Yasir Qadhi – Wisdoms of the Quran #09 The Secret Power Of Patience

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The concept of "verbal" is used in the Bible, not related to physical or emotional state. It is used to indicate a person is the right person to be rewarded for, and reward levels are important. The speakers also discuss the importance of being patient and aware of one's emotions in order to overcome tragedy and anxiety. The concept of "the unbecoming" is discussed, including the Sharia's teachings and the idea of "the winning factor" that can be achieved through actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Today's wisdom from the Quran is the length the ending of Surah Nahal strengthen the * Verse 127. Allah subhanho wa Taala says was spear warmer sobre Roca illa biLlah and be patient yeah rasool Allah wa spear and then the phrase that we're going to be analyzing today wama sub Roca illa biLlah. And where will your suburb come from? Where will the suburb come from? Except with Allah subhanho wa taala. Now before we get to the second part of the verse, obviously a quick rehash because suburb or patience is one of the most oft mentioned virtues in the entire Quran over 40 verses mentioned suburb and the concept of suburb is well known so many lectures and gurus because the Quran is full

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of the concept of suburb, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says in Surah Al Baqarah Lai Sal Bira and to elude you who contributed Mr. Cole Maghrib piety is not facing east or west, taqwa does not come where you face but Taqwa comes and there's a long list whoever believes in Allah and the angels and the final day and establish yourself Salah and pays this car. And then Allah says was sabe Deena Filbert Sadie will borrow in Albus. Hola. Hola, Dino Sadako those who demonstrate Sobor at times of poverty Sobor at times of distress and sober during times of war, three different suburbs are mentioned. When finances get difficult they show solver when health and tragedy befalls they show solver and when

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there's war and civil war they show solver Allah says Hola, a gala dinner Sadako these are the ones who have reached the level of being truthful. And of course the concept of solver as we know it is constantly mentioned throughout the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that of the mark of piety is the one who have supper was that that Bachman said to his son that in Nevada it was been either Masaba in the daddy coming Iseman or more Be patient and what befalls you because this is the essence of what it means to be dignified in Nevada come in as men or more. The reality of suburb indicates your Eman ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada mentions will Allah who you hit Busaba in Allah says Allah

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Who Marsabit in Allah is with the patient, Allah loves the patient, Allah subhana wa Tada mentions of the very few things that you will be rewarded for without any measure in nama you are full sabudana Agera homebuilt, Aidan is those who are patient will be rewarded without hisab a lot of times we don't think about this phrase, because generally we are rewarded 10 to 700 times for what we do. If I give $1 in charity, the minimum I will get rewarded for if I'm sincere is $10 and the maximum $700 depending on my circumstance and my class, this dollar for the rich person is not the same as the dollar for the poor person. So between 10 to 701 the I read I will be awarded 10 If one

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letter I read a rewarded 1010 letters, one raka are rewarded 10 In Ramadan 700 But it's always an equation 10 to 700. What will be beyond the equation in your FASAB Runa algebra home believe it is Allah is saying I'm not going to count there will not be an equation times 10 times 50 times 100 know the one who has sober behavior hisab and that is why when you have sober you will get the highest levels of Jannah Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the horror of the horror of our the VIP suites the orifice the business class of Jana, the horror of or the loss of Jana who will get to the horror of of Jana, while men are eager to hear the whole Luna la Haman coolibah Sara moon are they

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can be ma saw about autumn furniture and Monica dar peace be unto you the angels are saved because you had solver you want to get to the heart of then you must demonstrate solver. So the highest levels of Jannah will be given to those that have solver. In fact, even in this dunya the highest levels of leadership will be given to those that have supper ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada mentions that what you are now Emerton, we made them an ima be ma Subbarao because they had patience if Naka yam says in number two now Do remember to be Dean because somebody will your team you will become an image in my here means leaders you will become leaders when you demonstrate suburb and when you

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demonstrate sincerity. So the blessings of suburb we can go on and on and on. It is the reality of iman our prophets are some called it the southern sub guru Dr. On Being patient is a light he called it the backbone of Eman all of this we know but what is server? What is server server means when a calamity befalls you, you control your tongue and your limbs to act

