Musleh Khan – Myself, my heart and Taqwa #2

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The definition of taqwa, a man who claims to be the last known believer in Islam, is discussed in various ways, including the use of "na" and "taq wa" to describe the belief. The importance of remembering the words is also emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning the rules of others and avoiding confusion. The speaker also highlights the importance of practicing Islam during a home visit and thanking Islamists for their success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And welcome back as we continue our discussions of the muckety muck o'clock series The beautiful manners of the Muslim brothers and sisters in our discussion here today of the taqwa of a believer. We have given you the linguistic meaning of what taqwa is. However, we want to understand from an Islamic perspective what exactly taqwa is. And for this we go to one of the classic scholars of Islam, one of the classic scholars of the poor earn one of the great sahabas and companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He is none other than Abdullah Eben Massoud are the last one. And just so we have a brief background on of who this

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man really was. Abdullah bin Massoud or the loved one was actually a very short midget person. And the people they used to laugh at him. They used to taunt at him. And there was once a time when Abdullah even muscled he raised the garment that would cover his leg in order to cleanse himself in order to wash his feet, etc. And the people they noticed this, and they noticed that Abdullah bin Massoud legs were very thin. And they started to laugh at him. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked the people are you laughing at the frail legs of Abdullah even Masood? And they said yes. And the Prophet peace be upon him responded and said, How can you laugh at something that is

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going to be as heavy as mount or hood on the day of judgment on the scales of a law? So again, how can you laugh at something that is going to be heavier than the mountains of Mount or hood? Abdullah even Massoud will do law. One was an extremely great, profound scholar, especially in the Koran. And it was once mentioned that he said that there isn't a single person that knows or has the knowledge more about the poor and, and where each verse has been sent down. And what the verse means and the setting and the place in the time where that verse was sent down. No one has this type of knowledge more than Abdullah even Masood, and in another narration, he mentions that if he ever heard, or was

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taught that there was a person that had more knowledge about a particular verse than him, he would get on his horse and he would travel to that person to find out really and truly, what is that knowledge of that particular verse in the Quran, Abdullah, even misspelled or the loved one was described by the other companions as being the most similar in terms of the manners and the characteristics of the Prophet sallallahu. It was send them in the way he would speak in the way he would treat others in the way that he would carry himself in the way that he would conduct himself with those around him. He was the closest to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And so we turned to Abdullah episode

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and we look at what he brought to Lahore. I define taqwa. What does he say about taqwa? And perhaps he has the most concise explanation, the most concise Islamic definition that really and truly sums up what taqwa is. And the first part of his definition, he tells us, that telkwa is to follow Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that he is never disobeyed. follow Allah subhanho wa Taala. In all the things that Allah has given to us that is halal. follow Allah azza wa jal in praising him, follow Allah azza wa jal in worshiping to him, follow Allah azza wa jal in adhering to all the authentic traditions and sayings of the Prophet peace be upon him, follow Allah azza wa jal in all that you do

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all the choices that you make, how you conduct yourself, how you speak to others, that kind of a hillock and manners that you have to have, in order to be a representation of a true believer and slave of Allah azza wa jal follow Allah subhanho wa Taala in his commands

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In order that you can never, ever disobey Him insha Allah, meaning that you try your very best to never disobey Him intentionally or carelessly, because as we all know, we are all subject to mistake, we all will fall into error. And so in order to protect yourself as much as you can, you try your very best to follow the orders of allies so again, so that he is not disobeyed. This is the first aspect of the definition. The second part or the second aspect of the definition of a taqwa with Abdullah ibn Massoud or the Allah one is that he tells us to remember a lot as surgeon, so that he is never forgotten. Can you imagine remember Allah azza wa jal so that he is never forgotten.

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Brothers and sisters, what does this really mean to you? I'm sure that all of you can really think of a way and and something that you do that causes you to remember a lot throughout your day. And as we mentioned, you ponder on the creation, you ponder on the things that surround you, you recite the poor and and you keep yourself close to it. When you see something that is wrong, you say a stuff in a law and you turn away This is remembering Allah azza wa jal

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or if you see something that is hella you adhere to it. You try to stay close to it, you try to practice it. This is remembering Allah. A person who does this will never forget Allah so agenda, learning all of the doors that you need to learn in order to put buttock and blessing into your day, learning the door. When you get yourself dressed in the morning, you learning the door when you enter your home, learning the doors when you enter the masjid, learning the doors, as you intermingle. And as you meet all of your brothers and sisters, as you come out of the society and you ask allies so just for protection, learning the device, that allies soldier will put bottlecap

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into your life.

