Navaid Aziz – 40 Hadith On Wealth 11-08-2023

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallail emphasizes the importance of protecting one's identity and reputation and avoiding fraud and distractions in businesses. The speakers stress the need to be authentic in every act and avoid distractions, as well as avoiding fraud and distractions in one's life. The importance of preserving capital and avoiding harms in relationships is emphasized, along with the need to be more knowledgeable about one's own finances and avoid negative consequences. The speakers also emphasize the importance of budgeting and saving, as well as avoiding risk and mistakes in contracts. The Hal event is mentioned, along with the need for attendees to receive a prize and the importance of avoiding fraud and distractions in their interactions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Good. This announcement are him in an hamdulillah Nakamoto who honestly no one has no clue. When I also bIllahi min Shruti and fusina woman CEO Dr. Molina

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when you have the hula hoop for them will be another one when you have little further Hodeida or Shawanda Ilaha illa Allah Who should he kinda wash? I don't know Mohammed Donna Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa.

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Sleeman Kathira my bad Allahu Allah and Medina Elana nocturna for alumna

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one fatten Urbina

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was in the

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call and one for him and Allahu wa Iya. addict number 30. The principle of removing harm and free market economics. A Tirmidhi collects from minus prices became excessive during the time of Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So they said O Allah's Messenger set prices for us. So he said, Indeed, Allah is a messiah. I will call it al basit or Razak. And I'm hopeful that I need to my Lord and none of you are seeking me out for an injustice involving blood or wealth. About ASA telemovie said this is a Huseyn sahih Hadith. So what's happening in this hadith, you can imagine a certain commodity during the term of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, its price.

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Very, very expensive. Now thinking about the timing of deployment,

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what would cause the price of a commodity to become very, very expensive?

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Sorry, drought, but think about economic terms when economic, you know, events are happening that would lead to this.

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Okay, so inflation is the raising of prices, usually due to liquidity in the market, right. But over here, we're thinking about old school economics is like you jumped like 1000 years ahead. High demand due to a shortage and a shortage of supply. So when the brother mentions doubt, sorry, go ahead. You're really excited, man. I don't want to.

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Okay, excellent. Yeah. So there's that there's a couple of things that are happening with this.

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That's possible. But I think I would have been very more explicit if that was the case over here. But you can imagine that there's a drought, there's a shortage of supply, there's excessive demand. So look at all these things supply

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it'd be related to growth. There's no way you know your crops are grown, whatever. There are desert, a restricted amount, or there's an increased demand. So think about gold jewelry. wedding season comes, all of a sudden everyone wants gold jewelry. So there's increased demand throughout the year that demand may not be there. But during wedding season it comes up right. So all of those things are potentially happening. So they came complaining.

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This one, the other one, okay, moving closer

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so you can imagine,

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that's what's happening. So they came complaining to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, Yeah, Rasul Allah, can you set the price for us? Right, set the price for us. So that doesn't go above a certain amount. Now, you may think in your head that this is a good thing, right? If we can make things more affordable, then this is what we should do for the people. Like logically speaking, why shouldn't the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam get involved? And then we see over here, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam number one recognizes his influence. But number two, is showing us the type of economy. Islam actually supports, right, which is that free market

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economy, that compassionate capitalism that we've been speaking about for the past couple of weeks. So then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he responds by saying, Indeed, Allah is Al Messiah COVID al basit and Arzak.

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Three of these are clearly without a shadow of a doubt Names of Allah subhanaw taala Al COVID Al basit and Arzak, I will forbid is the one that withholds the one that takes back a loss it is the one that bestows and the one that gives another result, as we know is the one that provides a Rezac is the one that provides and Messiah over here, this can refer to the one that sets the prices, the one that sets the prices, and the scholars are not in agreement that this is one of the names of Allah subhanaw taala. And in fact, the opinion that I lean towards is that this is not a name of Allah subhanho wa taala. But this is more of an attribute of Allah subhanaw taala indirectly, so

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that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that Allah is Allah Messiah, the one that sets the prices, how do we understand that statement? How does Allah subhanaw taala set the prices? And I'll give you a hint, it's related to the other names that are mentioned.

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How though, though, think about a step by step process. How is Allah setting the price?

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Noise? That was a good effort. Good effort. Go ahead.

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Excellent. But now, what does that look like at a practical level, though? So what are we referring to what is he giving what is he taking?

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He is sending down the rain when he wills, He is allowing the harvest to grow when he wills, he's withholding the harvest when he wills. So that is how prices are meant to be set based upon supply and demand. And one of the themes that you have been seeing, we can't artificially, you know, create a demand for something right that artificial price again, is not allowed. So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that Allah subhanaw taala is the one that sets the prices for these things, through the natural flow flow of, you know, supply and demand that when supply is there, the demand is being fulfilled, and prices are going to be set like that prices are going to

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be set to like that. But then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he teaches us something very, very important. And this is the ethical side of doing business. And he says, I am hopeful that I need my Lord, and none of you are seeking me out for an injustice involving blood or wealth. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going on that expeditions, and obviously lives are being washed over there. And likewise, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also recognizes his position as an authority, that he is the judge. He is the mayor, the governor playing all of these roles within society. He doesn't want to be held accountable in front of Allah subhana wa Tada. And

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this is a reminder for all of us, that each and every one of us are going to stand in front of Allah subhanho wa taala. And we will be questioned, we will be held accountable. So if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has the best of humanity has this fear, we should be even more afraid we should be even more afraid of this, that we don't do any injustices right? It's always better to side on the side of caution. Take a loss in the dunya but don't take a loss in the ACA take a loss in the dunya but don't take a loss in the Quran.

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Hadith number 31. Time is a scarce resource.

