Taleem al Quran 2012 – P05 062B Tafsir Al-Nisa 94-96

Taimiyyah Zubair


Channel: Taimiyyah Zubair


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The importance of following certain guidelines in religion, including not giving out too much information and not giving out too much " is emphasized in the conversation. The use of the word "theological" to describe individuals is also discussed, as it is a forceful thing. The importance of acknowledging and expressing one's mistake before taking action is also emphasized. The negative impact of pursuing French language learning in a school setting and the importance of taking the knowledge and practice of the language seriously is also discussed.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Whew.

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That was a good response. Why?

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Because now you have learned what either who you don't be the Hey yet in for how you be asked and I'm in her. Oh, good do that respond to the greeting with that which is better or at least return it exactly the same. Did you have any experience over the past week where you remember this eye on you made sure you responded to a person? Or you give them a better response? Yeah, what happened? Are you good that she's saying that somebody just said salaam to her and she responded with the full greeting? Where are they gonna sit down with him to law him Abraca two and the other person just standing there in shock because this was something new from her. All right.

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She said that before she would mumble out the salam or the response to it, or you know, say really fast. But now she took care in pronouncing it enunciating it properly with care. Very good. I had to respond to someone's email. And they had written a salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Man, I can't even smile over here. To see what I mean. Like, okay, you can send it in writing, you know, if somebody's in front of you, you can go ahead and shake their hands. Right? You can initiate the handshake, you can smile, you can do something to make the response better. So over there, I felt okay. It has to be a little to her.

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It has to be just the exact same response.

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The question is that if somebody walks into the house, like her dad, when he walks in, he says, Listen, I'm already equal to everybody. She said that what if I'm in the bedroom? Or I'm in the washroom? Am I supposed to respond to the greeting, obviously, if you're in the washroom, you're not going to. But if you're in your bedroom, and you've heard the greeting, then you can see why Lincoln was salam. If you're at that level of frankness, that you can actually say out loud, you can do that. If you're not, then you can just say softly. And if you can, then you should go up to him at least look up, you know, from wherever you are, and respond to the greeting. Okay?

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She's saying that whenever she learned something new, she likes to share it with other people. And when she shares it with them, then hamdulillah it sticks to her mind, then she does not forget it. So she said that she shared this verse with people and 100 Allah throughout the week, she was remembering this verse.

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She's saying that at workplaces, when people would say good morning, or Hello, then she would always have this feeling of guilt, or am I doing the right thing if I respond to them saying hello or good morning? But now it turns out that she's learned that if as long as she's within the limits of the *tier, the meaning is correct, and that if it's the opposite gender, it's in the appropriate way, then inshallah there is no harm.

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I have some family members or non Muslim, so they know Arabic. And so when one time I experienced that, he said to me As salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. But I answered, only VALIC was salam. Then he since he knows, he said, Why you are not asking me the wholesaler? I said, haha. Kamala says what is that? I said that I got the point of dava I said, when you're Muslim, then I can answer you back the whole Malik was Salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. Who, since you are not a Muslim, and you have to say Lila, then I say,

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Shalom Shall

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we see in the sooner that when the prophets Allah loves him did greet the non Muslims. It was never a Salam or Aleikum. It was always a salaam wa laminator Baron Hooda, BSP and the one who follows the guidance so in that was kind of indirect Dawa so like her what happened with her that when who was anonymous in the set the greeting dress, she just said wildly calm or widely considered and then we know she was able to there was well, he had something to share. When I share that with my kids, they are all the same now in the competition and who's gonna say it first, but not like only Assalamu alaykum but complete and as salam alayka Abdullah, very good Mashallah.

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Salaam Alaikum?

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You know, when people ask you that, why you don't respond to me fully? Because I had this question. There was a girl working with me, she lived in the Gulf and she says, Why do you always stop short of responding to me fully? So I was stuck. I had to give an explanation. But now later on, I understood that you don't believe in Allah and Salam is a DUA. How can I make dua to somebody for you when you don't believe in him? This is the explanation like sometimes you might have people asking why did you respond like this? Lesson number 62. Number one, a slightly a lot of Soliel Kareem and Robert farrowed bilLahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Surah to Nyssa

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and number 94 to 104 Yeah, you have Lavina Armano or you have believed either blocked on visa vie lillahi. When you strike in the way of Allah, what does it mean by a lot of doom? But up to literally means to strike. But over here, remember that the word Baba

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that Ebola Ebola FISA bill Allah, it also means to travel. Okay? And lover visa Bill Allah is to travel for the cause of Allah to go forth for the sake of battle, for whose sake for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. So in other words, all believers when you go for battle in Allah's Cause, then what should you do further by you know, then investigate the by your new from bear yeah known by and to be clear to the you know, make clear, investigate, find out the reality, find out the reality of who clarify the reality of who, of the one whom you're going to fight of the one whom you're going to take steps against that, is he really an enemy? Or Is he someone who is indifferent to you? Is he

