Kamil Ahmad – Juz By Juz – Juz #1

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the title of the Quran and the importance of the Surah Al Fatiha, the first Surah of the century. They also mention the importance of the title and its significance to the teachings of the Bible. The speaker then discusses the lessons of the title and how they can be applied to the teachings of the century.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah when I arrived, he was so happy Hmm He and my dad, I welcome you to this very first session of our series that we will be conducting throughout this month of Ramadan, where we will be taking each judge or Potter of the Quran, and going through it within just a few minutes every single day if needed.

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And the point of this is not really to have an extensive explanation of each part of the Quran

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nor HFC, but rather to simply derive some lessons and to give some reminders concerning these various parts of the Quran. Obviously, the time will not suffice us to go into detail, you know, covering each and every single verse, but rather we will just take the main themes that were discussed in each and every single part of the Quran. We start today with the very first PATA or Jews of the Quran, which starts with the opening of the Quran which is Surah Al Fatiha and so Surah Fatiha, which translates to the opening is the first Surah of the Quran. And it is one of the most important sources of the Quran, which we are required to recite in our salah, showing the importance

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of it. In fact, a person Salah is invalid, if he does not recite the surah and if he does not recite it properly

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Surah Fatiha basically is a dua was, it is Allah subhanho wa taala. Firstly, praising himself he starts by praising himself. Then he mentions how, you know, worship is solely for the sake of Allah alone. And then Allah tells us about guidance, the way of guidance. And so we are asking Allah subhanahu Attallah to guide us to the straight path and not the misguided path.

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After that, we have similar to Docker

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and similar to Docker extends over three exec or Patras of the Quran. And in this first Jews are part of the Quran Surah Al Baqarah starts with Allah subhanho wa Taala telling us of the revelation of the Quran, and how this book that Allah has revealed it is from Allah. And then Allah tells us of three categories of people, the meaning the believers, the kuffar the disbelievers and the mafia cooling or the hypocrites. And Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us

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a few characteristics of the hypocrites because they are the most dangerous of people, to the believers. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us a little bit about who the hypocrites are and what are their traits, what are their characteristics so that we be aware of them in each and every single era. After that Allah subhanahu wata, it basically tells us of the story of Adam, Allah, His salah, and how Allah subhanho wa Taala created Adam, and then commanded the angels to prostrate and Iblees, who was among the angels, he disobeyed the Command of Allah and the rest of the story. Allah tells us how, you know, Adam was expelled and sent down to earth, and so on and so forth. After

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that, Allah subhanho wa Taala moves on the discussion to bene Israel.

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And how many straw eel

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they were rebellious, and always in a confrontation with their prophet with Musa alayhis salam. And

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Allah subhanho wa Taala basically tells us how whenever they were commanded with something they would oppose, and rebill and the prime example that we have here is the story of the calf or the Bacara when Allah commanded them to slaughter, a Bokhara

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they started questioning, you know, what kind of Bacara isn't what kind of calf or cow is it? And they went into so much questioning that, you know, it basically put them off from doing what they

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we're commanded to do. And so this is different than how we the believers should be. And so we should be, you know, certainly I know Atlanta, we have heard and we have obeyed we have submitted to the Command of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us, you know, more stories or incidents that took place with Benny Scott eel and their prophet Musa alayhis salam. And then after that Allah subhanho wa Taala moved on to tell us about Ibrahim alayhis salam and this is what you know this Jews are this part of concludes with the story of Ibrahim and Ismail ilardi Salam building the cap. And so the the two of them father and son built the kava and that is what Allah subhanho wa Taala concluded this part of the Quran, this Druze or this part of the Quran.

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There are many lessons that we can derive from this juice or this Parra, first and foremost, that Allah subhanho wa taala, just like he is the creator alone, he alone created everything. Likewise, he alone deserves to be worshipped. And this is the concept of total heat. And so this is the very basic message of the Quran. In every single Surah of the Quran, you find the emphasis put on a Tawheed, that Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, just like he alone created everything and sustains everything, he alone deserves to be worshipped.

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Also, we have among the lessons here in this juice or this part of

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the characteristics of the hypocrites and how we should be aware of them. They are among our ranks. They are among us believers, even today,

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you know, claiming to be with us claiming to be believers, and yet in their hearts is nothing but couverte disbelief and animosity towards the believers and hatred towards the believers and plotting and planning with the kuffar against the believers. Among the lessons that we can also derive here is, as we mentioned, you know, the bendy straw eel, and how we believe it should not be like the Jews, who, you know, rebelled against the commandments of Allah subhanho wa taala. But rather, we should simply submit to whatever Allah has commanded us with without questioning without objective. And finally, among the lessons that we can learn here is the

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fact that the Cabo was built by Ibrahim Al Islam and his son, Ismail Ali salaam, this father son relationship, which will be expounded upon in other sorrows of the Quran. It was first mentioned here in the Surah incidental booklet. Without we conclude this first session, I asked Allah subhanahu Italia to grant us all beneficial knowledge and to grant his understanding of the Quran was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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