Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #15 – Actions of the Salat

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history of sall campaigns, including the use of wedge as a means of achieving political support and following rules of the sada. They stress the importance of basic fundamentals of the sada, including not being caught in the backyard or shoes of the hip, and practicing the sada in order to receive reward. They also discuss the importance of avoiding embarrassment and reciting negative experiences or comments in the Holy Spirit, and provide tips for practicing these practices.
AI: Transcript ©
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So saying semi Allahu Lima Hermida is also a worship act of the Salah itself. And then following that you say at the minimum which is robina while I kill him, and this is because they are of the actions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he never left it off. Never ever did he leave off these actions before, so they become naturally part of a solid. The fourth wedge of act is the first test shaft hood. After the second pair of prostrations, the first dish that would forget about the second part that I just mentioned, after the second pair of frustrations, just think of the first dish I heard of a sonnet or rule berry or the four carat prayers, that first childhood is a YG

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back. Now this is interesting.

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Let's say you're praying Arusha, and you forget to sit down for that first Tasha hood after those two rock era, or those oral karitane. So what do you do here? Mmm, Chef Jojo Rahim, Allah has a very interesting way of getting out of this problem. And this happened to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where also, he himself had forgotten to sit down for this middle Tisha hood. And the companions, they sat down, but the Prophet say send them he continued to stand up, and he started the third Raka. Without that middle, Tasha hood. So the prophets, I send them and he's up, he's standing up, and he knows that the companions, some of them, maybe not all of them, but some of them

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may just remain sitting down. So what did the prophecies send them do, he took his hand and he just gave them the gesture to to get up. And it just kind of looked like this from from the back to stand up and continue to follow me. And then after that, he spoke to the companions, and the companion said to him yodel Salalah, we thought that

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being revealed or being inspired upon you, and the prophets, I seldom explained to them what just happened. The point here is, is that the Prophet says seven, he continued to stand for that third rock era, which shows you that that's first, Tasha hood is a wajib act of vasavada itself. Now, if I'm a chef, he has an interesting way of explaining when and how you should do this.

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In Mr. Sheffield, he says that if you happen to be sitting, and the man can stands up for the third or rock era. Now, if you happen to be the one praying, should you just go back and sit down again? Or should you always stand up each and every time you miss that first Tisha hood? So for example, if the Imam is praying, and he stands up for that third oral care, and somebody at the back reminds him that you're supposed to be sitting down? So they say, Subhana, Allah and the Imam, what does he do here? Does he just give the gesture like the prophets I send them or does he go back and sit down and then do the surgery to settle at the end, if I'm a chef, and he says, You have one of two

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choices here, if your body happens to be closer to standing up or further pm, then you continue standing. But he says that if your movement is closer to the sitting position, then you should get back and sit down. It's such a technical detail that even if he gets from this from this from this problem or this issue, but the point is, is that it gives you a lot of wisdom of how to implement this, this issue if it ever comes up this is why I say it's extremely important that the people who lead Sala are people who are have some basic fundamentals and training of the sada I know it's always nice to have the kids lead the prayer once in a while. And I support that 100% Well, I I

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support when the youngsters who are memorizing Quran and we're happy and so on. Well I love you for the sake of Allah and I support you 100% if you want to come and take that opportunity to feel what it feels like to be the Imam of the sada

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however let's be honest here this is not a position for you because leading the gemera in masala is the it doesn't need just pour and it needs fundamentals in the deen. It needs Philip. It's not restricted to just memorizing Quran and you can pull out sort of note or sort of units or something and just throw it out and make the soil really long like that's a lot of the things that's what are the kids that sort of train to just focus on. If the child or whoever is leading us in Sala happens to miss out on this or they or they forget

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Why'd you act, how many of them really know what they're supposed to do. And what happens if after the Sala someone criticizes them, they need to be able to respond to that they need to be able to handle those situations. So whoever leads us in the sada must have some basic fundamentals of what would happen if they miss or they add extra parts of the prayer itself. So it's important. So the sitting for the first Tisha hood. Now, just so you know, there is no most correct or Raja opinion in terms of the choice that you make here. You use your judgment, if you happen to be closer to standing up, then continue to stand. But if you happen to be closer to sitting down or to the

