Munir Ahmed – Session 77 Rewards & Rulings

Munir Ahmed
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to money and its use in various context, including deeds, wealth, and apologizing for mistakes. They stress the importance of understanding and remembering the person and their actions during busy days, and emphasize the need to avoid mistakes and avoid exaggerating promises. The conversation also touches on various prophecies and legends related to Islam, including predictions of death and the use of "hammer" in various context. The speakers emphasize the need for thorough analysis and clarification on the definition of "hammer" in context. They also discuss the use of "op-like chaously" in Halal reward and the importance of finding a law to apply it.
AI: Transcript ©
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humbly Lycamobile Alameen wa Salatu was Salam, ala Ashraf al MBI will mostly while early he was suddenly here as you might in a moment

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Are you allowed to get Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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wa sallahu. Wa and your Taco Bell Mina while you're fiddling as Zulu banana?

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Were you kefir? Anessa? Yeah, Tina, this girl who the ailment nerfed. What is going on was there was ambulance Saleh and metop Bala

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La hawla wala Quwata illa Billahi la li la vie.

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Praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds Peace and blessings on his prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam,

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the peace and mercy of Allah be with you all upon you all brothers and sisters.

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We ask Allah to accept from us to forgive us to shower His mercy upon us. And we asked him for beneficial knowledge and understanding and wide sustenance and good deeds which are acceptable to him from us. There is no power and mighty accept that of Allah

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back to Hadith number 25 And the last session inshallah of it

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me remind us of the Hadith very quickly.

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And I'll be the roadie Allah who I'm from, have you thought I'd be close Have you been with the class know that the Messenger of Allah that firstly says and an SMS hobby Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam Palu some of the companions of the Messenger of Allah said into the prophets Allah Salam, calling the beat from Allah so ya rasool Allah or messenger of Allah azza wa jal, the affluent have run away with all the rewards your Soluna commando suddenly or your Asuna command assume the prayers we pray the fastest we fast we have a sub the Hoonah Bifido the Anwar Ali him, however, they give in charity from the excess of their wealth, all SallAllahu Sallam for the

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prophesy Salam said I will isa Kajal Allahu La to matters of the tune of Allah not made something for you to give as in charity, meaning to attend rewards extra rewards in Nabi colitis be hatin Salafis surely in every Subhanallah is Sebata what will it take be that in sonata in every Allahu Akbar is a sadaqa charity, we're coolly tell me that in South Africa and every Alhamdulillah that you are in it is a charity. We're Cooley. We're cool literally within sort of our in every La ilaha illa. Allah is a charity. We're Ambreen Bill Maru, Salah and standing for that which is right and just

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which covers loads of things in life. It's very wide open, as we'll see from a hadith that we're going to do in future and I've mentioned a few things in the past couple of sessions

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is a charity and standing against that which is forbidden, more bad and evil and lewd. Yeah, Mancha, all kinds of mancha is a Summer Park to stand against that. Wi Fi Bodega de comes on a car, which we'll deal with as well today in the sexual act of each one of you is a charity is our award.

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So we'll come to that, because that's the last part I want to take. I'm finished with the last comments of the Khalifa tomention when I come to it, finishing off from last time,

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we left off after explaining the differences in different kinds of South Africa, that we looked at.

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And Solokha with wealth and solar power, which is through doing good deeds to others which are not linked with material and then Sonata to oneself through vicar and remembrance of Allah which is

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what where we stop those on all of them actually, from the obligatory and the word summer camp. In Mary various texts the words even though it's the Sonata is used, it's used in a wider sense of reward can be used for obligatory deeds, in this context is being used for poor Sahaba and poor people being used in this context of extra voluntary deeds in in zikr and

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I'm doing good. Doing good. So that's what we've been looking at. Interestingly, even Roger says in his short explanation of this, he said well put together so that and the source be secret of dealing. Vic Allah sada party Bill Maher is claims that there are many texts that mentioned the virtuousness or backwardness of, of vicar, remembering Allah subhanaw taala over giving salata in wealth, that's his claim.

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I think this is Incorrect. Incorrect. It does depend partly on context, but to make it as a general statement. And remember, when we set out on the Hadith we mentioned the authentic hadith mentions about having

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hassled having envy only in a two kinds of people. One who was given wealth and they spent it day and night in the way of Allah. So having envy that that you want to be like that indicates the difference between

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a poor person and a rich person because you want more awards that they're doing beyond their Ferraris. Yeah, that's the idea. And you see the idea even in the ahaadeeth, various variations of this hadith I'll be that when the Prophet saw some teaches the Sahaba to do these things of zikr.

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Including some narration meant mentioning Salah to Doha. Yeah, as all voluntary things. What did they come back? They said, the affluent people, the rich Sahaba found out what we what you taught us, and they've started doing that. Yeah, they've started meaning they've surpassed us again. So what is the prophesied slump. So in other words, they understood and the prophesy some accepted that they are surpassed them because they're still giving from their wealth and using it for feasterville ALLAH. So he says, valleca Fabula ut Hema Isha, that's the boundary that Allah gives to whomever He wills. So in other words, one is being and I talked about this in previous sessions, but all that

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indicates opposite to what even Rajab is claiming. Yeah, because that indicates that they've passed again, not that we've caught up with them

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with our victory, etc. Yeah. And the idea of wanting to have envy or wanting to be like the one who has wealth and spends in the way of Allah is the idea of having wealth and morale to give in to spend feasability law,

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knowing that that will raise the diraja. And it's such a virtuous thing.

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And remember, this hadith is not telling you that it's not saying that doing these these things, and if you will have misunderstood the Hadith, if that's what you understood from it. It is not telling you this hadith, that doing zikr of Allah is a greater reward for you than those who had well, some were spending in the way of Allah. That's not the message of this hadith is it, it's very important to understand, that's not the message. This is giving something who something for the poor, who couldn't give anything away in charity and wealth for them to do other things, including I'm going to build model for nahiN Mancha, which is very wide open, standing up for justice, and good and all

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that is good. And against all that which is good and evil themselves in their life and towards others. Yeah. And that bringing in a great rewards. So that's not the messages that hadith isn't making zikr in Allah, as he's been claimed by Ibn Raja,

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to show that he's better than actually using wealth feasability law.

