Ahsan Hanif – Husband and Wife – United In Vision

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The importance of finding a woman with good religion and being a good person for the church is emphasized in a workshop on finding a woman with good religion and a good person for the church. The importance of " united vision" when choosing a spouse is emphasized, and the need for individuals to be empowered to protect their own lives is emphasized. Pr principles of pride and fear are also discussed, and the importance of constantly reviewing and evolving the vision for oneself within one's own families is emphasized. The speaker also provides examples of a woman who wants to serve her religion and wants to achieve her goals, and emphasizes the importance of constantly reviewing and evolving the vision for oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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Learn you manage shavon yamaji

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Bismillah him off money and walhi

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Solomonic movement Allahu Baraka

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manakamana Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen sallallahu wasallam Allah Baraka Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ultramarine, a MOBA.

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This seminar is entitled aspiring for gender together husband and wife united InVision Allah subhanho wa Taala and solo to the last passage of solo to work on Allah subhanho wa Taala dedicates to rebar the rough man, the slaves of a rough man and olara several dimensions in a number of verses the different

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characteristics the different attributes of his servants, the bad the rough man, the slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala from amongst those attributes and those characteristics is what Allah azza wa jal says towards the end of the surah from the final attributes that he mentions, and he says subhanho wa Taala one levena yopu Luna robina happyland amin as Virgina with lujah, Tina, burrata Yun, Zhang, Li Na, E, Mama.

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They are those who say Our Lord, bestow for us from our wives, our spouses, our husbands and our children, those that will be a coolness for our eyes, and make us leaders for the righteous. This person sort of forgotten this attribute of the slaves of a rock man, it embodies it encapsulates the vision of the Muslim family. all day yesterday, and even before yesterday, we all know that when we're supposed to look for a spouse as Muslims, the most important thing that we need to concentrate on is finding a person who has good religion. For the for be that Dean today, but find the one who has good religion, and you will be successful. But what does it mean to have good religion? Is just

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someone who prays just someone who fasts? Just someone who gives a cow was made hunch? Is it just someone who's practicing who dresses the way that a Muslim should? The way that a person that just behaves the way that a Muslim shown? What does it mean? Choose the one who has religion? And this is what the seminar is dedicated to? What does that expression of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam entail? What does he mean? What it means is that you need to find someone who will have the vision that you have the vision that all of us should have as Muslims, because the whole point of getting married. And the reason why it completes half your religion is because that partner that you

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choose to spend the rest of your life with, is supposed to help you achieve your goal and your destination. What is our destination as Muslims? What is our home? You know, often you get this question, especially if you go abroad, like, especially in the Middle East, when I was studying in Saudi Arabia, and so on, people often ask you where you from. And if you say to them, I'm from the UK, from the USA, from Canada, by our skin color. They know that we're not indigenous in these countries were not originally from these countries. So they will say no, where are you originally from? Right? Where are you originally from? So I'm originally from Pakistan, from Somalia, from

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Bangladesh, from India, from all of these countries, where are you originally from? But if you look at this question, and this is the mindset of many people, where are we originally from? What is the question mean? That means Where are your forefathers from? Right? Because I was born in the UK, I'm originally from the UK. That's not what they mean. They mean, where are your ancestors, from? your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents, your forefathers? Which country are they from? And so you say they're from the subcontinent. They're from wherever they're from in the world. But if we were to look at that same logic, where are you originally from? And you continue to go back in

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time, past your grandfather passed your great grandfather, passed your great, great grandfather, keep going back until you get back to your first father, who is our first father. At the Maori. His Salatu was Salam. And where was he originally from?

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Where was Adam originally from?

