Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #13 – Stand up, sit down or lie down and Pray

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The importance of walking towards the prayer is emphasized, with emphasis on the importance of not rushing to the announcement of the upcoming airplane race and following etiquette phrases. The benefits of the beard and the use of it for healthy body are also discussed, along with advice on proper posture during prayer. The importance of praying with your heart and not touching your body is emphasized, as it is the first choice for individuals to pursue Islam. The importance of finding a spot on a calendar to establish a connection with someone is also emphasized, along with the need to be perfect in prayer. The speaker offers a certificate for graduates and a demonstration of graduation.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah in a meadow who want to start Nero who wanna steal from or Naruto Billahi min Shuri and fusina woman say tiara Melina Mayor de la who follow mobilink that a woman you believe Farah, * Allah why shadow Allah Allah illallah wa de la sharika Why should one no Mohammed and Abu otter solo solo lahardee who are the early he was Herbie he he married Emma buried cenomar de como una to LA he wabarakatuh

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inshallah lo tarla. We continue with the AutoCAD of the sada and we are going to now discuss with you very briefly about getting to the masjid and walking towards the prayer, which will take us to standing up in the Salah that took Kabira to a prom we have done Surah Al Fatiha and discussed its rulings. And then we will go straight to the bowing and the moral core and standing up and things like that. So walking to the Sala

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this actually is one of the greatest acts of worship when it comes to the prayer is to actually walk to the Sala it's so great that there is a specific Hadith that mentions that every step or liquidly hottel it in every step that you take, there is a reward for each step. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the companions who were going to ride their horses to pray, who are going to ride their horses to the prayer so that we're using some other mode of transportation not to do so. But rather they should come to the masjid by walking because each step towards domestic is always in your favor when it comes to good deeds. And the prophets I seldom mentioned as the following

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in a hijacking is our top Law Center, we'll do what I tell msgid law you redo in la sala de la mia, hotel, la 1011 all of our la will be here, dada jetten we're hop on home, hopefully attorn had yet to hold on Miss Gita.

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The prophecy seldom mentions the following is that verily without a doubt if one of you does his will do properly fastened and will do so they do a perfect will do what I tell message it and then they come to the masjid. And they do it for no other reason except for the prayer itself. That's the whole reason why they're coming. It's just for the sada notice the wording of the Hadeeth you're not coming for just a class, you're not coming for anything. It's only saw that. Now if you come for all of the other things, you come for a conference, a lecture and that sort of thing. Then insha Allah this hadith also applies to that. But it's specifically now going to address the person who's coming

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only for the sada and it mentions, he takes he will not take a single step except that by it, Allah azzawajal will raise him one level and remove a sin from him until he enters domestics had Ethan Bahati. So a lot so a Gil will raise his honor, and decrease his sins. So the question here is some people have said that if you drive a car, then every time the wheel turns one circulation, that's like one step. So imagine how the cars turning so many so many steps are going by none of this has any evidence it's an invalid PS in and of itself. So there's no comparison to this, you physically have to be able to walk and feel that emotion of walking. So let me tell you what some people do

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which is very clever. And Mashallah, it shows their eagerness eagerness in wanting this reward. I remember one brother I used to pray with all the time. He used to park his car in the parking lot of the masjid. And he would park all the way at the end, all the way the end of the parking. So I'm like, why don't you do that? And then he mentioned to me about this Hadeeth so I was like, Mashallah, that's amazing. So what I did is I parked my car in the neighbor's parking spot. So now we start competing with each other. So he saw that and he's like, are you doing that because of the same Hadeeth and I'm like, yeah, so what he started to do is he parked his car in the neighbor's

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spot. And then he instead of walking straight towards the door, he started zigzagging his way towards the door. So he made the route and the walking even longer and he started going going back and forth. So I said, Okay, there's no way to top this. So I decided to park my car farther down the streets and start walking back. So he saw that as well.