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sitting position, and you remember, wait a minute, I'm supposed to be down here for Tisha hood, get back down and sit and then in sha Allah follow it is such a to settle before you end the Sodom. Now, some scholars in particular of the henneberry myth have are of the opinion that the salt of the Salim and the sada upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is also wajib, as part of the prayer, but the majority of the dilemma, when we say the majority, the majority of the meta hip say that when sending Peace and blessings to the prophets I send them is not a YG, or an obligatory act of the sada itself. However,

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Omar al photo karate allamani used to teach the people that a shout out from the member from the pulpit. And he did not mention the salutations or the saadat. And the setup or the nebby Salalah Harley, who sent him when he was teaching them. So this is this is one way to look at this picture. However, I don't want you to rely on this. What I want you to do in sha Allah, or as a responsibility for our solar is that we always try to do at least the bare minimum, even if an act is soon of the solder. Don't be amongst the people where solar asare is punishing them rather than rewarding them. You want to know how we're in goes against you. In goes against a student of

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knowledge, when they grow up doing something thinking that this was wired up upon them. But as they continue learning, they realize that Wait a minute, I always thought that it was YG but now I learned it's just sooner, or it's just Mr. hub, or it's just more back. So what happens they start to become lazy, slowly and slow. Because why they can always just tell themselves, it's just so nice. Anyways, it's just so neat. Anyways, this is when you know, there are limit they say this is when they're enemies against you now and possibly could punish you on your pm or for this. So don't always allow your neffs or allow yourself to look for these comfort zones in lasala itself treat all

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of these things as though they're whadjuk upon you, the Prophet sallallahu it was send them pray pm Laila every single night and he made it worship upon himself, he proved himself to do it each and every single night. They are maligned, I have a whole discussion for you. All discussion on the virtues of pm will lay how pm will leave can increase your risk from allies. So what Jen how pm when they can also bring acceptance from Allah azza wa jal in your life and how pm will lane is a source that brings nor that puts Baraka in your life that puts Baraka in your element. And how pm will Lane?

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how pm will lane actually makes you feel brighter and more awake each and every single day? pm Elaine actually makes you feel brighter and more awake each and every single day as a hijo rahima, who once mentioned in his image more, he says one lie in his image for his shoulder his explanation in Bahati says voila, he oke see mobilises voila, e by Allah. The person who prays pm will lay consistently will never feel tired during the day will never feel tired during the day. Next one. We want to look at some of the manner

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you're doing it

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Yeah. So we want to look now at some of the manners of the prayer. But we're not going to look at just some basic standard a hold up issues, we want to look at some of the key issues and some of the controversial ones as well and have an idea what some of the Illuminati mentioned regarding this.

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Number one, when it comes to the manners and the hallmark of the prayer, with regards to the position of the hands, in the prayer itself, there is nothing authentic and clear that has been reported from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on where you should put the hands exactly there's nothing authentic Sahih or clear, where exactly should your hands being. So as a result, the parliament they, they advise us that you should basically put your hands wherever you're comfortable keeping them and some of the dilemma they have, like slight differences of opinion regarding like Imam Abu hanifa, he mentioned that, in his meant method, he mentioned that the hands should be just

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below the navel area just below the navel area. He even mentions and he explains that part of the hands should be above the navel, and part of it should be just below it as well. That's one opinion or one way it's number two. Now, many scholars that criticized it for a number of different reasons simply because they are our is considered to be below the navel. So so many romantic criticize that position, but they never rejected it as a whole. The second opinion is Mr. Malik Smith have to login early, he mentioned that

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it should be

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restored to wrist, wrist to wrist. Now this here, we have an issue. And that is putting the hands together, you know as as part of the messala. What's mm Malik's position regarding this as opposed to those in regards to those who keep their hands down to the sides. Now, what's interesting is that a lot of the people who do this, they say that this is something that you can find in email Malik's madhhab.

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They are not mistaken. You can actually find this I personally have also found some Hadith or some evidences that Mr. Malik has used regarding this, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam could have done this at least or have allowed some of his companions to do this at some point in his lifetime. But here's the problem. The problem is it goes back to that same principle that we mentioned just in the beginning that the prophecy settled never left anything explicit about this position. So that's why a lot of people they just adapted this method from Imam Malik, which you know what's interesting, the one authentic or good, acceptable Hadees that Imam Malik brings, when

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it comes to this issue is to fold the hands and it's mentioned in his mapa. So in his mawatha, he actually brings a hadith that mentions the prophecy seldom used to fold his hands. And this is something that we should do as well. So even though Eamon Malik had this issue, or had this part of this opinion, as part of his method, he still kind of leaned you over to do the best and most correct position, which is the folder hands. Some people have said that one of the reasons why Imam Malik Rahim Allah used to keep the hands down is because of an injury that he suffered. He was beaten almost to death during his lifetime. As a matter of fact, there is even one time that's

