony on the insights upon completing the picture. Now when you have you seen in other words now Allah has the picture of

01:03:02 --> 01:03:38

what's outside and also what's inside the outside wasn't so it was inside and this little has what's on the inside now while cinema has to do now you can say in narangba home became yoga in the hobby There is no doubt their master, especially in regards to them in this refer. who think there's nobody watching them. Nobody knows what's in their heart. Nobody knows what they did, especially in regards to them. Why did I say especially because be him is no condom. We don't say interrupt the home. yoma is in the hobby Don't be him. If be him was at the end, I wouldn't say the word especially. But this is the sauce and now you got them. Right. So in

01:03:40 --> 01:03:54

their their master no doubt, especially in regards to them on that day. On that day. Now that word Yama, even on that day is a continuation of the previous threats from the previous solar, you remember Yo mama even to have this was

01:03:55 --> 01:04:35

right by use of the word Yama in that thread is continuing that discourse is continuing. So now we find on that day, he will especially have hover of them he will be hobby of them fully aware, fully knowledgeable. So now I want to compare for you two words I mean and hobby, alim and hobby. The word hobby rhetorically in the Arabic language is more powerful than I need to be fully aware of the reality of something and every one of its details inside and out. Why is that word more appropriate in this case, it's more appropriate because now we've come to the point where not only there's a lot know what's on the outside, but also what's on the inside. And you remember last time what Elon

01:04:35 --> 01:04:59

mentioned on that as it was an invention. He mentioned what the human being himself will see how many scholars are often higher on Yahoo, he will see he the human being will see it. But in this now Allah is bringing it out for for himself to expose to Allah as always. So in malaba homie him Yama in the hobby. We conclude the surah with the discourse and how the beginning of it

01:05:00 --> 01:05:27

rhetoric is tied to its end. The surah begins with the carefree Arab who pillages and robs and is not worried about the consequences. Who doesn't think anybody knows what's going on? Nobody knows what happened here. Nobody will keep record. But the surah ends with someone who had full news and is fully aware with every last detail on what he did on the outside. And what he's keeping on the inside and out of the home behind Yama is in da da da Mahoney. Hakeem when I finally

01:05:29 --> 01:05:30

came to Santa Monica

Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma

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