Musleh Khan – Tafseer Surat-ul Mulk – V24-25

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the three different concepts of Allah's universal spoke, including his use of "has been" in witnessing the truth. They also emphasize the importance of practice on achieving success, thanking individuals for good things, and focusing on one thing at a time. The importance of gratitude and desire for everything is emphasized, along with the need for faith in the things that are being seen and spoken to. Finally, the speakers emphasize the natural need and desire for everything, including being a Muslim to see and understand things.
AI: Transcript ©
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So as we continue, Allah subhanho wa Taala. As we mentioned, we're talking about three different concepts here hearing, seeing and pondering or thinking. So, another benefit of why Allah azza wa jal brings this three different concepts in this particular order, is of course, as we mentioned briefly is that not always a person is going to hear the truth, but we will always be able to see the truth. Not always will a person understand the miracles of Allah azza wa jal, but they will always be a witness to it. Allah azza wa jal here

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by mentioning even seeing first, but mentioning it in the singular form, it doesn't add much strength to it as opposed to putting something in the plural form and this is a constant theme in the poor end. Every time you see something in plural mentioned in the Quran, it adds strength and affirmation to that particular concept that Allah azza wa jal is talking about. So let me give you another example. So till Cafiero, Allah azza wa jal concludes that the prophecy seven will say to the machinery cool luck home Dino comb, Walia, Jean. You have your Dino comb, Allah uses the plural form, what does that automatically entail that that the the prophecy I sent him is saying to the

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disbelievers. You have your own religions, your own ways, your own forms of worshipping? From that plural form alone? It affirms and it confirms that the machinery can have various ways on how they can show to Allah azza wa jal, you don't just have to be bowing down to one idol and that's the only form of shelter when it says locum Dino calm using the plural form. Obviously, there are many forms to it. But then the idea concludes and says, Walia, Dean, but as for me, tells the prophesy seven s for me, Walia, Dean, he uses the singular form. As for me, I just have one path and one path only. And there is no other path than this one particular path. So the same idea is what we see here in

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this particular verse, or seminar what have Assad. Now what's interesting is that the last one is an effetre, which is referring to the limbs, and especially here in this context, it's referring to the hearts, the hearts of those who ponder and think about Allah azzawajal and his creation. Now, there's a standard way of looking at this verse. And that is you look at the trees, you look at the birds, you look at the sky, you look at all of these different things, and you think about them, and you ponder about them. And you say, some panelo has 100. Below this is the creation of a large, so that's a standard way of looking at it. But then there's a deeper way of how you can practice this.

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A lot of people they ask, How do I practice on pondering on the creation of Allah? How do you even implement a concept like that in your Amen, and in your lifestyle, it's very simple, actually. It's very simple. In practice, it is extremely profound in reward. And it's basically, when you ponder on Allah's creation, what you have to be doing is constantly constantly thinking about how fortunate you are, as opposed to the individuals around you. That's what it means when we say, think about the creation of a lot. Think about how fortunate and you are that Allah gave you certain things that others don't have, or Allah azza wa jal gave you access to certain things that other nations and

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other countries or other people don't have access to that. So now it gets a little bit deeper. Now you're going to start to think on a personal level, you know, here in Canada, or at least in this part of the world, we almost never ever run out of water here. I mean, how many people do you know, you know, have water issues wherever they live. And if they do, it's because there's like a reason for their doing repairs, you know about it, it's posted in the building in it and they let you know. But other than that,

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other than that, it's really not a major problem here in this part of the world, as opposed to other parts of the world. It's just part of the lifestyle that every other day, water would be shut off, and people will just have to deal and live with that. I remember when I was in Medina, there's a small area in in the heart of Medina itself, where they get water once every week on Sundays. That's it. And people, some of them some of the people who were there have been living there for 11 and 12 years, but they live for 11 and 12 years and Subhanallah they get water once a week. So once a week, they just have to prepare to survive for the next seven days period. Now, whenever

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what's what's amazing about that is these individuals that you meet living in that area, were some of the most humble individuals you will meet up ahead of Medina, most humble people you will find, you'll find them being amongst the most poorest or the most unfortunate of them. So that's how you ponder on when you when you think about Alice creation, how you access that creation and how you utilize it in your life and how it benefits you. How do you get from point A to point B, and how you just basically live a comfortable lifestyle in and of itself.

