Navaid Aziz – Don’t Compromise your Akhira for this Dunya

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of showing trust in Islam's d union to get rich and become successful. They emphasize the need for a level of trust and the potential risks of "istic povertising" leading to chaos and negative emotions. The deification of the Dean is a physical or mental risk, and people should only use deification when focused on their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ya know, this idea that whoever makes the hereafter his concern, Allah will make his heart rich, organize his affairs, and the world comes to him, basically, humiliated in front of him and willingly but this is if you make the Hereafter your priority and your concern, but how about the opposite and whoever makes the world his concern? Allah puts poverty in front of his eyes. This organizes his affairs, and the world does not come to him, except that which has been decreed for him except that which has been decreed for him. So here the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us something very, very important. If you want the dunya you can't chase it. If

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you want the dunya you can't chase it.

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The only way to get the dunya the correct way is through the ACA. What does that even mean? Like Does that make sense? So Muhammad Rahim Allah He was asked about how was it that the likes of Abu Bakr Siddiq, Amanda my phone, and I've got to find one of these people were promised paradise in their lifetime, like while they're still alive, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave them the glad tidings of Jannah. Like, this is no easy feat. This is a huge achievement and accomplishment will now itself. And what is surprising over here, what is surprising over here is the fact that they were very, very wealthy. And they were not just wealthy in relation to the other

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companions, but they're the wealthiest of all the Arabs of their time. So I want you to think about the wealthiest people that we can think of that is who they were to their pupils SubhanAllah. That is who they were to their people. And the general perception is that if you're wealthy, you cannot be pious and righteous you will automatically be corrupt, you will automatically be corrupt. Say Muhammad Rahim Allah when he's asked about the likes of these people. He says that they learned the secret from Allah subhanho wa taala, which was that as wealth came into their hands, they didn't let it reach their heart as what came into their hands. They didn't let it reach their hearts. So the

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more Allah gave them in their hands, the more they gave in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. And the more Allah subhanaw taala replenished what was in their hands, and that is how the cycle continued, meaning that if you want to become rich the proper way, there's no way to do it, except by prioritizing your Acura except by prioritizing your Acura meaning that a large portion of the wealth that you have, you have to be spending in the way of Allah subhanaw taala you can't be hoarding it, you can't be just saving it. It has to be spending in the way of Allah subhanaw taala and each of these companions they have amazing stories as to what they did with their wealth. Boubacar Radi

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Allahu Anhu gives all of his wealth away for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala of nine of Northland, he purchases 400 camels with merchandise on top of them and gives them away for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala so that is what we're referring to that have to show a level of trust in the process. You have to show a level of trust in Allah subhanaw taala that the more Allah gives you, the more you will be willing to spend in the way of Allah subhanho wa taala. And when you do this, Allah subhanho wa Taala places, the dunya in front of you. He places richness in front of you, and He will organize your affairs. What does it mean to organize your affairs? Let's go to sorbitol, Masha,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us whether it's a Kunal kalorien And so Allaha for unser whom unfold that do not be like those people who forgot about Allah Subhana Allah Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala made them forget themselves. And this is the priorities that we're talking about. That when Allah subhanaw taala wants good for people, he gives them the Tofik to prioritize the agora, when Allah subhanho wa Taala does not want good for people. They only prioritize the dunya they only prioritize the dunya May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from that Amin and oftentimes we will think that if someone has more from the dunya, Allah subhanaw taala must love them and He must

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want good for them. But in reality, that's not the case. I philosophy I know what Allah wants good for people. He gives them the deen. He gives them the deen. He gives them the understanding of the Dean manually. dilla hoobie He has a run, you forget Hofer did that whoever Allah subhanaw taala was good for he gives them understanding of the religion. So one of the things we want to try to change is our understanding of what is good and bless it versus what is cursed and not bless it. So just because someone has more, it doesn't mean it's better. Sometimes Allah subhanaw taala gives people more to punish them. He punishes them by

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Giving more. So he they become heedless, and they forget about Allah subhanho wa taala. And whoever does this, then the dunya will come to them lessened and willingly meaning like, defeated and humiliated. And you don't even have to try hard and the dunya will come to you SubhanAllah. But if you prioritize the dunya, and you make the dunya your goal and everything that you strive for, then you will have poverty in front of your eyes. This poverty over here means that you will have no wealth. No, that's not what it means over here. What it means here, you will always be left longing, you will always be left craving, you will be left unsatisfied, because you will always want more,

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you will always want more, you will always want more, and thus you will always feel poor Subhanallah and that's a terrible feeling, that when Allah subhanaw taala has given you so much that you still feel poor Subhanallah where's the gratitude, where's the appreciation of what Allah subhanaw taala has given us. So that concept of poverty is not a literal poverty, it is an internal feeling, and he will disorganized his affairs, meaning that their life will be filled with chaos. They will not be concerned about the Agora they will not concern about halal and haram. They will not be concerned about the Muslim community. They were affairs will be in chaos. And then the only thing that will

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come to them is that whichever Allah subhanaw taala decreed for them is that which Allah subhanaw taala decreed for them. Now this is something fascinating. Won't we all get what Allah has decreed for us? That is true without a shadow of a doubt. Whatever Allah has decreed for you, is what you will get. But what is not included in this is to some people, Allah subhanaw taala gives them Tofik of effort. For other people, Allah subhanaw taala does not give them Tofik for effort. If Allah gives you Tofik for effort, you will naturally have more of a risk. If you take the physical efforts and the spiritual efforts, you will clearly have more risk and you will have more Baraka in your

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risk. But for some people, they won't have that baraka and they'll have only what Allah has decreed for the

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