Navaid Aziz – 23 Tafsir Juz E Amma Surah Al Quraysh

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The conversation covers the importance of Islam's use of the word "the" on language, as it is used to describe the journey of the Bible. The speakers discuss the importance of establishing a new meaning for the term "monica," and the importance of understanding the seasonality of the journey. They also touch on the importance of showing evidence and being present for events, as well as the need for evidence and validation of events. The speakers emphasize the importance of making sure everyone is present for events and encourage attendees to sign up for a mailing list to avoid missing out on opportunities.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in Alhamdulillah Hina
will now be the haematuria fusina woman sejati Amina Maria de la dama de la sala de la la la la la la sharika y wash I don't know Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira and my bad, my dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
We continue with our explanation of the Koran and we continue with the Tafseer of Soto coloration this week bit later either. In terms of the correlation, Allah subhanaw taala has preferred this tribe of correlation over the many, many tribes across the world. And particularly in terms of the correlation you'll find two main virtues, particularly with this sort of
a mammal by happier Rahim Allah I mentioned in the narration from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah subhanho wa Taala has preferred the Quraysh with seven things he has preferred the Quran with seven things and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes on to mention that I am from koresh, that the Buddha is inside of Quraysh that chorus has a surah revealed about them, that the Quran were in charge of feeding the Hajaj and granting them their drink. And he mentioned two other things as well. Likewise, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam another narration talking about the
Quran, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said that Allah subhanho wa Taala chose from the Arabs ki Nana, and from ki Nana. He chose the chorus from the Quran she chose my new Hashem and from New Hashem he chose me. So here is another virtue of the courage that Allah's Messenger sallallahu Sallam said that they were selected specifically by Allah subhanho wa Taala, from amongst the various tribes. Now, when you get into the sutra, when you get into the surah itself, it starts off by saying, and this is one of the interesting facts that I don't know if you remember, but when we started off this tafsir halaqaat, we mentioned that the individual who relies purely on translation,
he becomes captive of the translator, meaning that you will be purely dependent on the one that is translating the Koran. So if you look at this very first word verse in Soto College, where Allah subhanaw taala says, the elf Eucharist, you'll notice that in the translation that you have, and if you look at the various translations, every single translator will translate this verse differently. Every single translator will translate this verse differently, I went through six different translations. And all six of them had six different translations of this very first verse. And the different translations are purely dependent on how the translator understood the word enough, how
did the translator understand the word elf. So the general meaning of elf over here comes down to one of three meanings, it comes down to one of three meanings. So the first meaning of elf that is possible over here is that of a gathering is that we gather them so when a person when a when people gather, then this is a type of elf. And you'll notice that this is what Allah subhanaw taala mentions in various parts of the Quran, when he talks about that uniting of the hearts and uniting of the people, this term elaphe is used. The second meaning of elaphe over here that is possible is that of being granted security, that have been granted security. So when people are granted
security, this is like
a contentment in the heart that Allah subhanho wa Taala grants, and that is another meaning of elaphe over here. And then the third meaning of elaphe. What is possible as well, is that of a custom or that of a ritual of that of a ritual. Now that you understand what the term elf means it has these three possible meanings in this context. So Allah subhanaw taala, says, The love of the chorus, the love of the chorus,
sorry, the the third meaning I gave you in terms of custom, it's a customer protection, so at certain times, they will be granted a protection. So it's not just a custom, but it's the customer protection, that at certain times that certain rituals, Allah subhanaw taala will grant them protection. So now that you understand the meanings of elaphe, let us look at what the lF is actually referring to over here. So firstly, looking at this lamb over here, looking at this lamb over here, this color is different. Why is this lamb over here to begin with? Because this lamb, it makes the word after its happy customer. Now generally speaking, in order to do so, it can have
possible connotations. So you look at why is the Lamb over here and again, we come down to three opinions, we come down to three opinions. Number one, the first opinion is that shortall coresh is in fact the continuation from the soda before it
And who can tell you what the solar before it is?
