Navaid Aziz – 22 Tafsir Juz E Amma Surah An Nasr The Divine Support

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history of the interpretations of the Surah and the significance of the "has" in the interpretations of the next Surah. The importance of the "has" in interpretations of the Surah is emphasized, along with the history of the death of WhatsApp WhatsApp group's Messenger of Allah. The transcript also touches on the importance of forgiveness and the need for clarity in understanding past actions. The segment also discusses the concept of avoiding sin and forgiveness, as it is up to the individual's discretion.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu lillahi Nakamoto who wants to know when to stop futile when I was a biller, Himanshu Rai and fusina woman sejati Amina Maria de la dama de la la, la la, la la, la la la la la la sharika y wash Juana Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira and my bad, my dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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We move on to the next surah of our discussion, which is Soto Nasir surah number 110. And Allah subhana wa tada in the surah. He says either Jerry and Esther Allah He will forget that when the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his great victory come or his great opening come. Now this sort of, it was revealed at several instances in Allah subhanaw taala knows best. So when you look at the surah you will find some narrations that say that this surah was revealed in hospital without dies in the farewell hijab the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it was giving. And it was revealed in the federal hijab the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then it

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was also revealed at a previous time before that, and that was before the fall of Makkah, and that was before the Fatah Mecca. And it's very important to understand the chronology over here. So who can tell me when What do you are the Fatah Mecca took place? Who remembers Fatah? maka? What year did that take place in? No

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13th the Messenger of Allah says to them as to

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the eighth, the eighth of the ledger, as well as the eighth of after Hitler, the eighth year after Hitler in the month of Ramadan in the month of Ramadan. And then the pharaoh pilgrimage of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the 10th year it was in the 10th year. So now the reason why it's important to understand this chronology is because when you hear that this sutra was revealed as a glad tidings of the opening of Mecca. And then we say at the same time that this sort of was revealed as a gentle way that it's not going to make sense to you, because the hospital we die is in the 10th year, and then the fourth trauma was in the eighth year. So how could you give

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a glad tiding of something that already happened? So that is why when you look into the soul, it's very important to understand that Allah subhanaw taala knows best, the surah was actually revealed several times. So meaning it wasn't just revealed once it was revealed at least more than once. So once it was revealed before the Fatah maka, and a second time, it was revealed a title without a second time it was revealed and had to do with that. And this is why if you look at the narration that is mentioned in southern and the sign in Bharani

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from the Tabby and he was asked by a Bolivian Ambassador their love and humor. Do you know what the last surah revealed was? And Abdullah

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he replied that it was similar to Nasir, it was sort of to NASA. So the very last sutra revealed by Allah subhanho wa Taala completely in its complete form was similar to NASA. So there are verses that came after that. But as a complete surah, there was no complete Sula revealed after pseudo NASA, the last verse that was revealed who remembers that? What was the last reverse reveal to the Messenger of Allah says to them,

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accent the versus sort of Bukhara verse 281, if I'm not mistaken or 282, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What tokuyama and Zhang Zhi Illallah, from a twofer, kulu nuptse Mikasa, but wahama with them on that fear the day you shall turn back to Allah subhanaw taala and every soul shall see what it has put forth, and no soul shall be done any wrong on that day, no soul shall be done any wrong on that day. So now as we're going through this surah I want you to keep in mind, I want you to keep in mind these two contexts, the first context being the first harmonica and the second context Being that this is the last sort of that is completely being revealed to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam. So now let us begin with Elijah and the sort of law he will fit either in the Arabic language can have two meanings or two probable meanings. The first one is if and the second one is one. The first one is if and the second one is one. So this verse, when it is being recited, it is not being recited as if it's not recited, if the victory of Allah comes, but it is being recited as when the victory of Allah comes, Elijah understood Allah, that when the victory of Allah subhanho wa Taala comes and the great opening so it is

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When the victory of Allah comes and not if and then it means to come. So the opposite of going away, it is something that is approaching and is coming forth, natural law, the nutsert of Allah subhanho wa Taala It has many, many meanings to it, but generally speaking, it means the victory of Allah subhana wa Tada. And particularly alaphilippe theory mentioned something very interesting over here, that the victory of Allah subhanho wa Taala is not just about a victory of war, but over here it is even a moral victory. So when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is taught that he's being given a victory, it means that he is now going to have more allies than he has enemies. He's

