Nadim Bashir – Sins that Lead to Allah’s Anger

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The transcript describes the controversy surrounding the Quran and the use of it as a guide for success. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning from the Quran and finding guidance in stories. The segment also touches on the negative comments made by Muslims on their behavior and their views on religion, and encourages listeners to be honest and not ignore the truth. The upcoming generation of Islamist is also discussed, with a call to action and a statement of their beliefs. The speakers encourage listeners to read and listen to the story of Jesus and encourage them to stay away from the "ug appreciation culture."
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Recovery dua for a sister named Nemo Ali. So please keep in your DUA May Allah subhanaw taala give her Shiva a little bit about stubbornness when she entered Shafi la Shiva, Shiva, Shiva and others sama NASA La La the mobile aushadhi My ESP home Amira aalameen second request is from my sister Miriam bin Khalifa she's requesting dua her father and her brother both passed away
in a very short period of time and then her younger brother Subhanallah was kidnapped two years ago and he's still not to be he's still not found yet. So please keep this family your DUA May Allah subhanaw taala make everything easy for this family we ask Allah subhanaw taala to unite the brother with the family I mean overall I mean Zach
so I want a grown play but okay
both words voting
how you
how are you
how you
how you?
Mr Lai Rahman Rahim in Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah when I started in Horner Sofitel when our villa Himanshu Rudy and fusina woman said Yeah, Dr. Marina Mejia had to hit low for them or the Luna will mean you'll do for their head yella when national Allah illallah wa de who Lasha de cada one as you know, Muhammad Abdul rasuluh.
First of all, Walter Baraka Allah. Upon Hamid bow, that would be la he mishit on rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Yeah, you're not talking Rob.
locomotory halacha FC Wahida wahala common has o Jaha Wassermann humare Jalan Cathy wrong when he says what abou Ohana Rita's are haram in the Lok and article nothing about Wirkkala to Isla un Latina Avila Topo la haka Ducati. What are the Moto Illa and Tomas Simone wahala to Allah Yeah, Johan Nadine tabula how aku golden said either you snack on failure come through back home among us in la hora Sudha Faculty Affairs 1000 All the most of the Allahu dalim for in as famous Hadith the Kitab Allah will hide how do you how do you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam What shall I do? What could
what could elaborate the art in Bala what color karate Infinera I'm about I ask Allah subhana wa Tada that just as he has gathered us here today in this day with Gemma, may Allah subhanho wa Taala gather as with our families in Jeddah for those of Allah in the companionship of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his Sahaba I mean you Robert I mean,
we're such a brother and sisters.
Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us the Quran for a reason.
We as mankind, we're looking for guidance. We're looking for discipline. We're looking for a standard in life. Allah subhanho wa Taala did not leave the human race on Earth without guidance. Allah sent prophet after prophet Nabhi after an OB rasool Allah Rasool to teach mankind what is the standard that is acceptable to Allah and what is the standard that is not acceptable to Allah subhanho wa taala. Now only to these Ambia in Rasul, they taught the message, they warn the people that if you do not follow Allah's command, there will be severe consequences. Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us the Quran Allah says that he read he refers to the Quran as *, he refers to the
Quran as Houda he refers to the Quran as beginner to me and who die will fall upon Allah subhanho wa Taala is giving us what we're looking for in the Quran. And hence, Allah subhanaw taala has made it very clear that if you follow the Quran, you follow the teachings of the Quran, and you take a lesson from the previous nations look at the wrong that they did. And don't ever do that. And look at the right that the Gambia did and follow their path you will succeed every single Salaat every single raka What do we say? Why you will mark do Pauline Serrata Lavina and I'm Tara him waiting medulla the human body and often you find translations that they said that this last higher volume
of Berlin is in reference to the Yehuda NESARA but it's not only in reference to the Yehuda and Assata when Allah says Raja Lavina Ananda Isley him the follow the path of those whom we have honored. We have said we have bestowed our honor upon these people who are these people that Allah has bestowed His honor upon? These are the Gambia there are mentioned the Quran, these are the ASUW that are mentioned in the Quran, And subhanAllah every single prophet as mentioned in the Quran, they serve a purpose. Why did Allah measure only these prophets in the Quran because they serve a very specific purpose, a very specific teaching a very specific guideline that you know we can
benefit from Think about it for a moment. When the Prophet SAW Selim has said that Allah has sent 124,000 M BIA in this world and Allah has sent over 300 300 310 an odd number amount of Rasul and messengers in this world way are they in the Quran? We don't find them in the Quran. We only find a handful of Zambia we find a handful of Rasool in the Quran. Why? Because their lessons are relevant for you and I. So Allah is telling us that study the life of the Gambia stay the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and these are the people that I have bestowed my honor upon them. I have, I have, tell I've told I'm telling you, and Allah telling us and I'm declaring that I'm happy
