Musleh Khan – Thematic Study of Quran – Surah Nisaa – Class 7

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The Surah chapter highlights the importance of pride and wealth in the Bible, with emphasis on the importance of acceptance and understanding the Siter's teachings. The speakers stress the need for acceptance and connection in the community, avoiding fraud, and practicing understanding the meaning for everyone. The speakers also emphasize the importance of practice and understanding the meaning for everyone.
AI: Transcript ©
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on Black History Month, right?

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Oh, he did. Okay, so could you guys remind me what or where you all paused?

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Because regardless, I'm going to go through from where we paused until where I need to be today inshallah, but we'll do that very quickly, just so that we're all on the same page. If I remember correctly, we had stopped at

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we had stopped.

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Okay, seven o'clock.

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And we had discussed a seven.

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So we are here at verse eight inshallah. Okay. So, before we get into all of that,

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have you guys discussed the verse eight onwards?

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So what did you guys do?

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well, look, all I care about at the end of the day is that you were here, and the shield are here as well. And the most important thing is that whatever was discussed,

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that you all have taken something important and beneficial out of it in sha Allah, and that's the most important thing. So

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with, with that being said, let's do a quick recap of all the things that we've been talking about thus far. Okay, so let's take for the first maybe 1015 minutes, and let's start reviewing a couple of things.

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So somebody talked to me about solar 10 nice app. Why what makes solar 10 neasa unique from the other sources of the Quran? Tell me something that is exclusive and unique about this particular surah that you simply don't find in other sources of the Quran.

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inheritance. Okay, good. So then he says the only sort of the horror end that discusses the subject of

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miracles, right? inheritance. Anything else? So that's one, dummy something else that's unique about the surah.

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Think about the types of verses that you find in this surah you will never find it in other sources of the Quran.

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This surah is known for particular subjects, it addresses that other suitors don't. What did we say those subjects revolve around

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the controversial stuff, the tough to the tough questions, the heart to speak about topics. So it'll talk about polygamy. It'll talk about racism and discrimination. It'll also talk about things that rarely happen in culture and society. But if in case they ever happen, the solution is mentioned in this surah. So * relationships are is talked about in this sorta, that's why you have an area we'll come to it later on, maybe not this session, but the next session, inshallah. Or Allah will say, how long for you to marry is your mom, your sister, your children?

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You know, some people when they look at that, like who would want to do that to begin with. So just in case people actually go to that extent, the soldier is addressing all of them. It's also got the A to the idea of hitting, or at least that's what they call it. When we get to that verse inshallah, which is verse 34. That is the one of the most famous verses of the Quran and that is also one of the most abused verses in the Quran. So it talks about the subjects and we'll look we'll look at everything from the context to the style and everything about that. So certain Nisa talks about subjects that normally people find or have a difficult time speaking about and addressing. Okay.

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Anything else that you want to add about this particular surah? That makes it extremely unique from others?

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What's the name of the surah?

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Nisa? Is there a sort of region and or an? Why is this called sort of the sort of women?

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Hmm, this is important, so unique. Why is it called that? Why don't we have a sorter of men?

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We have a whole chapter which just so happens to be the third longest chapter of the entire poor end.

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And it's given this title. Someone talked to me why.

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Yes, go ahead.

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said again,

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keep going.

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Because there are other suitors as well. They do give rights to women. But what's so different about this sort of the way it does it?

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You're on the right track.

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This sort of gives rights to women. How so? What made it so unique that Allah gave the entire title to the surah?

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this surah Allah azza wa jal says, well, in Nisa, you know, sleep, right? Women get a portion. So if we're going to talk about rights, one of the biggest, most important fundamental rights that women had received in this particular pseudo was the right to inherit. So that was, as we mentioned, it was like a revolution that happened in the oma. It was something that was unheard of no one talked about it. And we looked at a ton of different examples of how this was dealt with in the past during the times of, of ignorance. And as you see in front of you, that's an example of how if a woman or young children were talking like teenagers, perhaps wanted to have some inheritance, those that's

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the course they would have to go through. So what do you what you see in yellow is one of several methods, they had to prove themselves, that they qualify for some inheritance. And this is where our conversation paused that so they would have to engage in a battle whilst riding a horse and survive that battle. Then they also had to possess a skill in using a spear

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engage in an individual battle with a sword and retrieve the war booty as well. So take all the merchandise as well, like almost next to impossible tasks, so that if they could survive all of that, then there still was no guarantee how much inheritance they would receive. But the point is, they might get a little bit of something here and there. Okay.

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A couple more things. The first idea of this Sora

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is an idea that we hear all the time.

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It is one of three verses that are mentioned. In when the messenger IE Salatu was Salam would start any speech, any formal speech,

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he would always start off with the hospital Hajj, in Alhamdulillah, Muhammad who want to start and then this verses recited later on, why

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we have 6000 plus verses of the Quran, why choose this one? It's a special about the first verse of the Quran.

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Why is that a verse that needs to be reminded to an audience when you formally address them? This is the appropriate way to start. And these are the verses that are carefully selected when addressing that audience. What's so special about this particular verse, the verse number one all sorts of Nisa

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anybody tell me something?

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Okay, so it captures a bit about creation

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the unity of creation as well. Anything else?

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What's the first command? Yeah, you oneness. It took hold on back home.

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First thing Allah says before you start talking to anyone, order them, encourage them, remind them fear Allah

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mentioned every conversation started off that way. So I want to know hamdulillah salat wa salam, ala rasulillah. Before I begin, I want to just remind you to have Taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala. Okay, let's talk about dinner.

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So imagine that that's almost kind of the, the the frame, the mindset of that verse, that you're constantly engaged and thinking about taqwa. Especially when you're addressing an audience. Anything else you want to add to that?

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At the end of that particular verse, Allah said,

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in the Lucha Kenner, la cumbre peba. Allah is eruptive over his creation.

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What's out upkeep?

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One who is always watchful or Atiba is one who is carefully and meticulously watching every movement

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when it comes to cinema,

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so think of raffia as you know, when you watch a little baby crawl, and you're like, Oh, my gosh, look at moving around, crawling away.

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And then you watch every step, that baby takes me, oh my god, he moves his leg once than twice and three times and you count every moment moving. That's the difference between eruptive and just watching and monitoring or keep. You're monitoring every footstep, every meticulous act. So LS says that he is able to take over mankind, but upkeep is also used to describe when

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Someone wants to enforce their position and authority over you. So Allah can do that. He can force his authority over you know, papers, also the word that is used to describe the shepherd, that he would grab the animal by its neck and force it to go a direction is also called up people rock him. Okay.

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Last couple questions and then we'll we'll get into today's lesson inshallah

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we were talking about, or we've been introduced quite a bit to the subject of yet ama or the team. Okay, orphans,

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orphans, fins carry an exceptionally important section of the quarter and in the sense that

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are actually before I even mentioned it, how does a lot talk about orphans in a general context in the Quran?

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How does Allah speak about them? Does he speak about them? Like any other kids? Any other audience? There's something very unique that Allah does with orphans, what does he do with them?

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Okay, so he's they singled them out in the conversation, why?

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So in essence, what is he doing? Allah subhanaw taala is doing for these orphans, to ensure their rights he is protecting them, there is a special level of protection given to orphans that no other children on earth will have.

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And the reason why I say that is you have about 14 to 16 verses in this sort of alone, talking about literally, almost every one of them is talking about either what you should do for orphans, or the consequence of breaking the rights of orphans, which you'll see some of that today, this conversation with orphans is going to take

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a turn in the sense that you're going to see some verses that might really shock you.

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Right, and these are some of the verses that you know, from an apparent point of view, they're they're horrific in a sentence, you know, when you look in a like, wow, that's actually there. If I make that one mistake, that's what's going to happen. So you'll see some of that today, the verses are going to get very explicit, in terms of consequence, when you cross the line with orphans. So we've already gone through how to distribute their wealth, when their wealth belongs to them. And when it's used by their caregivers, and guardians and things like that. We also talked about how that wealth should be distributed. We talked about the subject or the concept of superheroes sefi,

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that somebody who is categorized or defined as irresponsible, careless, unless as well as to suffer. And while so people like that you don't trust them with large amounts of money, you can give them some change here and there. So this is a lesson for all of you as well that have children, right? He when you start to introduce money to your kids, you don't just, you know, throw a ton of cash to them, and say, listen, just be careful, there's $10,000 Be careful, here's a toonie.

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And then seeing how they use that how responsible they are with that. That's how you decide what are the next steps. And so that same formula, that same process is used in this particular context when dealing with orphans and their their money just because they are orphans? Yes, they're entitled to this wealth. But there is a responsibility factor. And so Allah captures that. That was in verse number five.

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And I believe that brought us to verse seven.

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And we had

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finished with this verse as well.

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So quick recap. This idea was revealed when a man passed away and left behind his wife and three daughters and two nephews from the Father side game and took the inheritance and didn't share any of it with the mother. And it was said women and kids would receive inheritance only if they could demonstrate the following. And so this complaint reached to the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam, and he said to the two men leave until I see what Allah revealed to me is given to these women. That's his way of saying, don't leave my site until you give them what is rightfully theirs.

