Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #14 – Ruku’ to the Tasleem – Actions of the Salat

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of reciting the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam and maintaining the stance of the core is discussed, along with the use of high hal patterns and hated acts. The importance of avoiding distractions during theausal turn and avoiding distractions during the time of the Rosol is emphasized, along with the importance of practicing the Tisha hood and showing the finger in a proper way to avoid distractions. The importance of showing the finger in a proper way for optimal results is emphasized, along with the use of hamsters in the act of prayer and the importance of showing the finger in a proper way to avoid distractions from the operator.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was salam wa ala to manually accumulate nuclear calcula early he was happy he he married a man buried cenomar alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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So we continue our discussions with the slipper to solid and Avi or the prophets prayer described and we are now at the pillars of the prayer and inshallah we will conclude this discussion today beyond Allahu taala. We have discussed reciting the Fatiha and we mentioned the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that there is no Sala Ellerbee Fatiha till keytab except with the Fatiha of the book of Allah azza wa jal may also discussed a couple of scenarios regarding the fact to have a person who cannot recite the fat to her or just doesn't know we discussed a few options for them that they can use by having a paper there or at least having somebody to accompany

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encourage them to teach them until they know the facts as best as possible. Insha Allah hotel and then we went to, or this is where we're at today is the bowing position. The bowing position, of course, or the real core is also one of the European or the pillars of the solid. Without it, there is no prayer. And this is based on authentic narration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentions foster care had taught him in raw care and so performed the real core until you are comfortable in that oral core, this concept of a Thumma Nina or comfortable or tranquility, ease all of these things in sha Allah has a separate discussion by itself and we will talk about that at its

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appropriate time. That is part of the YG bat of the Sala the things that are just at a lower degree from the pillars of the Sunnah, a wire chip act is that if you miss it, then you would perform the such that just before the solder is over, and we will talk about that in some of its inshaAllah. In our next discussion.

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Vote Oh cool, how should the rocor be done? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once mentioned to us or gave us a sofa or a description of how the record should look. And basically, when a person performs a roll call, there should be or they should be able to balance some water on their backs. Or they should be able to put a cup of water on their back and it should remain there was there in the form or in the state of Ohio court. sitting or standing in total court in a halfway gesture is not called oral core. And according to many of the fuqaha, a person who does this total core is not counted. And as a result, the wholesaler itself is not counted, you'll find that some people they'll

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barely get down to a little court decision, they'll barely reach or touch the knees. And this is what they count as a little core. So this is this is extremely important in terms of how the record should be done. Though core it's supporting cast are your two hands, your two hands should be at least upon the knees or the knee area. Some are the man put a dislike Miss if you were to hold your legs if you put your hands below your knees, and you hold from there. As a matter of fact, shefali Banu Rahim Allah and others have said that this is actually a hated, hated act or etiquette when it comes to the rocor in the Salah itself, because it illustrates an image of laziness in the prayer

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and you don't want to do that. Prayer is never supposed to look like a lazy act of worship, it's always supposed to look refined, it's always supposed to feel as though you're doing it for the first time in the in your entire life every single time you do it, you always have to feel as though you're perfecting it each and every single time. So you want to maintain that even with total core and all of the other positions. number or number five, after the little core is over. Now, just before we go to the standing up position, the little core here, how far apart should your feet be when you're performing the little core, it should be the same when you're standing in the solid as

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well. So it should be equivalent or equal to the shoulder width of that individual. Sometimes you might pray with an person or somebody beside you. And you'll notice that for some reason, when they get into total cord, their feet are wide spread for some reason. It's as almost as if when they get into real core, they're going to attack that position or something or they just get into it and they really feel the strength or the power of that movement and they just lengthen or they broaden.

