Nadim Bashir – Elite Followers #02 Sawdah RA

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallam bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin. The Prophet sallam bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin. The Prophet sallam bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin. The Prophet sallam bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin. The Prophet sallam bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin. The Prophet sallam bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin. The Prophet sallam bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin. The Prophet sallam bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin. The Prophet sallam bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin
AI: Transcript ©
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Hey, even a hammer and without going into great detail. So Haley Bahama was the one who was in negotiations with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Makkah with the intention of doing Anwar, during the incident of for the BIA. So he was the one who was negotiating on behalf of the Quraysh. So his brother, second Ebro Ahmed was the husband of soda or the Allah Tala Burnham, they were they were Mushriks initially, but when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam began to convey his message, the This couple was one of the very first couples to accept the message of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Not only that, but

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because they were one of the very first ones, they were also the first ones to begin to receive all the oppression from the Quraysh in Makkah, and therefore they were amongst the first couples who migrated to Abbey Sr, and they migrated to Habesha. During the return of on one of their returns, they came back to Mecca, her husband second he fell sick, and he soon passed away because of that sickness. So that'll be Allah Tala on her at that time she was, she was a widow. And that time that is when a person by the name of hola Binta Hakeem, she came forward and she initiated the talks to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about marrying soda or the Allah Tala and hub. And so before

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we go any further we need to know who was Hola. And because hola played an important role here. And Hola. Binda Hakeem, she was the wife of a smile remains the owner of your logline. And he was of course, one of the very first people to use she was from the people who accepted Islam in Makkah. And Holub into Hakeem you know, she, she realizes the situation that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has lost someone who was extremely valuable to him. That was kalido The Allah Tala Anna and Hadith or the Allah Tala on her while she was the one taking care of the children, she was also the one taking care of the affairs of the home. She was the one in relieving the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam from his responsibilities at home, so that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can focus on his task, which was given by Allah subhanho wa taala. And once Hadith or the Allah passed away, for two years, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he remained as a single father, he remained as a single father, and SubhanAllah. I'm going to stop here and make a note here and make you know, make a commentary about this, which is that every person in the community, no matter what your status is, and what your situation is, you can always take a lesson from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, we always hear about single mothers right in our

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societies, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at one point in his life, he served as a single father. And at that time, even though he had a great responsibility, but at that time, he also took care of his family. And this goes to show you the importance of family. After this two years went by the Prophet SAW Selim he, he did not get married to anyone Holub into Hakeem, she understands that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam needs to marry someone in order for that person to take care of the affairs of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and at that time, people were very sensitive towards the Prophet alayhi salam, they knew that the Prophet and his son

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lost someone who was very dear to him. So they were concerned and they knew that we have to come to the Prophet. We have to talk to the Prophet about this. But no one wants to come and step forward and talk to the Prophet about a second marriage. No one wants to hold on to Hakeem, she in her infinite wisdom, she looked for the right opportunity and the right time and she came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she said to the Prophet rhadigan Salaam, that look two years have gone by. And now it is time that someone needs to step into your life you need to be you need to accept someone else into your family, and you need to let them take care of your family. You have a

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great responsibility and you cannot, you cannot do justice to both right now.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked the Who do you have in mind? And she says that there are two people. One is a woman who has been previously married and the other one is a woman who has never been married. When the Prophet SAW sent him he did so he

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He asked further, she replied that the one who I'm referring to the one who has been previously married is so there have been some idle your lot and are unhappy. And the one who I'm referring to as the one who has ever been married is the daughter of obika. The Allah Tala and I shared with you a lot that are unhappy that Prophet sallallahu ala he was sending them he thought about this for a moment and he said that why don't you go and mention them about me? Okay, I am interested. I am interested but talk to them about me and see what is their response. How loving to Hakeem she came to soda Buddhism on with the Allah Kalina. And she suggested to the soda that right now you are in a

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situation, there's no one to take care of you. And also there's a person like us who also Allahu Allah, he was sending them. He's also looking for some support. And so So there'll be Allah, Allah, Allah realizing that this was a golden opportunity. I want to I cannot miss out on this opportunity. I had the opportunity to be the wife of this was so long it was sending them. So she said, Yes. Now there are some books of history that mentioned that one time so w Allah, Allah on how she sees a dream, she sees a dream that she's sitting down, and all of a sudden, the sky rips open and the moon comes and it lands right in her lap. The moon comes and lands right in her lap. Now, she never knew

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the interpretation. But some had, you know, informed her that what this probably means is that you will lose something, but the replacement of that loss will be something. It's something that will be amazing, and you will be happy about that. And once this proposal came to her, she realized that the dream that she has seen, this is the interpretation of that dream Allah Allah. This has mentioned in some books of history, and some books of Ceylon. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam marry, so does has been somehow along the line, the marriage was consummated. And so there will be a lot Alana began to live with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at the time of her marriage. She

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wouldn't be she began to take care of the other children on the Prophet sallallahu. Ana, he was sending them, as we know that zener had already been had already been married.

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rufiyaa had already been married. So the only two girls that were left at that time were young girls was Omen consumer, Yolanda Unha, and Fatima Rhodiola. Tonight, but nonetheless, so they stepped in. And she fought she filled the role of being a wife to us was a law Hollywood said no, it is. It is worth this note. It is worthy to note that soda will be allowed and Idaho was not someone who was a young, she was old. It talks about her physical features that she was dark in complexion. And she was also she had a lot of weight. And this is something that many people have mentioned in the books of Sierra, because for the purpose of law while he was sending him at that time, he was on looking

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for fulfilling his desires. He was looking simply for a woman who can step in and take care of the affairs at home. And so the Prophet SAW while while he was setting them just like he would treat anyone else he gave he showed that love to so that will be Allah Tada. It says that one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he came in. And so there'll be Allah, Allah and has she says that I noticed that something was, you know, causing some distress to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, she says that I you know, I tried to look for the right opportunity to bring a smile to the face of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she says of what she said up to the

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property some was that just to you know, bring a smile to his face, that yesterday I prayed behind you. I prayed behind you, and your sujood your sage that was so long, that I felt like I may have a nosebleed. And at that time, the Prophet SAW Allah while he was sitting on when he heard so the same thing this he, he smiled and he laughed. But his laughter was not like our laughter but what is mentioned about the laughter of Rasulullah sallallahu. It was setting up was that you know, his, his front molars wouldn't be exposed. This was the laughing of Ross was a Lago I think he was sending them. So the program they get some he smiled, and that that gloomy, or that distressing feeling that

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the Prophet SAW Selim he had hamdulillah had vanished. So the Rhodiola Island and her she lived as she lived throughout the life of grace was a long morning was salam. And during this time, as I mentioned last week, that after

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The death of Khadija two years went by the Prophet did not marry anyone. Then the Prophet Allah is not married. So they've been through some of the along the line ha. Soon after that, actually right after that he married. I showed you Allah the line here but the marriage was consummated with her until the Prophet SAW Selim made the introduction Medina and then after huger to Medina, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married multiple women until two years prior to his departure from this world. So we'll dive into the model the Allah Tala, I'm what was noticed, and what she noticed was that all the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were younger than her. And she, and

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they made this very clear. This was not something that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had said something to her. It was not the injustice that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was showing to her, but she felt she felt within herself, that could the problems a lot, what are they he was sending them, you know, give a you know, separate from me, because now the he has so many wives and all these wives are younger, at that time, you know, so they've been designed with the Allah Allah was at an age that where women do not have that, that human human desire. So therefore, she came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the human desire of intimacy, and therefore,

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she came to the Prophet sallallahu it was sending them and she said to the Prophet alayhi salam that I have seen that of all the wives that are present with you with you today. You have to show the most love to honey God to I shall be Allah Tala Anna and she says that I am willing to give my night to hottie two eyes of your Lord Alana. Now it was the practice of the Prophet SAW Allah wanna he was sending them that every day he was spent one night with one wife. So that night when he had to spend with so that means is Mr. Rhodiola Anna, what he will do is that he would go and he was staying with her for the evening and stay in her company. And you know, just like a husband and wife, and then

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prior to going to sleep, he would leave her and then he would come to I saw the Alana and spent the night with her. It did not mean that because so that gave up her night, the Prophet SAW Allah some did not give her any attention. The Prophet SAW Saddam he was, he was the epitome of justice. And he showed justice to all his wives. And when so that said that I give my wife my night to I insha Allah that I know that the Prophet will spend the evening with her only it was the night that he will go and spend with I shall be allowed or unhappy. Another reason why she gave this night to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is because she knew that this will bring some happiness to the Prophet

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sallallahu it was sending him and it is once again it is worthy to make a point here, that when it comes to love, see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had many wives. But when it comes to love, love is something that you cannot show justice. You cannot show choose justice when it comes to love. Yes, when it comes to treatment, there is a way you can show that justice. For example, the province of Salem every day, he would go and he was spent a certain amount of time with his wives. There was a certain amount of time he was spending with his wife, and with every single one of his wives. It didn't matter whether he married her just one month ago, or years ago, every wife of the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam would get a certain amount of attention every single day from the Prophet sallallahu it was center. So in terms of treatment, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was just with every one. However, when it came to all the women, who were the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after the death of Khadija really Allah Tala and half of all those women and the wives of the Prophet, the Prophet, I think is love. I shot with your love that I'm not the most. And so this is something that needs to be very clear because there are a lot of people who believe that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam must have said something to her, or did something that she

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felt like the Prophet said he was going to divorce her, but that is not the case. She knew right? And she knew that the prophet The Aisha is very young, and she's at a certain age and she knew that this would make the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam happy, so therefore she gave up her and she gave her her night. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she she lived on beyond the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she passed away in the end of the era of honor photography a lot that is so she lives throughout the entire life of entire era of Edessa of Albuquerque.

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You're allowed to line and pretty much the entire time of Amato the allotted line and she passed away at the very end of the era of Omaha. Tabo the ultimate the next in line, the third wife of Ursula so long Lonnie was sent him as I mentioned was I shouldn't be allowed that I know. Now once again, they were married pretty much at the same time, but the marriage was consummated with soda Rhodiola Aha. And not with I shall be Allah Tala unhealth when hola vinta Hakeem hola with the Hakim came to

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the mother of eyeshadow, the Allah Tada Aha. Who Was anyone know the mother of I showed you a lot of Anna

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are mill Romain? On the Romain was the mother Irish already Allah the Lionheart and because obika The Allah Tala and had another wife from that wife he had a doula and a smoothie Allah Tala Anna, and from this wife, who was a middleman, overthrow the Allah the line had two children. One was I showed you a lotta line. And the other one was Abdul Rahman, a man who played a very pivotal role in the Hijra of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Nonetheless, a middle man who was married to a person by the name of Al Hadi tap into Abdullah LSD, LSD, and he passed away and he was considered as a high leaf. He was considered as a belief to Albuquerque, Allah Tala. Now, before we go any

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further what is the definition and what was the concept of Khalifa amongst the Arabs. The concept of Khalifa amongst the Arabs was that there are two people who are extremely close to one another. There is no blood relationship there. There are no relatives to one another. They're simply very good friends. The concept of Helene means that if I am friends with someone, then my family has to be friends with that person. And if I if I don't like another person than my family, without thinking twice without understanding the situation, they have to also dislike that person. It also means that if a person passed away, if the if the person passed away, then whoever the Khalifa as

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they would end up marrying the deceased brother's wife and he would take over his wealth they will he will take his wealth. So this person Al Khalifa bin bin Abdullah LSD, he was a relief to Alba Kobe Allah de Lyonne but they make this clear too and we're going to inshallah come across this in the Tafseer Certainly, sir on Saturday morning Inshallah, that the problem that Allah subhanahu wata, Isla, there was this practice that they would marry the wives they will take their wealth, and also, there will have one of the things that will take place. Allah subhanho wa taala, abolished, Allah abolished this practice that if a person passed away and he was hunted with someone else, that

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his wife automatically goes to the other person. Allah subhanaw taala abolished his practice here in this case what happened was that only a little man she chose to marry oboe, viola and it was not that the oboe Guardiola Don said that okay, you know what, your husband was my belief he passed away now you are automatically my wife. No, that was not what happened. But she she did agree or willingly to marry Oba kind of the hola the line because alberca Viola Don at the end, at the end of the day, whether he was a Muslim or non Muslim, he was a trustworthy man. He was a man who exhibited great, great traits and great qualities. And that's why when middleman saw that a worker is willing

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to marry me. She, she agreed, and from that marriage came I shared with you a lot going on her. And man, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she said he says about a middleman that led him who wants to see a woman amongst the beautiful women of Paradise, who have who have wide and lovely eyes. Let them look at a middleman of your waterline ha. This is the saving of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when she passed away and she was being lowered into her grave the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had immense amount of respect for all middleman. Now, going back, going back to Holub into Hakeem when hola Hakeem came and said, then let me talk to the

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parents of Aisha of the Allah Tala. And she came, as she told the prophet, she came to the mother of Ayesha Rhodiola that I had informed a middleman that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has agreed and he's willing to

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marry your daughter, first of all, is that Omar Romain did not give any kind of reaction. She never she never said I disagree. She never asked any kind of questions. Like there's such an age gap. There was nothing there was no question that she asked. But she said that you know what? Why don't you go and talk to obika her father. Now Oh golly, Allah Tala and without going into great detail. We know that he was a man who always showed his support to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whether it was prior to the age of dawn, whether it was during the hijab, or even after the hit it also so Allah hottie was salam, Oba curry Allah that I was there at all times. And when he found out

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when he found out that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has, is willing to marry my daughter, he never thought about this twice, he came to the Prophet sallallahu ala he was telling me he says yes to Allah, that I fully I fully agree and you can marry her. I saw the Allah the line had that time, she was young, but she also she also approved. So it was not like as if that she's a young girl and her approval was not taken. She also agreed to marry or Swanson Allahu alayhi wa sallam, however, because she was very young, and you know, if you remember it, he mentioned very clearly in his book that the marriage took place at the age of six years old with the eyes of Yolanda

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Lionheart, and the marriage was consummated when she was nine years old. Now there are many people who believe and they go into a lot of historic they dig into a lot of historical data, and they begin to come up with different ages of eyeshot of Allah that is based on the age of smell of the Allah Tala Ana, because they say that if you put together the numbers, and especially the year when I shall was born, and the year a smart was born, and the year Oh butter married, oh middleman, rather your waterline? Ha, we you know what is very clear is that when the marriage was consummated, between the Prophet sallallahu it was sending them and I shall be Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. She

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was not nine years old, but she was rather 18 years old. Okay, she was 18 years old. And these are some, you know, these are some opinions. But we always go back to Imam Muhammad Allah era because of course, when you're talking about Imam Behati, we're talking about a man who would record his information with a lot of research with immense amount of research. Imam Bahati is a man who will just go and just put together numbers, but he did a lot of research. And in his book, he said that I showed you a lot that I had, she was nine years old. Now if he began to put together all the numbers, the Prophet SAW Allah Allah, he was sending them last Hadith. Alana at the age of 50, he

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married so they've been the Zima at the age of 52. At the age of 52, at the age of 53, he migrated to Medina in the first year, or the second year of Medina, that is when he consummated the marriage when I showed you a lot of it. So that puts the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam roughly at the age of 53 or 54, okay, now and this is where a lot of Islamophobes they come and they say that how could a man at the age of 54 consummate the marriage with a with a girl at the age of nine years old, and here we have to go into great detail which is not the time but you know, you will see a lot of books written about this you will see a lot of scholarly work a start a scholarly articles

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written about this particular matter. And without you know, you know, just I'm gonna say just mentioned a few things here, just to give you an idea that it is when these kinds of questions are put to us. The How could a man marry a nine year old girl and live with her? First of all, is that at that time, at that time, the courage and the courage would always jump on the sloths, Allah Azza wa sallam, or they would object to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if they found something out of the ordinary, but if there was something that was part of society, there was no one who questioned the Prophet saw love it was said now we know that there was one marriage of the Prophet

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sallallahu ANAME was seldom that all the rage now that the Jews of Medina, they would question the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that was his marriage to Xena of your mouth and unhappy because she was the ex wife of his adopted son Zeto your logline okay. That was the only marriage of the Prophet sallahu adios salaam where his marriage is objection, or there is some objections. If the marriage of the Prophet sallallahu ala he was sending them to it

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shallow water on how was considered as abnormal, or it was considered as something that was different to the norms of society, I can guarantee you that the grace would have made this into a big issue, the corporation would have come forward and said that how could a man of this age marry Aisha of YOLO tonight, and when they did not bring up this issue, that means that that was the norm of the society, that was the norm of society. And when we studied the history of our of our country, the United States of America, we don't have to go very far back. But if you stay the history of the state of Delaware, the state of Delaware,

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many years ago, a girl at the age of nine years old, had the authority to get married. She would get married at the age of getting married for a girl was nine years old, not overseas, here in this country. Here in this country. Times have evolved, times have changed. And as times change, so does practices. You remember, you remember at one time nowadays, we have iPhones, we have Android phones we have everyone has a smartphone. But do you remember there was a time when everyone had a flip phone? That was a practice of that time, right? But as time evolved, things changed. Now, at that time, if you had a flip phone, you are considered as a very rich man. Now when you have a flip

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phone, you're considered as a caveman. Okay, you're considered as a man who's living in in the backward times. So times evolved practices change, just because something was normal at that time, it does not mean that it is wrong. It does not mean that it is wrong. Now, do you see that happening today? Absolutely not. does Islam say to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by saying I shall be Allah, Allah and ever say that someone should do this, that someone should go and marry a very young girl, and do the way I have done? No, we don't find that in the life Resources Center. We don't find a single time when the problems are send them he said, Don't do this. The Prophet Allah

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his son did it because that was that was the norm in the society at that time. Because it's not the norm of our society. You don't see anyone doing that. And this is where it's not a phobes and people who are not informed about Islam, they will come in they will say that, you know, you guys are you guys as the Muslims, you endorse this, we don't endorse this, but we are not going to say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did something wrong. No, the Prophet alayhi salam did not do anything wrong by marrying isodiol Latina. While she was a very young girl. The Prophet SAW Selim he got married, of course, that marriage was not consummated. Later on the Prophet saw some he when he

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migrated to Medina, he became extremely busy with the affairs of Medina because you remember, when the Prophet alayhi salam May, I mean when he came to Medina, he had to deal with the Jews. He had to create a constitution, he had to, he had to establish, measure the level we he had to take care of the US have a sofa, there are people who do not have anywhere to go. They were living inside the masjid, the prophet Allah His son was looking after them. Only Romain comes to overthrow the Allah that Ana says that can you go and just remind the Prophet SAW Lohani was sending him that he married. He married Aisha, what's going to happen about her when will the marriage be consummated?

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obika You log on came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he reminded him and the prophets hustlers wahala see the Prophet never got upset. He never said Don't you see I'm busy? Don't you see what's going on here? Can't you wait? No the prompts are some he realizes that there's a commitment in place and he has to fulfill that commitment. So the Prophet saw some said I inshallah. I agree that the marriage should be consummated soon. Inshallah, whenever you're ready, I'm ready to Shala and soon after that, the date was said, and the marriage was consummated. And I showed the Allah to Lionheart began to live with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as one of

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the Ummah had been in. Inshallah, we'll go ahead and stop right here. The history and the biography of Isola Don has still a very lengthy one Inshallah, hopefully, we will finish that next week. May Allah subhanaw taala give all of us the ability to become like these amazing women. And may Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to emulate them in their Dakhla in their understanding, and also playing a role in spreading the playing a role in spreading the deen just as these women they played a role in spreading to the exact Lula head so high and low hunting so hi Nicola homeowner hunting to Allah Allah in entered in a selfie Luca wants to be exactly when somebody comes to look at him

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