Navaid Aziz – Fiqh of Salah #05 – Obligatory Acts of the Prayer

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The importance of finding the right distance between feet for praying by oneself is emphasized, as it is a beautiful way to start off the Salah. The speakers stress the importance of reciting a row of numbers, avoiding touching the shoulder of the person leading the wedding, and reciting the schedules. They also emphasize the importance of not touching anyone in a scene, keeping the line straight, and reciting the schedules. The speakers stress the need to avoid discomfort, ensure proper clothing guidelines, and hold a free event at the University of Calgary on November 6.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in and hamdulillah Nakamoto who wants to know when to stop when also below him and surely unforeseen a woman cicr Molina, Maria de la sala de la homeodomain hufa or shadow Wanda ilaha illallah wa watashi wa shadow now Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa early he was so happy he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira about my dear brothers and sisters so that multicompartment Allahu wa barakato

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so today we're going to be doing the actual sifaka sola the actual description of the Salah itself. So we will be performing the actual salah and that is why there's no table for today. But before I begin, there's two things I want to correct from last week. There's something that I forgot in, there's somebody that I made a mistake and so the thing that I forgot was when we were talking about the YG both of the Salah, I mentioned five things from the YG both of the Salah, who remembers them, what are the five things I mentioned from the YG but of the Salah.

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Okay, so that could be a lot from one position to position. The first shot hold fantastic. What else?

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Subhanallah Bella the

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shooting? No Subhan Allah, Allah Allah. And there's one last one.

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About failures. What I forgot is what I should have said. Sorry.

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The last the slim No.

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No, and as we mentioned already, sorry.

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Was that fifth one that I mentioned?

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No mentioned already. So let's just go through it. So it could be from the movement to movement. Six panel would be Alavi things.

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Six semula halimun hamidah Singh Subhan, Allah, Allah and sitting down for the first Shahada. Those are the five that I mentioned, the one that I forgot, and this is only in the humbling method. They said number six is between the two senators, you see are a bit fiddly, between the two sides of this you see a lot but really, and this is only for the humbly mehtab. Okay, and Allah subhanaw taala knows best with the proofer that is very, very strong. So at the very least, we can say it's a highly recommended sooner, and at the most we can say that it is from the YG but of the summer, as it is according to the humbling method. Number two,

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is that last week, in speaking very, very quickly, I made a big error of the tongue and injure correct that when we were talking about semi Allah halimun hamidah. I mentioned that the person that is leading the Salah, or the person that is spring individually and needs to say something Allah halimun hamidah. And added to this, as an error I mentioned even the person praying behind the Imam, even the person bringing the behind the Imam should say semi Allah, even hamidah this is incorrect, it is only the person leading the Salah, or the person praying by himself that will say something Allah has given me the the person praying behind the Imam, after he says something Allah Hanuman

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hamidah, you'll see one of the versions of robina will occur. That is what the person praying behind the Imam will say. So now let us start off with the actual civil to Salah itself. So what you want to do is at the beginning of the Salah, the first thing you want to do is make sure your feet are pointing straight, okay, feet are pointing towards the Qibla. Number two, the space between the feet, the vast majority of fuqaha, they said the space between the feet should be the distance of the shoulders. So yeah, wide shoulders, widen it a bit, you have narrow shoulders, narrow it a bit, the opinion that you should keep it like this, I think practically speaking, you understand it's

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very difficult to do, and it shouldn't be done, it should not be done. So this is where the individual that's praying by himself, he's going to line up himself towards the Qibla is going to make sure his feet are, you know, a good distance apart. So that's not uncomfortable for him. This is when he's leading the Salah, or this is when he's praying by himself. When he's playing with other people. What you'll want to do is make sure his heels are lined up next to the other people's heels, heels should be lined up next to the other people's heels. Do they need to be touching to the next person? It's good if they do so However, if they don't do so, the very least is that the

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shoulders should be touching the shoulders should be touching next to one another. Then he will face the Qibla and there's nothing that is said on the tongue. So there's no I make the intention to pray for us guys. We're so literally shot. There's no mention of Is it a first prayer or a sinner prayer, nothing like that at all. But rather the intention is purely in the heart. He should know that he's praying the prayer that is legislated at that time. Then he will start with the Bureau to Iran, which is the opening that could be and the integrity of the Haram can be made in one of two ways. Either to the years like this, or to the shoulders like this. Both of them are valid. Both of them

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are valid. Should he touched the years like this? No, he should not be touching the years. There's no

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Touching of the years in the military, but rather he just raises the hands like this either to the years or to the shoulders without actually touching the years. Now when he brings the hands down, I know it's difficult for you guys on this side, but I'll try to move over a bit so you can see as well. So now when he brings the hands down, he has an option. Either he goes Allahu Akbar, down like this, and then he put his hands up, or he can go Allahu Akbar, and go straight to the chest. Both of them have been narrated from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So either going like this and down, and then back up, or he can go Allahu Akbar, and then straight on to the area on his body.

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Both of them are legislated. And both of them have been narrated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, what does he do with his hands? Where do his hands actually go? So you will find three different opinions on this issue three different opinions on this issue. According to the Hanafi madhhab and the humbling method, after he goes Allahu Akbar, he will either place it on his belly button, or lower than the belly button slightly on the belly button, or slightly lower than the belly button. According to the Maliki method, after he goes Allahu Akbar, he will put his hands on the side, he will put his hands on the side. And then according to the Shafi method, if he goes

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Allahu Akbar, he will put it somewhere between his chest and sorry, his navel, his belly button, and his chest, his belly button and his chest and that is where the former they have stated that they will put the hands now there is a narration from one of the companions that he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam put his hands on his chest. And this was the preferred opinion of shaker Bani Rahim Allah and some of the scholars of Hadith. But Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best the strength of this hadith comes into question. However, out of all of the narrations that are narrated, the one that seems most authentic, this is the one that is narrated in Bukhari, that the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after he would make the military Haram, he would put his right hand on his left forearm, left forearm like this. Now in order to do that, that's naturally going to come above your belly button that naturally comes above your belly button. You can't put it below your belly button like this, because that looks really awkward, right? It looks like you're injured. But that's not the way it's supposed to be. So that is the most authentic narration we have. That is the one in Bukhari, that the right hand goes on the left forearm, and that is naturally above the belly button. This is the most authentic hadith. Now, the rest of the opinions there are valid, and

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the scholars have mentioned them and they're there, there are proofs for them. However, the most authentic one is the one of the forearm and that seems closer to the truth. Allah huzzah Allah, Allah. So that is where the hands are placed. Now we start with what does the individual actually start seeing? What does the individual actually start seeing, and I'll just turn over to make it easier. Now. Over here, there are many dwis that are legislated. The most common one that the people know is to find the color homopolymeric with a darker smoke what Allah jedoch Allah in Iraq, how many people say this opening to raise your hands if you say this, this is the vast majority of

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people they know this. It is one of the ones attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it is authentic and perfectly fine. But when you look inside the books of the allocation of Muslim, or if you actually call Bernie's books, refer to Salah. You'll notice that there's many, many other versions or many, many other narrations that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam used to say, as well, one of the beautiful ones that the prophets are sending us to say, and this is the one that I got accustomed to as I grew up was a llama bear it benei ouabain katajanokka my butter bean and mashed up on mclubbe that Oh Allah distanced me from my sins, just like you have distance the east

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and the west Allahumma knuckling him in kataya Can i inaka thoburn OBO domina Denis, Allah cleanse me of my sins, just like you cleanse a white garment from dirt, Allah homak sin, lemon kataya besides you and now you're on board, and Allah wash away my sins with water, snow and ice. And that was the visor Whoa, this is a very beautiful line. I think it's a wonderful way to start off the Salah, because it gives you a frame of mind that you're being cleansed through the seller because the seller, you know, there's multiple actions that you do that the processor that mentions that when you do that action, Your sins are being forgiven. So like when you go down into Roku or when

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you're going down to such that your sins are being forgiven. So it's a beautiful da that sets the frame of mind. So any dwai that is legislated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. At this time, you can say anyone that is legislated you can say now what if a person doesn't know any da What should he do then then he just goes straight to SoTL Fatiha then it goes straight to sotol Fatiha. So the DA over here is just something that is so not to do. It's not something that is mandatory. So keep this in mind for those times when you're really in a hurry and you have to like I'm not gonna say rush through the Salah, because that's an impolite thing to say, but the times

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where you have to do the absolute

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In a month, then this is one of the lines that you can skip. This is one of the slides that you can skip.

