Muiz Bukhary – Words from the Quran and the Sunnah #01 – Allah

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The title for the series is designed to be of benefit for the audience and is discussed in a series of talks. The "naught" meaning in English is used to describe the origin of the name Islam, and the "naught" meaning "naught" in Arabic is used to describe the culture of the United States. The "monster" in Arabic language is the source of love, and the "monster" in Arabic language is the source of love. The "monster" in Arabic language is the source of love, and the "monster" in Arabic language is the source of war. The "haste" in Arabic language is used to describe the culture of war, and the "haste" in Arabic language is used to describe the culture of war.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa ala shortfill ambia evil mousseline novena wa Habib in our karate our union and Mohammed bin Abdullah alayhi wa sallam early he was happy he uploaded salata atom with the slim and my bad.

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We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa tada the exalted the Almighty, the majestic, we asked him for his help, we asked him to open doors of beneficial knowledge for all of us. And we asked him to send his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala SLM his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of karma. My dear brothers and sisters, here we are, in this beautiful month, this noble month, the month of Ramadan, a month that the pious people of the past would prepare months ahead, for they will prepare to roll out the red carpet for this particular month, they would

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prepare to make the most out of this month, the month of Ramadan, they will prepare themselves mentally they will prepare themselves physically and they will prepare themselves spiritually to make the most out of every single second of the season of goodness, the season of opportunity, the season of Baraka, the season of rewards, may Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to make the most out of this month of Ramadan before it slips away from us. And may He bless us all with healthy, productive and long lives to attend many more Ramadan in the future. I mean,

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work words from the Quran, and the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam This is the title for the series. Once again words from the Quran and the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So inshallah, Allah The plan is to pick a word from the Quran, or the teachings of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for every episode.

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And we are going to attempt to with the help of Allah, unpack this word, as much as possible within the episode to deduce lessons from the word. To understand the word better the concepts within the word, we're going to try and unpack it as much as possible and try to look at it from different angles with the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala I hope the series will be of benefit and we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala helps us to spread the message the teachings of the Quran, and the Sunnah of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fine vide.

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Similarly, I asked you all if you haven't subscribed to my channel, please go ahead and subscribe. And also do share the videos around so that others can benefit as well in sha Allah Allah. So for Episode Number one, we're going to be touching on

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I'm excited, we're going to be touching on the most powerful of words.

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Love voltage, Allah Allah. We're going to be touching on Allah.

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Allah, but I feel goosebumps running across my skin and shadows running down my spine. We're going to be talking about the epitome of excellence of perfection, the fountainhead of love the source of love. We're going to be talking about this name, Allah that points out to all the Beautiful Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala when de la Hill a smuggler hosta Allah has the most beautiful of names and all those names.

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They come from Allah, we're going to be talking about this particular word along

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now the word Allah

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you can find it in the Quran

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approximately 2697 times.

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Now the dictionary that I'm referring to, you have Kate Murphy one in the Arabic language. In other words with a Bama at the end Allah who you have it 980 times and look here a man Suba and Bill Fatah, you have it man sube. In so the initial the initial state was the nominative state beforehand and now you have it Mansu but in the accusative state, for those of you who are familiar with these states in the English

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language or if you're familiar with it in the Arabic language, you would relate man so when Bill Fatah Allah her you have it 592 times and then whether Kira Mujuru run and you have it in the genitive case, Allah He, okay you have it in that particular case with a Castro at the end 1125 times which totals up to 2697 times. Now this is the most often repeated Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Noble Quran. My dear brothers and sisters, just for comparison, you have another beautiful name of Allah subhanho wa Taala, which we come across frequently, each time you open up the Quran every time we start a chapter 113 chapters from the 114 chapters in the novel and begin

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with this with this statement where we say Bismillahi r Rahmani rohi m od Walkman Ar Rahman. Now, this name is mentioned 48 times in the Noble Quran, but on the other hand, you have the name of Allah azza wa jal a north of 2000 times a law, a law in the novel.

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Now, what is the definition of a law? Now, you have

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the linguists differing you have two schools of thought with regards to whether the word Allah has been derived or not,

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as to whether it has been derived because, See, the thing is, in the Arabic language, for example, if you were to take something like a word like NASA almanzora that is a familiar names right. So, we will say that these terms have been derived from NASA, the roots, we have, you know, the trilateral or three letter,

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root words you would say that it has been derived from NASA.