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The space between their feet when they're standing in the real core. Again, these are all careless issues that go against the perfection of the Salah. So you want to avoid it, you want your solid to be as perfect as possible in sha Allah, then you come up to the standing position. And obviously this is when you say send me a low halimun hamidah. And then a series of Darius can follow it up in our local hand or, or up on our local hand hand until even mobile can fee. And other things can also can be said as well. The problem with this is when you stand up from the real core position, it is actually hated in the solid position to look up to the sky. And a lot of people they do this, they

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will say or open or like a hand and they will look up to the sky. And there's a specific Hadith about this of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam negating this action. It's an action that is hated when it comes into the solder. One of the wisdoms that's mentioned in the explanation of this particular Hadith is that this was one of the manners or one of the methods of how the machinery used to worship their idols. And we used to worship their Lords that they used to be devoted to one of the ways they used to do that is they used to look up into the sky and worship them at the same time. And then it also led to other problematic issues as well. Imagine if you're praying outside on

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a sunny day, under the blazing sun and boyhood, you're not going to always do this because you know, the sun is going to be piercing right in your eyes anyways. So that's why you just want to avoid that altogether. When it comes to robina. What I can handle again, your focus should be always on the sujood area, which we'll talk about shortly.

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Then it goes down to the sujood itself. Now the question here is how do you go from the standing position to sujood? Do you go down knees first? Or do you go down with hands first, what is the what is the opinions amongst orlimar regarding this? Now, there is a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam telling us not to go down into the real core position, the way that a camel will sit. And if you look at the way that a camel will sit him, it will bend to have its legs, and then the rest of its body will follow. But the problem with that is when the prophets I seldom mentions this, scholars, they derived a benefit out of this and that is the whole issue with the knees versus

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the hands first, many of the scholars of Hadith, they encourage that you should go down with your hands first and then your knees. Because the prophecy Selim says don't go down to rocor.

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Sorry, don't go down to sujood the way that the camel will sit, the camel will fold up its knees, and then it will sit down. But here's the issue. The issue is

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the issue is scholars differ on what exactly is the knees of a camel? Because I mean, for many of the Arabs, maybe some of the rest of us here we might have, we're probably used to seeing how the camels how they maneuver, the way the front legs of a camel, the way it bends or it folds in when it gets into a sitting position. The front legs do the exact same thing as the back leg does. So can you believe there's actually a he laugh that scholars differ on what exactly is the knees of a camel, because they have the exact same components, the exact same function. So they differ on that issue. That's why some of the focal high they said no.

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Going down with your knees first is permissible, and is as a matter of fact, the more correct opinion simply because there's an ft left in this issue. And some other lemma also mentioned that this was a practice of various companions as well, various companions used to go down with their knees first, followed by their hands. A lot as soldier knows best. I found that in my research in this particular method, I found that the evidence is for both are very good. The evidence for both options are very good and very strong. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best, but it seems as though insha Allah, both of them are acceptable. Now when you put when a person goes into sujood,

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there are a number of different mistakes that happen in sujood. And that's the approach that I want to take with this. First of all, we all know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions that there are seven parts of the body that should touch when you're Institute and we all know this. The problem is is that what happens if you go into sujood

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and you lift your hands up like this, and then you go back down into the suju or you place it back down to the to the bottom, or what a lot of people they do is that when they're Institute their feet are suspended in the air. I don't know

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Why don't you just airing their feet out or what, but a lot of people they do this is a when they're in the sujood, instead of the toes touching the ground, it's suspended in the air just like that. And if you look at it very carefully, it's very obvious with the ruling behind this is the sujood doesn't count. Because the prophets I send them tells us specifically, it's a specific number that he gives us, seven parts must touch the ground when you're in sujood. It's so direct, it's so specific, it's not even a general howdy that you should try to do this or seven upper proximity of your body should touch the ground. It's specific parts that are actually mentioned in the Hadeeth.