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So, keeping this hadith in mind,

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he now brings his evidences, because he says there's lots of evidence here to show that the vicar is more virtuous. Yeah, greater reward for it than actually spending wealth visibility law, which contradicts what I've already said from authentic a hadith is comment. So the

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first, he mentioned is a Hadith which is authentic in Bukhari, and Muslim in which the prophets Allah Salam said from Abu Hurayrah men call Allah ilaha illallah wa ala sharika lah, who will milk well I will hand well while actually Shane called the whoever says

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there is no God but Allah, the one he has no partners. To Him belongs the dominion

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Yeah, the kingship and to Him is all praise and gratitude. And he has power over all things. Fi yo, Min Mia Tamara in the death 100 times. Can that LA who add la Ashley the Bob, he has the equivalent of as though he had free 10 slaves were Cotabato. homea de hacer una and what's written for him is 100 good deeds while moving yet and who Miata, Samia to say yeah, and wiped out for him 100 bad deeds of sin What can that law who hears them in a shape on and then there is protection? Yeah for this person who's done that from shaitan yolmer Who's early for that day that he did the 100 times hotter homeseer until it becomes evening while I'm yet he had done be off build me Majah behavior

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and no one comes better than what he or she came with of doing this dhikr La ilaha illallah wa will actually Allah Allahu Allah will handle of wala colletion Karim, no one can better ill I had amela at sermon Valley except a person who does more than that. Yeah, yeah, I have done amela at some intel, who does more than that, of course, there's more reward. So if you look at it, superficially, that can indicate as though or just this dua is doing more than anything else, look at all the Hassan art and the car being wiped out is not 100 and as equivalent to the

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off 10 slaves being free.

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Okay, but if we keep what we've said, from the Hadith in mind, including Hadith 25 that we're considering now from noise, you'll see that most likely this is an indication for those who are poor, who don't have the 10 slaves, otherwise, you would have told them to free the 10 slaves for them. Yeah. So this

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this must be taken in that kind of context, again, for somebody to get and remember this is to understand what you're doing or saying as well, as I've said before, understand not just say willy nilly, because he's going to have a big impact on the person when they repeat this understanding it Yeah. Protect him from Shakedown because they're not likely to do bad deeds and likely to do good deeds instead throughout the day, when they are repeating this. So it needs to be understand stood with that.

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Another version of it in Sahih Muslim, the prophesy Salam said mancala La ilaha illallah wa Taala cynical Allahu Allahu La spittle Allah La Holman cola will handle who Allah Cooley shine for the the same, the same liquid he said, Yeah, who says it 10 times ash ash La Mirada and cannot come out taka Obata unforeseen meanwhile, the smile, it says though he has released for slaves from the the children of SEIU, yeah. Meaning from the progeny. Obviously, you

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again, must be taken with the same kind of understanding. Yeah, yeah. It is like it's the equivalent of Yeah, so he's encouraging those who can't do that. Then, interestingly, he mentions a couple of two or three other Hadith to support because he remember he said, there's lots of texts.

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So here's one he mentioned, which is

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even Abby Dhoni, I mentioned from abitata.

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It may be dunya, was a great scholar wrote many works and many books. Often, when Hadith I mentioned I found in my study from quoting in the dunya and the Hadith and not in other, especially in Wahhabi Muslim, they say he'll be down with the manager, and they're not, and Tirmidhi they're not there, then usually there's well, often there's a problem I've found and more had the theme found them to be weak, and he's using them just as in forgotten. And some scholars or many were very easy going with forgotten virtues, just mentioning ideas which are not authentic. And this one is, in fact, not authentic, the prophets Allah. So it is from Abu Dhabi, at best, even if it is authentic. That's a

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question mark itself, it is moved to Abu Dhabi, meaning the statement from without time, so I will go into himself was that it? Yeah, he was from the US Hagia Sophia,

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from the poor who were in the so he'd sit with those companions, who came to ask us a little poll and they couldn't give anything in the way of Allah to ask to gain rewards. So they were more inclined to do liquor and things like that were but there would be to try and gain the rewards. So it is authentic to me that this is a

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statement not to the Prophet saw some who says

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he says it was said to him gorilla who?

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ticker Rajul

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Miata nesma

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Yeah, in regards to this that

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I took that the person freed 100 slaves so we got that says in amiot Less ma'am in Marlin Rajul Cassie Yeah, that only a person with lots of wells will be able to free Yeah 100 slaves surely what after blooming Dalek and what is more virtuous than this? Yeah

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not the prophesy some saying that Eman man on Masoom believe when the heart is to have a man day or night yeah sticking to that of course. But you can have the personal thing 100 slaves we're talking about believer during it

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so that's not relevant

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unless the other person is a disbeliever there's no there's no reward anywhere from Allah azza wa jal then he carries on what a laser Listen listen to Adhikam Rotterdam in decree law and that the the person here from what what have you but your tongue is moist with the remembrance of Allah? Yeah, yeah.

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And in one version mentioning saying Allahu Akbar 200 times a hudco Allah Yeah, he says it is more loving to me. And we've heard that saying men and Prasad Baca be me at the dinner that then actually that you spend here and giving charity 100 t now 100 dinner this is not authentically although

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even Roger mentions it as one of his evidences as though it's authentic belief and it's not.

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Then he mentioned another Hadith

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which is actually a hadith in the manager and also

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in achmad is Muslim and also mentioned by Mr. Mendez say not in his Hadith collection, but in one of his books. Amla young well Leila

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deeds during the day and nights encouraging to be done. This hadith is very weak. And it is hadith of ohm Hurney that she said call it a title Ihlara Salah Eliza Eliza I came to the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam for quote and I said Ya rasool Allah or messenger of Allah do lennier Allah Emmeline for me Tada Kabir to what that what that was to what but then to guide me to deeds meaning good deeds I can do because surely I become old, weak and put on weight as well, but I can't do so. So much. Notice the context even though this is a very weakly yeah

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so according to this study is prophesized from said kept Barilla mentioned Allah's greatness 100 Time Mia Tamara Yeah, and then do a hamdulillah Mia Tamara 100 time then do WhatsApp the healer Mia Tamara and do SubhanAllah 100 times Hi You don't mean me at first ferrocene MoodGYM most rods PCB Lilla is better

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than 100 horses which are meaning donated. Yeah, bridled and saddled in the way of Allah meaning ready to be sent out to war to defend the boundaries of Muslims against enemies, who are attacking, while hydro miniata BATNA team and better than 100 camels meaning that a sacrifice will hide Amiata rock about him and better than freeing 100 slaves. This is very weak this hadith, but even if it was authentic, it's

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it is in the context of somebody who's not able to hasn't got the wealth hasn't got ability is weak and old and can't do much sells. So being encouraged to do that. But this is very weak.