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Now Sora, it has been derived from NASA, but now as to whether Allah that Allah has been derived or not, you have two schools of thought. So, one group of scholars are of the view that it has not been derived, it has not been derived. Rather, it is a word just the way it is. It is a name that has been put in place by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it is a name put in place by Allah as a widget, so that it hasn't been derived from anything and it is known as lovable jalala, it is the most powerful of words. And you also have a discussion now with regards to his mobile Hill album and I think it is appropriate that we go into it before we move on to discussing what the second group of Scotland

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state at this point. So it's Mullah Hill album, The Greatest Name of allies of Virgin. Now you have from the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam with regards to

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his Mullah Hill album, that you have this name of Allah azza wa jal that is known as the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala is mala Hinata. Now, this particular name as per the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. If one were to make dua, invoking Eliza gel using this particular name, then his da is going to be answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, you have a spectrum of opinions with regards to this name. Now there are some who would go on to opine that this name is hidden, it is a secret. Only the ones who are close to Allah azza wa jal, the elite the friends of Allah amin Alia Illa, they are the only ones who have access to this name of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala.

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For if Allah were to be invoked using this name, then the DAO would be answered by Allah azza wa jal. Now you have another group of scholars who go on to opine that it is not a fixed name. It is not a fixed name. Rather, it depends on the situation that you are in, it depends on the request that you're making. And this is why and and they also go on to say it is very closely connected to the science of the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is why it is important for a believer to memorize these names to understand these names, to study these names to learn about these names to apply these names in your invocations. So, when you now know the names of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala when you are making the when you are

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asking Allah for forgiveness, you would address Allah subhanho wa Taala using the appropriate name, the appropriate name you would say you have been asking Allah subhanho wa Taala for mercy you would invoke Eliza gel using your man when asking Allah subhanho wa Taala for knowledge, you would invoke Alliance aversion as the Eileen, the all knowing, so you would use the appropriate name at that juncture, and that would indicate, okay, basically, it would transform your data into becoming a very powerful da da to be answered, but Allah subhanho wa Taala then we have another group of scholars who go on to opine that it is a fixed name, and that name is Allah, that name is Allah.

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Why? They go on to cite as evidence, a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where the Prophet mentions three places and he says that in these ayat, the Greatest Name of Allah azza wa jal is incorporated. And if I'm not mistaken, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam mentioned Super bacara the Prophet sallallahu Sallam mentioned sort of La Bryan and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions Surah Taha. So this third group of scholars, they have the view they opine that the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the name of Allah. Why? Because all of the names are basically derived from this particular name, Allah Subhana Allah Wa Allahu Allah de la ilaha illa

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Allah mulloway beaver Shahada, who are Rahmani Raheem, hula, hula de la Ilaha, Illa. Whoa, Al Malik, el Quddus, a Salaam al movement, Elmo, Haman, Allah as he is eligible. All these names are deduced from Allah. It's not the other way around. We wouldn't say that Allah is from Allah Malik. We wouldn't say that Allah is from Allah kudos. No, we would say that these names al Malik is from a lot of kudos is from Allah, a Salaam is from Allah. So therefore, they are of the view that Allah is the Greatest Name through which if an individual were to sincerely make dua, then his drawers are definitely answered, but Allah subhanho wa Taala. So now having discussed his Mullah Hill album, we

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now come back to the definition of Allah, the second group of scholars, they state that the word Allah has been derived, has been derived. And they go on to state that the Elif, and the llama at the beginning of

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the name, Allah is the Elif, and lamb used for tarrif in the Arabic language. So, you know, for those of you who are familiar, even with the basics of the Arabic language, you would know, to make something definite. Now you if you were to say this is a pen, now that's indefinite, it could be any pen, right? But on the other hand, if you were to say this is the pen, now it's definite. So to make something indefinite definite, you would add a flam at the beginning. So palemoon would become el columbu kita boon, which is translated as a book. If you want to make a definite then you would say alkie taboo, you would add the early flam of daddy at the beginning. So similarly, they say that the

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Elif lamb at the beginning of a law is fertile reef. And then another beautiful point that they mentioned before we continue is that the name Allah, it remains intact and pointing to Allah subhanho wa Taala even if you were to remove letters from it,

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if possible, I'm going to have it displayed in the video as we discussed this now, if you were to take the name of Allah and if you were to remove the elephant the beginning what happens the name is still intact. Now you would read it, Lil E. Li, lahemaa is ma t Ma Ma fill out, Leila for Allah or it belongs to Allah, Lila.