Which is certain field. Excellent. So they said it is a continuation of Salton field dealing again with the city of Makkah, and how Allah subhanaw taala protected Makkah and the coloration in particular at that time. So they said that this lamp is to indicate that it is a continuation from the shorter before it, why did they make this claim? So the reason they made this claim was that if you were to look at the most half of obey vocab, mobipocket, being one of the companions, who wrote down the Koran, obey biocarbon, his must have certain feel and sort of courage, when in fact, one surah there is no separation between sort of field and Soto koresh. Whereas if you look at the
finalized version of a smuggler, the Allahu anhu, before all of the other copies of the Quran were destroyed in the finalized version of OS nine, La Jolla when they were in fact two different suitors. And after that consensus actually took place, there is a Gemma amongst the Sahaba. That sort of field and circle college were in fact, two different suitors. And that is why this opinion in particular, you see that the scholars did not hold it in, you know, much did not give it much weight. They didn't say that it was a popular or accepted opinion. The second opinion and this is one of the opinions attributed to Abdullah bin Arbus is that this lamb over here again is to show a
connection with another verse inside of the sutra, another verse inside of the sutra. And that is the verse number three, what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, For Leah Buddha has elbaite. So the translation, the way it would be affected then would be that look at the way the corporation gathered. And this gathering that is being referred to over here is the gathering for the journeys that used to take to Yemen, and to Syria to a sham and the winter and summer times. So look at the way they used to gather during those times that they will go in flux and in caravans to these lands to do business. So Allah subhana wa tada is indirectly telling them that let them let them gather in
the exact same way to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala as well, that if you can gather together for the sake of the dunya and for the sake of doing this business, then let them gather as well for the sake of worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. That was an opinion attributed to Abdullah even abuzz about the Allahu anhu.
Then the third opinion over here is that the lamb is what they call for a job for amazement for meaning that Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling the people that this is something so simple, you need is something to be profound of something to be amazed by. And the gathering of the courage was something to be amazed by that without fail, every single year, no matter what would happen, the correlation would gather to go and travel either to Yemen in the wintertime, or to a sham in the summertime. So this is something to be amazed by. Now, why is this something to amazed about Can anyone possibly think why? Why is this something that would be amazing to the college that will make
them stick out?
This requires a bit of historical perspective of that region at that time. What was the Arabian Desert like at that time?
Okay, so indirectly, you're correct. So that's the second point I was going to make. We're number two is that wherever the Qureshi went, they had like a preferred status. You know, in our day and age if you find out that someone's like born and raised and lives in Medina, like Mashallah, you know, this is such a noble status to have. Similarly, at that time, and even till this time today, if you're from the chorus, you are from the caretakers of the Kaaba, you are the ones that took care of the pilgrims, the people that came to meet Hajj, and people used to give them special attention. So that was the second thing that the Croatian The only reason they were preferred amongst the
people was because Allah subhanho wa Taala granted that preference to them first, but there's a second and more simpler reason that why was that an amazing journey for them?
I'll give you a hint that if you think about a woman traveling without a map, there's a hadith talking about a woman traveling What are Muslim? That is a clue to why this trip was amazing.
Okay, was explained.
Did you pick that up from my hint? Or did you just
Okay, so explain the hint. What is the headache that was referring to?
Accent Accent? So in the heyday, was that what you were going to mention as well? There you go. Let me hear what you're gonna say.
Travel is so predictable.
That's a good point. That's a good point. Okay, that's good. We can mention that as well. So the first point and the most important point is that the corporation were granted safety that you know, they would travel these far distances, no one would rob them.
They will not get attacked by animals. There is no sandstorms. None of these things were actually reported during those journeys. So the hints that I was trying actually trying to give is that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talks about safety at the end of time that a woman will travel from the sacred lands to Hydra mode, not fearing anyone except Allah subhana wa Tada. Meaning that generally speaking, that journey from the sacred lands to Yemen was a very dangerous journey, that you will be attacked by animals, you could get robbed, but this woman would travel by herself, and she would have no one to fear except Allah subhana wa Tada. And this was something
amazing that outside of these times, if anyone was to travel, then they will get attacked by animals by storms, they will be robbed, as I was mentioning that this was something that took place twice here, it is very predictable. You want to rob a whole caravan of people, you know, this is your ideal opportunity, you know, when they're going to do it, you know, approximately how many are and you'll know what they have. So they all could have went down, but Allah subhanho wa Taala protected them, Allah subhanho wa Taala protected them.