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He took it one step further and Mashallah, he's the man was stronger than my eyes I couldn't compete after that. There was a mall, maybe about two blocks down the road he parked his car there and started walking to the masjid. And he did this just simply because of the reward. So you see when you do those simple little things, you know some kind of Eliza gel elevates you when you come to the sada This is also one of the ways to increase our chances that our Salah is accepted by Allah azza wa jal as well take advantage of these things. So sometimes when you do come to the masjid,

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you may want to reconsider looking for the closest spot to the door. Because insha Allah, for every step that you take a low will just elevate you, you will remove sins and Allah azza wa jal will honor you with this. Now, with walking there are also etiquettes you also have manners in how you do this. Some people like to rush to the messenger, some people like to run to catch little care all these things. So there is an etiquette of how to do this. And as a result, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to maintain the best composure when we are walking and not to hurry. The prophecy seldom mentions either Sameera tomo karma. femme Shu e la sala, whenever you hear the

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comma, the word is femme Shu from M Shi m she Masha em she which means to just walk Don't rush to go to the saddam, what are they can be Sakina T one we call and what I order you to do is to walk to the prayer in peace and tranquility. So you know how you got to feel when you do this? You got to be very relaxed. Yeah, sure the Imam may have started last summer that is not a reason that is not a reason for you to rush yourself to the prayer. And look what the prophecy sentiment says while test soda Ooh, and don't hurry or hasten or rush to the prayer fermat adore rock tune for salu whatever you miss or whatever you are able to catch up the prayer then by all means pray one math fair token

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for a team more than whatever you miss of the soul that don't worry about it, you can still make it up. And a lot of people this is an issue here that a lot of you know brothers and sisters they do this they'll run to the message in the run inside the salon. Some of you probably hear it you know sometimes you might be praying and then you hear the footsteps coming behind you was your was your standing and you have the horseshoe on oh here is

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and you hear somebody just running inside the masala? Well, this is what we're talking about. It defeats the whole preparation for the sada now why is this so important? Imagine when you run from here to like the store. When you get inside the store, what are you doing? You're only focused on gathering yourself you know catching your breath one more time. That's all you're focused about. You're only focused about getting yourself your body calm once again and the prophets I send him is telling you that's how you're supposed to be in the select from the very beginning. That's not something you should be doing within the Salah itself. So the beautiful wisdom behind this. Another

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etiquette of how we walk is that

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the province les Salaam also mentions that do not cross between your fingers and the prophesy send them forbade one of the companions to do this. What do we mean when we say cross between your fingers it's like this. So try to avoid this especially unusual jumar before the whole tuba This is actually one of the disliked acts or etiquettes before the tomorrow, the prophets I send them stopped a companion companion by the name of cab ibni ijarah rhodiola horn and he told them not to do this because this was a method of how some of the machinery used to worship some of their gods during that time. So to stay away from that but it's an etiquette if you happen to do this and

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you're waiting for the sada or and so on. You're not sinful in the sight of Allah. However, it goes against the perfection of the etiquettes of a Muslim especially when it comes to the prayer. Then the prophesy Selim continues. A third etiquette when coming out of the house to walk to the masjid which we talked about. However, this is the most beautiful part about walking to the masjid is the Torah. The door that you say this is one of the most beautiful doors that you ask Allah Allahumma Gylfi calbee Nora, Oh Allah place light in my heart or Felisa Annie Nora, and on my tongue, nor light what's your unfi seminary Nora and place within my hearing my ears place light in it, which

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Alfie boiserie neuron and place within my eyes Nura light which are unhealthy, Nora and place behind me light

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Gylfi mme Nora and place in front of me light watch I'm in a Filipino woman tattoo Nora place above me light and place below me light Allahumma arrow teeny Nora, Oh Allah Just give me light this year. This