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So you want to make sure that the toes are touching the ground. Now, when it comes to the toes itself, does it just need to touch the ground itself? Or should it be bend towards facing the Qibla This is part of the perfection of the sujood. So when your feet are actually touching the ground, you want to at least place some pressure onto the toes. And that way at least most of the toes can face towards the table as much as possible. Third point when it comes to the feet, should they be wide apart? Or should they be touching together like this? According to majority of meta hip, excluding the method of mmm Abu hanifa or Hema hula, their feet should be together. This is also the

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opinion of the majority of fuqaha, including chef bin Baz and shuffle a mean or document or lie here I Li and that you should try to get the ankles to touch together when you are in the sujood itself. So you want to make sure you do that. What's the wisdom behind this? The Wisdom is very interesting. And a lot of scholars they've mentioned this wisdom is consistent for a lot of them in that is it's to avoid if your eyes when you're in sujood and you happen to lift your nose and you can see the back of your feet. It's to avoid any fitna for your eyes. In other words, any distractions. So if you happen to be into sujood and you look back and you all you'll see is your feet, so your feet

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actually create a wall from you seeing anything beyond that from the back. So it keeps you focused, it keeps you in line and will let you you know Subhana led this is one of the one of the parts of the perfection of prayer of how perfect Salah is in the movements of the Sala itself. sujood is a miracle from Allah azza wa jal.

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sujood is also a time where these are just like a couple of practical issues where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whenever he would be Institute many times he would have Hassan and Hussein that would come and jump on top of his back and start pulling on his garment and start playing with him. And one time the prophets I send them he felt that Hassan and Hussein was on his back. So he lengthen the sujood until they would come off. This is in order that when he got out of it, they wouldn't fall off and injure themselves. Can you imagine this kind of rahima and playfulness of the process of the kind of consideration that he had that even at the position where

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you are closest to Allah azza wa jal, still, he would make sure that those children were safe, he would actually lengthen that period just to cater for that. So the reason why I mentioned this is because we get this question a lot about children that want to play with the parents, whilst they're in you know, in the saga, it's usually like a very fascinating moment for a lot of children when their parents are doing that. So you want to inshallah cater for that as best as you can. It's not a major problem. So if you happen to be in the sujood, and you happen to be noodle core and your child is jumping on your back or holding on to your neck and going for the ride throughout the entire Sala

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Allah Hey, this is something hesson this is something good. And in sha Allah, something that doesn't affect your soda in any way, shape, or form. If it is possible, you can also place the child to the ground and keep them there as best as you can. A lot of really interesting scenarios come out of this. What happens if you're holding a baby and the baby what's diaper, and are you allowed to hold that child now while it has a messy diaper or not. So the full cloud they mentioned that in this case here, you should put down the child, especially if the child has a dirty diaper if the child has or messes the diaper whilst they're in your hand. This is a different case. But if it's already

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messed, and a child is crying, and you pick up that child, this is something that is highly disliked in the saga simply because you know certain odors and things that might distract you in the prayer. And especially if a daycare if a diaper is not you know, it doesn't absorb very well then you don't want the method or the effects to come on your clothes either because then that leads you to another issue in terms of the validity of your solder.

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Also with the sujood as well. It is also a

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encouraged that when a person is in the sujood, that when their forehead touches the ground, they should try to include the bridge of their nose to the forehead. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does mention that the nose and the head, or the forehead should touch the ground, scholars differ on this part of your face right here Is this considered to be part of the nose or this is considered to be part of the forehead, and according to the vast majority, it's considered to be part of the forehead. And the reason why I mentioned that is you literally should try to place a small amount of pressure, don't hurt yourself with it, but a small amount of pressure when you're in

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the suit to allow this area to get to the carpet or touch the floor as much as possible as part of perfecting that sujood. Now don't do what some Muslims do. Some Muslims use that as a ticket to sort of pressurize and grind their faces into the ground so they can inshallah get that sujood mark on their face. And obviously, this is a type of deception and catnip and dishonesty in the Sala itself, that is something Allah will give you or Allah will * away from you and in sha Allah, regardless, perfect your Salah and Allah will give you know regardless of what, regardless of the situation, regardless, if you have that mark there or not, in sha Allah, Allah will always increase