A second point pertaining to the left over here, this gathering. We mentioned that opinion number one is that the lamb was referring to that is a continuation from sortal field. There's also an opinion that when Allah subhanaw taala talks about the elf, the gathering, this elf is referring to the elf that took place during the attack of certain field where the Qureshi got together and they were, you know, on the verge of protecting their lands before Allah subhanho wa Taala sent those birds. And that's something we'll talk about next week within the hits Allah. So the elaphe could also potentially be referring to the protection or the the gathering of the coloration that they had
during the attack of abraha and the attackers of the Kaaba during that time.
Now, when you look at it,
Allah knows best, but it seems that the lamb the lamb over here, is referring to the Lamb of the lamb over here is referring to the Lamb of God, that is an act of amazement that Allah subhanaw taala is bringing attention to as for the elf over here, when Allah subhanaw taala talks about the gathering, it seems that the gathering that seems to be strongest, is the gathering that is actually referring to in Soto college is the guy that has actually being referred to as sort of Polish, and we'll speak about it, why we'll mention it why. So in the very next verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say, he left in Brazil at the schita he was safe, that they're gathering for the journey
of the winter, and the summer, the winter and the summer. Now who can remind me of a principle when word that deals with repetition in the Quran, we throughout our journey, this tafsir class, we've been talking about a principle and tafsir that deals with repetition, and how we should deal with repetition. Go ahead.
Emphasis is better than emphasis. So the principle states at si su, our laminator kid, that establishing a new meaning for the Koran is more eloquent than repeating and emphasizing the same point over. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions he left a group of scholars and it almost seems like the majority, they said that the elf is repeated over here for the sake of emphasis that the elf is referring to the journey of the winter and the summer. But according to the principles of Tafseer, we want to try to establish different meanings. So if you if you take this principle and apply it over here, it seems that the left over here is the gathering of infield when they gather
together to protect the Kaaba, that is what it is referring to. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best. Then we move on to the second verse, he left him what he thought he was safe. So their gathering or their protection and this journey during the winter and the summertime during the journey and the wintertime. Now I want to do a small exercise over here. Allah subhana wa tada when he speaks through the Quran. Every single word is said with wisdom behind it. There is a wisdom behind each and every single word that is said. And as a person who reads the Quran, you want to try to ponder and deliberate what is the wisdom behind each word. So here Allah subhanho wa Taala specifically
mentions of Allah to sheeta he was safe that he mentioned the journey of the winter before the journey of the summer. What are possible wisdoms that we can derive that why the winter would be mentioned before the summer? When generally speaking, if you look at the seasons of the month, the summer comes before the winter. So what is it possible wisdom that Allah subhanho wa Taala would mentioned the journey of the winter before the journey of the summer.
This is going to require a bit of thinking.
No, go ahead and mention it. There's no fear in these things is a learning experience. Go ahead.
You just guessed it
was a good guess. Go ahead.
no other things because Desert Storm is very hard this
So Allah subhanaw taala prefers the winter or the summer. I don't know how you came to that conclusion. But that is an opinion honestly that is an opinion. I don't know how you got there but that is an opinion that Allah subhanho wa Taala for the believer prefers the winter months prefers the winter months. And this is why you find a narration from a customer but 37 of them attributed to the positive sentiment Allah knows best it seems it is a narration from the hustle and bustle he, he said How amazing is the winter time for the believer that the days are short, so that they can fast and the nights are long so that they can pray. So this is an indication that Allah subhanaw taala
give preference to the winter times over the summertime. So where there is more difficulty involved. So that was one of the opinions that is mentioned. What was your opinion again? Why did you say it was better?
more beneficial, there was more benefit in it. Honestly, I don't remember coming across such an opinion. I don't remember coming across such an opinion. The reason why I mentioned this is because obviously this is a very simple point that anyone who's reading this verse, they will claim that the summer is meant to come before the winter in all in any language you study. There's no language that says, you know, winter comes before summer everyone has, generally speaking the same order. Now what's interesting to look at is what was attributed to I'll have a look at that I couldn't find this in Emeka theability is attributed to him, that in fact, when Allah subhanho wa Taala created
the Arabian Desert, there are only two seasons there, there was no spring and autumn they just had winter and summer. So there is no transition. And that is why
you know, it only comes down to two, it only comes down to two. Now with that having been said Think about it this way, what is summertime, it is the presence of what it is the presence of heat. Now when that heat is taken away, you get winter correct. So they said that the US sun, the foundation, and weather is the absence of heat, which is the wintertime and that is the the origin and whether that it will be cold until Allah Subhana Allah blesses them with sun and then it becomes hot. So the answer would be the the cold until the heat is brought. And then the sun comes in. And this shows you again the subtlety of of the core and panela such simple concepts, yet very, very few people
will take time to ponder that even if you look inside the books of Tafseer you don't even find too many more facilities discussing this point that why did Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned this schita before the safe and it seems that the answer is called until Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses the people with heat. And then you know that the summertime comes about another point about this verse
you're saying
wasn't isn't there? He's saying that the desert used to be green
until the desert becomes green back to me. Yes.
