Musleh Khan – Tafseer Suratul Fatiha – Istiadha

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various words and phrases used in Surah Tannahill, including "back to the past" and "back to the future," as well as the meaning behind certain words and phrases, such as "back to the past" and "back to the future." They stress the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and the use of "back to the past" to describe shades. The transcript also touches on the meaning behind certain words used in the language, including "will" and "will", and discusses the use of "will" in recitation, including the concept of protecting from evil temptations and the meaning of requesting something from a bank or company.
AI: Transcript ©
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ruling of the st either or are the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. So we are done now with the introduction to Fatiha itself. Now we're going to start off with the str either it's important that we talk about it now so that we don't have to discuss it when it comes up in other verses when we when we get to those particular verses, so we don't need to discuss it again. Let's let's talk about it in depth right now. A lot so it just says

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in the Quran in surah tel out off what ima yans 100 kameena show you Barney ness one fest started Billahi min ash shield bond yield regime in another verse in suta to learn nahan for either product teleporter earn for steriods Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim regime. Now the first verse, this isn't so little error of verse number 199 and 200 a lot xojo says show forgiveness.

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Rip enjoy what is good turn away from the foolish and every and if an evil suggestion comes to you from the Shaitaan then seek refuge in Allah azza wa jal the all hearing and the all knowing what a man Ian's her neck Amina Chopin and if an evil suggestion meaning basically if a whisper of the shaitaan comes to you, if shaitan comes to tempt you what do you do for steriods Billa seek refuge in and protection with Allah subhanho wa Taala from the shaytan al rajim. We're going to talk about each of these words shortly. The same idea in Surah Tannahill, Sudeten Allah subhanho wa Taala says, either caught up to Cora, now it becomes very specific to the poor end, whenever you recite the

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Quran. Now here's what's interesting.

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Eliza Jill says in this verse for either Cora teleporter and he uses the past tense of the word Clara. So it's almost as if Allah is saying if you've read the core add meaning when you finish reading the Quran, then say our the villa humanist shaytani r rajim. Allah doesn't say for either for either Quint affair either to redo Terra article Quranic Allah azza wa jal doesn't give a command he doesn't talk about the events that will happen before you recite the Quran. He talks about it after this is why some of the elements say that you should say our the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. When you finish reciting, not when you begin it, why cuz the verse itself uses the

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past tense verb. So this is why it says if you finish reciting then you should do that. Again emammal sheffey explains a lot so it just says in the area of Waldo. Yeah, you are letting me know or you will believe either comb tome Isla Sala tea. If you have stood up and you want to pray, then Allah azza wa jal can continue falsetto Buju Hakuna idea como el Mirage and so on. Then go and wash your face, wash your hands to your elbows and so on. The point here is is that in this area of Voodoo, Allah azza wa jal he does the same thing he uses the past tense verb yo yo Latina amor, either calm tone. Home tone is the past tense for calm which means to stand up. But still, it's

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referring to the same thing that you can never pray without will do and will do comes before the salah and not after it. So here the same logic is applied when it comes to the recitation of the poor and even though Allah azza wa jal is speaking in a past tense verb, it still refers to the present tense, and it should should still be recited at the beginning of your recitation. Some other scholars have gone on beyond that and said, just recited in the beginning, and just recited when you're done as well. So say our with a beloved chittaranjan, beginning and say it again when you're done. And that way you will be out of this whole difference of opinion amongst the scholars. And

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let's look at in terms of

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a word for word discussion, when it comes to the str them. Let's begin with our although the word are all within. It comes from the word that Yahweh Eurozone,

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the Eurozone. Now there is a very comprehensive meaning behind this word aeroseal. reuzel literally means to be careful, and be on guard and to be watchful, be very well well aware of your surroundings. That's literally linguistically what our crew is referring to. Another essential

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meaning is that the way that you tie that linguistic meaning to the poor end is to be aware and be very secured about all of the evil temptations that are around you that could distract you from reciting the Quran. So that's how you put it together. And this is why you seek refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala by starting off with the st either.

