Sajid Ahmed Umar – Moments with the Qur’an #8

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The importance of maintaining family relations during surah, a sign of a culture of kinship, is highlighted. The speakers emphasize the need to maintain family relations for the betterment of others, particularly in regards to gender interactions. The importance of segregation and helping members of the community in achieving their goals is also emphasized. The upcoming month of taqwa is highlighted as a month of fasting, unity, and peace, among other aspects.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone welcome to episode eight moments with the Quran this Ramadan today we go to the opening of Surah Nisa, which Allah subhanho wa Taala says what double la levitas

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Luna v one.

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Two Pamela in the month of taqwa Allah commands us towards taqwa at the opening of surah, Nisa, and he commands us towards an act that will help us gain taqwa. What is this actaea Allah, Allah tells us to maintain our blood relations, maintain the bonds of kinship maintain our family relations. This is a command from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah Subhana Allah brothers and sisters in Islam, how many of us have realized that from the greatest acts of worship is to look after our relationships with our family members, our blood relations? And how many of us have thought panela? How sinful we can be, if we don't, right? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he taught us

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to harbor extensively what Allah subhanho wa Taala means in this ayah and just in case somebody is thinking, well, I maintain you know, the bonds of kinship and I maintain the blood relations by by having a scorecard system if they do then I do and if they don't do that, I don't do no brothers and sisters in Islam. This is not what the is talking about. There's no pettiness in Islam, right the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained that Allah What does he mean here, he means that you proactively maintain the relationship, you go out of your way, and you be in the systems of your, your, your family members who are related to you, who you share blood with, even if they are

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proactively trying to create enmity between you and them, trying to burn the link between you and them, trying to break that link between you and them. Even if they don't do, you have to do it. That is what this is talking about. And this is what taqwa is about to panel and remember, that choir is about building a barrier between us and the hellfire. So Pamela, and from the bricks of this barrier is as maintaining right, the bonds of kinship and the rewards are not specific to the hereafter brothers and sisters in Islam right now, many of us today talk about you know, there's just no butter cane time. There's just there's just no butter cane well, so panela the years are going past

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so quickly. We can't even you know take account of what we've done in these years our money as well we we witness it buying less and less and less and less and less as the weeks go by and the months go by and the years go by. And that's true. As we get closer to the AMA Allah will lift Baraka blessings, right in portions and amounts. However, however, there's an exception, and that's for those who maintain the family relations for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Man, I have a Ubisoft Allah woofie recipe or even Salah woofie edgeley folio surah Hema, then whoever wishes for Baraka and blessings to come in, you know, into the earnings and into their life right into their

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time, then they should maintain family relations that in a llama brothers and sisters in Islam, Who should we be maintaining the bonds of kinship with right, no doubt this proximities in terms of people and us with regards to the relationships and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam highlighted this to us like in for example, in the narration in the Muslim

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in the hadith of Abu Hamza, in which in which he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Mark What are back what ortec what a hawk thumb at the neck for the neck, right? That is your mother and then your father and then your siblings and then those who are next in terms of proximity after your siblings and so on and so forth. Right and in the hadith of Abu huraira Ravi Allah who is in the Sufi and authentic

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narrations. arboviral says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said maxima maxima maxima book I'd like your mother than your mother than your mother than your father and then those who come after them in terms of proximity. So, you know, when it comes to maintaining relationships and looking after blood relations, how does this work? And what who does it apply to very simply and in a summarized way, brothers and sisters in Islam, our blood relations are of two types. The first type are those who we cannot match with regards to this, you know, this type. It's compulsory upon us, according to all the scholars of Islam, to maintain relations with them and maintaining

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relations with them means that we are there in the assistance with our finances and with our physical abilities. If we have excess finances, and they need our help, or if they need our physical assistance, and we are able to assist, then we have to it's compulsory. Okay. Then we have those who we can marry. Alright, they're related to us and we can marry like our cousins. It's important to highlight here Firstly, that whilst we have to maintain relationships with them, in some scenarios, it has to be done within the rules of Islam pertaining to gender interaction I want to highlight this year so nobody takes my words out of contact.

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Right, right, because our cousins, they're not our brothers, and they're not our sisters, right? There has to be segregation. And there's rules that apply in terms of our interaction with them. So this is very important that I highlight this, no one takes this lesson out of context, in terms of those who we can marry, right, we have blood relations with them, and we can marry them, then they are of two types. Firstly, those who are in need of our financial health and physical health, the scholars of Islam say if this is the case, and we have the ability to help them, then the ruling of the first category applies here as well, we have to help them. However, with regards to our cousins

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or our relations that we can marry but they're not in need of our physical health and financial help, then it's not compulsory to help them however, it's beloved to Allah, and highly recommended that we do so. Not forgetting Of course, the rules of gender interactions, brothers and sisters in Islam, the month of Ramadan is a month of taqwa. It's a month of Salah of fasting of patients of the Quran. It's also a month of unity, a month of unity. And it might just be possible that someone is watching this and they've been involved in years of of turbulence with someone who shares a blood relationship with them. Don't let the deal of lead come except that they has been a proactive effort

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for the sake of Allah to reform the relationship and love you all for the sake of Allah until next time, salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

In today’s episode we discuss an important act that we normally forget which can help us gain taqwa, and bring blessings to our wealth and lifespan.
We also discuss the different types of family relations that we have and Islam’s guidance with regards to all.

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