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Imam Al Bukhari collects in his other Bulma fraud from us from the prophets of Allah

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While he was salam who said, If the hour is nice and you have a seedling in your hand, then if you're able to plant it before you stand up, then plant it. So firstly other Bulma fraud. This is a different book from Imam Al Bukhari is an email bajada Rahim Allah has authored several books that we still have access to today. So Hal Bukhari is the most famous of them and the most renowned. In fact, it is the most authentic collection of Hadith that we know of, and the most authentic book compiled and written by men that we know of, then we have another but no fraud, which is a compilation of Hadith separate from Al Bukhari that focuses more on DAB and o'clock and character

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and heart softening and so on and so forth. Imam Bukhari had other books as well like historical Kabir, which is a book criticizing some of the narrators of Hadith

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and he had several other books in Arcada as well. So these were the books now he collate takes this book from Audible, no fraud. And unlike the * Bukhari the Hadith and audible method need to be checked right because it was not a conditioned from email but Claudia Rahim Allah that all the Hadith In other words, be authentic. So she called Vania Rahim Allah, he's done a verification of it. And there's actually a very nice three volume book for those of you that can read Arabic. Sheikh Hasina la vida Rahim Allah, I believe he's passed away,

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did an explanation of ima shekel bunnies authentic or double Morford? So here the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is saying that if the hour is getting close, and you have a seedling in your hand, meaning you have a small tree in your hand, then if you're able to plant it before you stand up, then before you stand up planted, now what is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam telling us over here,

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from the title heading, we can see that time is very scarce, that each and every one of us only have a limited amount of time in our lives, to try to achieve the things we want to achieve, to try to achieve the things we want to achieve. And then there are going to be a lot of distractions along the way. So what can be a bigger distraction, that the day of judgment is here? Right? What can be a bigger distraction than that? So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying, even if you hear that the Day of Judgment has arrived, and you still have the opportunity to do this good deed, don't delay in doing that good deed, don't delay in doing that good deed. So what we want to learn

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over here is okay, this is a fear that we have that is very valid and very real, yet still the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam is telling us to do that good deed. How about those fears that we have, there are not substantiated? Oh, if I start up a business, I'll more than likely fail. If I was to get married, more than likely is going to end up in divorce. If I was to go to a Master's or PhD program, more than likely I want to be able to complete it, or I'll fail at that as well. Right? We create these fears in our head. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling us put your trust in Allah subhanho wa taala. And if it is something good, pursue it, it is Allah and work there

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that be enthusiastic, be brave, be courageous, and doing all of those things that will be beneficial for you. And don't let your excuses get in the way. You know, one of the beautiful things I remember from Sheikh Muhammad Sharif Rahim, Allah Who Tada is that he would always say, give your excuses a black guy, right? We all come up with excuses for not to do things, right. We always procrastinate. We always want more time. But at the end of the day, we don't control time. We don't control health. Right. So if you cannot control your health, and you cannot control your time, while you have good health while you have time, you have to make the most of it. Yeah. Hamdulillah. While you have those

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two things, you have to make the most of them, particularly for you know, the young people here. We always think that we have more time that is the delusion of more time. But I want you to think back to this. What was it this Sunday when we prayed the janazah on Jena Hamad Rahim Allah Who Rahim Allah Tada 14 year old girl, 14 years old, and she passes away.

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We do not have more time. Each and every one of us has a limited amount of time. And even if you have that time, you're not guaranteed health, you're not guaranteed ability. So think about the things that you want to achieve for yourself and for the Ummah and start planning and working on those things and give your excuses. A black eye. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying do not to delay. You know the author or the compiler of the book say Joe Bradford.

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actually gave a very nice example for this Hadith from an investing perspective. So how many of you are investing in the stock market right now? Raise your hands if you're investing in the stock market. Okay, 123456. So a few of us. There's this thing where people will be afraid to start investing, for those of us that are investing, where they think you know what, when the market goes down, that's when I'll get in, when the market goes down. That's when I'll get in. But what if the market doesn't go down? What if that correction that you're looking for whatever that crash that you're looking for, doesn't reach that level? Like, how long are you going to keep waiting? So he

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was talking about how this is a bad strategy, like a more effective strategy strategy is DCAA, dollar cost averaging, right? So don't invest all of your money at one time, but invest a little bit of money every couple of weeks, every couple of months. And that way, regardless of what's happening in the market. As long as you know that the long term return more than likely will be high dollar cost averaging to the market. So you are overcome your fear. And what I liked about this example is, it's shouldn't always be I do everything or I do nothing, right? Where I have to do everything or I will do nothing at all do what you can do what you're capable of, and leave the rest in the hands of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Hadith number two, preservation of capital is an objective of the Sharia. Muhammad collects in his mustard from Saudi Arabia who said I heard on this messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, Whoever sells property deserves not to be blessed they're in unless he places it into something similar or akin to it. She if she were able to earn our oath he said it as he hasn't Hadith due to its supporting and corroborating narrations, as Cindy was one of the explainers said the meaning of this hadith is that the value will vanish, leaving the person with no home and no money. Anyone want to give an effort as to what this hadith is saying?

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What is the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam speaking about that if you sell a property, there will be no Baraka unless you place that money into something similar or akin to it.

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In Arabic,

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call an abuse of Allahu alayhi wa sallam Manber Koran, Kana feminine and now you Baddeck the who in LA and the agenda who famously he Oh, lady.

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Oh, come I call it an abuse sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala what is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seeing over here? What are you understanding? Go ahead.

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So what were

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you selling your house? You have to invest into something that's

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No, that's great, but just finish the sentence invested in what?

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Investing in something similar or equal, but what is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warning us against? So imagine the process LM is sorry. From riba no not in this hadith there is a general prohibition against riba without a doubt, but that's not what the person was warning us against in this hadith go ahead

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okay, mashallah, you've taken it to the to the, the the ideal scenario, you sell your house, put it in a in a circle project. That's great thinking. But the process is doing one of two things. We'll go to the sisters and then I'll give the answer Go ahead.

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valuable feedback for both people

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other communities. So I don't have liquid

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Okay, excellent. Just take a look at

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the cash

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swings innovations around.

