Nouman Ali Khan – 10. Characteristics of the People of Jannah

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of forgiveness is discussed in Islam, including suppressing anger, avoiding drama, and being forgiven in a harsh way. It is emphasized that forgiveness is not just a means to avoid loss, but also a means to create a "fit." It is also discussed the negative impact of shameless actions on people's memory and feelings, as well as the cycle of mental health to overcome past mistakes and achieve forgiveness.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ruby let me show you what he

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has to

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tell me. And

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you will.

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You will tell me

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when we mean

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Nina and in

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when Naveen Eva

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law has

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made him

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feel in love

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When I'm you

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the moon

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he has an

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odd quality nothing. Well, yeah.

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I mean,

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me, I mean listening to hopefully.

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Allah Subhana angle multizilla ilaha illallah

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wa salatu salam, O Allah, Allah Allah, Allah

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subhanaw taala we're going to be briefly studying is number 133 to 136 of Sudan, Iran. So number three, and yesterday as we were talking about forgiveness and the importance of forgiving others, and the value of it will be to turn the tables and seek forgiveness ourselves. inshallah Tada. And this passage in particular represents one of my favorites personally because Allah azza wa jal describes a people. And before he describes them, he tells them to run towards gender. And when he's done describing them, he describes a few of the ones who get gender. So the passage is sandwiched between two IOP. And both describe gender and in between these people. So you can imagine these

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qualities are not a small matter, they're a big deal. And they'll put on these characteristics, but a larger region is about dimension. So he says, What sorry, oh, in a

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rush or one towards the forgiveness from your Lord, well, then nothing has ever worked well, and towards a garden or agenda, whose real estate whose size whose expense is that of the heavens and the earth, or it just been a team that has been prepared, well prepared for those people who have suffered.

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And in these few is a level described some features of them attacking, what makes them attacking, and he says, and lavida fsri, even the first feature, we are people who spend when it's easy, and when it's difficult to spend when it's easy, and when it's difficult. You know, spending when you when it's easy is actually goes without saying, when you get a bonus, or you get businesses doing really well. And you call your mother and you say mom business is going really well. She says, you know, you should be grateful, get some soda, or your father will say make sure you feed some people, you know, just as a great show of gratitude that, you know, things are good right now, right? So

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people tend to have this attitude when things are good. But when things are bad, we feel as though when we give what's going to happen is we're not going to get it back.

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Or when we give we're already in a tight situation in shallow and things get better than I will give. But the people who really have realized, first of all, Alinea

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will come in here, Alonzo john mentioned, whoever has Acquavella makes a way out for him, and provides him from where he couldn't even imagine. But he also says when you come in hiring us in a calm,

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whatever good you spend, it will be refunded to you.

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It will be given back to you and you will not be wrong.

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And the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he promises us that the man the money, it cannot experience any loss because

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when you give sadaqa It is impossible that your money will experience loss. And this is the promise of the messenger Salallahu alaihe salam. Now, you know, I know tons and tons of stories of brothers who will give sadaqa or who will give in this even from my personal experience, I know. Right? People will give a certain amount of sacrifice and they will remind themselves

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whatever you're going to give it will be returned to you. And they will find a few days later a few weeks later, just soon after, they get a bump in the business or they get a contract or they get somebody giving them a gift or something like that. And it's in the amount or more than they had given in South Africa.

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Because they believed in the law, they knew the promise of the law law will not let it go with

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this money that you're giving is not going away, it will be returned to you, and more. So we have to have this confidence in the law. And really, when things like this, you experienced them, this strengthens your mind. So giving in the sake of a month, is actually an opportunity to become more conscious of us presence. So Hannah was, so he says the first thing I love the name for

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those who spend in times of ease and times of difficulty, and especially in times of difficulties, what's being highlighted here, when Calvin Nina,

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now here, just switches in the syntax of the iron, he says up home. But he doesn't use a theorem for the people who suppress anger, he says one cavalrymen over it, it's an ism isn't being used. What this implies is a simple transition would be the people who swallow their anger. The people who swallow their anger, the next characteristic will help them innovate. First of all, the important thing to understand is swallowing.

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When you're chewing on something, and you close your mouth, like chewing on an apple, and you close your mouth, there's some slowing in your mouth, isn't it? So I can see there's something still there. But if you swallowed what you're eating, can I see that something's there, it's gone. So now there's one thing to try to hold your temper. You're angry, but there's still this, look on your face. Right? Or your

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you don't take a deep breath or something, or you take a walk, there is an expression of anger. But the people Ally's describing here are people who swallow completely suppress their anger. So you don't even know anything is there.

