Sajid Ahmed Umar – Provisions for the Hereafter series Part 1 Full Lesson

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of privacy and the Sheree R, as well as fixing behavior in writing to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. They stress the significance of the title for the overall message and encourage viewers to use the forum for future content. They also emphasize the importance of making introductions and fixing behavior in writing to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Juana and he was like me he was a limiter slim and Catherine lamb Dini and by bad luck, Mullah Molina Lama and lantana in the country earlywood Hakeem Allah Medina Maya and found out on the limb Tana, was it an Ironman or MLM? Yeah, Kareem

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rubbish rally Saudi oil, Sara Lee Emery was a military. If only, all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and we seek his assistance and we seek His guidance, and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of our souls and the adverse consequences of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees guidance upon, the man can misguide him, and will serve Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees misguidance upon the man can guide him

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and peace and salutations be upon the final messenger, Muhammad Ali Abdullah Saleh Allahu alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His Messenger, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, to the dental team, to the

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muscles that

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are provisions for the hereafter team, I greet you all with the greetings of peace. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And from the outset, I welcome you to our session which we will officially call

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the first session for our Tuesday session, we titled it an introductory session and that was just a session for us to kick off this particular series and for us to dot the i's and cross the T's with regards to that particular or this particular series. And you know, discuss a little bit about the book and the author and some of the etiquettes for this particular class and just some general advices and thanks, Ollie, Lyle, Hamed and Al Hamdulillah.

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The team has sent out to you all a recording of that introductory session and they have published on the sajit website.

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The notes of one of the students may Allah subhanho wa Taala Bless you all so those notes are there for you to access and have a summary and synopsis pertaining to the last class that we did and inshallah Allah subhanho wa Taala wills

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we will try and ensure that we gather weekly from the students those notes that sort of summarize the class well, and inshallah it will be published as well. But brothers and sisters, none of this means that we should avoid attending the live session, and I want to share with you a hadith in Sahih Muslim reported by Abu hurayrah robiola one which teaches us the importance of attending these live sessions in it he says that also lots of Allahu Allahu wa sallam says much DeMarco monthy Beatty min booty la Italia yet Luna kita La Jolla today rasuna who faema Bina whom Illa nessa literally he was Sakina wash yet whom Rama? What have fet homall Mela ek was that Kira Houma la

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houfy man, he says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that there is no group of people who come together in a house from the houses of Allah, he has Lula keytab Allah to decide the book of Allah or yet they are asuna houfy mabena home and so that they can learn together from the lessons of this book, except that Allah showers them with with with divine gifts. In this hadith we see that Allah showers upon these people four things. The first thing is elat nezzer. Literally he was Sakina accepted. Allah causes contentment to behold this gathering will have fed human melodica and Allah causes angels to surround this gathering. We're

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here to Mirage and Allah causes this gathering to be engulfed in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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was that kind of Humala, human ENDA. And Allah praises this gathering. Allah proudly praises this gathering, to the angels that are with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So four gifts for this gathering. Number one, Allah causes contentment to fall on to this particular gathering, to engulf this gathering. And he causes the angels to surround this gathering this live gathering and Allah subhanho wa Taala causes this gathering to become engulfed in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhanho wa Taala praises this gathering proudly to the angels that are with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, what we must understand brothers and sisters, is that you know whenever you

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are looking for the mercy of Allah

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Go and look for the circles of knowledge. Whenever you're looking for peace and contentment in your life, go and look for the circles of knowledge. Whenever you want a lot to be proud of you and praise you proudly go and look for the circles of knowledge. Whenever you want to sit in a gathering surrounded by angels or you want to be surrounded by angels, go and look for the circles of knowledge Allahu Akbar. This is a mighty Hadith taught to us by the most beloved to Allah, Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that is why I reiterate to you try your level best to attend this Saturday sitting because there's great hair in coming together live I know today we live

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in the age of of Google and YouTube and clouds and you know, sound clouds and so on and so forth. And and everything Alhamdulillah is recorded. I promised you I will attempt to record these sessions. I am attempting to record today's session as well. But even though this should only be there to complement our ability to learn and be close to the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The reality is that whenever the inheritance is being displayed, you and I should want to be in the front lines, not at the back and not doing cover. We want to be in the front lines and just like Salah, you want to be in the front line, and you want to start the Salah with the

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email. So you also want to get to class on time and start the lesson as the teacher starts the lesson Mashallah, as all of you have done today, insha Allah when Allah Hill Hamed So, you know, our love for the inheritance of our beloved sallallahu alayhi wa sallam should push us forward. Now, somebody might say But hold on. The Hadith says, you know, the Hadith speaks about those who come together in a house from the house of Allah. We are not in a Masjid we are, you know, in a virtual classroom. So does do these gifts apply to us? And the answer to that question is yes, ma'am. Show Kenny emember show Kenny, a famous famous scholar, a landed scholar.

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And you know, he's not a scholar from the classical scholars from the early centuries of Islam from the latest centuries of Islam, but a mighty scholar, he was a man Michoacana McCullough here and he he says that this hadith is not specific to those gatherings that happen in the masjid only. They this hadith applies to all circles of knowledge, whether they be in a person's home, or whether they be in the masjid. And he goes on to explain that this statement of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in a house from the houses of Allah is a statement only they are not to exclude any other learning. However, just to exacerbate that the best learnings happen in a Masjid number one, and

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number two, that the norm at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was that these lessons would happen in the masjid. And we know that mystery will never we was established to be the fountain of light, and to be the beacon of light that would spread to the four corners of the globe. So also the loss of Allahu alayhi wa sallam established the masjid not just for Salah, but to address the Ummah, the oma then, and the oma now for you know, we are taking lessons now from the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Many of these teachings happened in his message. So the message is not just a piece of prayer, it's the place that is considered the establishment of

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Islam. And Mr. community, the biggest decisions should happen there.

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People should love to flock their people should love to stay there. So remember show kanniyakumari early, he says that this hadith is only teaching us that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they used to do it they it doesn't teach us that we only benefit from this hadith if the lesson is in the masjid. It just teaches us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to prefer his lessons in the masjid and this is where he would conduct his lessons from.

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And this is also true, or the science known as jurisprudence methodology is known as the concept of Harada Maharaja Hari Hara Maharaja Talib refers to something that exists in Islamic text in a hadith in an ayah. But it doesn't exist there to exclude any other circumstances, it only exists there to highlight that this was the norm of the time. This was the norm of the time. So this hadith applies to us, or applies to those lessons outside of the massage now, our chef happy the whole lush excited Bonanza chiffre. He went on to to add when he explained this hadith that this hadith is also inclusive, also inclusive of the virtual classroom environment, the environment that you and I are

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in right now this virtual classroom environment Alhamdulillah right because in terms of our time

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The norm has become that circles of n can happen at a much wider scale, meaning we can have a circle of knowledge with someone sitting in Australia, someone sitting in South America, someone sitting, you know, in Canada, and someone sitting in South Africa, and we can all be in one class. So it's still a circle of knowledge, but technology has allowed it to be a far bigger and more vast circle of knowledge and that is why when we discuss the introductory session at the beginning, I said it's important that we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala propolis that he will Jelena Allah Hydra her and I had a summit a lady let me lead when a new lead while I'm yaku and I had we praise him subhanho wa