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This is remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala so that he is never forgotten. And the third and final aspect of the definition of taqwa with Abdullah Ibn nosode are the law one is that he teaches us to thank Allah so that you never fall into disbelief. So after you have seen all the halal and haram and you understand it, and after you have remembered Allah Allah azza wa jal constantly throughout your day. Now it is time to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala thank him for all the good things that he has given you. You thank Allah that you have the health and the strength, you think allies so a gel that you are living within your homes in the comfort, healthy and strong and not living in the

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hospital, sick and frail. You think Allah azza wa jal for your good health, you think Allah azza wa jal that you are able to enjoy the wealth, you're able to eat and drink and you're able to live a normal lifestyle. This is thanking Allah azza wa jal for a person who doesn't do this may fall into disbelief may never appreciate all the good things that are around them. So when there is a moment, as Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the poor earn Allah The Haleakala Moto, while Hyatt Leah Bulova calm, Allah subhanahu wa tada says, In Surah mulk, that he has created life and mankind the creation, he has created it in order that he would test you a ucommerce and Ramallah Which one of

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you are going to be the best in deeds? Which one of you that when Allah subhanho wa Taala takes something from you what is going to be your response? Are you going to say Alhamdulillah? And thank Allah for whatever you still have? Or are you going to be in a state of despair? Are you going to be in a state of anxiety? Are you going to be in that state, where you lose the appreciation for what Allah has given you? And so brothers and sisters, these are three aspects of taqwa that really and truly sums up what taqwa means in our hearts, what taqwa means in our lives. And this is something you and I We do this every single day. we adhere to these three aspects of taqwa and sorbitol.

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Fatiha when you start off and you say Alhamdulillah europ bilad i mean abre manual Rahimi Murli kiyomi Deen these three as

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you have remembered Allah subhanho wa Taala you have realized that Allah azza wa jal is in control of everything.

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So you will follow a lot as so adyen so that he is never disobeyed, you realize that he is the leader, the Master of the Day of Judgment, you realize that he is the ROB bull and I mean he is the one that will take care of all the creation and all of mankind. So, when you see a new hear of something like this, Allah is so gentle when you hear that Allah has so agenda is real, that this is his power, this is his authority, this is what he can control. You become afraid of him. And so you want to obey Him and follow Him. So that he is never disobeyed

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Maliki or Medina he can do what he can is staring you alone Allah we worship and You alone we seek help and we praise This is also to remember Allah azza wa jal, so that he is never forgotten. You remember Allah so that he is never forgotten meaning a yak can output what he can establish only You we worship so only you we pray to only you we fast to only you we make the hatch for only you we give our charity only you will do the cow. This is remembering Allah azza wa jal so that he is never forgotten. It's all found in salted Fatiha. And the third and final aspect that we mentioned to you is that you thank allies so adyen so that you never fall into the state of disbelief. It had no

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serrata must have been set off siddhappa Latina and naantali Himalayan Malibu BRT, Humala bonnin O Allah we ask you to guide us and keep us on the straight path, that path of those who came before us. So you think Allah azza wa jal after you have worshipped him and you've realized that he is in control, now you thank him for what he has given you. You thank him for putting you onto that straight path of taqwa. And you say to ally so he can guide me to the straight path and to the path of those who came before me. In order that you don't fall into the disbelief layer and mahoto Brd Humala, Pauline, you don't want to fall into the state of disbelief. You don't want to fall into the

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state of Cofer or disbelief in the sense that you will no longer be Muslim you will no longer be a believer, you will no longer be that person that Allah has soldier loves. That Allah subhanho wa Taala cares for brothers and sisters. Join me as we continue our discussions of a taqwa. May Allah subhanho wa Taala indeed, give us the blessing, the honor of practicing taqwa throughout our lives. As we continue our series of the muckety muck up the beautiful manners of a Muslim. I thank you was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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