There might not have been
a lot of I don't know, I have no idea. Research it and let me know inshallah type another point. When you study the books of Tafseer. There's a minority opinion. In fact, this was attributed to Abdullah bin abus. But it's not the way it actually has a weakness, even though some of the scholars mentioned it anyways. And that is when Allah subhanaw taala talks about elf in production later she thought it was safe. He left him again meaning gathering over here. The Gathering, meaning that the relative sheeta was in
his was in in Makkah during the summertime, and in a thought if during the wintertime, so Makkah during the summertime and five during the wintertime This was attributed to a building a bus, you should know just across just in case you come across this opinion, but it is a very weak opinion. And even the * or Boban Ibis, it seems very, very weak. We move on to the third verse, where Allah subhanaw taala says folia Abu Dora has elbaite for the Abu Dhabi debate. So let them worship the Lord of this house, let them worship the Lord of this house.
The fact at the beginning of this verse, we saw this very recently, two Sooners ago, this far, we saw it very, very recently, two soldiers ago who can remind me what this fire is for? What is this fire in indication for?
connected to something that came before probably about that they're given the privilege of having these journeys, and these gatherings. So give thanks and worship. Excellent, excellent. So in certain culford, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in now playing that culture for suddenly lira bikaner so the fight over here is an indication that this is an action that you should now take that Allah gave you these great blessings. So follow up those great blessings.
By action, which is worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this fire that is mentioned over here is the exact same fight that was mentioned in sort of culture. So here Allah subhanho wa Taala says, as compensation for these great blessings that Allah has given you, in terms of the safety in terms of the journey, and successful business and protection, and all of these things, then let them now worship the Lord of this house, let them now worship the Lord of this house. And you'll notice that Allah subhanaw taala over here, he doesn't mention, so let them worship Allah subhanho wa Taala he does not mention, let them worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. But he says and let them worship the
Lord of this house, meaning that Allah subhanho wa Taala created the Kava as a clear sign of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When you talk about, you know, signs of the existence of God, the existence of Allah, one of the clearest signs, is the Kaaba itself is the Kaaba itself. And for so many reasons. Number one, is that anyone who has seen the cowboy for the very first time, can, you know, can really remember that feeling that overcame them the very first time, that the first time you see the Kaaba, it is almost impossible that you will see the Kaaba and you will not break down in tears, it is almost impossible. Till this day, when you go for a hike when you go for Amara, you can tell who
are the people who have been here for the first time, just by the tears that are coming down their eyes, that they get overcome by this emotion that they can't hold back. It is just a feeling that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives inside a person where they break down and they start making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that is a clear sign. Another clear sign is that 24 hours a day, seven days a week, some type of a bad day is taking place over there, some type of Riba is taking place over there. So either people are making profit, or Salah is going on, there's not a time where either tawaf or sulla is not going on. In fact, if you read the story of Joe Heyman, do you guys
know the story of Joe Heyman Joe Heyman? His story was that him and his crew, they took the Cowboys hostage, they took the cabin as hostage, this is in 1979. They take the Cowboys hostage. And you know, gardens start blazing and people are being shot, and a whole bunch of stuff is happening, you can read the historical perspective of it. But if you read the live accounts of this story, they mentioned that even at that time, even though there were no people making power off, you would still see the birds main pull off around the house, you will still see the birds may walk around the house, meaning that Subhana Allah Allah subhanaw taala at that time to continue the worship being
taking place at that time, he said the birds to make the walk around the Kaaba at that time. Now, you may think this is exaggerated, but if you look at historical, you know, recordings of this event, this is what quite a few of the recordings mentioned, that the birds were sent to make the walk around the Kaaba, so the sign, Allah subhanaw taala created the Kaaba as assigned to worship. Allah subhana wa Tada. A second reason why Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions for the Buddha has let them worship the Lord of this house is that this is amongst them. This is a reminder for them all the time that they would go to the Kaaba for their gatherings, they would go to the Kaaba for their
rituals, they would see the Kaaba during the Hajj time. So this is a reminder for them that this caliber is there and let them worship the Lord that created this great blessing amongst them, that the ability that they had to take care of the judge, the ability that they had to be preferred over the people. It was because of this very Kava. So let them go and worship the Lord that created this Kaaba and place to discover over there.