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Taala. Why? Because he has blessed us with this technology that can enable us to be in a circle of knowledge from the comfort of our own homes. If you looked at my latest tweet I spoke about Mashallah, how wonderful the weather in Riyadh has been since yesterday and today, there's a cool breeze not too cold, and you know, there's a light drizzle Alhamdulillah and you know, perhaps this is the last, you know, of that sort of coolish weather, especially for this region, before the dusty, intensive heat of the summer kicks in right now, you can hear my session without any background noise. But very soon you will be listening in brothers and sisters, and you'll be hearing

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my air conditioner in the background, cooling the room that I am in so and hamdulillah I can be in my room you can be in your room, we are all in the comfort of our home. But time Allah it is a blessing from Allah that even though we are so far away, even though we are experiencing great comfort, we can still be in a circle of knowledge, experiencing from the great gifts. Enjoying the fact that our allies is proud of us is praising us imagine if a if a king praised you. Imagine if a president praised you. Imagine if your headmaster at school praised you imagine if you're the chancellor of a university praised you imagine when a father or mother praises you singled you out

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amidst all the siblings in your home, and how special you feel, and how wonderful you feel and how it makes your day. It really makes you happy it puts a smile on your face. And then imagine the King of kings, the Lord of the worlds Allahu Allah subhanho wa Taala Rabbul aalameen, the Lord of the worlds praising you, and being proud of you, and praising you to His angels, the most purest of creation. And that praise is a means of causing shavon to become even more humiliated because she upon Chopin did not want anyone from the son of Adam to be praised. So brothers and sisters, Indeed Allah has chosen us, let us thank Allah. And let us look after the live session attendance also

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brothers and sisters just, you know, move pushing on, I promise to share with you some of the other thoughts that I had during our last session, but time ran out. And I was hoping to present for you all

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some slides about some of the journeys taken by the scholars of Hadith, just to get a hadith. Now, unfortunately, the slides will not have that clarity, or the pictures of the mappings.

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Were not of the guarantee for me to produce the slides, but what I will do is I will get brother or sister back here to upload the pictures to the Google Groups, okay, and you can access the pictures there. But I wanted to just wait I want you to look at it. And when you look at it, I want you to just think about Subhanallah how the scholars of Hadith covered so much ground together the son of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and remember the last session that we had was about, you know, the valuable nature of this and that is more valuable than you know.

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And, you know, a countless number of gold bricks, it is more valuable than that. And, you know, that is that is why we split we spoke about we need to be patient, we need to adjust ourselves, this realm and the masters of this realm is worth it. It is worth it. So these scholars of Hadith, we're covering ground and inshallah have a look at the maps now, just for your information. Some of them would travel the journey of over a month, over one month, just to get one study, just to get one Headey just because they knew that we have had that so and so in this distant land, in this distant land has something from the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam he has something

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valuable. I need to go get it. I need it. I need that in my portfolio. I want to be honored by being a narrator of this hadith. I want to be honored so that I can be in the chain of narrators of this hadith. How are you

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Terrible is it to be in a chain that ends with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allahu Akbar. So they would get on their camels get on the amounts. And, you know, gather the Behzad, you know, the the provisions, this is called sad and mad the provisions for the hereafter. And it's called sad because as we said, Imam

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Ali, he wrote it on a journey. So he had his provisions for his journey, his food, his water, and so on and so forth. And here, he typed this book said that this is the provisions for the hereafter. We are a journey to Allah, we are the journey to the hereafter. And we need also our provisions. And this book really encompasses the provisions than any traveler to Allah subhanho wa Taala needs Allahu Akbar. And that's why we said it's a book of Sierra, but it's a unique book of Sierra. So they, they would, you know, gather the provisions and start the journey. Now remember brothers and sisters, they were living at a time that had no telegrams, no faxes, no emails, no technology, no

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WhatsApp, no telegram, no Facebook messaging, no Google Groups, right? No Google Chat, no, nothing, no Skype, they didn't have all this technology that could connect one person to the other person at the blink of an eye. So they would mount their mount and start traveling to this person. And after a month, or after two months, so after two and a half months, they would get to this person's place. Excited that finally The time has come, I'm going to get this Heidi,

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only to be told that the person passed away. Allahu Akbar,

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Allahu Akbar, only to be told that the person passed away. The carrier of the Hadith has passed away.

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Now, when this person started his journey

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he was told that this person is alive and that's why he got on his journey. But think about it two and a half months, a month. I mean, today one day is too much. How many people do we see in the morning and at night we are praying over their bodies in we are observing select regionals. Right? So they would get to this place after this long travel, tiring travel with sandstorms and the desert heat and the desert cold following the stars navigating the skyline that you know,

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only to be told that this person has passed away. And in some cases the person passed away this week. The person passed away a few days ago. Allahu Akbar, what would you and I do? We'd have our hands on our head. We'd probably be crying, probably be complaining. Probably be you know, blaming everybody else blame the the mount that the camel didn't go fast enough. The weather wasn't good enough. Mr. And this is how we are today. Right? Remember, we were talking about how we blame our teachers. We judge our teachers, you know, they're not good enough for me. They don't crack enough jokes in the lesson. They don't captivate, captivate, you know, make the lesson captivating enough

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and so on and so forth. And but I'm saying brothers and sisters, this is worth it. Right? What would we do if we if we invested so much time just to get one Hadith. Forget a one hour session just to get one Howdy. And we find out that the person passed away will probably come back to our homes and never engage in another journey ever, ever again. But this wasn't the way of the scholars of Hadith, they would praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and make dua that Allah makes them from the people who are raised with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam because a lot looks at our efforts, a lot looks at our intentions where they lie and they were connected to Allah. They lived for Allah, they did for

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Allah, they left for Allah. They spoke for Allah, they remain silent for the sake of Allah. Everything they did was for the sake of Allah. They make the lives a work and endowment. They made the lives of work, they gave their lives to Allah subhanho wa Taala they made their life a life that nobody had control of besides Allah subhanho wa Taala they made it a type of work, so they knew that advice, the best of reorders, and advice the best of protectors are in La la la, you Leo mlmrc Nene and Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala does not let the good of those who do good go to waste does not get the rewards of those who do good become last Subhana Allah May Allah gather us with our scholars

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in Jannah. May Allah give us from the patience that Allah gave them. May Allah inspire us as Allah subhanho wa Taala inspired them, May Allah give us the character, the same character that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave them May Allah accept from us as he accepted from them and in Yoruba land, I mean, so brothers and sisters, I just wanted to share this important point to sort of, you know, cement that which we took in the last session, and inshallah I encourage you to come to these live sessions and listen to the sessions live. May Allah increase our knowledge, I mean, Allah homebirth obtain them.

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Dean, when you're allowed, we asked you to grant us the understanding of religion. And we asked you to teach us the meanings of your core and your bill and I mean, my dear brothers and sisters. With that.