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And because the SM is used, they do this often. They do this over and over and over again. So the opportunities for them to get upset. As soon as they come up, immediately they respond and to swallow their anger as though nothing is wrong. So their wife or their children, or their friends or the brothers don't even have a chance to ask them, something's wrong. Are you okay? It doesn't even come to that point because they can't even see it on their face was telling me No.

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And then he says what I've seen and on top of this, he adds those who lovingly forgive people

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and also over and over now forgiveness is of two kinds. You know, you could forgive somebody but while insulting them. Like if one of you was mean to me the other day, I could turn around and say, by the way, you were mean to me the other day, I forgive you. You're not so bad. inshallah Allah, Allah will forgive your sin. And I forgive you, too. I do that in public. And that forgiving him? What am I doing? I'm insulting him. Right? Even if you go up to somebody and say, by the way, you were pretty bad to me last year, but you know what, I forgive you.

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This is a show of arrogance. Or you want to pick another fight? What do you mean you forgive me? It is me. We should be forgiving. You.

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Just take some from there. But really, truly forgiving someone who happens in private. When you make go out for yourself, do you make God for this person? That's when you know, you've forgiven them. You know, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said one time he was upset with some Sahaba. In the same surah, it appears, some Sahaba disappointed him.

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Some of the messengers obviously upset for most of them. And so we I had come down to the mathematic minima in internal medicine, the mercy of Allah that you're lenient towards them, whatever open

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and forgiving. If you are hard hearted and harsh, and stern, they will run away from you. What is the thing the Sahaba would have run away from who? From the Messenger of Allah. Allah didn't say, if you didn't tell them the truth, it would still be telling them the truth, he would still be giving them fraud. The only difference is he would have been harsh.

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And even though he had the truth, he also would have a little run away from him. So what does he tell him fight or flight home? Then you forgive them? Western fellow home and ask a lot of forgive them. So this is a last Sunday of a leader when He forgive someone, not only does he forgive them, because the next step, what is that step? He has a lot of forgive them too. And it's in his private moment. He has a lot of forgiveness. So you want to gauge if you forgiven truly forgiven someone? Will you be making growl for them when you're alone? If you find yourself making drama for them, then there is nothing in your heart left. But if you forgive you say you forgive them when it comes

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to making dry cleaning, I'll skip over that one. I'm not there yet, then you really have there's still something left. But after means there's nothing left you've completely lovingly forgiven them. So the next thing is when

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and then

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masini. And those of Allah loves those who excel in disease. So these few characteristics in this one is the first characteristic was they spend when it's easy and when it's difficult. That was number one. Number two is they suppress their anger. And they suppress it continuously meaning that every time the opportunity comes we immediately suppress it. And third, they forgive lovingly in regards to people. They're very forgiving in regards to people and I want to make a comment

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Just a personal observation when it comes to this third characteristic and Muslim community, especially the religious Muslim community, a lot of times, Muslims, they hear a person speak, give a talk or give a speech. And they don't belong to the same school of thought, or they don't belong to the same understanding or ideology. And they'll say, you know, that guy you shouldn't listen in. He's a deviant. Because you know what he said in 1997.

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And in that one speech at that conference, I remember what he said, and I actually recorded him. And I've got the mp3 proof right here.

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Right? We're not forgiving of people are very harsh against people. And, you know, we ourselves, we say things that we regret. I've said a lot of very * things that I look back, and I wish that I loved those. I never said them. And Allah forgive me. And the people who I said it today, forgive me. How do you know even if the person was blatantly wrong, written me wrong? How do you know they're still on that? How do you know they didn't make Toba? How do you know it didn't change their mind, people change their mind all the time. I don't know, scholars that I loved, I admire that were a different person 10 years ago, 10 years ago, and then when they are now, what they used to say 10

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years ago, is that what they're saying, Now, they're completely different people. So will you know, as Muslims, you have to be more forgiving than that. And this is a characteristic of the Muslim. On top of that, there's one more serious matter here. You know, the people that write these blogs, and these, you know, these forums, where they're bashing scholars, and they're bashing institutions, and they're doing all this sort of stuff. How do you know what this person is worth to a large religion? How do you know, and this person may be close to a lot and you are a heart, your bad mouthing him? And so by taking all of your good deeds and handing it to them on the Day of Judgment, you're just

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doing them a favor. Right? So what is an important principle for the Muslim community? But of course, it stems from anger, right. So the first part is important ones, that we minimize those and suppress the anger. And another, again, personal comment. You know, this time around, we didn't experience the drama that we usually do around becoming of a new moon fighting, but in Acts of a Bada, and things that are that pertain to worship, the Muslim community gets so angry, and so frustrated, people separate from other people from the Sabbath, and make their own mustard or go and separate and make their own faction in their own community simply because what they pray 20 and we

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pray eight, it's not even a matter of and the anger is so high, like this is a matter of Toronto. And the tragedy is, these are people that are arguing over these things, while they have mortgages at home.