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Okay, no ifs ands nothing, no questions. You didn't even ask them. He didn't interrogate them and say, Look, why do you guys take their money? And why are you holding it? Why don't you give it to them? Nothing. Again, this is one of those areas in the core n for people who want to criticize that the poor n doesn't fight for women's rights, and it doesn't stand up and liberate them or things like that. There are a million there are 1000s of examples, and this is just one of them. But our Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam never hesitated.

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You'll see it in this example. You'll see it in a few

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as we journey through the sort of that when it came to protecting women and their rights, he never hesitated. And he never hesitated to such an extent that sometimes he would jump the gun too quickly and allow would have to say, I'll slow down not so fast. So his instinct was somebody's rights are being violated, or they weren't complete, I need to intervene as quickly as possible and resolve that. And this is where a lie. So it will say, Okay, okay, hold on, there are a few things you need to do first. So to give you a bit of his mindset. And with that being said, I think that's where we are. We're coming into verse number eight.

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Okay, before we begin that, for the students that have come in a few minutes, welcome, and welcome back.

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I trust that insha Allah, Allah tala.

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So far, the journey through this particular sutra, I hope and I pray is fruitful to some to some degree. And I want to share with you some things that I've been thinking about when I was when I was gone for a while, but I'll do that maybe perhaps at the end, in shallow tarla. What I'd like to do, however, is I'd like to get into and grab as much of what we have ahead of us as possible. Okay. Does anybody have any questions before we continue?

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I see a lot of new faces as well. So welcome. Hope you remain with us in sha Allah until the end.

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With that being said, let's get on to verse number. Eight.

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Why do you all look? So?

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Is the pace Okay.

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Is it too slow?

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Yeah, I heard, I heard, I've been following everything when I was there. I actually left the Wednesday where it had that storm left the Wednesday evening. So the plane got delayed almost four hours on the tarmac.

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So you can imagine it was supposed to take off, I think it was a nine something or 10. And maybe like 1am is when we finally took off. So that was grueling in and of itself. And coming back, it was fine. And but I was just telling the students who were here earlier, in this semester alone, I have lost 12 classes due to weather. That's more than I have lost due to weather in the last 15 years combined.

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Climate change.

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You decide, but I don't know. I'm one of those. I'm one of those guys that when when I look and observe things like this,

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it's important for me, and I hope that you see it the same way. You can't help but kind of pause for a moment and think why things like this happen. Yeah, yohannes Dori by methylone, for stemming Allah.

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Allah said, all mankind, I keep putting examples after examples in front of your face. So pay attention. So when things just kind of go out of norm,

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and you know, if it happens sporadically, here and there, okay, that's one thing, but when they're happening, so consistent, really kind of makes you think and reflect really what is going on? And what does all of this mean. And of course, you can't help that when you talk about weather changes and climate and things like that, and how much they've intensified and become more and more out of control the last several years, you can't help but think about signs of yomo pm. Right? Because this is one of the primary signs our messenger RNA slotless, and I'm talking about the wind, the tornadoes, to hurricanes, they will become more destructive and more vicious, more aggressive.

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And still, at the end of the day, he tells us highly sought wassalam that most of mankind would be heedless to its reminder.

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Right? And I mean, I don't think any one of us want to be in that category. We want to see every storm for what it truly means, which is it could be a reminder of something. And so I mean, nobody likes it. But at the end of the day, our Prophet alayhi salatu salam did tell us Let subari don't ever curse and be disgusted by the weather. And some of them may even have taught us that somebody who is discontent about the weather like they just why is this happening? Why is it always so cold? Where are these storms coming from? could actually land in a state of Kufa.

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Right? They could potentially have to renew their Shahada.

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Right, like that's, that's a lot of territory man. Can't do anything about it, except just sit down and reflect on it. So believers, look at

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This stuff very different from the rest of mankind. So keep that in mind inshallah, you know, as we battled through all of this, I don't know why but Allah knows best. I think that these are all of this is steps closer to a greater and bigger reality to come. So May Allah give us strength.

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Verse number eight, and when other relatives and orphans and the needy are present at the time of division, okay, so this particular verse is talking about, it introduces a special time for orphans. What the * bottle FISMA FISMA, as you see, is the occasion of giving. So what is that FISMA it's kind of like a room like this, where all those who have wealth would invite all the orphans of the village or town. And they will say, Come here, and they will distribute some wealth to all those in need. The only problem with that is not every orphan had a caregiver that was allocated to them. So there were like, if you look at an one particular orphan home, you might have several kids, but you

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might have just a handful of caregivers. And it doesn't necessarily mean that each of those kids have been assigned to a particular caregiver. They could just be kids just sort of hanging around, there's a place to sleep, they'll get something to eat, but they don't actually belong to anyone. That's where this comes in. And this is why this is important. This pismo is an opportunity for those who no one was able to access their wealth, or they just never had any wealth to inherit to begin with. So they were just left astray and left last with nothing. So the pixma is here. So Allah says that, and if and when other relatives and orphans and the needy are present at the time of

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division, so at the pixma, all the relatives and everyone else in the community, what does Allah say?

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What am I say photo Zoo home, lessons, give them provide for them something out of the state and speak to them of word of appropriate kindness. So this is amazing to me.

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This is like the kid that's sitting in the corner. So let's use FISMA. But just not one, we're distributing wealth orphans, want you to think of this room as FISMA.

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And let's say we had a whole bunch of food here, and nice treats and things that kids love. And we invite all these kids to come in. And you see the kids coming in, and they're happy their friends are together. But you couldn't help but notice that at the back over there, their two kids kind of just sitting there shy,

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then there was two other kids there, then there was a couple still sitting in the hallway.

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This is telling you and I look out for those children in particular, that really don't know don't have anywhere to go they there. They don't know if this is the place they should be. They're confused. They don't know anyone else. So they're kind of taking a backseat. Allah is saying us for them, or give them something. So you would literally be like, hey, you come come? What are you doing all the way back there, take what you like. That's what this is all about. So it's a beautiful verse. Second thing is a game. Allah is not just looking out for children who have rights, but even children who have nothing, Allah is giving them something and ordering us to do something for them.

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So there are a limit took from this a general rule of thumb when you're dealing with children,

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you look out for all of them, even the annoying ones. Even the ones that don't listen, don't follow rules, don't do anything. Unless that's for them, give them something in return. Whether it's a kind word, encouragement, do something. And we know that in this day and age, especially those of you who are in this field of teaching and caring for kids, to whatever capacity you know very well, that when you pay attention to some of the troubled children, and you give them a little bit extra, that moment could literally change their entire life. And they could actually potentially remember you for that moment for the rest of your life for the rest of their lives. So this is really, really

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crucial. Now, third point alesse said photos will pull him from the word risk.

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We all know what the risk is write a letter and say to him,

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say just give them What did he say? provide for them.

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So is this just a one time thing?

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What's unique about using that term when you're using it with human beings is that it always connects with consistency. There has to be something

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Continuous when you're using the word load is.

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So Allah is saying, Give them something on a consistent basis.

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And don't just let them come in and leave and they're gone. And you never see them again, again, what's the lesson for you and I hear when we're dealing with kids, there has to be some sort of connection. Somehow, there has to be that sort of relationship, where, you know, you're always here, you've always got their back, you're always here to support and listen and do all of those things. And this is where I always tell people who asked me, you know, how do you how did you get involved with teaching young people and doing this, and then I tell the same story all the time. I've never gotten any formal training about dealing with youth, never in my life. I just respect them.

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And that's the only that's the only thing that worked for me, I respect them, I listened to them, I don't judge them. And these are some of the highlights of the poor end that teaches us to do that. So Allah never says in this area, get to know them. First, do a background check and make sure that they're this or that none of the photos of whom, min. What kulula home Pola meroofer. Then the last thing that is mentioned is this concept model. We've talked about maruf, haven't we

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murfin core and is used for marriage. It's used for relationships in general friendships, mother, father, relationships, family relationships. Now it's used for who are children, how you interact with kids,

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you don't get to talk to kids. So you don't get to talk down to them, you don't get to put them down, you don't get to say anything. You don't get to act more superior to them, you don't get to boss them around, you don't get to use them as slaves, you don't get to give them chores, every time you look at them. You don't get to do any of that.

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respect them. The same way you would respect your own kids. And the same way you would expect your kids to be treated anywhere you are on Earth. Treat them this way. That's my roof. This is one of the most powerful principles of the entire core and this one word. So if there's anything that I would hope you memorize in this program, this word, memorize it. This is the standard of kindness and acceptance. throughout the world, for all ages, of all people of all religions, there's always the standard of respect and understanding that you never cross. Okay.

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moving on first number nine, then a look continues.

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just noticed something.

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The font is totally different from that. That's unacceptable.

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subpanel Ah ha.

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Would you look at that, Oh,

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my God, and the colors are not even there.

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Seriously, I like you know, to add in a few colors here and there and I didn't realize that wasn't

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there. Okay.