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Whatever is in the heavens and in the earth belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala not an atom, not a molecule shifts except that it does so by the will of Allah and it is encompassed within the knowledge of the maker subhanho wa Taala lilla. Now if you go to remove the first lamb,

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you can still read it intact Allahu, which indicates to Allah subhanho wa Taala lahoma v sama y t y ma

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Lahu and to him or for him. Now if you were to remove the second lamb, now you would read it, who and again this is with regards to Allah subhanho wa Taala who Allahu la Vila in in lahoma

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Hoo hoo Allahu Allah, Allah Illa Illa Whoa, there is no deity worthy of worship other than hymns. This is a very beautiful point. Now moving on, so these scholars they go on to maintain that Allah subhanho wa Taala, as in the name of law is derived from El Isla. Now, Ella has a couple of meanings and we're going to quickly discuss them in sha Allah. So as you can see, the series is about unpacking words and we're going to try and unpack them as much as possible with nilla with the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So meaning number one,

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they say linguists basically state that it is derived from Le hair yet lebu in the Arabic Arabic language. Now, remember when we were talking about NASA and Munsell, I said that it's derived from NASA, Ryan sudo in the Arabic language, NASA yanzhou, no certain, you basically have the root word that it is derived from. So, one meaning is that it is derived from Le higher level Illa Hutton, where Hulu Hatton which is in the meaning of Abba, yeah, buddhu are you by that and so it is in the meaning of worship. So Illa is Mahmoud, the one being worshipped, the one being worship.

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So Isla

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de la, is in its indefinite sense.

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Anything that is being worshiped is known as an ala, anything. Anything that is being worshiped other than Allah is known as Illa. So the minute you bring in the Elif lamb and say, Allah, Allah is the one to be worshipped. And this is why take the kalama what do we say? La Ilaha. We first negate La Ilaha there is no God. There is no deity worthy of worship lamma ambu The we have been filled with God Illa Allah, so La Ilaha Illa law, so there is no god except Allah. So the kalama is about negating and then affirming. So negation and then affirmation. You first negate, you free yourself, you empty yourself and then you affirm the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala La ilaha illa Allah.

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So I hope it's clear, that's the first meaning that is in place. The second meaning that is in place is you have

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it with regards to ILA okay. So, I Li, you have the meaning of ledger II. So a ledger in the Arabic language is to take refuge, it is to seek protection to take refuge. So Allah is Al Multijet LA. Allah is the one to whom we turn to for refuge. Allah is the one where else love mal jahmene Allah, Allah kebab. There is no other escape, there is no other refuge other than unto him Allah subhanho wa Taala May he protect us all.

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The third meaning that is in place is Alia. Be manner well he had in the Arabic language. So for those students of the Arabic language, you could take a dictionary, you could you could check well he had so well it has stems from well ahead in the Arabic language, which is to have intense love. intense love. Now Allah is the one towards whom we need to have intense love. intense love, he is the fountainhead of love. He is the source of love. He is the creator of love, the maker of love, and he is the one who loves us more than our own mothers. But first let's talk about our love unto Him.

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And his family called the Allahu anhu. He reports the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his report grabs that whoever has three traits within himself will

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will find what will find Halawa Lee man,

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the sweetness of a man,

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one who loves Allah and His Messenger more than anything else, one who loves Allah and His Messenger more than anything else. That's trait number one. trait number two, one who loves a seventh only for the sake of Allah. So you you love someone. You love a servant of Allah, only for the sake of Allah lilla only for the sake of Allah

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Number three, one who hates to turn back to unbelief after Allah has saved him, just as he hates to be thrown into the fire. Such an individual, he will taste Halliburton, amen. So the first trait My dear brother, my dear sister, is to love Allah and His Messenger more than anything else. So what does this love entail? This love entails following the commandments of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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because loving of law equates loving what Allah loves and hating what Allah hates.