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And their children are taking like college loans of like, what 13% interest, but that's okay, we can pray for a week we have to pay 20, we can take 20 off to pray, come on, get real, you know, there's a lack of priority. And all of it comes from just this, this, you know, this, this state, which excites your anger and doesn't let you think clearly. So the second characteristic, those who suppress the anger and the third, who are forgiving in regards to people, and Allah loves those who excel in dating millimeters from them. Then he says something really peculiar. And this is what really catches one's attention. A lot as it were just talking about people who are in paradise. He

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says, run towards forgiveness and gender. And he's describing people are listening to the explanation. Well, levina is

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the people who were found when they had committed a shameless thing. They had done something shameless, something lewd, something vulgar. Now, a fashion show can be in words, a fact check. That can be from your eyes. A fact check can be a deed, right? Are you going to work someone or something, it can be any of those things. But it's something shameless, something that you do to fulfill or less. This is a package that

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I was describing people who go to agenda, and he's talking about people who commit a fracture, and then he adds a one or more and for some, all the wrongs themselves, they did something wrong against themselves. So fracture is when you do something because you're overwhelmed by luck.

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And the next is something you do and if this doesn't bring you any worldly benefit, but you do it anyway that Riba backbiting against someone, or lying, or jealousy, right? These sorts of things that Muslims engage in that don't bring them any benefit, but they engage in them anyway. So he says, those who commit this kind of fracture, whether it's on the internet, whether it's on television, whether it's going down the street, whether it's when they were commuting, and they looked at a billboard, right, whether it's on the train, whether it's at the workplace, it doesn't matter where it is, if they committed it, and they did something wrong against themselves. Allah

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you know, he says, For some

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reason, he doesn't even say some other common law, or psycho law, then they remember the law, or they're after they remember the law. It's simultaneous. As soon as they did something wrong. They remember the law. They mentioned the law. This is very, very difficult to do. You know why? Because in life, think about it. If you're in a class, or you're at work, and you get late to work,

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or you're in you know, you're in a classroom and the teacher has started the lecture. Already. You

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working late to class, you know, the number one thing you do most of us do, they avoid eye contact.

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Right? You kind of pretend like you didn't see the teacher and you kind of quickly make it your way to the seat. And you just sit down and you pretend like you're part of the audience, right? You don't want to cause any attention because you're embarrassed. When you walk in late to work, you kind of sneak into your cubicle without drawing too much attention. Right? And then eventually you come up to the boss says, When did you get here and you thought,

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you know. So, there is this thing, when we disappoint someone, we avoid meeting with them. We weren't talking to them, we avoid contact with them.

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And say, Fine, I was referring to the IRS 189 130 330.

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So now shaitan uses this against us. Here we are, we have disappointed not our boss, or our teacher or our parents, we've disappointed

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by the nature even affect the children, right to get a brand new bank card, and they come home, you will even see the door open, it will be very slow, and they will close it and all of a sudden,

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they're in the room. And they're sleeping.

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Right? Because they want to avoid contact with the one that seems disappointed. Now when Allah speaks about these shameless things, are this one of these sins? Were we disappointed? We were disappointed but Mr. Pena with Allah. So Stefan comes to you and says, Oh, you never pray. Now. After all this hideous things you've done, you call yourself a Muslim? You're going to go back to the land pray you hypocrites, or you want to go to the masjid. Now, you should be ashamed of yourself, what kind of double life are you leading? And these thoughts are running in your mind. And you say to yourself, you know what, yeah, I'm a total hypocrite I shouldn't, I can't even stand in

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front of a lion. Oh, I can't even pray now. So he uses your sin against you to make you think I can't stand in front of a window. I'm too embarrassed to go in front of a lion now.

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Now says immediately dimensional law. And they ask forgiveness for this. And then he adds something, he says woman in law, who's going to cover this thing, who's going to forgive this sin, accept the law? Or even go?

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If you're going to run away from Alaska, let's cover to still expose, you want to seem to be covered the one who covered in the last little dumber?

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Arla, you've got nowhere to run. You know what,

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but if you look at the simple example of a child, you know, one time I got stuck in my mind, I was at the mall. And this was, of course in Cerro de could, it wouldn't happen here

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at the mall, and this child is misbehaving in the store. So the mother does have a nice old spank, right? And his bomb, and he's crying.

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Where does he go?

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He runs back to the mother Morrow. She's like, leave me alone, Mom, he's stuck. He's not going anywhere else. Because he knows the only protection he has is where everybody else is a stranger. The only one who loses the mother, even if she's mad at me still going to the mother. Now this is just somebody that child and this child, here we're talking about in the last panel, when we disappoint him, Are you gonna go? Who are you gonna run to unova in Loma, and then he adds one condition. You see allies describing people who make its agenda.