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When that's what Allah subhanaw taala created him, and he placed them there. So next time someone asks you Where are you originally from? More you're going to say from Jenna. And that is what Allah subhana wa Taala wants us to have in mind as our destination. So now when you're choosing the spouse, you want to United vision, what is that united vision, a united vision that together you will achieve that destination of going back home, going

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Back to your destination going back to where you originally came from where your forefathers originally came from. And that is Jenna. Going back to Jenna. And then all of the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim that we often hear, you can put them into perspective, be in this world as if you are a stranger. Whereas the prophets of Salaam said my example is only like the example of a person who was traveling, he saw some shade under a tree, he sat down to rest for a while, and then he will continue to travel home. All of these are hardy that we hear all of them show us that our original destination is gender. That's where we're originally from. And so now, when you choose a spouse,

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that you want to be united in a vision when it's not just enough to have someone who just praise because there are many people hamdulillah Muslims that pray, but they pray because their parents told them to pray, or their culture, told them to pray. And I'm not saying that's one, well, there's anything wrong with that, or that they're any less of a Muslim, but you need someone because this vision has to be given to your children. It's not just for you. It's not just for your wife, and that's all your husband, that's where Allah says hublin I mean, as word Gina, whether we are Tina, over lobs dough for us from our spouses, and our children, because the vision has to be inherited by

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the children. And then they inherited it from their children. You know, that famous Hadith of the Prophet of Solomon, a person dies, all of the actions cut off except from three. And one of those three is a righteous child, a righteous child, that righteous child, that's going to do good deeds, make dua for you give sadaqa Jerry on your behalf and so on. Why would he do that? If it wasn't that they were already united in the same vision, if they are not united in that same vision, they have a different vision. That is not a sort of a journey of for you. And how many people do we know in our own families, our own relatives, in our own community, our own friends and neighbors, their

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children, onto sadaqa jariya for their parents, don't do any good. don't pray, don't fast to give zakkai In fact, if anything, they do bad deeds, they sin and they disobey Allah and they commit major acts of sinning. Why? Because their vision isn't united. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you look at his Sumner, you look at his practice, you look at an example. As is often the case in the sooner you find that this is the way the prophet of solemn, taught his companions. And when the prophet SAW Selim would teach his community his companions, he wouldn't say to them, okay, today we're going to study the seal, right? Or tomorrow we're going to do either or

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this evening, we're going to study Sera, these terminologies came later on. In the time of the Prophet Salaam, there was no such thing as an RP, the class, right, or a Tafseer course, or a Syrah, you know, seminar, or conference or anything like this. these terminologies came later on. But the concepts were there, the concepts were there. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught his companions, he gave them Disturbia, and you can see that the Tobia is there, you can see it from the actions of the prophet or sallam, his wife, his children, the companions that are closest to him, when you look at their lives, you can derive this from them. So why do we need a vision? What's

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the purpose of a vision, and normally, this is something which businesses use, right? If you go to any business, any company, any like type of you know, especially the fortune 500 company, you always hear about vision, and mission statement, and so on. Because it's to keep everyone on track. When you know, this is the vision, but often when it comes to our individual lives, our family lives, we don't even think about our vision. But we just let things organically grow. And we don't put in as much time and effort as we should in this regard. So what are the benefits of a vision? Why have a vision? There are many reasons and many benefits, but I want to just concentrate on three. The first

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of them is because it helps you be principled, we live in a difficult time. We all know what's going on in the world, what's going on in the UK, internal politics, external politics, foreign policy, all of these things makes it very difficult for us as Muslims, our situation is difficult. But for many of us, either we came from our home countries. So we grew up in a certain culture over second generation Muslims in the UK. So parents, they had that strong culture, that strong identity of Islam, but now our children, our youth, our youngsters, third generation, fourth generation Muslims, they don't have that strong connection anymore. Many of them don't speak the language of our

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parents. Many of them probably never visited that country. Maybe we'll never ever visit that country. And even if they do go back, they'd be like every other tourist one have a clue, right? So completely alien to them. For them, we need to develop their identity.

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as Muslims, and one of the ways or one of the most important reasons why is because they need to be principled. The trials, the challenges, the hardships that they face in this society, they need to know how to overcome those challenges, and they can't overcome them unless they are principled. So the vision gives you principles makes you principle. When you look in the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you find that he was principled, and he taught his companions principles. And sometimes the companions would use their principles, even if they were mistaken. But the prophets of Salaam would forgive them. He would let them express themselves because he knew that

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they were standing up for their principles, right? And today, you know, history shows us even today, if you look at the figures, the people most talk about people most praise, you have people like Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali, the boxer, right? All of these people Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, why do people praise them? Because they stood up for principles. They were principle and they stuck to their guns and they remain firm to their principles. They didn't waver. They don't like say, okay, they were strong with the principles. And so people love the people even if after time, even if it's 20 3040 years later on, people will recognize and acknowledge the importance of being