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Never. Nevertheless, verse number nine. Now, keep in mind, verse number nine is the last verse of the first section of Sultan Nisa. So suta Nisa is broken down into four sections. So section one will end at the end of this particular verse. So let's see. And then we're going to summarize what all section one was about. So Allah says, will the actual Athena load takumin healthy him

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and let those guardians fear injustice as if they themselves had left weak offspring behind and feared for them? Men. This is this is driving the point home now. Here's where ally Scylla gel will tell us now. That the same fear of injustice you have for your own children carry that same attitude for orphans as well. So in other words, treat them the way you would expect and want your own children to be treated. Now again, I know this whole idea of orphans is a far fetched thing for us in this part of the world, just because we're not exposed to them. So think about a daycare

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to give out a daycare, when you leave your kids at a daycare or a babysitter or you happen to be the babysitter. What is the what is the expectation of parents when they leave their kids in the responsibility of someone else, or others leave their kids with them. You want to ensure this a is not just only about orphans in particular, but general rule of thumb always is that you carry the same attitude, usually

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Do you treat children and other people's kids with the same level of care and justice that you would expect for your own children? So

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this is again, a principle and an advice

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that aligns so Joel gives them so let them fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice for Leah tako la Walia. kulu Colin sadita Okay. We need to talk about this really quickly.

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We just finished talking about marital right.

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So keep that in mind. Add to that now, the word sadita

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Have you heard this before? Yeah, yo, let me know. It tequila. What color colon sadita. Have you heard this? If you go for Joomla most of the times the hotties will will use this works right.

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So anybody know what it's about? When Allah says have Taqwa of Allah and make sure you speak words that are said EDA.

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deeper than that. This is what said EDA is said data comes from the word said, duh. Yes, sir. Do

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okay. If you take a look at where those wires are in the roof, see the hole there and the drywall.

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If you patch that hole and cover it up, as though there is nothing there, that's called sadita.

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sadita is filling in the cracks in your words, you don't leave any gaps. You don't leave any

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ambiguity. You don't you know how some people when they talk, they, they they they're not very clear and direct with what they want or expect of you. They kind of leave you guessing what the heck did they mean when they said that? Really? So what am I supposed to do now?

00:32:02 --> 00:32:14

That's called the Allah to rectify that says you have to speak with Poland. sadita meaning fill the gaps in your speech. God I can think of so many people in my life that really need that verse.

00:32:16 --> 00:32:40

All right. And I think all of us can think of people who need colons Edita. Hmm. So that's what this that's what this word is really powerful. So the first thing is what sadita is the way por en orders us to make sure that when we speak, we speak in a direct and explicit manner, our instruction is clearly understood.

00:32:41 --> 00:32:58

Okay. How do you achieve that? Because the whole problem why someone would have an issue with colon sadita is for whatever reason, they're not doing that they're not speaking directly. They're not making themselves clear. So how do you achieve that?

00:32:59 --> 00:33:04

Listen to this area just said philea takala.

00:33:06 --> 00:33:19

While you're cool, Colin said, What? kulula himcolin sadita. All right. You heard taqwa the other verse that I mentioned to you. Yo, let me know it tequila. What kulu Poland's Edita?

00:33:21 --> 00:33:34

What's the connection? taqwa here, Poland sadita taqwa over there, Poland sadita. see a pattern now what do you need in order to be able to, to fulfill Poland. sadita.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:38

taqwa to be able to speak clearly,

00:33:39 --> 00:33:53

is actually a manifestation of your taqwa. It's a sign you have Taqwa in you when you're explicit and clear with people that blew my mind when I when I understood that.

00:33:54 --> 00:34:14

Your taqwa is relevant and make sense and is acceptable to Allah simply by how you choose to speak. And the choice of words you use. And the mannerism you use that and again, think about marriages. Or you should have known I was upset.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:59

Can't but you said you were fine. Yeah, well, that means I'm angry. Should have known that. No, just say it, say it in a dignified way. But he or she can't figure you out. They're not psychic. No one's going to know everything. Sometimes you just have to say it. That's Colin Selita. So yeah, I do say sometimes that all marriages should have olan sadita under invitation cards or something, right? Just it's always a constant reminder. Poland Cydia is again a universal principle of how we address one another. Now, going back to this verse, Allah says failure, taco law, and speak words of appropriate justice. Now in this area. Allah says, well, you're kulu po

00:35:00 --> 00:35:06

sadita your kulu is is plural. Okay? Poor just keep that in mind.

00:35:08 --> 00:35:10

The other sort of social exam Allah says

00:35:11 --> 00:35:14

yo Latina, it Tukwila wa kulu.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:24

Colin, this one here says, Your kulu plural. That other verse said, Colin singular.

00:35:26 --> 00:35:27

Put it together.

00:35:28 --> 00:35:32

Doesn't matter if you've got a lot to say, or it's just one word.

00:35:34 --> 00:35:52

A believer always makes sure that when they speak about anything, that they are always just unclear with their speech, even if it's just one word. You know what some of the LMA used as examples of this? The solemn. Have you heard this before?

00:35:53 --> 00:35:53


00:35:56 --> 00:35:57

hey, so

00:36:02 --> 00:36:05

yeah, or somebody says Somali karma is how are you doing?

00:36:07 --> 00:36:12

That's not Colin said either. They say Colin sadita is also part of even the greeting.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:15

Because the greeting itself is one word.

00:36:16 --> 00:36:34

In another verse, Allah says, even if it's just one word, and it's not specified, all of this falls into those categories. So you will start refining even yourself and your response to that. Just because you understand now what Colin said it is. Last thing I want you to know about this.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:53

What's the next verse after in socialism? Well, cool Poland sadita. Your slash welcome, America calm. So here's what you get in return for this attitude. It's incredible. It's incredible. You know, it almost sound like you went and made hedge and now here's your reward.

00:36:54 --> 00:36:56

And all you did is Do what?

00:36:57 --> 00:37:03

You make sure that you brought clarity to the way you speak. Listen to what Allah gives you an hour in return.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:06

You'll slay the Kumara Maluku

00:37:07 --> 00:37:59

oil filter, come on over Come on, man, yo, la hora, sola, for confessor, 1000, alima. For things you get immediately, because you speak directly and clearly with people, what are they number one, Allah says, you'll sleep, calm, armello calm, he will make sure that he rectifies and repairs, everything there is that needs to be repaired when it comes to your behavior, your actions. how all of this start? Just because you were you were clear in your speech. So what does Allah do? He repairs all of your weaknesses, all of your flaws. So all of a sudden, somebody may have had this attitude of arrogance and pride. But they were just honest and clear with people. Guess what led us

00:38:00 --> 00:38:03

they slowly start to recognize Oh my God, I need to be more humble.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:19

Oh my god, I can't believe that's how I walk. That's the way I behave. My god, I gotta stop. Yeah, your slash welcome. Our American ally didn't say f arlequin. Those of you who study Arabic. You know the difference between Iman and Farrell.

00:38:20 --> 00:39:05

Farrell, and Iman both mean action. But when you say Farrell, it's random. Nothing really special about it. When you say I'm alone, what's attached to it is that this is a an action that is very, it carries a specific intention. You do it a certain way. And it receives a particular reward. It's much more special. So Allah says what you'll slash welcome, armor lucam. I will rectify. I will strengthen I will clean up your good deeds and make them your best deeds. So all of a sudden now, people don't just recognize the way you speak. Even if you don't say a word and be like, wow, I know exactly what that person is thinking. Right? I know exactly how they feel.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:22

It's amazing. Only Islam does this spends that much time just on how you talk. And this is just one verse. There are dozens of verses like this. Okay, you slip it up on American oil filter. laquan Zulu back home.

00:39:23 --> 00:39:36

You didn't even ask for this. But Allah says, I'll forgive you of your sins. You didn't even ask for that. You didn't even make no door all you're doing is just making sure you're talking direct with people. And this is all when you forgive your sins.

00:39:37 --> 00:39:38

And your actions are going to be pure.

00:39:40 --> 00:39:59

So well here is the Rubicon. Number three, we're miyota illa. What are Sula and whoever follows a line is messenger. No talk about any of this. But the scholars of Tafseer tell us that they're This is how you're going to achieve this attitude consistently for the rest of your life.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:07

You have to attach yourself to Allah and His Messenger la salud wa Salaam. Right? That makes sense. So Allah, what a solar.

00:40:08 --> 00:40:37

Some of the scholars they said, Colin sadita automatically puts you on your low atira solar. So when you take the way you speak seriously, by default, you'll naturally come on the lane of poor and and sooner, you just get there. So one of the things one of the botica, of having a good and sincere heart and trying to do the right thing and say the right things, Allah by his bottlecap, he just puts you on the right path. And you yourself don't even know how you got there.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:55

I mean, you'll learn how to solder Finally, faqad faza fellows at our Lima, they're going to be champions. They're going to be heroes. But they're not just going to be any champion or any hero. They're going to be felsenthal Lima, they're going to be exceptionally

00:40:57 --> 00:41:07

they're going to be exceptional heroes, they're going to be exceptional champions. So you're not just going to, you're not just going to win the race, you're going to set all the world records when you do.

00:41:08 --> 00:41:10

That's what fills in all the maze.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:13

Students, how did we get all of this?

00:41:14 --> 00:41:20

Just because of the way we speak? Can you imagine if every Muslim followed that rule?