A third interesting thing to mention over here is that Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentioned that let them worship
behind the back, let them worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now the question arises, did the Quraysh worship Allah subhanho? wa Taala or not? What's the answer to that question? Did the Quran worship Allah subhanho wa Taala or not, was almost a penalty under their ultimate object of worship? Go ahead. Yeah. Explain
Excellent. So that's point number one.
They would
the ultimate goal.
Can you give me a verse from the Quran to supplement what you're saying? Or substantiate what you're saying?
The structure of minor abodo.
So they say over here, we don't worship them except for so that they will increase us
to Allah subhanaw taala. Jackalope it? So the third point we mentioned over here is it Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us that their worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala was not accepted. So if you look at the way the chorus used to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala it wasn't a direct worship. It was not
Direct worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But rather they would always bring intermediaries they would always bring intermediaries so this verse over here, Allah subhana wa tada says, Man Budo home that we do not worship these people, except that they will bring us closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and another verse, how will that issue for our winner in the law, that these intermediaries, they're the ones that will intercede on our behalf with Allah subhana wa Tada. So here listen, I know what that is saying that even though Allah subhanho wa Taala was their ultimate goal and their ultimate desire, the fact that they brought intermediaries in between showed that their advisor was
not accepted, it showed that there a bada was not accepted. And the second point that you mentioned was that the Quraysh, in times of distress, they would eliminate their intermediaries, they will go to Allah subhanaw taala directly and worship him directly in terms of making dua. So the fact that sometimes they want to Allah subhanho wa Taala directly, and sometimes they did, it still shows the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala did not accept their ibadah, Allah subhanaw taala did not accept their ibadah. And then the last verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say, under the Obama home enjoy, a man or woman have, that he is the one who has fed them against hunger, and has made them
safe from fear. He is the one who has fed them against hunger, and has made them safe against fear. The first thing to notice is that Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions these two things, in particular, because they are the two most important things that every country needs, that the country will need its members to survive its citizens to survive through food. And that is the physical survival. And then you have the concept of emotional survival, that you can't constantly be living in a state of fear. So if you've been granted these two things, it is as if you are the most successful and you know, you have the most in this dunya. And this is in fact, an approximate wording of the Messenger
of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that who ever wakes up and has had, you know, been sufficed in his food, and his body is without any illness than it is as if he has been blessed with all of the blessings of this dunya meaning that there's no one that is more successful than him, because every individual is designed this, that they'd be in a good state of health, and they'd be emotionally well. So here, Allah subhanaw taala mentions these two particular things, because these are the two most important things that all the citizens are seeking, that they want to have food in their stomachs, and they want to be safe. They don't want to live in times of fear. They don't want to
live in times of war. And so by No, this is like a reflection for us. A real reflection for us. That's divine law here living in Canada, particularly Calgary. I mean, when was the last time we felt any hunger? That we it's so bad, that we have to impose hunger on ourselves. You know, imagine if we did not have Ramadan? When would we ever feel hunger? We wouldn't, because Allah subhanaw taala has blessed us with so much. And for those of us who have been born and raised here in Calgary and hadn't lived in Canada, you know, when was the last time we actually felt any fear? You know, when was the last time you you heard a siren saying that a bomb is now going to drop? When was the
last time you thought that someone would break into your house and rob you When was the last time you thought that someone would come in and kill your father or * your mother or take away your children. I mean, these are great blessings from Allah subhanho wa Taala that they're rampant and the other part of the world, but here living in North America, living in Calgary, this is a big, big blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is something that, you know, you get so used to because when you haven't experienced it, you know, being in that state and to it, you don't see it amongst the people so you become heedless of this. But this is something that we know when you count
the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is something that you make sugar for that the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala granted a safety in our lands is is a big, big, you know, blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you'll notice that you know, I don't know if you guys have seen this documentary, Bowling for Columbine. Has anyone seen that documentary? Bowling for Columbine? No one. Has anyone heard of that documentary? We have one person. Anyone else heard of this documentary? Bowling for Columbine? Michael Moore Exactly. I'm surprised no one's heard of this. So anyways, this documentary is based upon a shooting that took place in the United States. So what Michael Moore did
was that he compared the United States, Detroit, and Windsor. And you know, these are, like almost two twin cities. In fact, Windsor is the only city that is south of the United States. So meaning that Detroit is actually higher than Windsor. And you know, they're right next to each other. Literally, there's a bridge that connects the two cities, you go to a place like Detroit, and honestly, it looks like you're in a dump. Like it looks like a war took place. And you know, this is like the remnants of that war. And then everyone is like carrying guns with them. And, you know, they're locking their doors, they have like fences on their doors, security alarms and everything.