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Now we can go on to sorbitol Fatiha cirtl Fatiha. So at this time the person will say, I will do Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim before he starts the recitation of the Quran, this is something good to see as well. And then he begins with Surah Fatiha, he says Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen that is what he should do to start off the Salah with he starts off with Surah Al Fatiha and this is the rochen of the Salah as we mentioned so, circle Fatiha should not be missed. And we mentioned the different opinions upon this in the previous halaqa.

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The surah after that we mentioned it is a Sunnah to do so. So if you recite an extra surah, then this is something good to do. However, if you have to recite the absolute minimum, then that surah can be skipped, and there is no harm in it. What is the absolute minimum number of ions that he should recite. Some of the scholars mentioned that he should recite three ayat because this is the shortest surah in the Quran in our final Kota, the shortest surah It has three ayat, so that is the fewest number of it should recite. What if he just wants to recite a part of a surah. So for example, he just wants to recite the middle of sorts of Bukhara is he allowed to do this? And the

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answer is yes, you can recite just a part of a surah and that is perfectly fine as well. Now we're going to move on to the next action, which is to move into the court. So again when moving into the court, according to the opinion of the majority, the Shafi the Maliki and the humble limited, he will raise his hands till his ears or till his shoulders, ears or shoulders, like this, and then he will go Allahu Akbar, and go down into Roku. Now, in the Roku, what you want to keep in mind, your feet are still split apart, facing towards the Qibla Your hands are going to be on your kneecaps, and your back. This is the big one. You want to make sure that your back is as straight as possible.

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So not like this slouched over, nor should you go all the way down like this. What you want to make sure that your back is as straight as possible. They said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if you were to put water on his back, he would be able to balance the water on his back. Now when he's in this position, he will say Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah Subhana Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah Subhana, Allah vilavi it is preferred to say Subhana Allah, Allah the three times, if you can't do it three times, then just once. Now the scholar is differentiated between the man and the person who is praying by himself. They said if a person is an Imam, he should not say Subhan Allah

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Bella Diem or Subhan Allah, Allah more than 10 times he should stop at 10. However, if a person is praying by himself, he can see it as many times as he likes, he can say as many times as he likes, why do you think they said that he should stop at 10? What is the wisdom behind stopping attend?

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Exactly so he should not see more than 10 so as to not make it a burden upon the people praying behind him. mean that the Salah when the Imam is leading should be relatively quick. When you're praying by yourself, you can pray as long as you want.

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Are you allowed to making other statements over here? The answer is yes, but only after you say Subhan Allah be allowed in. So after you say Subhan Allah Bella, then you can make dua you can make Vicar, but you cannot recite Quran you cannot recite Quran when you're in a state of rocor or in a state of sajida. Now the question arises, what if I want to use a DA from the Quran? So for example, I want to say

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Robin eitf adonia, Hassan alacati, Hassan alcanada. But now, you're allowed to say this, even though it is from the Quran, however, you should not recite the whole verse from the Quran itself. So you don't read off, you know, alumina nassima Jaco. So you don't read the whole verse, but you just say the DA, and your intention is just the Diwan, and that is perfectly fine to do. There is no harm in that. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says specifically, that when you go into a court, then increase the Tao vehm of Allah subhanaw taala increase the glorification and magnification of Allah subhana wa Tada. And when you're in such the then increase in making dua to Allah subhanho wa

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Taala increase in making dua to Allah subhanaw taala because it is hoped that that is the dua that is answered, It is hoped that that is the DA that is answered. So in the record, you can make it as long as you want if you're playing by yourself, but the minimum you should do is Subhanallah bl Avi. Okay. So now after you've done the recall, I mentioned that your opinion that the majority was to raise your hands like this, the opinion of the Hanafi or Lama was that you do not do or follow them, they you do not do or have only a day. However, in all of the versions of the description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his Salah itself, it seems that the prophets of Allah

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Love audio send them they do have only a day, he did raise his hands now outside of tech village

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outside of the community Iran, it is legislated to raise the hands in three other positions in three other positions. position number one, when going into court position number two when coming up from the court, and position number three when getting out from the first shot when getting up from the first shot. Those are the times that it could be hard to raise your hands is legislated. So you should raise your hands at that time. So now let's go back over here. Persons coming up from the court. As he's coming up from the court. He was a semula halimun hamidah and raised his hands like this. Now when he's straight up, and he's content and in a peaceful state, that is when he will say

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Rob banner when I can hunt or banner wanna kill hunt robina wala Cal hunt is not something that is mandatory for the person that is leaving the salon or praying by himself. However this is something that is recommended to see it is something that is recommended to say because as you're getting up when you say some Yella Hanuman hamidah you're saying Allah subhanho wa Taala has heard the one who has praised him and that is why when you get up after that you see on a banana callaham that Oh our Lord, praise is due to you meaning that you want Allah subhanho wa Taala to hear what you have to say you want Allah subhanho wa Taala to hear what you have to say. Now, there are other versions of

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Robin Allah callaham they are narrated and all of them are permissible. So used to say a lot of mother can hunt or robina luck and hunt. These are legislated and permissible to say how about adding on to this? So one of the companions he added onto this, Robin our local Hamed Hamden kafir on urban MOBA, confy, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam approved of this, and he said that the angels were racing one another to write this down the angels were racing one another, to write this down. Now, let us pause over here for one second, and reflect. Why are there so many versions of the earth car? Why is it that there's so many different narrations of the different ways

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to make Vicodin the seller? Who can tell me why?

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fantastic. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us over here, that when you stick to the same car over and over again, is going to become monotonous, it's going to become redundant. You're going to get into like robot format, where you focus on just getting the task done, rather than building an affiliation with that act. And that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us so many different as car so that you can use them at different times. And that is why when you go through his non Muslim, the verses that I have from page 44, to page 78, those are all of the different adkar that are narrated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam inside of the

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Salah. So it's like 35 pages or so of different as you go to the books for the Sultan Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, and he brings like, you know, 7080 pages of different escop. So it's a good thing to get to know these unscarred and use them throughout your different Salawat so that it does not become robotic, and that you can build an affiliation with your car. And with those statements. So now you've come up, you've said semula, halimun hamidah. And after you're back, you're straight, you say a lot, but now I can humped and you can add to it as well from the legislated versions. Again, this is from the Sunnah act, and it does not need to be done, the

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additions do not need to be done, then you stand up straight until you're in your body is content, and it has done doing all of its movements. Now you're about to go into sajida. And as we mentioned, there are two ways of going into such the either on your knees first, or your hands first. Both of them the scholars of work have differed on which one goes first, my voice is going out here for some reason.

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You heard the hands first, we mentioned both opinions. We mentioned both opinions, but the opinion of the majority seems that you should go down the knees first. If you're able to if you're able to the majority have stated you go down on the knees first. And if it's difficult for you like it is for me, then going down in the hands first is not a problem either going down in the hands first is not a problem either. So now when you're going down in such the you want to make sure that your hands are split apart at shoulder with shoulder width. So look at where your shoulders are, then that is where your hands should go. And your head will go slightly ahead of the middle part. So the

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middle part is over here. Then your head will go first over here and with the forehead first. So forehead first down and then the nose and then the nose.