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X. Excellent. So we're gonna take a few of these answers and, and put them together. So two things that the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam is warning us against. Number one is the hoarding of wealth. Right? You sell your house, you have this pile of wealth, you just want to look at it all day. Allahu Akbar, Allah has given me so much money. I feel so happy right now. And then you don't end up putting that back into the market. When you don't put money back into the market. We see calamities and catastrophes happen, right? When there's a disparity in wealth. When 1% owns like 70% of the world's assets. You know, there's a problem happening over here. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam is encouraging us that don't keep currency in hand, but keep it circulating throughout the economy. Let the poor have

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access to their shares, let the businessman get access to their shares, let everyone get access to their shares. So do not, you know, control money? And this is one of the things that if you look at the, the Sharia, like why does it impose this 2.5% zakat, right? Ideally, you should be giving more than that, but at the very least give 2.5% zakat on the liquid assets that you possess on the liquid assets that you possess, or the cash that you have the gold and silver that you have the trade merchandise that you have, right those liquid assets that you have, so that in order for the economy to keep circulating, right, ideally, what we want to see is that people that don't have money, get

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money so that they can spend it. And then the middle class people that are trying to do business, they're getting more established, and they are eventually getting affluent, right. So we want to keep this economy circular, that the money keeps circulating in it. Number two, the second thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is warning us against, and we're going to combine the answers over here is that if you've created a certain lifestyle, for yourself and for your family, right, you have a middle class lifestyle that you've been living, each person has their own room, you know, each person doesn't have to share the washroom in the house with more than two or three

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people, you've created this lifestyle for yourself. And then you say, You know what, I want to save some money. So I'm going to sell my house, and I'm going to downgrade for no apparent reason whatsoever for no apparent reason whatsoever. And this is just going to create hardship upon you, and upon your family. And this perception of I have to live a poor lifestyle. This is what the prophets of Salaam is countering. live according to the means that Allah has given you. Do not go into debt, to live your lifestyle. Do not to be extravagant in your lifestyle, but at the same time, do not belittle the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given you. If Allah has given you a

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blessing, he loves to see the effect of that blessing upon his sleep. He loves to see the effect of that blessing on his sleeve. And then we'll take talks answer here as well. Traditionally, that's not what mentioned, but the answer still makes sense. Is that don't spend your money on frivolous things. Right? Allah gives you money, and then all of a sudden you're like, let me go upgrade my phone. Right? The the iPhone 15 just got announced, right? I have the 13 it's outdated by two years now. Let me go get the 15 Okay, well, Kenny, if you're if you don't need to upgrade, why are you upgrading right late? Like let us live out his life. Same thing with your car, same thing with your

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with your house. Same thing with other technological gadgets that you have. If they're doing their job, and they're functioning and not causing you problems? Why are we upgrading? Like, what is the benefit behind that? Right? So those are the things that we want to think about. So the province of Allah, who and they will sell them is teaching us over here that the preservation of capital is an objective of the Sharia health of the old man is actually one of the objectives of the Sharia. And that is why Riba is haram, stealing is haram. God and Volm in contracts is haram. All of it is a part of hebdomad the preservation of wealth, the preservation of wealth,

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Hadith number 33.

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Civil dealings and customs remain permitted as long as they do not contravene a Sharia principle, Muslim collects from *, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed by a people pollinating and said, If you didn't, it would work. It resulted in a bad harvest. He passed by them and said, What is with your trees? They replied, You said such and such, he said, You know better the affairs of your world.

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Now, let's explain what's happening in this hadith. And let's look at the title heading as well. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he is passing by, you know, a group of farmers. And a group of farmers are cross pollinating their trees. So they're basically mixing the seeds of one type of tree with another type of tree. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi. wasallam sees this and he says, if you didn't do this, it would be better for you, it would be better for you. Some long period of time passes by, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes back by these farmers. And he sees that their seedlings have not grown very, very well. Like they're really premature and immature for

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where they should be for that period of time. So he asked them, what is it that's happened to your trees, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then they detail the process. Damiana so Allah we only implemented the advice that you told us to implement that you told us to implement. And what is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say unto him, Allah Moby Amory dunya calm that you are more knowledgeable about the affairs of your world. So now let's take this back to the title, Civil D

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dealings in customs remain permitted, as long as they do not contravene a Sharia principle. So now, when Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us in the Quran, why am I Takamura Zulu for Hosszu? That whatever the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam gives you and commands you if you have to take it. How literally do we take this statement? How literally do we take this statement? This hadith is coming to show us that with regards to matters of the religion, we have no room for disagreement with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam anything about the deen that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam tells us, we have to take it, we cannot argue we cannot dispute we cannot

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feel bad about it. We have to accept it as it is. But what about matters that are not related to the deen? What about matters that are related to farming? What about matters that are related to investing? What about matters that are related to you know, construction? whatever profession you may be in? What are we meant to do in those times. So here we have the principle that if people have a certain way of doing things, and that certain way of doing things, does not go against principles in the Sharia, let them keep doing their thing. Let them keep doing their thing. This also teaches us a very important principle. Always seek out the experts in every field. Always seek out the

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experts in every field. You're trying to become a better investor. Look what the best investors are doing. You want to become better at construction. See what the best you know architects are doing. Always seek out the best professionals in their fields. Now, which brings us to a matter

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how about those Hadith that gives us commands that are not directly related to something with regards to the dean, right? And I'll give you an example. We have a a principal initial filk that says Amar Yocto deal with job there when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives you a commandment, Allah subhanaw taala gives you a commandment, you have to fulfill it right there and then right so it necessitates an obligation. But now when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam gives you a commandment that is not necessarily related to the deen? Is it still considered obligatory? Is it still considered obligatory? Or if he gives you a prohibition, does not relate it

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to the deen is still considered impermissible. An example being the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam telling us to not drink while we are standing, do not drink while we are standing. Do we apply principle number one that says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibiting something becomes haram? Or do we say that you know what this hadith clearly tells us that this is a matter from the dunya. And whatever the experts of the dunya tell us, then that is something better and permitted. How do we understand it? So now when you go back to study this issue from an OSU fifth perspective, you will actually find that the scholars differed over this issue, some scholars

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remained consistent. They said, We're not going to differentiate between dunya we commands versus religious commands. So any command that the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam gave, about the way you dress, the way you eat, the way you drink, the way you walk, the way you interact with one another, we're going to treat them the same way. We promise the world the same way we treat commandments about salah and Zakah and homage and so on and so forth. And this is what you will find and then you will find another group that said you know what, we will differentiate between the two matters, religious matters will remain upon the original principles, but non religious matters like eating

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drinking marriage and interaction. Anytime there's a command, we will understand it as a recommendation. Anytime there is a prohibition, then we will understand it as a discouragement as a discouragement. So you find the a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam prohibits the wearing of red, the wearing of yellow, now you will come across different fatawa if someone wants to buy a yellow shirt or a red shirt, what is the ruling on that the different rulings will be based upon how they understood this concept of religious commandments versus non religious commandments. And this shows us the value of this hadith over here. But again, the point that chick Jo was trying

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to make over here is that there's there's a certain way of doing things in a field as long as it doesn't contravene the Sharia and go against the Sharia. Let the people continue. And then this is the last Hadith and

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we'll open up the floor for a question and answers and then continue after that.