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Then he makes another Hadith which is also a week

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talking about doing Subhan Allah 100 times in the evening and night and it's like somebody doing a Hajj, Hajj 100 times these kinds of Hadith. Scholars of Hadith have clearly mentioned many majority of these kinds of exaggerating the rewards, you know, saying SubhanAllah 100 times a morning and even though you've done 100 Hajj I mean it's just it's nonsense. It's nonsense anyway.

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So those are the kinds of evidences. So let me finish again by saying that

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as I said before, as well

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that you have rich and poor, and they're doing their awards come from their Eman and they're a badass which are formed.

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That's the first level. They both have to do them.

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Then come the voluntary good deeds, charitable deeds. So the rich, they have wealth, they spend that in the way of Allah if Allah in many ways, and there's great reward in that because they're benefiting others.

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Yeah, benefiting others. The poor can join in that benefiting others through what we talked about before about removing something out from for the road teaching somebody free of charge, obviously, and helping others in many other ways. Yeah. What we talked about before, I don't want to go through all that again. Yeah. So all that is doing to others and doing to others, as I said in the last session, really is the essence benefiting others is the essence of this theme. And throughout the Quran and Sunnah. That is what's indicated, and then comes a last resort. Yeah, which is Rica, which is a beneficial to myself, only, not to others. So both can partake of that. And the poor can

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increase their awards yet in South Africa in good deeds, because they are not able to do the things to do with wealth, but they can do this certainly, and therefore be on par with that. So that's how you

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put the gradation of this.

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How do we then understand a hadith which is Sabha Bodenham

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L. Yeah. In as determined that one didn't as doubt script, the 100 dirhams? There's some debate about this hadith which is reported by Aneesa. Some says Dr. Other says Hasson good Hadith, even if it's Huson, a good Hadith

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they they said that the companions in this research proposal. How's that possible? So you said a person was to diddums only poor person, they gave one away, and then a person have lots of wealth and the gift from their wealth. Yeah, they give 1000 dirhams away. Yeah. One's given 50% of the wealth. The other was given us a lesser percentage, let's say all equal, that their intentions are good and clear. So there's a there's a greater sacrifice here from the poor person from the poor person. So in that sense, again, it's benefiting others.

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Yeah, not there's no contradiction here with what's being said in this studies. Yeah. Some people said, I mentioned this before, but say those Solokha

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lovely women, the best of charity, is that that which leaves you with enough content or leaves you rich? Some said but others said no, it leaves you with enough. So it doesn't leave you poor that you become a beggar. Yeah, as the best of charity. Some said there might be a contradiction here because there's a poor person giving a theorem and he's saying that best of salata is that which leaves you still well off, to not become a beggar? Really, there's no contradiction. Because even if you're

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poor, and you give away she's giving one that I'm aware that's the idea that you don't need the idea certainly is still a priority not to become a beggar because we mentioned all their hobbies to do with the upper hand is better than the lower hand. So you don't want to put yourself in that kind of position. Even though you sacrifice Yeah. This is very important to understand to bring it all together. That's how you understand that.

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So context intention,

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a situation all these and relationship with Allah Most of all affect

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how and how much reward is given in the end? Yeah. Now

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last part of the Hadith prophesized Salam said when he said that in the sexual act of each one of you is Sebata charity, he meant reward, which he clarifies by last statement, because after that, they said in shock, ya rasool Allah or messenger of Allah Yeah, to Dona Shahada. What have you come one of us comes to fulfill our sexual desire. Yeah, obviously the context is with their wife.

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Yeah, that's inherent. I

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I don't really need to say that we understand that we call via ads because it's verified in disbelief anyway. And that you're saying this reward for this person? Yeah.

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They mentioned the replace the way Akula who fee half? They didn't say soda part they said agile. Yeah, so that's giving you the meaning of sadaqa is all this time in the Hadith Are you saying there'll be then agile and reward for this person? So, the Prophet saw some then said, are our Atim Allah, Allah, Allah Aidan lo what I have the Haram do not consider it was were he to put yes.

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Do In other words, put this

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what are put it because you know, the idea of Buddha. Buddha is really meaning the the sexual organ, the male and female is called Buddha. But it's used in a

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metaphoric sense to mean the sexual act. Yeah, that's why when it comes in, it says worry to put it meaning the Buddha and means the sexual act as well in a metaphoric sense. In a haram place. Yeah. Yeah, I can only he this was Will there not be sin on on this person, male and female, for good value get you there? What are her fetal halal?

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Thus, the opposite of that? Were he to play do it in a halal place allowed manner can allow, there will be indeed reward for him for while Muslims per se now.

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What's his name?

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He said that profits are still here is using chaos.

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He said and there's three types of different prs. PRs, PRs, the Lella and chaos and chaos. Touch be Shiva.

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And it didn't go into greater detail mentioned a little bit. And also, even Roger mentioned, this is chaos. Chaos ax.

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Which wasn't mentioned as one of the types of chaos chaos of the opposite. So what is chaos? That's what I want to spend a little bit of time explaining.

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And is this chaos?

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Chaos means it comes from the original to ask her

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yaki Su, and El Marquis. And el MFI Celine is to measure

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to measure something to compare it with something else. That is chaos is called.

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analogy and pay us in a in a terminological sense in Islamic jurisprudence. Yeah, it means analogical reasoning, to use analogical reasoning, this is chaos. But it comes from the idea of measuring one thing against another, to come to a conclusion. Yes, you have one thing which is the original. Yeah. And then you, you compare it comparing it to something else. So chaos is used by scholars in the past and present sometimes in a more looser sense of comparison, as is being done here. But the technical chaos, which is in Islamic jurisprudence, has certain pillars to it. So it's called analogical reasoning, and it needs four elements to it.