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now going to have more allies than he has enemies, and this is the Nussle of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the Nasir of Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, you'll notice over here, that Allah subhanho wa Taala he attributes victory to himself. He doesn't say unnecessary Elijah UNASUR that he doesn't say when the victory comes. But he says when victory from a lot comes. And this is important point to understand, that victory comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. That victory comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, whereas defeat is due to our own shortcomings. So Allah subhanaw taala emphasizes this point in the life of the Messenger of Allah, that any victory is the Messenger of

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Allah had any victory the believers have, that victory is from Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, and is not due to their own efforts. But when Allah subhanaw taala deems that the time of victory is right, that is when when the victory shall come. So this is why Allah subhanaw taala attributes the victory to himself. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala continues on to say, one fact, the opening the grand opening. Now the grand opening here, Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't say the opening of Allah subhanho wa Taala mean the great opening that Allah subhanaw taala provided, but he uses it in the definitive form the opening, meaning that the opening or this grand opening that Allah is referring

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to, it is already known. And this is why and half of the kaseya he says that without a shadow of a doubt, this opening that was referring to his opening to the opening of Mecca. The fact over here is that with unanimous, you know, agreement, it is referring to the opening of Mecca. So there's no difference of opinion about that, that the fact over here is referring is referring to the opening of Mecca.

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Now this having been said, Why is it relevant that this is the last sutra that is being revealed to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The reason why it is relevant is because Allah subhana wa tada is saying that the death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Greek victory. Now, how does that make sense? The way that makes sense is that it is not within the death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam that the great victory is coming. No, that is a great loss for the oma. But rather the great victory that is coming with the death of the Messenger of Allah. It means that he's conveyed the whole message of Islam. And that revelation from

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is complete, so that he's conveyed the whole message of Islam. And that revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala is now complete, meaning that no further revelation is going to come down from Allah subhana wa Tada. No further revelation is going to come down from Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is why if you look inside Sohail Buhari in the chapter of Tafseer, under certain Nasir Abdullah bin Ambassador de la Anoma, he says that Ahmad la casa de la Juan, he used to invite me to the gatherings of the senior people of the Battle of butter, the senior people of the Battle of butter. And the senior members. They used to say, we have children that are the same age

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of Abdullah bin Arbus. So why don't we bring our children as well. So Mr. Abdullah, I know he said your children are not like Abdullah boss. They said How so? He said, let me show you. So he said, Oh congregation of people. Tell me what you understand from the verse Elijah and the sort of law he will fit. They said that this verse means that when the victories come from Allah subhanho wa Taala, we should praise Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we should seek His forgiveness. So then after everyone took their turn, he last went to the Libyan embassy with the love and humor. And he said, What do you understand from this verse? And Abdullah bustle de la Juan Houma. He said, I understand from

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this verse, that the death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is now imminent, meaning that it is going to come at any time, the death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam is now going to come at any time. And you'll see that from the wording of this verse. It's actually quite clear that this is the case, that with this surah the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being told of his death. So now let us briefly talk about who Abdullah bin Ibis was and why he has this great station. Then we talk about the death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa

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Salah in terms of Abdullah Abdullah de la nkhoma he was the cousin of the Messenger of Allah. So his uncle was an Ibis. And his son was Abdullah. His son was Abdullah and Abdullah. He was given two famous titles. He was given two famous titles. Does anyone remember what those titles were? What were the famous titles of our beloved nobis

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asset? So the first title he was given was total Germano Quran, the one that interprets or translates the Quran, and this was due to his great understanding of the Quran, which we'll get to how he got that. And Does anyone remember the second title? The secondary title?

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Hebron accent. The second title was Hebron oma, or the great scholar of the religion, the great scholar of the religion. These were the two titles given to Abdullah busca de la Juan Houma. Now let us look as to why this happened. In Sohail Buhari. It is mentioned that one day the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam requested watcher he requested water. This was either to drink or to go and make withdrawal. And out of all the companions, our beloved vessel de la Noma, he went and he fetched water for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when he got to this water for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gives it to him. The Messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makes a draft for him. He says, a llama. Within a limited will. He said along with Dean wilden, who taught with and this is a drive that we should be making for our children as well, as you know, in hopes that they turn out like Abdullah and Ibis. So this is why it means that Oh Allah grant him understanding of this Deen and grant him an understanding of the Quran wylam Hotel when it means granting interpretation. And over here, it means interpretation of the Koran. So it was a result of a small act that I want you to think about, that when you have a guest at your house, or you meet someone and they ask you for a glass of water. In your eyes, it may be

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something that is insignificant, you may think that, you know, it's not a great reward behind it. But you look at the drive the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it came out as a result of the giving of water. And that is why when you give water to someone, you never know the result of that. And you see that finally this act of giving water is not something that is restricted to that of human beings. But the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that from the people of the past, there was a woman that was above the mean that she used to do evil and lewd things. And one day she saw a dog that was, you know, dying of thirst, it was dying of thirst.