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Hadith number 34. The basis of partnerships is the sharing of risk and reward. Muslim collects from earnest the province of Allah Allah

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Lamp passed by a people pollinating and said, Allah says, I am the third of two partners, as long as one of them does not cheat the other. When he cheats him I leave from among them I leave from among them. So this is a Hadith Goetze This is a Hadith kotse from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to from Allah subhanho wa Taala so here are the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam is telling us that as long as people are honest with one another, the baraka of Allah subhanaw taala will be there. But once people start cheating, and lying and being deceptive, then that Baraka will be taken away. And this shows us panela, like the value of honesty, in all aspects of our lives and all aspects of our

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lives. And I'm going to bring it to

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a very practical scenario, today's the day of Juma and Inshallah, all of us men, we went to the masjid for Joomla. And I'm pretty confident that no matter which method you went to today, for Joomla, there was some sort of parking incident, inevitable, right? Someone parked in a spot that they shouldn't be parking in, let's speak about this location. So right now, if you come to Juma for this location, Alhamdulillah, we have the parking lot in the front, and we have the parking lot to the left of us right beside the restaurant, right? And then we also have street parking. Now, clearly, that's not enough, because what ends up happening is people end up parking in the parking

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lot across the street, that belongs to the businesses. And those businesses get affected when their customers can't find parking between 12 o'clock and 215 because it's completely taken up by the Muslims. Now,

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someone may take a very literal approach to this and say, you know, bring me an Ayah from the Quran, bring me a Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that says parking in such places is haram. Right? And you may think Subhanallah, this person is asking a fair question. And no, they're not. And the thing is, we came to be validating every question based upon merit, just because it's asked right married is not an asking merit isn't sound logic. And our dean is not just based upon an a hadith is based upon principles as well. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Allah, dada Wallah, there are that do not harm others nor allow harm to be done to you. It includes

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parking, it includes all sorts of interaction, it includes where you put your trash bins, it includes everything. So if it's going to harm another person, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling us be sympathetic and empathetic towards people's pain. If you know that this is going to harm someone, don't do it, just stay away from it, just stay away from it. And this is another element to it. That when you're honest, and you deal well with people, there will be Baraka in your life. But if you're not honest, you're cheating people, you're harming people, that Baraka will be taken away. And there will be suffering in your life. That is the the simplest way that I

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can explain it, that people that do not deal trustworthy and honestly, you will see, these are the people that are more likely to be afflicted by mental health issues. These are the people that will not be able to sleep at night. These are the people that are going to be suffering from stress and anxiety. And this is a result as a spiritual consequence of their dishonest lifestyles. Allah subhanho wa Taala he warns us in the Quran about this, he says woman, Rodan decree for in the humare certain bunker, that whoever turns away from the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala they will live a very congested, constricted, difficult life. So you may think that you know what, I got away

00:33:54 --> 00:33:57

with it. I didn't get a ticket, my car didn't get towed.

00:33:58 --> 00:34:40

But at the end of the day, yes, you got away from a physical consequence. How will you escape the spiritual consequence? How will you escape the spiritual consequence? Just like when you bring ease to others? Allah subhanaw taala brings ease to you. Do you not think the opposite is true as well? Yes, we're under the Mercy of Allah well, you if one can hear Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives a lot. And he doesn't hold us accountable for all of our things. But imagine this is the thing that Allah holds you accountable for? Is that something you really want to sit and wait for the consequences of No, try your utmost best to live an honest, trustworthy, easy, helpful lifestyle and

00:34:40 --> 00:34:53

when you live that way, within the heater Allah ease and comfort will come your way. I'll open up the floor for some questions and then we'll do the last two Hadith inshallah. I'll take three questions inshallah.

00:34:55 --> 00:34:56

Go ahead

00:35:04 --> 00:35:13

100% 100% But the person may say the, the problem is people are very argumentative. They're like, I don't live in this place. They're not my neighbors, they're your neighbors.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:27

That's what ends up happening. SubhanAllah. So those sisters point about a hadith that talks about, you know, not harming your neighbors, can it apply? And I said, 100%. But we will always find a way to argue, we will always find a way to argue, go ahead.

00:35:33 --> 00:35:33


00:35:37 --> 00:36:12

They don't know the value of what they're selling. And you're getting, like, it's almost like, like oppression at that point, like they're selling you like a $10,000 car valued at 100,000. Right point of view to let them know that they have one hand, or you take advantage of a person's lack of knowledge. Excellent. So the brothers question is someone's selling you something that's worth a lot of money. They don't know the real value of it. And they're selling it to you for a extremely discounted price. Do you have the obligation to inform them? So I think this is where we will differentiate between

00:36:13 --> 00:36:29

the validity of the contract? And what is the better thing to do? So if this sale was to go forward, the sale would be fine. And there's nothing wrong with the sale itself. Now, what is the better thing to do over here? What is the better thing to do over here? So imagine, if you're in this situation, how would you want to be treated?

00:36:31 --> 00:37:04

Right? That's the question you will write, you'd want to hear about it. Right? So this honest lifestyle think it applies to all aspects, right? This goes back to, you know, we always hear these crazy stories of like Uber drivers who find briefcases and like duffel bags filled with cash. And I always wonder why are people carrying so much cash with them? Like what's happening over here? And they always go back and return that to the people. And then they get their, you know, pictures posted in the news and stuff like that. And Hamdulillah you you pray that people bless them. You pray that Allah subhanaw taala blesses them. Sorry, my mistake.

