Muiz Bukhary – The Prophetic Way – Seeing the Good in Others

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the negative impacts of negative assumptions on one's behavior, such as loss of loved ones and family, and emphasizes the importance of learning to be a forgiving person and finding one's own weaknesses. They stress the need to nurture and focus on one's own struggles to avoid becoming a burden on others, and emphasize the importance of having a positive outlook towards others and fulfilling one's roles as believers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh my beloved brothers and sisters, today I invite you to walk with me on the enriching part of always trying to see the good in others. Now this is a teaching profoundly ingrained and embedded in the fabric of our beautiful day in our beautiful religion Islam. I noble Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam peace be upon him was the epitome of optimism, constantly encouraging us to perceive others through a lens of kindness, a lens of empathy, a lens of understanding, and this noble attitude inculcated by the Prophet peace be upon him is echoed in the findings of modern psychology.

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It highlights the deep connections. Modern psychology highlights the deep connections between positive perceptions and enhanced mental well being. Because when we consciously choose to focus on the good in others, just like a camera, there is no denying that negatives do exist. But when you choose to focus on the good in others, when you choose to magnify, the good in others, it sets forth this beautiful ripple effect. It fosters positive relationships, it nurtures healthy minds, and this is what psychological studies affirm. They affirm that this approach it reduces stress drastically. It encourages a healthier lifestyle, and it elevates our personal sense of happiness, our personal

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sense of fulfillment and purpose. And this is why my dear brothers and sisters are maker the Almighty, He reminds us in the Quran in surah HydroMet to avoid

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much suspicion to avoid assumptions and to always perceive others with benefits. What does he say in iron number? This is the 49th chapter is number 12. Yeah, a young levy Nah, man OJ tourney boo Cathy

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Mina Lauren in love on

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me isn't while I can just assume while I Oh, tab ba boom

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ba ball are you Hey Bo Hadoken a cooler LACMA he made

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forgetting to moon what Kalong in a long her toes love all right he Yeah, you know or you who have believed it HoneyBook theorem minaton Avoid much negative assumption

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in about the lung. Indeed some assumption ism is sin. Well, as I just said, Sue and do not spy while I have that bah, bah bah. And do not back bite each other. Are you hey boo, I hate to come cooler. This is you know, very graphic at this point. Would one of you like to Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother? When dead? fuckery has to move you would have heard you would you would detest it. What the cola be conscious of Allah. In Allaha tawa Rahim indeed Allah is accepting of Toba and he is Rahim He is merciful. And drawing from the life of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we find countless examples of his boundless optimism, this attitude of

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positivity and hope in others even in the face of adversity, he chose to see the potential and goodness in people Subhanallah the Sahaba he came at a time and there was so much of darkness, but he chose he consciously chose to see the potential to see the goodness in others. Look at the story of Rama Radi Allahu Allah and the Prophet was praying that Allah should guide him despite, you know the story, Alma or the Allah one who having a certain, you know, let's say attitude towards the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but look Subhanallah because the Prophet chose to see the potential because the Prophet chose to see the goodness because the Prophet chose to pray for them.

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Today, where is he buried, buried right next to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam look at the prophets attitude with the people of five despite all the Subhan Allah

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the harsh treatment, that they meted out to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam look at, I mean, look at the Prophet extended look at how he dealt with them. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, let us strive to adopt this profitec trait that is strive to apply it in our daily lives to not only enrich our own souls, but to foster a community right

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radiant with understanding with empathy with love, kindness and harmony. Let me share a few Hadith. There's a hadith that could be highlighted and it is recorded in the Book of Imam Muslim Rahim Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, kindness is not to be found in anything, except that it adds to its beauty. And it is not taken away from anything except that it makes it defective. This beautiful Hadith underscores the value of kindness and this positive perception, the quality that automatically brings beauty and goodness to all interactions to all

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approaches Subhanallah another Hadith this has been recorded in the Book of Imam Ibn imagine Rahim Allah the Prophet Salah al Islam is report ref said beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the most false of speech. Do not seek out faults Allahu Akbar today, we hear we play detective right detective we go around, looking and seeking out the faults of others. Do not seek out faults, the words of the Prophet, do not spy on each other, do not contend with each other, do not envy each other. The words of the Prophet do not hate each other, and do not turn away from each other, rather be servants of Allah as brethren Allahu Akbar. Now this Hadith also emphasizes avoiding suspicion,

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and maintaining a good opinion of others, a teaching that fosters unity that fosters brotherhood and sisterhood, Allahu Akbar. So many brothers and sisters, how can we cultivate this, this precious trait this precious quality? Number one, let's start off by nurturing a forgiving heart.

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Let's nurture this understanding within our hearts, that to make mistakes is human.

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To make mistakes is human, you and I, we're all human, and we're all prone to mistakes. So let's nurture that understanding.

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So if we make excuses for others, secondly, let's strive to understand others deeply beyond this superficial layer. Let's try to understand others to uncover this innate goodness that is present in all of Allah's creation. Every human being Allahu Akbar, there is some form of goodness.

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So let's work hard towards understanding others, it takes effort.

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And that's why this is so precious. And third, the media brothers and sisters, we must constantly remind ourselves to focus on the positives to focus on the strengths rather than the weaknesses. You see, in a marriage between spouses, we must choose to focus on the positives, we must choose to focus on the good on the strengths on the talents on the abilities, negatives exist. But when you choose to focus on the good, the negatives fade away into the background, they become this hint, if you've got a lens with a high aperture, what happens is the background becomes a clean, creamy blur. I'm not sure but even right now, if the camera is focused on me because I think I'm using a f 2.8

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lens. The background is not necessarily tack sharp, it's kind of creamy and I'm in focus. So same thing in life. When you choose to focus on the positives of an individual, the positives become tack sharp, the talents become tack sharp, the strengths become tack sharp, the negatives fade away into the background, the weaknesses fade away into the background, they become this creamy, creamy blur.

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So let's choose remind ourselves to choose to focus on the strengths. This fosters relationships built on trust and mutual respect towards one another. As we journey through life, we witness transformations within ourselves within others, we witness transformations, we witness hearts softening, we witness relationships, yes breaking and we also witness relationships mending, we see communities flourishing. And all of this My dear brothers and sisters, the positives, we see it especially through the simple, yet profound act of seeing, choosing to see the good in others. Dear Prophet, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he left us with a timeless lesson, to have a good

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thoughts and to maintain a positive outlook towards others, as this is indeed a reflection of our own purity of heart of our own faith. Therefore, let us hold firmly to the rope of Allah wa Tassimo Be humble Allah, wa salam will be happy to let you join me. Let us hold firmly to the rope of Allah as we journey as we navigate through life with a heart filled with positivity, empathy.

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and hope. Let us strive towards fulfilling our roles

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as believers as followers of Muhammad sallahu wa salam as ambassadors of peace, kindness and understanding.

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At the end of the day following the luminous path laid down by our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah subhanho wa Taala guide us and grant us the ability to see the good in others as we strive to walk in the blessed footsteps of the Prophet peace be upon him was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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