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Now when you're down in that state, as you mentioned last week for the men it is highly encouraged that the arms be spread apart. The arms should be spread apart like this. For the sisters we mentioned

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That the sisters should conceal herself and do it like this, so that the side of her body is concealed that the side of her body is concealed. Similarly over here, he will say Subhan Allah bl Allah at least once, at least once, that is the wajib component of the Salah. He can add more to that same thing if a person is praying by himself as many times as he like, if the he is the Imam then he should not do more than 10 times if he is the Imam he should not do more than 10 times. We also mentioned in the state of sajida, it is a good opportunity to make as much data as you want because this is the closest the slave gets to Allah subhanaw taala. And then one of the narrations

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentions that it is hoped that the one that makes divine such that his daughter will be answered it is hoped that the one that makes dua in such the is da will be answered. So there's multiple devices that can be made at that time, and a person should look at the various devices and try to do them. So now after he's finished one semester, he will get up and say Allahu Akbar. And then he will place his hands on his thighs over here, placed his hands on his size. Now, what is happening with his feet, actually, I forgot to mention this in the session about the feet in the sedge when you're making such that the feet should be together like this. And

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the toes should be curled towards the Qibla. So your feet are together like this. And your toes are to get your feet are together with your toes curled towards the Qibla. Now, when you're sitting like this between the two sides of this, then you put your left foot underneath your, your buttocks, I guess, if you want to call it and then your right foot is going to be like this is going to be flat facing backwards. You want me to sit the other way.

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Okay, so you'll be sitting well, it gets difficult when you're not facing the Qibla. But it will be like this so your left foot is underneath your butt and your right foot should be straight. Or if you're able to your toes should be curled, unable to curl my toes. So that's why I'm not sitting like that. But if you're unable to curl your toes, then you can leave it flat and that is perfectly fine. That is one of the ways that was legislated by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to sit down. Now, in this position, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make dua as well. And as we mentioned the humbling method. They said that in this position, it is legislated to say Rob

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Belk fiddly Rob Bell, clearly, at least two times, he should say Rob Bell filly, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to add to this by making a beautiful blog. And in fact, I just want to take

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a moment to reflect over this too, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say, Allah mcfeely were Honey, what did he what zucchini. What was born he was a funny word funny. So used to ask for seven things in this Diwan. He used to say, Oh Allah, forgive me, have mercy upon me, guide me, Grant me good sustenance, compel me to do good deeds, Grant me good health, and raise my status and raise my status. So these are the seven things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam used to ask for on a regular basis. Now when you learn this down, you'll find that the wordings get mixed around that there's different versions of the same dog. But he's asking for all seven things just in

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different ways. And the scholars mentioned that the Sahaba the Allah unconverted in different ways, or he said Allah I do sit I'm used to change up the order. But the point being It is good to ask for those seven things. Now when you focus on these seven things, the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, we all have sins that we need to be forgiven for the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala we're constantly in the need of Allah subhanaw taala His mercy in this life, but more importantly, none of us will enter Jannah without the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala guide me We are in need of guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah guides us to what is good, and he

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guides us to stay away from what is wrong. What a zucchini that we all need, we need sustenance from Allah subhanaw taala we need, you know, food we need to drink. We need money. So we're asking the sustenance from Allah subhanho wa Taala either watch Bernie This is the interesting one. I find this very interesting because there's not a very common draw that you find from the prophet SAW Selim. He's saying Oh Allah compelled me to do good watch botany to make someone much bored in the oral language means you're literally compelling them to do something. So here are the parts are seldom is saying that Oh, Allah compelled me to do that, which is good meaning don't allow me to do anything.

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That is how long don't allow me to do anything. That is how long? Then he says why Feeny that grants me Aafia if you can be translated as good health, but it genuinely means protected from harm in this dunya and then

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And then he says What a funny and raise me. And what this means is not only raising one status in this life, but more importantly raising the ranks in the hereafter that inshallah when we enter agenda we don't want to enter you know the gates of gender and that's where we're you know living for eternity you want to have the highest of Paradise right? So we're funny means raise my ranks in Paradise. So this was one of the beautiful daughters that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam used to make between the two sides of this and this is something that is highly encouraged to do this is something that is highly encouraged to do, then the slave of Allah will go back into such that you

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will go Allahu Akbar, like this, you will go Allahu Akbar. Like this again, the arms are spread apart, the head is slightly forward, the nose is touching, the palms are touching, the feet are touching, the knees are touching, and the toes are close towards the Qibla while the feet are together while the feet are together. And now this is officially one that aka that is done officially one that aka that is done. Now, let us move on to the second locker. So I want you to imagine I prayed one more rocker and now I've gotten up but I'm about to do this. I'm about to do the the shellcode in the shellcode there are three opinions that the scholars mentioned in terms of

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the finger in terms of the finger. So opinion number one is that your hands are like your thumb and your middle finger or circle to like this, your thumb and your middle finger are circled like this and then your index finger is pointed but it is down it is down okay you just keep it down. And only when you get to a shadow Allah, Allah Allah Allah then that is when you raise the finger itself that is when you raise the finger itself. This is the opinion that is legislated in the Hanafi madhhab. It is mentioned in the humbling method it is mentioned in the surfy method as well. All three of the mother had mentioned that that is when you see a shadow law in the halal law that you raise your

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finger at that time. Number two, you keep the finger pointed the whole time. So starting from here to Lila till you say salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah you keep the finger pointed the whole time. Is it a full point or just a partial point? It's not much of a difference. But the narration seemed to say that it was a partial point mean that it wasn't fully erected. It wasn't fully erected, it was just partially pointing. And then the third opinion that you mentioned, that we mentioned, and this is mentioned in the Maliki method, as well as the humbling method, that the finger will keep moving throughout the finger will keep moving throughout like this. Another narration mentions that while

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the finger is moving, it's rather moving very quickly, that will be moving very quickly. Right. Now, I know for some people, if you're not accustomed to this, it can get very distracting. And there's like a story I can't remember who narrated it. But one of the scholars he went to, you know, one of the lines where the Hanafi mother was pregnant, and he's moving his finger, and the person next to him was so annoyed with it, that he snapped his finger in Salah, allow them our authentic this story is, but it's a valid point that, you know, be careful of the people around you that you don't want to annoy them and distract them. And unless I know it's Allah knows best in terms of the the finger.

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The the movements shouldn't be very rapid, because it is a distraction for the person preying on the people next to him. And if it is done in terms of movement, it should be very slow. The movement should be slow, particularly when due is being made, particularly when the doula is being made. That is what some of the narrations mentioned, that is what some of the narrations mentioned. Now, is there one that is more correct than the other? We're not going to make that differentiation over here, but we're what we are going to say is all of these are legislated. All of these are legislated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, in terms of the actual statements of what is said

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in the showed the most common narration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as mentioned in Sohail Bukhari adhere to the law he was on a water water yerba to a Santa Monica yohanna bu warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu A Salah Marlena diabet Allah he saw the hint, this is the then this is the first part of the show. What was interesting to note over here is that when you look at the wording over here, you say a salam alayka or you hon bu that may peace be upon you, all prophet of Allah. After the death of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam two of the companions it is narrated from a Chateau de la Juana and Abdullah bin Amara della Juan Hama, that they changed it to and my foot is

00:29:38 --> 00:29:40

cramping up so I'm just going to stand up a bit.

00:29:41 --> 00:30:00

It is mentioned that they change to a salam alayka to a Salah mu either. nabee so instead of a salam alayka they said a Salah mo either nabee this was legislated for registered from Abdullah bin Ahmad de la Houma and from a shout out the Allah who now linguistically and grammatik

00:30:00 --> 00:30:29

This makes sense that poster seldom is no longer alive, so that you do not speak about him and in the tense that indicates that he is present. However, the vast majority of mazahub didn't take this into consideration based upon the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught them this, the Shahada, and he didn't teach them any differentiation, he didn't teach them any differentiation. So this is valid till the end of time this is valid till the end of time.