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someone who is a believer, find out who they are, before you take any step against them, while at the Kulu and do not say Lehmann to the one who Elka he throws from lamb Coffea Ilca is to throw literally just to throw but in the context over here, it gives the meaning of he offers, because when you throw something towards someone, you are passing it to them, you're showing it to them, you're sending it to them, all right. So over here, it gives him enough he offers, he offers what Elaine come to you as selama, the salon. So the person who offers the salon to you do not say to him less than you are not minute, a believer. If someone says Salam to you don't say that you are not a

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believer, do not do this, rather, investigate. Now in the previous verses, we learned about the command to fight that it was given explicitly that the Muslims have been commanded to go and fight for the cause of Allah subhanaw taala. But remember, that, just like we don't do anything in our religion, according to our own whims and desires, according to our own wishes, just like that, when it comes to battle, also, there are certain guidelines that a Muslim has to observe. He can't just say, Oh, I'm fighting for the cause of Allah and bomb blast, oh, I'm fighting for the cause of Allah, and I'm going to stab someone to death. This is not fighting for the cause of Allah. When a

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person does anything, for Allah, as a Muslim, he has to observe certain guidelines, he has to be within the boundaries of certain do's and don'ts. Take the example of eating a simple thing such as eating, do we eat anything we want? Do we drink anything we want? No. Can we just throw food if we feel like it? No, we are not allowed to do that. So when there are so many restrictions in the matter of eating, in the matter of dressing up, in the matter of greeting someone that come on, there have to be restrictions in the matter of fighting as well, because that is something much more serious, because that means some people will lose their lives, they will lose their properties. And

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we learned in the previous verses about the seriousness of killing someone, that how if a person killed an innocent individual, then what's his punishment, his punishment is hellfire, basically, to the point that some scholars said that he cannot even repent, they took this matter so seriously. So the point here is that when a believer goes out for the cause of Allah, then he has to observe certain guidelines. Why? Because our deen makes us responsible, purposeful civilized individuals who take responsibility for their actions, and who ensure that none of their actions will be detrimental, for the good of everyone. So there is a code of conduct for everything and there is a

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code of conduct for war as well. And over here in this verse, another very important etiquette is being taught. What is this etiquette? What is this rule that when a Muslim goes for battle, and obviously it will be feasable Allah, it will be for the sake of Allah according to the laws of Allah, then he cannot take any action before he investigates meaning before he investigates the reality of the one whom he is about to fight that is he really the enemy or not? Is he someone who deserves to be fought or not? He cannot jump to conclusions in this matter. He cannot assume someone to be guilty to be responsible. He cannot make this conclusion himself that oh, this person must be

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an enemy. So there we should go and attack him. No, this is something that a believer is not allowed to do. While at the Kulu and do not say Lehmann Alka Aleikum, wa salam ala stomach Minun and when you're about to fight someone, and

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say to you, as salam Wa alaykum Then don't say to him you're not a believer. I'm still going to fight. You know, if someone says a Salam or Aleikum to you give them the benefit of the doubt maybe they are Muslim. Maybe they are. Because a Salam or Aleikum, what is it? It is a greeting of Muslims. It is a sign of a believer. So if a person says a Salam or Aleikum, don't start looking at them and say, Oh, are they Muslim or not? You know, one is that, you know, you have a non Muslim friend, and every time they greet you this Assalamu Aleikum, and you know, they're not Muslim. That's a different story. This is like meeting a stranger coming across someone. And they say Salam

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to you, over there. Don't say to them, you're not a Muslim. You're not a believer. And especially in the context of battle, that you're about to fight someone, you're about to raise your sword against them, and they say a Salam or Aleikum that don't take any action. Don't say you're not a Muslim. Another meaning of salaam over here is Salam, meaning submission that he offers submission. In other words, he declares Shahada. He says La ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, I bear witness, you know, I testify I am a Muslim, but don't say to this person, you're not a Muslim, and then attack him. Remember that there were many people who lived in the outskirts of Medina where there were

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people who had no intention to harm Muslims. There were always people who had the intention to harm Muslims as well. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would regularly send his companions in the outskirts of Medina far and wide. Why? To find out if there was any risk of some enemy being there and attacking the Muslims on their properties. So once what happened, that a group of Muslims they were sent, and they came across a shepherd, and they thought that he was a spy or someone from the enemy. So they decided that they were going to take action against him. So they went up to him, they caught him. And he said, I said, Mr alaykum, he is in a coma Salam, he offered submission, he

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declared his Islam. But they said, no, no, you're just doing this to save your life. You're just doing this to save your life. They considered him to be a spy or someone from the enemy. And what did they do? They assassinated him. When the Prophet salallahu Salam found out, he was very, very upset. And we learned that he said that did you cut open his heart? And see if there was Islam in there or not? How do you know? If someone is saying they are Muslim? Accept them as Muslim? Don't generalize, don't assume don't jump to conclusion. Because this is what in reality, this is hastiness, right, this is our JELA and Elijah Allah is Mina shape on it is from Shaytaan. being

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hasty taking action without any research without any investigation. This is from shaitan This is how he makes us commit major, major mistakes. So the I was revealed that while at the Kulu, Lehman alcohol in a coma selama less than what Milan and also remember that every day, people were embracing Islam. Someone would be an enemy and wishek yesterday, and today, they were Muslim. Now some people they would find out about the conversion, but not everybody. And doesn't that make sense? It does. You know, these days or something happens immediately. It's put on Twitter, Facebook, so immediately advertised, but back then, news would not spread like this. So if somebody