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is perfect for the sada a person who prays Allah azza wa jal places nor in their life, places nor in their bodies, physically, when somebody prays, they become very beautiful. As a matter of fact, just recently, there was an article that was released about the prayer and the beard. And this was written by a non Muslim. And it mentioned there that one of the medical benefits behind the Salah, behind prayer behind going and prostrating so many times in the day, it actually causes the body to release certain gases and certain elements that it needs to as part of its function as part of the mechanisms of the body for it to flow the bloodstream to flow right just to generally maintain a

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healthy body, the sujood is actually assisting and helping and improving this process. This here, some of the scholars also said that the sujood also eliminates headaches, and also can prevent certain ailments and cancers and sicknesses from building up within the brain. When it comes to the beard. One thing was very interesting for me, facial hair keeps an individual looking younger. So you don't have to spend your time in Shoppers Drug Mart and just trying to find all these different things just to keep a healthy skin just simply have a beard on the face. And well lucky, you know, when you read things like this, you know what it should do for you, you should start to think about

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the LMS right away. Think about the sheoak like such as you know, shared with Damien or Rahim Allah, and just think about at his age, and how old he was all great, very large beard. But his face itself was so clean looks so healthy, even in the last moments of his life. I mean, when you look at some of his videos, you see just a very nice, clean, well kept skin that he has, and some of the elements and this is one of the medical benefits behind growing a beard. And it's very true because when you look at people who do shave off their beards, after a certain time, you'll find that their skin starts to sag. And you'll find that the skin starts to become very rough. And it becomes very

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difficult to handle. And even you know, for the wife, if she wants to kind of rub the husband's face like this becomes very rough. So all of these things are eliminated and it brings a sense of nice tenderness and nice beauty to the skin as well. This is also one of the blessings of the beard. If this is not something to influence into encourage about the beauty of Islam, I don't know what else is left for us to see that. Another etiquette when it comes to walking is that when the person he enters the message he should enter with his right foot. And this was also part of the guidance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that you enter the masjid in the right foot. Some of the

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orlimar have a difference of opinion. What exactly is this hadith referring to? Is it referring to the masala area here that you should enter this part in the right foot? Or is it referring to the actual front doors that you should enter in the with the right foot from that point? majority of our demand say it's the Hadeeth how would the answer to this question is within the Headey the prophets I send them uses the word Masjid in the Hadith. He doesn't say more Sunnah he says Masjid so this is a very general term when you use the term Masjid you're not only talking about the masala but rather you are talking about everything that is attached and part of that masala. So for example, a lot of

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people ask this question, if I don't come into the prayer area, do I still have to pray to here to the masjid if I'm upstairs in the classroom? Or if I'm somewhere else do I still have to do them? So what is the answer the prophecy Selim says,

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Don't sit down in the masjid until you pray Raka I attain. So what's the words that he what's the word that he used to use as a Masjid? So it's a general term that even if you enter this premises, you enter this building, you go into a classroom, you're still required insha Allah to pray tool records, you should still try to do this. Sometimes when I don't come straight into the masala area here. I'll do the Torah cards right in my office just to at least accomplish and fulfill this heading. So you want to also make sure that you do that. Same idea applies to when you're entering with the right foot. Now obviously if you enter in the message with the left foot, according to the

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HTML on this

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particular issue, a person is not sinful for doing that this once again is a very strong and encouraged etiquette that a person should try to follow another etiquette when it comes to the walking as well is upon entering the mosque or the message in the prayer has been established so solid began then do not pray anything other than the worship or the photo, the prayer itself. Any In other words, what this is talking about is if the Gemma already started don't come in here and start to pray like tour guides and then pray your to hear the message wireless Allah is already begun. Because obviously the most beautiful and most beloved act to Allah azza wa jal is the father of the

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Act. And if it's a started already, then you want to make sure that you take part in that first and then you can leave the sin x for later. The prophets I send them mentions, if the prayer has started, then there is no prayer except the obligatory one. This is a hadith in Sahih Muslim, if the Salah had already started, then there is no prayer except that prayer that's begun. This is extremely important. So this automatically tells you what you need to do and what's your perspective is a couple of questions now tend to happen here. What if I made an intention to come to the masjid on time for sada and I got stuck in traffic and I didn't get a chance to pray my son no prayers