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We will dive into the early matters. The introduction of the book, saddle Merritt. Our program schedule says that we're supposed to have a 15 minute break right now but given

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the exciting stuff that we did have led us in terms of the technical matters, that Allah

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allowed us to face and be patient through a lion Hampton inshallah rewarded us. Allow me to request you all to please bear with me and let us continue insha Allah insha Allah

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just a message to our sister Rubina. I'm not sure if she's if she's here. I noticed that the the session link was set for 60 minutes I'm not sure if the session will expire at 60 minutes or not. If it is going to expire then please drop me a link so I can inform the students

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immediately. Okay, cool. Okay. So our system has just told us that the link will not expire Alhamdulillah we will continue inshallah, I hope you have those healthy sugars with you some dates, or maybe some dark chocolate or something to keep your prefrontal cortex healthy. So, you can follow well, and inshallah we will read the first portion of that and married I will ask, brother he Sham brother, he shall, if he can, bless us by

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reading for us the introduction jazak Allah who,

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okay, Baraka lojack of

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Shabbat May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept your door. So brothers and sisters, for those who have the notes in front of them and I believe the book link has been sent to everybody. We heard from our brother, he Sham Jaffa, happy de la May Allah preserve him in his obedience, I mean, an introduction of the author of the author,

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McCullough, Haile Rahmatullahi, Allah. Now obviously this introduction is a shortened introduction. It's not the original introduction, it's a shortened introduction. And obviously, as we discussed, the introduction was shortened by

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shortened by

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emem Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab

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moratalla Haley. So Allah Subhana Allah. So here we see the author

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starting the book with Bismillah R Rahman Rahim and this was the way of the scholars of the Lucha

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brothers a sham. Could you just switch off your microphone I will kill you.

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By vertical of equal so

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the author starts with Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and this was the way of our scholars Rahmatullah helped him they would start all their works in the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this was the teaching of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this should be our way as well. This should be our way as well, that

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you know, before we start anything we say Bismillah before we do anything, we say Bismillah right. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that the person who does something without saying Bismillah then the thing that they do, is cut is cut, cut from what cut from blessings cut from Baraka and you and I especially in this day and age brothers and sisters, we are yearning for Baraka, we are looking for Baraka, right? We crave Baraka blessings, we crave blessings, blessings in our wealth, blessings in our time, blessings in our activity. So, hello my time runs away from us, so fast nowadays, right? Even our wealth, you know,

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a large denomination of wealth in our pockets hardly lasts us, you know, we just go to a shop or two, and that money has gone and many attempts to penalize that how much we spent already. Right? This is what happens. And this is from the signs of Bama brothers and sisters, this whole concept of blessings being removed

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from this world. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam spoke about this whole concept of you know, yet the power of wisdom and the coming together of time, the coming together of time. And this refers to time losing its blessings. It's not that we will have less than 24 hours in a day.

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Now we will have our 24 hours, but it will feel as if we have only 12 hours. Right? And I'm sure if you've, you know, I've said this before, and I'm going to say to you all again, that you know, going ask your grandparents, for those who have the grandparents alive, may Allah protect them, and preserve them, ask them that, you know, how was time when you were young? Right? Just do that. And you probably find them saying that, you know what, when we were younger, we would plan to do 10 things in a day. And by the horn, we would have finished all 10 things.

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So panela. And how is it today? Today, you and I, we plan to do 10 things? Right? We plan to do 10 things. And

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what happens? They make the event of McRib, and we've only done five, they make the other of McRib. And we've only done five. So Pamela, has anyone experienced this?

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you know, this is and look, as you guys, some are saying all the time, some are saying yes. And most of you are saying all the time, this is what happens. We plan to do 10 things and Muslim is done. And we've only done five. So this is you know, aside from the signs of that coming together of time. So we need Baraka brothers and sisters and from the means of achieving Baraka is by saying Bismillah, before you go into a meeting, even if it's online, say Bismillah before you go into a meeting on the telephone, say Bismillah even before you make a telephone call to anybody say Bismillah perhaps Allah will inspire you to spend less time on the call. But make both parties feel

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as if you spent a longer time on the court along the time in the meeting. And remember I said this class is not

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exclusive to the people working in the demo, but especially for those working in the demo. And that's why my examples will we'll take the path of those activities in the demo. Right? You know, if you if you want to raise some funds, say Bismillah, perhaps you might not hit your target.

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But Allah will put Baraka in the amount that you've raised, that it will give you more than the original target that you know, that you intended to raise. Meaning the output of the little that you received will give you more than the entire amount that you were aiming to raise in the first place. This is Baraka is Baraka from Allah subhanho wa. taala so we must always start with Bismillah before we eat Bismillah when we get into our vehicle Bismillah even when you put in petrol at the gas station, say Bismillah perhaps Allah will bless it and it will give you more mileage, and that will be better for the environment as well. Insha Allah, right, so never, ever forget Bismillah My dear

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brothers and sisters, this was the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and all the greatest people after him. They were people that remained upon his way. And they would say Bismillah so the secret for each and every one of us getting blessings and Baraka in our life is to remember Bismillah and we learned this from the fact that the author amatola highly begins his book by saying Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, and and it can be loosely translated as In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful now

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our rough man in the test Mia and buy or invest mela bus mela Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, in Arabic is known as best Mullah or it has been titled as best mela. So if somebody tells you read the best mela, basically they're telling you to say Say Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. Right so it's called Best manner. And this is how the Arabic language is the Arabic language has the ability to give a noun a name to an entire sentence. So Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is a sentence, but it's given it a name. And that name is Basma. Just like learn how La quwata illa Billah we call it help Allah in the Arabic language this is called how Allah so if somebody says recite the how Allah they mean you should say

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that Hola, La quwata illa Allah. And this is the way that we recognize Allah blessings when we say Lahaina Juana quwata illa Billah. Right, as Allah says in Surah Toluca, when he tells us about the story of the two people, or the story of the two people, or the or rather the story of the two gardens, and there were two people in the story, right, and one person had a garden or two gardens that Allah blessed to be self sustained and blessed with the most amazing produce and aggregate

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Culture and plantations. And a lot placed between these two gardens, a river. And the river would flow through these two gardens at, you know, at the right current, you know, flow through the garden gardens at a current that would allow water to seep out of the river into the gardens, which would water the plantations of the gardens without over flooding the garden.

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And if the river didn't have, you know, a low undercurrent, which would cause

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you know, the river to to to flow at a speed which would not allow water to seep out of the river into the garden. So Allah even gave me the perfect current, right, so that the river would water the garden itself. And this person didn't have to do anything, he would just have to wake up every day and see new fruits and see new flowers and see new trees and so on and so forth. He didn't have to watch it, he didn't have to do anything. Right. So this person, Allah tested him when he became a bit arrogant, and his friend advised him and said it was better for you when you went into your garden to say Masha Allah let her watch a lab in right to say Masha Allah, you know, this garden is

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as a la world, La quwata illa Villa is low power except from Allah. Right? There's no power no mighty except from Allah. And and and and everything that happens to us is from Allah not from ourselves. So this is just a little footnote to what we would call the health parlor La quwata illa Billah.