00:41:21 --> 00:41:25

How how our lives would become so refined,

00:41:27 --> 00:42:07

how our marriages would become easier, you know, to communicate, even with one another? How Muslims can address each other and communicate with just just be straight up with do do so in a civilized way. sadita also requires that you don't just get to say what's on your mind and be like, Well, I didn't mean to hurt you. But that's me being straight up. Just being honest. Okay, you're an idiot, but I'm just seeing your eyes, right. I can't stand when when people do that. There are so many people that do that. Hey, you know, you're this and you're that but I don't mean to insult you. Well, you did. I feel insulted. I feel pretty horrible now. No, I just didn't mean I that wasn't my

00:42:07 --> 00:42:16

intention. I don't care. You said it. holand Selita is not that Holden city that requires us to be civilized.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:28

You have to speak in a dignified way. Why? By definition, but also by what comes before Colin said EDA was the word that comes before it.

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00:42:31 --> 00:42:50

can't have Taqwa and an insult somebody be like I'm just having problems to deal with you. Deal. Okay. Oh, yeah. Well yet takala. Well, your Polo Colin said either. So we had four children now. Hold on marital for. Now you add to that? Poland sadita. Okay.

00:42:53 --> 00:42:55

Some points that you see in your books there.

00:42:57 --> 00:43:22

You didn't earn it. So give them some money. Okay, so these are the guardians. Only someone really in need would try to attend. Give them something don't just chase them away. Because that happens back in Jamelia times, when some of these kids that no one knew attended the FISMA. Those who were in charge as a guy, no one invited you here, get out of here. So Alexa, don't do that. And speak to them in a decent manner.

00:43:25 --> 00:43:27

Okay, let's go to

00:43:29 --> 00:43:52

just want to see you have some additional notes, what we've talked about city. So that concludes Section one of sorbitan neasa. So summarize, summarize section one, we laid down the foundation of discrimination, racism, stereotyping, all of those things. So now the student of silicon Nisa, how should your attitude be with the sorta

00:43:53 --> 00:44:45

not just with this sort, of course. But where where has Allah geared your attitude now towards your attitude and your mindset now, is free from any of those things, of thinking differently about anyone or being judgmental of anyone, all of that now is thrown out the window. So if you are someone that has this problem, where you find yourself that you easily misjudged someone based on anything, culture, background, peer, etc, right? this first section of the sorta should have already started the process for you to sift all of that out. Because you're not gonna you're not going to understand the pseudo will never ever come to you. You won't get it if you still have that problem.

00:44:46 --> 00:44:59

So the first thing is what we make sure that we sift out all of those issues, so that our mind is set and it's clear. And especially now in context, when you're dealing with children. You don't care where they came from.

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You don't care what color they are, you don't care of their background, you're going to treat them with what matters.

00:45:06 --> 00:45:17

And you're going to speak to them and how Poland sadita. And the way you achieve that is yet a oneness it topolobampo, mulethi, hakomi, nefs, and wahida. All got into your brain now.

00:45:18 --> 00:45:20

Okay? Secondly,

00:45:21 --> 00:45:27

it is very, very clear now to us, that children are a big deal in the sorta.

00:45:28 --> 00:45:33

So again, if the student of this sorta, ever had an issue with that

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ever got annoyed with children, for whatever reason, you know, you can get naturally annoyed, anybody who's a parent here, you obviously know what that means, right? We become naturally frustrated and annoyed with some sometimes with our kids. But we do what when that happens, we don't just let ourselves go and see and do whatever we want. There's always that sense of control. There's always limitations. So all of that down in the second point with respect to summarizing this first section, is that all of that frustration has to be very limited or completely extinguished. When you're dealing with home. When you're dealing with home, children, specifically, in the first

00:46:16 --> 00:46:49

section, who are they orphans? What you learn from that is that orphan so every great quality that you have with children, you will have to be extra when you're dealing with orphans. So if you're patient with children in general, you have to be extra patient when you're dealing with orphans, for obvious reasons, right? They don't have no parents, they have no family, they have no one, they have no wealth, nothing. So you have to go above and beyond. Okay, then Allah continues.

00:46:51 --> 00:47:11

And this particular section also highlighted and introduced inheritance in and of itself. And that how men and women will get a portion, etc. Now, what we're going to see is that in the second part of this particular surah, so this is going to be section number two, we're going

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00:47:36 --> 00:47:41

Okay, so for students online, this is a really good question.

00:47:43 --> 00:48:02

You know, when you're in other parts of the world, and you can obviously see, especially if you go to parts like Saudi or Mecca, Medina, where you have the entire world gathering in one city. And so obviously, what comes along with that is organized, beggars.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:44

I'm, sometimes they would get hold of orphans, and say, hey, look, you can really make some money. Now, what I need you to do is this, start crying, show me how you cry, right? Sing this song, sing it real sad, train them. This was actually it's been written about, and it was published in newspapers several times, like, some of these kids are actually sat down and trained how to beg. And they start singing you these different songs, and they're really sad and cute, and whatever to entice you to give give. So how do you deal with this? You know, because on the one hand, you know, they could be orphans, and a lot of them are, by the way, a lot of them are in there under the care

00:48:44 --> 00:49:03

of whoever it is that's in charge. So how do you, you know, deal with that. And, you know, if you and then all the other issues come along, you give 125 of them will come after you, etc. You know, when it comes to that latter part of it, you really just have to try to avoid that as much as you can by doing the little things like,

00:49:04 --> 00:49:12

you know, if somebody if one kid comes up to you, and you give them $1, or what have you, and then 15, all of a sudden run towards you.

00:49:13 --> 00:49:19

And you don't think that, you know, you can do that, or you don't feel right, when you simply just don't have enough?

00:49:20 --> 00:49:59

No, no, thank you. I'm done. Don't just walk away, let it go. Just keep walking away until they stop and they will eventually stop. they'll follow you. They're pretty persistent. they'll follow you for some time. But you know, just keep yourself together and move on the background of where these kids come from, and what their situation is, really and truly is nothing for you to concern yourself at that very moment. You know, you got to be very conscious of what you're there for and what you're doing. They have a different intention when they see people like you. You know, foreigners come with a generous heart. So they all know that foreigners look

00:50:00 --> 00:50:20

For opportunity to give and help. What I like to do this is just my you know, rule of thumb for myself, and I encourage people to do this when you're there or in any other part of the world, is when you see an obvious condition or struggle from that person, something that's very obvious, that's enough for me to say here, you know, take what you can, but somebody can't sing me into charity.

00:50:21 --> 00:50:35

You know, they can be tugging on my throat been on my clothes, expecting $1. Sometimes if I wish to I will. Other than that, I personally don't like to do it that way. I don't like to be highly hijacked for money.

00:50:36 --> 00:50:48

So that's just my preference. So you do have a few options to do this in terms of gain in their background. That is not something you should be concerned with, or even get involved in, especially when you're in a foreign country. Don't do that.

00:50:50 --> 00:50:52

So I mean, I'll lindos best.

00:50:54 --> 00:50:59

Anything else? Before we get on to section two? section two, by the way,

00:51:00 --> 00:51:19

is is is the heaviest section of the surah. And the reason why is you're going to see in verse 11, and 12, which we'll get to in a minute, let's do number 10. So a couple of things here a strong reminder to guardians of orphans to all of mankind, even if it's not your own children, which we've already talked about.

00:51:20 --> 00:51:25

Even Abdul Malik who died in the year 120, after the hijra, he said,

00:51:26 --> 00:51:47

should I not tell you something that if you fulfill it, Allah will guarantee your success. And if you leave children behind after your death, Allah will guarantee his protection to them. And of course, who he was speaking to, responded with better? Yes, of course, go ahead. And he recited this particular verse, verse number nine.

00:51:48 --> 00:52:33

So just to kind of show you a little bit about how this verse is so important. So a couple of things, Allah will guarantee your success if you leave children behind after your death, so you will have success as well as a loss protection on those kids will also be guaranteed. How do you achieve that? you achieve that by doing what? by treating children in general, the way you want your own children to be treated. So one of the blessings the outcome of that is Allah will give you success. And if you leave first and your children are left behind a low will guarantee his protection to them. So it's really really beautiful, really important.

00:52:35 --> 00:52:52

These ethics Teach us how women and orphans should be dealt with as human beings they are, are of paramount importance across time. Do we know the orphans in our community? Has anybody met any orphans in not just this community, any community?

00:52:53 --> 00:52:55

Have you? Have you ever met any?

00:52:57 --> 00:52:57


00:52:59 --> 00:53:15

I haven't, but I don't doubt that they are there. How do we don't know this? By the way? How would we know the orphans of our community? Is there a way of knowing they don't walk around with tags or do you think so? How would we know that?

00:53:17 --> 00:53:21

The way to do this is to get to know people, people's families.

00:53:22 --> 00:53:23

How do you do that?

00:53:25 --> 00:53:28

Being close to our Muslim brothers and sisters.

00:53:29 --> 00:53:30

How do you spark that?

00:53:31 --> 00:53:52

Hey, Salaam Alaikum. We from I never seen you here before done. conversation. You know, one of the greatest wisdoms why Allah prescribed the Salaam to this oma is to break the ice with your fellow brother and sister. It's not just to throw out Salaam as much as you can.