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mentioned that even a medic because of a statement that he made against the leader during his time, they shaved his head bald, and they took off his clothes but just wrapped his his our area with a piece of cloth, placed him on a donkey cart and walked around him throughout his city humiliating him. So he went to even to that extent as part of some of the difficulties that they went through during their lifetime. But still Imam Malik Rahim Allah. During that time, during all those problems, he was beaten almost to death. Imam Ahmed also had the same thing. Imam Ahmed was beaten to such an extent that every single time when he was beaten layers of his skin would fall off. And

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in the evening, a surgeon would come would pick up the layers of skin and stitch it back onto his body. Then the next day, he would be beaten in that same spot and the same layer would fall again, when the surgeon would come and pick up that piece and stitch it back over and over again. And this would happen continuously, until eventually a miracle happened to us.

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Mohammed Rahim Allah where the ground shocked because his his or his garment was about to fall down of how much times he was being beaten. So eventually Allah azza wa jal caused a miracle to happen to him where the ground shook, and everybody who was beating him fell down and his resolve stayed up. He was freed away from the chains, and that he was able to tie his shoes all by himself. This has happened isn't it narrated in a number of different authentic books that including a member of the heavier mm hmm, no, he rahimullah. They mentioned a lot of interesting events that happened to some of the images that Abby has one of, you know, the most spectacular things I've ever heard. Mm hmm.

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No, he himself. There are also some narrations with him as well. Nevertheless, going back to this issue, we come to the chef theory opinion, the chef theory opinion is under the chest, under the chest, just upon the upper part of the stomach. Mm hmm. Rahim Allah. He mentioned both. He mentioned below the navel. He also mentions in his method above the navel as well. So when you look at all of this as a whole, wherever you find comfortable in sha Allah is acceptable. The question here is, is that, how do you fold your hands, you find that some people, they will take their forearm and they will hold on to it, then you'll find that others will be wrist to wrist, you'll find that others

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will do this will have their palm on top of the outer palm of their left hand, you find that there are different versions of how to do this. There are three main ways that are mentioned in some of the scholars who wrote about the description of the prophecy Simon's prayer they include. The first one isn't you take the wrist, sorry, the inner palm of your right hand, and you place it to the outer palm of your left hand. And this will be anywhere you want between the navel and the chest area. Now there is one good Hades, the prophets of the love it was cinemas narrated very, you know, a lot of times is the companions narrative that they most commonly used to see him do this position,

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where it would be more towards the higher chest area, and he would have his hands like this. There's a second way that is also a good and acceptable manner, which is you take the right hand, and you place it on the left forearm, you don't place it on the left forearm or forearm. And this is fine. Many older men, discourage for you to grab on hold on to this forearm, because that encourages some level of laziness in the Salah itself, because what you'll find is that some people will just hold on, you know, some people will just do this, you know, just kind of grab on to their job or something and just kind of hold on. So it discourages that, that event as well. Third one is the

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wrist to wrist. So you have your wrist lineup to this wrist here, and anywhere on the chest area. This is also acceptable, as I said, just to summarize it wherever whatever you feel comfortable in sha Allah is also acceptable reason why we don't have explicit clear, authentic evidence to support any of this next manner when it comes to the sauna ism.

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There are three places in the prayer where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam would occasionally keep quiet, he would occasionally Keep quiet. One number one was immediately after the opening

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of the Sala itself, when we say he would keep quiet, it means that you wouldn't be able to hear what he was saying. Occasionally you would. There are times there are certain narrations that the prophets of Salaam would say whatever Dora he was saying at that moment, but it was for the purpose of teaching the companions what should be said at that particular time. So that's number one. Number two is immediately after reciting the Fatiha and obviously this is to give an opportunity to the Gemini to to respond with the enemy. And also to recite sort of 30 as well if it's one of the silent prayers. And the third time is one just before going down to the real core. Just before going down

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to a little core. So you finish the Fatiha. Then you say the you recite your surah when you're done the surah so for example, Boyle who Allahu Ahad Allahu Samad lemelin What am you led? What am your Kula? Who Khufu one ahead?