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principled. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught his companions principles. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made the hatred he left for Makkah, he went to Medina. He left with Abu Bakr radi Allahu Abu Bakr radi, Allahu and left, right, and the the notice that was given to Abu Bakar, when the prophet of Islam said to him, let's go and make Hydra was very short. So he left with all of his wealth. And he left with the two camels that he had prepared and readied beforehand because he thought that he would accompany the prophet of Solomon, the hedgerow. He took all of this and he left, and he left his family behind. His family remained behind in Makkah, his

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wife, his daughters are smart, his sons up the man and Abdullah, his family was there left in Makkah, alone. The Father's gone. He's taken all the wealth, all of the money, and he's left from Africa. So the founder of Abu Bakar rhodiola, who his name was Abu hanifa, an old man, right and he was blind, old man, he would like to become a Muslim after the conquest of Makkah, Abu hanifa or the Allah who then became a Muslim, but at the time of the hatred, he was a non Muslim. While he was from the Quran, the pagans of koresh, he was an old blind man, he heard that his son had escaped to Medina, with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he came to the house of his son, who's

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there, his wife, why aboubaker his wife, his children, abraca was not there he comes to his house and he meets his granddaughter, a smart Binti Allah.

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And he says, he's blind, he is old. He says, Your father's forsaken you. He's left you. He's taken all of the money, all of his possessions, all of his belongings of value, and he's left and you're here alone,

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forsaken, abandoned. A smart meter be back rhodiola. One was a girl at a time. She wasn't very old. She was in her maybe late teens or something. She was young, relatively young,

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but a smart interview backer in order to protect the honor of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to defend the honor of her own father. She goes and she says to her grandfather, he didn't leave us he didn't abandon us. So she went and she took some pebbles, and she placed them in a sack. And she came to him and she began to shake them so that they would make a clinking sound as if it was coins. And she said to her grandfather, look at all of this wealth that he left behind.

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So when Abu hanifa heard this, he was blind. He couldn't see he didn't know. But when he heard this, he went quiet,

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went silent, and he just caught up and he left the house. But look at that principle. The prophet of his companions, they need to defend what they believe in. So as merb in Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu defends the honor of a father and before him the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The companions are principled in the Battle of who they be, or in the Treaty of are they be or rather, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came and he made a treaty with the people of orange, and he said to them, I will agree to all of your clauses, everything he put in the contract the treaty I will agree to. There were companions who upset like Abubakar unarmoured, yellow

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one, and many of the other companions. They were upset. Some of the narration say that some of those companions said that that day was a day of fitna. It was a trial for me. I mean, he left Islam. Why? Because they thought the prophet or fellow Muslim princes

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Well, they thought that what he was doing was a principle. And so the companions or the Allah or gnome had this mixture of emotions, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching them about the most important thing of a vision. His vision is to spread Islam is to make Islam which all of the people of the Arabian Peninsula and beyond. And so he's sticking to his principle, his vision. So when they've signed the treaty, and the The Man from Croatia so hated the person who signed on behalf of the Quraysh. It just so happened that his son was a Muslim, and his son was shackled in Makkah as a prisoner, but he managed to escape and he ran towards that area of her they

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be here because he heard that there were 1400 Muslims, amongst them the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and they would give him refuge and sanctuary and shelter, and you all know the story he comes and he starts to scream and cry for help, that someone should take him someone should help him. The Muslim should give him asylum and sanctuary and also hate him No, I'm not from Qureshi. He says, This is my son. And he is the first one that we will apply this treaty to the first person that we're going to apply this treaty to the professor solemn saw him in chains shackled, having been beaten before dejected, he said to Sohail, why don't you leave him for me? We'll apply the

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treaty after this to everyone else, believe him for me. So he'll said no, if you don't apply to him, we wrap it up. And we there's no treaty.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to the companions, let him be and he said to so * take him his yours.