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So she rose to the bottom of the world to get some water to give it to this dog. And Allah subhanho wa Taala forgave her for his sins. Allah subhana wa tada forgave her for her sins. So it shows you the great reward in giving people water. The second thing is that you never know what the consequences may be. This woman earned the forgiveness of Allah, Abdullah nobis, he learned the interpretation of the Koran and knowledge of this deal through the Messenger of Allah as a consequence. So you never know when someone says Joseph Allah who cleared or he makes another draft for you when you give them water, that perhaps that Allah subhana wa Taala will accept that and

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grant you what that person has asked.

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Now, Abdullah, Ambassador de la Anoma, you see he plays a very pivotal role. The first pivotal role that he plays is in the interpretation of the Koran, that you see that as scholars of the field went on, they would always give the highest authority to Abdullah bin Arbus, meaning that whenever he said something about a verse, that was like the fine and dividing line, because he was a hobby, who had the utmost knowledge of when it was revealed, why it was revealed, and how it was meant to be interpreted. So he knew when he knew why, and how it was meant to be interpreted. The second thing about a Bolivian ambassador, the love and humor is that he played a great role in preserving the son

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of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this was in two ways. This was in two ways. The first way was that since he was a young child, he had a very sharp memory. And he used to witness everything that used to go on. He was from the close family members of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is when he that is why when the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam passed on, it was the likes of Abdullah nabasa their love and humor that spread his sooner. And this is a very interesting thing to notice. That Abdullah bin ambassador, the Allahu anhu, as a young boy, he has a companion he had a friend of which we don't know what his name was.

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But with this young friend, his young friend would say, you know, why don't you come out and play with me? And I'm delivering that bus says no, I'm going to go and seek knowledge. So this young boy he used to say to Abdullah bustle of the Allahu Anoma, you know, what is the point of seeking knowledge? Do you not see the likes of aboubaker, the likes of Ahmed and these other great companions? Do you ever think you'll get an opportunity to teach and then these two companions eventually separated

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Abdullah Abdullah busti became a student of knowledge. And this other individual, you know, he became like another one of the young guys. He just went on living for the sake of this dunya. And then later on, we find out that this young boy, he says Subhana Allah, only if I had followed the path of Abdullah nobis I could have turned out like him. I could have turned out like him. Abdullah busca de la Juan Houma. He goes on to teach us a second lesson, which is in terms of how do you become a scholar? How do you become a scholar? So he was asked abroad and Ambassador de la Noma, he was asked, How did you become a scholar? And he responded with three things. He responded with three

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things. He said, be listening, so we'll be listening soon, meaning a tongue that asked beneficial questions. So anything that needed explanation, he would always ask, regardless of it was something to be shy of, or not to be shy of Abdullah bin Abdullah, the Allahu anhu and Houma. He would always ask those questions. So we listen in the own word called bin acun or Calvin akun. A heart that reflects a heart that reflects mean that knowledge that he took in it wasn't just for the sake of memorization and regurgitating it back to the people. But it was for the sake of reflecting and pondering over. So he used to reflect on everything he used to ponder over the creation of the

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heavens and the earth, ponder over the verses of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then the third thing he mentions, what just said in the Clara, Milan, what just said in Milan, and a body that did not get fatigued or bored with the worship and seeking of knowledge, a body that did not get fatigued, or bored with the seeking of knowledge and the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he says it is with these three, he became a great scholar. And this is something important for us to keep in mind, that Allah subhana wa tada he has made mandatory the seeking of knowledge, as you come to see Be the knights and as we start this fight is halaqa it's going to be on the etiquettes of seeking

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knowledge, this is going to be a reminder for myself and for everyone else as well. That Allah subhanaw taala he has made mandatory the seeking of knowledge. So you will see that he says in the Quran