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So if somebody says recycling How are they telling you to say hello and up with a label and in the books or when you read the books of it and the discussing the event? You find

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the scholars or fifth or some of the scholars have when they get to hyaena salah and halal fella they would say or they would tell me the Hey Allah, the higher Allah. So if you ever reading a book of one day, and you've studied the Arabic language, and you get to this point, and you see the term Hey Allah, you know what the author is talking about? He's talking about here are the salah and halal fella. So this is how amazing the Arabic language is. So we have bas mela we have how Allah we have Hey Allah, and so on and so forth. So Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is known as bas mela in Bismillah. R Rahman Rahim we have a rush man, rush man, and for those who are with me in Dubai, when

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we studied the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala, we delved into this name, and our rush man is,

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is is the expressive form? Or is the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala that exists in the expressive form, the expressive sense that Allah subhanho wa Taala is not just the Most Beneficent, but he's the pet, he is perpetually beneficent, right? So

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given the style and form of the name, we understand a nuance or reality to the actual name of man. So yes, Allah is the Most Beneficent of that there's no one that gives like Allah and gifts like Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah and forgives, like Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we know our situation and how weak we are and how Allah continuously gives us and this is the point to notice continuously. It's not that Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is merciful, sometimes and not merciful at other times Allah subhanho wa Taala is the is the perpetually Merciful One subhanho wa Taala. And this time around man as I was calling to lie to him say, this term entails the all encompassing

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Mercy of Allah, which includes mercy that Allah showers even upon the disbelievers. Right for the fact that they are from the creation of Allah, we know that the disbelievers eat, they drink, they have financial standing, they have material well being, they have children, they have homes and so on and so forth. So, this the enjoyment that they have, or the amenities that they enjoy, rather, this is from the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala is a rush man. But for the believers, those who have accepted the oneness of Allah, they have declared the oneness of Allah and they have accepted the prophecy of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam then for them is a specific Mercy is a special

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mercy and that Mercy is understood from another name of Allah subhanho wa Taala out regime, or Rahim so Allah subhanho wa Taala is a Rahim citing the you know him subhanho wa Taala being the Especially Merciful One meaning Especially Merciful to who to the believing Ummah, of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then we see the author go on to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala in and and send salutations upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a form titled

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tilled hooked, but we'll have you hooked but we'll hedger

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This is the name

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of this particular introduction and you heard me in, you know, introduce today's program with it, the last program with it, and future UVM insha Allah introduce every talk that I do with it, you know, once somebody wrote to me and said, that, you know, when you start your talks, you should start immediately, because when you do the the Arabic hookah and then translate it, it's it's too long, it loses the audience, it loses the audience, now I know where he's coming from. Because I also as a hobby, I like to read the books of leadership and management and so on and so forth. And they discuss these things in better public speaking, and they discuss these things in terms of, you

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know, conducting your meetings better and, and keeping the audience motivated. So I understood where the brother May Allah preserve him who was advising me, may Allah reward him, where he was coming from, he was saying, Chef, you know, your talks are, Mashallah. But just, you know, if you at the beginning, if you could just, you know, get into the talk. So, that captivates the audience more, and I said, Look, barakallahu will carry but for me, personally, I understand where you coming from, just to share with you my point of view, not to belittle you advice, but it is something I've thought of, but in terms of hospital hygiene, this is something which we would say is from the lab,

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in a talk that we do. So, it means from the established matters, in the talks that we do, especially when we talk about religion, why do I say it's from the established matters, because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam began his speeches with this hook back. So there's definitely that fade in it. There's definitely blessings in it and so Pamela ally, brothers and sisters, you know, sometimes we have to travel long distances and and and sometimes we land and we have to go into talks immediately from the airport to the masjid. And you know, you tired, you mentally tired and sometimes,

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you know, when you try and think back about some of the points that you said in the talk, you can't help but feel that it was guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And personally, personally, from a personal experience, when I observed the hospital had to begin my talk with the hospital hedger, any it's like, you know, it's like you go onto autopilot or should we say cruise control? You know, you just in you start basking in the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala, that you started with Bismillah and then you follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what to say, to the letter of the alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah, and

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so on and so forth. You know, whether it's the long form of the hookah, or the shortened form of the hotbar, but being true to the Sunnah of the Prophet because remember, brothers and sisters Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he came and taught us this entire deed. Right? And this Deen was taught to us with him salallahu alayhi wa sallam starting his speeches with this quota. So there's definitely hate in it. And we must consolidate from the established matters. Yes, we benefit from the books of leadership and development, and so on and so forth. But we take the good. And we also ensure that we look after the good that the Sharia has taught us, and the Sharia, obviously,

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the teachings of the Sharia has come to us from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this is just a personal experience that I'm sharing with you. That's Pamela, you know, the tiredness goes when you when you say this, whatever, and you feel, you know that you are being guided in your speech, when you observe this quarterback, and MLB, blah, blah here, and he he begins his book with this hotbar as well. And as you can see, the book is amazing when you land him, and this wasn't just his way, this was the way of the NBA, and he was Salatu was Salam. And then the author goes on to build this particular introduction upon an idea in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that is

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the ayah in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says, a lot of buka leukemia.

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Right? So basically, the author has built his introduction upon this ayah Allahu Akbar. And this is, you know, you can't help but feel that he was being inspired by Allah subhanho wa Taala how many I had in the Quran, but he chooses to open this book and perhaps maybe he was inspired in his journey, looking at, you know, the day and the night and the stars and the sun and the moon and the different temperatures perhaps, you know, in a journey, you you have

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time to ponder, you know, it's called, I'm sure some of our sisters will relate to this term that it's therapeutic. Right? Right. Some sisters, they they they they have the they require the sterile pubic moment and and it shouldn't just be for the sisters. It should be for the brothers as well. Right? These therapeutic moments when you're doing something you might be washing the dishes, or ironing the clothes or cooking a meal and you have that

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Silence around you. And the reason why I say it is because obviously I've heard this from the sisters that at this particular juncture that Subhanallah You know, it might be a system idea is saying, well when I'm writing, so you have these therapeutic moments, where you just, you know, your mind goes into a deep state of consciousness and you start appreciating things that you would not appreciate normally or you would fail to recognize normally. So perhaps the Imam Rahmatullah here and he was, you know, having these therapeutic moments on top of his mount and, you know, he decides to, he's inspired to open his book with this area, or a bouquet of leukemia, de mer, Canada, home

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Akira, and amazing Aya, and amazing iron, as you can see, this particular ayah is in Surah

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Surah number 28 number 68. And I prefer to say surah. And

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because the Arabic indication from these two terms, is far vast and far greater than what you would understand when you use the term verse or chapter. So for those who are not familiar with the Arabic language, when I say surah, I mean chapter when I say verse, I mean, when I say I, I mean verse, but I prefer to use the Arabic term term or terminologies, because the the indications and linguistic indications are far more robust, far more,

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you know, are far more deeper than what we would understand from the English text. Brothers and sisters, sometimes you might see me speaking but sidetracking, as as I speak, it's not because I'm not paying attention to you, per se. But it's because obviously, this is a live classroom, I look at some of the messages that you are sending to me both publicly and privately. And just to keep the flow of the class, I keep the chain of thought going, I try to but I might slow down in speech, when I do so, just understand that some messages have come across and I am looking at them. And this is especially for those listening to the recordings because normally a normal lecture will have a far

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more fluid flow, but this is a classroom environment, even though you cannot hear the students and even though I cannot hear y'all I can definitely see you all see your names and see your your messages. May Allah bless you all love, you are all kinds of people. And we almost get us in general together. I mean, your blood I mean, so the Imam

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Ali, he goes on to say, or goes on to after his introduction to cite this area, or bucola Kumar.