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And the man is screaming, crying for help single Muslims save me. And look at the principle of the proximal filament. This isn't just something which we can apply to this issue of marriage is something which will apply to our wider issues that we're facing today. What's happening in Gaza and Syria and all of these places, the principles that we have as Muslims are not based on emotion. They are based upon the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam were a based upon emotion. The prophet of Solomon said were 1400 Muslims, and there's only two of you from koresh is coming with us, and there's nothing you can do about it. But the prophet Selim had signed a treaty,

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a man of his word, a covenant that he'd made with his people, he's not going to go back on his word, and he has a greater vision, a greater ideal that he's trying to achieve. So So halebidu, Iman is taken. So Abraham and his son is taken back to Makkah. And that's when you have the famous incident of Ramadan, the Allahu uncoming to the prophet of solemn, and saying, Oh, we Muslims, aren't you the Messenger of Allah? Isn't this the origin of truth? And then he goes to Abu Bakr, radi Allahu, and and does exactly the same thing. But the prophets are seldom stuck to his principles. And what happens when you stick to your principles? Allah azza wa jal said, after this when the Muslims

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returned to Medina, in fatahna, Medina, we have given you a manifest clear victory was the victory. All of the points in the clause are in the favor of the non Muslims of aurash. This man who was a Muslim had to be taken back and he was probably beaten, tortured, when he was taken back to Makkah by his father, where is the victory? The victory is that the Muslims for the 13 years of Mecca, and the six years up until the Treaty of who they be here, were only 1400 in number. But after the treaty, in two years, by the eighth year of the Hydra, in just two years, when the conquest of matter came round, the Muslims would be 10,000 in number,

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nearly 10 times increase in two years. Why? Because now they didn't have to worry about fighting don't have to worry about their lives and their wealth and their children. They could go when they could give down. And that is the manifest victory that Allah was referring to in the Quran principle. And that's the point of having a vision.

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And there are so many examples of this. If you look for example, at the story of the slander of our mother Arusha. rhodiola, who ran her for over a month, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't receive any revelation about this until she has been slandered. Some of the companions let forget the hypocrites, even some of the companions were Muslims. They were embroiled within this issue. There no, no, no revelation for over a month. So I shall we're staying in the house of her parents. She says as mentioned Sahil Bihari. She says that there were days that all I would do was crying from morning to night, and then at night, I couldn't sleep because of how much I was crying.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had cut off from her

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The process seldom even managed to the question on the minbar. And he said to the companions that also in the hospitals, what do you think? And because they didn't know, there was no revelation. They didn't know there were so many rumors, they began to debate and fight amongst themselves argue amongst themselves, and they became rowdy and the proximal Salamis on the member. So he told him to quiet down and then they quieten down and he went back to the house of Abu Bakr, radi Allahu Han. And then I she says he was the first time that he came and spoke to me about this issue a month had passed. He doesn't know there's no worry, no revelation. And so he comes to Arusha. And he says to

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her, that if you have done nothing wrong, then Allah azza wa jal will show your innocence. But if you made a mistake, you sinned. Then you should seek forgiveness from Allah and make Toba For indeed the one who repents to Allah. Allah accepts their repentance and forgiveness them. He's saying this to his wife, he doesn't know if you've made the sin, repent to Allah azza wa jal. So after Shabbat, the Allahu anon she says in the notional Buhari, I haven't memorized a lot of the Quran. didn't know much of the Quran at this point. But I said to my father, Abubakar rhodiola, one, the greatest of this oma, after the prophet SAW Selim, I said to my Father, why don't you respond on my behalf? You

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talk for me? Abu Bakr radi Allahu Han said by Allah, I don't know what to say to the Prophet of Allah doesn't know. He doesn't know what's true. What's not true. Even our own father couldn't respond. So she says our Ayesha says and she's writing this hadith and on Bihari, I said to my mother, why don't you respond on my behalf to the prophets of Salaam? and her mother said by Allah I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. so anxious says that I said that my example is like the one that if I say to you, that I'm innocent, you won't believe me. And if I say to you, that I am guilty even though I am innocent, you will rather believe that so all I can think of to

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say is while you're at school barely his Salaam said to his sons when they went and they left use of in the world for some boon Jamil Willa Han, Mr. Anwar Allah Moto Z phone, it is better to be patient. And Allah is the one who helps concerning that which you say about me.