00:37:05 --> 00:37:13

So it's a it will it's like, why would you take that short term gain for potential long term loss? If that makes sense? Right?

00:37:14 --> 00:37:33

Yeah, that's the that's the way I would answer it. So yes, the contract to the sale would be valid. But just think about the person as if it was you, how would you want to be treated at that time? And I know that it's a lot easier said than done. It's a lot easier said than done. I completely get it. But at the end of the day, we always want to try to take the high road. May Allah make it easy for all of us. I mean, go ahead.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:43

What is the

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00:37:46 --> 00:37:52

Are communities absolutely the worst? Yeah, it's every Masjid in Hancock Park. And

00:37:53 --> 00:38:05

if it's free, it means we're likely to not follow it. Yeah. Moving on, if we don't actually follow from an Islamic perspective, aside from like, say illegal, like, you'd like to think that he followed

00:38:08 --> 00:38:19

the park anywhere the it's, but they've come accustomed, of course, yeah. In the Middle East, like people arrested the apartment wherever they want. On Friday. Yeah.

00:38:20 --> 00:39:00

And they think it's okay, so they bring that kind of seem like mindset here. But, you know, you leave the pinecastle Of course. Yeah. SubhanAllah. Yeah. I mean, look, I think let's go back to this hadith. And then this look, and I have the Quran where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you're letting me know to Allah, wa T or Rasul. We're all in agreement come that Oh, you who believe, obey Allah and obey the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and those in authority amongst you. So if the administration of a masjid of an organization of Institute has come up with a set of rules, you are meant to obey those rules, as long as they don't contravene the Sharia. Right. So if your people

00:39:00 --> 00:39:12

in authority command you with something, you have to obey them, right? Or they can be somewhat Ah, well, this is what the exact words are the process, then upon you is to hear and to obey. As long as it doesn't go against one of the principles of the Sharia.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:46

100% And this is why, like, you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gave us quite a few prohibitions in Joomla, where you shouldn't cut through people's rows and step over them, nor should you be like playing with pebbles, so it has to distract people. What about to the people that cause distress to people on Joomla? Right, by blocking them in by not allowing them to park? I'm not gonna say it's going to make their Joomla invalid, but I will definitely make the Joomla deficient, they'll definitely make the Joomla deficient. Allahu taala. Last two questions, and then we move on. Go ahead. Yep.

00:39:48 --> 00:39:48


00:39:49 --> 00:39:54

Says the basis of partnership has shared the risk of reward and reward

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

in the community, like for example, in partnership

00:40:00 --> 00:40:18

I tell you, when a partnership was a business transaction with my wife, you know, usually men don't share the risk. Whatever I tell you, I tell him, you know, or with family, because he's my brother, you know, I'm the older brother and I'm in a partnership in business. He knows

00:40:20 --> 00:40:22

how to navigate.

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00:40:28 --> 00:41:06

stress 100%. And I think this is beyond the scope of our discussion, but brotherly advice. Never do business with family never, like, don't do business with family, don't do business with friends. Because you have to pick and choose, either you retain the business relationship, or you remain the family relationship. Keeping both of them is I wouldn't say impossible, but there's a high chance that something's gonna go wrong. So always keep that in mind. Number two, now, what this principle is actually saying, to give you an example of this, imagine you and I are doing business. So you have a contact, that's able to get phones, okay. And I'm a very good salesperson. So I come to you

00:41:06 --> 00:41:31

and say, most look, you have the contact with the phones, I have the ability to sell, if we make money, Alhamdulillah, we're going to split the money. But if there's a loss, that loss is on you. Right? That's what this principle is referring to. If we're going to be in business together, we have to share the profit together. But if there's a loss, we share the loss together as well. The loss shouldn't only be on you, we have to share that loss. That's what is referring to me Go ahead.

00:41:33 --> 00:42:08

Yeah, probably a matter of just like holding yourself to a higher standard, like by Biden and get the rules and like the contract, like let's just say, you know, you go to a car rental, you know, they say you're the only person that can drive this car, you're tired during the road trip, let one of your friends, right, you're director of violation of contract? What's the ruling? So I would say that in search, the brothers question is about certain conditions in contracts. So if you're going to a car rental place, and they say that you're the only person that's allowed to rent the car, but then you're going on this long journey, you get tired, you allow your friend to drive, there's

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normative cases, and there's exceptional cases, right. And this is where the concept of Oduro rebuttal comes is very important. So the five things that the shader came to protect, it came to protect life, it came to protect, intellect, it came to protect, wealth, it contained, to protect honor, and it came to protect the continuation of life. These are the Mikasa the Sharia, as they call it, now, how bad is your fatigue? Is it to the degree where if you keep driving, you know, you could possibly get into an accident? And then you develop this black and white mindset, that you know what, let me keep driving, because that's what the contract says. But then No, you look at them

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across the city, the first thing that the city I came to protect is human life, if it's going to kill you, and all of the people that are in the car, or even harm them, and damage them. It shows you that there's a contingency and he made a mistake, it's protection of life protection of Dean have the dean is the second thing, right. So life, Dean, intellect, wealth, and then they differed on honor and continuation of progeny. Those are the five things of the dodo data comes. So all that to say, I would use your discretion over here. In an ideal situation, yes, abide by the rules of your contract. But in the case, you're extremely tired and fatigued. Also use your your intellect,

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what is the greater harm, breaking the rule in my contract, or, you know, compromising on people's lives? Now, there's another thing, which I think is greater, but I wanted to answer that part as well. never agreed to conditions you don't think you can abide by. And this is something I think a lot of car companies are changing as well. So I'll give you a practical example with national with national, if you rent a car with them, it automatically assumes that your spouse or your partner is covered under your contract. So my wife can drive. And it's as if we're in the same contract, even though she may not be registered underneath it. And then they have some other ones as well. So like,

00:44:03 --> 00:44:21

if you're a corporation, and you know, your again, I won't get into it, but it has other things as well. So always try to agree to conditions that you can abide by. And then you'll see that even car rental companies are learning this where they know that they're letting their wives dry. They're letting their siblings drive whoever's in the car with them.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:25

So you're not really breaking the rule. Yeah.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:59