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was non Muslim yesterday, today, they embraced Islam you don't know about their Islam. So you cannot take any measures against them. Unless and until you find out unless and until you investigate that the owner or they'll hire to duniya you seek you aspire. There are loads of this life who Hoonah from if the LA beltline Yeah, what does that mean? Do desire to seek? So when you find such a person, what are you seeking? What do you want? What's your main goal? Is it really to earn the pleasure of Allah or is it something else? Sometimes it is something else the owner you are seeking out of God had to dunya out of what does it mean benefit goods, the goods of this worldly life? If

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that's the case, for in the law heathen with Allah, or Milani mukha theodon are many acquisitions. Milani is the plural of molybdenum and Magnum from the letters like noon meme is used for booty spoils, profits gains, and it's from the word of annum. Lanham is used for goats. Okay, it is used for what goats and people who own livestock, okay, especially in that area in the Arabian Peninsula back then, goats were, you know, they made the majority of the flock that are the livestock that an individual would own. So from this, the word Venom or Madonna Madonna was used for war booty spoiled, meaning a lot of quick gain. A lot of quick gain. Okay,

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benefit prophet. So, if you want worldly benefit, and the reality is that Allah has many acquisitions, meaning many things, Allah can give you better. What can you get by killing one person who is innocent? What can you get? You can get a little bit. What's the point? Compare that with what Allah can give you. What Allah can give you is far greater, far better. Cavalli could come to mencoba Lu, you were like that before as well. Gallica just like that. Quantum you Wurman covered before, meaning put yourself in the shoes of that individual. There was a time when you were not Muslim, or you had just recently embraced Islam, or you were hiding your Islam. Because there were

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many people who had embraced Islam, but because of political reasons, financial reasons, a lot of social pressure, they were not able to do hijra, and when they were not able to Hijra do Medina and they stayed with their people, the Muslims did not necessarily know about their Islam. So Allah reminds them that remember that time when you were in a very similar situation, you were in Makkah, hiding your Islam, you were living in so much difficulty. And then what happened from an Allah Who are they gone that Allah restored his favor upon you from mon meme no noon, what was the favor of Allah upon you that he gave you the chance the opportunity to migrate to do Hijra he gave you the

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strength to migrate, he gave you the chance to embrace Islam, he gave you the chance to confess openly, he gave you the chance to migrate and to practice freely for Manila who are Aleikum. So if someone has not yet been given that chance to confess their Islam openly to declare it, or to do hijra, or to practice freely, then don't think that they're just pretending to be Muslim Fatah Fatima you know, so clarify, investigate find out in the Lucha indeed Allah Cana he is ever be Mater maluna with whatever that you do, have you run he is fully acquainted. Everything you do, he is acquainted of it, what you're doing the reason behind it, your intention behind it, Allah knows

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about that severe him.

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So in this idea, what do we learn, we learned about the importance of investigating about a matter before taking any action. And the more serious that action is, the more serious those steps are, the more investigation is required to be done. It means an innocent person may be harmed, and human life is not cheap. killing an innocent person. harming him is something that is not something small, it's actually very serious. So before you take any steps, then what should you do? Investigate? Now how can we apply this in our daily lives? How can we, because Quran is relevant to everybody? Right? So how can we apply this in our daily lives?

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That before we blame someone before we accuse someone before we hold someone responsible? Okay, what should we do? Find out? So for example, you walk into your kitchen, and you see that there's a broken dish on the floor. And you're like, my husband is so careless. This is your immediate reaction. Are you saying my brother is so irresponsible? Alright, your immediate reaction based on your assumption, and there you are trying to clean up the mess. And then as he walks and you start yelling at him, he's a con to be careful. And if you make a mess, if you break a dish, contract cleanup is like what are you talking about? I have no idea. Like don't pretend. And there was an

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argument you're blaming him and he's he has absolutely no idea what you're talking about. And in reality, what happened? Because you didn't put the dishes properly in the dish rack, one of them fell over which caused the other one to fall over. And as a result, the dishes got broken because of your fault, not because somebody else's fault, but you blamed someone else. And as a result, there was a fight. As a result, good relations were spoiled. So what should be done before we accuse someone? Where do you put my books? Where's my bag? Where's my laundry? Why did you do this? Why did you do that? Before we blame people? Before we are too quick to jump to conclusions? Let's

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investigate because remember a larger law to mean a Shavon hastiness is from Shavon. Another important lesson we learn here is that we should deal with people based on their apparent we don't know about the real

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anity of a person's heart, what's inside? Whether a person is pretending, or they are really speaking the truth? So, what are we supposed to do? Doubt them doubt their honesty constantly. Because unfortunately, we're always doubting people. Right? We're always uncomfortable with other people, we feel insecure with them, we feel that maybe they are, you know, cheating us, maybe they are deceiving us. So we do not trust anyone. And we put this fear in the hearts of little children. So as they grow up, they learned that we do not trust anybody at all, when we don't trust anybody. We don't even greet someone. And if somebody greets us, we don't even respond to their greeting. If

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somebody smiles at us, we look at them strange. If somebody tries to have a conversation with us, we do not respond to them. And as a result, what happens, we cut off from the rest of the society. And our children are even more cut off from the rest of the society.