Then you cross the border and literally you just crossing a bridge, you come into the city of Windsor, and Michael Moore shows how he starts going door to door and he just starts opening the door. Meaning that at nighttime people don't even bother locking their doors because that's our custom design.
Safety they have become, and this is again a big blessing from Allah subhanaw taala. So that is the first thing to mention that Allah subhanho wa Taala he creates these blessings, that these are the two biggest blessings that Allah subhanaw taala grants civilization. Number two is that these two particular descriptions are the descriptions of a true Lord. Then, you know, when we talk about Takeda robia, the actions that Allah subhanaw taala does that if anyone wants to try to claim or obeah he wants to try to claim to be a lord, then let him try to do these two things, Grant foods to the people and grant them safety, that as an individual, no one will ever be able to claim this
because safety is not something that is just purely physical, but rather it is something emotional, and spiritual. And the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala allows people to be serene and tranquil. This is a sign of the trueness of the true oneness of Allah subhanaw taala in his actions, because when you're in the control of a human being that claims to be a Lord, how safe Will you actually feel? That way if this person gets sick, if this person is killed, who will take care of you then but when Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah subhanaw taala never dies. And this is you know, something that the Messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala is reminded of where Allah subhanaw taala tells the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what are what can Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah image that put your trust in the eye we're living that never dies, then Allah doesn't get sick, he doesn't disappear, he doesn't die, Allah will always be there to protect and to take care of his servants and slaves. So this is the true aspects of robia the actions of Allah subhanho wa Taala is taking care of his lips, and that if a person truly wants to claim lordship, then let him try to do these two things. The third thing that Allah subhanaw taala is addressing in this over here is again, the breakdown of the body and the soul that both of these things need nourishment. So the
body needs food, and the soul needs safety. Now, this concept of food and safety is not just in this dunya alone, but it is something in the Acura as well. So you'll notice that one of the major incentives that Allah subhanaw taala mentioned time and time in the Koran again about gender is the types of food that they will eat, the types of food that you will eat, mean that in the in the Hereafter, you will need food as well. Right. And that is why one of the ways that the people of Paradise are given their blessings is the food that they're given. And one of the way the peoples of the health are punished is the food that they're given. So here Allah subhanaw taala is talking
about how this is going to be continuous, not only in this life, but in the
and then same thing with the element of safety, that safety is not only for this life, but the ultimate safety is in the hereafter when people will have nothing to grieve and nothing to fear. And this is one last minute at a time and time again tells us what our whole family him What a home he has known that there will be no fear for them that they on that day, and they will have nothing to grieve about. So again, this is for the hereafter as well. Same thing with the people of the Hellfire, that they'll be in a constant state of fear. They'll be in a constant state of panic, always distressed. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us that just like you cherish these things in this
dunya long for these things in the hereafter as well. So how do you train them in the Acura by going one ayah back finally Abu Dhabi hasn't bet that you let them worship the how the Lord of this house when oneness alone Let them worship the Lord of this house in oneness alone, and that is how they will attain these blessings not only in this dunya but in the Acura as well. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best was a lot more cinematic and then the Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam will open up the floor for q&a. I know today's halaqa was short, but it was a very short surah and will continue next week. So we'll have five questions. Go ahead
while he comes Salama from Paulo barakaatuh
Shahada Shahada, yeah.
Right. That means the
food and everything else that they need, yes. But
continuously like
they have in between.
Yes. So this people are taking something between here and here further when they go for the men's.