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And then you go down for Allahu Akbar. That slight pause now that pause here it's mentioned. Mmm and no, we mentioned that that pause there is only for a brief moment. It shouldn't be a pause that you know it's it

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It kind of makes the flow of the solder awkward. It was just for a brief and short duration. Another manner is in terms of reciting the best smeda out loud or not. So this is the best mela that you recite before they've had the hat and before the soda that you choose. So just I just want to make sure that all of our minds are in the same place so that this is why I want to use just a demonstration. So you can you can have the right image. So you say Allahu Akbar.

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And then you do your your Dora. And now before you want to start the Fatiha, you say out loud Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen and then you continue the Fatiha. Why don't bow Nene mean Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim. Allah,

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me and then you continue to sort of so this best minute that happened here. What's the discussion behind that? And as ebony Malik coreaudio lohana. He has reported from the that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he once prayed behind him. And as Sidney Malik he once prayed behind the Prophet salaallah Hardy was sending him he also prayed behind Abubakar rhodiola one, he also prayed behind aroma rhodiola one he also prayed behind earthman or the Ola one and he said man this is a hadith narrated in Bukhari and Muslim he says none of them didn't say this Bessemer Okay, he narrates this. However, there is a second evidence that this happens here has been narrated by Abu

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hora hora de la Juan. He mentioned that Abu hooray rhodiola and this is in Sahih Muslim said that he will pray exactly as he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is narrated in a number of different books. Nobody's prayer reflected more closely to the prophesy Solomon's prayer and then Abu huraira himself. And he says that I saw him or I heard him say the best meta out loud. I heard him say the best investment out loud. So as a result, one should try to say the best man and I'll look what Darla, did. You have one that says no, you have one that says Yes. What do you think they did when they put it together? They said occasionally you should do it. And occasionally you should

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refrain from it. Because you have two authentic evidences. One is an irritating Bukhari and Muslim the other ones narrated in Sahih Muslim and these are not just your regular companions or major companions of the prophets, I send them so you've NSF numatic then you have avocado himself. So what do you do put them together? occasionally do this occasionally do that. Should the followers of the Imam in the gemera recite the 30 have behind him? This depends a prayer now we've discussed this briefly. In our past sessions. We mentioned that some of the you know majority opinion they encourage that you should recite the Fatiha for every single prayer after the Imam is done. But the

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problem is, is when you have those prayers like fechin moment of inertia that's recited out loud. The issue is what do you do under the circumstance here because it's very difficult for you to recite Fatiha once the Imam is reciting his sorta How do you get how do you how do you fit that in? So this is why some of the rhythm and inshaAllah you don't I find this to be one of the best FET was issued. And this is from immunity Meo Rahim Allah He mentioned that in the loud prayers, Mahara buryatia and fetcher the followers should listen attentively to the recitation of the mmm and should not try to recite the Fatiha he should only try to recite the facts you have if the Imam is quiet.

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In other words, if the man gives you that opportunity to do that, and I've used this example before, when I used to pray in Medina, there was one mmm that was known to do this each and every time he would lead the solder and that's of course, they fee happy local law who's still the current email for the masjid in Medina. Every single time you pray behind her they feed when he finishes his fat. Why don't dawn Nene? We say I mean there's always that pause. It's as if he intentionally doesn't just to cater for those who wish to do that. If that opportunity is there. A new Tamia Rahim Allah says that you should do it. Why? Because the general principle is for either Cody elk or an a STEMI

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or what unsuitable

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Looking for him on three things you want to accomplish. Allah mentions in sorted out off whenever the Quran is recited. Allah azza wa jal says the first thing I want you to do is to remain quiet and try to think and reflect and memorize. That's what a steamer means is steamer doesn't mean to just listen. It means to listen and listen carefully, and try to think and ponder and allow the poor and to come to you allow the poor and to be the real music to your ears. So you're really listening to it, and it's really affecting you. Then Allah says, What unsuitable? And we've talked about this way, way, way, way back in them in one of our previous high lockers that it sounds almost

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repetitive. Allah says istemi rule. And then he says unsettle, be quiet.