00:53:53 --> 00:54:09

One of the greatest wisdom behind it is that's our way the Dean's way of pushing you and forcing you to some extent to build a connection with people you don't know with your fellow brother and sister.

00:54:10 --> 00:54:13

Whether we do that or not is a whole nother story. Right?

00:54:14 --> 00:54:23

So being close to our brothers and sisters, our sense of community in the oma today is still very shallow. You agree or disagree.

00:54:26 --> 00:54:27

If you are in between,

00:54:28 --> 00:54:59

think of any event, social event or anything conference dinner genre that you go to to any Masjid and think about how much people you meet or talk to that you don't know. So what I did with my own little group is one of the things I do is I force everyone that they must buy a gift for someone in the group. It can be something random it can just like a C work, but you buy it and you buy for the whole family of that group. And you just do that and I never had

00:55:00 --> 00:55:17

explain myself why I do that, I just say you got it got to do that. Because why they when they do, it will explain to me the outcome. I was so nice, they were so happy. All I did is take them out for McDonald's or something, you know, they had their kids, I bought them perfumes or whatever. And they just love it.

00:55:18 --> 00:55:33

This is one of the things that you want. So, at the end of the day to capture all of the lessons here in this first section requires us to do some of the things mentioned in this particular paragraph. Okay, this is tough.

00:55:34 --> 00:55:59

This is a real tough thing to do. I don't know, I don't really know how we can achieve it. I know what we're supposed to do. I just don't know how we as a community can move forward and achieve this, where we actually understand and connect and learn about each other. For the sake of, you know, supporting one another. For the sake of looking out for each other. I just don't know.

00:56:00 --> 00:56:14

You know, and along Milstein I mean, when you talk to Muslims who have been in trouble, they can tell you how heartbreaking This is. If they've ever been in a difficult situation, how many Muslims actually reach out to them and say, Hey, are you okay?

00:56:16 --> 00:56:22

So, it's really, really a sad, sad time, you know, when we ask a lie. So just to give us strength,

00:56:24 --> 00:56:24

part two.

00:56:26 --> 00:56:31

Now, again, we're just going through verse by verse by verse by verse here,

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these are selected, but now you're going to start to see me taking chunks of verses that we don't need to discuss because we've already talked about them, okay? Or they are not the subject of this program, which you'll see in a moment. So part two, now, I can't summarize to you in one sentence or anything like that, of what each section is. So what we will do always is just how we did as part one, we'll do the same at the end of Part Two in sha Allah, is we'll take some of the more important concepts mentioned in that particular chapter. And that's how we will summarize that so what's going to happen here now is we're going to be talking a lot about HIPAA. Now, there's going to be a lot of

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fifth issues that are coming out here. We're also going to see some very stern language of the poor and with people who break some of these laws. Okay. So Allah continues, and he says,

00:57:28 --> 00:57:31

in a Latina yet coluna Amalia Tamar volmer.

00:57:33 --> 00:58:09

In ma coluna, feeble toady him now da westsail, slowness euro. So look at the first point, some very harsh as whoever eats the money. So what is the lesson in? In as well we say in Arabic 100 foot Tolkien one, right. So this is a term that is used to it's the strongest level of emphasis in the end. So when Allah says, indeed, every time you read a translation, you come across indeed, or verily or something like that, just keep in mind.

00:58:11 --> 00:58:23

It's basically a lesson I will not change my mind on this. Okay. So this is like a promise that Allah will follow through. So what is it? Who eats the money of the orphan?

00:58:25 --> 00:58:28

Why use the word eat?

00:58:29 --> 00:58:33

Why not just say whoever uses the money of the orphan?

00:58:36 --> 00:58:47

Okay, you benefit yourself. Specifically, why using why use the verb yet Kowloon? Or yet a killer? To actually swallow and consume?

00:58:51 --> 00:59:04

Okay, so what it's really saying is that, no matter how desperate you are, that you need food for yourself, but you take

00:59:05 --> 00:59:09

money from the orphans to feed yourself because its greatest need you have.

00:59:10 --> 00:59:12

That's still unacceptable.

00:59:13 --> 00:59:35

So you see how different it is when you just say whoever eats the money? No, even if you're in a dire situation, and you need food for yourself. You have to figure that out on your own. You don't take from them. Because there's a good chance if you're suffering that way. Guess who also is suffering the same way the orphans themselves, so you don't get to use that money.

00:59:36 --> 00:59:43

The second thing is when poor end talks like this, there is an element of sarcasm in it.

00:59:44 --> 00:59:59

And uh huh. This is like, it's like a lessening, oh, if you guys eat their money, there's a little bit of sarcasm in there. So sarcasm in the core n also represents a kind of threat from a lie. So again,

01:00:00 --> 01:00:16

In other words, you actually have the guts to take their money and eat it. Really, you went that far. So that's what's happening here. Like, the attitude in this area is really, really horrific. It's It's frightening.

01:00:17 --> 01:00:20

So Allah says, Whoever eats the money of the orphan

01:00:21 --> 01:00:25

wrongfully. So we're How is there a right way to do this, then? Go ahead.

01:00:26 --> 01:00:26


01:00:46 --> 01:01:31

Yes, it should. So this is your own personal love before you've even donated. I'm not as strict as this. Because this is specifically dealing with wealth that you have actually accessed from them. This is your own wealth that you're putting aside but you're making a promise that you'll donate it, the rules are a little bit loose in that sense. But I still encourage any one of you who take on the task of sponsoring an orphan or or helping them carry the same attitude. So if you put aside some of your wealth to support an orphan, use the same attitude that you know, I don't want to touch this money. This is my intention, etc. Okay. Which we're gonna we're gonna talk about how this all of

01:01:31 --> 01:01:35

this looks like today when we finish the subject. So

01:01:36 --> 01:01:41

eats the money of the orphan wrongfully. Vollmann. So what's the right way of eating?

01:01:42 --> 01:01:43

The money of the orphan?

01:01:47 --> 01:01:49

So why mentioned?

01:01:50 --> 01:01:51

wrongfully why specify?

01:01:56 --> 01:02:12

Adding more emphasis to the action that it's wrong? Okay. Anything else? You understand the question, right. If you if you say wrongfully, one might look at that and be like, Okay, so that's talking about wrongfully so there might actually be an appropriate way of doing this.

01:02:14 --> 01:02:15

There is, by the way,

01:02:16 --> 01:02:18

you already know it.

01:02:23 --> 01:02:23


01:02:25 --> 01:02:27

there are times you're allowed to use their wealth.

01:02:29 --> 01:02:42

And you take the bare minimum, remember, when we did that whole thing about, okay, if you need a van, don't go buy a Lexus, just because you got some of their money, you buy the bare minimum enough to fulfill your basic needs.

01:02:43 --> 01:02:56

So wrongfully here is specifically when you cross that point, when you go above and beyond, or you simply just don't need to take anyway. You see, the idea here is, you know, students is that

01:02:57 --> 01:03:00

you know, when you have access to wealth

01:03:01 --> 01:03:07

is one of the one of the top greatest, most powerful traps of shaitan.

01:03:09 --> 01:03:32

Because let's just face it, you could probably you and I could probably think about a handful of people in this world, we could give a chunk of money to and trust them that will get every cent back. Or they'll use it the right way. Like even organizations when you donate in the back of your mind. I hope it's going to get there.

01:03:33 --> 01:03:37

I wonder what's the process now? What How do I know it's gonna reach from a b2c all the way does that.

01:03:38 --> 01:03:47

So there's always that doubt. And so some of the things that is being highlighted here is really

01:03:49 --> 01:04:29

a low really training our hearts and our minds and our intentions to stick to it. 100% like this level of commitment of being responsible with somebody else's? Well, we're not talking about a few dollars here. We could be talking about hundreds and 1000s of dollar we could even talk about in the millions per family who knows. Right? point is you have all that wealth, it's really tempting, okay, just just to at the end, I just, I just want like 10,000 it's never going to show no one's gonna ever see you. That's what this is all about. Second thing is Allah doesn't specify an amount. He just says Yep, colonna. And when

01:04:30 --> 01:04:47

you take something of their money, doesn't matter how much. So the scholars of Tafseer say, it does not matter the amount period is irrelevant. So back in the days when we had pennies, yeah, one penny, you could potentially fall into this.

01:04:48 --> 01:04:51

Now, look, what's what look what happens now.

01:04:53 --> 01:05:00

yaku and Marla Leah temozolomide in demeyere Kowloon, they are only consuming in there.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:07

stomachs in their bellies. No, Maja coluna, feeble toady him nothing but fire.

01:05:08 --> 01:05:10

Can you explain that to me?

01:05:11 --> 01:05:12

What does that mean?

01:05:13 --> 01:05:16

They're going is there a literal meaning to that?

01:05:19 --> 01:05:21

What is the law talking about here? Yeah.

01:05:33 --> 01:05:49

That's one opinion. So you got it, you hit it on the nail. So one opinion here is, when we say fire, it's not in its literal sense. Some of the scholars have interpreted that, that this is when you've become submissive to your desire, right? So

01:05:50 --> 01:06:09

you have decided that you're going to take doesn't matter what amount you consume it, you've basically become a slave to your desire. And that's like equivalent to just fire burning in you. Right? Again, it's an imagery in the horror end to just show you the seriousness of this.