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We are only, you know, limited to our very close network of friends and family. And beyond that what's going on in the world, we don't know we don't trust anybody.

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This kind of mistrust in other people is something that is harmful to an individual, it doesn't mean that a person should not be smart, and that he should go on trusting anybody? No. But if someone they say something to you, take them under apparent. If they say something that's completely ridiculous, then obviously, you have a reason to be doubtful. And even when you're doubtful, what should you do? refuse them, negate them immediately? No, investigate. We take one of these two extremes, either we fully accept and support. And as a result, we get deceived. We're not smart. Or we go and completely, you know, refuse people or oppose them or reject what they say. There has to

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be a balance deal with people based on their apparent but also analyze what they're saying. If it's something that is possible, then accept, but if it's something that doesn't make sense, or you're not qualified to understand that matter, then refer to those people who are qualified for the BA you know, that Allah subhanaw taala says Leycester will turn a doona the quarry dune those people who sit they are not yesterday yesterday from the root letters seen Well, yeah. So we have to be the same to be equal is the where is when two things are exactly the same there equal

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is the what is what? To be equal. It has different meanings as well. Another meaning of sdwa is to rise. Okay. But that is when it's followed by Allah. So anyway, over here lie is the way he is not equal, he is not the same. He is not identical. He is not like the other who are a dune. Those people who sit me now moved me Nina from among the believers, who are late only Dora, who are other than the disabled. So such people who sit back who don't go forth, they are not the same as who? Well muda he doing a feasibility. And those people who strive in the Cause of Allah, do groups are being mentioned over here. Two kinds of people are being mentioned over here, who are there, first

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of all, elkaar a dune. And secondly, Mujahid dune. You can say they're like opposites, okay. Or a dune? Or Dune is from Florida, Florida guard or other? What does that mean?

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What does it mean, to sit down? When someone is sitting when someone remains seated? What does it mean? They're not standing. They're not going to move. They're not going to walk. They're not going to go forth. Rather they will remain where they are inactive. So guard doesn't just mean someone who is sitting but it refers to someone who is inactive. Someone who stays behind someone who doesn't take any steps to go forward. He stays where he is someone who's not participating in something because if you participating in something when you can't be seated, what will you do, you will stand up, you will move around, you will go forth. But if you remain seated, that means you're not

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participating in anything.

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And these Cardon, Allah clarifies they're obviously made, meaning they're from the believers, but they aren't laying it all your burden other than the disabled, or the bottle. Only possessors of appdata what does that

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will mean harm. So those with disabilities, meaning or live data are those who have some kind of disability that prevents them from getting up, that prevents them from going forth, that doesn't let them participate. And such a person is excused. For example, if you have guests coming over, and you have to prepare food for them, and you just sit in front of the television, what does that mean? You are sorry, you have no reason to just sit there, you're not participating. But if you are sick, and you're lying in bed, and this is a reason why you're not participating, are you excused? Are you excused? Yes, you are? What will your mother say? Go take some rest, go lie down. I'll do it myself.

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It's okay. Why? Because you have a reason you have a genuine reason, preventing you from taking action.

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So olive Bora are those who are not able to participate because of some genuine reason? What is a genuine reason of the examples of data, for example, physical disability, a person is blind, a person is not able to walk properly, or a person is extremely old in age.

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All right, likewise, some mental disability. All right. So there are many reasons that can prevent a person from going for the car, don't that have been mentioned over here or which ones those who stay behind without a genuine reason they are able to go there is nothing preventing them still they do not go forth in the cars of Allah. They do not take any extra steps to earn his pleasure. So such people, Allah says they are not the same as those who strive in the Cause of Allah, who are the Mujahidin Buddha he Doon florala Pooja hit one who does jihad and the word jihad is from Jehovah, God, jihad, what is jihad mean? A person's power, his ability, his strength, and Jahad also gehad

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with the Fatah on the gym Jahad is to strive to exert strenuously is to overload a camel.

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So combine these two meanings of Jehovah and Jehovah that gives you Jihad and what is that? That a person exerts? Once maximum ability? You exert strenuously the maximum that you can What's your full ability, you give it your best to do what do you obey Allah do worship Allah right to promote the cause of Allah to defend the deen of Allah. So for example, you are sleeping all right, you are sleeping and we learn from a hadith that when a person is sleeping then what happens is the shade lawn comes and he dies three knots on the nape of the person in the back of your neck. Okay and shade lon he bats you know as he's making the knot on each knot, he bats the person saying you have

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a long night ahead of you so sleep

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have a long night sleeping, there's still time, how much time is there sometimes two minutes, but Chip answers 10 seconds, just sleep for 10 seconds, just sleep for half a minute, just take one more minute. So anyway, this is what he does, saying that you have a long night so sleep. So if a person wakes up and remembers Allah than one night is untied, if he performs will do then another night is untied. And if he prays then all the knots are undyed. So he wakes up in the morning active, energetic, pleasant at heart. And if he does not wake up, and he sleeps through his budget, he sleeps through the prayer, he listens to Shetland. Then he enters the morning wicked hearted and