Yeah, but always do your due diligence. Like don't be like, you know, I get a special rate, so I'm going to rent it for my friend. I'll drive it out of the parking lot and I'm gonna give it to him. Right? Not, don't don't do anything like that. Right. But let's move on. We're going to cover two ideas and there's actually some interesting topics I want to speak to you about inshallah. So Hadith number 35 Hadith number 35. budgeting and saving is from the Sunnah al Bukhari collets from Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Anhu from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who said if I had mount or hood in

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Good, I do not want three to pass, except that not a single dinner of it was left with me if I can find someone who will accept it from me, not including something I've saved to pay a debt I owe. So now, this concept of budgeting, there's a lot that needs to be said over here in sha Allah. But let's go through the Hadith first. Here the Prophet salallahu alayhi. Salam is saying, if you have mount or her, then God, you've been to Mount Hood. If not, you've seen pictures of Mount Hood. It's a mountain range that extends for a couple of miles, right? It's not like a single mountain. So here's the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam is basically saying, imagine you have an almost unlimited

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amount of gold. So imagine you have an unlimited amount of money. If you have an unlimited amount of money, would you still worry about saving?

00:45:49 --> 00:46:23

The dunya will tell you no, don't worry about saving, spend it the way that you want, right? You have an almost unlimited amount of it. Here the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying, even if I'm that state, I'd still find a way to save. But let's look at the second thing over here. The second thing is, if you have an unlimited amount of money, what are you going to try to do with it? The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam didn't say I'm going to go buy a faster camel didn't go see I'm gonna buy a better house didn't go and say, you know, I'm gonna throw a massive celebration for me and my friends. He said, I would find people to accept it from me meaning to it except I sadhaka.

00:46:23 --> 00:46:57

That's what I would want. And the only thing I would leave aside is if I have a debt to pay off, if I have a debt to pay off, and this actually, you know, pertinent. Inshallah, for those of you and our current you guys attend our sterile Holocaust on Wednesday night, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, his shield was actually collateral, his shield was actually collateral to the Promise of Allah wa sallam actually had a type of debt at that time. So you can imagine that this is in a later phase of his life, where something has been collateral. And when something was collateral, it was usually because he was trying to help someone else. So you wanted to help someone

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else, he didn't have it with him, he got it from someone else for that person for this collateral. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi, wasallam got into debt. But here, he's saying, I would have given it all of it away with a small portion that I would have budgeted and saved for my expenses were things that I have to pay off. So three important lessons that I want us to take out from this. Number one, is how you save your money, how you save your money.

00:47:26 --> 00:48:09

And there's two different methods over here. So when we're budgeting a lot of people budget according to their expenses. But then there's another method that I want to introduce to you, which is budgeting in accordance to your investing, budgeting in accordance to your investing. What is the difference? Budgeting in accordance to your expenses is safer, budgeting in accordance to your investing, you're more likely to thrive, you're more likely to thrive, but there's more risk involved. So now how do we mitigate the risk? So the first thing you want to do as you start saving money, is put money aside the equivalent of three to six months of expenses in the situation of an

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emergency Laqad Allah and Allah subhanaw, taala, protect and bless all of us. But if there's an emergency, then we save that money. Now a common question with maybe did we not just speak about how you shouldn't be hoarding wealth and putting it to the site, two components to this, you can still put money on the site and put it in a non risky investment, right, you can still put it in a non risky investment. And that's still possible. So it's still liquid, you still have easy access to it, if you were to need it. But number two, the Sharia is not black and white, the Sharia understands that you are allowed to have things that you will need for the future. Right? So if you look at

00:48:51 --> 00:48:52

what's the

00:48:53 --> 00:49:32

the cattle fitter? If you look at the cattle fitter, anyone that has enough food stored for a day or for three days should be giving the cattle fitter, right? The fact that you're allowed to store for three days shows us that you're allowed storing for a reasonable amount of time for a reasonable amount of time, and three to six months, inshallah is a reasonable amount of time to make sure that you don't fall into a greater difficulty. So once you have those savings set aside, the way you budget, you can either do it according to your expenses according to investing, meaning that the first thing you do when you take get your paycheck, you can either pay your expenses, or you can put

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money towards investing, the difference is going to be whatever money is left over, you invest it over here, or over here, you invest first and then you try to live within the money that is leftover. So you start to live a more frugal lifestyle within your expenses. So that's number one.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:53

Number two, is that

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you will only reach in life, that what you plan and strategize for

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are not what you plan and strategize for and a lot of times we focus on planning and strategizing for the dunya. Right? In my education I want to reach here in my job and career I want to reach here in my family. I want to reach here physically, I want to reach here. How about your chakra way goals? How about your religious goals? Like I find this so beautiful, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that even if I had an unlimited amount of money, right, you could do so much with it. Subhanallah the main concern on his mind is that I want to find people to give sadaqa to that may alleviate poverty. Let me help the people that actually need it. Have religious goals

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for yourself, have religious standards for yourself, plan and strategize for this religious goals and standards? Simple things like memorizing the Quran and how far you want to get learning the deen and how far you want to get the Sunnah nawada prayers and how far you want to get the Sunnah and the waffle fasting and you can add like layers to every aspect of the deen, right? But strive, plan and strategize, strive to plan and strategize. And then last but not least, the concept of financial literacy within the Muslim community. Right, we need to increase the financial literacy. And the reason why I emphasize this is that in an ideal world, we want Muslims that are God conscious, that

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fear Allah subhanho wa Taala they're doing their personal ibadah. And they're also spending in the causes of the ummah. And the third one, it requires people to have money, it requires people to have money, so that if we need a school that to be built, we need a masjid to be built. We need a hospital to be built. We need an orphanage to build whatever it is that the OMA needs building. We have people that are ready and willing to give. But that's going to be of no value. If you don't have taqwa and you're not doing your own person that you've either like number three is irrelevant at that time. It has to be in that order, God consciousness personal a Buddha and then you know

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spending the causes of the ummah. And this is the likes of if you remember the first halacha monument off of Malibu, Abu Bakr, Siddiq, Radi Allahu Anhu Jemaine like all of these people, that's how they reached that standard. So that's something very important to take away from this hadith.