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because obviously you know when you pray all your sadhana, the prophets I send a message the reward for a person who prays all their sadhana is a lot so lagenda booni beighton Phil Jenna booni Allahu beighton fifth Gen Allah, Allah azza wa jal will build for him. I mentioned in paradise. So what happens if you use got stuck in traffic? And you missed out on that opportunity to pray the tool rockets or the four rockets or whatever, before that act of worship? What do you do here, according to the vast majority of our demand, this is a circumstance where you don't have any control. And so the edge of for praying those sydnor prayers is given to you. Because why your intention is to be

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there on time, but a barrier in a circumstance that you can control has come in front of you. And this is based on a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that for the moment when they do make an intention to perform an act. And for some reason, they couldn't get to perform that act, Allah azza wa jal rewards them for that intention. But if the man was able to make the intention, and he's also able to perform the act, then his reward is doubled for that act of worship as well. So this is actually one of the most beautiful incentives that we have in our religion as well.

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In addition to that, upon entering the masjid, a person should also see the Dora and of course the DA is Bismillah wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Rasool Allah Allahu Allah, if tally abueva Matic this again, so you're saying Bismillah and and you send peace and blessings to the prophets, I send them and then you say, allow him if daddy or Allah open for me, a bla bla bla Matic, all the doors of your mercy, all the doors of your mercy, you see the message in the message is like your battery for your Amen. So this is the place where you come to recharge yourself all the time, a message, it is not a place of just prayer. It's not a place where you just come in, you'll meet Muslims and you

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leave a message, it is a part of your lifestyle. It's a part of your everyday routine. It's a part of how you live as a Muslim in this world. That's why it is highly, highly encouraged. If you don't live close to a Masjid in whatever area that you're from, and will lie you have lost an enormous amount of height. Take it from my own example. There was once upon a time I lived very far from a mystery. It was perhaps one of the worst years of my life as a Muslim. It just simply because you're hungry for the message, you're hungry for the Salah with the Gemma you're hungry to get those extra rewards, you're hungry because you're young and you want to put the effort to accumulate on your

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scale. But the problem is you can't drive You're too young, you don't know where the message is, or it's just too far. So one of the greatest faults that you might have in a lifestyle is that you live far away from the masjid. So here, a person who does come to the message also should try to perform and say this Dora as well. Then there are also other different types of door that can be said last etiquette before we move forward is that the person should pray the tool records to hear to domestic it is the greeting prayer. And of course this is based on a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Bahati will Muslim.

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Let's look into the pillars of the prayer.

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Now, before we discuss this, the first few pillars, we want to just make sure that we define exactly what is a broken or a pillar in the religion. A pillar is something that without it, that act of worship is nullified. So the pillar of Salah is to say, Allahu Akbar. In other words, if you don't say Allahu Akbar, when you start the prayer, then the prayer itself is nullified. So that's what a rockin is. Without it, that act of worship is done. So in Islam, we have five pillars. So without all five pillars, no one can be Muslim. So no one can say that I believe in Allah. I will pray five times a day I will give myself a cat but when it comes to Ramadan, I don't know about that. You

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know, I don't think I'm a fasting normal, but I will make the Hajj is this person Muslim? No, they will never be counted as Muslim unless they take all you can just take a little bit and leave a little bit you must take the entire package. So that's what a pillar is. So we're going to look at approximately 12 pillars of the sada without it that is saw that is automatically by default. It is nullified. Number one, a lot of agenda says standing up what Kumu lillahi Pani teen and stand up for Allah azza wa jal or to Allah azza wa jal Pani tiene Pani tiene literally means attentiveness. So you stand up but you're attentive because imagine you're standing in front of Allah at this point,

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you're standing in front of your Creator, it's only you and him. Now, this act of worship, nobody helps you with it anymore. So it's just between you and him. So Allah now says, stand up for him attentively. Now standing up of course, this is of course for a person who is able to do so.