01:06:10 --> 01:06:37

Okay. The second is a literal meaning. So one of the punishments in the El Faro, for people who have done this is yes, they will be consuming fire. That will be their their lunch, dinner snack, what have you in the general area? Right? So in the mayor kulana, feeble Tony him now, let's say your slowness at Euro, and they will be thrown into a blazing fire.

01:06:38 --> 01:06:41

So, Martha Agnew said

01:06:42 --> 01:07:05

he was a man that was in charge of orphans, particularly his nephews, and he spent all of it on himself. He spent all of it on himself. So when he did that, this idea was sent down because of this particular individual, right. And the Prophet isolettes was Salaam, preached this based on this individual. What was so special about this individual,

01:07:07 --> 01:07:57

it was said that he had a large amount so much that it actually it was known amongst all of Medina, all of them, even some of the Meccans heard about him, and heard about men, this guy's in a good place. He's got so much wealth, so much gold, so much property, except he just took all of it for himself, he hoarded it all. So this a was sent down for one person, him, some say it was revealed to those who refuse to give inheritance to women and children in general. So there are two reasons and one is more generic. So fire in this area, in ma coluna, feeble Tony him now. So the fire here, this is the third opinion. So we have desire, we have fire itself. And now we have actual food. So the

01:07:57 --> 01:08:42

Prophet Allah Soto, Sam described that some of the food in the jahannam would actually light on fire when people consume it. So they will have the tree of Zaku have I have I mentioned this to you before. So some are PETA books, they actually sort of give you an illustration of how jahannam will look. So we all know that in a famous Hadith in the mawatha v magmatic. He mentions that there is one particular Hadith some scholars different if this was authentic or not. But it's interesting that jahannam is actually an animal, right? It's actually a beast. And when you hear about inserted ledger, that all these angels will be dragging genom

01:08:43 --> 01:09:17

70,000 angels per robe dragging this jahannam meaning jahannam itself is a wild animal out of control. So they have to restrain it this way. This is one Hadith against some scholars differed on it. But I put that image out there just for you to imagine for a moment. In the jahannam itself, there is only one tree that the inhabitants could pick from. And it's called the sheduled or to Zaku. Right. The comb is the kind of tree that sits in a pit

01:09:18 --> 01:09:22

and it sits so deep in the pit. No one would ever go down there to do anything.

01:09:23 --> 01:09:38

So the scholars give us a diagram an illustration of how this may look. Because other had these described that the branches of zap home would split into every level of jahannam. How many levels of Johanna Mar there seven.

01:09:40 --> 01:09:45

So, pictured This way, you have like a staircase

01:09:47 --> 01:10:00

and there are seven on one side and seven on one side. When it's time for the inhabitants to pick from this tree. All of them from all levels of the jahannam would meet up together.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:10

With shudder to suppose that's growing in the center, and in the center, all of its branches is sticking and growing within each of these levels. Okay?

01:10:11 --> 01:10:37

Some will pick from this tree, our messenger, at least a little some told us that some of the fruits will actually have the eyes face and mouth of the shade line. Alright. And in addition to that, according to this verse, as well, it kind of alludes to the idea of some of these fruits would be burning in the hands of these people. So when they bite into it,

01:10:38 --> 01:11:22

other as mentioned, even the taste and flavor of some of this stuff, right? So I mentioned all of this so that you you have an idea of what Allah is referring to when he says that they will be consuming nothing but fire. Yeah, in a literal sense, that is very much possible and true. But even if it's not fire, when you have a fruit that looks like this, it's as if you are consuming fruit, ie that taste looks and feels like fire. And it's burning, and it's hitting, and it's attacking that individual, as though there's fire in their hand. But all they see is an apple, or at least sees whatever it is that's there, right? So all of this at the end of the day, if you think it got bad.

01:11:24 --> 01:11:47

The worst part of it is actually the end of the verse. But, but fine, and they will be thrown westsail slowness Euro in a blazing fire, the profit is slightly someone saw a fleet of travelers on camels. And the writers had large boulders made a fire coming out of their mouths. So he saw this in a dream.

01:11:48 --> 01:12:17

camels, camels everywhere Mashhad, if it's in the Hadith, Musharraf literally means there as far as the eyes can see. And those that were sitting on the camel, had these massive boulders that were coming out of their mouths, made a fire. And he asked, yeah, jabril Who are they? Who are these people? They're the ones who ate from the wealth of orphans wrongfully. Remember poverty, right. So, again, he sees another imagery of this.

01:12:19 --> 01:12:24

Is there any connection to children in general?

01:12:26 --> 01:12:29

You know, if you take if someone takes from them takes from their wealth

01:12:31 --> 01:12:32

takes from their help.

01:12:34 --> 01:12:40

Is there any connection here? Or is this specifically just orphans, in context, just orphans.

01:12:42 --> 01:12:47

The lesson of the seriousness of fulfilling and protecting rights of children

01:12:48 --> 01:12:50

could we also see this in this?

01:12:52 --> 01:12:58

You know, when your aunt tells you to make a deadbolt right? to really reflect, reflect on this for a minute?

01:13:00 --> 01:13:02

Could you use the lesson at least in this area?

01:13:04 --> 01:13:08

and use that in how we interact and treat kids today?

01:13:10 --> 01:13:14

Their pencil is their pencil. Their markers are their markers,

01:13:15 --> 01:13:19

their shoes, or their shoes? their stuff? Is there stuff.

01:13:20 --> 01:13:29

scholars of Tafseer do not restrict the lessons of this verse just to orphans. This is a lesson for all of us, especially those of us who have children.

01:13:30 --> 01:13:51

Your children have massive rights. You know, there was a dissertation that was written when I was at when I was in Medina, as a student. And I remember sitting down when this dissertation was being critiqued by, by by the scholars. And it was about a thick, it was about four seven volumes, the student wrote

01:13:53 --> 01:13:58

the entire dissertation was called hokku called outlet the rights of children.

01:14:00 --> 01:14:34

Entire dissertation was that, and I just looking at this thing as Oh my god, it just blew my mind just looking at it. It was stacked up so high, you could barely see the students face on stage. And they were just critiquing every sentence, every sentence. Then when I started looking into some of it a little, it's incredibly amazing how much rights children have. And so this kind of hints towards the seriousness of protecting some of those rights, especially when it comes to their belongings. Okay.

01:14:36 --> 01:14:38

Some of the argument they said that eating

01:14:39 --> 01:14:44

from the orphans taking wrongfully is one of the main major sins of Islam.

01:14:45 --> 01:14:59

And a toss Leah, which is from the same word, what say your slowness or era is a costlier repetition. So when a lesson was say a slowness or era, they will be thrown, your slowness

01:15:01 --> 01:15:34

They will be thrown in the fire, pulled back, * thrown again, pull back. And this will happen consistently, nonstop until a large decrease. So here is of course a fire burning out of control countless flames very aggressive, very angry out of control fire. Think of it like a forest fire. That's like set util only in this world. Remember our Profit System says that the fire you see in this world is only one of 90 parts of a fire engine random. So we still have it 89 more types of fire we've never seen before. And hopefully we'd never see it.

01:15:36 --> 01:15:38

Okay, verse number 11.

01:15:51 --> 01:16:05

not to this extent, exchange students are forced to foster kids not to this extent, it really just depends on the level of care and responsibility that person has over them. So So here in this case,

01:16:06 --> 01:16:18

the audience in this verse has 100% control and responsibility over every decision for these children. So any similar case will take the same rule?

01:16:20 --> 01:16:39

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Because I have heard of some cases where, give or take not all the rights are given to those foster parents. And then so certain things are limited to them. So as long as that's the case, where all that responsibility is there. Yeah, absolutely. same attitude.

01:16:41 --> 01:16:43

So I have a question for all of you.

01:16:45 --> 01:16:47

What do you think about all of this so far?

01:16:49 --> 01:16:52

I'd like to hear your thoughts of

01:16:54 --> 01:17:03

so far, what what have you What are you seeing here about children about orphans? I'm, I'm particularly interested in your thoughts on

01:17:05 --> 01:17:08

kids and how they are talked about and mentioned and protected and poor. And

01:17:12 --> 01:17:14

how does this look or feel so far? Yep.

01:17:22 --> 01:17:22


01:17:24 --> 01:17:28

Anything else? Especially for the parents here? Yeah, go ahead.

01:17:32 --> 01:17:32


01:17:33 --> 01:17:34

Anything else?

01:17:39 --> 01:17:41

That's what I'm looking for. Thank you.

01:17:43 --> 01:17:56

Thank you. That's what I was looking for. You know, lots of adults. I don't know why it's like a, like a default reaction to some kids that, you know, you're older,

01:17:57 --> 01:18:08

bigger, stronger. So you you have like, some adults feel like they've been naturally given this automatic right, to control

01:18:09 --> 01:18:11

to top down to be bitter.