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Loving Allah equates loving for the sake of Allah. So you will love what Allah loves. You will love the believers you will love the Quran. You will love the month of Ramadan, you will love generosity, you will love kindness you will love gentleness. You will love what Allah loves. This is this is the beauty of this pure love that we're talking about. We have another heading that has been recorded in the Book of Mormon Buddha with Rahim Allah the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reporter have said, Whoever loves for the sake of Allah hates for the sake of Allah gives for the sake of Allah and with holes for the sake of Allah has perfected the faith has perfected Eman. So as

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you can see, this love that we're supposed to have unto our maker subhanho wa Taala is of utmost importance. And this is one of the meanings that can be suited upon.

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Le higher level.

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Now, think about it from this angle as well. You're loving Allah subhanho wa Taala The one who truly loves you back in return

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every other type of love, you're bound to face heartache. You're bound to have your heart broken. Why? Because the love is not perfect. When you love the creation, the love is not perfect. But when you love the Creator, the fountainhead of love the source of love, he's not going to let you down. He is not going to let you down.

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His love is perfect. And he loves you my dear brother, my dear sister more than your own mother. These are the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We have a beautiful narration that has been recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari and Emma Muslim Rahim Allah. Where Omar radi Allahu anhu ramadan farrokh or the Allahu anhu. He states that once we will be the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah, Islam and innovation goes along the lines of these words, and they see a woman looking for her child. She was frantically looking for her child and you can see watery grief etched on her face and perhaps they were about to help her when they see her spotting her child. And now you can

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see relief washing down her face. You can just imagine a mother who finds her last child shall not now she rushes to the child, she hugs the child she brings the child towards her bosom, and now the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. After witnessing this moving spectacle, he teaches them a lesson. He asks them, do you think this mother would throw her child into a fire? to which they all replied in the negative? They said no era sort of law. Now the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, Allah is more merciful unto His servants then this mother is to her child.

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Does this hadith not fill your heart with hope? My dear brother, my dear sister and you are in this month, the month of Ramadan where the devils are all shackled. The gates of Jenna are wide open. The forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala surrounds us. Let this hadith fill you with hope. Let this hadith fill you with zeal, enthusiasm and eagerness to secure the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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another Hadith that has been recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a reporter have said that if Allah loves a person, he calls gibreel. And he tells him, he informs him that he loves so and so. And he tells gibreel He commands jabril oh jabril because I love so and so you love him or her.

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Now Jabri that is that was a lamb would love this individual and he would go and make an announcement. Just imagine this powerful Angel, the grandest of them all. Archangel Gabriel, he is announcing in the heavens, Allah has loved so and so therefore you should all love so and so. Now all the dwellers, the inhabitants of the heavens

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The angels would love this individual and he will be granted the pleasure of the people of the earth. You will see the people of the earth, the good people of the earth, loving this individual.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala love us. May Allah azza wa jal grant us acceptance, may Allah protect us from evil and harm me.

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Now the last meeting that I would like to share, and then we will be concluding this episode.

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It's been such an interesting one.

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The fourth meaning that is in place is Ellie hair, yet Allahu

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in the meaning of the high era in the Arabic language.

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Now the high era, please don't misunderstand this because it can be translated as being confused. But that's not what we're talking about here. The higher can also be translated to be austrac. So we're not talking about confusion when it comes to Allah azza wa jal. We're not talking about being in shock, being in rain but being in doubt love the word of Allah loughrea Buffy there's no doubt in it. Similarly, with regards to Alliance the region, it is not confusion, but rather it is to be in or as Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the novel of Quran surah Zuma

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why ma Calderon long hopper cordery here Waal our bow jamea while our dough Jamie

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Cabo Gato

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Mati was

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to motawi to

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be meaning so bear Hannah

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you should Aiko whoa

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whoa Mercado la casa de they have not appraised Allah true appraisal they have not shown Allah.