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And so Shimon quiet and it was after this, that Allah azza wa jal revealed the verses in Surah. To nor mentioning the innocence of our mother, our insha, Allah Juana, but look at how the prompts are seldom inspired his companions, to be principle, people of principle, and when you have those principles, and you apply them, not only in your vision, but the vision of your family, and you apply them practically in your life, then it is something which your children will grow up on. Being people of principle, people of honesty, people of integrity, people of trust, people of principle, and this is something which we're losing. As an oma, as a community, we're losing this issue of

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principle, we'll say to people is back to back bite, don't back by don't speak about people's white tone and their families. But were the first to backbite in our own settings, when we're on the phone, when we're talking to our friends, we're backed by everyone, no principal, will go to people who will say you have to be crying and go to the guest and this and that. But when it comes to us, our own o'clock, our own character, were the worst in our character, will say to people be good to your in laws, your your children in law, your daughter in law, your son in law, they have rights. But when it comes to our own families, they have no rights, no principle. And that's just in this

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issue of marriage and the examples of many more beyond this as well. So that's the first benefit. Giving you a vision makes you principle and it makes your children inherit those principles. The second thing that our vision does, one of the other benefits is that it gives you a purpose gives you a direction, tells you that you're going somewhere, this is what you're trying to achieve. You're not just you know taking day by day, you don't know what you're doing where you're going, you're going in a certain direction to a certain destination. Abdullah

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Allah Allahu anhu. Omar says that I was one day on a ladder and my house and I was fixing my house I was mending the houses in those days were made of mud. And so mud huts and mud houses and straw houses, you have to keep fixing new mud, so otherwise they'll crumble so he was fixing his house on a ladder. The prophet SAW Allah Allah He was always fixing his wall or his house. The prophets are seldom passed by and he said to Abdullah Abdullah, what are you doing? So Abdullah replied, and he said, or messenger of Allah, I'm fixing my house, mending my house. So the Prophet said to him, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and amuru s Rahman has. The affair is more hasty than this meaning that

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you will die

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You're not going to live alone long enough to be worried about your house and about, you know, fixing mending your house, the fair is far more hasty than this.

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And so he's showing this companion and us as well, about how to put things into perspective. That's what our vision does. Because as parents, when we have children, and those children grow up, and even a husband and wife amongst themselves, they have to make decisions. They have to decide, am I going to go with option A, or Option B? Am I going to take this path or that path? And their sacrifices, and there's pros and there's cons. So what do they do? What decision to they make? which path do they choose? That's where the vision comes in, gives you perspective, gives you a sense of direction. And the third benefit of a vision that I want to mention to you today is that it gives

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you motivation, gives you a purpose motivates you because you have something now that you're working towards. A beautiful example of this in the Quran is the story of Allah imraan. The mother of margam Larissa was mentioned earlier among the family of imraan by a man had a wife and one is one of is the mother of his, his family, in Moran is the father of Maria and Maria is the mother of priests and his salatu salam, Maria Allah azza wa jal mentions in the Quran that her mother is piloting Rotterdam run rugby in in Tula Murphy, botany him or her rora for Taco Bell mini in a semi on our team. This is someone who has a vision, even before her child is born, even before her child is

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born, it is said in the books of Tafseer, like Pepsi and kefir and so on. Now she was one day walking and she saw a check. A chicken, a bird, sorry, she saw a bird flying to its chicks with food in its beak. And the mother bird, the birdie was feeding her chicks. And so when she saw the she longed for a child. And so she made this to her and she said, Oh, my Lord, I have vowed to You made a promise and an oath, that that which is in my womb, when she was pregnant, my child, he is for your sake. He is for your sake, you can do with him as you please, I will make him served all religion. That's a vision now, even before the child is born, she's saying, This child is boy, he is

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for your sake, he will serve your religion. That was the vision of the mother of Maria. Now obviously, when she gave birth, it wasn't a boy. She thought he would be a man be strong and he will serve the region of Allah he would spread the region of a law and it turns out to be a girl. And she says as Allah mentions in the Quran, he was about to her own Sir, I gave birth to a girl. While he said the Kuru can own son Allah says the male is not like the female. But even so, Allah subhanaw taala shows through the story, that even though it was a girl, because of the vowel that she made, she was sincere in her vision. That girl turns up to become who one of the greatest women ever