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you once you perfect and you care the solder as best as you can. Another issue with the sujood. And that is, if you happen to be in the sujood, how far should your arms be spread apart when you're in the sujood. As for the men, you want to have your hand spread apart, as much as possible that a small child or an animal could pass through underneath the arms. The prophet SAW Allah Hardy was selling when he performed the sujood, you were able to see the bottom of his armpit area when he was in the suit itself. So you want to do that. As for the women, it's the complete opposite. For a woman, she tries to keep her hand as close to her body as possible. And this is part of Of course of

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her nature and her modesty and her yet and they're higher and all of these other crucial issues about her. So she tries to keep it as close the men as far as possible. This is difficult when you're in gemera. So don't worry about it when it comes to Gemma and the gemera. Make sure that whenever you're praying in a gym era, don't bring harm or an discomfort to the people around you. Because there could be a possibility is that if you disturb the individuals beside you, you may be accountable for that disturbance in that individual solar on your piano. Let me give you an example. This is such a classic example because it happens so often. Whenever somebody comes late for a soda

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or they come late for Jumeirah, then what do they try to do? A lot of the times they will try to get closer and closer to the line to the front line as much as possible. And even if it means they squeeze themselves in there, and you have the brother like this, you know and he's praying, and he's ready for his sada and then you know, Subhana Allah, a lot of Muslims have tried to find all the loopholes possible to make something right. So you'll find that the brother he'll pray now he's like this, he'll pray. But he'll take the shortcut, and he'll stand like this. And it'll have his hand this way, just looking for all the shortcuts to lose the perfection of the Salah itself. You don't

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want to do that. Because even though the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam encouraged us to get to the front line as much as possible, do it in the manner of the prophecy, Selim also encouraged to do the promise I sent him when he tells us that he doesn't tell us to cause discomfort to the people around he doesn't cause to cause a problem within the line. Do it in comfort. As a matter of fact, there's another hadith of prophecy seven tells us that when you come to the Salah, don't run to it, but come to it with ease and tranquility and Sakina as you come to the Salah. And it doesn't matter if you miss a rock era, because you can always make up that rock era in sha Allah, just accept the

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fact that you know for some reason you came to the solidly Find a comfortable space. This way you can focus on your prayer and the people around you can also do the same. So you know, some handle a lot of people they get very upset about this. Some of you might have probably seen in like other places that you might pray that you know, some Muslims they'll fight you know, they'll get into an argument like brother What's wrong with you? Why are you doing this and it gets into a confrontation and gets into a problem. So try to avoid this as best as possible and come to the Sala with a clean heart a clean mind with good manners and etiquette is busy later on. tarla another issue when it

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comes to the sujood so we talked about the hands how far apart they should be. What about the fingers? Should you have your fingers spread?

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wide apart onto the floor, or should they be together? again, it goes back to one concept, you want to make sure that every part of your body as much as possible is facing towards the table. So when you pray, keep your hands or your fingers together and allow them to be in front of facing towards the Tabler as much as possible. So you want to make sure that you do that as well. So you have the toes covered, the feet are together, the hands are spread apart, the fingers are together, the nose and the forehead and the bridge, everything is touching the ground. And this is your time between you and allies. So take advantage of it. Take advantage of every single moment you have there. Take

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advantage, even if it's just for a brief moment to say a stop, it'll look after you do your subpanel it'll be three times or whatever. Take advantage of squeezing stuff, it'll squeeze in some quicker doors that you can think of, at least to take advantage of that moment as best as you can. Don't just go with the flow of the meme. And then before you know it, you want to start your door and you can't finish anything and then you get upset and you go up to the amount Why are you shortening the prayer so long? So the Imam takes it upon himself in the next Salah to lengthen the sujood then the next brother comes up to him and said, Why are you taking so long to pray. So what you want to do is

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just take advantage of whatever is presented to you, the Imams, I have a whole discussion for you in sha Allah, anybody here who is a regular in leading solder wherever it is, whether it's in a Masjid or in your home, you have specific rules that you follow. You have specific guidelines that are very, very crucial for yourself as opposed to anybody or as opposed to the gym are beside behind you so that I have a whole discussion just for the Imams alone in sha Allah of some of the etiquettes that you should follow when leading others in solemn.