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In a manner that is befitting in the eyes of Allah subber has nothing to do with the pain of the heart. You can have supper and your heart is broken in a million pieces that's not against southern suburbs has nothing to do with the grief. You can have server and you are very sad. Southern has nothing to do with tears. You can have supper and you can cry. But Sabra means your tongue will only say what pleases Allah subhanaw means your body will act in a manner that is befitting when a calamity befalls you, you will not do something that is unbecoming. unbefitting you will not say or act in a manner that goes against the Sharia. And so suburb psychologically means when something

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happens, you link this reality to the rewards of Allah your mind flips into a different zone. If you're like, you start thinking about the rewards Allah will give you when you bring in Allah, then all of a sudden you start analyzing differently and you act differently. So somebody requires a level of Iman and Taqwa somebody requires a connection with Allah that allows you to overcome tragedy, and that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala says was that you know, the Sabri was salah, was that you know means when you're in trouble when life gets difficult, how will you make life easy? What's the innovus Somebody was salah, through suburb and salah, you will find tranquility through

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suburb and salah the difficult time will be made easier. Every one of us has tragedies. Every one of us has issues that bring pain and anxiety to the art. Every one of us is in our own internal pain. How do we overcome that pain? What's the a novice? Somebody was salah. All of this is fine. But now the question we're going to conclude with how do I get this suburb? How do I get the summer when a tragedy happens? Maybe I'm not ready for it. You don't have a relative of mine Gee wonder one to a massive tragedy unexpected a death in the family immediate death happened. She had no idea. It was coming. I'm talking to her, consoling her and she says a phrase she said I never expected something

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like this to happen. Never expected. I'm not ready for this death. I'm not I don't have the suburb. That's what literally I don't have. I wasn't trained to have this level of suburb and I reminded her suburb is not something you prepare for. And I quoted this I was spirit warmer. So broker illa biLlah. Where does Sobor come from? Sobor comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala directly Sobor comes from Allah and whenever you need it, whenever you need it. All you need to do is to turn to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and Allah will give you got sober, one beautiful Hadith and I are together. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim woman yet ASABE burr you

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saw beautiful law, whoever sincerely desires to have suburb whoever aims and strives to have suburb. In other words in simple English, whoever really wants suburb, whoever really wants suburb. You Sabir hola hola we'll give him that suburb. Now I want this phrase to be absorbed into your psyche. suburb is gifted to you directly from Allah was spear warmer sub ruca illa biLlah. Even the Prophet system is being told where do you think you're gonna get your sub from except from Allah, Ya rasool Allah, I am telling you to have suburb and I will give you the suburb you need what spear where ma sub Roca illa biLlah. Next time tragedy befalls you next time you face a calamity do not think I

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don't have the server do not think I'm not qualified. This is above my paygrade realize the one who put you in that circumstance will give you what you need to get out of that circumstance. But all you need to do is to want from him what you need, you turn to Allah and you say yeah, Rob, I need supper. Yeah, Rob, give me the sub that I need ya Rob, you are the sub war. You are the one that grant Southern Europe only you can give me sober. Was there one more sub Ruka illa biLlah. And so realize subber comes from Allah and how do we get it? All you need to do literally is wished for it literally wish for it. Just wish in your heart, desire in your heart and make dua to Allah yah Rob I

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need supper. And if you do so the Quran tells us Sobor will come to you from Allah and there are quickly three categories of sub or sub Roulot Billa was sabula was sub roofie Allahu Allah, or sub rubella is the lowest level which is where it begins was Hiromasa brocha La Bella, you turn to Allah for sub. Once you keep on doing this, then it will be upgraded or sabula while you're up DECA phosphate, you will now begin to look forward to the other from Allah your sub will be for Allah or sub robola

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is you're going to get help from Allah for supper or sabula You're going to look forward to the patience that Allah will grant you and the victory and the agile and then the highest level or sub Roma Allah He will FILL you our patient will Allah who must solve it in you will feel Allah with you, you will sense Allah's Mercy descending on you, that is the highest level but you will only get it if you begin with this level was bit why am i sub Roca illa biLlah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant are sober and make us of the Sabine and will continue tomorrow was set on wanting to live what I can

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you really don't love people more you So you read to me last

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night that I wanted to go beyond law

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