You're talking about the Shahada. The Shahada are always taken care of, they're always taken care of, that a person who dies heat he will be taken care of by Allah subhanho wa Taala. That the second you know, the blood falls onto the floor. Allah has shown the slave of his where his
Place will be in paradise. So there will be like the Shahada or the one one of the few groups of people that are not taking care of you. They don't they won't need to worry about anything in Sharla as long as they were sincere.
The Night Journey Yes.
Okay, like
was praying.
So, I have never come across a narration like that, why would someone need to pray the accuracy and they will do the spear, but in terms of actually performing Salah, I have never heard of any narration like that.
Bring it next time and let me see it and shall bring it for me.
Sorry, which two things?
Okay. So, the first thing to understand is that the life of the bursa is that while the bodies will be there, it is still a spiritual life, it is not a physical life, that if you were to go and dig up graves, you will find the dead bodies there, right. So in terms of what is happening over there, the human eye does not see it, nor does the mind understand it, because it is something beyond the realm of this world. So it is only the physical body that needs food, it is not the spiritual body that needs the food. So in terms of, you know, the two issues, the Hereafter is where the physical physical bodies will be there, and in this dunya, the physical bodies will be there, and that is why
they need the food. But in the body, there is no concept of the physical body, even though the physical bodies will feel pain. There's no concept of the physical body being alive, and that is why they want to eat food. That is the way I understood your question. I hope that makes sense. inshallah.
Right, well, he I mean, he says, provisions over here is very general, but endora became your chacun. And one of the aspects of risk is food. But is that specifically what Allah subhanaw taala is referring to? Allah knows best? We'll find out when we go there. And Shall
we the lights on question number two? Okay, go ahead.
Let us shoot, it was safe. Yeah. So head over here. It just comes from the travel. So anytime you travel, this is considered Adela. This is what the word right over here means. Now, the majority of scholars decided that she was safe. This is the caravan that used to travel to Yemen, and to a sham Yemen in the wintertime and a sham in the summertime to do business. Yes, for business caravans.
Question number three, anyone go ahead.
For example, for somebody to give
you the correct ruling. With their understanding, they get two rewards. And if they make a mistake, they get one reward correct? Again,
are we not
told that we're we're not supposed to come up with an interpretation unless we have some
background for it? In other words, like I couldn't say, I think this is what it means.
We have a personal event in our life and we associate something or we think of something, right.
Excellent. So this issue of can there be new interpretations and meanings for the Koran that were not known during the times of the predecessors? The first children actually differed on this issue. And Allah subhanaw taala knows best. What seems to be correct is that you are allowed new interpretations and new meanings of the Quran.
As long as one thing is kept in mind that it is not in direct opposition or in contradiction to the Quran itself to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah or the interpretation of the companions. As long as this principle is kept in mind, then the person can
come up with new and you know different meanings for the poor, as you mentioned that even personal events can be taken into light in terms of the Quran, even though they may have not, you know, happened at that time as of yet. So as long as that principle is kept in mind, the new interpretations are allowed. Now, keep in mind, this is not an opinion that there is consensus on some of the schools clearly said that we can only stick to what they call a suitable metaphor, that you have to have evidence for everything that you say. But if you look at one of the goals of the Quran, which is to build a relationship, and it is a lifelong message, that meaning is not just
restricted to the time of the messenger or the time of the Sahaba. But it will continue until the day of judgment. It seems that, you know, it fits the mocassins of the Quran, that one can come up with the meanings and they can have a personal relationship and journey with the Quran that another person might not have. But the key condition is that it should not oppose or contradict with those three things, the Quran itself, the student of the Messenger of Allah, and the opinions of the companions about the Allahu anhu. Allah knows best. Generally speaking, if you want to look more into this, study what they call tafsir Alicia de tafsir Alicia de Allah Spano dynamos. Best Question
number four.
And you want to go ahead, and the question and joy that came to my mind a lot the past few years, if somebody from your family is, God forbid,
paralyzed or something like that, but
can you perform his Salah on his behalf? He says he is if he is awake, but cannot physically perform it? Or if he's on a coma? Okay, excellent question.