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And brothers and sisters, this is a mighty way to start off your introduction. And let's not forget this is the introduction, this is not the crux of the book, this is the introduction to the book and the introduction has to be mighty any introduction to any book, especially for those who are writers here, it has to be a mighty introduction. Because, you know, sadly, first impressions are the last impressions, that's the norm of the society that we live in, we are very, we have become impatient human beings, we are quick to judge as the people we are quick to hold them to account for a mistake here or there. And and sort of judge the abilities based on the the weak points, rather than the

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strong points, right. So you know, we tend to have these weaknesses and these are these are definitely weaknesses. It's not the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to behave in this manner. So we must fix ourselves no doubt. But coming back to the original point, the introduction has to be good. Because if the introduction fails, then that sort of kills the, the motivation of the reader to complete the rest of the book, and then move to LA LA here is writing a book which is five to six volumes long. So definitely the introduction has to be mightily worthy. And indeed he did. He did start his book in a mighty way, citing this idea and building his

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introduction upon this idea. Now, my dear brothers and sisters, in the translation that our brother he Sham heavy the whole law, may Allah preserve him

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recited and by the way, brother, he Sham is is is a blessing young lad Mashallah. And from

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you know, one of my closest students and one of the people that I love for the sake of Allah,

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to you know, please excuse the technical issues that happened he is in charge of this classroom and I have thrown it on him Mashallah. Because I believe people that have potential, we should open for them the opportunity for being responsible. And for me, it's a great honor that he makes mistakes while I'm alive so I can be honored to correct him And may Allah preserve my life and preserve your life and in his obedience. So hello.

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Thailand not caused us to pass or suddenly. But my aim is to allow him to make mistakes he is young and upcoming is only a teenager Mashallah Believe it or not. But my intention is to allow him to make those mistakes while I am alive, so I can let this be privileged to correct him, perhaps after I pass away, he will be a sadhaka to Jerry, for me. I mean, they are behind me. So, brother, he shall have the whole law. He in his introduction, obviously his reading from the translation that that you all have, and the translation has basically kept the, the the most correct translation of the audio for you. Or if you look at the translation very carefully, it's translated as Allah

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subhanho wa Taala creates what he wants, and Allah chooses. Right. So this is how the translation has come across. And this is the correct translation, my dear brothers and sisters, because we have some

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people who have explained this ayah with the wrong understanding. And they basically said, well, La Jolla leukemia shut down. This refers to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Created creating what Allah wants to create, and a lot chooses what he wants to create. So in this ayah, which is translated as a law chooses,

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they would explain it or they explain it as Allah is the one who chooses what he creates. Now, there's a problem in this translation. Why? Because

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in terms of meaning, it's correct. Indeed, a law chooses what he creates, and Allah creates what He wills. There's no problem with that. But when we translate the ayah, this way, if we say, the ayah means Allah creates, and Allah chooses what he creates. While this is true, we haven't given the ayah all of its meaning. Okay, so the ayah is not saying and that's what I'm saying, I'm highlighting that it has been translated correctly for you or we have others that Miss

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translated the eye, right, they said, they said, the ayah means Allah creates and chooses what he creates, there is no problem in the statement, but but it is an incorrect explanation of the ayah rather, rather, the correct translation is a mark creates, and Allah gives a rank and honor and precedence to certain parts of his creation over other parts. That is the complete meaning of the

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meaning Allah creates a nobody has a say in what he creates, and it is also Allah who gives rank and nobody has a say in who Allah gives rank to. This is the correct translation of the ayah. So this Arabic word,

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or this verb, which refers to a lot choosing it the verb, yes, it does mean a lot chooses what he creates, but it also means a lot chooses who he wishes to give rank to. Who He gives who Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses to give rise to and this is the reality My dear brothers and sisters, and perhaps the Imam Rahmatullah, he really was, you know, having that Eman boost, looking at the creation of Allah, and understanding the Lordship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And how Allah is complete in his rubia in his lordship, complete in his oluwo here, in terms of our being the only one worthy of worship, complete in his names and attributes, in terms of nobody else has the ability

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to enjoy any portion of the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala he created the skies, and look how perfect the skies are, he created the clouds, and look how the clouds shower. You know, its fruits at different places and not at one place. He created the stars, and some of them Twinkle, twinkle brightly than others, he created the moon. And the moon has these different stages, he created the mountains, but he also created flat land, and some mountains have been given a recognition that other mountains haven't been given. And this you know, when you ponder over the steps of Pamela, as the man is on this journey, having these therapeutic moments This is what he's

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thinking about that how amazing is the Lordship of Allah subhana wa he created this and no one could see why did you create it this way? And why didn't you create it that way? So Pamela so you know, perhaps is looking at at the sky and remembering this I Americana humble era. Nobody had a say in what Allah created. Nobody had a say in what Allah chose and in who Allah gave rank to and who Allah gave honor to all this points to the completeness of the Lordship of Allah, the completeness of his of his own

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He and the unity of his worship and the complete list of his amazing names and attributes Subhana who Allah May Allah allow us to see his face, in gender and in Yoruba Halloween. So this is an amazing eye and I want you to live the journey of the amendment. That's why I'm taking time to express a little bit of, you know,

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what possibly the Imam could be thinking about when he chose to put this ayah because this ayah is amazing and when we ponder over these things, brothers and sisters, then and ponder over the creation of Allah and ponder over how Allah has has distributed you know, wealth amongst people, distributed health amongst people, and how Allah chooses and so on and so forth. You know, it we cannot help we cannot help but feeling or and we cannot help but you know, feel our Eman grow and feel love for Allah subhanho wa Taala and feel the need to to praise Allah and feel the need to worship Allah and feel the need to read the Quran and feel the need to to leave sin and so on and so

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forth. And indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala praises those who ponder over the creation in the hope is similar to you will work the left lady WHAT THE * YEAH t li li Al Bab. Allah says, indeed, in the creation of the skies and the earth was the last lady when the heart and in the differences of the day and night yet are signs, signs of Allah existing signs of Allah being the only one worthy of worship for who we are Allah leoline Al Bab, the people of understanding May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us those people of understanding. I mean, you are blind Levine has Allahu Allah wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad or Allah and he was a big money.

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Rahim Allah horrible alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira Inyo Medina

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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Welcome back brothers and sisters to our part two of today's session I hope you had

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a blessed short break just before the break of hamdulillah. We were discussing this idea in the book of Allah that Allah Allah used to open his introduction and that is hola hola hola como Yasha. And the correct translation of this ayah is that Indeed Allah chooses what he creates subhanho wa Taala and chooses

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certain parts of his creation to give rank and honor and precedence to over others Indeed, it is all Allah subhanho wa Taala and no one no one has a hand in this and to understand this, my dear brothers and sisters, then look at the seven skies that Allah subhanho wa Taala created for Indeed, he supetar who created the seven skies and the particles and and material makeup of the skies are the same. But even though they are the same, a lot chose a special rank. He chose a special precedence he chose a special place for which sky, the highest sky, the seventh sky, and he chose for that sky to be closer to his angels and he chose for that sky to be closer to his outteridge