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Then a concludes and it says quality lamb to school, very, very few people they thank and Allah azza wa jal or they have gratitude in allies. So again, for blessings that Allah constantly gives them. It is your fundamental duty. You and I as Muslims, every single day, we're always thanking Allah azza wa jal for something. That's why we say Alhamdulillah we say Allahu Akbar. And we always praise Allah for good things that happen. And this is also one of the ways that you prevent and you protect yourself from evil. Iran has said and all of these other things as well. putty lamb matushka rune. What's interesting is, there's another verse in Surah, two out of

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where he believes, he speaks to Allah azza wa jal and he says to Allah, from Allah, Etienne de homonyms, Min benei ad him, woman confy him why a man him Warren Shama, Shama, eating him while I told you to follow him, What is it? What is it please say Shakira in.

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So it believes is telling Allah, I'm going to come to each and every single human being, from on the right side, from their left side, from the top, from, from the front, from the back in all different directions. But then what's interesting is how the verse ends, it ends off by a belief saying to Allah, while I teach you to accelerate shackling, you'll find that the majority of them or you won't find that the majority of those people, they're not going to be people who are thankful and have gratitude. What does that have to do with the verse? What does that have to do with a beliefs coming from all different directions? Or is his soldiers and the Shelton coming from all different

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directions? What is giving thanks have to do with how that verse started in the context of that verse? again, it goes back to all the exactly the same thing that we're talking about, is giving Samson is to plant the seed of gratitude in your heart contentment, and that's when you start to ponder on the greatness and the resources and the things that Allah azza wa jal gave, gave you strength in and gave you access to, as opposed to other people who just simply don't have that. Then the verse continues.

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Put who a fill out LD, what la he talks scharoun.

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Now a lot so it just says there he is the one though Have you noticed so far, in almost all of the verse, Allah is still referring to himself as a lazy, he's not referring himself to him by his name. And we discussed this concept here as well. Lo wants you to focus on one thing and one thing only, and he's already established himself and who he is. And as we continue, occasionally you will see depending on the verse, how Allah refers to him and himself by his name, as opposed to other parts of the surah called who Allah the thought of a cornfield, out of the way he lay, he talks scharoun He is the one that created you from the soil from the ground that you're walking on, you've been

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created from the what he lay, he took a shovel and then of course, he is the one in which you will return to. We've discussed this concept in previous verses as well. But now the next verse, verse number 25, while kulu no matter has a lot to do in quantum saw the team now

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hear Allah subhanho wa Taala theme is about to change theme of the suta again, is about to change. And here, the believers as well as the disbelievers are asking the question, why a coup loon? They will ask meta hodel word when is this promise going to come in quantum inside your team? If you happen to be truthful, if you happen to be people who are of the truth, so when is this all these promises that we're going to be punished if we don't do this? Or don't do that? And we're going to get paradise who would do this or do that? When is all of this going to happen? If you can really prove your truthiness to to us. So here

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This verse actually is in various orders. It's found in Sula tillbaka. It's also found in Sudan earlier in Milan sort of martyrdom and other suitors as well, this one particular verse, it's found here many, many times in the Quran. First concept here is the desire for mankind to always want to see evidences and proofs for everything. And this here in and of itself is a natural need and desire for all of us. We need things to be shown to us so that we're convinced in its authenticity. If you apply that concept in the right place at the right time, it makes perfect sense. The problem is, is that that concept cannot always be implemented in each and every single moment of your entire life.

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Why? Because there are some things that we just simply won't understand. And then there are some things that we simply cannot prove. But by being a Muslim, it's your faith, and amen is the strongest delete or proof that that thing exists. That's why we have

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the knowledge of the unseen or the ailment.

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Why do we even have a concept like that? A lot of non Muslims, they'll ask you this question. And it's a question they try to use to stump you that there is a problem in your religion, or there's a mistake or a deficiency in the al Qaeda of Muslims, is that why would you have certain things concealed from you like this? You know, this. So this shows like a discrepancy in your religion, so they try to stump you on them. But like I said, part of being a Muslim, is that we also not only do we have faith in the things that we actually can see, feel, touch and understand. But we also have faith in the things that are told to us even though we can understand them, we can see them. That's

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why the Sahaba sometimes when they couldn't understand something, Allah revealed the verse in the Quran, and quotes the sahabas themselves exactly how would they, how they would respond to things that they didn't understand. And they would say to the prophets, I send them semolina, what are we hear and we obey. And it just shows that there are certain concepts in the religion we just simply cannot understand. And we will continue in sha Allah after the short pause.

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