Musleh Khan – Tafseer Surat-ul Mulk – V26-27

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the benefits of affirming the truthfulness of religion and avoiding smoking, as well as the structure and punishment of the verse "olfa." They emphasize the importance of being aware of punishment and limitations in the verse. The speaker also emphasizes the structure and structure of the verse and the punishment of the word "olfa."
AI: Transcript ©
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So Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Often, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is asked by the believers as well as some of the disbelievers about him, basically proving his words, you know, show us something, when is his promise going to come? And we mentioned that some of the benefits behind this that we as human beings, one of the things that we have as part of our desire is that we always like to see things in the forefront. We want to see feel or touch something, to know that it's real, but in their religion, their religion is based on a lot of spiritual upliftment. It's based on a lot of faith. It's based on an individual, constantly working on the spiritual aspect of their heart and their

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belief and faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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another benefit that we get from the same am is how the verse ends. In kuntum side, the theme, here is the part where the orlimar they say, this is what the disbelievers are saying to the prophets. I said him and his companions in quantum Society of pain. If you happen to be people who are truthful, it's a type of esterhuizen It's a type of just that they're making with the prophets, they sell them and his companions is actually making fun of them. This is something that you and I, we go through each and every by just being Muslim. People are going to constantly scrutinize you and ask you, you really think that there's an afterlife, you really think that the you know, all of this is just

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happening by the will of a creator? You really think that all the Muslims and all the people dying alone in the world is from a merciful greater? And they'll just try to pick out all of these strange gray areas and throw them at you. Why? Because they'll doubt the truthfulness in the religion. Why does Allah mentioned this even in the Quran in the first place? This is a way to affirm the truth in your heart. Well, I brothers and sisters we talked about this were one of the wisdoms as to why we ask Allah azza wa jal at least 17 times a day. It did not set off on Mr. Payne constantly keep us on the straight path is because the reality is even scholars themselves, can live and live a beautiful

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academic scholarly life and achieve so much and still die as a disbeliever at the end of the day, and that's like one of the saddest, saddest realities ever to leaving this world. So here, Allah azza wa jal wants you to think, once did you use your mind, things are not always spelled out for us in the Quran. The Quran is a book of principles. It's a book of our soul. It's a book that's going to give you the foundation and how to do a million different things in one sentence. So people always ask the question about smoking a cigarette, where does it say in the poor and that I can't smoke a cigarette? It doesn't. It's not going to it never will it? There is no need for Allah azza

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wa jal to tell us don't smoke a cigarette. But what does Allah do? Allah azza wa jal gives us a foundation or a principle on how you build your lifestyle. And that includes all of those filthy habits, like smoking and things like that, where you hit Lula homotopy back where you had to be morally human. How about if I made certain things alive? So agile is saying all of the things that are good for you, beneficial for you, that are good, not only physically but mentally, spiritually, emotionally, at all levels. These are the things that are highly encouraged for you to take part in what you Hadley morally himal harbor is, but I've made hard on prebid for you, the things that are

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Habad if haba is poorer, for hobbies, hobbies means something that is stingy, something that smells really bad, something that if even in and of itself, its texture is really, really horrible. It's really rough. It's not pleasing to the eyes, it's not pleasing to the senses. It's not even pleasing to look at nothing, you don't want to even be around it anymore. How do you feel when you stand beside somebody who's smoking a cigarette and you don't, you automatically want to protect your children, you don't want them to be around that you yourself and we see the ads all the time, secondary smoke, smoke is even more harmful than the primary smoker himself. So all of these things,

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this is what the core and does it lays down will soon or foundation of how you can build your lifestyle upon. So when Allah puts a verse like this way of who Luna Mehta has a word in quantum sided pain, it's a question for you to ask yourself as well, but in a positive light. When is all of this going to come to a reality? When is the promise of Allah azza wa jal going to come to a reality? When is the promise of Allah so watch out for all those individuals that were unjust

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For all of those people that are causing the corruption and the facade in this world, when is their time going to come in front of Allah? So again,

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listen to how, how Allah responds to this answer.

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Call in mlra more in the law, we're in NEMA and another euro mobi period. So the province I send them a response to this claim he doesn't just ignore it, which is the first concept of the first sign whenever you get asked this question, respond to it. Be confident about it, but respond with hikma and wisdom. What's Hickman and wisdom? It's Hickman wisdom is not just saying, oh, Allah knows best period, we know Allahu RLM in everything. But here Allah the Prophet sighs Selim Look at his words that he uses a lot tells him whole enamel ilmor in the law, three emphasis are happening here in NEMA is one emphasis alerion. So mentioning the that knowledge in and of itself is with Allah is