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very lazy. Why did I mentioned this head is over here. Because sometimes when you have to wake up in the morning, then you're literally doing jihad, how that you are exerting your full force to just get out of that bed. First of all, make up your mind that I am going to get up now. When shaitan is telling you, oh, there's half an hour still. Well, there's still 15 minutes. There's still five minutes. All right, but then you make up your mind that no I am going to get up. Your eyes are dry, they won't open. Your body may be not cooperating with you. Your bed is like sucking you in. It's like a vacuum holding you back.

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So at that time when a person exerts his maximum inner strength and determine

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Nishan and then he uses physical strength as well to just get out of that bed to say our other biller initial energy to make it to the washroom to perform will do, then what is this? Then what is this? Do you have? Right? So do you have Mujahid is someone who strives in the Cause of Allah to obey Allah to come closer to Allah. Let me give you another example. You're sitting in the Quran class, let's say in that week class, after sitting in class for two hours, half an hour groups and then one and a half, and then two hours off the fear and then you have half an hour off that you eat at the end Quran recitation.

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And as you're reading, your mouth is drying up, literally drying up, your throat is hurting, your back is hurting, your eyes are closing. And all you want to do is close your books back your back and get up and go.

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But at that time, if you remain seated, and you keep reciting as your teacher instructs you, louder, clearer, pronounce this message clearly. Do overnight here stretch the mud,

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and your mouth is drying, your throat is hurting but you keep going What is this?

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Basically think about it. Jihad is what sacrifice when you have to give something up. You have to give something up your comfort, your pleasure, your convenience, your free time, why? To obey Allah to come closer to Allah to please him to make him happy to defend Islam to promote Islam to clarify Islam, whatever that reason is, but what are you doing? Essentially you are sacrificing the sometimes you have to sacrifice a cup of tea which is very very dear to you. Right? Sometimes you have to sacrifice your sleep. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your physical comfort, you have to sacrifice now there are two types of people. One kind of servant of Allah is someone who just

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performs the bare minimum he says okay, I have to pray five times a day all right, I have to hedge once I've done I pray five times a day and I only performed the Salah the god yes, I will give it fasting Ramadan. Yes, fasting only in Ramadan, I will do that. This is what bare minimum. Okay, this person is also good. It's very good that he is performing the bare minimum. But there is another individual who takes the religion at the level of sacrifice. How one is to recite Quran in Salah is that mandatory? Yes.

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And the other is to recite Quran, outside of Salah as well. Do you not have to sacrifice something over there? What do you have to sacrifice

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your time, your comfort, because for some people reciting the Quran is like exerting a lot of physical effort. Because to take out those Mikado edge to pronounce them correctly, they really have to put in a lot of effort needed to get that Iein out to get her out to get the ball out. They have to recite each word perhaps three, four times to get it right. For some people, it's very easy, but for others, they really have to focus and pay attention and so what is that? That is sacrifice? Likewise, one is that a person says yeah, I believe in the Quran. Yeah, I recited the Quran once in my lifetime Okay, bare minimum. And the other is that no, I believe in the Quran, I have recited the

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Quran, I do recite the Quran in Salah. I have memorized some portions, but I also want to know the meaning of it so that I can understand the Quran. And if people have questions, I can answer them I can clarify their doubts, I can pass on the message of the deen, I can pass on the message of the Quran to others as well. So this is what an extra effort that a person is making for the cause of Allah.

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One person is she who sleeps in the night and other person is she who wakes up and prays isn't that sacrifice? It is one person is she who eats throughout the day. And another issue who is fasting? Isn't that sacrifice? Yes. So there are different kinds. There are different kinds of sacrifice in the Cause of Allah. And that comes when you have a greater goal. When you have a greater goal, when you want to go forwards. One person is sitting in front of the television, another person is getting up to take the most have to go to a class to sit in front of the teacher to recite Quran to listen to Quran to take notes to understand. One person is just sitting on the kitchen table sipping on

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their cup of tea and another person is also sitting over there but what are they doing writing out their assignment, opening it the juices back and forth back and forth? Finding a hadith online

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opening another book and finding a reference why to do their assignment isn't a sacrifice. Now sometimes when we compare, you know, if we are sacrificing something in the Cause of Allah if we're taking an extra effort in his cause we start comparing ourselves with other individuals. And then what do we do we pity ourselves? What was I thinking? What was I thinking? Why am I being so hard on myself? It's not mandatory to memorize the Quran, who said it's mandatory to understand the meaning of the Quran? So what if I don't? The sometimes shaytaan what does he do, he frightens us. He wants that we should keep delaying such great goals, or that we don't give importance to them that we

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perform just the bare minimum.