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Proper reverence will outdo Jamie and kobudo to who Yama Yama and on the day of Yama, the whole earth. Look at look at how tiny we are, my dear brothers and sisters respects the tiny specks in this colossal universe of Allah as a virgin, the entire earth will be rolled up in the grip of Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah was sent to Maria to be a meaning and the heavens will be rolled up in his right hand so behind Glory be unto him. What the Allah I'm usually Kuhn and exalted his allies a virgin above what they associate with him subhanho wa Taala La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika lahu Kula will hamdulillah Coalition for the so this is to be in all of the power of the mind of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala My dear brothers and sisters let Allah subhanho wa Taala describe himself look at the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah to know he describes himself Allah who knows somehow it will be methyl uno de cammish guidetti feeing misma la misma Hafiz o jaha john as zone jaja Toka

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can Cabo de re ue de

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Janeiro team MOBA icon militia Team Rocket is a tool that in shadow

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war began yakka do zetonna ud

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says hoonah No,

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no, yeah de la Huni no t my

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y while drebbel long one

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one long, whom equally shy in Ailee him neuron Allah no light upon light Allah.

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Allah is the light of the heavens in the earth. This is Allah subhanho wa Taala describing himself My dear brothers My dear sisters

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in spiritual Bukhara, Allah subhanho wa Taala describes himself. Allahu La

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Ilaha Illa Hoyle hi you're local you Loretta Hodo Hussain Otto Allah now on lahoma

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Some YT y marfin our old man, levy ashfur or

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in the evening yeah Allah Ma Ma baina aiding him Mama holophone home. Wala you a boon abishai m min. Me in Bhima Shah was the Ico CEO who semma wa t while wala yo vo Houma wahoo li li yo now the team Allahu Allah. Allahu Allah there is no god but He

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alhaj who will hire you local yom Lata hoodoo sinner one and now

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does he nose.

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Heavy sleep, not even a tiny slumber does not overtake Allah subhanho wa Taala

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abou Musa Allah Sharia rhodiola one.

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He says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was reported to have said, in La hawla

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wala Jambo de la jolla Nam Fado locusta wire file. unify la yamano lane of La Molina Har Har cobalamin la hija uno lo cashoffer hula rocket Suba had to wait he meant he Bizarro human holiday Coca Cola is LA to Santa. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his reporter said in Allah Allah. Indeed Allah does not sleep while I am by the La Jolla Nam and he does not befit His Majesty that he should sleep. Yeah, fiddle kista wire file, he lowers the scales of things and he raises them you're following a formula I'm in the heart the deeds of the day taken up to him before the deeds of the night and the deeds of the night are taken up to him before the deeds of the day. Hey jabo who know

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his veil is made of light it is of light. Loki shefa who if he were to remove that veil

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so the hair to watch he Manta la Heba Roman Holiday, the light of the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala would burn every single creation in the sight of our maker subhanho wa Taala that would mean every single creation would burn to ashes because nothing is hidden from the sight of maker subhanho wa Taala not a leaf falls except that our maker knows about it, a tiny black and doesn't crawl on a black rock in the middle of an inky night, except that our maker Subhana what the * knows about that and he hears that and and he's aware of the footsteps of that and this is Allah subhanho wa Taala so as you can see my dear brothers and sisters as you go on to read the description of our

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maker put forth by our maker.

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It leaves you austrac

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it is Allah who Allahu la Vila Ilana in

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Lima, Nova eBay Shanghai Dan who are Rajma no Rafi him who along levy La

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Ilaha Illa Manuel Malik al Malik Kudo, Salah min on Mojave mineralizes

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mata cab bill, sober hi now long so behind on line here.

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You should Ico soon, one long one Holly Eikenberry

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s Ma, Allah Hausner, you said before last

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summer was the one or the one who realizes all hockey game he describes himself so beautifully so eloquently so powerfully in such an articulate way My dear brothers and sisters with his names and his attributes, his description, he leaves us all struck the havior and that's the last meaning that has been put forth. So my dear brothers and sisters I hope this episode was of of benefit. It was extremely interesting as you can see, discussing these powerful words from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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I look forward to talking to you all in episode number two insha Allah, Allah Allah. So until then, we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives us of our sins and just as how he has united us across these platforms across YouTube across these social media platforms, may he unite us in the beautiful gardens of Jana, with our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. I mean, I mean worker Dawa and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen Desert como la higher offer the valuable gift of your attention as well as your time. Don't forget to share the video around so that others can benefit as well. But Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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