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Miriam's Maria Maria Salatu was Salam were in nice made to her Morgan, I have named her Miriam, were in near evil, her Baker will do reata harm in a shape, honor regime, and I seek refuge in new for her, and for her children, from shape and regime from shavonda occurs. Not only her, but all of her children who will come after her. And she gives birth to none other than the great messenger of Allah sallallahu Salatu was center. That's the person with a vision when you read the story, for example, and I don't have time to go into all of these examples, but look at the story of him. amercia theory. Look at the story of Mr. Malik read the biography of remember Bahari. rahima, human

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large Marine, when you look at the lives of these words follows most of them were orphans. The fathers had passed away in Arabic, the burger team means a person who has no father. They were your team in the sense that they had mothers and fathers. They were orphans, single mums by single parents. Yet they had the vision that that child of theirs wasn't just going to be anyone. They were going to serve the religion of Allah. Emma Malik, his mother used to say to him when he was a young boy got your teacher learn from his manners before you take from his religion. Mr. Musharraf theory, his mother would sell her property and take the wealth and give it to him so that he could study the

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religion of Allah. Emanuel Buhari his mother, she made the earth for him because he mammal Buhari was blind as a boy. And she made the route that Allah returned his eyesight so that he could serve the region of Allah. They didn't know when they were young children when they were boys, what they would become who they would become, how they would serve the region of Allah, but each one of them becomes a great illustrious scholar of Islam. So this is something that we need to do. I want to mention two final points.

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And that is that we need to develop a family vision, a vision for ourselves within our own families. If it's just you and your wife, then make a vision between yourselves. If it's you, your wife, and you have children, then include your children. Make a vision for your family, what is your vision, and those vision, that vision needs to have two things. Number one, a clearly defined goal and destination point. So we say as Muslims, our goal in this dunya, our destination is gender and our goal is to seek and attain the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But that doesn't just have to be it, make it more wholesome? What how are we going to achieve that goal? What is the goal? What does

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it practically mean? Because you can say, I'm going to achieve the pleasure of Allah how, what does that mean? And so define it, I'm going to achieve the pleasure of Allah by making sure that everything that we do we do with excellence, whether it's a job, whether it's our children studies, whether it's serving the community, whether it's the region of allowance, economic, whatever we do, we do with excellence, for example. And so you have a vision that is clearly defined, and involve your family, the husband dictating to the wife, this is our vision, right? The vision is you cook you clean, I sleep, that's what the vision, the vision is, you we consult everyone, your wife, the

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husband, the children, if they're old enough, everyone has a right to that vision. Because if they don't buy into the vision, than the vision doesn't work. And perhaps one of the things that you can do is choose verses of the Quran. So that you know, what you're taking this vision from. The vision is to attain Jana choose a verse of the Quran, or the Hadith of the Prophet or Sallam that embodies the vision. Part of the vision is to have excellent sound in everything we do. Choose a verse of the Quran, or Hadith of the Prophet of Salem, that shows that vision, that goal that embodies and encapsulates what you're trying to say. And the second thing then, is to have a compass, a way to

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achieve that goal. Now that you've made the vision statement, you have the family statement, you need to go back and constantly review it. You need to make sure and there's no harm by the way of changing and evolving that statement as time goes along. It's not working, right? It's not like revelation, that economy change. After time. You tweak it, you change it, something comes along, but you know that this is what you constantly need to refer to. This is your compass, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with his family, his his daughter, Fatima, his grandchildren, hustler Hussein after Fatima got married he didn't just ignore them. say she was married. Now she's got her

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husband collars. That's a business now say a family. He would go to her house and he would follow up. He will check on her. He would advise her and he would advise her husband earlier on the Allah and the prophet SAW Selim came on day to a house in the night and he knocked on the door and Fatima open or this is during the night they were ready to go to bed asleep. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came in and he said to them both Allah to Saul Leon, why don't you wake up and pray during the night? So early on the Allahu anhu responded and he said, I will sones or messenger of Allah are in the hands of Allah insha Allah and your birth center birth center. If he wants us to wake up, we