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So our other literally means to be aware of your surroundings. Another meeting of our room is that it means to cover like a seat out or a curtain, a protection. Again, this goes back to if that is the either is a protection, what is it protecting you from it becomes a spiritual curtain between you and the temptations of the shale team, you spiritually are protected. Now this here, we're only restricting it to the recitation of the poor end. But keep in mind, the str either is used under all occasions, no matter what circumstance you're in, as long as you want a protection from Allah Subhan Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evils that surround you, then the STI that is used, str there is

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also a cure for the shell team, when a person is possessed, you can literally say to them are the Billahi min, Ash shaytani r rajim. And it becomes a type of spiritual cure for them. Now the way that Arabs use this str or this particular word rune is that they would use this to describe the shade that is under a tree, they would actually call that shade er either because again, it protects them from the heat of the sun, the sun and the heat from it is something that nobody likes, so they consider it to be somewhat evil, somewhat harmful to them. So the shade under a tree is also called Aya or are we do another opinion this is interesting is that some of the Arabs us used to say

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regarding the flesh or the meat that was stuck on to a bone. If they couldn't remove that meat or that flesh from the bone, they would say Aou In other words, you know, they want protection from not being able to get that meat off of the bone. I just I thought that this was like serious a class here when it comes to your eating. So there's our the villa or aeroseal. And this is of course, going back to the linguistic use of the word itself. Now are also Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. So that takes care of our ortho now you understand linguistically what it's used for, but also spiritually how it relates when it comes to our when it comes to our recitation, we are asking Allah

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azza wa jal to place a barrier or a spiritual protection between us and all of the things that are evil around us. That does not include only genes and child theme. A lot of people have this ideology that this is only talking about the genes of childhood No, any distractions that you have around you are the Billahi min ash shaytaan origins is used to protect you from the so even practically speaking, it's also used primarily for the same reason.

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Now what's interesting is that that same a in sorbitol sorbitan nahal, a number 98 for either product, or amphastar is Billahi min. Ash shaytani r rajim. Allah azza wa jal says fest

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and in soo little Falak surah Xs, Allah says aeroseal Allah doesn't say Paul is sterile, or start with the scene here. There's an addition in soda to natural as opposed to fill up a nurse. Now what is the difference between the two if you say it's the earth? Or if you say our with what is the difference between the two? Brothers and sisters, just remember, anytime you add a scene and attach to an Arabic verb, automatically it changes that meaning to request something to ask for something now. So for example,

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if you say hello john, hello john literally beans he left. But if you say is Roger, you add the scene and you add the the tag as well. What you're saying is I request you to leave. So this is why when you go to a bank machine and you want your money to come out of that bank machine, you say, Anna as storage I am taking or requesting this money to come out. That whole action is called

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Horridge. So when Allah azza wa jal says, whenever you recite the Quran fest steriod Allah is commanding you to do this. So here it is a command from Allah azza wa jal, every time you want to recite or an you better make sure that you ask Allah isoa gel to protect you from the shell team, it becomes an order now from Allah azza wa jal. This is why the vast majority of scholars they say that this is highly highly recommended for a person to start their para with the stare either.

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Obviously, this varies when it comes to the beginning of a sutra as opposed to a middle of a sutra which we will talk about later on in sha Allah. So, this is a stare either our Ozu now Allah so it just says below, Allah tells you how to do it. How do you do it? Billa are all the biller I seek refuge with Allah subhanho wa Taala How do you know it's with Allah isoa gem, you know this because the bad that is attached to the, to the name of Allah, Allah doesn't say are always Ola, Allah says are all the biller. That bad is bad in that we call an Arabic about or Sahaba it's about of companionship. Basically, anytime you take a name or a name of an object, and you add a bath to it,

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you've given it ownership you've given it possession now, so this is here, Allah azza wa jal is telling you an AI, the protection is only from a law. So again, only he's going to do this for you. So you cannot say our Ozu and then use somebody else's name. So here this is the this is really important when you understand where all of this is going to when we enter sorta till Fatiha when we enter the first verse, are always a bit later. When we come to the first verse, or maybe the fourth verse in sorta till Fattah, we will talk about the meaning of the word Allah, we will talk about the word Allah itself, what it means and the different connotations in terms of its meaning are the

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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. So I shade on. Let's talk about the shaitan very quickly, Allah so a gel here tells us seek my protection, not from human beings, not from animals, but seek it from one creation, which is the shaytaan the word shaitan comes from the word shelf on a shelf are now three letters

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literally means something that is to be distant from you something that needs to be pushed away far away from you, you don't want it close to you. This is why this creation is called shavonne because what it does is that it comes in attempts to to come far or go far away from the remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So it's very befitting that we have this if you'd like Dora or introduction, our the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. Specifically, some of the scholars they've told us and they mentioned in their Tafseer that this is the number one enemy when it comes time to reciting the Quran number one enemy is always going to be shaitan

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