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Allah azza wa jal says ensuited earlier a moron Allah Xena is the Quran Allah ha pm and what Porou then why Allah to be him. So three levels Allah mentions when it comes to a person and how they worship Allah, the primary is that you stand up for prayer. According to majority of meta him, a person is not permitted to make the choice of coming to the prayer and decide, you know what, I'm feeling a bit tired. So I'm just gonna pray sitting down, I'm just gonna grab a chair and relax and just enjoy the salad that way. This is a very, very disliked thing to do. According to some scholars, the Salah is nullified, if you're sitting down for prayer, and you have the ability to

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stand up for that solder, you have the ability to do but you just chose not to out of laziness, some of the aroma, including Chef bambas, and others say you must repeat the entire solder This doesn't count. So that's how strict it is. And this is why because Allah azza wa jal, the first choice that he gives us is the person who remembers Allah should start off ko Odin, sorry, tm and walk or udon. The first thing they should do is they should do it while standing. So that's our primary goal. Now what happens if you cannot do that you're not able to for whatever reason, then the next stage is to do it sitting down. How do you pray sitting down? praying, sitting down is is very tricky if you

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don't know what you're doing. And there is a step by step method on how to pray when you do this in the sauna. So let's demonstrate. You want to be my demonstrate person?

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You want to be Oh, you're happy to come.

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So just so that the sisters can see what we're doing, um, you sit here in the front, and just pretend you're into shadowed. Okay. So just pretend you're in Tushar hood. So just sit down like you're gonna finish up your solar? Yeah, exactly. Perfect. So now sit down comfortably. Sit down comfortably. No, no, no, just like that. Go back the way you were. And sit down on your feet comfortably. Yeah, very good. This is how the prayer should look how it starts off. Some people cross their legs, this is becomes invalid. It doesn't even count as an actual sitting position in the shittier when it comes to the solder. So how do you start off a sitting position or a prayer? So

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you'll do your tech beer. So just, you know, raise your hands and pretend you're going to pray? So no, pretend you're going to pray. So and fold your hands. Good. So, prayer starts off this way. Now when it comes time for the little core, what do you do? You're gonna place your hands on your knees. So place one hand on your knee, place the next hand on your knee. Now Lean forward, just a little, some orlimar saying that the way you measure yourself or the way you know how to do this is the front

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Have your head should line up with your knees or your hands. So it should look at least perfect or somewhat even, that's counted as a record. And when you go this, when you go down to this position, you're in your record. Now. Now you want to go back into that standing position, all you're going to do is you're just going to lean back, and then it comes time for the sujood. Now the sujood, obviously, you're going to go in and do a regular sujood. Now, if you can't do that, just because of whatever reason, so how do you go down for sujood without touching the ground. This is what the lemma advises now you're, you're gonna stay right there. What, what I'm doing here is that there are

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limited the advice, the entire head should be a head of the palm or the hand area. So what you're doing is you're just you're increasing that method and trying to go forward have just a little bit more, you just go a little bit more enough to allow the head to go be in front of the hand area. And then when it comes back to that sitting position between the sujood, you're sitting as normal, then you do it again, and then you stand up. Very, very important. One point, you must be able to distinct between the real core and Sergio, I can't emphasize this enough, do not make the real core feel like a sujood. Don't make the sujood feel like a real core, you should feel a bit of extra

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strain when you do that. sujood. And it should be very distinct, it should be very clear the difference between the two very good cycle open.

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So you have the sitting position.