00:30:30 --> 00:31:13

So now what if a person says you know what i want to follow? I shall, della Juana and Abdullah Abdullah and Houma. Is it permissible to do so yes, it is permissible to do so. However, the majority stuck with the original the shout they stuck with the original the shout, so the person will be in that position. And again, keeping his finger anyway that he wants, but at this time, he will raise his finger if he really takes the first option when he says a shadow in La ilaha illallah wa shadow anna Muhammadan rasul Allah azza wa jal anna Muhammadan Abu Rasulo, both of them are fine he will raise his finger at that time. Now after this, he has finished the first shout he has

00:31:13 --> 00:31:54

finished the first shout meaning that when he is sitting in his first show at the second rocker of a Fort Rucker prayer, he has finished and then he will get up at that time he will get up. However, what we will add over here, some of the humbly Aloma they said in the first show hood, you should also add the salaat ebrahimian to say Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed masala Ebrahim al Ibrahim in the cameo Majid, the whole version of it. Now, is this mandatory some of the humbling scholars actually did consider it mandatory to do so they said this is part of the first shout out however, the majority of them either hit, they said no, after you say a shadow Allah Allah Allah,

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Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Muhammad and of the hora solo, then that is sufficient and you can get up. Now after this. Another raising of the hands is legislated. Some of the companions it was narrated, that they would go Allahu Akbar like this. And then they would stand up, and then put their hands back on their, on their chest put their hands back on their chest. However, the majority of the mazahub from the Shafi method from the Maliki method from the humbling method, they said, as the person is getting up, he will go Allahu Akbar, and then put his hands like this. So some of the companions they did do it, as they got up mean that they're still in a sitting position. But the

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majority seem to have done it and said that he only does it as he stands up as he stands up. One thing that I forgot to mention, and it was a very small difference of opinion that when a person gets up from Roku, as he gets home from Roku, what do you what does he put his hands he says semula Hanuman hamidah robina? Well, I can hunt. What does he do with his hands? The vast majority of fuqaha the vast majority from the Hanafi, the Maliki, the Shafi and even the high Nabila, they said he puts his hands to his side, and he puts his hands to his side. However, some of the humbling scholars they said no, after you get up from a court, you say semula, human hand, and then your

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hands go back on the chest, they go back on the chest. Why did they say this? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that the hands will go back to their original position, and he said, when the process was in the position of standing, his right hand would always be on top of his left hand. So they said this is the original position. However, this was not narrated from the majority of them at the hip, nor from the companions without the Allahu on them, nor from the companions, or the Allahu anhu. Now, moving back to the third rock, as we were mentioning, you have gotten up you say, Allahu Akbar, and then you will start your Surah Fatiha, and so on and so forth.

00:33:53 --> 00:33:57

We're going to jump all the way now to the last showed the last day showed.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:43

So you said adhere to the law. He was Salatu was salam alayka or Salaam rahmatullah wa barakato Cinema Lino idi de la he saw a shadow La la la la shadow no Mohammed Abu hora solo and then over here in the last show hood, you have to say the Salawat ebrahimian. The Salafi Bohemia have over seven different versions they have over seven different word versions. The simplest of them is Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Allah Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah Allah Brahim Allah Allah Ibrahim, Mohammed Al Majid wa barakaatuh Muhammad Allah Allah Mohammed came about after the Brahim Allah Allah Brahim in a cameo Majid you said the Salawat Ibrahim Mia, and now officially the Salah is over

00:34:43 --> 00:34:59

and you can make your slim because salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah and a cinematic warahmatullah and we said both columns, the first column is mandatory. The second sedan is sooner the second salon is sooner, something that I'll add over here. That before you say the salaams though,

00:35:00 --> 00:35:42

is a time where Diwan is answered. And in fact it was legislated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam never prayed a prayer, except that he made the following the way that he asked refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala for for things he will say Allahumma inni Oh, there'll be many other we'll cover. Why that be jahannam woman fitness here will match woman fitness at Sherwood mercy had the judge that Oh Allah I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the grave, from the punishment of the Hellfire from the trials of life and death. And from the evil deception and pfitzner of the the false. Christ at the jail from the Fina fall from the Antichrist at the jug. They said that not a

00:35:42 --> 00:36:18

single prayer was paid by the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, except that he would make this one except that he would make this da. One of these students have been Ambassador de la Anoma. If he ever saw his children praying salah and he didn't make this dua. He would force them to repeat their prayers, he would force them to repeat their purse like that's how strict they were on this. So this is a one that should not be left out. Likewise, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he taught him Isaiah bingeable to say, Allah, Allah niconico shakalaka Hosni by the tick A lot of people think that this is something that is said after the Salah, but in fact it is said before that Islam in it

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said before that the steam and there many other donors that you will find inside national Muslim, that the person can say during that time that a person can say during that time, the last thing we'll mention is how should the person sit in the last the shower? How should the person sit and the last to shout, you don't have to move the camera because I can't do it properly. So this position is called tabarrok. And explain the position I will try to do it my best is that you put your left leg underneath your your butt goes over your left leg and your right leg it it straight out like this with your toes curled with your toes curled pointing towards the tibia, I'm unable to do it. But

00:36:57 --> 00:37:16

that is a way legislative that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to sit in that fashion and the last rocker in the last locker. And that is when the news you'll see a lot of the Imams do this as well. So that is a distinction between the second the shout of the second the second knockout of the first shows, and the second just showed.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:56

And I think that's pretty much about it. You said salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah. And then the last thing that I mentioned before I get back to the book, is when you conclude the Salah, right after, do you say a stuck for Allah or do you say Allahu Akbar, and then a stuck for Allah stuck for Allah, the vast majority of fuqaha they said, you say are stuck for Allah three times after you finish the Salah is not a part of the Salah itself, but it is something that is highly recommended to do some of the scholars of Hadith they said no, rather you should say Allahu Akbar once and then say a slug for Allah three times. There's flexibility in this matter, but

00:37:56 --> 00:38:06

the saying of stuck for Allah three times seems to be stronger Allah, huzzah, Anna, now I just want to go through the sunon of the salon once again, to make sure that I didn't miss anything

00:38:10 --> 00:38:10

or have some water.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:25

Okay, so now the sunan of the seller. So we mentioned

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number one, actually,

00:38:29 --> 00:38:52

I mentioned this anyways, but we said this was something highly recommended to do but it's outside of the salon, which is putting a sutra in front of you, so no one should pray except that there's a sutra in front of them. Then number two, the raising of the hands on the tech beard the raising of the hands of the tech beard. So when you're making the making the tech beard, then you should raise the hands then you should raise the hands.

00:38:55 --> 00:39:10

Number three, the putting of the arms on the chest or wherever it is suitable. Number four, looking down towards the spot of your frustration. So when you're standing, the place that you should be looking at the whole time is the place that you will be prostrating

00:39:11 --> 00:40:00

number five is making the beginning of the Salah. Number six is saying mean after what balling and sort of Fatiha that is number six. Number seven is that there should be a small pause between the recitation of the Quran. So for example, once you finish the the sort of Fatiha a small gap before you start the next sort of a very small gap, and likewise before you go down into a small gap before you say Allahu Akbar. Number eight, the feet should be spread apart. Number nine reciting a surah after Fatiha reciting a sutra, after the Fatiha number 10 reciting the duel between the two sides this, as we said, The humbler you might have considered that mandatory It was wajib number 11 This

00:40:00 --> 00:40:34

Sitting for the final dish showed in the form of torok. Number 12. Placing the hands on the size during the showed number 13 to point the index finger during the shows number 14 reciting the DA after the test showed and number 15 to turn the face to the left after the first this needs to be said soleimani koala, the Salah is finished. And then to say the second Saddam's we said it is from the sooner we mentioned that last week. And with that all of the Sooners are mentioned before we go on to the macro hacks of Salah let us take questions. Questions. Go ahead.