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But what does Allah say? Allah says that these two people are not the same. They're not equal. One is performing better and minimum another is sacrificing how can they be the same? It's not possible lasta will carry Duna middle movement Ina, loyal body while muda he doing a feasibility Lehi. I'm wiling him what and forcing him. Some people are sacrificing struggling in the cars of Allah with their wealth and their selves, meaning they are spending their money and they're sacrificing their money. And they're also exerting themselves. So how can they be equal to someone who is not doing that? Someone who works? Can he be equal to someone who is sitting idle? Never someone who studies

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can he be equal to someone who does not study? Never? That we have taken our deen for granted? We don't take any responsibility that we think it's okay Allah will forgive. Not a big deal. You don't have to be too hard on yourself. Alright. But it's not possible that someone tries to take an extra step to come closer to Allah. And there's another person who does not, and there are made the same.

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That sometimes we pity ourselves if we are taking an extra step in the Cause of Allah. And sometimes it's other people who pity us. They say Oh, you must be really tired. Take care of yourself on. Take it easy. have only two days off. Relax, take a break. Maybe don't go this weekend. Take a break next weekend. And what do you say to them next weekend is rake anyway, then we see this at the time of the Prophet saw a long list of them as well, that the Bedouin, who came and asked the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him do the bare minimum right he will also make an agenda inshallah if he performs the bare minimum, but the companions did they say, Oh, we just need to do the bare minimum.

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No, they excelled. They did more and as a result, they reached far higher levels in this world and also in the hereafter. Allah says football Allahu Mujahideen. Allah has preferred who the Mujahideen those who strive be unwell he he will unforeseen him with their properties and their lives. Someone who sacrifices his property, his wealth, his money, every few months, he's giving a few or she's giving a few $100 in their fees, purchasing another juice again, purchasing another book again, this is what spending in the Cause of Allah. Why why do you have to do that, because you are taking an extra step, you have a greater goal. So for the Allahu Mujahideen to be unwilling in what and

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forcing him such people Allah has preferred them over who are the bar Idina over those people who just sit back, he has preferred them the Raja 10 with a rank meaning a rank higher, a degree higher. The prophets are a lot of setup said there are 100 grades in paradise that Allah has prepared for those who struggle in his cause. And between each two grades is the distance between heaven and earth. So these 100 grades are just for whose special grades for who, those who strive in the Cause of Allah within them are also the Rajat.

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And those who don't strive in the Cause of Allah, obviously, they have a much lower level, right? When it comes to this dunya if you want to go higher, don't you have to put in extra effort? Don't have to put in extra effort you do. And constantly, what are we being pressurized to do to go higher to move forward? You know, when you are in high school, people ask you so when are you going to university? Are you going to college or university? What are you going to study this or that? Right? Which university? Are you going to go to? Which college are you going to go to which program are you going to take? Because there is a pressure you have to move forward? You have to go higher. Alright,

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and obviously that means sacrifice, you're gonna have to pay for it. You're gonna have to study for it. You're gonna have to struggle for it.

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But it doesn't stop there when you graduate, then what do people ask? So are you going to go for your graduate studies? Are you going to go for your Postgraduate Studies? And if you're not going that way, if you want to start working immediately, then there is a constant pressure that you have to go higher and higher and better and better and more and more. And what does that mean? That you constantly have to struggle, struggle, struggle, study, work, put in extra hours, make more money on the side so that you can pay for your tuition? Isn't that so? So if the worldly ranks requires so much effort and sacrifice that definitely the ranks of the the ranks? And Jana, you think they come

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easy, they don't come easy.

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We have this university professor and he has over 13 degrees, and he has five PhDs. So when he had an interview that why do you have so many degrees? He said, I can't stop here. I just have to keep going. Right? And I was just thinking, if we do the same thing about we have to just keep going to like the last minute to get them to very true, very true. A Korean person, someone who's just sitting back, what does he say? It's enough. Okay, why bother? But the Mujahid the one who's struggling in the way of Allah, the One who has a higher goal? What is his attitude? Gotta have more. It's not enough. It's not a bother. It's a privilege. It's not a bother. It's an honor. So

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it's a completely different way of thinking. You know, this is just like, there is a person who doesn't care much about cleanliness. And then there is a woman who cares a lot about cleanliness. All right, the boy or the brother, he doesn't see. He doesn't see the wet counter. He doesn't see the wet floor. He doesn't see the soap bubbles all over the floor. He doesn't see that. But as a sister walks in, what does she see? She sees her hair and she sees water and she sees all these yucky things and she can't tolerate them. Right? Why? Difference of perspective? Difference of perspective? One says what's the big deal? It's okay, relax, chill. I told you for your body right

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to have a different attitude. And another person's like, no way it's not acceptable. They will spend an hour cleaning that place. You know, it's like sometimes you tell your brother please vacuum the floor. He vacuums the floor within two seconds, two minutes literally. And then when you go to vacuum you take 10 minutes. You wonder am I slow? Or does he doesn't do it properly. Alright, or does he not do it properly? What's the problem here? So anyway, there's a difference of perspective. There's a difference of attitude. And when there is difference of perspective, difference of attitude difference in effort, difference in performance difference in the final result, then there

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will be difference in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala as well.