01:18:12 --> 01:18:57

You know, I just was having a conversation just yesterday with someone about this, you know, but with a parent. And we were kind of going back and forth about this whole thing. And he was so convinced that he had the right to talk down his children whenever he felt the need to do that. Because he's a he's a parent and he kept saying to get better while you're doing better why didn't sorry do that's not good. Alrighty, Damon. Good while he dang is not control. So a dictatorship and authority over your kids. You still have to earn bewailing there's still there's still some responsibility on parents to receive that from their kids. And there are there are very few but

01:18:57 --> 01:19:02

there are exceptions to better lighting for kids. A lot told us in the Quran,

01:19:03 --> 01:19:12

Ninja deca Allah and to Shrek if you were challenged and push to listen and to obey

01:19:13 --> 01:19:20

your parents at the cost of disobeying Allah. What is Alessi? Find out Tutera. Huma

01:19:21 --> 01:19:26

said okay, don't listen to them but it didn't stop there. Usually people when they read that a they stop right there.

01:19:27 --> 01:19:33

What does that continue and say? Well Sahiba who Murphy dunya what's the word?

01:19:34 --> 01:19:35


01:19:36 --> 01:19:42

same word. Allah says Be a Sahib. Everybody knows what a Sahib is right? Sahaba

01:19:44 --> 01:19:55

it's not just a friend. You have to be a companion. Even if you hate them. You don't like them. For some people, their parents are the most annoying people on earth. Yeah, you still have to be a socket to them. Just be quiet and take it.

01:19:56 --> 01:19:59

So all of this here

01:20:00 --> 01:20:23

Really attacking this particular attitude of feeling that you always by default get to have this sense of control over children is a right that Allah had never given us. We are allowed to teach responsibility. We are we do set rules, there are certain things. Yeah, absolutely. But this is not one of them. We don't get to control children.

01:20:24 --> 01:20:38

Yeah, this is what I like to call parenting important. This is one of many verses like this indirectly teaching us about parenting. Right? There has to be this level of respect and understanding even with children. Okay. But a lot of times

01:20:39 --> 01:20:43

because of that, yeah, kids are fearful. And they

01:20:46 --> 01:20:48

have that open communication with them.

01:21:01 --> 01:21:04

scarred them for just a few words here and there. Oh, yeah.

01:21:06 --> 01:21:08

Just brings me back to the incident.

01:21:11 --> 01:21:16

taking his daughter picking up his daughter. Yeah. Yeah.

01:21:18 --> 01:21:22

What do you think of the different situations that can happen? Yeah. Yeah.

01:21:26 --> 01:21:27


01:21:29 --> 01:21:42

I mean, and how we're gonna be talking about kids a lot in this sorta let, let's go on to verse 11, and 12, because these are the two verses we won't be looking at. The reason why is this. Verse 11, and 12 are the two

01:21:44 --> 01:21:47

verses that is the heart of inheritance in the Quran.

01:21:48 --> 01:21:53

Okay, this is where Allah subhanho wa Taala breaks down by numbers, who gets what?

01:21:54 --> 01:22:03

Now these two verses, scholars have written volumes on them. So Matter of fact, I think some of them I seen in this library here as well.

01:22:04 --> 01:22:06

I have a few of it at home.

01:22:07 --> 01:22:08

Here's the thing.

01:22:10 --> 01:22:12

I'm going to just show you what I put.

01:22:14 --> 01:22:22

And then we'll come back to what I put after verse 12. So verse 11, and 12, come back to it in a minute.

01:22:23 --> 01:22:28

This here is where I want you to look at the second bullet.

01:22:30 --> 01:22:31

Actually, the this one here.

01:22:33 --> 01:22:40

Ally soldier speaks about inheritance really complicated subject, but look what some of the elemental processes have said about this subject.

01:22:41 --> 01:22:49

The process Adam said that inheritance me Roth is a third of, of all of Islamic knowledge.

01:22:51 --> 01:23:04

The greatest and most comprehensive subjects in our Deen is this subject here. Now, can I ask you, how many of you have ever taken a course in inheritance in Islam?

01:23:06 --> 01:23:07

To have you

01:23:08 --> 01:23:13

the rest of you? How many of you have heard of a lecture on inheritance in Islam?

01:23:15 --> 01:23:16

Just a handful of you.

01:23:17 --> 01:23:20

The rest of you, how many of you

01:23:21 --> 01:23:26

have studied or heard or watched a video have anything to do with inheritance in Islam?

01:23:28 --> 01:23:29

Very few.

01:23:30 --> 01:23:37

And by the way, all of that response is the exact response I get anywhere I asked this question.

01:23:39 --> 01:24:09

Now, look at this, scholars use this subject as a testing ground for filk So one of the ways that men know you understand fifth is they test you with these two eight. So they'll say okay, a family father passed away they left three children two daughters and a son. Except the son he moved out when he was 12 or moved out when he was 20 years old. So he has his own apartment he's got his own job. Now the mother passed away who gets what here

01:24:10 --> 01:24:26

and then you have to okay so he gets a third this one gets a quarter this babalola they split this bar it's insane. So if they can explain that that's when their LMS say okay you have now so when you hear a scholar who is a fapy who is a scholar in AP Chem and rulings,

01:24:27 --> 01:24:35

just note that that particular scholar is exception is an exceptional one. Brilliant.

01:24:36 --> 01:24:50

Why do I say all of that process Simon says learn inherit inheritance and teach it to others? It is half of him and it will be forgotten. Take a look at it will be forgotten and it will be the first thing removed from my oma.

01:24:52 --> 01:24:55

Does it make sense now? Why you just don't hear about this as much.

01:24:57 --> 01:24:59

I only know one

01:25:00 --> 01:25:04

instructor that specializes in this subject. And he isn't leaving live in Toronto.

01:25:05 --> 01:25:20

I just no one. I know many that know the basics. I know just the basics, not enough to teach it. But one instructor I know who really spent about 10 years on these two verses, to understand them.

01:25:21 --> 01:25:27

And the process, Selim says it will be the first thing removed from this, doesn't it kind of feel like we're already there.

01:25:29 --> 01:25:38

To the extent that two people will differ This is another heading to the extended to people will differ about inheritance, and there will be no expert to resolve the matter.

01:25:41 --> 01:26:13

You must have heard many families whose parents or loved ones passed away and left behind land and things like that, whether it be back home or something else, and don't know what to do with it. I get asked this all the time. Again, I'm not qualified to to to give an answer. But it's really, it is so common, that this art this knowledge here is exceptionally rare to find. Now, with that being said,

01:26:14 --> 01:26:57

this a is referring to the fact that you don't know out of your own children, parents who is going to die first. So don't plan far into the future with your with your will be it property of for your children or parents update to update the will every few years. So in other words, that's what this is all about. that these are all grounding principles. But each of these principles so just take a look at a couple of them. Allah gives you you see como lo fi, outlet Eco, Allah gives you or strongly urges you regarding your children, for the males is the portion of two females and have there been women and it starts going into numbers now. They will all get two thirds of what they

01:26:57 --> 01:27:02

left behind. Had there been only My God, try reciting this in total we

01:27:05 --> 01:27:12

every half of can tell you the first few times are a UC qumola who had Allahu Samad Lamia lit, when you're when

01:27:14 --> 01:27:33

you're just all over the place. Talk about rhythm in this verse. And the next one is no joke, either this one. And it just continues. If you're if you have loans, and if you have debts left behind what to do with that, and who will get a portion of that, who's responsible for that debt. What happens if somebody was executed.

01:27:34 --> 01:27:45

So they're not a natural death, but they got executed. So what happens to their inheritance, all of that good, meaty stuff is in here. I do have intentions of learning this. And

01:27:47 --> 01:28:03

I don't really know when but I do have intentions to learn this to a point where I can teach some of it. But it's it's it's a grinding process. It's a grinding process. So that is there. But again, nothing that I want to highlight or speak to you about.

01:28:05 --> 01:28:07

And then we come to verse 13. So

01:28:09 --> 01:28:24

when Allah azza wa jal finishes, laying out the platform and the formula and the equations of all who gets what and where. Then Allah continues, then he says, In verse number 13, tilaka, who doodle law,

01:28:25 --> 01:28:30

these are the limitations prescribed by Allah. You know why that's so important.

01:28:31 --> 01:28:40

Because now somebody can say, he has, my son only gets a third, but I want to give them like a little bit more, could you just squeeze in like 100 grand?

01:28:42 --> 01:28:47

You don't get to do them. They'll go to the law, stick within the parameters that Allah put.

01:28:49 --> 01:29:07

You don't get to change the formula don't get to change the equations nothing. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, do you see a connection between the two, the opening sentence and then what follows? So Allah says either limitations prescribed by Allah, then he talks about obeying alone His Messenger on a slot with Salah.

01:29:09 --> 01:29:35

So in other words, if you stick to the basic which is your commitment is to follow Allah and His Messenger Arlene slept with him. The discipline and of staying within his Hadoop within his parameters becomes very natural. Allah will bless you to have that. But the moment you step out of those two areas, where you start judging things outside of Quran and Sunnah, what happens?

01:29:36 --> 01:29:37

That's when all the problems begin.

01:29:40 --> 01:29:44

That's where the marriage that's where you start wondering, am I really divorced or not?

01:29:45 --> 01:29:59

You know, do I really have to do that or not? Are they really what's going to happen now? What's going to happen to the kids? So that's why I left says the whole dude. The limitations are within these two areas.