00:40:37 --> 00:40:38

Yeah, you should be looking at

00:40:40 --> 00:40:41

such the area. Yes.

00:40:43 --> 00:40:43

You said

00:40:45 --> 00:40:46


00:40:48 --> 00:41:08

You're facing worse or you can stand next. So your your face shouldn't be fully down. But looking at the place of sedges so if you're looking at your place that says is slightly down, not fully down like this, so your chin doesn't need to touch your your chest or anything like that. Just slightly look down and that's perfectly fine. inshallah. Go ahead.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:15

How do we calculate the timings of the

00:41:16 --> 00:41:23

prayers? I did a whole Holocaust for 55 minutes on this. So if you go back onto YouTube, you'll find the timings over there inshallah.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:25

I'll come to you in a second.

00:41:28 --> 00:42:03

Is the judge to the Stella from the sun? They're fantastic question. So one of the things that is mentioned is that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got older, in the first car and the third Raka, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would finish his second sedge after like this, you go Allahu Akbar. But before he would stand up, he will take a small break, and then he would get up and then he would get up. So that is what is called Jajah Tony sthira shakers Banjara mohalla. He considered this to be from the center. However, the vast majority of them without him did not consider this from the center. And they said it should only be done so on the needed basis.

00:42:03 --> 00:42:07

It should only be done so on the needed basis. Allahu taala. For the

00:42:08 --> 00:42:11

questions that I'm asked to allow for you so can generous, Mashallah.

00:42:12 --> 00:42:23

When you say, Yes, I'm used to learn from children as much as that's legislative. That's perfectly fine. Yeah. Okay. If you come to the salon, the sheriff is just about to see.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:50

You just went along, and then we missed the fighter. Yes. Let's do that. Is it? Are you can you count on that one? So we're going to discuss this in detail next week when we talk about celestial jamaa, but there's a short answer, as long as you say Subhanallah vilavi. Once you have caught the Salah, you've got that data. So that rock is valid for you. And you don't need to repeat fatty house or anything like that. But we will discuss this in detail next week.

00:42:54 --> 00:43:23

I'll give you can ask your second question as well. Okay, so the how, like, you know, the hands? Yes, like no rings, you know, we open our children so that in no small way, right? And it's impossible many times if you go like that, then you hit someone. So in that situation, don't hit anyone today, within your space. We don't want to harm anyone in the Salah inshallah. Okay, but try to implement that sooner when you're praying by yourself. Yeah, inshallah, go ahead

00:43:25 --> 00:43:26

of the finger.

00:43:28 --> 00:43:33

Yes. Should we be facing? They should be facing the Qibla. Yes, they should be facing?

00:43:34 --> 00:43:36

What about can be open?

00:43:38 --> 00:44:01

Generally speaking, it's going to be impossible to get your thumb to face that, because it's naturally curved, as much as possible. Yes, that is fine. If you have a question. So when you have a sense that when you're doing the hand should be at what level of your head? They should be? At the head? No. So the head is going to be just a little bit forward. The middle part of the head is a little bit forward of the head of the of the hands. Go ahead. Yep.

00:44:08 --> 00:44:09

Allahu Akbar,

00:44:10 --> 00:44:14

or Allahu Akbar. And like this week in

00:44:17 --> 00:44:21

Phoenix locked in Episode hinomoto, fire Deck, the code Allahu Akbar

00:44:22 --> 00:44:23

was what?

00:44:25 --> 00:44:28

I'll come back to you. And I'll come back to you and show. Let's go back over Go ahead.

00:44:36 --> 00:45:00

So they just keep it there for a short period or they keep it there the whole time. So the whole time, as you mentioned, that is the opinion of the Maliki method is the opinion of the Maliki method, that they will go Allahu Akbar to keep their hands to the site. So it's legislated in the month of Lima Malik to do so. However, you also find that the sheer I do that as well. Now how do you know if it's someone's Maliki or someone's found the Shia? A lot of the times when the Shia they pray, they'll usually put either

00:45:00 --> 00:45:28

or stone or something made of a natural fiber on the ground and that is what they will make such that upon. Because in the field, you can't make such the upon carpet or anything synthetic it has to be a natural substance. So that is how you will differentiate. Likewise, in the Shia Salah, you'll notice that the way they do the Salaam is going to be very different. They're not going to say a salon when they call home told us and I'm wondering what color they're going to hit their legs three times. So that's just some of the differences to keep in mind and Shama. Okay, well head

00:45:31 --> 00:46:11

says it too. So that's coming up in the class after next week, inshallah. So now to briefly explain, we broken down the Salah, into three components, they are kind of the Salah, the integrity of the Salah, the YG bath of the Salah, the mandatory aspects of the summer, and then the sermon of the Salah. So depending on what you miss, there's a different way of correcting it, to summarize it rokan if you miss a token of the Salah, then that token needs to be made up and that that whole rocker will not be valid without that token. So for example, if someone forgets to make the record, then they have to go back to the beginning and do the Salah from the beginning of that time or the

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the previous position before that record, which is a standing and then make a record and then continue from there. Then number two, if you mentioned Mrs. awaji of the Salah, the wajib of the Salah. If a person is praying by himself, and he forgetful the missus or wajib of the Salah. Something like the first shout, right? You're paying for guys, but you don't sit in the first show. They just slips your mind completely. Then the way you will make that up is you continue to pray you don't have to go back in your prayer. You'll continue to pray and then your fourth Raka before you go salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah Solomonic Rahmatullah. You'll make two sides of this at that time,

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and then go a salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah. So that is only when the wajib is left out, unintentionally. The third is the sunon acts, any of the sunon acts that are left out, do not need to be made up, there's nothing to meet up. Now. There's a fourth scenario, which is what if a person is in doubt? So for example, did I make three records? Or did I make four records? Okay, so you're praying for her? And you stand up? And you're like, is this the third record? Or is the fourth record? The principle over here is you go back to what is certain so over here, you certainly prayed three, you go back to as if you're paying three, you will add an extra locker. But

00:47:27 --> 00:47:37

before the salami you're gonna add to such those as well. So that's another scenario we will have suggested. So we will explain such as this. So in the coming hahaha. Yeah, go ahead. So like,

00:47:38 --> 00:47:40

Yeah, yes.

00:47:41 --> 00:47:41


00:47:43 --> 00:47:43

Like this.

00:47:46 --> 00:47:55

So are you with the mom still? Yeah. So with the mom, you continue going until the mama says Santa Monica. Santa Monica de la. You continue reciting? Yeah.

00:47:56 --> 00:47:56


00:47:58 --> 00:48:17

Which is said in the last setting the wind Valley. Yeah. If you want us to motivate us to it, yes. Okay. To The Moon, just the way Yeah. And like you said in the second rocket, that's fine. In the first step, that's fine. The second one is like some when you bring with sometimes some people, yes, sometimes.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:20

They're very fast. Yes. And

00:48:22 --> 00:48:34

Shepherd hand and by the way, this Surah Surah. You don't have a chance to supposed to listen, right? You don't have a chance to read any potassium. So this is an outloud prayer, standard prayer.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:42

We will exclude love like no Salah before I even go back to having a lot of personal right before I even go.