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Let's move on now to the sitting position between the to su Jude's so that sitting position there is what is titled as the juice is still raha it's it's more or less a resting period between the two superfoods. And the reason why is that the sujood itself is difficult. Whether you think of it this way or not. It's difficult to place yourself into that position, all the blood and all everything is just straw rolling into your face, it's coming down to the bar, it's putting a lot of pressure and heat onto you. It's very difficult to maintain that for a long period of time. You have to train yourself to do sujood for a long time. It's not something that's going to happen spontaneously. So

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one of the ways one of the wisdoms behind this of course is the sitting position between the two sujood. This is your resting period. It's an opportunity for you to gather yourself for a brief moment and obviously there's a vicar or something at SBI that is said there alohomora Fitbit or rugby fiddly, you could say it a few times, then you go back to the sujood again and the whole process is repeated.

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The in addition to that possessing tranquility and calmness throughout the prayer, we touched on this very briefly This is the format Nina that we are talking about. Now as far as this is concerned, there is a very long Hadith that is mentioned in Bahati and the proof for this ism. The fourth pillar of this particular Hadith and listen to this hadith. This Hadith mentions a man that came into the masjid and he prayed.

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Then he came forward to give salams to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so he returned the salon. So after this man finished praying, he went up to the Prophet Sall Aloha, he was sent to say Salaam Alaikum to him. So the process of sudden return the sudden, and then he told him return and pre verily or indeed you have not prayed for in the calendar solidly For verily you have not prayed. So the man went back a second time and pray the exact same way that he prayed the first time. And then he came back and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him to go back and pray again.

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So this happened approximately three times. So the man said, by the one who sent you with the truth, so is basically saying by Alon,

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I do not know how to pray any better than this. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If you stand up for prayer, give the text below. That's one. Listen to the first thing. The process I sent him tells them if you stand up for prayer, it's very interesting. He says to him, if you stand up, he doesn't say when you stand up, this is also one of those

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One of the evidences that show it's permissible for you to pray in different positions, sitting down or lying down or praying with your heart if none of these other situations work for you, so he says to him, if you do stand up for prayer, give the text via then read what you are able to from the Koran, the Falco, Falco, meta Sara, mineral Quran, so read whatever is easy for you from the Quran, then bow until you are commonly in the bowing position. Follow Kara had tautomer in Rocky and go into the ruku until you feel a sense of calmness. Let's pause here for a moment. How do you know when you have PAMA Nina, in your record and in your sujood and all of the different movements of the

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sada You know, when you're in the Royal Corps, the moment that you get into the record, so I want to demonstrate this, I'll do this myself.

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So you know that you're in total court when you do this.

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So you're in the record. And I can't tell really, if my bow about how straight My back is, but you're in there. And the moment that you get into your Roku, you feel relaxed, like right now I feel as though I can sit in this position for the next two hours probably I can just sit here and I can relax. And a lot of times when I'm playing you know when I'm playing sports or something I'm you know, want to relax. This is exactly how I do it. And sometimes I find myself I can do this for for a long time. Once you've done that you've accomplished Tama, Nina. Now when it comes to the sauna, the way you'll accomplish it is you'll get into the real cool

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and you feel that resting period for a split moment then you can get out of it. This is not a real cool what a lot of people do that we'll get into the real cool. Aloha semirara la mohammedans solos broken there's no time at Nina Palmer Nina literally means to have the bones rested in your body. So you get into the Ricoh Allah whatever you feel it relaxed. It only takes a few seconds you get into it semirara Allah what he meant hamadeh you feel you're relaxed, go back into your sujood Now, that's how you accomplish Tulum at Nina, Tama Nina doesn't does not require a lot of effort, but it requires a lot of focus, you have to concentrate on what you're doing.