01:30:00 --> 01:30:06

follow Allah listen to his instruction and the messenger RNA SelectUSA. So what happens? Then he would enter

01:30:08 --> 01:30:18

your the halal jetnet, integrity mentality * and heart, you will enter him into paradise where underneath rivers will be flowing and they will remain in there forever.

01:30:20 --> 01:30:22

Everybody see the first check mark?

01:30:23 --> 01:30:25

Holly Dean is plural for what?

01:30:26 --> 01:30:27

Call it

01:30:28 --> 01:30:30

the area started off with Khalid

01:30:32 --> 01:30:32

one person.

01:30:35 --> 01:30:53

So Allah says, In the beginning of the, the one who obeys Allah and His Messenger, and then he concluded, they will remain in there forever. started about one person concluded with many. What's the lesson there?

01:30:55 --> 01:31:09

What do you learn from that? A lot started off talking about one ended off in plural tells you that what one of the greatest, most beautiful blessings of gender is brotherhood.

01:31:10 --> 01:31:19

You'll always be with people around people. You're never going to be like, sitting on a street in a corner by yourself. You'll always have company,

01:31:20 --> 01:31:33

even if you've never been married, alone will create for you spouse create for your relationship. Even if you had no friends, no one to talk to. Actually no one came to your funeral. No one buried you.

01:31:35 --> 01:31:49

If you're one that I love puts in Jenna Ellis says I guarantee you, even if that one person I'm talking about there, he's going to be Harley Diem, he's not gonna be Harley than fear, he's gonna be Hardy, Alo will enter him, and he will have company with him.

01:31:50 --> 01:32:10

It's amazing. This is where I say that Brotherhood in this world is actually an appetizer of the blessing of gender or one of the blessings of gender. So we get to taste a little bit of that flavor when we are amongst each other. So Holly, Deena Fie her

01:32:12 --> 01:32:20

with Luca, who they can follow. So Darlene, we already talked about. I'll take one more verse. You guys with me?

01:32:24 --> 01:32:33

I'm assuming that with the last two sessions, I think one session was cancelled, right? Because of the web, both sessions. Okay.

01:32:35 --> 01:32:38

But you guys didn't go through the Sora.

01:32:40 --> 01:32:43

Right. So all of this is new what we're doing so far. Okay.

01:32:45 --> 01:32:45


01:32:46 --> 01:32:48

That's just great. Okay.

01:32:49 --> 01:32:51

Let's go on verse number 14. And we're done.

01:32:54 --> 01:33:13

There's one more headache for you. In the process. lm said, knowledge is found in three things. Everything else is just an addition. It's something virtuous or an additional blessing, rulings of the meaning of the Quran, understanding and living the pseudonym meaning studying, the process element is life and inheritance.

01:33:14 --> 01:33:22

you capture these three things. You would have had a very comprehensive look and understanding of what what knowledge in the deen is.

01:33:24 --> 01:33:35

last verse And whoever would disobey now, I wrote the last sentence there in red, because I think it's an addition in your booklets you could erase which is really weird. I don't know why that's there.

01:33:36 --> 01:33:41

So where are you see and whoever would disobey Alliance messenger just cross that out?

01:33:42 --> 01:33:49

Yeah, you should have it in your booklets. Is that true? Yeah. So just cross out a it's it's repeating the beginning of the same as

01:33:51 --> 01:33:51


01:34:03 --> 01:34:10

So verse number 14, woman erlc, la hora, Sula, wiredtiger who do the Who the * who now on holiday and fee her

01:34:11 --> 01:34:17

Oh, this is? This is so interesting. yet so beautiful. The language

01:34:22 --> 01:34:24

Yeah, we're gonna touch on that right now.

01:34:26 --> 01:34:32

Okay, okay. And whoever will this would this obey Allah and His messenger

01:34:35 --> 01:34:43

and violate the limits prescribed to him. So the complete opposite. But look what happens here. So who, how many people how many persons is Allah speaking about here?

01:34:45 --> 01:34:46

Right sweat.

01:34:47 --> 01:34:49

Just like how the previous verse started, just one

01:34:52 --> 01:34:59

prescribed then he will enter. He will enter Who? He didn't say he will enter them.

01:35:00 --> 01:35:08

He will enter the same one person into a fire into a fire to reside there.

01:35:09 --> 01:35:11

Not with company anymore alone.

01:35:13 --> 01:35:20

And for them, there is a humiliating punishment. So couple of things. What a Who? Morning.

01:35:21 --> 01:35:22

So a couple of things.

01:35:24 --> 01:35:42

You obviously see now a completely opposite contrast from the previous verse, right? The other one was all about unity. It's one of the greatest blessings company, not in jahannam. Everybody's going to be alone, meaning everyone who is there will suffer punishment by themselves. Do you know,

01:35:43 --> 01:36:01

just think about if you were going through a real difficult, painful time in your life, and you went through that alone? Doesn't it feel like that particular pain or moment is 10 times worse? And you wish you were with people?

01:36:04 --> 01:36:04


01:36:06 --> 01:36:18

When you're isolated, think about people who are who go through depression and anxiety. How that escalates, is usually when it's modeled, and they suffer alone.

01:36:19 --> 01:36:43

So the kind of the same idea here is presented. So in jahannam, there ain't gonna be like, you know, people sitting around talking about their punishment, because there won't be any time for speech. Do you notice that? We quote there are a lot of Hadith quoting conversations have an agenda. How many Hadith or if you've ever come across that quote, conversations and people in general

01:36:47 --> 01:36:47

I don't know any.

01:36:49 --> 01:36:51

There are a few there questioning

01:36:53 --> 01:37:11

callooh lemina camino masala, the like very simple, basic things. But we have in general, people are actually sitting there talking about what they'll eat, talking about what they're sitting on, talking about what they want to do, talking about what they will drink, talking about other companions. So much detail my agenda.

01:37:12 --> 01:37:15

Very, very little. So

01:37:17 --> 01:37:29

to conclude this, this a is about obedience and disobedience. So it's just keep that in context when we say and whoever disobeys it's restricted to just it's capturing only that for now.

01:37:30 --> 01:37:48

eBay is the word that is used to disobey and abet in this area. It's not just to disobey anyone but somebody of authority. Even when someone is alone in the fire, they will be humiliated. So being alone in the fire in and of itself is a form of punishment. So May Allah protect us?

01:37:50 --> 01:37:51

You know, yeah.

01:37:59 --> 01:38:02

Yeah, it's the same word. So Holly Dean and hold it.

01:38:03 --> 01:38:08

So they will recite in Jenna, together forever.

01:38:10 --> 01:38:12

Alone Hellfire forever. Yeah.

01:38:13 --> 01:38:14

Anything else?

01:38:15 --> 01:38:19

So I know, this is probably another happy verse, just pause that but

01:38:20 --> 01:38:39

the next almost nine verses, we will chunk them together because they present a new subject. So what will happen now? is some of these orphans, they mature, you grew up now. Some, he selected few.

01:38:41 --> 01:39:02

And some of them got into trouble. started making bad decisions, started getting involved with the wrong people. Because remember, you know, at some some point when they reached a certain age, or were given a certain level of responsibility, what happened? The caregivers, is that okay? Well, you can go get a job now and you're on your own, you can you can provide for yourself.

01:39:03 --> 01:39:36

So when you have no parents, and you're like a 20 to 25, year old shaitan is strong, right? So some of these orphans fell into some trouble. And they started getting into some shameful acts. And they started committing some pretty horrible things. So that's what's going to be highlighted next. And the reason why I want to reserve that whole conversation for one of our sessions is because it's going to extract a whole heap of issues that are very much prevalent in our time.

01:39:38 --> 01:40:00

So we want to talk about some of those things. And I just don't want to talk about them. I also want to restrict or keep that conversation within sort of the new set of how sutan Nisa seeks to resolve some of those issues. So all the issues of temptation and desire and things like that and what happens to some of some of those, those

01:40:00 --> 01:40:44

People that actually fall in and commit those crimes of Xena and drugs and all of those other things, when they actually fall into it, how they can recover. So how sutan Nisa helps us recover and helps us to teach others to recover from that really, really important subject really, really important. So even if somebody had changed their life on their own, but they still feel that weight from the past, they still feel like yeah, I've did a lot of horrible things and it still bothers me, I feel the guilt certainly said helps you overcome that guilt and a very beautiful way. So I think that this particular verse is sorry, this particular session, I would like to encourage any of you

01:40:44 --> 01:40:56

that have like, younger students, teenagers or anything, like encourage them to come to next week's session inshallah, right so that we can spark some conversation and perhaps, you know, leave them with something to think about lol. Is that okay?

01:40:57 --> 01:41:22

So anybody if you have friends or nephews or nieces or what have you, encouraged them to be here so we can tackle that subject within that. Okay. So with that being said, We ask Allah azza wa jal to continue to honor us and bless us with his knowledge. And we ask a lone soldier to accept from us our efforts subhanak Allahumma vmdk Chateau La ilaha illa Anta stuff it'll go to the lake. Thank you all. I will see you next week. So I might even want to label the cattle.

01:41:26 --> 01:41:31

I'll mention to you guys some things that are from Komodo next week inshallah. There

Thematic Journey through the Quran: Surah Nisaa | Sh. Musleh Khan| #7 | Feb 28th, 2019

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