00:48:44 --> 00:49:22

Heavy. So then you go like, Okay, so let's explain that the two different scenarios. Scenario number one if it's an outloud prayer, right, so he's figured, first of all, Margaret, first of Aisha, in this situation, you just listened to the Imam. In fact, you shouldn't recite anything at all. Right? If you put all the narrations together, the people behind the Imam should not recite when the when the Imam is reciting out loud. Okay. Now, in that situation, if he goes on for a call, you make your call with him right away, there's no delay. And the second scenario where it says a silent prayer, okay, so let's just say you start the Silla walkabout and you're just halfway through Surah Fatiha,

00:49:22 --> 00:49:49

and the Imam goes down for a call. If you know that this Imam makes a long roll call, you can finish your Fatiha and go down into the court with him. However, if you're not sure, or you know that the man makes a very short to the court, then when he goes Allahu Akbar, you should go into the court with him. At that time, the burden of reciting fatty has uplifted from you because the Imam didn't allow you to do so. But generally speaking, the Imam should not pray that fast that he doesn't allow the people behind him to separate your rubbish.

00:49:50 --> 00:49:51

He's got his friends

00:49:52 --> 00:49:59

at home sometimes, alright. It's not a friend that you would want to get them right. They like to lead

00:50:00 --> 00:50:07

Right. So when I'm saying this sort of situation, like if he's your friend, you want what's good for his dunya knockaloe right.

00:50:13 --> 00:50:35

Tell him Look, you know, pray properly deposes him said you know have like every aspect of the salon needs to be given this proper hock and if I can to really finish Fatiha, you're doing something wrong in your Salah that you have to tell him that or tell him Look, if you want to pray together, I'm going to lead the Salah. That's the condition. Okay if you stop

00:50:36 --> 00:50:51

but I'm saying if you were in the house together and it's time for mclubbe you're not gonna say okay you pray mclubbe and I will pray maga over here it doesn't work like that. pray together pray any Salah together, but Yanni compromise it shouldn't be a big deal inshallah Allah make it easy.

00:50:52 --> 00:50:55

After understanding from the from the record, and the probably the sister

00:50:56 --> 00:51:04

step change like the move a step ahead on the most of back and then they will do such though is that even when there's no shortage of space?

00:51:05 --> 00:51:16

space, yes, that's not legislated when there's a shortage of space I can understand. But when there's no shortage of space, you should stay in the you have to keep the line straight. So wherever the line is, you want to keep it with the line inshallah.

00:51:18 --> 00:51:24

Sometimes, you know, the people, they try to pull their pants up before the switch do or they try to adjust the clothes.

00:51:25 --> 00:51:45

So slight slight movements in the Salah are allowed. So particularly when you're wearing trousers, if they're not very loose, when you're going down into into such the election, make it very, very tight, and the pants can rip very easily. So that's why they lift up the the knee area, so that area get becomes more loose. That's something fine to do. It's not a big deal in sha Allah wanna go ahead?

00:51:47 --> 00:51:48


00:51:49 --> 00:52:05

you stand. How should you stand up. So you can either stand up with your hands, the pastor seldom is legislator used to use his knuckles to stand up, or you stand up without using your hands. So either way is perfectly fine, inshallah, it's not a big deal. Go ahead in the back.

00:52:06 --> 00:52:16

For example, if he brings a lot of knowledge, yeah. And the mom forgets and gets up to make a port worker and the people behind him service economy, because it

00:52:17 --> 00:52:21

is recommended for the mom to continue being a port worker.

00:52:24 --> 00:53:02

So this is something that the scholars differ over. And I would say if they catch the Imam before he stands up straight, before his back is straight, then the Imam should sit back down. However, if he stood up straight, then the scholar said that he should finished that locker and then do it. But Allah knows best, he should not add anything extra. So if he gets caught in that situation, even if you stand up straight, he should sit down and do it. However, that's only for the record of the Salah. So let's just say hypothetical scenario as mclubbe again, but he got up without making the shouts in the second Naka. So seconds Raka he is supposed to sit down for the show. But instead he

00:53:02 --> 00:53:18

gets up instead. If he's stood up already, he should not go back into the shower at that time, he should just continue leading the summer, and he makes it through so instead. And that's something that there's no difference of opinion on Allah Juana. Actually, I'm just gonna go to him and they'll come to you. Yeah. Yes.

00:53:19 --> 00:53:20

fitting for

00:53:21 --> 00:53:44

a shop. Yes, I have problem in my leg. I'm keeping both the doors, you know, towards the second line? I'm sitting on my foot. Yes. Bent one and keep the other one. Yes, that's fine. inshallah, the general rule in Salah is that do as much as you're capable of doing anything that you're not capable of doing? We're not meant to injure ourselves or makes a lot of difficult for ourselves.

00:53:45 --> 00:53:58

You should not do that. There is a general prohibition that it shouldn't be done. So that, that you shouldn't sit on both of your feet like that, right? However, in this situation, if there's no other position you can sit in, then that's fine. inshallah.

00:54:00 --> 00:54:06

A lot of people will have problems as they cannot perform the prayer the way it should be. Yes.

00:54:07 --> 00:54:09

Yes. What are the recommended

00:54:10 --> 00:54:12

teaching for that? Like, if not the council

00:54:15 --> 00:54:20

does like the prayer of the sick person. People Yeah, fitting and praying or

00:54:21 --> 00:54:44

so and, inshallah I mean, we'll discuss that in a later halaqa. But in summary, the general rule is do as much as you can, whatever you're capable of doing, you're allowed to do that even so much. So for the sick person, if he's unable to move he can pray with his eyes, and that is sufficient for him. So general rule do as much as you can, but in terms of the actual description, we'll try to incorporate that into one of the Holocaust inshallah. People when we are having drama.

00:54:47 --> 00:54:48

When the chair, yes, a

00:54:49 --> 00:54:59

little bit in front of the company. Right? back. It's a difficult, of course, and that's why I actually mentioned in one of the hijackers that the person that can't pray

00:55:00 --> 00:55:28

Standing up, it's recommended that he doesn't use a chair for the officer. So even though he had access to a chair, he wouldn't pray on the chair when he was sick. And that's one of the reasons because it makes it a hindrance in the whole Salah. Because if he puts it to forward, then he's not a part of the line. If he puts it back, he disturbs the line behind him. So that is why the general rule for the person that can't be standing, it is better for him to pray without a chair if he's able to do so. Or he puts a chair where it's not a hindrance for anyone. And then his feet should be in line with the road with the row itself.

00:55:31 --> 00:55:33

So those trays are like usually like longer.

00:55:34 --> 00:55:56

Yeah. When then the 10 sometimes they don't, you can go more than that. Right. So what kind of talking to you like to say, let's see what happens open that door like 10% Muslim or Yeah. Like sometimes I pray with praise that way, especially after sending them on the live stream. All right. This Yes.

00:55:57 --> 00:55:57

Like how

00:55:59 --> 00:56:13

I mean, so whether the 10 again, that's only for the for the prayers, and enough of the prayers. That's not mandatory to do so you can pray as long as you want and it's not a problem. And in terms you just do all of the cadets, you know, that are legislated in the Roku at that time.

00:56:14 --> 00:56:19

You can run anyway. Yeah, any way that you want, you know this, that's perfectly fine as well.

00:56:21 --> 00:56:29

You can make blind rocket Yes. It's not a problem. Michelle, Dinesh like to go beyond like, human error caused by?

00:56:32 --> 00:56:43

Yeah, so it's better to stick to the narrated versions. However, if you don't know any of the narrated versions, then as long as you continue to make theme of Allah without making mistakes. Yeah, that's perfectly fine. Senator Paul, Michelle.

00:56:50 --> 00:56:58

Again, the general rule is is you can go beyond that, but it is better to stick to what is legislated. If a person knows what is legislated, he should stick to what is legislated.

00:57:00 --> 00:57:00

Go ahead

00:57:01 --> 00:57:02

for being behind.