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subhanho wa Taala and like this, Allah subhanho wa Taala created the seven heavens and Allah subhanho wa Taala as he created the seven heavens he chose a special placement for the highest place of gender. And for those ultra docile Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from the highest agenda known as well for those that are that he gave this gender, especial rank he gave this gender a special precedence. He gave this gender a special honor and Allah subhanho wa Taala chose this gender for the best of people and he chose for the roof of this gender to be his Allah subhanho wa Taala and in the sooner we find the Hadith which teaches us that Allah subhanho wa Taala planted the

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plantations of this gentleman with his hands subhanho wa Taala so Allah subhana wa tada created the heavens, and he chose gender to fulfill those to have a more special presence. Then the other paradises that Allah subhanho wa Taala created and just like this, my dear brothers and sisters, Allah subhanho wa Taala created the angels, and he created the angels but gave a special rank and a special precedence to three angels. He gave rank to his Seraphim and he gave rank to Mika eel and he gave grant to gibreel and he

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started to a Salam. Allah subhanho wa tada creative Dominica 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of angels angels that you and I don't know of angels that we know of

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But in terms of rank in terms of mentioned in terms of praise Allah subhanho wa Taala has listed these three angels to enjoy a special honor and a special precedence. We know in the night prayer of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his head. He would open his salon by saying Allahumma jabril vomica in our field, as we find in the Hadith in Sahih, Muslim Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would open his life prayer by saying, Oh Allah, the Lord of jabril, and Mika, he and his Seraphim. So here Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been taught by Allah to open his Salah with this particular dryer, and in this door, I see angels I mentioned out of the 1000s and 1000s

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and 1000s of angels, three angels I mentioned. So Allah has created these angels, but he's given a special rank two three has given rank to the angel known as gibreel, Annie salam, the angel that that was given the task of bringing life to the hearts of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. For he was entrusted with revelation and revelation gives spiritual life to the spiritually dead. And then we have Mika Eve, Mika is the angel who has given the task of giving physical life to people in the sense that Allah made me cut you in charge of rain and rain is the means of life on earth. And indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What do you mean an equal shake in height that Allah

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subhanho wa Taala says that indeed, we have made everything alive from water, or we have made water the foundation of everything that is alive, and this angel Mikael, Allah He Salam is responsible for rain, that rain which falls onto a barren land by the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala and gives life to this land gives life to this dead land. So we have the Quran, giving life to a dead heart, and we have the rain giving life to get land and it's sort of two headed a recipient who says that he was gentle Allah.

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He says Hannah Who? Tada

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Dasha, Pooh bah homely decree la salamina Allah subhanho wa Taala says has the title of come for the believers to have hearts that are filled with Russia, this fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala with knowledge of Allah, because this is the meaning of Russia. Russia does not mean fear. hosts in the Arabic language means fear

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refers to fear, with knowledge, with knowledge and that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Nima yaksha la mina event, the heat map, that indeed the true people who have question as a llama, because they are the people of knowledge. So CATIA, is this fear coupled with knowledge where you know who you fearing, you understand who you fearing, and you know the punishment of the of Allah subhanho wa Taala if you disobey and you know the evidences about that punishment, and you know the price for those who obey and you know, the evidences for those prizes. This is a higher level of submission to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says, has a

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title not come for the believers to have hearts filled with Harsha Why? Because of this revelation, because of that which gibreel was sent with to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has a time not come for the hearts to experience this Crusher, especially when gibreel has come with that which gives life to a dead heart, give spiritual life to a dead heart. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What are you kulu Kadena

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further and he will suffer such kulu work as a woman who fancy Allah subhanho wa Taala says and do not be like the people have before they went away from this message that gives life to the dead heart. So thus they became a victim of time they became attached to the dunya they left obedience to Allah. And most of them became sinners, and were considered sinful people. Right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us in this ayah that revelation gives life to the heart and that's why jabril was dubbed as the angel who brings spiritual life because he was interested with

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with revelation that brings life to a dead heart. After that, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and no Mo

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Mo to Allah subhanho wa Taala after this is as a know that a lot gives life to the dead, gives life to dead land, that Allah revives land after it was dead was who

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Through who Allah has interested, Mika, Allah, his Salah, to bring life to this dead land How? By giving Mita the responsibility and giving him the ability to bring rain.

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So in Surah, to Heidi to Pamela, we see Allah subhanho wa Taala influencing and referencing

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jabril Allah His Salam and Mika Isla de Sala that in the first ayah there's a discussion pertaining to that which gibreel Ali Salam has been entrusted with.

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And in the next ayah this reference to that which Mikaela Holly Sarah has been entrusted with some haloperidol How amazing is the Quran? And how amazing is this Deen? And look how well connected all the parts of the Sharia when we look at the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and then we look at the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Quran, so Allah created 1000s of angels, but Allah subhanho wa Taala single, these three angels and out of these three angels, even though they enjoyed this rank and this precedence and this honor, we see Allah subhanho wa Taala giving a special precedence, a special rank to gibreel Allah, his Salah, interesting jabril Allah He Salam

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with the most important of tasks, and that is revelation, interesting gibreel alayhi salam with the process of visiting the most important from the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is the messengers of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So Allah subhanho wa Taala created the angels and he gave a precedence to three from his angels and a special rank. And indeed with this we understand what La Jolla Luca that Allah creates what he wants, and he raises in rank who he wants subhanho wa Taala and nobody has a Satan the matter. And just like this, my dear brothers and sisters, then look at you and I as the children of Adam and his Salaam and notice that yes, as Basha, as the children of

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Adam and his Salaam, we sit, we share the same entities, we all have hearts, and we have minds and we have souls, and we have a neffs and we have,

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you know, eyes and a nose and a mouth and, and lungs and blood and we need to eat and we have the same weaknesses and we have the same desires. We are all the children of Adam and Eve He said, But even though our makeup is the same, Allah subhanho wa Taala has given special precedence and special rank to certain parts. From the children of Adam over others, he's given a special precedence and honor to some of the children of Adam and Eve he sent him over others this note how Allah raised his prophets

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in rank over the rest of the children of Adam it his salam, and Allah subhanho wa Taala as taught to us by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent 124 profits 120 sorry 124,000 prophets, Allah subhanho wa Taala raised the rank of 124,000 people from the children of Adam alayhis salatu wa sallam 124,000 prophets did, Allah subhanho wa Taala said, and from these prophets, Allah subhanho wa Taala chose his messengers and gave them a rank which was different to the ranks of the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he chose messengers from them, those that we know as gruesel the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala and as Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us in the

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hadith of a Buddha.

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That Allah subhanho wa Taala chose 313 messengers, Allah subhanho wa Taala said 330 messages, so Allah raised in rank 124,000 Those were his MBA at Hema, salat wa salam, the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala,

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313 313 and give them a rank that Allah subhanho wa Taala didn't give to others and titled these.

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These individuals messengers, now somebody might ask and say, is there a difference between a messenger and a prophet? Or is it the same thing? Is it the same thing? Well, brothers and sisters, I was called as Rahmatullahi Allah him, they have discussed this, they have discussed this and they have formulated several views regarding prophets and messengers is a prophet a messenger is a messenger of Prophet are they both the same? Are these just two words for one thing, or are they two words for two different things? They've discussed it in the past Rahmatullah. Hear it him.