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and the hula Illa Allah He says no with you know as a command from Allah know that there's no one worthy of worship except Allah. And you'll see the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, Follow me Follow the tune Allah Cooley Muslim, that the seeking of knowledge is compulsory upon every Muslim the seeking of knowledge is compulsory upon every Muslim. Now that was just a bit of a tangent. So the second way that Abdullah busca de la and Houma defended the sooner the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so it was not only by narrating about it, but you will see he played a very pivotal role that when the coverage came about, it was Abdullah Augusto de

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la Juan Houma that debated them, it was up to lib nobis of the LA Noma that debated them. And you'll see that the vast majority of the coverage that when this debate took place, they turned back when this debate took place, they turned back to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So that was the second way that he defended Islam. And then the third way that Abdullah busca de la Noma played a pivotal role was as a role model was as a role model. So you see at each stage of his life, Abdullah Vasco de la Juan Toma, was a role model for all the Muslims. So you see that one of the very first Hadith that I'm delivering the bachelor, the Allahu anhu ma narrates, he

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says that I was sitting behind the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he says in the wild pneumococcal imagine for her that indeed I will teach you some words, so memorize them. And the famous Hadith is narrated in the 40 hadith of Eman amendment. No, we are him. Hola, huzzah. So you can go back to that Hadith over there. So he was a role model for the oma. Now we get into the issue of the death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah subhanho wa Taala. He reveals about the death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in one of the very early Sutras, and that is inserted to Zuma surah number 39. Now Saurus number 39. Sir to Zuma was

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generally for the most part revealed in Makkah, for the most part, it was revealed in Mecca. And Allah subhanho wa Taala. He tells the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in this surah in the Commedia tune, we're in the home a tune, that indeed you shall pass away, and so shall the meaning that everyone's turn shall come. So this is the first time the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being told that he will pass away and this is something that is important to understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala, he did not create a mortality for any of his creation. He did not create a mortality for any of his creation, not for the prophets and messengers, and not for

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his saints either. So you will see that there are people that believe that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a live in terms of this worldly life.

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And this is not the case at all, but indeed the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in terms of this worldly life he has passed away, you will see that they even attribute to immortality further, the companion of Musa alayhis salam. This is a federally that Kadir is still alive. And that you see that you know, those who follow particular 30 Plus, they attribute the knowledge of the and the wisdom of catered for the basis of their tariqa. So now even even when it comes to whether the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made a very, very clear statement, he said that whoever is alive today will not be alive 100 years from now, whoever is alive today will not be

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alive 100 years from now. And this was at the time of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Subhanallah how true was the statement that you see that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he passes away in the 11th year of the hijab. And when does the last Sahabi die, when is the last Sahabi died, he dies in the year 110 he dies in the year 110. So the whole 100 years went by and all the companions of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam they had passed away by that time. You see the the truthfulness or the prophethood, in the words of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a second sign that the death of the Messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was imminent, is that one day the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting with his companions. And he tells his companions, that today, a slave of Allah was given the choice between the life of this world and between meeting his Lord, and this slave, he chose the meeting of his Lord. And the rest of the companions. They didn't understand what was meant by this. But you see Abu Bakar the Allahu anhu, he broke down crying at that time, he broke down crying at that time, because he knew at that time, that indeed the death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was coming close, that the death of the Messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was coming across a third sign that the death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was coming close, was in hospital with itself, that at the end of the famous whatever, what is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu I'm sorry at the beginning of the famous quote, but what is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam say, he says, I do not know if I will be amongst you. Again after this meeting. I do not know if I will be able to perform another hygiene with you after this. And that was the farewell hij of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then the fourth and last thing, and this is just to show you how the Messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was as a parent, that prior to his death, he comes to Fatah model de la Juana. And he whispered something in her ear, and she starts to cry. And then he whispers something again in her ear, and then she starts to laugh. When that happened, I showed the law and I was close by and she asked Fatima, she said, Oh, Fatima, you know, what was it that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told you? And she said that that is a secret that is going to remain with me. So after the Messenger of Allah sallallahu on your son passed away, I Chateau de la Juana. She asked her again, on that day when the messenger of loss of some tempt you What was it that he