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And when it comes into the gemera this is not an issue Alhamdulillah because for the gemera you follow the Imam anyways.

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The same is also for the sujood and also for the sitting position between the sujood as well.

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comes to the tama Nina as well remember that this here we're in a pillar of this, we're talking about the pillars of prayer. So what that means that if you don't do that, the whole saga is invalid. This all goes back to that one concept do not pray like how the chicken pecks itself into the ground. Unfortunately brothers and sisters when Ramadan comes in sha Allah, wherever depending on where you go for total we you're going to find a lot of Gemma and massages doing this. They just want to rush through the total week. I remember a long long time ago hamdulillah It was my first and last time I've ever prayed there, but we finish 21 neural carrots

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in 30 minutes. I don't I don't even know this is fundamentally possible but 30 minutes we were done. And imagine every single night you're doing this. Now in sha Allah after the conference is over. I have we will discuss preparation for the Ramadan I will discuss with you the total we and some of the fifth behind the total we as well. A total carats versus the 20 rokerites. And where did this all come from and some of the logistics behind it. We have a whole prep whole Ramadan series in sha Allah that is planned for you to look at some of these issues. So that will come at that time is Neela the Hadith continues. Then the prophets I send them It says to prostrate tells the same man

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prostrate until you are commonly prostrating. First Judah had that thought oh my goodness energy then. So go into the prostration until you feel that communist as well. Then sit up until you are commonly sitting then and then the prophesy Sam says from now on do all of this in all of your prayers. This is Heath in Bahati. There are many ahaadeeth like this in all of the sudden books as well mentioned a similar Hadith to this. This is extremely important.

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Brothers and sisters, whether it is a fuddled, Sala NFL or a Sunni, it doesn't matter, every single person, you must take your time and pray the Salah correctly, some of the elements, they said that one of the signs of our Salah for the monastic, one of the signs to know that a person doesn't have that truthfulness or that Venus in their solar is that the prayer in their home is the exact opposite of the prayer in the gemera. So in their home, they're speeding through the solar quickly fast, but when they're in the Gema odor, or when they're at the masjid masala is calm with all of the fundamentals, everything has been done put together. This is one of the signs of a taste or an

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element of new Phalke in the heart, and we ask a lot, so a gel to protect us from this. In addition to that, we have the final Tisha hood. The final Tasha hood, obviously is also part of a hadith narrated in Buhari and this was

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Dora that the prophets I seldom taught ignominious, rude, although the alohar on her to say it in prayer, and eventually he taught all of the other companions as well.

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And obviously, we all know this adhere to the law was solid, what are you but until the end was shadow under Mohammedan, I would do who was solo now in terms of this yet, or this Tisha hood. Now, the Tisha hood officially ends when you send or when you do the Shahada, a shadow one La ilaha illAllah, WA shadow a number hamedan, Abdullah, who was solo at this point, this is when you're raising your index finger finger, right? So the question here is, when do you raise this index finger? And how do you do it when you're in the Tisha hood, there are three ways of doing this. There are many other ways but there are three authentic ways of doing this. Number one, is that when

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a person they raised their finger, they raise it at the exact moment when they see the Shahada. So the finger is down, it's or it's just resting on your knees. And when you come to what other eba dilla has solid hint, what a shadow ilaha illAllah, WA shadow and no more hammered and are able to hold water solo. Now you have two choices here. After that's done, you can release the finger again, or you can keep the finger pointed. And by the way, the finger is not pointed to the sky, as some believe, with the finger rather, is directing itself towards the Qibla. So you have those two choices, you can either keep that or you can start to pound the finger like this. We'll talk about

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that this is the second way now of how to showed or how raising the finger is done. The second way is that after you've done the two here, and you see a shadow Allah Allah illallah wa shadow in the Mohammed Abdullah sudo it's Dora time. So you're sending peace in salutation Aloma slowly Allah, Mohammed and so on until the end. And then you're asking Allah as soldier to protect you from the other but a puppet on the other, but not will fit the tilma Yeoman, when fitted mercy had the agenda. And then at this point, when it comes to your personal doors, you're you're slowly tapping your fingers. The reason why or one of the wisdoms as to why you do this is according to one