00:57:04 --> 00:57:06

So if you follow this

00:57:07 --> 00:57:07


00:57:08 --> 00:57:09

to repeat,

00:57:11 --> 00:57:20

to give me an example of what you're saying. Like, behind email, for example. Yes, one that I forgot to decide.

00:57:21 --> 00:57:21


00:57:24 --> 00:57:34

And you're still you're behind the amount from beginning to end? Yeah, so that's fine. There's so the the recitation of the amount is sufficient for you. That's fine, Allah. I'll take the last two questions, and I need to move on each other. Go ahead.

00:57:36 --> 00:57:37


00:57:38 --> 00:57:41

for the, the elbow should not be touching, they should be raised.

00:57:43 --> 00:57:50

So for the female, we said that it's raised, but it's closed. For the men. It's raised, but it's spread out. Willa, one last question.

00:57:54 --> 00:58:33

Is better to make them odds if you can, it's better to make them odds if you can, that's based upon the general Hadith that Allah is with that and he loves it. So anything that is odd, is better. Now, I'm just going to mention the macro height of the salon. And then we can do more questions after the salon itself. Okay, so the macro had of the salon. Number one is to omit any of the YG. But intentionally any of the YG. Both intentionally is considered macro, number two, moving without any excusable reason. So insula, if you're moving without reason, this is a clue. Number three, to close the eyes, to close the eyes. And we mentioned that, you know, in certain situations, you are allowed

00:58:33 --> 00:59:10

to close them, but for a short period of time or a prolonged period of time. Number four, to look away from the place of prostrations when the person isn't standing record, if he starts looking around without reason, then this is something that is macro number five, to pray, while extremely hungry, when able to satisfy that hunger, or to pray while you need to go to the bathroom while you are able to go to the bathroom. So what does that mean? Exactly? So for example, food is being served and you're like, you know what, I'm really hungry. But let me quickly pray my Salah, and then I'll go and eat no in that situation, eat a little bit of food, go and pray and then come back.

00:59:10 --> 00:59:28

Likewise, it's Salah, it's time for salah and you're like, you know what, if I go to the bathroom, now, I'm going to end up missing the Gema going to the bathroom is more important than casting catching the Gema. If you really have to go if there's a situation where I could go if I wanted to. It's not that big of a deal. Catch the Gemma and that situation, right?

00:59:30 --> 00:59:40

Number six, not controlling your yarn insula, not controlling your yarn insula. You'll notice that people take huge liberties insula that they have to yarn like

00:59:42 --> 00:59:59

something like that, no insula, you're meant to fight it as much as you can, like control your yarn, as much as you can. Number seven, to dress untidily meaning that you're wearing clothes intentionally, that you could have changed and kept clean, but you didn't do so.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:35

Number eight, to wear clothes that are distracting or to pray in an area that is distracting. So for example, we all have those prayer mats. Some of them have really strange designs and really strange colors. So that when you're praying on them is that you start seeing patterns and designs and you get lost, you know, in your salon, don't pray on those sorts of things. Or likewise, you're praying in congregation, and someone has a shirt that has like a puzzle on the back of the shirt. It's like you're trying to solve the puzzle while you're in Salah. those sort of things you don't want to make the Salah is distraction for anyone. I mentioned it over here, how about praying with

01:00:36 --> 01:00:49

like a carry creature or an animal or humanistic figure, this itself will not invalidate the Salah, but at the very least it is something that is macro at the very thing that is macro.

01:00:50 --> 01:01:31

And number nine, to wear tight clothing to wear tight clothing. So when you wear clothing that clearly defines the shape of the body parts, then this is something that should clearly be avoided. As soon as the outer becomes exposed, then it actually becomes hard on if the outer becomes exposed, then it actually becomes haram and those are from the macro heart of the Salah itself, from outside of the Salah to come into the masjid, while you have a bad odor is highly mcru to have eaten garlic and onions and you still smell like that is highly macro for someone that smokes and they don't take care of the odor of the smoking to come to the masjid is highly macro

01:01:33 --> 01:01:54

and that's the only thing I can think of outside of the Salah. Yeah, Allah huzzah Allah. And I believe that is time for the other know what time is the Jamal? We're here 830 or 815 830. So we have 10 more minutes. So I'll take questions for five more minutes. And then we will conclude I have a couple of announcements to make inshallah. Go ahead. Yep.

01:01:56 --> 01:01:57

If you missed the word.

01:02:00 --> 01:02:38

So this is we'll discuss this one we just talked about such as the cell, but such as the cell with no itself as a singer. So it's not from the the worship of the Salah. So someone that he misses the wajib of the Salah. The majority have said that if he intentionally does this, then this is from the Makoto hat. However, when you look at the actual text, it's actually haram to do so. Intentionally Miss wajib of the Salah. It seems according to the text that it is how long when a country the majority, they said it was just McAuliffe to do so. The only distinction is with the HANA fees. They said that this is not close to her me, they said is Microsoft and Mr. Magoo. So they have different

01:02:38 --> 01:02:54

types of workloads. The highest level is Microsoft to hire me. So it's still not Hara, but it's Macross daleney Allahu taala. But in like, what, from what I understand from the text, interesting mentioning wajib is definitely How is it sinful, but the opinion of the majority seems to just go ahead

01:02:59 --> 01:03:00

and say it love.

01:03:02 --> 01:03:03


01:03:05 --> 01:03:40

So a person when he's reciting, or he's making the card in the salon, he should say the words loud enough so that he knows what he's saying, but not loud enough so that someone else can hear him not loud enough so that someone else can hear him. However, if a position a person is in a position where he's teaching other people, so for example, I'm teaching my kids or there's a group of converts that came to the masjid, and they're praying for like the first week, you're allowed to make the whole Salah out loud, for the sake of teaching them the whole of Salah or not for the sake of teaching them. But the general rule is you pray in congregation loud enough so you know what

01:03:40 --> 01:03:51

you're saying, but not loud enough so that other people can hear you allow it. I can just mention one point before I come to you. The issue of reciting the sutras out loud. So for example,

01:03:52 --> 01:04:28

third rock out of Maghreb. This has nothing to do with your question. I just remembered something third rock out mclubbe the mom stands up and he starts going on hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Should the people behind him say Subhan Allah and stop the Imam or is he allowed to actually recite out loud in the third rocker? And the answer to that is whether reciting out loud or silently. These are Sunnah acts to do so there are certain acts to do so. They're not from the YG but nor are they from the can. So if the amount of sights out loud or he recites silently it does not harm the prayer, however, it is better if the amount follows the Sunnah. It is better if the amount follows

01:04:28 --> 01:04:30

the Sunnah. Now go to your question.

01:04:32 --> 01:04:36

Some people wouldn't be coming tomorrow. Yes.

01:04:40 --> 01:04:45

Yes, this time and wait until the mom comes back all the way some of them might seem drunk right away.

01:04:46 --> 01:04:59

So when the Salah is going on, the general rule is you join the Imam wherever he is, you should join the Imam wherever he is. So even if he's in such that you should join the Imam over there. The only time you will make a distinction and not join the Imam is

01:05:00 --> 01:05:33

If he's in the last the Shah hood, and is about to end the Salah, and you know that there's going to be another congregation, if you know that there's going to be another congregation, then the Medina they said that it is better to wait for the new congregation and pray with the new congregation. However when you look at some of the narrations of the companions of the love and massage of their love, I know he was very strict he said join the Imam even if you can only catch one Salaam with him join the Imam even if you can only catch one Salaam with him so you should join the Imam even in the last shot. So other than that you join the Imam wherever he is, don't wait till he goes to the next

01:05:33 --> 01:05:51

position. A lot of people I from what I understand they do it out of laziness. Like he's in the sense that he's going to get up now. You know why go down to search then wake up? What we don't realize is that that one says that could save us from the hellfire. Right and you don't want to miss that opportunity. Well, ah no go ahead as being suited for that we were faced with.