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said, she wrote the last one. And she says that the first time he whispered in something in my ear, and he started to cry, he told me that I was soon to pass away, I was soon to pass away. And that was what made me cry. And then he whispered something again in my other ear, and he whispered to me, that the first of my relatives that will be reunited with me, will be you. So I started to laugh. So I started to laugh. And you notice two things over here. Number one was again, the truthfulness in this statement that I show that fotomoto de la Honda, she passes away six to eight months after the death of the Messenger of Allah six to eight months after the death of the Messenger of Allah

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fotomoto the law on her passes away. Number two, is that the relationship the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had with his children. Now you can imagine two things. The first thing is that you tell your child that you're about to pass away. Now you can understand that this would make someone cry and weep, because you losing a close family member. But it shows you the great amount of love that fought the motto of the law wanna hide for the Messenger of Allah as a father, that as soon as he mentioned to her, that you will be the first of my relatives to be reunited with me, she started to laugh. Now you would think that the messenger of narcissism is telling you you're

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going to die, you would start you know, preparing for the afternoon we started crying and start weeping. But here that fear of death, it was overcome by joy of being reunited with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the great amount of love that the daughter had for the Father. And this is the type of love we want to ignite in our children as well. And this is a love that is based upon the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the love of this Deen that is when your children will attain that genuine love for your parents and earn earn you know, that proper respect that they should have

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For their parents. So that is the very first verse where Allah subhanho wa Taala says that under civil law he wouldn't forget that the nosode of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the completion of the religion. And the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is referring to is the opening of Mecca is the opening of Makkah. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say, what I tend not said hello nafi de la he of wotja and that you see the people enter into the religion of Allah of wotja and Allah subhanaw taala uses the term of wotja meaning that group after group they will enter into the deen of Allah subhana wa Tada. An important thing to mention over here is that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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mentioned the term nurse and nurse is a general term referring to mankind. So it wasn't particularly the Arabs it was in particular, you know, the non Arabs. This nurse over here is referring to everyone that Vanessa they would enter into the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning that Islam was not exclusive for any ethnicity for any culture, or any language, but rather it was for all people. A second thing you want to notice about this verse over here? Is that why did Allah subhanho wa Taala say Fie Dini love and not say Phil Islam? What is the wisdom behind that? The wisdom behind that is had Allah subhanaw taala used the term Islam only someone could have said that other

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religions are just as valid as Islam. But now that this verse is being revealed to the Messenger of Allah, in its closing, and specifically the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala is being mentioned, rather than Islam directly. It is an indication that the only religion accepted by Allah is Islam, that no other religion will be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala whatsoever. And that is why the deen of Allah and not Islam is being used in this verse, even though they mean the exact same thing to indicate that it is only the deen of Allah meaning Islam that will be accepted by him, then of wotja of wacha. And you'll see that this term of wotja, it is the plural of fauj. And folge is a

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large group of people. And you will see that this happens in two general cases. The first general case is when the opening of Makkah happened. The first general case is when the opening of Makkah happened, that you see people accepted Islam. Actually, let me tell you the story of how that happened. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi, wa sallam, he starts off by making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala by saying, Oh Allah, hide my entering into Mecca from the people hide my entry into Makkah, from the people. And Allah subhanaw taala hid his entry into Makkah from the people. So now that when he enters Makkah, he catches the people by surprise, they're not expecting

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him at all. So now as he's entering in with his helmet on with his artillery, he asks the people, do you know what I'm going to do with you? Do you know what I'm going to do with you? And then the people and you want to understand who these people are. These are the people that killed his companions. These are the people that physically and psychologically abused the Messenger of Allah, these are the people that slandered the Messenger of Allah. So now when he asked them, Do you know what I'm going to do with you, the natural response you would think that would come from them is that all you're going to kill us all you're going to persecute us or you're going to execute us or

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imprison us? And then they start to say that you are the noble you Sorry, you are the brother that is noble, the son of the brother that is noble, trying to suck up to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But as the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam gets closer to the Kaaba, he humbles himself to the Kaaba lowers his head. And he says, I say to you, just as usefully Salaam said to his brothers, I say to you, just as use of Elisa Lam sister his brothers, let the three but la como Liam young fear Allahu la con wahoo, our hamara he mean, that I say to you, just as Yusuf Ali Salaam said to his brothers, that no blame and no reproach be upon you today. May Allah

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forgive you and show mercy to you, for indeed he is the most forgiving and merciful of all of those that show mercy. And you'll notice that it was this pivotal point that caused the people of Makkah to enter into Islam, that when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the opportunity to seek revenge. It was his forgiveness and his pardoning that one the people over that it wasn't fear, but rather it was the character of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam, that a man that is able to forgive, there must be something great to behind him, there must be something great in this religion of his and this is what caused the people have to accept Islam. This is what