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It isn't a way of coming to a conclusion about a particular issue that you're facing,

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it comes after, there's no text in the Quran, about a particular thing, direct or indirect. And there's no text in authentic hadith about a particular issue direct or indirect to understand. Yeah, so class only comes as a way of coming to a ruling on something when there is absence of text

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is very important. If there's text there, you can't use chaos.

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So chaos comes there at that stage. And obviously involves is the head

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reasoning of a scholar who understands the texts. Yeah, and understand the situation and understand how the US works. What are the four elements of chaos? Analogical Reasoning first is the

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A castle,

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the original, which is also called El Marquis, LA, what you're measuring against? What is the the hustle and bustle?

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Not Asel, which is honey, and also the original Sol Sol. Is the

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where you have

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a text in the Quran or Hadith?

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Yeah, on a particular issue.

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Yeah, on a particular issue, you have a text.

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So that issue obviously, is clear. Its ruling comes from the text itself. It has a particular ruling, and it has a text that particular topic.

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So that's called the original. What's the second element or pillar of chaos. And the second element of it is the first alpha, that is the call a branch, that means the new thing that you're dealing with

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is the shoot because the new thing you're dealing with, and Faraj doesn't have a tax. That's why you're going to analogical reasoning to come to a ruling about this particular thing. So the new thing that you're going to deal with must be on the same topic as what the original is. Yeah.

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You can't be dealing, for example, with

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with buying and selling in the original and then apply it to the bad that something issue to do with worship. In the other one, you can't be doing dealing with something to do with criminality, and apply it to the context of just

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a totally separate issue to do with marriage and divorce. So the topic and the subject must be common and not have

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not been

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at odds with each other, the subject must be similar or the same. That's important. And the third thing

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is the

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the ALA is the key for Karis. What is a lemon actually means literally means illness. I think probably the word ill. illness came from Ella from Arabic. Yeah. The illness Yeah. But here, it means the

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the effective cause of why this particular thing? Yeah. Has got this ruling. What is the reason for hammer

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for hammer to be made? Haram? What is this Illa? It's not because it's liquid? It's not because it's yellow in color or red in color or white in color? Is it? The L is because it clouds and affects the mind? That is the ALA?

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What is the reason?

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And that's

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what we. So that's the third pillar of analogical reasoning.

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So because what you want is what you're looking for, what is the ALA in the original text?

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What was the cause? And you must be able to find the same cause in the new situation you're dealing with the a law must be common. That's what's going to link Yeah, the ruling on the the the original which is in the text to the ruling on and simply put drugs, for example,

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of various kinds.

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That's one of the simplest.

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There is nothing about drugs in the Quran and Sunnah. Is that right? Kama is the thing. So all Amma endurace looked at what? When they came across drugs, how we what's the ruling for drugs? There's no direct texts. So what do you have to understand first what the drugs do what the new situation if you don't understand the situation, the new issue that you're dealing with you fail to understand it, then you will make a mistake. So this why knowledge of the present situation or the deal situation you're dealing with. The scholar must have full understanding otherwise they'll miss apply. Yeah, that is the head there

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or effort to come to a conclusion. Yeah. So

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when the drug does the same as what Hummer does, yep. Which is any drug that B fogs the mind, and affects the person's mentally in the same way as Hummer, whether it dampens them down or whether it sends them high, we'll take the same ruling because the Illa The reasoning is the same. And the ruling for Hummer. Yeah. Which is the fourth pillar, is the rule. What is the rule? The ruling for pharma in this scenario of giving you is it is forbidden, therefore, the drugs also become forbidden. And hear this debate now? Which drugs? Which drugs? Because all drugs are not class, the same class other than a B, C, and therefore, there's some debate. Yeah. And some people present

00:35:59 --> 00:36:23

they've come up with the ideas that you can't. And that requires knowledge of the field of drugs. Yeah. Is caffeine a drug? For example? Drinking coffee, etc. No scholar. So far, I've said that, although it's got a little bit of a kick to it, but it doesn't work. You can drink coffee and tea after tea after tea. Right. Doesn't do to you a Hummer would do. Yeah. Alcohol.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:46

in inverted commas. Yeah. But, but they did. The debate can change because you've got high concentration of caffeine, like in some of these Red Bull drinks and others. Yeah, that that might be on the border lines. Yeah. For some it might have crossed the border line for it does. Yeah.

00:36:47 --> 00:37:16

So each drug needs to be assessed. I mean, Yemeni scholars, for example, dealt with a drug, which is clearly a drug. And it caused a lot of problems in Yemen. For the men sitting there eating and chewing on this drug called off. Yeah, famous amongst Yemen. And some of the Yemeni scholars of Islam, admitted Mobis. It's allowed, it was fine. Even some of the scholars used to take sitting in the cafeteria doing coke,

00:37:17 --> 00:37:32

and others when it's been studied, and found out what effects it actually has. Yeah, not quite the level of common, quite clearly. They said, No, it's harder. It's haram, and some sat in the middle series micro.

00:37:33 --> 00:37:44

Yet it's a drug. You see. So I'm trying to show you that it needs analysis. And that's not a topic for today, I'm just showing you how chaos works.

00:37:45 --> 00:37:55

So chaos has to have these key four elements, that is the classical jurisprudence, chaos.

00:37:56 --> 00:38:39

Chaos, it is something which is new, and you're trying to do is to hurt and the best is the heart, actually, as many scholars said of jurisprudence is chaos, because you can link it with something in the text in Hadith, or Quran, Quran or Hadith. So it's the nearest and closest. And then if they have some, what is no text that you can link with? Yeah, so you've come to situations where scholar has to do is they had on general principles of Islam and what how they understand this new situation, etc. Okay. But therefore, the best of his jihad or reasoning for scholars is, we asked where you can find

00:38:41 --> 00:38:46

so the original on the same topic and link it with that

00:38:47 --> 00:38:53

with, with analogical reasoning, do analogy with it, measure it up and link it in that way.