01:05:53 --> 01:05:54

So some of the amount

01:05:55 --> 01:06:39

of option like you know the price between the we discussed this in detail already. You've missed like 400 because we discussed this. So yeah, we generally said that if the mom is reciting out loud, the people behind him should not recite surah fattier, the break in between. It's not legislated. The mom should say Alhamdulillah here, Robin, Allah mean and stop after the IRA. He shouldn't stop after Surah Fatiha long enough that they should have your say certified. Yeah, that is not from the sinner to do. So. Yeah, go ahead. My question has to do with bringing Gemma Yes. Sometimes when I'm typing give me like two or three times, but I finished up your computer. And then I'm praying some

01:06:39 --> 01:06:44

and then some other individual comes in join you? Yes.

01:06:45 --> 01:06:48

He thinks I'm praying for Yes.

01:06:50 --> 01:07:22

That is allowed the Salah is valid. But we established a general principle. Nowadays people are ignorant, they don't know what they're doing anymore. So in that situation, if you know the person, and you know, he knows what to do, go ahead and join him. However, if you don't know the person, or you don't know is this person knowledgeable or not pretty by yourself and you'll get the reward for the Gema because you have the intention. I'll give you a real example from this muscle over here, where the man is praying his sooner prayers, someone comes and joins him. The man broke his salah and he says I don't want to be your email. Like this is a real story that happened in the muscle

01:07:22 --> 01:07:33

over here. So when you don't know the person's level of knowledge is better it's best just leave them be prey by yourself. But if you know the person and you know that they know what they're doing, then go ahead and join them as no problem in that inshallah.

01:07:35 --> 01:07:40

No Fault you become the Imam and you will make the takbeer out loud at that time. That's fine. Yes.

01:07:41 --> 01:07:42


01:07:44 --> 01:07:46

The lightest, the darkest.

01:07:47 --> 01:07:49

Yes, you can put in the dark, no problem and shall

01:07:51 --> 01:07:54

we bring our shoes with us? Yes.

01:07:58 --> 01:07:58


01:08:05 --> 01:08:06

is a real question.

01:08:10 --> 01:08:45

The real answer to this is if you're able to ward him off while facing the Qibla or if you're able to put on your shoes in the Salah, then that is what you should do. And that is why the actual Sunnah, is that you should pray with your shoes on. And if you're going to take your shoes off the prophets I seldom used to put his shoes between his feet. So it was in front of him wasn't behind him. He put them before it between his feet. If there is no space and the people praying behind him, then you put his shoes to his left. So don't do as a general rule. Don't put your shoes in front of you in Sharla and if you can fight him off while staying in Salah. That is the better thing to do.

01:08:46 --> 01:08:55

I can't tell you that you're allowed to break your Salah. I can't tell you to do that. Yes, let's do this side and then we'll It's time for Salah inshallah, go ahead.

01:08:57 --> 01:09:17

with us. We can't sit with tostones towards Scribbler, yes in what is the best position so just don't follow the toes. That's fine. Like I'm unable to fold my toes. So I put my left foot underneath my bottom and my right foot is straight and it's pointing flat. It's not point A curving that's perfectly fine to do although I know who else

01:09:19 --> 01:09:25

do I know it was when Mashallah you've asked a fair amount of questions. Let's go to him. Very join some muddy. Yes.

01:09:26 --> 01:09:29

And I discovered is she Yes.

01:09:33 --> 01:09:45

Normally University of Calgary Yes. Right find right. Discover Isha. But how did you Well, I'm not gonna ask how you just

01:09:47 --> 01:09:54

went like this. Yeah. so in this situation, a person that does it out of jahaan inshallah their Salah is valid. There's some Muslim.

01:09:55 --> 01:09:58

No, don't break your Salah. Don't break yourself.

01:10:03 --> 01:10:36

The only time I the only time you will I'll tell you something the only time we will break your Salah is if you have a pain that this person is a is a disbeliever or his Salah is not valid. You have to have your clean that this Salah is not valid, that is when you will break the Salah. Now the issue with the Shia, there's a valid if the love, are they willing to follow somebody outside the fold of Islam. So until the person has the opinion that this particular person is outside the fold of Islam, then you keep praying and your Salah is valid. Allah Juana, I'm coming to you. And so yes, if I joined Jamal, Yes, fine.

01:10:37 --> 01:10:54

Yes. And you didn't know. And they were doing the dishes, right? Yes, that means that you didn't catch anything. Correct. And at the same time, it would notice that some people are making demands and saying, am I going while your Salah is going on?

01:10:56 --> 01:11:12

They come in, they see that people are in the final. Right? And they already they start doing their own separate. So they started while the other Germans. They're just waiting. They're waiting. Okay. And then I realized that I won't cut through.

01:11:14 --> 01:11:35

Would I be allowed to break your Salah? No. So you all record the you have the idea of the Gemma. As soon as you said Allah, whatever. You got the idea of the Gemma. That's fine. Yeah. Now we can come to you. Yes. Yeah, sure. And one question was for me, too, that everyone is a gentle note for people to learn, because we do it unintentionally. Yes. And

01:11:36 --> 01:11:43

the okay. The first one is when you may proceed with your fingers should be together all the open. For some reason they should be.

01:11:45 --> 01:12:03

They should be facing the Qibla. That's what we have narrated. And if your fingers are spread apart, it's not necessarily possible. However, if a person has difficulty keeping their fingers together, then it's fine to spread them a little bit. But the general rule is they should be facing the Qibla. Yes, to the best of your ability they should be facing. Good luck. Yeah, the other one is

01:12:05 --> 01:12:09

the closing that you were talking about tennis that

01:12:10 --> 01:12:15

I realized one day one time I bought this Real Madrid, you know, right.

01:12:16 --> 01:12:24

Later when I was one day I was putting on and I realized that a little tear on top, their crown has a cross. Right? So I burned it, you know, a lot.

01:12:29 --> 01:12:30


01:12:32 --> 01:12:41

Anytime that somebody's playing in front of me, has a England right jersey, cross on it. Right?

01:12:42 --> 01:12:48

So anything that has a cross, it should be wiped out. I mean, you don't have to burn it. You can cross it out.

01:12:49 --> 01:13:01

But yeah, that Muslims should never wear anything that has a cross on it. That's why they should not be done. Now if the person in front of you is wearing it, that's not going to affect your Salah. Just want to indicate them but then they

01:13:04 --> 01:13:17

know I saw upon you like I must find out either he doesn't want my allocated block that you only have to give them the budock if they accept it. If you don't accept it, that's between them and on this planet. I but a Muslim should not wear intentionally, anything that has across

01:13:19 --> 01:13:32

Allah hota Allah hakavod last question, go ahead, which type of socks we can use to do a massage. I had a whole HELOC on this. Listen to that. holochain shaba. No, I did it already. It was like three weeks ago.

01:13:36 --> 01:13:45

It's very difficult to explain complex matters very short. But as a general rule, anything that the water does not seep through, you're allowed to do.

01:13:47 --> 01:13:47


01:13:49 --> 01:13:55

That's what seeped through means that should not seep through the sock. As long as it doesn't seep through. You're allowed to pray in that Doom is on top of that.

01:13:56 --> 01:14:11

And cover the ankles. Yes. The leaders of human is the best one for this purpose. For sure. No doubt. Yep. No polish on that. Okay. Good. We'll conclude with that. That's it. Toggle were fantastic. On November sixth, we're having

01:14:12 --> 01:14:33

Buddha Mohammed is coming into town. It's a free event is going to be taking place at the University of Calgary, it's called tug of war. If you'd like more information, you can check it [email protected] but just remember the date November 6, it's a Friday. It's a free event for everyone and we want everyone to come out inshallah we'll conclude with that sabbatical. The whole behind the Casa Dona in the Highland. Stuck Furukawa to bow Lake wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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