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caused the people in Makkah to accept Islam. Now the second time where the people enter into Islam, group after group is after

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The death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So you'll notice that it happened when the first of NACA happened. And then it happened after the death of the Messenger of Allah for the next 30 years or so that when the conquests of Abu Bakar, Omar, Osman and audio de la Houma, La Jolla, Han Omar happening, that people are entering into Islam, so that the expansion of Islam is going all the way up to the borders of China till the south of France. This is how far Islam is spreading, and that the people are entering into the fold of Islam through this through this. So this is what the verse is referring to. Now, let us conclude with the last verse, the last verse,

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where Allah subhana wa tada says, For Serbia, the ham, the Arabic are still filled in who can utter waba. So glorify the praises of your Lord and ask forgiveness. Verily, He is the one who accepts the repentance, and who forgives. Now I want you to think about something. Think about the term of making the spear, which is like saying to Panama, and then saying the hammer, which is like saying Alhamdulillah and then seeking forgiveness. So saying, I stopped for Allah. Can anyone think of a supplication? We're all three of these come together, what particular sub application combines all three of these together? Saying Subhanallah Alhamdulillah and stokfella.

00:31:25 --> 00:31:26

Okay, when is that said?

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When is that said?

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analytical essence accent? You have a second one?

00:31:35 --> 00:32:12

accent so those are the two answers I was looking for? Hum did Allah. So the two times it is said is once in a docu Institute and we'll get to that, that as a result of this verse, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam started saying this. But the second thing I want to draw your attention to is that remember, we were telling you that this surah was revealed to indicate to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam that his life is coming to an end. And this becomes very, very clear in this last verse, When Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and glorify the praises of your Lord and seek forgiveness from him, that when you conclude the gathering, what is the recommended to do and to

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say, it is to say Subhana, Allah Hama will be handed a shadow Allah, Allah, Allah and a stone felucca to a lake. So this was the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught the people from way before this sooner was revealed. But the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam has been reminded of this now, that his conversation, his dialogue, his gathering with Allah is now coming to an end. So let him prepare to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that concept of glorifying Allah praising Allah and seeking His forgiveness is the Diwan that is said to conclude a gathering. And this is what the Messenger of Allah Salaam Shazam is being reminded of that your time in this dunya

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is coming to an end, she will prepare to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then the second thing is that I showed the law one hand on Santa Marta de la Juana. They narrate that after this verse, the message after this verse was revealed, we will not see the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, except that he would be saying one of two things outside of Salah. He will be frequent, they say he would frequent the sake of

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Allah He will be harmed. He stuck, Furukawa to Allah Subhana Allah Subhana Allah He will be empty. Estelle Federica LA, this is what he would be saying outside of Salah, and he said even inside of Salah when he would be going into court, and when he would be going into sujood he would frequent the sake of supine Nicola Nicola Houma will be handed a stock photo to a lake that he will be frequent visiting even in his local and in his suit. Now, the third thing we want to draw your attention to is that seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was told a long, long time ago, that we have forgiven for you, your

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sins, the previous of them, and those that are to come. So why would the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam needs to seek forgiveness? And this brings us to a very another very important point is the concept of committing sin by prophets and messengers. So you will see that amongst the scholars of Islam, they differed in terms of is it possible for any of the prophets to commit sin? And this is something that we need to understand properly. The conclusion of this discussion is that yes, it is possible for the prophets and messengers to commit sin, but with three things needing to be kept in mind. Number one, is that they were perfect in conveying their message.

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So they never ever made any mistakes or committed any sins in terms of conveying their message. The second thing to keep in mind is that none of the prophets and messengers ever fell into major sins. Never not the prophets and messengers ever fell into major sins.

