Nadim Bashir – Khatira – Do Not Slander

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The importance of honoring the five objectives of Islam, including protection of life, religion, property, health, and safety, is discussed. The history of defamation and the need for everyone to be judgmental towards others is also emphasized. The importance of knowing the story and protecting one's privacy is also emphasized. Costumer forgiveness is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Mohammed while early he was a hobby of mine. So what is subject matter? We and

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what Islamic month are we in

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the hijab?

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They'll they're either

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Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Quran says in the data show here in the lower half now I shall I shall head on fee kita Villa Yo Ma Holika Sama, it will also mean her orba on haram, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that there are 12 months of the year, and there are four that are considered as St. A sacred sacred months, months that have sanctity to them. And what are those four months, the month of the powder, the month of their Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab, four months. What will usually happen in these four months is that if there was any battles that were taking place, any wars that were taking place in the times that the Arabs, they will cease all attacks, they will cease all they will

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put down their weapons, and they will not take each other's lives in these four months. And it was a well known fact that if anyone's life was taken, it will be considered as a violation not only within the Muslim community, but in both the Muslim community and the non Muslim community. So we understand that there is something called sacredness and sanctity to these four months. Today Inshallah, in this brief halter, I want to talk about the sanctity of life. First of all, is that in the in our deen, there is something called the Mikaze the Sharia the five objectives of Sharia, when you study Islamic law, whether it's family law, whether it's business law, or financial or economic

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law, criminal law, civil law, any laws and Afghan that you study, you will learn that it will result revolve around these five objectives of Sharia were the five objectives actually on? It is the protection of life, the protection of religion, the protection of real protection of life, religion, property, the protection of health, and the protection of dignity. These are the five, MacArthur's Sharia. And when we study the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam today Inshallah, we're gonna talk about the dignity aspect. Today we live in a time we live in a society where so many people the easy go on social media, destroying other people's reputation, they go and they say

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whatever they want to say, not realizing that they have to answer to Allah subhanho wa Taala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in his final sermon that the hotbar that is known as Batool Wada. On the Day of Arafah, in the land of Arafah, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam summarizing Islam, he said that, that just like this month is sacred, and just like this land is sacred, and just like this month is sacred. Likewise, your property, your dignity and your lives and your blood also is sacred. Just like as Muslims, we have so much reverence for the month of the hijab, just like we have so much reverence for the day of Arafa. And that land of Arafa, that

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likewise, we're supposed to have as much as reverence when it comes to other people's property, when other when it comes to other people's lives. And when it comes to other people's dignity. Look Today, once again, we are slaughtering each other's dignity online, and we say whatever we want to say, not realizing that defamation is a serious crime in Islam. When you defame someone when you try to destroy someone's reputation, then this is a serious crime. So when it comes to these kinds of matters, what has the Hadith say, first of all, is there was a time period but then you have Hamam even al Hadith, he was one time sitting with for the father of the Allahu ion, and someone came, and

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they began to say some very derogatory things, they began to say some slanderous comments against earthmate fan or the Allahu ion. And at that time, or they thought of the hola Juan, he reminded this person that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that anyone who slanders against someone else, they will not enter into Jannah. This is the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And there are many other a hadith like this, that a person will be held in the city, this is a serious crime, and a person will be held accountable before Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment. So in these kinds of situations, what are we supposed to do as a community? First of all,

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is that we have to understand that we are not the judge, the judge, the jury, and the Executioner is none other than Allah subhanho wa taala. Today we call ourselves people have labeled themselves in the community as judge, jury and executioner and the only true judge, jury and executioner is only Allah subhanho wa Taala Why do you think that a person who takes upon themselves to be judgmental towards others, this is a sign of a cardboard and

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Why do you think Rasul Allah Allah or some says that anyone who has an iota amount of checkerboard will not even smell the fragrance of Jannah is because being judgmental towards anyone else is an attribute that belongs only to Allah subhanho wa Taala only the only Allah can judge and he can make a judgment about someone, and we none of us have a right to be judgmental towards others. So the very first thing is that when we come across these kinds of situations, we cannot be judgmental towards anyone else. The very second thing is that till we don't know any story, from beginning to end, until we have not heard two sides of any story, that we cannot make a judgment. This is

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something that is happening that is not happening in our community. In fact, today we find the public opinion has become the predominant opinion. If public opinion was always the truth. We remember when we go when it goes back. And for so many years, there was a time when Muslims and all over the media, the public opinion was what the Muslims are, they are there to take the lives of others Muslims are quote unquote, terrorist. And these kinds of things were being said, why because that's the public opinion. But in our deen there is no such thing called a public opinion, especially when it comes to matters of others. And it comes to the dignity of others. When it comes

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to a case you have to listen to both sides of story has to be built out of your loved one. His story is a very what is a very good example that he gave a woman he saw that his relatives his family members were living in Makkah, he thought to himself that if I perhaps help the people of Makkah, and they will show some mercy, they will show some clemency to my family living in Makkah, they will not harm my family, and later on Rasulullah saw Salam was informed via Dubray EDA Alayhis Salam that there is a woman traveling through the desert, taking a note from hartlebury belta. To the to the to the place of Makkah, and the Prophet SAW Selim, he sent some Sahaba including Eliade Allah Juan to

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intercept interceptor and they were able to get that note and when they came to the Prophet SAW Salem think about almond ricotta or the Allah one right away he jumped to conclusion. He jumped to conclusion without knowing the story. And he says Yara Sula, this man as a Munna afek. Let me let me take his life. He does not belong within us at that time was was awesome said no, Omar, let me listen to his story. Let me listen to what he has to say. Think about that time anyone would say that this person is a traitor, and they will have labeled him as a traitor. But that is not what we learn from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ross was taught us you have to listen to both

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sides of the story. And then you make you then you can make a judgment and that's kind of situation they have a person is guilty of a person is innocent. But if we don't know the story, we don't know from A to Z. And there's a public opinion about someone, a brother or a sister, we cannot make any judgment till we don't know the whole story. And in that same thing, I will also say according to the same token, I was saying that if people say, Well, it's a public opinion, I go with what the public says. Think about those three people who accused the eyeshadow the Allah Juana, you had the munaf own who accused Aisha, you had three people amongst the believers who also accused Aisha Radi

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Allahu Ana. And if someone were to ask them that based on what evidence do you have, that you are accusing each other? The Allah Ana, what did they say that this is what's being spread in the community, and we're taking the public opinion. And lo and behold, because they went with a public opinion, they were also they were also punished. At the end of this whole story. They were also flogged, and they were lashed. Why, because it's not about public opinion, in these kind of situations, it really comes down to how much you know of the story. And likewise, and finally, I will say that when it comes to these kinds of situations, people say that if this if this brother or

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sister committed wrong, that they need to come out, and they need to make a public apology, one are personal matters. One is a communal matter if someone harms the community, if a war if a Muslim man or a Muslim woman, they hurt the community overall, then that becomes a communal apology. But when it comes to individuals, then you always go back to that person and you make that apology to that person, the community, you cannot demand as a community that this person has to apologize, because we learned that even in that kind of situation, if a person says I'm innocent, then that matters between them and Allah subhanho wa Taala because the we also learned from the hadith of Ross was a

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Salam that there will be accountability in the hereafter and there will be justice and fairness in the Hereafter. And if a person actually has hurt someone in this dunya and there was a violation of

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the rights of others, they cannot go into

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Wanna till the matters are not resolved between them and that other person, so then you leave it in the hands of Allah subhanho wa taala. And they are putting, if they apologize, they apologize if they don't apologize, they are putting their their akhira at risk. Now, the last thing I will say is, what should a person do if they are accused of something? What is that how we should behave as a community, how we should do whatever we can to protect the person's dignity. But what if a person is accused? What if I'm accused of something that I did not do wrong? First of all, is that we have to pay attention. If I'm actually guilty or not. If I actually did something that is wrong, that's my

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opportunity turn to Allah subhanho wa taala, to repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala to say to Allah subhanho wa Taala I have sinned, and will Allah I ask you for forgiveness, this is an opportunity to come close to Allah subhanho wa Taala because if our relationship with Allah is healthy, and if our relationship with Allah is strong than all other relationships are going to be strong. And the second thing is that if I'm absolutely innocent, then remember the story of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and Abu Bakr Radi Allahu on obika Was he was quiet. People were saying things at him. People were saying things that were very disrespectful and the Prophet SAW center as soon as alberca began

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speaking the province of some he got up and left. And he then obika He went after us. Well, salam, rhodiola Juan, and Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said that Oh, Bucher, as long as you are quiet, the angels were sending their curses upon them. If you're absolutely innocent, then you leave your matter in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala because Allah is watching, and anyone who plays a role in just trying to destroy someone and trying to play in trying to slander someone against and try and destroy their dignity. Remember, is in Villa is the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala he will take your is just like you're taking someone else's. I ask ALLAH SubhanA

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what to Allah to keep us united? We ask Allah subhana wa Tala to protect us from these kinds of fitness. eurobodalla mean is that Kamala Hey, Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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In metal Mussolini now almost Lima Do you want to know meaning I mean it will quantity now look on it the more saw the pain I was on the bond the one saw the Rena was sabe Irati one for Sherry You know

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what unfortunately no one was watching I think one downside BP now one downside the party was on me now was all in

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one heavy Lina photo gentleman wouldn't have failed What the was that good enough law that gets you Oh, what's going on? I don't law hula

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