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to or in the law, and it's with Allah, that's three. So three times Allah azza wa jal is emphasizing the same thing and that is, Allah who are them is that is he knows best. And then it stops there. That's one half of a complete sentence there in and of itself, pull in MLR Elmo in the law. What is the benefit for us here is whenever you get asked questions that you know you cannot answer and you know, Islam does not provide an answer to it like a logical answer that people look for, that people want. Then the easiest and the most productive, and the most academic way to respond to those kinds of questions is you say, I have my morals, I have my ethics, I understand it this way. And you

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understand that this way, and alar soldier knows best. There are a number of subjects like this in the quarter and a number of subjects like this in the Quran, where people will come and they will challenge you. And they will ask you about, for example, the people of loot, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says that they were involved in a problem in a sin, that not even animals were doing. They were involved in a sin that no other nation and group of people have ever been involved involved with ever. But Allah azza wa jal talks about what he did with those individuals and what happened to them. But the point here is, is that one may come and argue to you and say, well, there's no proof

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in the Quran that I shouldn't feel that way or, and I shouldn't do this, or and I shouldn't do that. And you may try to say, Well, look what how Allah destroyed, the people of loot and loot was sent to them, and this and that, and listen, and it just keeps going back and forth. You're not going to get anywhere. And this is why at the end of the day, your response to this individual or to these groups of people, you have your way that you understand the Quran. But I have this way that I understand the poor and based on evidences, it's not your own logic, you just pull this out of your own head, but you have Hadeeth you have verses you have wisdom to to affirm this belief. And I have this and

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there it is left with Allah azza wa jal and get yourself out of this conversation. That's the second benefit, though, you get. So the first benefit of how to respond to a question like this, keep it simple. The second benefit isn't, keep it straightforward. When you don't have answers to certain questions, just get to the point and finish with that question. So for example, you remember the incident of salmonella faricy or rhodiola, one, when the the Jewish man came up to him and wanted to make fun of the religion of Islam, and he says to him, that your prophet teaches you how to go to the washroom and how to bend down and this and that salmonella faricy did not respond and say, Yeah,

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it's true. Because you know, if you sit a certain way, you know, it's good for the back. It's good for this so that he doesn't do any of that. But what does he respond and he says one word, he says now? Yes, yes, that's what the prophesy centum does. Yes. He taught me how to go to the washroom. Yes, my poor and and my religion teaches me how to walk teaches me out of smile, teaches me how to do this and determine how to do all the little things in my life. The Quran is the best thing, the best resource that I have that cares for every single aspect of my life. And I'm proud of that. So that's the second benefit that we get from this verse is that you keep things simple and straight to

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the point. Don't always try to logical eyes, every single verse in the poor end, because it's not possible to do that. What you can do is extract benefits, but limited to that as best as you can. And then the verse concludes, what innama nn zero

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will be another triple emphasis. We're in Emma, Anna, know the room, and then the description of these three emphasis moving. So here the prophets I send them now is telling these people who were asking and posing this question to him, Look, all I can do is I can just now listen to the words and promises send them he says nebbia. He doesn't say what NEMA and a hobby automobile. I'm not the person who can just tell you. But he uses the word Nithya, which comes from the verb Neto, which means to warn someone, and to caution an individual. So the prophets I send them is really not saying, All I can do is just tell you, he's not saying that he's really saying, All I can do is just

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warn you, which is a very, very different image that he creates with these people who asked him this question. I am just simply warning you of what's to come. I'm not just telling it to you like it's a story that's coming to me each and every day. But I'm warning you. It's a very, very profound point. Because what the prophecy center is indirectly doing here, is he still giving Dawa? He's basically saying to these people don't ask a question like this? Why are you even questioning something like this, you can't see a law, you can't communicate to him directly. You can't hear his voice. You can't do any of these things in this world. So don't get into this dangerous area where you need to

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be asking these questions. And all I can do is this is a no zero more being in the entire core end, anytime the prophesies send them is being challenged with something to do with the knowledge of the unseen, with something to do of the unseen. He always responds like this, that in any vehicle moving, he always cautions the questioner, he always responds and says you shouldn't do that. Or I warn you not to ask this question, or a punishment will come if you continue to do this. There's always some warning that follows when people try to question things that you can see. So that's another inshallah benefit that we get from the structure of this particular verse. Then it continues

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Phelim out Oh, Who's olfa? 10 see at which you tu who live in a cafardo. What keila has the lady come to be he had down. Very, very profound. A verse for lm, our o zolfo. Now here zol firm, according to the majority of them have assumed Well, again, there are a number of opinions of what the word zilpha tone is talking about here. Some of their limit, they said that zilpha here means that you see the punishment of a law getting closer to you. That's one verse. Sorry, one a narration a second narration isn't that you just simply see the verb or the punishment in and of itself in front of you. So it's not getting closer to you, but you just see the image of the eye that it's

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there, and the reality has made itself clear to you. And then another one is the punishment of yomo Pm in and of itself. And then the next one is the lab in hospital better or the punishment that happened to the sahabas on the Battle of better and we will pause and shoulder

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