00:38:55 --> 00:39:06

While I'm out allow jurisprudence set in each one of these conditions, some what made the conditions wider. And therefore, when the conditions were

00:39:07 --> 00:39:14

looser with some scholars historically, and presently, it led to problems lead to problems.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:21

And therefore, even in classical times, some scholars didn't like the idea of chaos,

00:39:22 --> 00:39:57

the said is just playing in the wind and just coming up with conclusions which are not there. But everybody had to resort to resort to pay us really in the end, even those who objected to it. Like the likes of Ibn hasm Rahim a whole lot, who objected to it, but he had to resort to it in reality had to come to the conclusion he used more gentle verses of the Quran to come to a similar conclusion about issues. So that is an evidence for coming to legal ruling by us. No doubt

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59


00:40:05 --> 00:40:06

In this regard,

00:40:07 --> 00:40:23

there's a lot of detail but I don't want to go into the full topic of krcl, temporary two or three sessions for you to give you example explain to you. So how does this fit with the Prophets Aslam saying that in the sexual act of each of you is

00:40:24 --> 00:40:26

a charity or reward?

00:40:28 --> 00:41:10

So, here there is no chaos when he makes that statement, there is no analogical reasoning going on. That's a fact. He's telling you. It is a fact that you're getting reward for having a sexual relationship in a halal way. But where why did they say this PRC? Because he says when they are surprised with that he gives the opposite as the example. Now he says now well, you could do it in a haram way. Would they not be singing that? Then he puts it because he went the other way? That's why they call it chaos. Acts. Yeah, the opposite chaos? Yeah. They asked being used in a loose sense here.

00:41:12 --> 00:41:50

Because there's no these four elements of the assets are mentioned and not being applicable applied here. There's some similarity being used here. Yeah. The opposite of halal and haram. Yeah. sexualizing the haram. Yeah. Sin, therefore in Halal reward, that's what the prophesies some is doing doing. So it's not this kind of chaos, which is used by Islamic jurisprudence and scholars of jurisprudence. So chaos to say that by even Roger and tofi is used in a loose manner. So where else do they use it? Because they use it in interpreting

00:41:52 --> 00:41:57

text when we come to interpreting texts that we actually have

00:42:02 --> 00:42:02


00:42:03 --> 00:42:13

one of the ways they look at the the words of the texts, the words of the texts, they say can come the meaning can come to you

00:42:15 --> 00:42:28

what it's saying, what comes immediately, they call it a bottomless Yeah, that the the text makes the ruling clear directly.

00:42:35 --> 00:42:45

So if I give an example of that, when Allah Samantha says in the Quran, Quran or Halal a poem Laila to SIA Mira Rafa, so Elon is equal.

00:42:47 --> 00:42:57

On Nullabor, Sula, calm and Tom Lee Bassam Levon, and it carries on and at the last part of the says, says, What Kulu wash Rabu hatha yoga you know?

00:43:07 --> 00:43:07


00:43:09 --> 00:43:10

male cycle as Saudi

00:43:12 --> 00:43:15

Arabia do, you know, hightail abbiati

00:43:16 --> 00:43:21

title is what the male title up here, the middle five, so my team will say Yama Illa. Line,

00:43:23 --> 00:43:23


00:43:24 --> 00:43:35

Before verse is to do with eating and drinking, you're allowed to do throughout the night and Allah allowed, yet at a later stay allowed the

00:43:37 --> 00:43:46

way with this worse allowance of the marital relationship between husband and wife through the night, till when, till

00:43:47 --> 00:44:30

the the Fajr time when we stop eating and drinking, so time you can say, but the verse also indicates, so a bar to pneus is what comes directly clear from the idea is you're allowed to have your marital relationship and eat and drink all night long to till dawn, till dawn, that's clear from the verse. So that's called a bell rottenness. Then they say the second stage is a shadow rottenness. Yeah, that's not giving the ruling directly, but it's indicated indirectly in the in the very text itself. How the example of that would be

00:44:31 --> 00:44:43

that if you're allowed to do intimate relationship with you with the husband and wife killed Dawn, that means that your fast can start and you're in a state of joke.

00:44:44 --> 00:44:59

Needing, needing a shower, here a bath also, before you pray fajr prayer. Yeah. In other words, it is not a requirement. The Quran Quran is indicating that here in

00:45:00 --> 00:45:20

directly it is not a requirement to be in the state of Walsall to start your first Yeah, that's what that's how the scholars get from this very text that idea now something then it can be silent about Yeah. So, for example

00:45:25 --> 00:45:28

and I want to apply it to this because the silent part comes

00:45:30 --> 00:45:37

in a different is a different example but I just want you to give you direct and indirect how that gets on the text here.

00:45:39 --> 00:45:58

Similarly, the if I give you another example of the direct and indirect you'll see that when the last one says plus L Allah victory income to La Tala mu so as you must ask people of knowledge when you do not know,

00:46:00 --> 00:46:16

the Bara Tumnus the clear order from the higher from the text is telling you that you have to go to people of knowledge when you do not understand and know yourself. Yeah, that's clear versus saying it directly.

00:46:17 --> 00:46:32

However, the IDI is shout out to NUS which is indicated through that Yeah, is that there must be Yeah, there must be present people have knowledge in the community.

00:46:33 --> 00:46:34


00:46:35 --> 00:46:39

Otherwise the diverse cannot be practice. So the indirect

00:46:41 --> 00:46:50

meaning coming from it is that the must be people. It is from the community, some who must, yeah, specialize

00:46:52 --> 00:46:58

in various fields, and in this case in the field of beam so that people can access them.

00:47:00 --> 00:47:23

So that's an indication from the same verse, a requirement for some people thought do I in fact, Dookie? Fie. In other words, yeah, in a corner in a community that somebody must take responsibility to become those specialists that they can ask pastor Lou Adler Vickery In Kuntum, lotta Alamo. That's indirect evasiveness. Now, let me come how does that fit with?

00:47:25 --> 00:47:26

This here

00:47:27 --> 00:47:32

the word chaos is also used loosely.

00:47:33 --> 00:47:36

In a third level of understanding the text.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:49

The third level of understanding a text when the reason for a particular ruling is quite clear and apparent from the language of the ruling.

00:47:50 --> 00:47:50


00:47:51 --> 00:47:55

they call it Delilah to Delilah Thomas, this is all Arabic.