with these kinds of people, these are the chosen people. If you follow them, then you will be guided to success. But then Allah says, Ye dill MCDU vra himolla Pauline, whose past Do you not follow? All the previous nations that came the nations that were destroyed by Allah subhanho wa Taala due to their sins, and their and their kin and the characteristics of their sins? Allah Subhana Allah is telling us to not follow their path. Allah is giving us the recipe for success. Follow these people and don't follow these people. You
Get Why did Allah subhanaw taala also mentioned their stories in the Quran, because Allah subhanho wa Taala within his own infinite wisdom, he understands that at some point in the human history, there will be issues that will be relevant that will be relevant to the Muslim and they will look for guidance and they can find guidance in the stories, they can find a lesson in these stories. And Allah subhanho wa taala. As you all know, the Quran was revealed by Allah is a timeless guidance, it is a guidance tome till the day a judgment. No no community can ever say that we are living in such times that we cannot find guidance in the Quran. Allah sent the Quran if any person who says that
the Quran is not a book that can help us that can guide us based on our current circumstances, you're making a very great problematic oath and a statement against Allah subhanho wa Taala people who make these kinds of statements, they're making a statement against Allah subhanho wa Taala because Allah is telling us a young man to like come Dena come, Allah is telling us that I have revealed the Quran, it is a complete Quran, it is the best guidance that you can ever look for. And here we have people today who are saying that we cannot find solutions in the Quran, you're making an objection, you're making a statement and a claim against Allah subhanho wa taala. When people say
these kinds of things, so Allah knows that my this this human creation, will go through issues in life, they will go through certain fitness and life. So let me bring all these stories in the Quran and provide them the stories and so that they can serve as an overall when you and I when we study the stories in the Quran. When we study the stories of the Gambia, the Stories of the Prophets, we find that there were certain sins that their community they committed, there were certain sins that they committed. That is why Allah subhanho wa Taala destroyed them. And today quickly in this goodbye Inshallah, I want to go through some of those kinds of sins, that what can lead to Allah's
Anger, and what can lead to Allah destruction. Once again, these are not my stories. These are the stories told to us, by whom, by Allah subhanho wa taala. And today we have another problem today in our society, and especially in living in this day and age, that people are trying to change the Quran. They believe in a certain agenda. Now they're trying to take the Quran and justify their agenda. They're changing the ayat of the Quran, they're changing the meaning of the Quran, they're giving the own interpretation and interpretation that goes and contradicts the opinion and the explanation and the understanding of the scholarship of the past for 1400 years, whatever
scholarship we have understanding and understanding these these verses of the Quran, we have people today who are trying to change the Quran, trying to change the meaning of the Quran and trying to give your own explanation of the Quran. So let's quickly go through what have we learned from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what have we learned from the previous nations? First of all, is that there's a hadith Narrated by Abu Huraira or the Allahu Taala on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says this Ebola saying Samaritan Rasulullah sallallahu it is a call. I heard Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, Man, I hate to come on who fajita Honey Boo. Whatever
I've told you to stay away from you stay away from it. The problem is if someone's not telling us that do not commit it. He says fajita Honey Boo. If you see something that is haram, you see something that is not right, you stay far away from it. The prophets are telling us to come close it not to commit it, stay far away from it and say in English, do not touch it with a 10 foot pole. That's what the property is trying to tell us. Then he says Why am I allowed to be fair to men who must have taught him that whatever I have instructed you to do? You do them to the best of your abilities. Every one of our Eman it fluctuates. Everyone sitting over here our iman is not at the
same level. Some of us are in terms of our piety, in terms of our spirituality in terms of a religiosity, we excel and we excel compared to each other. There are some who are closer to Allah and there are some who are further from Allah subhanho wa taala. So the province has some is telling us to the best of your abilities. Now this does not mean that a person says you know what, I cannot stay away from haram and I'm doing my best and that's it. No, that's not what the profile is. He's telling us he's saying that in terms of the Halon in terms of what is permissible in terms of what is lawful in those matters not in the Haram matters in the lawful matters do the best that you can.
Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says for in nama Anakin for in the Malecon Levina Minh publikum Kassar to Mercer ed him where estelar former MBA him Roswaal some saying that will lead to the destruction of the people of the past.
First, it was their cost in questioning their cost and objection to the to their profits. What is the laugh whom Allah I'm bi him and they're coming in their utter disagreement and they're causing disagreement with their profits now, many orlimar they have, they have, you know, they have made statements about this hadith. They have commented on this hadith and they have said that if you look at this hadith province of Salaam, though he's making a very general statement, but is it can be argued that if you study bunnies, soil, Bunny soil had these issues, Bunny is totally had these issues. And the question that we have to think about also is Why did Allah mentioned so a bunny saw
him so extensively in the Quran, because Musa alayhis salam had a big nation and the nation the province has some is also a big nation is a nation bigger than money, you saw it, but bunny is saw in terms of the ACA in terms of responsibilities, there are things that ALLAH SubhanA wa told them to do. And Allah is telling us that you are a big nation, there was another big nation that came and just like you are honored by Allah, there was another nation that came before you that Allah subhanho wa Taala declared his honor for them, but because they did not live up to their responsibility, they did not live up to their commitments. That's why Allah subhana wa took away
their is from them and gave it to someone else. So hence you oh my Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you do not uphold this honor, Allah will take it away from YouTube. So the Prophet SAW Allah while you somebody's telling us that these people bunny is sorry, what did they do? They will come to Musa Islam, they should have enough trust and Musa alayhis salam. They just saw fit on drowning. They just saw the destruction of Iran, a superpower that no one could dare threaten Allah so behind the weather destroyed him in the matter of a blink of an eye. He came into the middle of the sea, he thought he had all the power Allah subhanho wa Taala used water to destroy for the own
not only destroy their own,
but to destroy our own and his entire army and everything that he had. Allah showed his power after this point. There should be no doubt in the heart of any person amongst Benita Saeed. They should have completely been and Musala Islam and the message of Musa your son and Allah subhanho wa Taala but despite the fact that they saw you don't want us to hear something, oneness to see something when you see something there remains no doubt. There remains no doubt like Allah subhanho wa Taala says on the in the hereafter when people will come they will see Jana they will see Johanna what they will say Robina Asana was a mirror now for Jana Anna masala. Now that we have seen the reality,
now we know that it does exist send us back to this dunya when you see something there remains no no shred of no shred of doubt. But he saw he witnessed the destruction of Finn own yet even after that they have doubted Musala his son, even after that they're questioning Musala Islam, they are objecting to a Musa alayhis salam when Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling them to come and follow guidance. They're making demands from Allah subhanho wa Taala do this do that they're telling you who Sally is. I'm told you rob to do this until you're up to do that. This is the the nature of a person who's arrogant. This is the nature of a nation and in a group of people that are arrogant to
Allah subhanho wa Taala instead of being thankful to Allah, they're showing their arrogance to Allah subhanho wa Taala they're showing the audacity to Allah subhanho wa Taala and not only that, but whenever Musa would tell them do such and such, instead of listening to Musa Allah you some they question Musa alayhis salam. So Allah subhanho wa Taala said, because of their constant questioning, and not just questioning See, one is to ask a question, which is very recommended, or again, there's nothing wrong in asking a question. But when you question something, that is what bunnies saw you did they were not asking Musala you some genuine questions, a sincere question. They were
questioning Musala Islam is as if Musala you somebody have doubts and Musa alayhis salam. So because of this, and the fact that they constantly went against Musala yourself over and over again, till the point came that Musa alayhis salam said her that frog Boehner was calm and Fastlane he says I'm done with you guys. I can't deal with any of you anymore. I can deal with your nonsense anymore. From this point onward. You and I have nothing to do with each other anymore. There came a point that even Mussolini some got fed up. Allah is telling us these stories. Why? Because you as OMA, you do not object to your deen when Allah subhanho wa Taala sends down something in the Quran. When the
Prophet has taught you something you don't question him. This is when led but he decided to destruction. They kept on questioning. They kept on