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We have several views from them, or those scholars who say, there's no difference between an abbey. And there's no difference between our soul. And they're both the same thing. We can call a newbie, a newbie, and we can call him or a suit. And we can call her a soul and Abby and corner of soul or a soul, as well. So there's no difference here, there are two words referring to the same thing. And we have a second group of scholars who say that, and maybe you have similar meanings to that. And that'd be a prophet of Allah is more specific than a messenger. So every messenger is a prophet, and not every prophet is a messenger. And then we have the third view of the scholars which says, Are

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Rasulullah, ha, Sumit and nebby, that a messenger is more specific than a prophet. The third one is, every messenger is a prophet, and not every prophet is a messenger, right? So just these are two opposing views. So let me repeat that for you. The first view says that there is no difference between the term nebby and the term also, every prophet is a messenger and every messenger is a prophet, they just two names for one individual that Allah has chosen. The second view of the scholar say, Now, this cannot be true. What we understand is that the term levy is more specific. And the term Rahul is more general, which means every household is a profit. And not every profit is

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our soul or a messenger. So every messenger is a profit, but not every profit is a messenger. The third view is the total opposite. They say, No, the profit is the general term. The messenger is the specific term, which means every messenger was a prophet, and not every prophet was a messenger. So what's the correct view? What is the correct view? In my humble view, and this is the view of our chef chef side, and a chef every level law. The correct view is that a Rasool assuming and nabby so the correct view is the third view. The correct view is that every messenger is a prophet, but not every prophet is a messenger. This is the correct view. Perhaps brother he Sham can type it in the

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box. Every messenger is a prophet, but not every prophet is a messenger. This is the correct view. And Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah knows best now. What is the view of the first group of scholars? Surely, what is the evidence sorry, for the first group of scholars, surely, the first group of scholars who have said that there's no difference between the terminologies then surely they must have evidence and the reality is yes, they do have evidence and that is where Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah, two hedger is number 52. Out of Sedona, in public school in Atlanta begin Illa. Allah, Allah shavon fi or miyetti. So Allah says that we have not sent before you,

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Rasool or an AVI.

01:08:13 --> 01:08:17

Right, except that when we revealed to

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this particular person, that could be a rhassoul, or an AVI Chapin tried to pollute that revelation with his whispers.

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Okay, so what's the point to note here, they say, look, you know, a lot of the times or the main argument with regards to those who differentiate between a lawsuit and Nabhi, they say are truly someone who Allah revealed the Book to, and an FBX is someone who Allah subhanho wa Taala did not reveal a book to write so so those who say there's a difference between the lawsuit and nebby, they say, our as soon as someone who Allah gave a book to like the Quran, like the Torah, like the engine, so if Allah revealed to a prophet, this prophet becomes a messenger. And if Allah didn't reveal to this prophet, then he remains a prophet and he does not become a messenger. So the

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scholars of this particular group, that say there's a clear differentiation, these scholars say, these scholars say that, in this particular ayah, Allah doesn't separate between a Rasulullah nebby. Allah says, In Isaiah 52, warmer out of Seoul Nam in public that we have not sent before you, oh, Mohammed, mira school, a messenger while and a B or a prophet, except that when we revealed to him

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so they say, look, I was kinda who Adana here is telling us that Allah reveals to prophets, and Allah reveals two messengers, a lot of us to a Nabhi and Allah reveals to us All

01:09:56 --> 01:09:58

right, so

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Basically, we understand from this here, that there's no difference and it's incorrect for anyone to say. It's incorrect for anyone to say that. A messenger is someone who Allah reveals to and comes with revelation. And a prophet is someone who Allah didn't reveal to they say this ayah cancels out that understanding. So our view is that there is no difference between the Navy and the messenger. Okay? What's the evidence for the scholars of the third view? And we said, this is the correct view, that every messenger is a prophet, and not every prophet is a messenger. Well, firstly, they say that if you know linguistically, linguistically, the term nebby, the term nebby comes from nabba

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which means that Annette B carries the meaning of informant

01:10:52 --> 01:11:06

okay informant. And the term levy linguistically also comes from a new Buddha and the Buddha and, and the Buddha refers to this concept of

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being raised in rank as prophets are, they are raised in rankle hamdulillah. And having a platform different to us, right? Just like a king, a king has a platform known as a throne. Nobody has the platform. So the Buddha has two linguistic meanings to linguistic meanings. The first meaning of nebbia nebby refers to informing someone of something, or being an informant, linguistically, and nebby. The second linguistic meaning refers to having a podium that other people don't have. So this is the linguistic meaning of nebby. However, also linguistically refers to messenger.

01:11:51 --> 01:12:11

So if they are wanting the same thing, how come their linguistic meanings are different? And we know that the Sheree R is built upon the Arabic language? Right? If they were wondering the same thing? Why would Allah subhanho wa Taala give them two names, which have totally different meanings, right?

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Or meanings that definitely have a clear difference between them. So what's clear brothers and sisters is that the difference of opinion between the scholars is founded upon also the difference of meaning between the two terms in the Arabic language. So this is one of the views of the scholars Rahmatullah him.

01:12:32 --> 01:12:33


01:12:34 --> 01:12:56

in terms of further explaining the difference, and, and and further offering evidence that there is definitely a difference between the two terms is that Allah subhanho wa Taala in the same surah, and in the same ayah, Allah says, warmer autosol namun publika Mira Sol wannabe.

01:12:58 --> 01:13:35

So the scholars of the third view, they use the evidence of the scholars of the first view against them. They say, look, Allah in this ayah Allah mentions Rasool and levy. And the principle of the Quran is that there's nothing excess to requirement in the Quran. If Allah mentions two things, then there's two specific meanings. If the meaning was the same, Allah subhanho wa Taala would just mentioned Rasool or he would just mention nebby, Allah subhanho wa Taala would not say, Min rasulillah Alana Bian

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Allah subhanho wa Taala would not mention both terminologies when there's no need to mention the second terminology if the meaning is understood from the first because the Quran is the book of excellence, and the Quran is the book of eloquence. Right? So how can it be that you know Allah subhanho wa Taala is referring to one thing and we know that from the principles of the Quran, there's nothing extra to requirement. And here Allah places something extra to requirement. Right? So they say the fact that Allah mentioned nebby. And rhassoul means that there is a difference between the two individuals, there's a difference between a levy, and there's a difference between a

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rustle there's also a linguistic view here. And that boils down to the grammatical understanding of the letter while in the Arabic language but I'm not going to dive into that with you all Why? Because

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already, we're discussing something slightly technical and I don't want to take the scope of discussion too far outside your remit of understanding this is an English audience will have But the main point you need to understand is this that from the principles in the Quran, Allah doesn't mention anything extra to requirement and this is true, even understood, even in the stories of the Quran. If we look at the Quranic stories, we don't see Allah subhanho wa Taala telling us every single detail of the story, like in Surah, Yusuf Ali

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I didn't tell us the name of the minister's wife. Because there was no need for us to know her name. If there was benefit in it, Allah would have told us, right? So there's nothing. For example, in Surah Yusuf as well, many people say, why doesn't Allah speak about the mother of Yusuf Alayhi? Salat? Doesn't a mother love her son more than a father?