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And the third thing is that none of the prophets and messengers that even though they may have had small sins were continuous in the sense, but rather, they would haste into repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala rather they would hasten to repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that is understanding the concept of sins. Now getting back to our point of discussion, why would the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say I stopped for Allah 70 times a day and another narration 100 times a day, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he's saying I stuck through law, it's not for the sake of seeking forgiveness from a sin, but rather, it is for not doing the most

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beneficial thing, or falling into something that may be disliked. So when we say are stuck through the law, we seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala for a sin that we commit. But when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying I stuck to the law, he's saying I stuck to the law, because perhaps he could have done something more productive, or perhaps the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam fell into something that was disliked not Haram, but something that was disliked. So this is like another level of a man that one seeks forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala for lack of productivity, and a possibility of falling into something which is disliked the

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possibility of falling into something which is disliked. Now we move on to the last section is where Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the whole cabinet awaba that Allah subhanho wa Taala he affirms the name for himself a toe up. And what does it mean? How does Allah subhanho wa Taala make Toba upon his creation, and this is in two ways. This is in two ways. The first of them is granting them that tofik to repent is granting them the tofik to repent. So you may think that the ability to repent is something that you have within yourself, that it is from your own actions. But in reality, this is not the case. So if you look in Surah, two Toba, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the story

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of three people that disobeyed the command of the Messenger of Allah was the Latin the Dena, holy foo. This he mentioned the story. And then he mentioned in these very set of verses, so metabo, Allah him that he repented upon them. And what this verse means or what that section means is that he granted them the ability to repent. Then the second way that Allah subhanaw taala makes Toba upon his creation, is that he accepts their forgiveness is that he accepts their forgiveness. So you see Toba from the beginning of it till the end of it is purely a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is a gift from Allah subhanho wa Taala, that he is the one that guides you to it. And then on top

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of that, he is the one that accepts it from you, He is the one that accepts it from you. And to conclude with one last thing, that if you look at panela the amount of sin an individual may commit the amount of sin an individual may commit, he may drink he may steal, he may commit Zina, he may commit anything. Allah subhanho wa Taala. He tells us that all of these sins, they will be forgiven, they will be forgiven, with the exception of one and that is shared with Allah subhanho wa Taala. That as long as the person does not commit schilke with Allah subhanho wa Taala any sin can be exploited for and any sin can be forgiven, but the person that dies upon schicke Allah subhanho wa

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Taala will not forgive this person and will hold this person to account and that is why it is very important that a person learns that are keyed up properly, that they learn what is tawheed they learn what is shift so that they can stay away from it. Because as long as a person stays away from shift, he will be forgiven from Allah subhana wa by Allah subhanho wa Taala but a person who dies upon schicke Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells them in the La la la la kabhi via Ramadan, a delicacy Masha that ensue and verse 48, and 116 of certain Nisa that Allah subhanho wa Taala He will forgive all of his slaves were all the sins that he pleases, except for a shake. So this is a very important

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point to remember that a person may think that I've committed so many sins, but as long as that person did not come at church with Allah subhanho wa Taala This is a glad tidings from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because the sins will be forgiven through the deed the good deeds that they do in the Senate, you'd have no say yet that the good deeds that you do, they wipe out the sense the saying of a stock for Allah, it wipes out the sins, sending salah and Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah, it wipes out the sense. So all of these deeds that you do, they're wiping out your sins, so rejoice over that. And the last thing we'll conclude with is the concept of despair. You'll notice

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that one of Satan's greatest tactics and greatest tools is that shaytaan causes the creation of a lot to despair, meaning that as soon as they commit a sin, they think that they're destroyed. There's no Toba for them. But Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us

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slave, Latina Toma Rahmatullah in the La Jolla. Nova Jamia that don't despair of the mercy of Allah don't give up in the mercy of Allah, Allah will forgive all sins. So for Allah has given you the ability to repent, know that it is a gift from Allah subhanho wa Taala and the one that granted you the tofik to repent is the same one that will accept it from you. So when you find your heart longing to seek forgiveness, don't ignore that call. When you find your heart longing to turn back to Allah. Don't ignore that call. That is Allah sending you a sign turned back to Allah, repent to Allah and the one that guided you to that repentance is the one that will accept it from you. May

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Allah subhanho wa Taala granted that overturn the Sahaba and accept from us all. Well Lahu Tanaka masala from cinema Vatican in Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam will take five questions and then we'll break for select Alicia inshallah. Go ahead.

00:40:59 --> 00:41:00


00:41:07 --> 00:41:07

Then we should

00:41:09 --> 00:41:11

reconcile the digital asset assets. Very good question.