When it comes to Salah, this is an individual act, this is not something that can be done by another person. Whereas fasting hij, these are things that can be done on behalf of an individual. But with Salah that's not the case. And the reason why that is not the case is because we never found the process of ordering any of the companies to do this on behalf of other people, nor did we see the companies themselves take this initiative to do it. So the solution itself is a very individual act. So here you have one of two scenarios. Number one, this person is paralyzed, and their body cannot move. So in such a situation, this person would even make Salah with his eyes. So even if he's
unable to make will do, he will just make Salah with his eyes. And if someone is able to watch him for Salah that's great, if not, Allah has uplifted this burden from him. And he makes a lot with his eyes, if that is the very least that he can do. And the state that where this person is in a coma and he is not conscious, then he has not been obligated with Salah at that current time and is only when he gains consciousness that he will become commanded with Salah. So the pain has been lifted from the one who is asleep and this is a particular case that it will refer to that when the person is not conscious. They are not obligated with Salah It is only when they gain consciousness that
they will become obligated with salah and Allah Subhana Allah knows best. I think about a coma. Last question for the night. Go ahead.
As long as it aligns. Excellent. So in terms of our belief of the previous testaments, it comes down into one of three scenarios. Scenario number one, the Quran is in agreement with the previous test with the previous revelations, and we have no problem accepting this. Number two, the Quran is in opposition to those previous revelations. So we prefer the Quran or those previous revelations, or number three, the Quran did not come to speak about those previous revelations. And the correct opinion in such a matter is that we make what they call the walk off, meaning that we do not prefer it nor do we reject it we just leave it as it is. So in narrated as it came, and we don't say it is
authentic, nor do we say it is unauthentic makes sense. Now last panel down and was best
to announcements, busy lights, Allah number one is that Friday night to be the night Allah we're going to be starting up our Hanukkah on marriage be the lights, Allah, so the brothers who are single or brothers looking to get married. And that's what they say brothers who are single or looking to care for.
I made that very clear. Be you know, I won't do that because you'll have to find some of us to do the nikka. But if you're single looking to get married this Friday night, and we're starting up, what are the cameras, the watch, you know, what are the things that you need in order for Annika to be valid? What are the things that you should look for in a spouse? What are the integrity of an Islamic contract? So does a woman need to have a Wali when she gets married? Or is it something that is just recommended? Does the matter need to be stated What is the matter? Do we need witnesses with a contract all these things with the nighttime that we will be discussing this Friday? That's going
to be at Edmonton trail at 7pm with the light Allah and we'll be discussing things related to marriage for the next four weeks. So all the way until January 4 within lights Allah we will be discussing the topic of marriage. The second announcement I want to make by show of hands, can you show me who has children here in Calgary who has children
Here in Calgary, accent so quite a few of you. So on December 29, midnight Allah, we're having a program that I promised at one oma. And that was a program called date your spouse. Now the point behind this program is that one of the things you'll notice that you're working, your wife stays at home, she's always with the children. She complains that you don't love me anymore, you never show me, you know the romantic side anymore once you started having children. So we wanted to redevelop this concept in our community where you know, a husband and wife, they should be able to be what we call romantic with one another. So what we want to do is be delighted on December 29, you drop off
your children at admin trail from 6pm, to 9pm, and Bill the lights on or they will be in the halaal Muslim environment. And we're going to be having halaal games and halaal Entertainment and all sorts of fun stuff for the kids. And you can go and have a good time. Now the condition over here is that we will make you sign a contract that is not just about you, parents being free from the kids, and you just sit at home and do nothing. But the contract is going to be that you have to take your spouse out for dinner. So either the brother is taking his wife out to a restaurant, or the sister is preparing a very special meal for her husband at home, and they're having their alone time. So
that is what this event is about to be the nights Allah. We're recording the promo video for it tonight. So you'll be getting an email about it sometime this week, after emphasis on this that if you have not signed up for the mailing list, please do so. Because all of the registration and all the promotional material will be available only through the mailing list. So please sign up for the mailing list, you will get the promo you'll get the registration form. And within an hour, I hope you drop off your kids. We are going to be having a limit on the number of kids we accept. You'll either be 25 or 30. Kids because obviously we can't accommodate everyone's kids. So I would suggest
that if you are interested in this, start doing two things. Number one, start making those reservations. December 29 is like peak season because everyone's on holiday. It may not be easy to get a table at a restaurant. So start making reservations. And number two, as soon as you get that registration form, register your kids right away with an ita because we don't want you to miss out on this opportunity. And Allah subhanaw taala Knows Best semantical lahoma nikka Sedona in the highlands, a stockbroker or to a lake or something Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh