Nadim Bashir – Eid Al Fitr Khutbah 2024

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The speaker discusses the process of salarid, insha'am, and saltareed, emphasizing the importance of showing gratitude to Allah through fasting, praying, and remaining committed to his teachings. They stress the need to show gratitude to Allah's followers, reach out to his community, and not show mercy to Muslims during Book 1. The importance of showing gratitude to Allah's teachings and reaching out to his community is emphasized.
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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Ta'ala.
InshaAllah, we'll go ahead and begin, very soon.
I wanna, first of all explain
the process of salarid, inshaAllah.
And then I'll have everyone stand up and
take a minute to fill up all the
gaps, inshaAllah.
Today, as usual, we always do 7 takbira,
5 takbira. Today, InshaAllah, I wanna revive
another sunnah,
of the prophet
because prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam performed saltareed in
many different ways. Today, inshallah, we're going to
perform saltareed.
We're going to have in the first sakar,
after takbir al takharima,
the opening takbir.
And after tana, I'm gonna do 3 extra
3 eshtakbiraats.
Then we're gonna have sirafatiha,
ruku, sujood.
In the second raka'ah,
we will begin first of all with
and then before we commence
into the raku'ah, then we will have 3
extra 3 extra
So in the 1st rakat, 3 extra at
the beginning. In the 2nd rakat, 3 extra
at the very end. Insha'Allah.
This is also one way the prophet he
will perform salatirid inshaAllah. With that, I'm gonna
ask everyone to please stand up. Let's train
the lines.
We'll take a minute or 2, insha Allah.
Please make sure the rows are complete. The
rows are straight.
And all the children, please go back to
your parents.
Straighten lines, fill in the gaps.
Sisters, straighten the lines, fill in the gaps.
Sisters, please make sure there are no, incomplete
in the 2 rooms on the side in
the main hall.
Brothers, please make sure the rows are complete.
In the multipurpose hall, brothers, please make sure
the rows are complete. Often,
there is a lot of space on the
extreme right or the extreme left side.
Brothers in the gymnasium, please make sure the
rows are straight and the rows are complete.
Brother Yahya, are you in the back?
Brother are you
Yes. Okay. Is everything good in the back?
Allahu Akibam.
Brothers and sisters,
for all of us, it is a day
of Eid. It is a day that we
thank Allah
Because Allah says in the Quran, when he
talks about Ramadan,
that the purpose of Ramadan
is to connect with the Quran,
to fast in the month of Ramadan,
and hopefully Allah says,
Hopefully, you will finish these days of Ramadan,
and as a result,
you'll be thankful to Allah
Brothers and sisters,
our ultimate test starts today.
Ramadan was not the test.
Ramadan was a training time.
removed shaitan,
a great distraction in our life.
He changed shaitaan up for 30 days.
And he helped create environment
where we are surrounded by the Quran.
Where we are surrounded
by qiyam. Where we are surrounded by fasting.
Where we are surrounded by sadaqah. And we
are surrounded by overall
But brothers and sisters, now that shaitan is
now that we're going back to our normal
now the question is, who is gonna keep
on reading the Quran?
The question is, who is gonna keep on
waking up at night and pray qiyam?
The question is, who's gonna continue to fast
throughout the entire year? Brothers and sisters, our
test was not Ramadan.
Our test actually starts now.
And when this test is given to us,
the only person who will pass this test
with flying colors
is a person who remain consistent upon their
We are not Ramadan Muslims.
We are Muslims throughout the entire year.
So many 1000 and 1000 of years ago,
even before Allah created everything,
you and I, and our ruh was before
And Allah asked all of us one question,
your Lord?
And we all said, bala.
Yes, indeed You Allah. We You are our
Lord. But then we also said, shahiduna.
That beat That testify that we are That
you are That we are your slaves, and
you are our Lord.
Brothers and sisters,
Ramadan comes, Ramadan goes.
But brothers and sisters,
we have to remain committed to Allah
We have shown to Allah
that we can wake up at night.
We have shown Allah that, yes, we can
increase our taqwa. Yes, we have shown Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala that we can connect with
the Quran.
So when Allah stands us Makes us stand
before him on the day of judgement.
And if you and I are thinking of
making an excuse before Allah, that, you Allah,
I'm weak. Ramadan showed us that we are
not weak. We have the stamina, and we
have the capacity
to increase our spirituality.
Brothers and sisters, one of the best ways
we can show our gratitude
to Allah When Allah says,
1 of the best ways to show our
gratitude to Allah is to follow exactly what
Allah wants us to do, and we do
it in the way of the prophet
Brothers and sisters, a way to show our
is by pleasing Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Seeking with what Allah wants us to do.
Brothers and sisters, just because Eid comes, it
does not mean that we break all those
spiritual barriers. We have working We have worked
so hard for 30 days. Let's keep that
going. And this is why, subhanAllah,
how is it possible that when Allah says
in the Quran that you fast, and fasting
in itself, whether it's Ramadan
or any other time of the year. When
you fast, when we fast, it develops our
The way we can develop and maintain that
throughout the entire year,
is by fasting the other days. When we
have Mondays Thursdays. When we have 13th,
and 14th, and 15th of every single month.
And if we're doing this throughout the entire
year, insha'Allah, our taqwa will remain at a
high level. But if we drop everything,
and we stop coming to the masjid, then
I ask myself and you ask yourself that
what face are we going to show to
Allah on the day of judgment?
What are we showing to Allah
That I'm going to be committed to Allah
only for a certain period of time, and
then after that, I will forget about Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala. No, brothers and sisters, we
show Allah. Let's show Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala
that, You Allah, You gave me this from
Avan, and I'm gonna change my life, and
I'm gonna remain committed to You. Brothers and
sisters, wallahi, none of us here, including myself,
can give the guarantee that we are going
to be here next year. None of us
can guarantee that we will witness another month
of Ramadan, and that is why we find
from the sahaba, we find from the ulama,
that 6 months after Ramadan,
they will continuously ask Allah for istighfar.
They will continuously ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
for another Ramavan. So this is why brothers
and sisters, this is our way of showing
gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Otherwise, Allah
If we show our gratitude, Allah will increase.
But if we show our ingratitude,
and we show our lack of gratitude to
Allah, then Allah says,
Allah may even take away another mother another
Ramavans. May Allah
keep us alive for another Ramavans. And may
give us a tawfiq to witness another Ramadan.
And may Allah not deprive us from another
Ramadan due to our negligence and our and
our shortcomings.
Brothers and sisters, this is the day of
The day where we put aside our grudges.
Reach out to your family members.
The person who puts aside their egos.
This is such an amazing reward that Allah
gives to this person, that only Allah knows
how much that reward is. Allah has not
mentioned that in the Quran. Allah The prophet
alayhi wasalam has not mentioned it in the
sunnah in his sunnah. So this means that
there is such an amazing reward that Allah
gives to that person who puts aside their
ego, and reaches out to their family member.
And yes, it is our job to reach
out to our family member, those that we
may not be talking to. But if they
turn us away, at least I can show
Allah that, You Allah, whatever you have taught
me, whatever your Prophet has taught me, I
have done that. Brothers and sisters, I will
finish on this.
That if we know any converts in our
community, they may not know They may not
have anywhere to go. Bring them to your
home if you have a really good relationship
with them. There are so many people in
our community who are separated from their families.
Bring them to your bring them to your
home on the day of Eid. And finally,
brothers and sisters,
while we are here and so happy with
our families,
Wallahi, our hearts bleed
when we hear about huzzah.
Our hearts bleed when we hear about Palestine.
And we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to
aid our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Seen.
And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
bring such a punishment on the waleen.
When they show no mercy to our mothers,
and our fathers, and our children, then we
ask Allah to not show them any kind
of mercy. May Allah give them the worst
punishment in the history of mankind. We ask
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to aid our brothers
and sisters in Gaza, and aid our brothers
and sisters in Sudan, and in Somalia, and
in Africa, wherever they are oppressed. And we
ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to aid our
brothers and sisters in Russia, in France, in
in in in Kashmir. And wherever Muslims are
oppressed, we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to
send his aid upon them. Brothers and sisters,
let us not forget our brothers and sisters.
Today on the this day of Eid, there
are many people who have lost their family
And this day of Eid is gonna be
That there is one less person in their
Brothers and sisters, our brothers and sisters in
gazza. They have not lost one person in
their family. In some cases they have lost
20, 50, or even a 100 people, subhanAllah,
in their families. So let's keep them in
our duas, and let's keep them in our
hearts, and let's not forget our brothers and
Eid is a global phenomenon for all the
We as Muslims, we don't only worry about
ourselves, but we worry about the entire ummah
of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. May
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept our qiyam. May
Allah accept our siyam. May Allah grant us
another Ramadan. May Allah accept our istighfar in
the month of Ramadan. We ask Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala to continuously grant us tawfiq to
keep on coming to the masjid, to remain
committed to the Quran, to remain committed to
qiyam. And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bring
us closer to Him.
Allah We ask Allah for His love.
And the love of those who love Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala. We ask Allah Subhanahu wa
ta'ala to keep us close to Him. And
we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to take
us from this dunya when he is most
pleased with us.