00:41:14 --> 00:41:52

So his question is that when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered into Mecca, he told his people, no blame and no report should be upon you. May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive you. How do you understand this verse? In light of the verse in Surah, to Toba, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says that it is not befitting for the Prophet and the believers to seek forgiveness for the disbelievers. Even if they were their parents. And it continues, this verse is to be understood in the light that it is referred to after they have passed away. So when a person has passed away, then you cannot seek forgiveness for them if they started, died in the state of disbelief. Now here the

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Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he's making this statement, he's saying that accept Islam, and Allah will forgive you. That is the understood pretext of him telling that, that verse to them that when you accept Islam, even though you tried to kill me, even though you persecute my companions, even though you slandered me, all these sins, don't worry about except Islam, and Allah will forgive you for all the sins. Good.

00:42:16 --> 00:42:18

You mentioned in the beginning about

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00:42:23 --> 00:42:59

References in terms of you, we don't actually find any the brothers question was, at the beginning of our discussion, we talked about the sort of being revealed twice. And in terms of, you know, statements from the Sahaba della, I'm saying specifically, that the pseudo was revealed twice. We don't find anything direct, but you'll find the amount of code to be an other than them. They alluded to this fact that we have so many narrations that talk about that it was a glad tidings for the opening of Makkah. But then you see that the sutra was revealed at a gentle WIDA. The only way to reconcile it is that it had to be revealed twice that had to be revealed twice, or la husana.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:03

Next question, we'll take three more questions before we go for selectively shot.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:07

If someone has their hand up, and I can see.

00:43:10 --> 00:43:10

Go ahead.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:54

Next year. Okay, the brothers question was, when must I know the dimensions that Allah subhanaw taala will not forgive shift? Is this referring to circle October the major shift? Or is this referring to minor shift? The vast majority of scholars said that this is referring to major shift that this is referring to major shift. But there's a group of scholars that said that no replies to both major and minor shift. And that is due to the generality of the word that almost the final dynasty says, I usually copy. He didn't mention a shirt or a shirt or a cover, but he said unusual to be and this can apply to major shift or minor shift. But Allah subhanaw taala knows best the

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opinion of the majority seems stronger in the sense that

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the very fact that it's called a Shere Khan asker means that it is not at a major level, even though that it is still considered from the Kabbalah the note from it is considered from the major sins, which is death demonstrates that it is under the will of Allah and it doesn't take one out of the fold of Islam. So clearly the context of this verse is referring to that a person commits shirk with Allah, it takes them outside the fold of Islam, whereas by the consensus of the scholars is that anyone who commits a minor act of Schick, this won't take away out to take him outside the fold of Islam, but rather it will only nullify that one deed that he did, I that had to do and it or had to

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mine it or ill health behind the law to take an oath by other than Allah, those deeds will be nullified on an individual basis and not their deeds in their entirety. So let's find out Allah knows best go ahead

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than share.

00:44:53 --> 00:44:59

My question is, somebody committed a bunch of things and they will never do that.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00

All right.

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00:45:09 --> 00:45:45

Excellent. So the brothers question is an individual that committed a plethora of sins, but they were in a state of Islam, but they never performed Toba by Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells us what happens to such people. So the Messenger of Allah so Selim, he tells he, he asked his companions to doodle nominal mufflers that you know, who is the bankrupt person, and they said, yada, yada. The bankrupt person is the one that doesn't have any dinars, or any Durham's, and the Messenger of Allah system said, No, that is not the most of this. The most of this is the one that he comes on the Day of Judgment with a lot of good deeds, but he's

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taken the rights of people he committed this sin, and he committed that sin. So Allah subhanho wa Taala, he starts giving away his good deeds to the people that he abused. And then when he has no good deeds left, he starts taking very bad deeds and putting it upon this individual. Now this individual eventually, if Allah subhanaw taala does not forgive him directly, he will be thrown into the Hellfire, purified, and then taken out and put into paradise. But with Islam, though, he's guaranteed the entrance into paradise, how soon he enters it is purely up to the discretion of Allah subhanaw taala Allahu taala. And last question.

00:46:28 --> 00:46:59

So the brothers question is that if you're committing Schick and you stopped with Allah subhanaw taala, forgive you, as long as a person is alive, and they repent from shake, he will be forgiven for it. We're talking about the dangers of shit when a person dies upon shift, someone who dies committing shit, there is no forgiveness for this person, but the one who's still alive and he stops and you repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala for committing this act, then this person can still be forgiven or la husana Allah Subhana Allah Homo vmdk Chateau La La Land so critical to ilec

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