00:47:56 --> 00:48:11

And I don't want to burden you with that but the meaning here is the text comes and the ALA that's why the use the word chaos here as well. The reasoning for a particular thing is clearly apparent

00:48:12 --> 00:48:18

from the text. So if I give you an example when Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran

00:48:23 --> 00:48:37

filata Kula Huma, often about parents fill out the pool Lahoma often wallet and her woman do not say when the parents one or both become old do not even say off to them.

00:48:39 --> 00:48:51

Yeah, that is clear. A bottomless that's clear, quite clear. What about swearing at them insulting them? What about that? Because it's not mentioned in the text.

00:48:53 --> 00:49:11

Now, anybody with any common sense can understand that if you're not allowed to even say off to the parents, then surely swearing and insulting them. Is that the same or worse? It's worse. Yeah, so they call this we asked. Hola.

00:49:13 --> 00:49:31

We ask because you can see the reason is to hurt the parents by saying off so there's even greater reason. Yeah, great cause for upsetting the parents when you start swearing and insulting them or hating them or pushing them around.

00:49:32 --> 00:49:37

Although well I've done her homework late in the Quran actually mentioned pushing the don't push them

00:49:39 --> 00:49:56

or chide them to include so from oath. You can come to the conclusion that to do anything more than that. They say it's rehearsal. Ella, you Yeah, more reason. That thing for being haram, than even saying off.

00:49:58 --> 00:49:59

And that come clear. You don't need to

00:50:00 --> 00:50:20

Discover and find the Illa you don't need to find the original the originals there the original it's indicating that already you don't need to it's the new situation doesn't need you to go around doing is too hard and finding that it's quite apparent already. So they call it Brasil Ola. Another example

00:50:22 --> 00:50:24

is Piazzale Musa where

00:50:26 --> 00:50:37

we ask Allah Musa work which is the the reason is equally that for example, when Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran

00:50:41 --> 00:50:58

in the Lavina yeah Karuna Anwar Lilia term al Goodman in Gulu Nephi. Boo Toony name na Ra, wasa slow Hoon si e Ra, surely those who devour the wealth of the orphans

00:51:01 --> 00:51:02


00:51:03 --> 00:51:04

Yeah, unjustly

00:51:06 --> 00:51:14

vermin they are only devour in the Maya coluna he will do to him now they only devour in their bellies, the fire

00:51:15 --> 00:51:28

and wasa Yes, loneliness ALA, they will soon be burned in the blazing Fire. Yeah, serious warning for those who devour the wealth of the orphan unjustly.

00:51:30 --> 00:51:31

Okay, so

00:51:32 --> 00:51:41

what about taking the wealth of the orphan? Not devouring it? burning it? Throwing it in water? Yeah.

00:51:43 --> 00:52:33

Because devour here doesn't literally mean that you take the notes of the gold and you devour it. It means Yeah, that you you serve those rights. So but it doesn't mention anything about burning the wells. Yeah. So Well, I must say, of course, burning the wealth or throwing it in the water is the same level as devouring it. Yeah, it's pretty obvious from the text a message itself, therefore they call it it's on the same level as devouring is to burn it and to throw it away. And to waste it in that way. That is called Chaos. Al MUSAWAH. Same level of chaos. Now Castle Hola, which was in the case of instead of of swearing at the parent, which was greater, so that was higher level. Worse.

00:52:33 --> 00:52:42

Here. It's the same level. So they call the castle Messiah word. Finally, let me come to. So here chaos is being used in a

00:52:45 --> 00:52:58

sort of, because there's a reasoning there, but not in the technical definition of brass, which I've just mentioned to you. Yeah. So they also used it in something called more formal Maharlika.

00:52:59 --> 00:53:01

They said, Buy or Sell acts

00:53:02 --> 00:53:29

as even Roger Ver tofi said, the in this case, the Prophet saw some using periosteal X or krcl. X, the opposite, giving the opposite to make somebody understand the reasoning. Yeah, by showing that doing it haram is sinful is a sin, if you do it allow his reward. So that's why they use this but really is my formal qualifier in a technical sense.

00:53:31 --> 00:53:32

In other words

00:53:37 --> 00:53:40

if a text says something, here

00:53:43 --> 00:53:44


00:53:45 --> 00:54:21

and puts a condition on something being haram, if the condition goes then that thing is no longer haram. Yeah, that's inherent in the text. So it's Maharlika means is silent from it. But the opposite you can understand. You can understand the opposite. Yeah, that's why it was pretty obvious. They understood this. So when prophesized some presents somebody doing the sexual act in a haram where, yeah, then you can understand clearly from that, if even nothing else is said that to do it in a halal way. Yeah.

00:54:22 --> 00:54:23

Is rewardable

00:54:24 --> 00:54:25

the opposite.

00:54:26 --> 00:54:27

So that's why

00:54:30 --> 00:54:49

it is mentioned by Stephen Rajab as being that is not the classical and the terminal logical chaos is more to do with prophesies than giving an analogy. That's why they used the word chaos, even though he's talking about giving an analogy of it being in a haram manner.

00:54:51 --> 00:54:59

He's not using the sexual act as an analogy. He's using the Haram manner as an analogy because the sexual act itself is not using it metaphorically is he

00:55:00 --> 00:55:16

he's actually saying the huffy cotton, the the real sexual act, if it's done allow between husband and wife, it is rewardable with Agile for believers. And if it's done haram, of course it's sinful.

00:55:17 --> 00:55:21

So that's a long convoluted way for me to

00:55:24 --> 00:55:33

come to explain why. Even Roger my mom goofy said what they said in their context, but to finish with this hadith

00:55:36 --> 00:56:02

province is amazing. Oh, all those things that are poor. Yeah. But they're applicable to the rich as well, if they do the things of vicar, number of neuron doesn't matter who find Angel Mancha. Yeah. And then the sexual act, of course, applies to rich and poor has nothing to do with being rich or poor, is it? Yeah, but it's a beautiful thing he's added at the end which to show, which, which, in fact, the Sahaba shocked about.