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If you're listening, aren't you already quiet? So why would Allah tell you to do it here and then tell you to be quiet after and this is the difference? It's a slight difference, but it's a very effective one. When this stma we mentioned that one of its connotations is you're not just listening, but you're trying to live, reflect and ponder, you're allowing the poor and to sink into your heart. If that becomes difficult for you, if there are too many distractions, then the least you should do is unsettle. That's the minimum you should do is just at least remain quiet. Maybe the Quran is not getting to the way you want it to at that moment, but at least you should do is to

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remain quiet. Why learn lacouture Hmong, maybe hopefully insha Allah, Allah will have mercy upon you. You want this in your Sala more than any other time in your life, then imitate me and he continues. If the Imams duration of quietness is not long enough, then the obligation of reciting the Fatiha is removed according to the strongest opinion and he mentions this in his major more

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and it continues. He mentioned that Imam Madurai mahalo one said that the Muslims have all agreed that this here this verse was revealed regarding prayer the same verse that I just recited to you in so little error off it was actually recited sorry revealed because of Sala itself, then a blue Tamia continues in the silent prayers. So these are the heart and are awesome. It is obligatory on the follower to recite the Fatiha so you see what Edna Tamia is doing and will lie imitate me when you read his works in the same for his student Abner pain. This is what this is the image you get from their material is that they're always thinking outside the box. They're always categorizing

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knowledge. They're always categorizing issues in order that you understand them with ease and comfort. So he mentions here the reason why in the vulva and the answer Salah you must recite the Fatiha because obviously it's silence so you can concentrate. You can't hear the Imam reciting so there's no there's no issue of listening to for an here at that moment. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us last Salah there is no prayer lemon lamb yagura be fatty Hatem kita, for the one who does not recite the fat you have the keytab

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let's just take one more and then we will pause for today in sha Allah simply because I have a meeting here that I want to get to, in sha Allah, one more masala that we will look at. And that is the oral foreordained or raising the hands before and after the total core. So you finish your Fatiha, you recite the surah while I'm here kulambu Khufu one had, and then you say, a lot more code and you offer your record. Well, a lot of people they will raise their hands and go down further. Oh, cool. And when they say semirara Allahu leemon hamidah they raised their hands again. And then in other congregations or in other groups, you don't see that happening. So

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what do we say about this particular in terms of our discussion about this particular item? For the sake of our discussion, I want to mention to you that email Michelle can heal Rahim Allah mentions that there were more than 50 companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that have reported that he raised his hands

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before though cool, and after the moral core as well. And he continues them, including all of the 10 that have been promised gender, the actual machine right? All of the 10 have also reported this as well. And the Hadith is at the level of Muto

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So it is undisputable evidence. So this year, that's what I will leave you with this, even though 50 companions, the actual mobile shareen, it's almost at Moto, moto moto. Even though we have this, it does lean to one side that you should raise the hands. It still doesn't exclude the other side where if somebody doesn't raise their hands, is this an innovation? Or is their solar nullified? Or did they make a mistake in the prayer where they have to do the surgery to sell bill each America or lemma agree that's not the case. However, again, you always want to try to do the most common the things that have evidences for that you always want to lead with them as much as possible, you have

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a majority of companions lead to this one. So we encourage that, if you see somebody who prays, and they don't raise their hand before and after a little core, don't go and scrutinize them, and interrogate them and say,

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you know, what's your problem, you don't know how to pray, don't do that. Right. And unfortunately, some of the things that you you know, as you come in contact with occasionally, you know, some brothers, Mashallah really passionate, but they make mountains out of malls, if that makes any sense, right? So make issues, large issues from small, small issues, that really aren't priority issues when it comes to the shed era itself. However, at this point in sha Allah, we will pause here, and we will continue with the manners of the prayer in our Friday session in sha Allah, we will also look at

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how one may recite in terms of the prayer, how much should you recite? Is there a difference of the amount of poor and it should be recited in airasia, as opposed to Madrid, as opposed to ledger? How long should they be? There is a narration that one of the companions, he wanted to pray, solder to the huddle in the huddle with the prophets, I send them and he didn't have will do. So the prophecy sent him was about to start the prayer and he started it he said Allahu Akbar and started the huddle. Now this companion wanted to go and perform will do but he didn't have access to water, unless he walked where the buck here or the cemetery is, which is right beside the house on those of

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you who've gone to Medina, it is kind of a distance between that graveyard or that cemetery and to where the prophesy centum stood, it's a good distance. point is is that this companion, he walks out, and he goes all the way to the back here, he performs will do and then he comes back. And he's still caught the first rocker of salado vote of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So how long should it be? What happens if you just recite in airasia? sudo