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narration some scholars differ on how authentic this narration is, that when a person is making Dora and they are pounding their fingers like this, the finger acts as though it is a hammer pounding at the shaitan himself in order to eliminate that distraction from them. So honestly, speaking, this is probably one of the most effective forms of the Tisha hood, as of raising the finger in the Tasha hood itself is to slowly juggle the finger, juggle the index finger throughout the dorm, the third method, so you have the first one, you're raising your finger, when it comes to the actual showerhead apart itself, not from the beginning of yet. But when you get to the shadow Allah, Allah,

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Allah, Allah, then you raise the finger. The second one is that you're going to juggle the fingers. After you finish all of this after you finish a lahoma. Slowly, after you finish a lot, I mean, protect me from the verb and noun or the puppet and so on. And you start making personal Dora you're starting to juggle the finger, otherwise, you can keep it forward facing the Qibla. The third way is very unique. The for the third way is a is a method that many of the scholars of fitclub prefer this one preferred this one method, and it's because it's based on a Hadith of the prophets on the law Holly was sent him every time he would say a shadow Allah Illa Illa Allah he would raise his finger

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As a matter of fact, there is an even more specific narration that says, when he actually said, in Lola, that's when he raised this finger. But every time before that a shadow unless it was sort of like a halfway raise, you know, it just kind of halfway was raised. That's why you'll find some, some of the earlier men, when they're praying, their fingers look like this, when they're in the Tisha hood, then all of a sudden, you'll notice that their finger suddenly gets stronger as if some life has been put into it, and it gets a bit stronger for that moment, and then it kind of just rests there for that for the rest of the Tisha hood. The third way of doing this is, when you say, a

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shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa shadow under Mohammed Abdullah, who was solo, so when you get to him the law, this is also a third authentic method of how to do the raising of the finger in the Tisha hood. Let's summarize. Brothers and sisters. Honestly, speaking, I'm going to tell you what Chef moqtada shampoo at half the whole lot told all of us, when we were sitting in the helicon, he was teaching a small tiny we came across this Heidi, he came to and he said to us, well, ah, he, this is an issue, that should never be a major concern. Don't make this a major problem or a major issue in your solder. It's a very minor part of the Salah itself, whether you raise your fingers or not,

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whether you want to do it in a certain spot or this and that he just went on for about maybe a good five or seven minutes, just telling us don't make this a major issue when it comes to the Salah itself. Insha Allah, all of these three methods are okay. You know, some people, they like to do various things with this with this finger. Like, you know, this finger sometimes for some people acts like a magic wand in the Sala and they start doing all sorts, I remember I remember noticing a brother beside me not here, like in another place. He was doing this with the finger. I don't know what this means, you know, it's like, you know, those, you know, my basketball fans, you know, they

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can be matumbo used to do right. So it's like, I don't know, they're having that moment in the soul. I don't know what it is. So there's a lot of really strange things that people do and I don't know for what, what the reason is behind it. But inshallah we try our very best to stick to the most authentic ways based on our knowledge and study. The final point in sha Allah, we want to conclude Islam. When it comes to the final sitting position, I think this is very clear, we don't need to really demonstrate this when you're in the final Tasha hood, the left cheek is touching the ground, and your left leg is sort of tucked in. So the left cheek is actually on the ground itself. Now, the

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reason why you do this in the final Tisha hood, is of course, this is to indicate that the Sala is going to finish now. So if a late comer were to walk into the gym, and sees the people sitting this way, automatically, he knows this is the final rocker itself. So that's also part of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or motivational hottub. He used to do that sitting on his left cheek in the hole solder. First, the shadowed and last, so one of his companions came up to him and said Dr. Omar like why do you do

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