00:56:04 --> 00:56:13

They're shocked with it. Because the idea of other religions and especially Christianity, that and Pauline Christianity

00:56:16 --> 00:56:51

looked down upon the sexual act as something filthy and evil and linked with shape on and therefore look down the poles idea was looking down on the woman as the cause of you know, this idea of evil all to do with the sexual act, being so something which is dirty, and yet just the necessity, whereas Islam does not have that idea at all, but sees it as something rewardable Yeah, Subhan Allah bless us and clearly saying it

00:56:52 --> 00:57:04

and allowing it even in the month of fasting, Allah Samantha in the Quran, and mentioning in a metaphoric sense Tonelli birth during those if of allowing the intimacy

00:57:05 --> 00:57:17

between husband and wife, they are your garments, and you are their garments, yeah, that intimate relationship being shown in a metaphoric and beautiful poetic words.

00:57:19 --> 00:57:20

So that's why

00:57:22 --> 00:57:23

finished with

00:57:24 --> 00:58:01

with this hadith, may Allah smart Allah help us to understand to benefit from the understanding of it and to put it into application. May Allah smart Allah makers of those who benefit others from our wealth, whatever he's given us, Glory be to Him Praise be to Him, and also to help others and do good to benefit others, not just in a material sense, but other senses what we've discussed with this hadith, and make us of those also, who do vicar and his remembrance to increase our

00:58:02 --> 00:58:14

linkwithin for our benefits through all these means, obligatory and that which is especially supererogatory, which is what Hadith has been talking about Allama Amin

00:58:15 --> 00:58:19

working with that one, and he'll handle the labor Bill Allah mean any questions please?

00:58:25 --> 00:58:27

necessarily conduct really

00:58:32 --> 00:58:44

need to terminate the question I got. You said there are four levels of chaos. And then you explain the chaos. Allah,

00:58:45 --> 00:58:56

the higher level, then chaos. Massawa? And is the last one what was the last one, which was a posit? Explaining inapposite.

00:58:58 --> 00:59:01

Oh, you're you're you're muted. Dr. Money.

00:59:02 --> 00:59:05

You're muted. I can't hear you.

00:59:07 --> 00:59:24

Sorry. Yeah. Muthu, Malmo, Halifax or they also call it PR cell x times x mean opposite. Okay? No, the first was not four levels of chaos. Okay. Pillars of chaos, right.

00:59:26 --> 00:59:38

They're not four levels of chaos. There's only one chaos. That's the real chaos in a technical sense. Okay. So this is how we are like, understanding the chaos.

00:59:39 --> 00:59:43

I have not really, I've only given you just some.

00:59:46 --> 00:59:59

Like I said, I've only given you a very minimal introduction of chaos. You will understand as I've just given you what the main things are in chaos. Okay. And how the word chaos

01:00:00 --> 01:00:05

As is used in these last three things, in a more, looser sense.

01:00:07 --> 01:00:12

The last three things are still Massawa and Castle, Ola.

01:00:13 --> 01:00:25

Castle AX, and not the actual chaos of jurisprudence, not the technical one, which involves those requires those four pillars. These, those four pillars. So this is just

01:00:26 --> 01:00:40

the the word chaos used loosely because there's an element of comparing going on isn't? Yes, yes. Insulting parents, for example, I gave you the example of a comparison of St. Olaf and also insulting them.

01:00:41 --> 01:01:28

Yes. And in classical Massawa, you said the same level, like you are utilizing the offense about using Yeah, either you're devouring it or you're destroying it. Same thing, storing it is the same thing. And how we, I mean, I could, I'm sorry, I couldn't understand pay acid Massawa is the same level of chaos. How we are explaining this thing, using orphans wealth. Um, I couldn't understand this. Because the text doesn't talk about destroying and burning the wealth. It says devouring it. So the question comes, alright, I'm not going to devour it. I'm going to burn it.

01:01:30 --> 01:01:51

Got it. So burning, it is actually the same level of prohibition. You can get from the text through chaos. Yeah. It has the same level of format. And prohibition. Yeah. Same as devouring it because the orphans are losing their wealth.

01:01:52 --> 01:01:56

You're doing a stills still destroying the wealth through volume?

01:01:57 --> 01:02:10

What do you devour it? So burns, not in the text. And that's why they said they asked because you're measuring it and seeing it's there. It's there. But it needs a little bit of deeper thinking.

01:02:12 --> 01:02:12


01:02:19 --> 01:02:27

Anybody else have a question? I know it was technical today. You you, you haven't learned about VR. So I've just given you some pointers.

01:02:28 --> 01:02:39

As I said, the require at least two or three sessions and hours for me to explain chaos, but at least you got some pillars of it and some ideas with one or two examples I've given.

01:02:43 --> 01:03:02

Again, for the explanation of caste did not know the technicalities, so thank you really increase my knowledge, because I just wanted to ask you if he did the Sahaba, especially the ones directly after the Prophet Salah Salem, past his death, did they actually use chaos? In his absence? Exactly.

01:03:04 --> 01:03:14

Yes, of course. And that's where the scholars learned those scholars who came from the taboo again, got it from the sahaba. Yeah, this is something that's been done.

01:03:18 --> 01:03:33

From the beginning, and people have given scholars are good examples of profits, or some using chaos, even though isn't the direct revelation. And there's some examples in the textbooks under chaos where that's happened. So public service showed the way

01:03:34 --> 01:03:36

of how to do that as well.

01:03:37 --> 01:03:37


01:03:39 --> 01:03:56

why do some people reject chaos land? Very, they don't really I mean, only one or two big scholars did that because because they were afraid of where some scholars became very loose and didn't follow the, the restrictions of,

01:03:57 --> 01:04:15

of the chaos required because you have to be very careful. If they ask brings you you can't do pay us, for example, clear ruling from the Quran and Hadith. And therefore in jurisprudence, law payers will eat bad, there is no chaos any bad because you can't find the Illa.

01:04:16 --> 01:04:31

Allah is the reasoning here and the ALA has to be very precise here like the hammer, forgive the mind. It has to be has to be measurable to an extent and to be specific.

01:04:32 --> 01:04:59

Ibadah EBA is there is the wisdom of EBA. And then there's a big discussion amongst the Alama about the difference between hikma and Illa. There's hikma in Illa, as well, but hikma is much wider and less specific. You can just sell this wisdom here from Allah subhanaw taala Do we understand the full wisdom of Allah smaato Of course we don't. But it Allah is different. So for a badass, there is no chaos. You can't take any bad and

01:05:00 --> 01:05:31

I'm trying to find a law in it because the law is tapped both just to worship. Yeah. The a law of worship is to worship because Allah or you don't say now why is the Why did Allah make for rock as? Yeah, okay, so I can use the reasoning the law for must be this now I can use that a law to apply it so no there's no such thing here Allah made it for and it is somebody asks you why for you say because Allah made it for you understand

01:05:33 --> 01:05:37

when you don't do that with 100 and therefore Hanafi are correctly said

01:05:39 --> 01:05:43

the ALA in Nevada is to abort. Yeah.