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What if you can't sit for prayer? What if you can sit for the solder? So what do you do at this point? What do you do at this point? And third option. third option is to lie down and pray lie down and pray. Again. Now how do you do this? Lying down for prayer, similar dilemma have some

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there's a difference of opinion regarding how this should be done. Some of them are the men mentioned that when you lie down for the solar, of course, try if you can to keep your head facing the Qibla. Try to do that. Try not to allow your feet to get towards the Qibla. But at least your head. And by the way, just by the way, if a person does have their feet towards the Qibla, it doesn't nullify the prayer. But it's just a bad etiquette of the sada some cultures, you know what they do, they're really big on when you set up your bedroom, that you don't sleep and your feet is towards the Qibla. Some cultures are really, really big on that stuff. Again, this is an etiquette,

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you should try to not do that. But if you do a lot, so our job is not going to punish you. You are not sinful and need to make Toba for this. But again, it's just part of the mannerisms. I remember, you know, when I was in Medina,

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you know, sometimes when you're sitting against one of the pillars in the huddle, you know, you'll be sitting there for two, three hours between each Sala. So you're studying, you know, you're just doing your work and you're studying and sometimes you want to stretch your feet. So you kind of lean back on the pillar and you stretch your feet and it's towards the Qibla area right? There is this one men, Masha Allah, I don't know whether to say my shell or subpanel. One of those two, right, Betty how he used to come with his cane. And he used to look for anybody who would stretch their feet out towards the Qibla. And if he saw you, he didn't care how old or how young you were, if he

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saw that your feet was stretched out towards the Qibla he'd come with his cane. And what do you think he would do? Boom, one smack on your feet. And then he would tell you to move your feet back. You know, this is bad. And this is a little bit this is obviously extreme. There's no need to do that isn't only to enforce this as a rule. But the point is, is that it's an etiquette and you should try to do it in sha Allah as best as you can.

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So we have those three stages. Now when you're lying down, how do you do it all core and sujood this of course, you will use your head. So the way that you will use your head obviously any movement that you can do with the head will count as a real core and a sujood. Even if you cannot turn to do the test name, you can still do it with your eyes or as much as you can and it counts as the test name that you can leave for long enough sin Illa was Haha, Allah azza wa jal will not burden a soul more than it can bear. So try to make it easy for you as best as you can. Remember that the seller has to be something that is comfortable, don't make solid a burden on you.

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So what else says about the moon Africa in Surah Al Baqarah that the Salah was there in the summary was Sala and ask Allah azza wa jal to help you through patience and the solder what in Allah Kabila tune Illa Allah harsh here in verse Allah this word in the hair badami or the extension or the pronoun is referring back to Salam. Allah azza wa jal says that Salah is Kabila it's it's a big burden, it's heavy, except for the person who is amongst the hos you're in, except for the person who has who Sure. Other than that saw that should never feel like a burden upon your soul or upon your body. So those are the three different levels when it comes to praying, obviously, below lying

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down here. And this is a very extreme situation, and you're required to at least think about it and pray with your heart. You notice that I'm not giving no option to exempt yourself from solar. There's no exemption from the solar itself. Nobody is allowed to say that because of my position, I'm not going to pray. Only one person is allowed to do this, and has done it already, which is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he excused the Majnoon the person who is hired or the person who is insane, the person who is not fluent, the person who is not saying this is the only individual mentally is excused from the solder, the one who is sleeping until they wake up is

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excused from the solder, the one who forgets until they remember is excused from the solder the process, I said, already categorizes Other than that, you got to pray. You got to think about the setup. So imagine brothers and sisters, the next time you go to like a hospital and you visit anybody. And they say, you know, Allah knows best. You know, I'm in this position right now. I just had a surgery on my back and this and that. I don't have to pray. No, this is not an excuse. If you got to make time Mom, you make time when you pray. If you need somebody to help you to make time or to make Waldo and get somebody to help you. And then you still got to pray. If you can't face the

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Qibla you still have to pray. There is no excuse. Now imagine if it's gone to that extent. Imagine the people who willingly don't pray. intentionally. They don't pray, they have the ability to do that. And they just simply don't do that. What do you say after Hayato? Salah Hey alfalah in the event, La hawla wala quwata illa Billah there is no power of thought or authority except with Allah isoa Jen. So what does this tell us? It tells us that when you pray, this is an invitation from Allah azza wa jal to pray. I knew this was going to happen because unfortunately, the brother who's operating the camera, I don't see him here.