In questioning, just like today, once again, the point is I want you all to think about this, whatever was revealed before. Today we find the same problems. Today we find Muslims objecting to the Quran, forget about normal selves, we find Muslims who are objecting to the Quran, Muslims who are on the verge of wiping out verses of the Quran, so they can fit their mindset so they can fit their liberal agenda and so forth. And all these different fitness that we have, and so many Muslims who are a part of this fitna, and they are now saying, Why did Allah do this? It does not make sense to Allah subhanho wa Taala will say we'll say we'll say I will say this, or he will tell us to do
something like this. They are objecting to Allah subhanho wa taala. They are objecting to the pure nature of Islam. They are questioning Islam, and now they're trying to change Islam. This is what led to bernisa into their destruction. This is what's going to lead us to our destruction. If you and I we constantly object to Allah and the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we also learn that what else led to Allah's destruction to the previous nations? Let's go to Nuada he's Salam in his story. You had people who were worshipping Allah subhanho wa taala. You had people who were who believed in the concept of monotheism. Schilke did not exist before Nuada you
salaam, the very first poem, to introduce a concept to introduce an ideology that takes people away from Allah subhanho wa taala. They began to teach people about shirk. And this was a very first nation that introduced Sheikh to the people. And because of this, Allah subhanaw taala highlights in the Quran, that they were five idols, that they would make them the primary idols, and they would worship these idols, and they became and as the world progressed after that, more and more shit began to spread in the entire dunya as a result, ALLAH SubhanA talks about this and says, Do not ever do ship with Allah subhanho wa Taala but see today you know, the problem is that we have such a
closed narrow mindset. When we talk about shit IQ, we say Oh, I don't know shit hunger, I don't do shit. Yes, many of us here we don't do shit with Allah subhanho wa Taala we don't do that shit. Akbar with Allah subhanho wa taala. But I'll tell you what other kinds of ships that we do with Allah subhanho wa taala. The other type of ship that we deal with Allah subhanho wa Taala is that think about this, I this concept of of idol worshipping is an ideology that takes people from Allah subhanho wa taala. Today there are many other ideologies. There are many other concepts, filthy concepts today in our society that are taking people away from Allah subhanho wa taala. That is
taking people away from the Oneness of Allah subhanho wa taala. That is taking people away from serving Allah subhanahu wa taala. This is also going to lead to destruction. If we support these ideas. If we as here we stand by those ideas, and we support those mindsets and those ideologies and those philosophies, we will be destroyed because Allah is telling us just like I destroy all manure, because the I they can't they introduce a concept that misguided other people if you are going to be introducing a new idea that is going to misguide other people or you're going to support an ideology that is going to misguide other people. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala will send on his destruction,
like you said upon but nobody can Salam. What other stories do we find the past we find some more than others? What was their sin? Their sin was that they were arrogant. How often today are we arrogant? We hear a verse of the Quran, oh, I don't want to hear the Quran. This will be safe. I don't want to hear the Quran. Today we have we have dropped so low in our faith in our iman, that we cannot handle the truth anymore. When someone says that what you are saying is wrong. This is what Allah says in the Quran, we completely deny it, we completely overlook it. This is what arrogance is to take what is bottle and to prove and stand by the Boulton and to know what the heart is and to
overlook the hug and to completely ignore the hug. When we know deep down inside that the Quran is the absolute truth you get when the time comes for us to follow the Quran. When the time comes for us to implement the Quran, when the time comes that when people are telling us what the Quran is telling us and what we're doing is something that is wrong. We're not willing to listen to that. This is what arrogance is, this is exactly what all my eyes upon with some would wear to their Ambia into their profits. When their Prophet said that this is what Allah is telling you to do. They completely ignored it. They were completely arrogant about what about the orders of Allah subhanho
wa Taala as a result of their arrogance, Allah subhanho wa Taala sent down his destruction if you in it today. Today we find ourselves in a chem sinker and same kind of situation that today we are arrogant to Allah we are arrogant to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
What do you think Allah subhanaw is going to? Do? You think Allah subhanaw is gonna give us a pat on the back? You think Allah subhana was gonna say that you know what, I'll give you another chance just Allah gives us chances over and over again. But there comes a time also that Allah says enough is enough. This only need to learn a lesson. This only in this nation that need to learn a lesson. And Allah subhanho wa taala. He then sends down circumstances based on the armor of the nation.