01:05:44 --> 01:05:45

Yeah, meaning

01:05:48 --> 01:06:34

the reasoning there's no you can't find the law any better. There's no chaos any better. Yeah. Whereas in Warhammer Allah in, in everyday things that we do. Even with the hammer, we say, well, what's the reasoning behind it? What's the reasoning? This is what we asked for. So sometimes the reasons given in the text or the time scholars have to do is to help to try and draw out the reasoning behind it in Marma lead. Yeah. So 100 fear, for example, says fill a fill Mamilla there's that lead you find try and find the reasoning of the cause? Because he knew that there is no yeah, he bada in Aqeedah in, in the, the, the

01:06:35 --> 01:07:21

the elements of etiquette of behavior, good behavior and, and the the Maluku lube, things of the heart to do with sincerity and things like that. That is what is ordained by Allah subhanaw taala we don't look for analogical reasoning to kind of play elsewhere. Therefore you can't increasingly bad other Ibaadat Yeah. But you can't bring reasoning and bring other events because that would open the door to bring in new the bear that people will come on and say well, the reasoning for that we're less now, for the same reason less increase the increase nowadays is a terrible society. From the same Illa reasoning will make Salah 10 times a day. Yes, that becomes better. That's why there's no

01:07:21 --> 01:07:52

chaos to me, but that is absolutely clear. And this is obviously quite different than the issue of abrogation, which I think you've covered briefly before as well. Yeah, if you have a text which is abrogated, you can't use it in chaos. Okay, because I have already been abrogated of course and ruling rulings abrogated so you can't bring that and say I'm going to use the use that and find a line it no there's another reason

01:07:54 --> 01:07:54


01:07:56 --> 01:08:07

the technical I'm sorry for the most of you but the main point of the hadith is not the technicalities focus on what I said about the the beauty of that hadith

01:08:11 --> 01:08:13

any other questions brothers and sisters

01:08:19 --> 01:08:31

Lo Fi come by Jaco Mala I'm afraid the class is off for a few weeks and probably till well I think it will be killed January now inshallah because I'm away was the time

01:08:33 --> 01:08:36

now till the right till the beginning of January until end of December.

01:08:39 --> 01:08:43

And I needed was as I remember you all in sha Allah

01:08:44 --> 01:08:49

in my aamra May Allah Snotlout may take it an ombre that's accepted

01:08:51 --> 01:08:53

source of forgiveness for me

01:08:55 --> 01:08:58

please remember us in your the last bill

01:09:00 --> 01:09:00


01:09:01 --> 01:09:07

just reminded me actually something would tie on Omron had something

01:09:08 --> 01:09:09

share salmonella older

01:09:11 --> 01:09:19

who's imprisoned by the Saudis still sadly, he wrote a beautiful book on last Saturday on Ron Hajj and

01:09:21 --> 01:09:35

he said something interesting because there's an encouragement from the Prophet SAW Salem in authentic hadith to even after doing the obligatory hydrogen homerun to follow up Tabby oh he said

01:09:36 --> 01:09:46

they no longer will hatch you know follow one with another. So these are all then become supererogatory the bad don't let it become the tower and now I feel extra

01:09:47 --> 01:09:55

Yeah. And interestingly what he said salmonella allow that because he's talking about certain

01:09:56 --> 01:09:59

practicalities and he was saying that

01:10:00 --> 01:10:47

Even though these are a bad hajj and umrah and there's an encouragement in doing just like Victor and the Wafaa and Sunnah, etc even though they're not obligatory, the difference here this side from the normal Victor and the bad of Salah that you can do at home, which is beneficial to you but doesn't benefit others with hajj and umrah again, it's beneficial to you doesn't benefit others, but does a potential of harm to others. Very interesting, beautiful things he said. He says how? Because there is the harm and crowding, this increases there with you doing your third hedge and you're tense Onra which can be less Yeah. And you can actually end up causing harm by the number of people

01:10:47 --> 01:11:08

being a master with pushing and shoving and causing more problems. Yeah. So Danny Says he says so actually, it is better. And he's not the only scholar who said that Chaka we said something similar and others as well. And many scholars objected and couldn't swallow what they said, but I'm inclined to agree with them.

01:11:10 --> 01:11:26

The they said he said and somehow that said it is better to give sadaqa to benefit others from if you've got lots of wealth and you can keep on doing repeated Hajj or Umrah then to do the repeated hajj and umrah.

01:11:30 --> 01:11:43

You see how that fits with what I was saying earlier on? This is contradictory to whatever Rachel tried to say that vicar of Allah is more than actually more virtuous than giving out the Sulaco wealth.

01:11:45 --> 01:12:07

So here's salmonella out there and share Tada we have some other said as well my teacher said the same the same opinion that helping others with your if you're affluent, helping some poor person to my daughter of helping somebody in a hospital building a hospital providing for the the sick etc. Yeah.

01:12:08 --> 01:12:14

That is of greater virtue more reward than actually doing repeated hajj and umrah

01:12:16 --> 01:12:25

that's not to say and then there's what is repeated hajj and umrah you know I'd like to do Omraam doing my probably third or fourth ombre now

01:12:27 --> 01:12:27


01:12:28 --> 01:12:46

I don't want to go into reason for it anyway but but yet to do it sometimes is also okay but they are having the idea of going at having giving the see her not having a go up giving the car to those who repeatedly are doing it every year every year or every two years because they've got so much money

01:12:47 --> 01:13:01

and they could be using it in better ways. Allahu Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala accept their Hajj and Umrah as and I was inshallah when he gives us gives us no feet any more of your time hope you found it interesting.

01:13:04 --> 01:13:04


01:13:06 --> 01:13:11

do have permissions offered to go yes check that out and have a safe trip and inshallah

01:13:12 --> 01:13:13

Lo Fi comm

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