00:52:30 --> 00:52:44

And actually, that was the last Hadith. I'm so sorry. Because this last, this next date is long. And I didn't want to start this till next week. So we're going to do that. We'll leave Hadith number 36 For next week. But then there's three topics that I wanted to speak to you about.

00:52:45 --> 00:52:49

Because I've been asked about quite a bit about them. So number one, I'll give you a scenario.

00:52:51 --> 00:53:14

Bilal and I are organizing a hockey tournament, okay. And we say that create a team, and each team will pay $100 for registration. And the team that wins this tournament, will get $1,000 will get $1,000. What is the ruling on this tournament?

00:53:16 --> 00:53:29

So understand this scenario, you're responsible for creating a team, you're responsible for paying a registration fee. And then if your team wins, you will get $1,000 You will get $1,000. What is the ruling on that?

00:53:30 --> 00:53:36

Who said it's allowed? You said it's allowed? Okay, excellent. Go ahead, brother in the back.

00:53:40 --> 00:53:42

It's not haram, but it's

00:53:47 --> 00:53:47


00:53:49 --> 00:53:51

But you're not saying it's halal. either. You're telling me it's not?

00:53:52 --> 00:53:58

The Is there a doubt? Like do you have a doubt? You think it's valid? Okay. Well, it

00:53:59 --> 00:54:13

depends on the actual format. Is the money already allocated for registration? Or, or do you think the registration money to get the prize money out? Or is that use for the rental equipment? And that's where like, I think there's a

00:54:16 --> 00:54:27

Where'd that 1000 came from? Allahu Akbar. Great. So that is the first step that we want to figure out. Where's the prize money coming from? Now? Let's answer that question. The prize money is coming from the registration fees.

00:54:29 --> 00:54:31

It's gambling that is gambling.

00:54:33 --> 00:54:36

Sorry. It sounds like gambling most would you say?

00:54:37 --> 00:54:39

Your thing is haram. Go ahead.

00:54:41 --> 00:54:45

It sounds like you're playing in the money. And then the money.

00:54:46 --> 00:54:48

It's like, it's like, think about

00:54:49 --> 00:54:49


00:54:51 --> 00:54:59

Excellent. Okay, so now let's discuss this for an Islamic transaction to be valid. And I'm really simplifying this

00:55:00 --> 00:55:36

There is going to be an exchange of a commodity, or a currency for a commodity currency or service that has to take place for a contract to be valid. Okay, so now in this contract that's taking place, find out, what's what you're paying $1,000. So you're paying $100, that is the initial currency that you're paying. So you are the buyer or the purchaser. In this scenario, the seller in this scenario, are the organizers over here. Okay. Now, what are you getting in return?

00:55:37 --> 00:56:20

Now, is there a product you're getting in return? No, we're not even giving you a free T shirt, you don't even get that we're not gonna give you water, you're there's no Gatorade bottles, nothing. All you are doing is you're coming to play in this tournament, for the chance of, you know, to to win $1,000. So there's no product being sold, there's no service being provided, there's not in exchange for a commodity, none of that is there. So in those sorts of scenarios, that means this is a gambling type transaction, where there's a chance you may get something, but there's also a chance that you will not, and the vast majority of people will not get anything. And if that is the case,

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then more than likely it is gambling, more than likely it is gambling. But all that is contingent on for Cohen's question, where is the $1,000 coming from? If the $1,000 is coming directly from the registration fee, that's extremely problematic. But you know what the I see says, We want to sponsor this hockey tournament, the prize money is sponsored by the ISC. Now, that's a different scenario. So what are the what is the registration fee being used for? That's the question you should ask, like, why are you taking this money from us? Right? Oh, we have to pay for the rental of the facility. We have to pay for security, we have to pay for clean up, we have to get, you know,

00:56:57 --> 00:57:14

medical supplies in case someone gets injured. Okay, now, all of a sudden, that makes sense. This is why you're charging us right. So this teaches us a frame of mind as to how we should be approaching our transactions, how we should be approaching our transactions. Brother, you had your hand up? Yeah, go ahead.

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00:57:29 --> 00:58:01

So paying for playing is fine. You can pay to play, like you want to sign up for basketball camp, you go pay for the basketball camp, that's fine. But when you're getting money in return, and only one group or one party or group of people who are minority are going to be getting it. That's what that's what the problem is. That's what the problem is. There's nothing wrong with signing up for gym membership. Nothing wrong with signing up for sports seasons and stuff like that. That's perfectly valid. No problem there. But as soon as there's prize money involved, then that's where it becomes problematic, where you need to do your due diligence. Okay, second scenario.

00:58:03 --> 00:58:05

You're about this. Okay, go ahead.

00:58:06 --> 00:58:10

Competition solutions for tentacles.

00:58:23 --> 00:58:28

First of all, I don't know why Quran competitions need a registration fee. Why do they need a registration fee?

00:58:31 --> 00:58:31


00:58:32 --> 00:58:36

but I think it's better ask the community members we know we want to encourage the children.

00:58:37 --> 00:58:39

I understand I completely understand

00:58:42 --> 00:59:19

I'm not I'm not denying what you're saying. But I'm saying there's a better way of doing it. Like right now. My dear brothers if I was to ask you guys who wants to sponsor a Quran competition that you know Insha Allah, we want to encourage people to memorize the Quran. We want to give you know the top three winners $500 each. I'm sure we will easily find brothers that will be willing to donate to that right Mashallah. We have a very generous Oma. So that is a proper way of doing it charging for the Quran competition. And then from that money, giving it back. I don't feel comfortable with that. Even though I understand where people may say it's allowed, because there's

00:59:19 --> 00:59:23

an act of hate. I understand that but there's a better way of doing it. Hola. Hola. Hola. Go ahead.

00:59:24 --> 00:59:25

Yeah, sister you that just hit?

00:59:28 --> 00:59:34

I'm so sorry. The other sister. Oh, four for both of you. So two people raising hands for one question.

00:59:35 --> 00:59:36


00:59:45 --> 01:00:00

You could have that near but there's still a structure to go about it right near to Saudi Ramadan fasting. I wrote this intention doesn't fix, fix a wretched action. The way the organizers are structuring it is not structured the correct way. So even though you

01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

intention may be correct. The structure of the organization is not correct. Yeah, there was a third hand.