01:15:22 --> 01:15:31

But Allah mentions iacobelli Salim. Allah doesn't mention the method of use of Allah He said, and the answer to the question is the same. That for the purpose

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or the purpose that the surah

01:15:38 --> 01:16:07

serve to cover when Allah revealed it, given the circumstances why Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed it, what the purpose was accomplished in how Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed it, if the purpose was not accomplished, Allah subhanho wa Taala would have mentioned the method of use of Allah is set up. Right? Because we know at the end, Allah subhanho wa Taala discusses use of Allah He Salaam, raising his his his two parents, meaning his mother and his father, and the scholars of the Sierra have different in terms of who,

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you know, the mother was, was it his original mother? Was it a mother that he married after and so on and so forth. But as I said, Allah didn't give us specifics. The scholars of Tafseer have tried to explain, but the fact that Allah didn't give us this teaches us that from the principles of the Quran, is that anything extra to requirement Allah doesn't mention it in the Quran, and that is why the Quran is the best book and that is why no one will be able to produce anything like the Quran. So the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala here in this ayah, and in this surah, right, I am number 52. In surah, Al Hajj, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions nebby and rhassoul. This teaches us that

01:16:48 --> 01:16:57

there is a difference between the two. So this is the second evidence offered by the scholars who say that every messenger is a prophet, and not every prophet is

01:16:58 --> 01:17:02

a messenger. So what is the real difference between the two?

01:17:03 --> 01:17:41

How can we explain it? We've just understood that revelation goes to the Navy, as well as we've understood in in this area. So is it correct to say a messenger is someone who was given a book and a prophet is someone who wasn't given a book? Well, based on this idea, we would say that is not a precise explanation. So what is the precise explanation? The precise explanation and Allah knows best and and this is the explanation shared to us by our chefs on how to share with Allah. He says that the correct explanation in terms of citing the difference between a prophet and the messenger is that

01:17:45 --> 01:17:46

a messenger

01:17:47 --> 01:17:50

is one who assent to a people

01:17:52 --> 01:17:59

that went astray, and went against the revelation that was given to them.

01:18:00 --> 01:18:01

A messenger

01:18:02 --> 01:18:09

is a prophet that was sent to a people that went against

01:18:11 --> 01:18:27

what Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed to them via a previous prophet. Right? So guidance was given to them. And they went against that guidance. And now a messenger went to them, to bring them back to the straight path.

01:18:29 --> 01:18:34

So this teaches us that these people were messengers before Allah revealed to them.

01:18:35 --> 01:18:38

They were messengers before Allah gave them a book.

01:18:41 --> 01:18:51

Right? As long as they were sent to a people who went off the straight path of the teachings of what was revealed to them, then these people were messengers,

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even if a book was not revealed to them yet.

01:18:57 --> 01:19:05

Right? And we understand this from the Quran, right? As Allah says in his Quran, innersole Arabic, right? When Allah is telling us

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the statement of those that were sent to a people that we are messengers from your Lord, which means these people knew that they had the Lord and guidance came to them before, but they went off the guidance.

01:19:22 --> 01:19:28

Now, as for a prophet, then a prophet is someone who Allah revealed to

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him However, this prophet was not commanded to convey the revelation

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number one, and number two, this prophet was commanded to convey, but not to a people that went against the message of the previous revelation, but rather conveyed to a people who are upon guidance. So pay attention to the explanation of who he is.

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nlb is one of two explanations. The first explanation is, we call him an OB.

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We call him an OB, if Allah revealed to him, but didn't command him to convey the message. So he had revelation, because we've established that Allah has revealed to both prophets and both messengers, right?

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But a levy, someone who Allah revealed to, but didn't commanded to convey. This is an Abbe, or Allah commanded him to convey. But the people he was conveying to were people who were upon guidance already. were people who are upon guidance already. Now, who can give me an example of a levy based on what I have said.

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Does anyone have an idea of who we can call a levy?

01:20:54 --> 01:21:46

Based on especially the second explanation, that you know, he's an OB who, who revealed to people who are already a who Allah revealed to but Allah, but he was sent to people who already upon guidance, Adam and he said, I'm Weldon, Mohammed Adam, and he said up, Adam alayhis salam is an IV is an OB, he was an OB before Hawaii and he has salah and he was an OB after Hawaii Salah. So, you know, this could be a quiz, by the way, right? Who was a Navy to a twice, right who became an nlb two times, right and a B twice is Adam and his center for Adam and Eve. His cellar was a nebby before Hawa because after Adam was created, there was no one but he was an AVI because Allah

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revealed to him Allah spoke to Adam and he said him. Right. And he was also an abbey after Hawaii and he Salah because Allah revealed to him, but however was from the guided what Allah has helped. Right and the children of Adam alayhis salam was from the guided as well, right when he led him. So Adam alayhis salam was amidst a people who are upon guidance. So Adam, Allah, He said on fits this description, or both descriptions, rather, the one who Allah revealed to, but didn't command him to convey, like the case of Adam before the creation of Hawa, alayhis salam, as well as the one who Allah review to and commanded him to convey to a people who are guided already, like the case of

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Adam alayhis salam prompted the creation of however, Allah has Salim and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows, best knows best. And unless the evidence brothers and sisters,

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that teaches us that there is a difference between our azulon and Abby, is the first statement that I shared with you when I told you that Allah creates and Allah chooses, right? Because in the hadith of a Buddha, probably Allah one Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us that Allah subhanho wa Taala created what Allah subhanho wa Taala chose 124,000 people from the children of Adam and Eve Salim to be prophets, and he chose 313 from them to be messengers, he chose 313 from them to be messengers, if our school NLRB was one in the same thing, then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam would have not mentioned 313 after mentioning 124,000 so brothers and sisters, this

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is basically a discussion surrounding how Allah chooses and how Allah creates and how Allah gives a precedence to those who Allah subhanho wa Taala wills over others and

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inshallah, when we come back next Saturday Bismillah hytera should Allah subhanho wa Taala give us life then be delighted to Allah. We will discuss further examples of how further examples which explain this ayah will love with Luca Masha

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Bismillahi Tana just before you leave brothers and sisters, the first Prophet was Adam alayhis salam, and the first messenger was new Ali Salah was new, and he said him. As you travels through this week, my dear brothers and sisters try and remember this I will love your local militia, that Allah creates what he wants when he wants, how he wants, why. And Allah gives a special rank to certain parts of his creation over others, try and ponder over this ayah with everything that you see everything that you experience in Sharla it will bring you closer to the eye and allow the ayah to resonate with you better and allow the ayah to stick with you forever. Bismillah hytera Allah My

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dear brothers and sisters, this brings us to the end of today's class.

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Given the technical difficulties at the beginning, I've chosen to run the class right to the end of time in Sharla. As for the questions and answers, please feel free to email me and please feel free to use the forums. Brother Hisham has informed me that the forums for the brothers has been completed. What is left is the forum for the sisters please use those forums My dear brothers and sisters and and benefit each other. You know ask each other questions and share with each other some of your content patients over the course of the week based on

01:25:41 --> 01:26:17

the lessons that we have taken today. I love you all for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala accept from us. Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive any mistakes everything correct said is from Allah subhanho wa Taala alone and any mistakes are from myself and shame upon and I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive me until Allah subhanho wa Taala unites us again Subhan Allah He will be having the hispanica lahoma will be having deconditioned to Allah, Allah Allah and Mr. Furukawa to a lake or some Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad he was a big marine Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Explanation of the summarised version of Imam Ibn Qayyim AlJawziyyah’s famous book- Provisions for the Hereafter.

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