Life #21 How to use the Quran for healing

Musleh Khan


Channel: Musleh Khan


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The speaker discusses the benefits of using the Quran for healing, including a connection with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and a focus on the importance of having a steady and consistent faith. The speaker also discusses the two groups of believers that receive the Quran, Al Adhina Aminu and Mu'min. The importance of having a consistent faith for Islam is emphasized, and recipes for the Quran are discussed for healing.

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How do I use the Quran for healing?

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Assalamu Alaikum Warhamatullahi wabarakatuh.

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So how do you use the Quran to

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heal you? Whether it be sicknesses,

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maybe you have a cut or a scratch,

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can you use the Quran

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and heal that pain,

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that sickness?

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells us in the

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Now this verse Allah clearly says that we've

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sent down this Quran

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as a source of cure and shefa.

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And it's also a mercy especially

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to the believers.

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Now there's a number of things to keep

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in mind with this verse that'll help you

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and how to use the Quran

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as healing.

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Number 1,

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the Quran Allah A'Souza

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We've sent down from the Quran Shefa. What's

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the benefit in knowing that? The Quran ultimately

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it comes from Allah. This is Allah's words.

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So in order for the Quran to be

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a cure for you, what must you have?

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You must have a connection with the author.

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You must have a relationship with Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala. So you've got to live the

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life in order for the Quran to work

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for you. There are so many brothers and

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sisters I meet them every now and then

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who don't

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practice Islam.

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They want the Quran to cure their headaches

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and pain and all of their sicknesses.

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It won't work this way. It requires

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us to have a steady and consistent connection

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with our creator

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The second thing is really interesting in the

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same ayah. Allah then says it is a

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it is a mercy for the believers.

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Do you notice the ayah doesn't say

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that it's a mercy for Muslims.

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Allah singled out and focused on believers.

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What's the benefit of knowing that? Well brothers

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and sisters,

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in order for anything to be beneficial

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for you and I in our redeem

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it has to have Amen.

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You have to have the kind of faith

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that's a quality in you. So now follow

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me on this. There are 2 groups that

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Allah constantly makes reference to when it comes

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to iman in the Quran.

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There is Al Adhina Aminu and then there

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is the Mu'min.

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Al Adhinah Amenu is the one that recognizes

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this is part of Islam, this is part

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of my faith, but they don't actually practice

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So they recognize right from wrong but they

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don't necessarily implement it. They may say, you

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know, I'm not ready to do that or

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I'm struggling in that area but I know

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that's the right thing to do. That's a

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Ladina Aminu.

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Then you have the second category the Mu'min

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or the Mu'mina.

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This is the actual believer.

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This is the label.

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Iman is a quality in their life and

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they're in it and they're in it to

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So whether they know it or not as

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long as they know it's part of their

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faith they will practice it and it becomes

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a quality.

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It's a part of their life. Nobody can

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take it away from them.

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So this ayah

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the second group, the mumineen.

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So that tells you and I

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that Islam has to be a quality and

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a part of your life. It can't just

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be something you turn to, like if it's

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a bottle of Tylenol or Advil.

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When I need it I'll use it. It's

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got to be a part of you even

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during the good times, even when you're perfectly

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So the Prophet alaihis salatu wasallam told us

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that as long as you're close to Allah

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during the easy times then Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala will respond to you during the tough

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So it's very explicit and clear.

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The key to making Quran work for you

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and use it as medicine or healing

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all lies in your connection

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with Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. You stay connected

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with Him, you have a consistent relationship with

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Him. Bi izni lahi ta'ala.

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You can select verses and you can recite

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it on your scratch, on your cut. If

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somebody is sick, somebody's suffering with cancer or

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disease you can recite some Quran on them

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bi idhnillahi ta'ala by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's

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Qadr and will

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they will find Shifa bi idhnillah. May Allah

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Shifa, Allahumma'amin.

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Shifa, Allahumma'amin.