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Football Allahu Allah has preferred one over the other. But at the same time, Allah assures that we're could learn and to each meaning the car as well as the mudra. Here, every believer who performs the bare minimum, every individual word allah hasna Allah has promised him a good result a good end meeting Jana. Meaning just because someone is not doing the greatest things in Islam doesn't mean they will never make it the agenda. No, they will. Insha Allah. But what * but Allah hood muda he Deena, Allah has preferred the Mujahideen is already in over the quarter the agenda of Lima a great reward, meaning the Mujahideen will get a reward that the Garbine will not get, the

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Mujahideen will have something that the Guardian will not have

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high levels, greater reward, much more enjoyment that the Guardian cannot have. Have you ever experienced this in your life, that you are in some place with some other people? And they have been given something better than you have been given?

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Have you ever experienced

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maybe in an airplane

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that as you walk into the economy class, and you see all these wild small seeds, these such congested seeds, right? And then you see people going the other way, and then you just look and you're like, wow.

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And then you can smell this delicious food and you like Why isn't it coming? Why is it coming? It was never meant for you? Hey, you accidentally going to the washrooms on that side? And you're like, oh, wow, they're being served as if you were served in a restaurant? There is a difference right at that time. What do you wish? Oh, I wish I was also amongst them. And you've pity yourself. I can't afford business class or it's so expensive. Why and you start putting yourself and you feel left out. It's not a good feeling. Has it ever happened with you that you go with your friend to a store and they're she's shopping and buying one thing after the other? And you're just standing giving her

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advice, suggesting to her what she should get and whatnot?

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and you're not going to get anything because you don't have the money for it. How do you feel? Horrible? You feel sad? Yes, you tell yourself this is my decree and I accepted and whatever, but you feel sad. So if in this dunya, we're not happy with it using will be happy with it in Jannah in the Hereafter, then why do we settle for less? When we don't settle for less than this world? Then how can we be happy with settling with less in then

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I said, I want to come. Okay, so personally speaking, I'm a teacher by profession. And you know, like, the system right now is really flooded with teachers. And I have these thoughts of like, why didn't I pursue French in high school? Like, I would have had so many more opportunities for myself? Why didn't I just work a little bit harder? And because I didn't like French? I'm like, Why didn't I just work a little bit harder and pursue that I would have so many more doors open for me. And I was just reflecting right now. And I was thinking Subhanallah, we don't want to have that regret in the hereafter. Like, why would couldn't we work hard, like than we had been? You know, and like, Why

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were we the ones that were, and you know, not participating in left behind. So I was just, you know, drawing a parallel over there that I feel that, you know, I didn't pursue French and I'm feeling the loss right now. But I do not want to feel that loss in the hereafter. Very true. Very true. So for that, what is necessary, that we sacrifice in the Cause of Allah over here?

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I was just thinking that when we go to Jannah, insha, Allah, like the people who are be at the lower levels, if we just I was imagining myself that looking at people who are going up the stairs to a higher level, and just how much regret I would feel if I was down there, you know, even in a hotel, right? Or in an apartment building, if you live in an apartment building, and you get off on the third floor, and there are people who are going on the 25th floor, you feel a difference.

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And you wonder, Oh, they live at the penthouse. I wonder what the view is like,

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all right. That must be such an awesome feeling that you can see the entire city, from their bedroom window from their balcony. So in this dunya, we feel it so much over little, little things. Salaam Alaikum, I was thinking about when you wish in dunya, the thing is, maybe it will come through. And maybe not only you don't care if it doesn't come through, right. But in an era, it's something is not going to come back again. And you make up for it. Because in Astra holla so that's it, there is nothing you can no more chances. Right? This is your only chance that you can go as high as you want as far as you want. But this is the chance that you have.

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So in concept is something very amazing. We understand now in practical life, how can we implement this?

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How can we implement this?

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Because if we don't know how to implement this, then what's the point? We had a wow, feeling an amazing feeling amazing moment. But what next?

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That the opportunities that Allah subhanaw taala sends our way, taking advantage of them, benefiting from them, not losing them.

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For example, this week in class only, it's an opportunity for you to learn the Quran to study the Quran while you're working while you're studying. It's a great effort on your part. But if you think about it, there are people who have studied in this manner. And within a period of 3456 How many ever years they have managed to study the entire Quran. Yes, it took time. But eventually after those six years, or five years, or four years or three years, they have something that other people don't have. All right, they have earned something that other people have not earned.

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There are times when you have to get up for prayer when you have to recite the Quran when you have to do something that's important, struggling against yourself at that time. Honestly, I think these days, the best way that we can do jihad is by learning knowledge. And by taking it seriously

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learning knowledge of the dean, and then taking it seriously taking up a class. And for that you have to sacrifice maybe you have to quit your job. Maybe you have to delay your schooling, maybe you have to defer your offer of admission in a university, right? For whatever studies, you may have to delay that for some time. But you want to take the knowledge of the theme very seriously. And that means that you're really going to struggle for the next little while. Yes. Every time I've tried to learn something, I'd feel it was regretful while I was learning it but after I learned it, and after I decided to apply it to my life, I found that it's so much more useful and I don't regret it

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anymore. Yes, very true. Pushing yourself a little bit more

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or when you have your exams, then what happens? You're up all night you're studying, studying. And then 10 minutes before Fajr you fall asleep. So push yourself a little bit more for the next 10 minutes, pray and then sleep. Or when you have to study for your exam, then what do you do you push yourself, right. So likewise, when you have to study for your juice test, when you have to study for your lesson, then pushing yourself a little bit more. Salonika.