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sometimes shameless ends, right? Which one not one thing, we've done those things, we still have that one thing, if we can fulfill the condition, we mentioned a lot. And we asked forgiveness for our sins, but then he adds one more condition. And he says, Well, um, you

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they don't insist upon what they had done.

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They don't insist upon what they had done. And this is important to understand. You do something really bad. You're embarrassed about it. You mentioned a lot. You make a stepfather. You see, you're not going to do it again, you make Toba, right? But in the back of your mind, you say to yourself, well, in a couple of weeks, I'll probably be doing this again. Good thing there is over.

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So you go do it again. And then you go back again, and you ask a lot of forgiveness, a couple of tears. And in the back of your mind somewhere. You're looking forward to two weeks later, because it's a cycle in your head, right? If you've already committed you've already defeated yourself, you have this defeated mentality that you are going to send. Let's make Toba but it's a cycle we'll come back to it. Right, then this doesn't apply because Allah says well,

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Allah masala but then on the other hand, is another type of person. There's a type of genuine genuine Nicola generally mentioned a lot. And as a lot of

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potential human beings. Sometimes we make the same sin again, it happens. It can happen. But it didn't happen because it was in the back of your head, I'm gonna do it. You just fell into it much, much later, by accident, right? And you got overwhelmed on time and you fell into this thing again, this is not what I'm talking about. You should make a step out again and not give up and say, Well, I'm not I don't apply here because I insisted on my sin. No, no. This is for the people who intentionally insist on their sin. And what's the proof of that Allah says when

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we're home and they know they have full knowledge that they're going to do this.

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You know, and so let me just get the super nice about these people October when they set it over

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in the first lesson in number kobato Allah

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Allah, Allah has made someone mandatory. And so for people who make it who do an evening out of overcaution

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the dungeon is over soon after that

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does not happen

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over and over. So yeah,

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it happened one time one thing.

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So they do it over and over, right. And then

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until that presents itself to one of them.

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When that comes to him, he says, October, October is no good for the next group of

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lorries over any good for people who died. And they work

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a lot with two people in the same category. People who say the only time they will make one foot is in the grave. That's when they missed over. And the same people in the same situation as a co founder and ricotta is no good. And these people sober is no good. So when we need to go to bars or whatever, we have to be sincere. When we asked this forgiveness, we have to be sincere what we learn from this is the people who are guaranteed and that will not turn into angels, they will sit, but it is what happens after the thing that will determine whether they are from the people agenda or not. They immediately mentioned Allah. And imagine if you immediately mentioned Allah, wouldn't you be

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ashamed? If you're doing something hideous? And you mentioned the last name? Wouldn't you be

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50% right away and ask this the father would be genuine, it would be from the heart because otherwise you don't realize. And we had we don't even realize why we're saying it. It's not realistic for you. When you ask someone when you say sorry to someone and you don't look sorry, and you don't feel sorry, then you're not really sorry. But in those cases, when you immediately mention a line, ask a lot of forgive, then you're genuinely sorry, that's real estate. Allah grant is the ability to make that realistic path. And I concluded that the other 10, which is a discussion of gender.

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Those are the people there pay back his forgiveness. And then he says, from there.

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And it's multiple gardens from the bottoms of which at the foot of which rivers are flowing, when meaning and what an awesome reward for people are of the people work, the reward of the workers who do work. One subtlety that I'd like to share with you in ChildLine. We closed in the first video in our mouth era.

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He says one to forgiveness and towards Jehovah God is the dimension.

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The IRS had concluded he says

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if you if you reach this, if you fulfill these requirements, then the payback is

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forgiveness. But then Jana

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was the offering now

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than that. So the incentive even goes higher. Because always expecting these things from the believers. And these are things all of us can achieve. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from the people of genda little miracles from the people who he says

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how awesome the reward of those who get to work their lives to put us to work for his medical novel medical America, America.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into the important characteristics of the Dwellers of Jannah in this enlightening lecture.

In Surah Ale Imran, verses 133 to 136,

“Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous. Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men- for Allah loves those who do good. And those who, having done something to be ashamed of, or wronged their own souls, earnestly bring Allah to mind, and ask for forgiveness for their sins,- and who can forgive sins except Allah?- and are never obstinate in persisting knowingly in (the wrong) they have done. For such the reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens with rivers flowing underneath,- an eternal dwelling: How excellent a recompense for those who work (and strive).”

In the above verses, Allah SWT describes some characteristics of people of Jannah that can be summarized as follows:

  • These are the people who spend when it is easy and when it is difficult.
  • People who swallow their anger.
  • Those who lovingly forgive people.
  • Those who excel in their Deen.

The above points have been dealt with individually in the most elaborate fashion for a clear and amazing comprehension. It deserves an intent listen.


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