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or su little catheter in the first rock era, and then you recite sort of the last in the second rock era, and you do this for Latin America? Is this something acceptable? It is acceptable, but I mean, should you do this? Is this something that's, you know, encouraged in the shed er? Or is there some cultural hub behind it? So what are some of the rulings? And how much should you recite? So this is something very practical, especially for the Imams of how much and what kind of soldiers that you choose to recite and lead the gemera you should be very selective in what soldiers you recite what happens if a person starts a soldier in the first Iraq or but doesn't complete it. But in the second

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regard, they don't continue that sorta they jump into another surah and leave that one halfway. What's the ruling behind that amendment? No, your Rahim Allah actually wrote a small reseller or a book. regarding this issue. What happens if you recite some a portion of Bukhara in the first Soraka? But in the second or aka you recite from baccara, but you recite one of the earlier verses see what happened? Or let's just say the first Iraq guy you recite surah Xs? Second, muraki? Are you recite Surah Al Baqarah. You didn't follow the order of the poor end? Is that something to be scrutinized about? Is that an issue as well? What happens if you do this?

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I mean, this is no joke. A brother told me that he prayed behind an Imam in another city. Thank God that you know, you prayed behind this Imam and the Imam did this.

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So what are you doing him off to bury him? Well, Dawn Nene. And we said, I mean, our region will call Mahmoud Nisa,

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Allahu Akbar.

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You see what happened. He cut a verse in half. He said that men

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are more superior than women. And he stopped there. And he went for record.

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And then the second rocker, he chose another verse and he continued. So what's the rolling behind this? Or if somebody now this here we're not going to cut a verse in half but Can somebody pray and do

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long who had a long solid Aloha and come on and then the second or aka continue from there? So my, the point I'm trying to make here is that can you cut Allah subhanho wa Taala sentences halfway and then pray. This is what we're looking at, obviously that Audrey jello coma, Mona Lisa is just silly. And because you're you're you're sending the wrong image, you're sending the wrong Tafseer you're sending the wrong idea. And obviously, this is something that is very disrespectful when you recite por en is that not only are you cutting in the middle of Allah subhanho wa Taala sentence, but it's not an appropriate way to do it either. So these are just some of the little things in sha Allah,

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that I will explain and we will discuss in our next highlight as well. I will also give just some tips. These are just some of the things that I learned praying behind all of the Imams over the years, just some small tips of selecting certain sources and which sources should be attached to that. So for example, you have the last part of sorta tober microfossil Horan, la Khadija Kumara Suleiman and forsaken Aziz la Hema I need to hurry Sonali COVID, more meaning or opha Rahim, this verse all the way to the end is talking about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was the person who was a human being had he Sonali come, he had so much love and desire to spread the

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message of Islam to the people. That's the first Iraq era. Now you have to be very smart to do this. And you have to know some Arabic and you have to know a little bit of tests here. But the second urraca just to make the solid just, you know, feel a little more tasty and a little more delicious to the people behind you. The second or aka, you're going to choose a verse Now that complements that one. So what is one of the verses that complements that story or that point, that statement that you just made? The second rocker you'll choose the end of surah Yunus. Kalia yohannes, Khadija Kumara sulam How does it go?

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Where's my hope?

00:37:41 --> 00:37:46

Nobody here doesn't I where's my half of oh four. And I think I just saw one of them.

00:37:49 --> 00:37:53

kuliah yohannes cottager outcome Rasulullah

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it's not ora sologne.

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I'm going to leave you that to that one as well. But the point is, is that that verse,

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it complements that first rock era. Because what it says is that Allah azza wa jal now sent you a little soul. And what the message that he came with is the how you see what happened. So the first one is the prophets. I seldom had the howdy See, had the desire to spread the message. The second oral carrier complements it because polio a yohannes cottager okumura soon, Allah azza wa jal says verily, I have sent down bought or sold with the help of many tariffs in them a teddy lien FC, whoever follows him For verily they've followed him and they've read they've gotten guidance for themselves. That's how they complements each other. You got to be smart to do that. And you have to

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obviously know a lot of the poor and in sha Allah to do that, these are some of the things that we will discuss in our next session, which will happen on Friday. After Salatu loverme they are only left with our Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala shower his aura, and his acceptance and his security upon each and every single one of us, and write down for us a pible and acceptance from our for our solid Earth and our durrett and all of our acts of worship that we perform and we struggle and we do in this world. May Allah subhanho wa Taala accepted from us. These are the words that we leave you with what Afro Gerona and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. Please if you just excuse me if

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you have any questions inshallah you can come to the office, I really have to get to a meeting with Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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