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So in college, the sister was saying that she didn't take a French course when she was in high school. I think it's never too late. So she could go back and take her class. Like my example. I study all my studies in French, and I went back and learn English six years ago. And now I'm fluent. I could speak I could understand everything before. I love to watch Oprah. But I couldn't understand Oprah. And today I listen all the lectures. I don't care about Oprah anymore. I'm Hamdulillah. And then I come back now to learn Arabic and English. So in this world, in this life, you always have a second chance. It's never too late. Even if you're 60 years old, and you feel that you haven't done

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what you should have done. You can still learn the Quran, you can still study the Hadith. And you see this, this is a reality. There are people who are very old but still they will learn the deen. I remember a lady who was about 80 years old. And she did a 30 McMullen. And then she went on doing her hottie scores, and she passed away. I still remember. So old, but she didn't tell herself Oh, I've lost my opportunity. I've lost my chance. So at this age, struggling, right, at this age struggling with your physical problems with your arthritis, or your diabetes, or your whatever health condition and taking your deen, seriously, this is jihad. You see other women who are of

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similar age, similar physical abilities, but what are they doing? They're enjoying their grandchildren. Right? They're enjoying their comfortable homes, because it worked all their lives to make their house so comfortable. their backyard, so nice. They can spend their time over there, they can go shop online, they can go to the mall, you know, have a good, easy life have long barbecues and long family dinners. But do you have means that you sacrifice a part of that, sometimes a small fraction, sometimes a big fraction, why? So that you can do something for the cause of Allah, you can do something for the akhirah you can do something for gender. For some people, it's so hard to

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like, go forward in the song because they're being held back by the worldly matters. And they think, you know, they're gonna wake up tomorrow to all of this. So that's why they're so caught up. And you know, I was remembering that story of the woman who said that was in her parents, she died right there. And you know, Allah can take your life away so quickly. And then they blame Islam for being too hard. But you know, there's so many people that can make it both work, and they like sacrifice and, you know, and make it like balanced. So if you'd like work towards that, it's not hard. Definitely. It's not impossible. It's not hard. Last comment.

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There was some guy, I forgot how old he was, but he was really old, like 8788, then you should say, Man, all right. There was a man who was really old. And he'll never knew how to read or write. And he learned and about, like, a year after something, you died. And so I was thinking that. I don't know why he never learned how to read or write. But he didn't excuse himself. Yeah, at that age, that it's too late for me. So the attitude of Mujahid that he doesn't excuse himself, and we see that even someone who has a disability, even he can go for it in the Cause of Allah and we see this in the Companions, then they go forth and because of Allah, you remember that companion who said

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that I want to enter Jannah limping on this lame leg of mine, then he said that. So someone who really wants to go forward does not give himself an excuse. Rather he gives his excuse of Blackeye why? Because he wants a higher rank. Allah says della Jetadmin, who high ranks little Jetboil of Georgia degrees of high position, men who from Him will not fill out and forgiveness well, and mercy will can Allah Hoover fold over Hema, and Allah is Ever forgiving, and merciful, ever forgiving and merciful. So there are some people who aspire for higher ranks. That's what they want. So they struggle in the Cause of Allah. And when they do that, then what do they get high ranks in the

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Hereafter, forgiveness, as well as Mercy of Allah that helps them go through the difficulties of this life, gradually improving your life, your lifestyle, your habits, for the cause of Allah to be more obedient to Allah subhanaw taala that's better than just remaining as you are. And when a person

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Don't fall in this trap of, it's okay. It's not necessary to do it, it's not mandatory. What's the big deal if I leave it, then what happens he ends up falling behind. Isn't that so he ends up falling behind, because if you're not striving to move forwards, then what happens? You will definitely fall behind. I read somewhere that learning gaining knowledge is like rowing your boat against the water flow, okay. So, if you will keep struggling, you will actually move on. But if you stop, then what will happen, you will fall behind, you will fall really, really behind. So when a person does not have this attitude of moving forward, sacrificing for the cause of Allah struggling

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in the way of Allah, then what happens? He ends up doing the bare minimum, and then a time comes where he even compromises where he leaves the bare minimum as well. You know that shaitana will not tell you don't pray Fudger What will he tell you? That too, does not felt? Right. He will tell you, it's okay. You don't have to pray immediately. The show was so late so you don't have to pray as soon as fogers began. You can pray just 10 minutes before Fajr ends as well. This is what Chitwan will tell you. So what will happen when you will aim to get up 10 minutes before Fajr ends, then what will happen? A time will come where you will also miss your Fudger because the alarm will go

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off you will hit snooze. And you'll say two minutes and there you sleep for the next 15 minutes and you wake up and you realize the time has gone

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right? So when we don't have this attitude of improving of going forwards, then what happens we fall behind we compromise