01:00:07 --> 01:00:11

So there was a third hand for one question. You had your hand up

01:00:19 --> 01:00:26

register for brand opposition, but then everyone's like, take good luck. And luck is valuable when there's a payment involved. Actually think

01:00:30 --> 01:01:05

about that competition where you know, that parents like I think that people do, you're going towards competition. And that's great. Dakka Dakka. I love that. But now, how do we still remain halal? You know what, let's provide lunch for everyone that's attending, let's hold it a nice Hall. So it's not about pocketing the money, or giving this money directly to the to the competitors, let's provide a service instead. So for the CO registration fee, lunch is included, and we take you to a nice venue, right? Then that way, it still remains to the realm of halal, but if we're doing the Quran competition in the masjid, and there's no extra expenses, like this doesn't make any sense

01:01:05 --> 01:01:07

to me. Now there's a second scenario.

01:01:09 --> 01:01:36

Think about going to, I don't want to mention this specific place, but think about, you're going to a place that has like roller coasters and rides. But then they also have games over there. Right. So you throw a baseball, you knock all the pins down, you'll get a price. But in order to participate, you have to pay like $5, or they have another one with basketball, right? You get three shots in a row, after you've paid, you'll get a price.

01:01:37 --> 01:02:23

Same ruling over here, same ruling over here, because you're paying for something that you're not getting a service or a product or commodity in return. Right. So now what is the way out of this, what is the way out of this, go to another example of this arcade that you have, where they have the same types of games. But when you play the game, you're guaranteed to get a number of tickets, everyone is guaranteed to get a number of tickets. However, the number of tickets you get is based upon your skill if you want to call it that, or your effort or whatever it is, that is a better approach, then a zero sum game where the either nothing or something right. That is number two.

01:02:28 --> 01:02:30

One thing to because

01:02:32 --> 01:02:34

disaster disaster.

01:02:42 --> 01:02:42


01:02:50 --> 01:03:09

it's not, it's not absolute gambling, because you are getting a ticket back right? Now I understand one ticket is not worth much. It is it is could be a form of itself. I'm not arguing that either. That is possibly the end, we want to teach our children responsibility, I completely get that type. Now there's a last topic I wanted to discuss.

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I tried to discuss it as quickly as possible. The issue of insurance,

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insurances of many, many types, and when I break it down to insurances that are mandatory

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insurances that are Sharia compliant,

01:03:27 --> 01:03:40

insurances that become permissible based on fatawa. Okay, so, insurances that are mandatory, they don't actually have a religious ruling on them, right. Adorato to be on moderate

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driving is something that is a it's a high level need, and in some cases, in most cases, is actually a necessity in order to survive. Right. Now, in order for you to get a license and to drive, you have to get insurance, you have to get insurance. So now you're getting insurance is now permitted, even though the general ruling on insurance in non Sharia compliant ways is haram. Okay, so let's understand that anything that becomes mandatory, no longer has a ruling related to it. Number two, is you have the ability to access something that is Sharia compliant, versus something that is not Sharia compliant. So for example, Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar, I'm pretty sure Turkey as well as some

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other countries in the world, they will actually have Sharia compliant insurance. Now, you may not understand we may not understand it, but there's a group of scholars that inshallah are trustworthy, supervising this they're saying it's Sharia compliant. Their neck is on the line with Allah subhanaw taala. Right. They've given their stamp of approval. If you have the option of choosing ever and this is not yet it's not a practical scenario yet, but inshallah I'm hoping it will be to choose a Sharia compliant insurance versus not choosing a non Sharia compliant

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Insurance, even if it is imposed, you have to choose the Sharia compliant comp. Insurance, you have to choose the Sharia compliant insurance. Which brings me to number three.

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Are there exceptions to the rule where insurance can become permitted. So life insurance in particular, life insurance in particular, there's a body of scholars that I admire and respect greatly. They're called the assembly of Muslim jurists in America, their website isn't the best, but you can search their papers, and therefore to databank. And they've spoken about people that go and work in the mines, they have very, very risky jobs, right. And the likelihood of them passing away is as a result of their work is much higher than someone that's working in an office. So they actually said that if your company does not provide life insurance to you, that it is actually

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allowed for you to get your life insurance outside. Due to the risky nature of the job that you have. Another fatwah

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Florida, Florida is regularly hit with tornadoes, and typhoons. And they said that if you own a house over there, and this is your situation that every couple of years, you literally have to build your life from scratch, it is permitted for you to get house insurance to protect you from the tornado and from the Typhon. Even though the default ruling, it is not allowed, because of the exceptional circumstance. So this shows us that the Sharia is flexible, when it needs to be flexible. But in the situation where there is no need for flexibility, the Sharia will be rigid. So the individual that's working an office job, why do they need to get life insurance, this is it is

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better for you to invest strategically, and put your trust in Allah and then you will be taken care of in that situation. Now, the last part and this is the complicated part, and I'm hoping we can leave this to next week because I don't want to delay so after maghrib What if a part of your package life insurance is provided, so that a company will pay most of it and then you pay a small portion of it? What is the ruling on that? And inshallah that is what we will discuss next week. Bismillahi Tada, but I just wanted to clarify this topic of insurances and different categories and the different ways of looking at it. Allahu Taala Allah

01:07:37 --> 01:07:51

is that the exciting part? So all you know, one hour and four minutes was not exciting, this isn't exciting for one Inshallah, this is encouragement this is you know, to come next week with Allah He Tana does have a good

01:07:53 --> 01:08:25

health and dental insurance next week as well Inshallah, they let's conclude with that. So next week again, we have our halacha final six Hadith that we'll be covering, then we'll answer some of these questions. And halacha is at eight o'clock so be here 755 So we can start on time in sha Allah Subhana Allah Han will be handed a shadow Allah, Allah Allah and iStockphoto tubo lake. And don't forget Sierra Holika on Wednesdays at 630 and Sheikh Hamza is halacha in the south at age 30 as well. So try to attend those Alekos inshallah Desikan lokalen was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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