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The sisters never got a chance to see the demonstration. So I will repeat it as soon as the brother comes in so that they will be able to do that. That's no problem in sha Allah hotaru. Actually, this is good. I needed one of these flyers anyways.

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Then we come to the actual standing position of the prayer and this is what we will conclude with inshallah. Now you've come to the Sala

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and you're lining up for the prayer. How do you line up for a prayer we've talked about this in our past discussions of how a soldier should start off heel to heel, not toes to toes. So you've got like a Shaquille O'Neal figure beside you bigger feet, and you're just a smaller guy, then you're not going to try to get into center of there, you're not going to do any of these silly things, which you're going to do is you're going to stand heel to heel with that individual. Now here's the question, do you touch heel to heel or not? Now I mentioned in the after the Solomon Babel, Allah in other words, the most preferred method of standing in Salah is that you stand heel to heel and you

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touch heel to heel. That is the most preferred method. That is the best way to stand up for the sada Why? Because majority of companions they've done this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also set the standard el Caribe bill Arab. And he mentions that the ankle should be close and near to the ankle, so they should at least touch one another as best as possible. The dilemma with this is what happens if you don't do that. Have you committed a sin? Have you done something wrong? majority as a matter of fact, it's an HMR that a person is not sinful for doing that, except in one circumstance. That is if they intentionally don't see that this is an important

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Part of the saga. In other words, I just simply don't care who cares about getting close, I don't want nobody to touch my feet. That's my personal space. So don't get too close to me, all of these issues, this is a completely different problem now. But the person as a result, should try to get close together and should try to touch feet defeat as best as you can. However, I like to set rules with this. I like to set rules. And I'll tell you why. For a lot of people, they get very carried away with this concept of touching feet two feet, their entire Sala is a battle with the person beside them to stay feet two feet touch feet. Their whole Sala is battling through this and let me

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tell you what exactly I'm talking about. Sometimes you might notice somebody besides you you're praying and you might be a quarter or a point three centimeter away from their feet, just enough that there is a piece of hair can fit between you and that person's feet. You don't really feel the skin there. But you guys are close enough that all of a sudden you feel that feet get close to you, and it starts drilling into your feet. This year, again, dessert this year defeats the whole purpose of standing feet two feet, you're not supposed to stop the blood circulation of your brother beside you. You're not supposed to pound your feet beside him. You're not supposed to get to the point

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where this is the one thing you're busying yourself in the entire Sala with if the person besides you doesn't get close to you at hamdulillah Don't worry about it. Don't make it a huge problem and a huge issue for the seller. If you can get close enough, by all means do your part. But remember, you're standing in front of all lies which focus on the most important things which is your whole shore focus on the sada focus on pouring your heart out to Allah azza wa jal listen to the Quran being recited you know the Brotherhood let select another read for us so that no I haven't heard suit at noon recited in Sala in a very long time. It was very refreshing to hear this sorta for

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after so so long. So you know, you want to focus on pick out those moments in in the Sala that can really tap into your heart. And if you can perfect it by getting close to each other then by all means but if not, it's not the end of your sada, our Shabaab have this problem, the teenager, they have this problem more than anything else, because they just feel like this is a moment where they can stretch their shoulders and become like soldiers in the Salah and get strong and close to each other. So been bourbon Allah, as I mentioned, get close to each other as best as you can. Now when you stand feed to feed him, it's not just the heel that's going to do this, it's the entire feet. So

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it should completely close the gap as much as much as possible. And this also is accomplished by the shoulders as well. When you stand, you want to make sure that your shoulder is actually touching the individual beside you. One of the miracles behind this is this is how we establish brotherhood and love for each other, you know, subpanel just look at the way that we pray, we stand beside each other. I don't know this person here, I don't know this person, I've never seen them in my life. But here I am, I'm going to actually get close and touch that individual, some handle, our feet are going to touch each other. You know, it just shows you that how the solid the purpose of it is to