The next thing that we also learn from the previous Ambia is we find the poem of shortwave Allah you Salam, what was their crime? What was their sin, that they were always unjust, especially in their financial dealings. Today, subhanAllah we live in a world where people they despise working with other Muslims, taking loans, and not paying those loans, having a business dealing, we lived in a time Yes, we did live in a time where your word was your bond, your word was your bond mean that whenever you gave your word, you would live by your word. That's the way we used to live long time ago, we would do the same thing in a certain capacity. This person promised me this, this person
promised me that and what would happen is that there will be a financial dealing, that person takes one person's money, he completely spends it. He comes in, he says, I've already spent all the money, nothing, nothing came up came about of that investment of yours, and they take the money and they go somewhere else. There's no trace of that money that person has left with that money and so forth. stories after stories that we hear in the Muslim community, when we are not just this is where we find out. This is where Allah sees our heart, that who has so much dunya in their heart, that they're willing to cheat each other. For what for temporary gain for a small gain in his duniya for
probably three $4,000 over $20,000. We're willing to sell our IRA for $20,000 for $40,000. For $50,000. We are so unjust. We are so unfair, we cheat when it comes to business. Ross was awesome tells us that a person who is honest in his business, Allah will give him Baraka in a person who lies in their business. Allah will take away the burqa, yet we see today that people are saying I rather go to a person who's a non Muslim and do business with them. Because I have always been cheated by Muslims. This is what we hear over and over again. So we learn from the story of shea butter use cinnamon, that if we are unjust in these matters, and not only that, but when the Prophet
sallallahu it was something he saw in Medina, the Jews were controlling the markets of Medina they were unfair in their business. Why do you think so the motel 15 was revealed it was revealed for this reason why you don't limit of 15 alladhina either your cell phone why either can
Allah your
truth when Allah is telling us that when you cheat each other do you actually really believe that you cannot stand you for Allah subhanho wa Taala or you will not stand for Allah subhanho wa Taala each one of us we will stand before Allah subhanho wa Taala we will stand by ourselves, no one there to support us and Allah subhana wa I will hold us accountable. Brothers and sisters, we've seen from the story of Musa alayhis salam their crimes. We see from the story of Shreya biting us on their crimes. We see from the story of them with their crimes. We see from the story of Noah and his son, their crimes and why the Allah Subhan destroyed them And subhanAllah when you look at our Ummah,
today, we as OMA were committing all those crimes, we are doing all the shortcomings, as a whole we are doing in some capacity, some shape or form. We are involved in these crimes, if Allah's destruction came upon them, then Allah subhanaw taala destruction will come upon us also if we don't learn these lessons, if we do not go back to these stories, and learn the lessons and stay away from these crimes, Allah Wilson his eyes have upon us and today's Subhanallah a you don't have to go far and look at the state of the Ummah today. Will Allah He does not matter today as an ummah, we talk about the fastest growing nation in the world, the fastest growing population in the world, the
fastest growing religion in the world. Yes, indeed. We are the fastest growing religion in the world. But today what today we are living in such times you say something against the Jewish community, you're considered as anti semitic. You say something against the LBGT community, you're considered as a hater. When you say something against Islam and Muslims is considered as free speech. This is the time that we are living in today.