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will wake up meanings to decree of Allah. If you wake up, wake up, you don't wake up. We don't wake up. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turned around and he left. And as he left he said, Will Colonel insert or act thora she injured Allah. Mankind is so argumentative. Allah says in the Quran, mankind is always arguing and debating the Rasul cinemas, giving them advice, pray during the night. But instead they said it's not up to us. It's up to Allah. They didn't take that advice. So the prophets Allah mentioned this verse, or the rhodiola who answers after that night. I never left Biermann lane. never left paying during the night the narrator says I asked him not even on the

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night of the Battle of Safin. The battle that you were fighting is more out there when 1000s of people die, not even that night. He said not even that night. And that night I pray June the night in another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is also in Sahih Muslim on the thoughts of the Allahu and the prophets of Salaam had

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war booty that came and part of the war booty were prisoners of war slaves. And so

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faulty model the Allahu Allah and the Allahu anhu Paul didn't have any slaves and Fatima used to do everything by hand. She would cook and she would clean and she would she was doing a lot of manual labor. And so she became tired and it was difficult for her. So are the are the Allah who answered to his wife? Oh, Fatima, would you like a maid someone to help her home? She said, of course. He said Your father has received a big amount of war booty and there's many slaves within them. Why don't you

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Asking just for one is your father. So she went to the house of a father salallahu alayhi wasallam. She knocked on the door, she found that he wasn't home, who was home, his wife, Aisha rhodiola when her, she told her, this is what I want from my father. When he comes back, please relay this message to him. She went back home. The prophets of Salaam didn't return until the night, my time late in the night. He came at home. Arusha, was ready to go to bed. She said, oh, by the way, your daughter Fatima came, and this is what she wanted. The prophet SAW Selim immediately left his house, went to the house of Adi and Fatima didn't say I'll see early in the morning after fudger Anyway, I'll see

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him tomorrow. I'll speak to him next week. Immediately. He went to the house of God and felt him and knocked on the door. He opened they opened the door he came in. And he said to them that I heard the message that you left for me. But Shall I not tell you something which is better for you than having a maid or having the slave? They said yes, so messenger of Allah. He said, You should say Subhana Allah 33 times Alhamdulillah 33 times Allahu Akbar 34 times that is far better for you than having the slave. And then he left and he went back.

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I just want to stop so No, my Time's up. But I want to stop just for a minute or two on this narration. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, why would they give his daughter just the main wouldn't have been easy, give her romaine give her to give her three give a five mean to his daughter, one of the best companions, one of the most beloved of people, not only to the professor number, all of the companions, because of how close she was to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam would have been easy for him to do so many of these things. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was principal, he had a vision for himself and his family. And whenever he came in, he gave them

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advice. He always looked at the vision, what is the vision they need to attain Jenna, you have felt the moment Mohammed or fathima, daughter of Mohammed, I can do nothing for you in the sight of Allah. Unless you say Allah, Allah, Allah, you may be my daughter. But if you don't fulfill that vision, I can do nothing for you. lawanna Fatima bit, Mohammed, sorry.

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If my own daughter Fatima, the daughter of Mohammed was to still I will take off her hand as well. Because there's a vision principle. And so the Prophet Solomon is saying to her, I will give you something better, maybe not better in our materialistic terms, maybe not better in the way that we think, but better in terms of the vision that we're trying to attain.

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And so it is better for you that you remember Allah in this way. And you know, the Hadith that I just mentioned, this is something which we need to have when we develop the vision, or not only develop the vision, but then apply it in our lives. It gives you principles helps you make your decisions. And sometimes your children may come to you, your family may come to you and they may want something and it's easy for you to give. But you know that it is a fit into the vision stack for mental to them. Does that make sense? is going to take them off road of rail. And so you say no, this is our vision, and this is how we're going to achieve that vision. This is something which the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam instilled within his companions, and it's something which we need to do on a shallow Terrell after the short break. In the next session. I'm going to give you an example of just one family in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that had this vision and how each member of that family applied it in a different way.

00:38:36 --> 00:38:38

Mohammed was early years of management.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:44

Although they learn you manage shape banyuwangi

00:38:47 --> 00:38:52

Bismillah him off money law Hey

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