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establish that kind of unification and a little hammer for each other. Second point when it comes to the solemn, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam discouraged an individual from praying in the same spot continuously don't. And the process still abuses the term, don't to use the same spot like how the camel sits in its stable. What a camel will do whenever it goes into its area is that it'll always find its spot, its territory, its place, and it will remain there and it becomes that spot for that camel. So the prophesy Solomon says don't make them a sunlit area like this. So in other words, you'll find that maybe some people they like the corners of the line. So they'll choose one

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corner there and there'll be their little hut or they'll be in that corner. Awesome Mahood America, that's that one corner. And they're so dedicated to him that the line may have started from the center and it becomes incomplete, but he'll still stand over there. And you know, he'll try to cover it up by trying to make it look like it's some higher and he'll tell the brothers you know, to follow to follow you know, he'll he'll try to cover it up. But really the problem is with him. What you should do is when somebody tells you to do without too far down, you look at them and said You come here, get to the center of the line. Get with the gemera there's no such thing as our own spots

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as a matter of fact

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membership will have you level lunch whenever he would have his classes in the huddle. Just before he would always have it after McRib, before mclubbe soda, a lot of the students used to take those poor n holders, those wooden ones, we placed the Koran on it, they would take that and they would place it in the spots where they weren't where where they plan to sit, because they want to reserve their spots close to the chef, the chef one time he came very early. And he saw all of these little book holders all around his chair. And when he sat down, he started up smilla, Al Hamdulillah, and so on. And he says a woman. First thing I want to say is that the students who do this, this is how

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it all in our Shetty are I do not permit this in my daughter's I do not permit this for anybody to do anything like this. So if you come and you see what even told us, it goes up, you come and you see one of these things here. And you would like to sit there, remove it and sit there. So it's the same principle that you want, that we don't have our own personal spots that we dedicate ourselves to the most. And that is for all of us. And you want to make sure that you pray each and every single part of the mystery as much as you can. We're going to pause here in sha Allah, just for today. Just before we conclude, I'm just going to repeat very briefly for the sisters,

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the demonstration that I did, just so that they're able to see exactly how the prayer is prayed while sitting down. However, this is where we will pause in sha Allah until Friday, which will will continue the next rockin or the pillar that we're going to discuss when it comes to the Sodom is we're going to talk about the tech below till Iran. So the Allahu Akbar in the beginning. We're also going to include with that the tasleem and then we're going to talk about the real core, we're going to talk about the standing between the real core and the sujood. And then in sha Allah, the sujood itself, we will leave that as a complete separate discussion, we're going to look at some of the

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mistakes of Boto core, we're going to look at some of the people when they get out of the Roku, they look up into the sky and they say what have been our local hemd and all of these different things. And we're going to talk about the individual that looks around all of these things and how they affect the solar is this permissible or not, brothers and sisters very, very crucial. Very, very practical. Remember Salah we do it so often we have to constantly refresh ourselves and continue to perfect it. This here is also a lesson for myself. I'm also perfecting my own prayer as I go through it with you. So we ask Allah azza wa jal to give us the house and the sincerity and the strength in

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order that we can perfect our prayers in order that we can have sincerity in our soul. And we ask Allah azza wa jal to make us cry in our prayers to soften our hearts in our doors. And most importantly, we ask Allah azza wa jal to accept these efforts from us. We'll offer with our awana annual hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Don't want you to record this. Okay.

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But the sisters can still see right.

00:43:14 --> 00:43:19

Yeah, if you stop the recording, they can still see me at the back. Yeah, that's all I just want them to see it. Okay.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:21


00:43:23 --> 00:43:26

Cuz there's no point of recording the same thing twice, right.

00:43:29 --> 00:43:30

Okay, where's

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where's my solo buddy? Where are you? Okay, so we're gonna do the same thing. Okay.

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