Where is there is the Muslim ummah. Allah is showing us when you as a Muslim Ummah, when you don't follow what you need to be following, when you don't do what you need to be doing. Allah will take away there is there from you. We are the fastest growing religion in the world. But today all over the world that you see Muslims are suffering everywhere. This is Allah Sunday when Allah says the halal facade, Phil burry will barely be Mikasa
A dinners Allah sends down the calamities. Allah says down the circumstances based on you and I and what we do be my customers aid in us. We tell you know, when we tell our employee, you know, the most smartest, the best employee, you know, when they do something that is wrong, we hold them more accountable. When it comes to our child who's probably the most smartest child of ours, when they do something that is wrong, we hold them even more accountable. When Allah subhanaw is telling us that you are the best man, I've given you everything that you need, for for success. I've laid on everything for you. What more do you want from me? And yet we still transgress transgress against
Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says, Enough is enough, and Allah takes away that result. And this is where we're living in today. So let's learn from these stories. These stories are not there, just so that we can read them and have a good time. But these stories are there so we can learn from them and stay away from the sins that led to their destruction. I ask Allah Subhana Allah to guide us ask ALLAH SubhanA to guide our upcoming generations. I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us among those who remain on hop on the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Bartok hola hola. Now welcome football and Aleem when I found out what he can read what they could hack him
and stuff Allah How do you welcome what is the most universal Pharaoh in the whole of Orion?
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al Hamdulillah who don't want to start in earnest after the winner holds a bit lame and surely unforeseen? I will say yeah, Medina. Maybe you had to hit Laflamme with Allah who may Allah have wanted to Allah Allah Allah Allah wa they will actually Nicola wants to know Hamid and Abdullah so I'm about for the call a lot about Aquata Allah for Allah module for con Hamid Bahadur will be leveraged on rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim in Allah Allah Malaysia Natalia Salone Allah Nabi unit in Amazon Allah Allah He was selling the steamer alongside Allah Mohammed Ali Mohammed. Two months later I Rahim Allah Ali Ibrahim in a committed Mojito barik ala Muhammad wa ala
Muhammad Kawartha Ibrahim Allah Ali Ibrahim in the kami the Majeed along masala is now one more Simeon Allah homeless Islam one misdemeanor frequently makan Allah Hama, sunnah Allah mahalo finna wa Fabula then our Osterholm was female Ivana will often work with Alana what hum Mota and I will put the ad in either coolly higher whilst while cyminum coalition were FURTHER NAM equally Lloyd Allah hamaca seminar Monica Tacoma the whole will be behaving in OB animasi ethic mentor article multiple they're gonna be genetic. We have any matter how we know we are in our cyber duniya maternal vs minor whatever sorry now what eterna which I will worry from in which I thought on our
element Ala Moana one so now Illumina will have to die mostly within our field meaning we'll have to delete duniya Hamina whatever we have already Mina wala in anatomy Sirona Rata solidar Lena Mala hamona Allah Houma Inanna silica Alma Nafisa while I'm in LA Mota Kabbalah, what is on was
what she, I'm in colada, Aloha, my Nana was becoming a million for medical biller Yaksha when of Scylla touchbar when do I use the Java Mirabilia Alameen
in Aloha mobile, so anyway you know that what about when Heron fasho monkey was living with the Quran first cluniac kuru homage to the water from Aqua masala
straight lines fill in the gaps there's a lot of space inside the main hall rather than the back two rooms please come inside the main hall. There is plenty of space inside the main hall
brothers in the back two rooms the main hall should be filled first. The bathrooms are there in case if the main hall is filled if you see me and space inside the main hall, please fill it up. There's still plenty of space in in the main hall here on my right side. Plenty of space
brothers here on the left please
walk across and fill up the spaces please.
Long one button long one a shadow
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this one
comment is Lorna Allah long, long like button.
The homeless who also was talking to the homeless Ray lines from the Gulf he was alive please mature cell phones are off. Allahu Akbar
Al Hamdulillah he Robben Island me and Rafa Manuel Rafi, Maliki omit the ear canal Abu e kind of scary and he did not set off and was totally set off on levena and I'm entirely him why he did and I will do it to him. Why not bore the
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semi Allah Huni man Hamidah
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Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar on
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Allahu Akbar.
Semi Allahu Eman Hamidah.
A law who has been
Allahu Akbar home
Allahu Akbar on
a wall who occupy.
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah low, long stuff.